The Try Guys Recreate Awkward Middle School Photos

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everyone say eh oh and the messenger today the try guys are gonna be recreating photos that we took in middle school oh wow this is really similar we're going to try to recreate the looks perfectly we have disposable cameras because all of these photos were taken on disposable cameras ranran oh yeah backstreet's back alright [Applause] my most lasting memory of middle school is someone calling my house and me answering the phone going hello and they go oh hi mrs. corn fell then I go oh no oh I'll go get her they just thought I was a woman my balls were mid dropping middle school time of awkwardness and exploration 11 to 14 is about the times been 10 to 14 years old it's the worst years of your childhood in a lot of ways I was similar to I am now in a lot of ways I was way more ridiculous it's like when we had pep rallies I wore a cape and I had like a seashell that had like the tops like sawed off so I could play it like a horn it was cool I think I was just kind of a goober most of my hobbies were like learning about computers me and my friends would mess around with programming graphing calculator games and you know we'd make like little flash animations sixth and seventh grade I was just an awkward mess it wasn't that I didn't feel welcomed I just didn't feel capable of hanging so instead I just went home and I made weird movies and I I created universes for myself I was a middle school from 1997 to 2000 you I'm the oldest tri guy isn't that crazy my natural personality I think you see a lot in videos which I had when I was a young child very creative but then in my upbringing when the world decided to let me know that being Asian and gay was bad I really you know bottled up a lot of my feelings and my personality I went from being a pretty precocious rambunctious child to being a very awkward very sad preteen I love this picture this is me and my cat Cooper everyone knows I love cats it begins and ends with this little [ __ ] right here there were years where he was my best friend in my mind I looked like Sean from Boy Meets World I think in reality I looked like a young Dwight Schrute come on the food that I'm recreating is me playing Yahoo chess on my family's computer so this is me like looking on the shoulder I guess my mom's like oh it's cute he's playing chess I'll take a photo and I'm like mom I'm like busy I mean look at this guy I thought I was cool [ __ ] this was from a homecoming week and I wanted to look like a greaser because I liked the movie Grease the flash on this camera has blown out my equally pale skin to the white shirt to make it look like I'm not wearing a shirt I am wearing a shirt I want to say this is probably a candid photo we were probably outside somewhere and they just maybe turned the camera mean I was probably just standing there staring off into the distance being depressed I always felt like every situation I was in I had to shrink myself smaller especially since I grew up in Texas I was already dealing with being Asian and then when I realized that I was gay I was I think in the sixth grade also my parents got divorced when I was an old school oh it's the worst time it was the absolute worst time for me all right time to transform I always try to match my socks underwear and today I was able to match my shirt - so how funny is this let's see this is an extra extra large it sounds about right listen it was in the late 90s the sizing of everything was large the shirts were baggy that were big oh my god take me back I looked like a weight loss commercial but the after quite as baggy as the ones I was running at the time but they're pretty loose okay these are can't actually see myself these are a little thinner than my glasses were but equally unattractive all of the guys and girls were wearing puka shells Polynesian style beading good oh yeah very convincing is this from the Sonny & Cher costume okay how do we get the A or even close to this nightmare it's basically just all pushed back right perfect I didn't know what hair product was in middle school or high school or college what the hell is this oh yeah it's been a while oh my god this smell is so nostalgic Oh No so I'm just gonna kind of mess up my hair oh yeah this is getting good what in doubt more hair gel that's the middle school way yeah just get it nice and slimy oh now I'm alfalfa like the ring just slides right off no I have to take off my wedding ring Sam could you make sure not to lose this don't know okay so we've got an computer with the accurately sized monitor like you would be playing this complicated game on like a computer screen that was bit big okay so my hand was here mouse is here I have a lot of fun in middle school I had a good group of friends three other guys actually kind of similar to the try guys hmm me and these three other guys would hang out almost every weekend together playing computer games and generally making mischief we would like like fireworks and like ringing people's doorbells one time I was hosting everyone over and my mom was like worried that we were gonna disturb the neighbors so she made me like go to people's houses before my friends came over and say hey me and my friends are gonna play a prank on you later is that cool ridiculous some of them said yeah and then I went to those houses okay so where do I go Rachel that is slightly tilted a very relaxed smile very cool my ears I've just noticed are enormous me at this time I was much shorter I had not gotten my growth spurt yet I did have a girlfriend yeah I mean we were in a small town there wasn't much to do so it's pretty much you go over each others house and when the parents aren't looking I make out I also made and sold my own candy at the time I was bringing home about $150 a week there's a lot of work though it took me about four hours every night to make the candy I didn't know what I was doing was a child when the school caught on they were like Keith you can't do that and I said what if it's a fundraiser and they said okay you can do it then at the end of the year they gave me a trophy I wear my arm like this yeah you're holding him and classic disposable camera where you don't realize that you're blinking until you develop it a couple days later I have a little moral sense I have a vivid memory of being in class one day it was a health class and we were learning about mental disorders and we got to the chapter on OCD at this point I was about six months into having been diagnosed and it was a list of some of my favorite artists throughout history the thing they all had in common was they all had some form of mental illness it was this revelatory moment where I went oh my god people that I love and adore DUP just like me I guess I've never talked about this I even in the book I only really briefly touched on it it was really tough Cooper I need you to look at the camera I think I was meowing I think that's what was happening in the photo it's my arm the writer should be closer like this your arm it really like tucked like this right that's here before my mom left after the divorce my dad worked for many years a few hours away from where we lived so he actually wasn't home most of the time it was pretty much my sisters and my mom in a very female dominant household I was always trying to go unnoticed and for like a closeted gage and kid in the south that was pretty pretty difficult you know the only fond memory I had in middle school is because I retreated so much into myself I've really focused on my artistic passions so where does it have fun now I want to go do it on the street real quick and a really wonderful seventh grade teacher was the one who actually directed me towards considering filmmaking as a career and how's mrs. Koehler mrs. Koehler if you're out there watching I don't know if you are thanks for that but she she spotted me being like a very creative person who didn't have many outlets and told me I should go into film and then that's when I decided I was gonna go to USC and I did because I studied my ass off so now we're going to take these two our photo printer of choice we're gonna get these photos developed we're gonna pick them up on Monday and I'm gonna look at him and see how he did I chose a photo of me in eighth grade it was sort of like basketball homecoming week and I was dressing myself up as a cool 50s greaser look at this boy you look like a character in uncut gems thank you I haven't seen the movie I hear it's a romp I'm more interested in all the creepy tchotchkes you have on your house yeah my mom look in the backpack did a lot of weird stuff huh for a while there's like a looks like a clown there's like a baby there's like some dogs a bunch of weird knickknacks weird knick-knack family did you smile and photos normally it was just like an intentional and being cool back I'm a 50s greaser well let's check out your recreation so we did a whole I'm excited real of these so I've got to flip through and see how they came out cuz I don't even know well that's pretty good pretty good strange seeing you with like clear glasses not smiling mm-hmm psychotic I love the quality of the disposable camera it here's a thing it wasn't that cool of a pose right so I've got like a hundred pictures that look exactly to you safe yeah good guy classic mouth shot that's right now when you see this kid and you ask that kid do you still feel like that same kid uh I think I have a lot of that same kid in me like yeah I'm still like goofy trying to be everybody's friend trying to make people laugh not quite sure what it means to look cool so I'm recreating this photo and this is this the same family computer where you first discovered pornography yeah let's see how I did with my recreation Wow Wow there this kid looks cool this man I am keeping away from schools extreme child must survive exposed thigh nothing is on the computer because I'm gently just turn it off I was like oh no mother wow it's funny now he's a little more like what a fun smiles the beard also be a while yeah I thought about shaving for this but I didn't this cool guy is young Zach ah that's one of my favorite photos with the cat I don't know why I look so stoned in this video all right so my first photo is a recreation of Ned's photo oh no we should have thought about this that wearing a black shirt and having a black stuffed animal would mean that you know the pictures of me with my eyes how do you feel looking at these side-by-side I didn't love who I was at this age and I also was dealing with a lot of mental health issues and this is when my OCD was really and it's full of swing I think I'm ready at this age to to accept and embrace and and love the past me and all his awkward glory like I know that he was going through some [ __ ] but his life wasn't all that head I mean there's a lot of happy memories from this time there's a lot of fun and I think a lot of who I was then made me who I am now so this was me Wow probably eighth grade I can't think of a single positive emotional thing about this time I was always true to my creative self I certainly found that most of my creative inspiration is derived from my experiences so I can't ever I would never erase this person okay different I love the black and white yeah yeah so this was a black and white camera we tried different backgrounds it's funny because now here as an adult it looks like I'm like posing for it I know this is like the saddest kid ever and this is in Shawn Mendes a Calvin Klein modest nude ever yep ah that is crazy seeing as side-by-side I can see the sadness behind your eyes in this photo and it's it's gone you look strong you look indignant you look like you're gonna stand up to the world baring your feelings translates well to modeling [Music] there's fun recreating this I suggest people recreate photos cuz it's just like it's fun to dip back into you know different times your life the biggest change for me is I just became secure with my insecurities I embraced who I was instead of trying to run away from it that's good lesson I guess hearing the stories it doesn't totally surprise me that these four guys then went on to dedicate their lives to showing the beauty within each person out cross okay [Music] there are so many more amazing stories from middle school if you want to hear about the time that I was on SNL and almost lost a testicle within a two-week period go to patreon for a little bonus storytime
Channel: The Try Guys
Views: 3,141,699
Rating: 4.9681878 out of 5
Keywords: try guys, keith, ned, zach, eugene, habersberger, fulmer, kornfeld, yang, buzzfeedvideo, buzzfeed, ariel, ned & ariel, comedy, education, funny, try, learn, fail, experiment, test, tryceratops, school, middle school, junior high, transform, transformation, photo, photos, photoshoot, teenager, horror stories, puberty, awkward, awkward moments, school stories, best, worst, popular, most popular
Id: Zgaf9ycRLJE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 16sec (916 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 29 2020
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