The Try Guys RETRY Baking Pies Without A Recipe

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(dramatic music) - We're just gonna put it back in the oven and hope for the best. (dramatic music) I don't even know what to do. That's an oops. - Look at me! I'm professional. Look at her. - All of you! (laughing) Get in there! And now how many pecans? All the pecans! (dramatic music) Pecan. - We're making pie! - Making pie pie! - Making pie pie. (dramatic music) - This time, I'm not gonna forget the flavor. (dramatic music) (click) (orchestral music) - Welcome to Retry. The new show where we revisit some old Try Guys videos and see, can we do better the second time around? (whoosh) - So today we'll be retrying to make pies without a recipe. (ding) - The twist is that we are trying to recreate our original recipes using only the video as a guide. And the competition is not with each other, but with ourselves. - What did we learn? What can we fix? Life's a journey. It's not just about trying something the first time. It's about failing and then doing it again and again and again, and again, just make sure you keep trying. (meow) (upbeat music) (whoosh) - When we first made pies, I made poison? (dramatic music) - I'm so sorry. I really wanted-- to like it. - So my goal today is to not make poison. (ding) - I baked an Apple pi pie, really clever. I bought a little pi sign. That pie got third place. - It was good! When we, it was the only one we tried. Until we tasted the salt too. - It was deeply upsetting to me, given the state of the other competition. - [Eugene] I placed in second in the original pie video. - We kind of agreed it wasn't pie. But it's like the best mistake possible. - Yeah, it ended up being great! - Eugene baked a soup. (slurping) (laughing) - The judges were like, oh, ha ha, soup, wow. I love drinking my pie. Whoops. And Keith baked the most boring pie I've ever seen. - That's pumpkin pie! (beep) - Yeah! - A pie chef judged the pies and mine won. They're the expert. Shut your mouth, stop being sore losers. It's the one I've ever won. (dramatic music) - Little salty, my ass. All right. Let's get this video going. (whoosh) You know what? My pie was salty and I am too. (dramatic music) This is a redemption story. (dramatic music) I need a drink. (dramatic music) (meow) - This is not a competition where we're against each other. This is just about being better. It's just about trying again. So before I put on my apron and start combining all my ingredients, I'm going to watch the Try Guys Bake a Pie Without a Recipe, take some notes, and hopefully formulate a plan to make a good pumpkin pie. - All right, let's check this out. I'm a master Baker! - Zack only lives to make the master baker joke every baking video. - Forgot we had all those cats in this. The cats are great. We should intercut this video with cats too. Right? Maybe my cat. Hey Alfred. (dramatic music) - Brianna is the expert we had this video. She's fantastic. So I'm gonna actually follow what she tells us to do in this video. - Says it right there! Those are the ingredients! Okay, if I just remember. Two and a half, two, one... - Teaspoon salt, teaspoon-- whoa. - I'll just do two tablespoons of salt-- (buzzer) Oh my God. That's right. I did two tablespoons full of salt. (groaning) That's a lot. - Eugene. It's liquid, right? Oh I put bourbon in my pie dough. (laughing) They have the dough recipe but there is no recipe given for my blueberry filling. It's really the liquid that's the most concerning for me. So I've got to make sure that that is executed properly. I've heard that you put vodka into pie dough sometimes. Is that a myth? - If you mix those sugars in with your egg yolks too soon and you let it sit there, you're gonna burn your yolks. - That was my fatal flaw. I burned the yolk. Egg goes last. Egg goes last. (whoosh) - So I used a metal pie tin last time, they gave me a glass pie tin this time. I think that's okay. - Huh? (beeping) Oh, it's very smoky. (beeping) Yeah. Well my pie's garbage. - Oh, I thought those were marshmallows. - How did that even happen? This is a really sad moment for me. How did this even happen? How'd this even happen? (laughing) What even is that? I don't even know what to do. (laughing) - The cat playin' a piano. I forgot about that. - Gosh, I really don't wanna have another situation. I'm just so worried, like, 'cause my whole pie, like, melted apart. So that's a concern. - All right. That's it. I've watched the previous episode. Now it's time to get in the kitchen and try again! (orchestral music) - Let's make a pie! (triumphant music) - Bakers. Get ready. I don't know what I'm saying this because we are in our houses. (laughing) - Ariel, where'd you come from? - Our bedroom. - On your mark, get set, retry! (triumphant music) Boom! - The first thing I do is I make the crust. - Dough includes flour, a little bit sugar, little bit of salt, butter, and some water. - The best part about this video is that it actually told us the full recipe for dough. So I'm just gonna make the pie dough that we have in the video. - Wait, baking powder? - I think that's a red herring. - Baking soda, baking powder. No, I did that wrong. - Two and a half cups of flour. - One. - Is this gonna be enough? Dough? (upbeat music) - Where's my measuring shit? - I love being in my own kitchen. I know where everything is. - I don't know the way around my own kitchen. Oh, this is frustrating. - I remember, like, not having enough dough. I'm gonna double her recipe. Just in case. - This size sugar is almost the same size bag of flour, but you never need the same amount of sugar as flour. - I think I'll just do two teaspoons sugar. Maybe I'll do four. - One tablespoon. Or no, that's a half tablespoon. - What is this feeling? Measuring? How foreign. Is that too much sugar? (laughing) It's not gonna change me. I gotta keep my same change. And now the critical moment adding salt to my dough. - Salt. - One little teaspoon, teaspoon, teaspoon. ♪ One little teaspoon teaspoon teaspoon o' salt ♪ (dinging) I did six teaspoons last time. - The last thing I want is for something to be under seasoned. (dramatic music) I'm gonna pour it over the sink just in case. (cymbal crash) See, that's why! And done. No more salt. (sigh) I feel like just right there, I went from at least fourth place to second. - It's not a competition. - One pound of butter is about two cups, right? ♪ Choppin' up the butter cubes ♪ ♪ Choppin' up butter ♪ - Okay. This is a real decision. This is a real choice. 'Cause they gave me this Crisco, All Vegetable Shortening, but I also, in my fridge, have earth balance butter. I've got vegan butter in my fridge. (fridge door closing) - Is this butter cold enough? We shall see. (sigh) - I feel like I should use the vegan butter. Like that makes more sense. It's got butter in the name. (upbeat music) - Ah! Cold butter's hard to work with. I really should not be doing this with this knife. Oh, well. - This is what I used last time. (sigh) Alright, I'm going with what they gave me. I'm putting my butter away. I just wanna make sure I'm not poisoning myself again. - I'm sweating. - I know it made me sweat too! - And then water. (orchestral music) - Be very careful about how fast and how much water you put in. - I'm gonna add it just a little bit at a time. - One, two. I think I'm crushing it so far. - Oo, I have a fresh bottle of Stoli. That will not open. - Is that alcohol? - I put maybe half a bottle of bourbon in. Gonna do six of these. (laid-back music) One. So. That should be enough liquid. (laid-back music) In we go. (laid-back music) - And now what? I just mix this? (laughing) I don't know. - Oh no! I got flour all over my new Keep Trying shirt. It's available at Try Guys dot com. (rubbing hands together) Did there? - Now remember, I think the consistency needs to be just like a crumbly dough. - Oh you guys, I feel like I did something wrong already. It's just like straight up powder. - Crumbly's the word, right? Think it's supposed to be crumbly. - Okay, more water, I guess. - Yeah. This is feeling familiar. - More butter? Sure. More butter, let's do it. (laughing) We're having fun, right? You guys? Right? - All right, let's taste a little bit. (jazz music) Think that tastes good. Kinda worried it doesn't have enough salt. (jazz music) - It's good. It's less salty than last time. - But. (laughing) I gotta just hold myself back. - That was a critique they had, that it was too cracker-like. - It's also salty. It is moving towards the cracker side of crust. - So I think this has resolved that. - Right, this has kinda become something. And now we put this in the fridge for 30 min-- Fridge? Freezer. Freezer? Fridge. - I'm gonna say refrigerator 'cause I just thought, yeah. Why would these go in the freezer? You're gonna have hard ass dough balls. - As the dough rests in the freezer-- (ding) (meow) - Goin' in the freezer. - Goin' in the freezer for me, baby! (upbeat music) Sous Chef. (upbeat music) - And I'll let them rest for (dramatic music) I don't know. (dramatic music) They have the dough recipe but there is no recipe given for my blueberry filling. This too many blueberries? I don't know. Woo! But I know that my main goal is to make sure that it is not a cocktail and that is a properly congealed, blueberry pie filling. - I don't know the ratios that I did last time. I'm a nonconventional baker. I like to use things that inspire me. I know I need pecans. A whole (beep) ton of pecans. (upbeat music) Pecan! I really need to get out of this house so desperately. - 'Kay. So I didn't get anything out of that for how my recipe is. I don't remember what I did. I know there were eggs. What do you think it tastes like? (laughing) - Kind of like baby food. - Okay. First thing's first, the pumpkin. - And then I don't remember if we featured this in the video, but when I tasted my pie, I thought it was pretty sugary. I don't want too much goop. But I want like just a little bit of goop. So I'm gonna try and put a little less sugar in. - There's pumpkin first of all, already smells better. Wait, this is pumpkin pie mix. There's one advantage I have this time is that my production staff got me pumpkin pie filling instead of pumpkin. - I feel like this is all the blueberries I have. And I feel like all of this is gonna... This should, I shouldn't. I should just use all these blueberries. Can't go wrong with more. - That is a six to seven pound pie. (laughing) Not including the pan. - Now I know last time I did this, everyone was horrified at how much sugar I used. - Oh my god, Zach. - Yeah. It's sweet. ♪ Glug glug glug glug ♪ ♪ Glug glug glug glug ♪ - I'm gonna use all the apples. - [Judge] There's a lot of crust, not a lot of filling. - Because that was a mistake I made last time. - I guess I'm just gonna mix this up. I don't feel like I need to add much more of anything else because it's party got seasoning. And I think it said it already had sugar. Smells very pumpkin-y. Cinnamon-y, nutmeg-y. - So I don't know if I need to overdo cornstarch because there were gelatinous aspects to my pie. I don't really believe in measuring cups. I'm just kind of doing it by hand. You know, like grandma used to do, so. I don't wanna overdo it. Did you hear what I said? I don't wanna overdo it. Who is this? Who is she? Who am I? - I don't know if coconut sugar tastes more like brown sugar, but it's brown. (beep) Let's throw some cane sugar in there too. Who cares? You know, let's go for it. - How is that when you're baking, it's like really hard to break the yolks, and when you're making breakfast, it's impossible not to break the yolks. Am I right everybody? (shouting) (whisking loudly) Get a little bit o' net over here. - Ah! More apples. Chaos kitchen. Woo! Yeah! I want everyone to think that's crazy. There's no way he's putting that many apples in there. He's putting too many apples in. The man's insane. He's putting too many apples in. He gotta stop makin' apples! - I think my big thing is, you know, when I do without a recipe, I want it to be drunk and asian. I'm just gonna grab stuff as I see it and just add it for fun. Like lime juice. I tend to add things that give a little more kick, and a little more spice. Look how pretty this is though. I like this. Look at this. Isn't that nice? - It looks the right color. It's a little thinner than my previous batter. It should be a lot wetter. So I think it's close enough that people are gonna be like, yeah, that's a pumpkin pie taste. But I do hope this sets because the trick with a custard is you don't want it to not set. - I know we're reviewing this at home, but creativity is still a factor. (bag crumpling) So instead of salt, I'm using pretzels. ♪ Baby ♪ I'm a non-conventional baker. I like to use things that inspire me. (bag crinkling) It's failed every time. So it's bound to work eventually. ♪ Baby ♪ ♪ It doesn't matter ♪ ♪ Who wins or ♪ ♪ Who loses ♪ - In third place, the apple pie. (sigh) ♪ Baby ♪ ♪ As long as you keep trying ♪ ♪ And don't ♪ ♪ Come in third place ♪ (clanking) Hey Bean do you want a piece of apple? Sit! Catch it, oh, missed it. (laid-back music) - Okay. So now I need to add my liquid. What I learned from last time is that I cannot use very much. (slurping) (laughing) (laid-back music) Okay. That's definitely at least fourth of a cup. So this is already way less liquidity than last time. 'Cause I remember last time there was just a layer of juice on the bottom of the bowl. - Just too easy. It's gonna be hard for me to (beep) it up because they already got me, you know, flavored mix. - They gave me this chocolate, which seems great. I don't remember putting chocolate in mine, but I'm gonna go for it. No one's gonna eat the pie and be like, oh no chocolate. That's not supposed to be in here. Let's do a half a chocolate bar, right? Why not? What kinda chocolate is this? They tryin' to (beep) with me? (dramatic music) Oh. (dramatic choral music) Oh they're trying to (beep) with me! Oh no! (dramatic chorus) No! Oh! Oh it's cacao, oh my god. Oh. Oh it's so bitter! Oh no, it's so hopelessly in there. Oh no! Oh no! Oh no no! (dramatic choral music) Forever. (ever echos) All right whatever's left in there, it's just gonna be left in there. (groan) - So now's the time (thud) for my cinnamon spice mixture. Last time I think I used like a whole cup of sugar. That was too much. I'll try a quarter cup of sugar. So it's just sort of coating the edges. Yeah! Ooh, gooey gooey! Sit! Catch it! Man. (laid-back music) - So it's been just about 30 minutes. I am going to take out my dough. - Okay. So it's been approximately an hour since I put the dough in the fringe. I don't know if that's the amount of times it's supposed to chill, but it's the amount of time I have because the sun is going down and I want to bake this pie before it is night time. - Come on, baby dough. How are you doing? Oh! It's frikkin' perfect! - Oh no. (dramatic music) Oh no, my dough's crumbling! I dough is not solidifying. This is not how the holidays are supposed to be. A little more water throughout. Oh God. It looks like Parmesan cheese. - I don't think I have a roller. (clanking) (laughing) - Got big ass rolling pin. - I don't have a rolling pin here. I use this really nice water bottle of Becky's. (paper crinkling) She's okay with it. - Wesley! - [Wes] Poo-poo! You're making a poo-poo? Well, that's great. I'm making the pie pie. - Taking a page from Eugene's book 'cause he always wins. When in doubt, alcohol. - So I had the lattice pattern the last time, which was my favorite parts of the pie. Well, the one thing I can do is make something look pretty. So I'm making a little rose decoration at the top with leaves. But rosettes I tried last time melted funny. So I'm gonna go simpler with the final design that I have on top. So that it'll retain its shape. - Now what I'm gonna do is a layer of crust on the bottom. And I'm gonna do the latticing and then I'm gonna do the braiding. Hopefully I have enough pie crust. - I know that was a mistake I made last time is I only made enough dough really for one and a half pies. And I had my total meltdown. (dramatic music) How did this even happen? How'd this even happen? But instead of pie weights, this time I'll be using beans. (dramatic music) - Flip it over. (grunt) (dramatic music) Oh yes! (dramatic music) - Looks nice. (dramatic music) - What do I do now? How do I get it? Alright, this is gonna be a slightly lopsided pie. (laughing) (lighthearted music) So we're just gonna put the beans in, bake it for 10 minutes. - The pumpkin pie has a crust on the bottom that actually gets baked before the filling goes into it. - I hope that gets the dough somewhat started. - Wes, do you wanna come up and watch? This is gonna get very exciting. - Okay so now. That my berries have been chilling, I'm going to just try to scoop out as much as I can without getting too much liquid. - And put it, put it in the pie. There ya go. - As I see already, there's a lot of liquid collecting at the bottom, trying to avoid a lot of that. 'Cause that's probably just straight up bourbon. - And now it's time for the eggs. (crack) (laughing) No! It's a lot of egg. This whole thing is just egg now. Wow, yummy. (laughing) Look how appetizing. - This definitely feels different because at this point I have not (laughing) a soup. - I hope we have enough apples. We have been eating a lot of apples. (laughing) - So There's the bean pie. Okay. You know, it's taller and lower in some places. That's not so perfect. - Now I'm going to go ahead and preheat my oven to... hot. (laughing) - So I combined everything, but I forgot to preheat the oven. Now the eggs are just sitting in here. Again. - If you mix those sugars in with your egg yolks too soon and you let it sit there, you're gonna burn your yolks. - This is the mistake I made last time. I put the eggs in too early and I just let it sit. - The mouth feel is is just keeps comin' at me. - All directions. - Yeah, I'm processing. - Ooooh boy. All right. Let's just clean up. Let's just start cleaning up while we wait. Let's do that. - We're goin' for it. (upbeat music) (sigh) - This is not good. Not good. Out pie crust has very little structure. Okay just gonna. (groan) (upbeat music) Oh no! - I dunno, I feel like me pouring it like that, like some of the dough maybe kicked up. What are you? Are you dough? - Okay, great. It's preheated. I'm gonna put this in for like five minutes. - Oh y'know what a rose needs? It's leaves. Maybe I'll do some leave designs for my pie. - It's a little messed up, but you know, I think pretty good considering the circumstances. (whirring) - So these are leaves that just have more distinct curved edges. So I'm just diversifying the leaf shapes I have. So you can tell there's like more than just one type of leaf. - Now we put the goop in. Yeah, it's pecan pie. (classical music) - I am so pleased. I can't wait to put this in the oven. (whoosh) - So nervous. All right. In ya go. (thump) - Oo! Oo boy! - All right here we frikkin' go. (crumpling) (dramatic music) Fingers crossed. - Let me tell ya I don't think that's gonna turn out perfect. (dramatic music) - The rubric for today is whether we improved, stayed the same or we should keep trying. All right. Now I'm gonna watch the judging. Here you go. - Oh my gosh. - Beautiful! - This is my holiday apple pie pie. It looks amazing! It's got a pi symbol in front, P-I, pie. It's got infinite flavor. How did I lose this? (whoosh) Here we are! Whoa! Yeah! - [Wife] That holds together pretty well! - That's apple pie! (laughing) Okay Ariel. (clank) All right is that for me? - You get to taste it first. - All right well why don't you give yourself some too? - Okay. (dramatic music) Mm! What do you think? - Mm. (dramatic music) I think it's good. All the elements are there. - The crust is like well seasoned not too salty, not too sweet. Definitely a good amount of filling. I love the design. (laughing) - It's so funny to judge your own. - Yummy pie. - Mm! (laughing) Wes agrees. (whoosh) - Wow! - I call this the berry drunk asian pie. I think they like the look of it. - I think it's pretty-- - I think it's really creative it's not easy to do lattice, and it takes an artistic vision. - Yeah. My roses mushed together. So hopefully my leaves don't do that. (dramatic music) (whoosh) Relatively happy with how the design came out on top. You can tell that it is leaf patterns. I wish that I could have had more distinct tools to work with. The crust is perfectly cooked. (tapping) (upbeat music) Oh my god! Mm! So it is not a soup inside. You still get a hint of the bourbon, the ginger and the cinnamon comes through nicely. I think you can still tell that that's like supposed to be leaf designed. I'm really happy with this. I actually think this actually turned out really well. You ready to try my pie? - You already ate my slice! - Well, you were working. Doesn't it look nice? - Yeah, the crust actually looks really good. (upbeat music) Mm! That's actually pretty good. Blueberries just, like, burst in your mouth. - Think it's better than the pie you saw in the video? - Yeah, the pie in the video (mumbled) - Oh, I still got second place. (dramatic music) - It's just how bad the other guys are. (laughing) (whoosh) - Does it taste like a pie? We'll find out. You know, you go into it without a recipe, calm, cool, collected. And then you get going and you're like, maybe I should just throw a bunch of shit in here. It's tough. Presenting Zachy's world famous unforgettable pecan pie. - Oh! (laughing) The mouth feel is, just keeps comin' at me. - Just all directions. - It's, yeah, I'm processing. (whoosh) Oh! That's a (beep) pie! (noise maker) Honestly, this is the best thing I've ever baked. Oh! Here we go! Awesome. Look at her though! I'm a little upset that there's no real judges this time. 'Cause I think that I won. This looks good! Hello judges. We are ready to taste the pie. - Cheers. (gasp) (dramatic music) It's good! - It's edible! (laughing) Yeah! (laughing) (whoosh) I need to like deliver this to people to prove to the world that I finally made a good baked good. - This is my pumpkin patched together pie. - Oo. - Okay. We're doing the final stuff. - It reminds me a little bit of shortbread, which is mostly - [Both] Butter. - Pumpkin pie is really hard to bake. There are a lot of things that could have gone wrong with this. And you did not fall into any of those pitfalls. (dramatic music) (whoosh) - You know, we've had fun. I learned and I think I did a lot better, but I will say that it looks exactly like my first pie. - I don't think I've ever actually had pumpkin pie. - Yeah? Well this is probably not gonna be the best one to start with. The dough on the bottom is very undercooked-- - Just the texture, I don't. You made this crust? - Mm-hmm. - Those are good! - I know! Yeah, it looks a little raw on the bottom. (laughing) I'm gonna be honest with you. - It's got a soggy bottom. - I blame the glass. It like punctured through the bottom-- - Oh yeah! - And got underneath. I still don't really understand the whole pie weights thing, how you're supposed to do it. And I think mostly this is just 'cause I didn't get the dough thin enough. Flavor of the pumpkin is much better, but it probably could be set even more. I probably could have baked it another 10 or 15 minutes, or this probably should have been baked at a higher temperature. It's actually probably not as good as the pie I did on that recipe. (whoosh) - Wow. Y'know what guys? If at first you don't succeed, and if at second you don't succeed, and if at third you don't succeed. And if you find that you keep losing episodes, keep trying and eventually you'll make a dope ass pie. - It's good to see people never give up and keep improving. I think I'm gonna keep trying to bake better. And this is a market improvement. - Make sure to post photos of what you're trying to the hashtag keep trying challenge and you get a chance to be featured in an upcoming Try Guys video. - Until next time. We're the Try Guys. That's Becky, I'm Keith. Here's another shot of Alvin. (jazz music) (upbeat music) - I had Eugene's pie. This is better. (laughing)
Channel: The Try Guys
Views: 3,778,177
Rating: 4.9688673 out of 5
Keywords: try guys, keith, ned, zach, eugene, habersberger, fulmer, kornfeld, yang, buzzfeedvideo, buzzfeed, ariel, ned & ariel, comedy, education, funny, try, learn, fail, experiment, test, tryceratops, bake, holiday pies, holiday, without a recipe, without, recipe, pie, reality show, baking show, blueberry, apple, pecan, pumpkin, competition, baking, dough, cooking show, cook, bake off, Mari Takahashi, challenge, blueberry pie, pumpkin pie, how to, apple pie, pecan pie, home cooking, instruction, retry
Id: Y6QIx6-59as
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 35sec (1595 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 15 2020
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