Try Guys RETRY Cooking Bagels Without A Recipe

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I think the retry videos are fun, but I wish they shared back their results with the other guys. I know they couldn't have judges since these were filmed during lockdown times, but the ends feel kind of anticlimactic to me without showing off what they made.

👍︎︎ 47 👤︎︎ u/WanderingLemon13 📅︎︎ Mar 17 2021 🗫︎ replies

Where was Eugene?

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/chelzehrae 📅︎︎ Mar 17 2021 🗫︎ replies
- It's rising. It's so big. (yells) Oh my god. I think the yeast worked. I did something horribly wrong. What the (beep) man. - [Keith] Welcome to another without a recipe, retry. Where we retry to make something without a recipe. - Today, we are revisiting a Try Guys classic, the try guys make bagels without a recipe. - [Ned] We're trying it again because if you don't succeed at first, try it again. Keep trying shirt at We're going to keep trying to sell it to you. (birds chirping) So usually when we watch without a recipe, it's Saturday morning on the couch. And so that's what we'll be doing today. We call it watching Da-da TV. - I'm going to watch, I'm going to remember. And it'll be perfect. It'll be perfect. - As we remember, I made cinnamon raisin bagel. They're daddy's favorite. - Well I was expecting to be able to pick them up easily. (guys laughing) - So the first time with bagels, I got second place, which was very disappointing. - All the sesame seeds fell off. - Oh man. I guess the Sesame oil was... - That's very disrespectful. - Was not a good idea. - I was given last place. Hey, this one's stills things, okay. This is the one episode in the first season of without a recipe that I should have won. It was stolen from me. - What? - Are you (beep) kidding me? Are you out of your goddam mind? It is crazy. My bagels were awesome. I don't even have anything to improve because I deserve first place. This is crazy. I was a champion. I should be sitting this episode out. I should be sipping daiquiris like Eugene - Let's get baking. (upbeat music) - Let's do this. Welcome to the kitchen. First up, we got our active dry yeast. This is Fleischmann's. Oh it's Jewish yeast. - We're just going to follow his recipe because he knows what he's doing. - Hold on, we gotta pause it right there. Flour, water and yeast. - What's malt powder? - I added way too much water. - Let's do like three teaspoons of yeast. Gotta get burpy. Is that too much? That's what he said. - Two, that's what I'm missing, is salt. I was like, I'm missing an ingredient here. - I'm going to add my own special sourdough starter. His name is Sven. He's very blonde. Just like me. Sort of. Oh, that's ripe. Oh Sven, you nasty. - Now we have our yeasty water and we're just going to stir it gently. I've seen Ned do this a couple of times. And then I think he just let it burp. I think. - Yeast. (container crashes to floor) All good. - And now we'll add the bread flour. - [Ned] This is very exciting. I'm happy that I get another shot at this. Oops, that was 500 right there. Not enough room for my whole wheat. - Add two cups of water. Don't I need to like activate the yeast first? With hot warm water? I have to make my two cups water. I gotta build the yeast. I gotta start the yeast. That's what I gotta do. Now I realize that that sugar was, I think, for the yeast. Well maybe I can scoop some off top. (clinking) Nope, I can't, okay. - And you see here where I learn from my mistakes. - It's salty. (salt shaker cracks) That's it. Just a little bit of salt this time. (cracking salt) You know what, it's just me this time. And I thought my bagel was not too salty. So if I do it exactly the same, we gucci. Yeah, it's burping. Oh, it's burp, oh my god, it's literally burping. It's going bloop. (gasps) Well, I did this backwards. I was supposed to add the flour to this. - Ah, I love the way it feels on my hands. Oh yeah. Still has that little flavor of nasty from Sven. - I'm gonna, oh no, it's not going to reach. (mixer whirring) What could possibly go wrong? - It doesn't have enough flour. It's too wet. Did I make a big mistake? Do I not separate them? - Oh, I am making a mess. Maggie forgive me. - I'm putting it back together. Man, my hands are like in handcuffs. - Oh, it's so tough. - All right, here we go. Time for kneading. Oh yeah. Combine it all together. (upbeat music) I should have said, "Yes" to the Kitchen-Aid. This is the situation you get into when you say, "No, Rachel, I don't need the Kitchen-Aid mixer. "I'm a man." (laughs) I'm an idiot. - I feel like it needs more moisture. Just a little bit. - We're going to try to stab these in. - Already this is so much more easier to work with than my higher hydration dough. (upbeat music) This is great. (slapping dough) - Does it feel like an ass? (slapping dough) - Yeah, it's a butt. - I'm gonna cover both bowls. There we go. And now we wait one hour. - Grow up little bagel. (energetic music) - We're back. Woo, that's a lot of dough. Oh boy. That's jiggly. That's fresh. - Okay, we've got our doughs all done. They have risen. Not a ton. But they've risen. - [Ned] Just incorporating all the honey and the salt and the water into my dough. - So I just had to pause for a Zoom meeting and I just came back to see my dough and... (dramatic music) It's rising. I don't know if you can see this. It is like 3D pushing out. It's so big. (yells) Oh my god. (dramatic music) I think the yeast worked. I did something horribly wrong. This feels like a beach ball. I feel like this is a loaf of bread already. - So in the video we did like a, we let them rest and they rose again. But I don't know if we did that because we needed to or because we had to shoot the next day. In the fridge, it doesn't really rise that quickly. But it was still rise. Basically, I don't know. - Let's start cutting our little pieces of bagel. - Cut them into eight equal pieces because that's how many it looks like I'm going to get out of this. - What the (beep) man? It feels almost like... like it's the consistency of Rice Krispie Treats. (dough crackling) It's like, bubble wrap. This is horrid. So, hey Rachel. - Hey, what's happening? - I want to know your thoughts about what I can do and what I should do here. - [Rachel] Oh, whoa. - Like... - [Rachel] Oh my god, it's so tough already. - [Zach] It's so strong. Is it 'cause I let it sit so long? - You're a wizard, Zach. And I don't know how. - This is so sad. I was going to have a bagel for lunch. It's 3 o'clock. - [Rachel] 3 o'clock. You can have a bagel for lunch tomorrow. - All right, I'm going to do it again. - [Rachel] Okay. Remember you're a Try Guy. - How dare you throw that in my face. I was only given high gluten flour. I want the record to show. Okay? Okay. - I like bagels. You know, whenever I got to New York, I got a bagel sandwich. They're always pretty good. I don't know if I've ever had a bagel that I've been like, "Oh my God." Everyone's always like, "New York bagels "are so much better than your bagels." I'm like, "Well, not everybody lives "in New York. "Not everybody gets to have that. "So you need to just consider that, you know, "you're kind of just gloating." ♪ Here we go, one more time ♪ - I'm going to tell you, I'm not feeling fine. Here we go now. Okay, I'm going to start over. I'm gonna use a different type of flour. I'm going to let it sit overnight. And I'ma hope for the best. I'm done kneading by hand. And I'm left with this perfect cutie. Look how cute he is. This perfect little ball. - [Keith] So here are my bagels. They're resting, but they look like bagels. They look pretty good. A lot of 'em have a skinny side. They're not super uniform. But they look mostly bagel-esque. - Are you read for bagels tomorrow morning? - Mhmm. - We'll see you tomorrow morning. (birds chirping) Good morning campers. It's the next day. My bagels have been proofing overnight. Ooh, yeah, they're puffy and sticky. - My dough has been over night. And it looks bigger, I think. Yeah. Yeah! I think I'm going to celebrate even if it's wrong. Woo. - [Keith] So we're gonna cover 'em and let 'em rise and then throw them in this boiling pot of water that's not boiling. - How did he do it? Did he just roll it like a little sausage? Bagel? It's such a little bagel. Why is it so itty bitty? Hi little cutie. Little cutie bagel. Oh, that one will be for my dog. Oh shit boy! That's a hand-rolled bagel. - We're going to get our water boiling and you can use beer, honey, malt syrup, baking soda. - What am I going to add into it? - [Off Camera] Salt! - I'll add a bunch of salt. Are we're going to add some baking soda. And since I added honey into my dough, I'm going to also put honey into the boiling water. - I'm going to throw one of the ugliest ones in first and just see what happens. (upbeat music) I'm going to flip them and do another 90. - [Zach] Here we go. Oh, it's floating. Yes. Yes, my little baby boy! Go! Oh, stay together my little boy. Stay together! - All right, got to flip them. (timer chimes) Wow, I could feel that. Did you hear that? I felt that 90 seconds. That's right. - Can't flip them. Come on bagels. Flip! Flip. - My bagels have a little bit of a pink ring on them. Hopefully they're not pink on the inside. - Ooh, the raisin one did not float. What should I do? What should I do? What should I do? It's the, there it goes. He's floating. It was just the raisins for a second. - Let's get this guy out of here. All right Bowie, watch your (beep) self. Here we go. Hot shit coming through. Oh yeah. - Dip, dip, dip, dip. Swirl, swirl, swirl. - [Zach] Oh, this one's kind of coming apart. That's all right. That's all right. Ain't nothing but a thing. Oh, it's falling apart. Okay. Yeah, yeah. - [Keith] Okay, we got some of daddy's fave right there. We got the classic there. - [Ned] We've got some plain sesame. We've got some light versus dark design. Good versus evil perhaps. We've got some mixed all together. We've got some black sesame. Really fun. Wes is playing. We got bagels in 20 minutes. I'm excited. - All right. The oven is hottest as (beep). We're doing this. I put the thinnest little layer of oil on the pan. - I'm hungry, let's go. (cheerful music) - Retry! (Zach beatboxing) ♪ Na na na na na na na na hey ♪ Retry! (birds chirping) - Becky fricking grabbed one off the plate when I was wrapping everything up. Was like, "I'll just try it now." I'm like, "No, let me tape you trying it!" What do you think? - I thought we were going to eat it in the morning. - Well then what are you doing right now? - I'm having a snack. It's good! - [Keith] Is it good? - Yeah, it tastes like a bagel. I mean, well... - Definitely is softer. - But it tastes like a bagel. - Oh, it looks good. Look at that. - [Becky] Mhm. - [Ned] Look at 'em. And the butts got a little heated but I think they look perfect. There were some butts that got a little more dark. This one, I mean, there is sugar in there, so that makes sense. (upbeat music) - The skin has a good crunch. - [Becky] I told you, it's good! - [Keith] No, this tastes like a bagel. - [Becky] Yeah. - [Keith] Look at that. - [Becky] Wow. - [Keith] (beep) look at that. Cooked all the way through. Beautiful as heck. Raisins all over the place. Let me just say with confidence that I have made daddy's favorite. This would be a Donald Habersberger delight. Let me just tell. It's perfect. Look at that. My god. My Jesus. (upbeat music) - Oh yeah. Cooked through, tastes great, great crust. Can't wait to slather this bitch with cream cheese. That's a bagel. That is good. Oh, it's warm, sesame flavor, oh my god. Wesley, do you want to try a bagel? Look at these bagels Wesley. Oh, so good. - [Ariel] The bread inside is really nice and fluffy. - [Ned] Mmm. What do you think Wes? - Yum. - [Ned] Yum? (Ned laughing) Yay bagels! - Yum! - [Ned] Yum. Wesley, do you want more bagel or more doughnut? - More doughnuts! - [Ned] Well, that makes sense. Yeah, that makes sense. That's you know, that's just, you really can't compete with a nice doughnut. - It smells like a bagel. It looks like a bagel. Guys, look at that! Wow! And yeah, it's rustic, it's imperfect. I love it. The moment of truth. (upbeat music) Oh my god! Guys, that's a bagel. Look at that. You got the air holes, you got the whole thing! Yes. Look at this. That's a bagel. It's a bagel. (upbeat music) It's delicious. I am a golden god! It's not too salty. Wow. And I got a little special treat for myself. Yes, yes, yes. (upbeat music) This is the best bagel I've ever had in my life. And it's because I did it. I'm so proud of myself. What do you think? - It's really good. - It's a bagel right? - Mhm. - I learned something today. (cheerful music) I'm great. And I've always been great. And my bagel should have won the first time. I was right. - [Keith] It was really fun. I learned a lot. And now we have a bunch of bagels to make breakfast sandwiches with. It's real win-win. What a great time. We'll see you next time. Thanks for joining us! All right, bye. (upbeat music) It's crazy what there is stock footage of. Like, I bet my editor right now, could find the stock footage of a hilarious banana. Let's see it. (quirky music)
Channel: The Try Guys
Views: 1,470,783
Rating: 4.9687314 out of 5
Keywords: try guys, keith, ned, zach, eugene, habersberger, fulmer, kornfeld, yang, buzzfeedvideo, buzzfeed, ariel, ned & ariel, comedy, education, funny, try, learn, fail, experiment, test, tryceratops, without a recipe, bagels, how to cook, how to make bagels, bagel recipe, at home bagels, diy, do it yourself, cooking challenge, competition, winner, loser, best, worst, keep trying, bagels without a recipe
Id: XRMhtSgDjoY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 21sec (861 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 17 2021
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