The Try Guys Learn Tai Chi

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before we start I Chi thanks to Google Play for sponsoring this part of our video now what are we playing today Eugene seven deadly sins ran cross on Google Play boom fight people that's awesome because if you follow the manga or the anime you can be right inside the world that you love watching at home or that you like reading and seven deadly sins Grand Cross is a mix of RPG game play and trading card game play you like fighting and I like cars that's right that was really like the best game for both of us oh that's a powerful pick you want to go on an adventure then download it on Google Play with the link below thanks to Google Play for sponsoring this part of our video now back to the Tai Chi video what to today the try guys are learning the ancient art of Tai Chi Tai Chi I know it's a very slow-moving form of exercise you're like Jamaa committing the crime yeah it looks like really slow choreography Wow lost track hunch imagine Smith joking oh yeah I know Tai Chi's popular with elderly people I think when I'm older I would love doing some Tai Chi the Tai Chi a verb or a noun hmm I also love about Tai Chi's that you always look like a Dragonball Z character [Music] I don't know but I'm excited to learn a [Applause] lot of people think especially in the West that Tai Chi is old Asian ladies in the park your oh-for-three you're not old you're not Asian and you're not a lady okay so my name is Arthur Babette Knopf I came here about eight month ago I used to teach in Boston for most of my life I've been doing it for about 15 years believe it or not I am really excited I don't actually know much about Tai Chi but I'm hoping that it can help me I was told that it's great for dealing with back pain building up strength I am and generally anxious and neurotic person I could use some mental cleansing I'm stoked my fear today is that I'm gonna be bored when I know about Tai Chi very slow I don't even like doing yoga cuz it's too slow let's start with the basic what is Tai Chi so tight cheese actually is a form of martial arts oh yeah well it's like fighting you can be useful fighting what why we use it for healing actually not so much for fighting to focus on your fingertips and breathe out so martial arts has two aspects fast and slow slow one was used or like actually in old days it was used for cultivating your internal energy breathe in and breathe out and there's a fast martial arts where you use it for self-defense and when you block the front end goes to the hip joint - yes punch 20 now martial art did not expect this what block what is the history of Tai Chi it's been practiced for centuries even thousands of years old but it's a little bit of mystery who started and when it started the original Tai Chi was not useful well as it was used for enlightenment who wanted to recover their own you know spirituality and energy they run out of tear is it always just there yeah when you die you are not a cheap haha gotcha yeah so they watch different animals how they move into trying to imitate in order to you know we connected Taichi can be used for anything actually it's all the purpose behind ya ah if you do really slowly yes it's it's the purpose behind it that's why I'm trying to say you know these days it's used for wellness you know old days it was used for self development by cultivating your chief so today I'm gonna be helping Keith reading Ora and see how his energy condition is so a way of this machine it works as a biofeedback machine put your hands there in a few seconds you'll actually can see your energy field so if you have a tendency using your physical track for a lot maybe you see red and if your heart center person but have love compassion and forgiveness that kind of thing let me see the orange color and then if your spiritual intuitive and creative person then you probably see the polluted what is Qi very good question I was very curious when I started what is cheek actually let me have you do you want to have an experience what the chief feels like alright so rub your hands like this easiest way to few Chi actually is through your palms ji come on Chi now I want you to move your hands in and out like this so try to feel the magnetic sensation between your hands yeah yeah that is cheap I got nothing you got nothing that's freaky it does feel one I want it so bad no no don't want I don't want it I said I really don't want it but I'm feeling it now if I have the temptation to fart right now go for it go for it my Chi yeah yeah it's you're stagnant Chi coming out well this look different because I'm Asian I'm getting I can man I'm really hoping that today solves all of my problems with only one session awesome cuz it's healing and I'd love to be healed yeah I feel I have a lot of dark energy oh I don't know I just always think what are we doing here Oh why are we even alive if we're oh like a disease um you know what I used to think that yeah yeah things that are bothering me in general I have chronic pain so back pains and the spondyloarthritis family I have digestion issues I'm trying to don't poop for days on it and having trouble sleeping I'm a pretty anxious person and I wake up in pain quite frequently and then my mind is racing oh I'm gonna top my shoulder just a lot going on in there oh and I also have up stuff I have a cold Oh we'll fix it so this aura reading it's gonna show him the current energy condition before class and then he's gonna try the tai chi class and it's gonna change this energy of course and then we're gonna see his energy after who you have to cancer cure so they took a little I think it's good to take off fury you see a lot of it it's lots of red and then there's yellow okay I'm the same escaped red and yellow I think what you described too much whoa I look like I'm I fell into lava again you're the chosen one yeah this is like the exact same so now I can tell why your old friends interesting you could see the yellow which is love heart in a heart center and you can also see the orange color which means like creative so definitely you want to learn how to release stress somehow this I think this job and I met you as it kind of helps you to express your creative you know creative side I need to see you do really I need to know what it looks like when a person is balanced and good can you do it okay [Music] [Applause] [Laughter] so first step what we gonna do is we're gonna open up our energy by simply do body tapping has anybody done body typing before aho we've tapped about that yeah so we're gonna do the body tapping okay and then with your fingertips tap until today so like I said whatever you put your focus that's why energy calls so like rubbing and tapping your mind goes so when your mind goes their energy goes so when you tap like this word is your mind go my chest yeah yeah where does the energy go to my chest that's right this sound is familiar what do you think is the most important thing in Tai Chi willingness to look silly yes yes that's a very important one tapping smuggling yes so you want to smile yeah wait I was never told about smiling how did you get into Tai Chi and where did your love come from I had some health issues I was working for Bank of America doing technical support a lot of stress was always on a computer on the phone and I feel so uncomfortable in my own body but I just didn't know why typos are your job it feels great right good as I've been drawing that yeah I might stop also suffer for depression and anxiety and then there was a center next next to my house and then it really helped it really boost stops your mood and makes you feel light you want to tap back at the neck too there's a lot of tension is so moving some cheated get out of their teeth that feeling was so amazing I just wanted to keep feeling that way good that's a cracking like a jazz dance right now all right this Tai Chi's recommended by a lot of doctors so when you have depression when you have a low-energy and anxiety when you have back issues so it's good for classical wellness but it's also good for emotional mental levels you just described the four pillars of me I don't make a joke so we're gonna do something called played Bali sake say have you ever heard of it so imagine you have a plate it's a fine china so you don't want to break it okay so go under the hand that's wedding wear no yes go up and like that so this is very good for your shoulder and then also you opening the joint in your wrist so you basically don't want to drop the plate so is that the best thing to do is to keep your other hand behind you oh I jump white shoes Ariel is gonna kill in her heels gonna be very push the stagnant energy out greed ah yeah here Felicia so we're gonna release the stagnant energy you know it's the best way to these technologies to the stop when I count to three say hey and bring your hands up what no that's called ketchup packet array when your cheese X from both ends really ruining my Chi I'm cheating like crazy oh it's done very slowly because you want to be able to learn how to quiet down your mind and how to feel this life energy that flows through your body up your arms a little bent shoulder level and then down that's why it's it's kind of slow it's hard to notice that subtlety when you're moving fast feel the more things I do good that's yeah I really feel it I felt very balanced and at the end my hands are like on fire like very hot and every time my hands are passing I can very much feel did you feel in it yeah yeah can you feel the force it's weird this is the force that's the force are we cultivating there clorium every time I make a joke I lose it a little bit you know people could say vibes it's the same thing you telling me that if I'm vibing I'm Chi yeah pretty much so to say except is it I wasn't sure what to expect going into it I was afraid I might get bored but it was really fun what to like a little stoned but not in debilitating way and like a life is good way relax how you guys here good good also this is the first time I've ever sat relaxed I never sit like this I sit like stick straight Wow like my mom's behind me telling you to roll my shoulders back you know you know how it is yeah good posture yeah it gets you better husband's I feel like my hands are magnets right yeah like they can't get too close together right that is your cheek this was awesome it was way better than yoga yoga [Laughter] [Music] good brighter Oh so read my pie graph got a little bit yes but better I have even more red look we all wanted this to be a glorious rainbow in the video silly to assume that just one session boom I'm gonna have an even pie chart even after doing this once I can see how much more in touch with yourself you can be so I look forward to doing this again and touching myself all over so that means you have to come again I will come again I will just I'll tap on Ned and we'll give him our calming energy this will calm some ha ha what if we each put a finger down through the char guys energies like that so you do one hand over here is axis [Music] we're so spiritual together yeah I think this is the first try guys video where we all are interested in doing this again yeah I'm really interested in it I never try having are four people or color well unless what we're going to try guys yeah we're thrilled to be anyone's first sec the number of sexual jokes you made hi Jude [Music] I'm a little ball of chaos my brain and my body together form one chaotic mess you know when you put your headphones in your pocket and then you take it out ten seconds later you're like how did this get so impossibly tangled that's my brain well everyone has air pods now you get it
Channel: The Try Guys
Views: 1,620,247
Rating: 4.9611473 out of 5
Keywords: try guys, keith, ned, zach, eugene, habersberger, fulmer, kornfeld, yang, buzzfeedvideo, buzzfeed, ariel, ned & ariel, comedy, education, funny, try, learn, fail, experiment, test, tryceratops, body balance, multiple sclerosis, occupational therapy, physical therapy, pain management, office yoga, workout routine, my workout routine, workout, fitness routine, everyday workout routine, daily routine, health, wellness, Google Play, Play On, Gaming, Mobile Gaming, seven deadly sins grand cross, mediation
Id: 7XY6pu0BYwQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 58sec (898 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 25 2020
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