The Try Guys RETRY Baking Cookies Without A Recipe

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- It's alive! - I'm I not supposed to put in baking soda and baking powder in? - I'm willing to admit that I was wrong. - I don't really know how far these are gonna spread. - Oh (beep) - Oh my God, this is embarrassing. - Wesley like cookies. - Both of us like cookies. (tape winds) - [Announcer] Welcome back to another episode of, Without a Recipe Retry. - Today, we are making cookies without a recipe, again. - That's right where we, we try to do it without a recipe video with the goal of just improvement. You know, we're not grading ourselves against one another. We're just grading ourselves against ourselves. And I find myself pretty grading. - Whatever you're trying to do, just keep trying baby. Get the shirt at (suspense music plays) - [Zach] Last time we made cookies, I had a few disasters. My cookies melted. - It's so soft. this is without breaking. It can bend- - Were my cookies great last time? No. But it was the first edible food that I made in this series. So, I'm really looking forward to improving on my success. - I did not win the cookie episode. It's one of the few episodes I haven't won. I went with oatmeal raisin, daddy's favorite flavors. Oatmeal, cinnamon, raisin, delicious. - Am I supposed to like it? (group laughs) - Because the look and the texture, it just has, just lacks- - Eating. (group laughs) - My cookies, if I remember, they were like too dry or too healthy. You know what? Raisins are healthy. Oats are healthy. Sometimes cookies can be good for you. - I created something original called ying yangs, where it was two different batters. My cookies, ended up really expanding and were very fluffy and soft. - It is very borderline cookie cake. - [Female Judge] Huge, this is the size of a bagel. - It's a strange cookie. (Zach laughs) - I want to aim to make something a little more crispy and a little more recognizable, in its cookie form. - Not gonna lie, pretty pleased with how it went the first time. I got first place, my cookies tasted delicious, but it was a long and fraught road to get there. - No! They're gonna be squares by the end of this. Let's do this, let's go, go, go, go, go. - Hey man, how's the going? - Not now! - Okay. - Okay. - I know my biggest mistake the first time, was putting too much butter in my cookie. But first we're going to watch the original video, to see where we went wrong. and what are we going to try and improve upon. (cow mooing) - This season's all about daddy's. Why does my Siri turn on all the time? Get outta here. No, do not look for daddy's on the Apple TV app. - I'm just wondering what I put too much in of, to make it too fluffy. Cause I don't want it to be so fluffy. - Remember that my cookies last time were too dry. So I have to figure out like, how to make them not as dry. - Here's my man, Reese. Reese, tell me what to do. - FEBBS. Flour, eggs, butter, baking soda, or baking powder and sugar. - They don't give proportions for this. So I'm just gonna have to guess again. - How is a viewer supposed to learn to make cookies from this video? - So your first step is, we'll cream together, your cold butter, brown sugar, and granulated sugar together. - Cold butter, I'm gonna go put my butter in the fridge. - Eugene is adding another set of eggs. How did his not just taste like egg? What mystical universal power is happening, that prevents Eugene from (beep) up. - I wonder if the eggs, the eggs making it too fluffy? I just really like cracking eggs. That's why I put so many in. - Oh, I put in oil too. That's probably what messed me up. All right, I do not need oil. - They look so sopping wet, right? And then when I made them, they were like super dry. And like, people didn't like them and I don't know. Oh, it's so spicy. - I wanna go to Keith's house, and just sneak gochujang on his handle again. - I probably need to cut down on the amount. - That's really spicy. Oh, I made a mistake. I made a mistake. Ned loves bad ideas. Why did I eat that spicy thing? I don't know. - Several times now I have just thrown everything in and it has not worked yet. Which tells me that today might be my lucky day. - Now it's time for me to reapproach this try. I've got a recipe set here that I think I can follow. I'm gonna try to combine the ingredients best I can and make good cookies. Also, we're in a heat wave and I have to turn the oven on. So, not happy about that, but let's get to it. (cow moos) - All right, I've got everything I need to make my peanut butter chocolate miso cookies. But where is my, oh I wrote down my plan. - Ah I'm gonna start... (beep) I need a knife, oh. Oh, can I reach my knife block? No, I can't, I can't. - I'm only playing against myself, it's me against me. - I like to use cold butter, because it really helps with the texture and the density of the cookie at the end. Wet ingredients first and then your dry ingredients. - And he said to do them separately. And does it matter what order you do it? Probably not. - I am notorious for eyeballing every single thing I do. Very much like an Asian mom. I just (beep) throw in whatever I feel like. - So here's the problem with this video. You heard me talk about it. I don't got no quantities. I don't know how much you need. ♪ Cuting up my butter, ♪ ♪ Cutting up my butter, ♪ ♪ Cutting up my butter, butter cutter upper. ♪ - I'm not gonna lie. I'm looking at this. It doesn't seem like enough butter. I feel like there should be more butter. What can you do? Oh, and I chopped it up. Okay, I'm gonna chop it up. - I've got cane sugar, and I've got this coconut sugar, which isn't brown sugar, but it is brown. So we'll treat it like brown sugar. I recall using both. So that is what I'm going to do. ♪ One cup of flour. ♪ - Seems like a lot. They said it wasn't sweet enough. So let's make sure that mistake doesn't ever happen again. - I'm gonna go ahead, and start with the dark side of my ying yangs, which of course have the Khalua for the drunk part and the gochujang, the ringer, the crazy wild card ingredient. - Hey Wes. You wannna help me make cookies? - [Wes] Yeah. - Yeah, we're making cookies. One egg and then two eggs. - If it's not sweet enough, no worries. If it tastes bad, no worries. But if it's just a little bit too much salty, unforgivable. - I feel like I just look like the Swedish chef. Like I'm not doing anything. - Oh, my hands are delicious. - The biggest thing that messed me up, especially with making the texture so cake-y, on my first try was I put in a billion eggs. So this time I'm only putting in one egg. - Yeah, there you go. We're mixing in the eggs. Yeah, daddy will move out of the way. - They offered to bring me a KitchenAid mixer. And I was like, I don't need that. I'm so (beep) stupid sometimes. - Last time I did this, I made it with butter, but this time it's just for me and butter really (beep) up my tum tum. So from the last time we did this, I've got vegetable shortening. - This already doesn't smell as offensive as last time. I can remember I could smell and taste tons of gochujang. Lemme just taste. There is something, you know, slightly funky about it because of the gochujang, So it's not quite chocolate chip cookies. - Oh, they got creamy, finally. Hmm, yeah. ♪ Cooking with Wesley, cooking with Wes, ♪ ♪ Cooking with Wesley, we're cooking with Wes. ♪ (mixer runs) - I think I did this wrong already because I said in the video that I remembered, that you do the butter with the sugar. - So your first step is we'll cream together, your cold butter, brown sugar, and granulated sugar together. - That's what I remember from the tasty videos. And I didn't do that. I'm doing butter with the eggs. - I never break shells into the, these shells all broke out. That never happens to me. Oh my God, this is embarrassing. - I'm starting over. I'm starting over. I know I have all this, but I'd rather start over now than (indistinct) myself to failure. - I know that you normally want more yolks than, than whites. I'll just (indistinct) on the table. - I'm gonna get my gay spatula, and let's (indistinct) this out. (indistinct) in here too. - Now we're going to add miso. Do you know what miso is, Wesley? Yeah, I don't actually really know either. - Do I add these fixings and the other dry stuff into the butter? - I hope I have enough stuff to make another one of these. I need to check that first. - I guess I mix it in with the butter. Well, maybe you put it in with the dry stuff. - I don't think I need a half cup of this. That's like half a thing. We'll do a heaping quarter cup. - I felt really good about that first pair. I think I'm making basically like one dozen cookies with the proportions I'm using. About the same as I did with gochujang (indistinct) Just enough flavor to pack a punch. Not to like, underscore my other ingredients. - Let's do this again, from the top, we got two cups of flour and maybe a quarter for good luck. - I'm just gonna use baking powder. That's the only thing I use last time. I know that he uses both. I'm gonna put it into this. No, I'm going to put it, I'm putting it in the butter. Teaspoon of cinnamon, smell delicious. - Dry ingredients take two, complete. (whimpers) - Why do we do now? Raisins. - Now, Wes, we're gonna add some of our fine pastry flour. - You know, cause I'm still me. So I want to do two tablespoons of the alcohol. You know, maybe I am the perfect person for these retries, because I think I have pretty inventive ideas. That you don't typically expect these desserts, or in these recipes. But, I don't have the cooking background. So if I have a little more experience and a little more guidelines, maybe this actually might turn out to be a pretty good too, who knows? - Y'all ready for this top 10 twists in anime history? (upbeat music playing) Yeah. (upbeat music playing) (mixer runs) This was literally the only thing that I knew going into this, and I still managed to (beep) it up. But now we're gonna do it right. This is what I'm working with right now. So fluffy. - Yeah, this looks better to me (laughs) - That's what we might call whiskey business. (laughs) - And what I learned from Eugene, is that too many eggs make a soup. Today I'm making cookies. Wait, soup? That's not the line at all. - Look, it looks good. It's getting incorporated. Oh, this is fun. Hi Alfred, yes, this is great. Oh yeah, oh yeah, yeah, yeah, we're on kitty break. - We'll add our chocolate chips. Do you wanna try one of these? They are very good. Right, you're not allowed to have more than a few. - What? - What? I know. - All right, we've got my filling and we've got the dough, let's combine them. Honestly, I don't even think that's enough filling. I'm just gonna to mix this by hand now. Cause I don't know that I trust the mixer. - Won't overmix it anymore. So I'm putting my raisins. (sings opera) (sings opera) You're graduating to real cookies. (sings opera) (sings opera) Guys, I think I did it. - This is going so much faster than the first video. Yeah, that looks nice. See that? That looks really good. It actually looks delicious. - I think actually it's done. I think now it's time to make it into cookies. The miso makes it, gives it like an extra punch for sure. I really want to have a balance between the sweet chocolate and the umami of the miso. - So I'm gonna set this aside, let it chill for a little while. While I preheat the oven, We're gonna put them on a cookie sheet. We're going to bake them and sprinkle a little salt, and I hope we did it. - Let's cover this bad boy up in to the fridge you go. ♪ We are waiting for our cookies to chill. ♪ (bag rustles) ♪ We are waiting for our cookies to chill. ♪ (bag rustles) ♪ Break it down, now me. ♪ ♪ Everybody wants these cookies, ♪ ♪ These are my dumpster cookies. ♪ ♪ Putting all the things I love. ♪ ♪ Inside the cookies and then I'm gonna eat them. ♪ ♪ And I hope that it's better than last time. ♪ ♪ When they melted in the oven. ♪ ♪ Cookies. ♪ (cow moos) - Oh boy, all right. Are you ready to help me make the cookies? Can you wipe, wipe, wipe on the cookie sheet? Oh we're not gonna eat straight butter, Wesley. I've got some compostable parchment paper, because I care about the world. - And I've got this great little cookie scooper that Becky has. So I'm gonna try scooping and blooping. You know what Becky said, this wasn't so good. - This is the moment of truth, because it was all about the portion sizing of the dough that (beep) me over, making too big cookies. So I'll make, a true dozen. - And of course, no cookie is complete without Zach's signature pretzel. I feel like I'm learning - [Reese] Be mindful about spreading your cookies far enough apart. I like to allow two inches on each side. You don't want the cookies to spread out and run into each other. Otherwise you wind up with a cookie cake. - Okay, these are some big honking cookies now. I'm gonna make all of these, just one pan cookies. You know, who wants a small cookie? Nobody. - Now we're going to do a little fork design. Can you help me do a fork design? - [Eugene] Are these the same size as last time? I think they're smaller. - [Man] They're way smaller. - [Eugene] So the difficulty now, I'm trying to make the ying yang shape. I mean, I'll just like, pull some of the dough on top this way. - You know, no matter what happens, one, this is already better than last time. And I feel pretty accomplished, even though I complained the whole time. There's something nice. - [Eugene] So I realized baking, that you can actually do tests as you're going and not make everything the same in one go. So I'm gonna try all of these at the same time and see which ones I just liked the best, in terms of how they end up baking. - There you have it. My peanut butter chocolate miso cookies. Now we're gonna put it in the oven. The oven is still preheating. - I'm pretty excited for these cookies. We're gonna put them in the oven, in the middle rack here. - All right. We'll leave them there for about 10 to 12 minutes. We'll see. Hopefully I actually have normal sized cookies this time. I hope, that they don't melt again, but it can't be worse than last time. Here we go. It's the cookie dance. I'm gonna have to use my oven mitts. The the best oven mitts. - Well, let's just check out how we're looking right now and oh, there's definitely a little bit of meltage on the edges. - [Ned] I mean those look like freaking perfect cookies. Oh my God. - Kind of reminds me of Ned and Zach's, They're a little falling apart melty. Let's um, this exact same thing happened with Ned and it was fine. So I'm gonna let it ride. - If I succeed here, I'll be an inspiration to millions. To show that you can still be your funky fresh, weird self and succeed. (oven dings) - I'm willing to admit that I was wrong on the, I'll just make one sheet of cookies, sort of philosophy. - Oh (beep) I don't know what, but something , Oh my God. Something is oozing. Something is leaking out of the cookies and it is bubbling. Oh no, oh no, not again. - Oh yes, look at that. - Oh. - [Man] Those look good. They're so big though. - Why don't my cookies get so much height? - Baking soda- - Yeah baking soda and baking powder, I put both of them in. - I'm I not supposed to put baking soda and baking powder in? - [Man] Usually it's just one. - Oh, because I definitely have less eggs. The first time I ever cooked this, I put it in over a dozen. - [Keith] Looks like some cookies, did not get enough raisins. These are, look at this. Ooh, you know, it's square, but it's a cookie and I'm really proud of them. But we're gonna do a little salting, of all these. Let them cool and enjoy. (cow moos) - Today, we'll be judging these cookies, on creativity, execution and, did I improve? - Okay, it's time we made it. We have our finished cookies. I got some salt on them. Oatmeal, raisin, cinnamon cookies, also known as daddy's favorite. - First of all, right away, the presentation is beautiful. - Okay, they do look like health bars. - Am I supposed to like it? (group laughs) - They smell really good. The texture is a little soft. A little bread-y, in my opinion. Look at those raisins, look at that. It's cooked all the way through. (orchestral music plays) These taste like oatmeal raisin cookies, holy shit. Now I think they could use a lot more oatmeal. You know, I probably should've made them smaller. I think if I made them smaller, they would have looked better, but I was having fun. I wanted a big cookies and I got big cookies and they taste good. But now the real test is giving them to a stranger, who doesn't even know I didn't use a recipe and seeing if she thinks they're good. And Becky's having a little, social distance soiree downstairs. Okay, what do we think? - This is very good, 10 out of 10. - [Keith] Oh my God, really? - It's better though, right? - I mean I don't know what your first one tasted like. - [Keith] But you saw them. - I didn't watch it. (Becky laughs) - Just kidding, relax. - Oh my God, my ying yangs. - I love this idea, I love this presentation. - It is very borderline cookie cake. - [Keith] Okay, let me know what you think, try each side. Try the gochujang side first. - This is good. I don't really taste the gochujang I taste like, chocolate chip cookie with a little spice. - [Eugene] Does it taste like a cake bagel or is it a cookie? - I think it's a cookie. It's probably a little too fluffy though. - [Eugene] Why- - [Man] I think you used too much rising stuff in it. - [Eugene] Oh, it's baking powder and baking soda ? No one told me I shouldn't use that. - Well it's without a recipe. You're supposed to figure that out. - [Eugene] Well, I thought last time, my problem was, I put in a dozen eggs and whipped it for over 30 minutes. (man laughs) - I present to you my peanut butter chocolate crisps. My main goal this time was to not have them melt in the oven. So I put in a little less butter. - [Woman] Are you sure they are cooked through? - [Ned] No, I'm not (Ned laughs) - Hm, yummy. - Hm, yummy. - You like that? (baby talks) - That one is too hot. How do they compare to the first attempt? - Let's do this, let's go, go, go, go. - Hey Ned, how's the going? - Not now! - Okay. - Okay. (Ned laughs) - I think I remember them being so good, because I was so surprised that they were good. - These I'm kinda like well, you know, - I expect them to be good. - They better be good. (Ned laughs) - For my little monster cookies. (group laughs) - I really like the presentation. - I learned from last time, I did not put in quite so many items. - It's like if a cookie and a pancake had a baby. Which is actually creative. - Thank you. - I mean that is creative. - I unfortunately think that I over baked these, which is really frustrating, because they were super gooey, ooey. And I think they were just in for like three to five minutes too long. I forgot that they settle when they cool. Let's see. I mean, people like this consistency. I personally like, I want it to be like, yeah. I want it to be ooey gooey. It smells like a cookie. It really smells like a cookie. All right, here we go. Oh, you know what the m&ms are (beep) good. (indistinct) m&m bite? - So that's another Without a Recipe Retry. Moral of the story is I guess you got to keep retrying to get a recipe right, or have access to an actual (beep) recipe. - Regardless of what these taste like, I am impressed and proud of myself. Whatever you're trying to do, just keep trying baby. - And that is another successful video. And this time, I really do think, that I made daddy's favorite. (sings) (sings) (upbeat music plays) (upbeat music plays) Yeah, I think next time, I'm just gonna accept the weird poops and (indistinct) butter. Life's too short.
Channel: The Try Guys
Views: 2,689,229
Rating: 4.9624205 out of 5
Keywords: try guys, keith, ned, zach, eugene, habersberger, fulmer, kornfeld, yang, buzzfeedvideo, buzzfeed, ariel, ned & ariel, comedy, education, funny, try, learn, fail, experiment, test, tryceratops, bake, holiday, without a recipe, without, recipe, reality show, baking show, competition, baking, dough, cooking show, cook, bake off, challenge, how to, home cooking, instruction, retry, cookies, chocolate chip cookies, sugar cookie, oatmeal cookies, monster cookies, cookie recipe, cookie challenge, cooking challenge
Id: Yb3G8otWsCc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 41sec (1241 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 23 2020
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