The Try Guys Work From Home For 168 Hours

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- What up, everybody? I think it's obvious right now we all have a lot of time on our hands but if you are super bored, you want to reach out, you can text us now. We've set up a phone number right here. Send us a text, we can hang out, we'll chat, it'll be cute. What do you think? Let's do it. All right, bye. Look at this, working from home, my goodness, wow. - Hello from social distancing. For the past week, I have been sequestered here to my home. - So it's the first day of work back during the quarantine. Definitely fortunate that we work in digital production because there's many thing that we can do to edit, shoot and release things. - I'm gonna show you what I have been up to and what I am doing to occupy my time and be confined to this space without going insane. As an immunosuppressed person, it is doubly important that I avoid contact with people and the outside world. So I am doing everything in my power to be smart and be safe. - So when we're working from home, I've heard it's important to create routines. So we had breakfast, we worked out and now ;i am dressed for the office wearing fancy clothes but still in my moccasins 'cause I'm working from home. - This is my home office. So every day, I come in through there, I close the door and I tell myself I'm at work now. I really encourage you if you are working from home to create a dedicated space where you can separate from being home and be productive. Carve out time from social media. I've been doing three hour sprints where I lock all the apps on my phone. It's really easy to just be constantly refreshing Twitter and Instagram because so much is happening but give yourself permission to shut it off. (upbeat music) - It's day two of 100 push-ups. We're doing 11 now but I'm so sore from yesterday. I'm sure you're like Keith, your push-ups aren't very good. Yeah, well I'm learning. - Well since all sports are canceled but Wess wanted to watch football, we are watching a replay of the 2019 pro bowl. - Oh yeah. - Oh yeah. - [Keith] It's time for even more push-ups from Keith and Becky. - It's gonna hurt. - I know. Oh fuck. Oh my God. Why be strong? Is it worth it? I think no. - Do we have to do another 11? - Yeah but I'm gonna give it 10 minutes. - So now it's time to play our favorite game. It's called up the stairs, down the stairs. Up the stairs and now we go down the stairs. And we do this about 40 times until we can't breath anymore. And now we're down. And guess what we do now? We go up the stairs. Come on, Bowie, it's fun. - Poo poo. - Poo poo, yes the dog makes poo poo. Start your engines. Beep, beep, beep. (laughs) - [Keith] You're halfway there. - 45 isn't half of 100. I'm not good at math. - [Keith] It's almost half of 100. - What are you doing? - [Keith] I'm getting cinematic shots. This video is just a bunch of us doing push-ups. It needs to be cool. Yeah, what are you doing? Yeah, pilates. Oh yeah, action shot, huh, my pazole! - [Becky] Oh, my inner arm is killing me. - [Keith] 30 more seconds. (upbeat music) (laughing) (beeping) How's everybody doing? - Yo. - What up? - It's very weird. Yesterday, I didn't open my front door, I didn't go outside at all, neither did Becky. We were both entirely indoor cats all day long. But today, my garbage smells bad so I have to take it out. - We obviously don't have any child care help so we've been able to spend a lot of time with Wess which has actually been kind of nice. - I've been doing walks every day with Bowie making sure I get my steps in but I touch all these doorknobs so I'm just keeping my hands out making sure that I don't touch my face, which is very hard for me. When I'm in the house, I feel great, but when I go outside I want every cubic inch of my face itches all the time. Intellectually and emotionally-- - Eugene, Eugene, what are you doing? - I'm going crazy. All work and no play makes Eugene a dull boy. - For the first time ever, I'm envious of the three of you for having pets just because it's another personality with which to play. Definitely been looking at the rescue websites for cats for when we get a new place and can have a cat. We've already gotten some top favorites. - It's very exciting that Keith is officially the number one cat lover of The Try Guys. - He's never even seen the movie Cats, okay? He's not a true cat lover. - But soon he will have them in his arms. What do you have, Zach? - Whoa - Whoa. (beeping) - So I am finished with all of my remote work for today. So in my free time, I get to finally do what I promised from the first quarantine vlog which is rank all three of my dogs. Now just because we're under quarantine, it doesn't mean we have to stop everything that we typically love doing. And one thing I personally enjoy is dressing up nice. So for today's special rank king of Eugene's dogs, I think I should pick an outfit that is appropriate for the occasion. And vwa vwam. Mmmmhmm, just because this quarantine might turn you into a couch, doesn't mean your cushions can't be couture, darling. And today's look is white kicks, floral suit, no shirt 'cause I'm at home. - So here is the real thing. Tomorrow is my four year anniversary with Maggie. Obviously, we had to cancel all our plans. I have a couple hours and I need to figure out how can I create and throw a fun romantic anniversary without leaving this apartment? So my idea is to cook a meal and then to have a picnic here in the living room. Some balloons, okay, some twine, yeah, yeah, yeah, I think I can make this work. My neighbor, he offered to do grocery shopping for me. So I got flowers. I should disinfect those. - Okay, so we're settling in to our quarantine lifestyle. One of the things we've been doing every morning is exercise watching a YouTube video. We have our home baby playroom gym situation here. (baby mumbles) That's right, jumping. Wess is ready to jump so let's get to it ♪ Work that body ♪ ♪ Get working ♪ (upbeat music) (laughing) - [Ned] Hello. (laughing) (dogs barking) (upbeat music) - Now, for this very special home edition of the rank king with Eugene's dogs, I'm gonna have three challenges that my pooches are gonna take part in. One, hide and seek, two, the blanket game, and three, play dead. Whichever pup gets the most points at the end of the rounds is officially my favorite dog. You think that's rude, then I'm right, you're wrong, shut up, this is my house. This is why I'd be great with human children because I would make my kids do the same exact thing in order to figure out who my favorite is. Pound pup number one is my eldest at 10 years old and 12 pounds, it's Emma, America's sweetheart. I think she was abandoned by an old lady who died in front of her but I love her to death. Her strengths are that she's basically a cat and her weaknesses is that she is scared of practically everything. Next pound pup is my middle child Pesto. He is about five to six years old. I can't remember his birthday and he is, how heavy is he? 18 pounds, are you fucking serious? You're 18 pounds? Woof, you need to lose some weight. He is 18 pounds. He was found on the street at four months old eating out of the trash. His strengths are not giving a shit and his general weakness is being really lazy. Last but not least, the newest addition to the family is pound pup Kimbop. He is maybe two to four years old, the shelter did not know. Kimbop weighs in at about 16 pounds. His strengths is that he is a rambunctious little ball of joy and his weakness is that he is (bleep) crazy y'all. But even though he's been here the least long he is the most ready to take that number one spot. Y'all ready for the first game, huh? But before that, daddy needs a drink. (humming) - Okay, so Becky and I have been playing some games. We've played hide and seek together, we put a puzzle together. But right now, we're playing a game called Hide the Lemon. Becky's hiding a lemon and then I'm gonna go find it. Okay, here we go. We've got to find the lemon. - [Becky] It's a fat lemon, Keith, it's fat. - I didn't see it. I didn't see how fat it was. - [Becky] It's a pretty big lemon. - See it, lemon. - [Becky] Do you need a hint? - [Keith] I might. - [Becky] You're cold. - Oh God. - Very cold. Hot, cold, warmer, colder. - Really? - [Becky] Warmer, warmer, you're getting hot, you're getting hot. Colder, freezing, warm. - How did I go from hot, freezing? - [Becky] Warm. - Where's the (bleep) lemon? How do I not see it? It's here? - Yes, hot. - Where? - Warm. Want another hint? - Yeah. - It's very obvious on the camera. - Is it in here? I was not cold. You're terrible at doing hot and cold. You were like hot, then you'd be like freezing. - So the first challenge is hide and seek. I'm gonna take one of these Greenies, which are my dogs' favorite treats and I'm gonna put one somewhere in this living room and I'll time how long it takes each dog to find it. Now I don't want to make this too hard. So I'll just put it somewhere they could definitely find it. All right. All right, Emma, you ready baby? In three, two, one, go. Go, go, go. Look around, go. Explore Emma. Yeah, you see, you see where I'm looking? That's right, keep going, you're getting warmer. Come on, sweetie, that way. Everyone's rooting for you, you're the underdog literally. Oh my God, I think she smells it. You see it, I can see you see it. Sweetie, sweetie, don't be nervous, it's okay. Look, I'm standing right, yay, all right. All right, look at that. You did it, girl. It just took you over a minute. All right, Pesto, you ready? And go. Wow, he already knows it's hidden somewhere. Pup, you got it. Wow, oh man, you just crushed Emma's time, buddy. Look at you, look at you, man. Well that just pushed Pesto into 1st place. What a beautiful shot. Two of my favorite things. You ready to find the treat, boy? You ready? And go! Go bud! (upbeat music) Kim, where are you going? Oh, he'll spazz. Whoa, man, that was so close to Pesto's time. Damn boy. All right pups, I've reviewed the footage and have the results after the first challenge. First place is Kimbop finding the treat in rapid time. Second place is Pesto and Emma, I'm sorry to announce, my dearest, you are currently in last place. Gotta pick up the pace, girl. Is this is quarantine content good content? Is this working? I feel like all the other guys are doing something really sweet and impactful and relevant. (mysterious music) - Thinks he's hidden it somewhere good. I can tell by his dance. Ah, the shoes have been moved, I see. Why did the shoes come over here, Keith? - [Keith] Hmm, I don't know. (laughing) - What's happening here? - [Keith] Pretty well hidden but it is visible. - Is it visible though? - [Keith] It is visible. - He had enough time to move two other things. Did you put it somewhere I can't reach? Ah, I got ya. Ha, aha! - [Keith] Your reaction, she found the lemon, woo, find the lemon. - But I'm just, you know, doing what I naturally know best which I guess is being kind of a weird mother (bleep) at home. All right, challenge two. So the second challenge is the blanket game and the objective here is after I wrap my dog up like a little dumpling, I'm gonna time how long it takes them to get out of the blanket. All right, let's get you prepped. And woop, three, two, one, escape. Come on, Emma. Come on, you got it. Emma, you got it. There we go, there we go. Yeah, Emma, good job, girl. You did it, yes, that was so fast. You're a little bit slower than Emma. So you got to make up for lost time. Okay, you gotta do this quick. All right Pesto, I believe in you. Here we go. Go Pesto, go. Get out of there, bud, get out of there, you got it. Come on, Pesto. Come on. Yeah, you got it, good boy, good boy. Oh no, he's stuck. Oh, this is riveting. Oh, this is what they came for. This is what they paid big money for, buddy. Oh Pesto, you look lost. Don't give up. Come on, Pesto. Pesto, get out of there. Pesto, don't give up. Come on, Pesto, don't give up. You got this, buddy. Pesto, are you quitting? Do you give up, Pesto? All right, I think this is an official disqualification. He did his best but he couldn't get out. There we go, buddy, there we go. That wasn't that hard. Okay, I know you love the rainbow toy and I know you support your gay rights but we got to play. We'll have more gay rights right after this. No, Kim, Kim. Three, two, one, go. All right, Kim, you got this. Come on, Kimberly. Come on, Kimathee Charlamagne. Come on, Kimbop. Ooh, oh no, oh, I'm sorry bud. Kim, I'm so sorry. Okay, gay rights, I get it, I get it, you want the gay rights, you've earned it, gay rights for everyone. All right, well that was really fast. So after round two, we have an exciting development. Emma, you were fastest to get out of the blanket. Kimbop, you got second place. Pesto unfortunately, you were disqualified because you couldn't find your way out. It's okay, everyone still loves you but we have one last challenge left to go. Yeah, that's right, it's a game I made up called Play Dead and this is gonna really decide whose Eugene's favorite. - I'm gonna be trying to make this, a vegan avocado pizza that I know Maggie's really wanting to try. Somewhat unsurprisingly, the grocery stores are picked over so I don't have exactly what I need to make this recipe but I'm gonna do my best. Montage! (dramatic classical music) Oh yeah, I burned my hand. (dramatic classical music) Oh, that's a homemade pizza thing. Here we go. Hmm, doesn't look exactly like the photo but might still taste good. - It's midway through our first week of quarantine. We are looking for more fun things to do. So we are gonna build a fort. I think we're gonna try and make it like pretty epic. We've got a lot of cushions, we've got a lot of sheets. We've got a nice barrier here. Uh oh, no, that's a wall. Yeah. What you got? - Balls. - Balls. - For the ball pit. - Whoa, look at that, Wess. Okay, our pillow fort is all done. Let's check it out. - It's a solid fort. - Yeah, it's a very solid fort. First, we enter through a curtain. Hey Wess, how are you enjoying the fort? Yes, yum yum yum yum yum yum. There the baby goes. He is running. Can he make it over the poop? He does, woo! - So for the final game, I'm going to go to the bedroom and I'm gonna play dead. The thing they can't do is ignore me, that's bad. They can't just go sit by themselves. They got to stay next to me. All right, release her. (tense music) Emma, I'm dead, help me. Where the fuck is she? Is she just sitting on the pillows? Are you (bleep) serious? Emma, ugh, okay, automatic last place right there. Time for the middle child. I'm the middle child, feel good about this. Okay. (tense music) Oh, you were there the whole time. Good boy. Come on. Okay, so I didn't see him but Pesto sat on my feet, which is a very good sign, that means he cares, even though he probably was waiting for someone to open the door. But we have one more test, Kimbop's coming in. Let's see how he reacts. Okay. (tense music) I'm awake, I'm awake. Okay, okay, okay. All right, all right, so after Play Dead, even though Kimbop came and licked my face and got me to wake up, it was only because he thought it was a game of wanting to play. I have to give it to Pesto because he was the only one who came and sat and defended my body 'cause he knew I was dead. It turns out after all three games, after rank king Eugene's dogs, every single pup won their own challenge, which means all of them are officially my favorite dog, which means this entire exercise in quarantine was futile, no ranking is deemed. All the dogs win. All good dogs win Eugene's heart. (upbeat music) - Oh my God. The final detail is in this. So since Maggie and I started dating, we have kept a collection of memories. We've got concert tickets. This is an Elton John concert, Lizzo, this is the Try Guys concert, little hand written notes and stuff. I actually, this was a, I was trying to do a daily notebook and I failed, I stopped doing it but one of the first days I wrote how much I liked Maggie. It was like a week into knowing her, super embarrassing. Okay, we've got the picnic, we've got memories, mini donuts. Here it is, I did it. And actually, now that it's on the plate, I think it looks really good. Now it's time to surprise her. Hey Maggie, you ready? - [Maggie] I'm ready. - Okay, I'm sure you're wondering why I've been making you stay in the bedroom. As you may remember, our anniversary is tomorrow, four years and we had to cancel our trip to Yosemite but I didn't want you to be without a celebration. So here we go. - Oh, it's so cute. Thank you for thinking of me. I did not expect this at all. - So I made us a picnic because you love picnics and I cooked us, if you look over there, the vegan pizza-- - The avocado thing? - Uh huh, let's go. - Ooh yay. It's good. - [Ned] Okay, I was gonna make you do it again and pretend you like it. - It's good. Thank you. - Happy anniversary.- - Happy anniversary. - [Eugene] I hereby deem all three of you my favorite doggos. Yes, Emma, that means you get a treat, my sweet little angel baby and Pesto, you get a treat, my dashing little Adam, and Kimbop, my new A1 little puppy, love you, love all my puppies and hopefully this is content. Hopefully this is content, I don't (bleep) know. I don't (bleep) know anymore. I do want to say one final thing. Everyone has a very different situation. Many do not have the privilege or the means to be able to hang out and shoot videos with their dogs. The main focus and message here is trying to find a little slice of humanity and light in what is surely a very, very difficult, if not dire situation, for many. - I can't think of anything remotely like this that we've experienced in our lifetimes. We just gotta keep going. - Cultivate a hobby, catch up with friends and loved ones, read that book, start that project that you've been putting off. Above everything, find ways and reasons to smile. So get out there and live but don't actually get out there, stay in there, stay in here and live. Get out of there, of the mental prison. - Think about all those people who are doing good things for one another. Try to be one of those people that does good things for one another. Try to stay safe. Don't be afraid to ask for help. And that's about it. Stay safe out there. We're gonna keep on making videos for you. Try to keep that smile on your face.
Channel: The Try Guys
Views: 3,717,380
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: try guys, keith, ned, zach, eugene, habersberger, fulmer, kornfeld, yang, buzzfeedvideo, buzzfeed, ariel, ned & ariel, comedy, education, funny, try, learn, fail, experiment, test, tryceratops, work from home, work from home challenge, stay at home, vlog, vlogging, family vlog, make money online, work from home 2020, work from home jobs, today trending, bullet journal, online job, morning routine, make money, rank king, hide and seek, board games, games to play, play games, news
Id: 9Suu5DPnntw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 44sec (1544 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 23 2020
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