Try Guys Pancake Art Challenge ft. Collins Key

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- Today, we're doing a pancake art challenge. - You've seen us cook, you've seen us paint. It's time to combine the two. - [Eugene] We are going to try pancake art for the very first time. - We've got Collins and Devan Key, joining us to decide who is the best pancake artist. - [Keith] It's all gonna come down to this flip. - [Woman] Don't try to get fancy now. - I'm not gonna get fancy - Oh my god, It's beautiful. (upbeat electric music) - What's up, it's Collins Key - and Devin Key. and welcome to the Try Guys' Pancake art battle. - Now we are battling today and we are battling specifically to recreate some of the art that we actually use. - In round one, we are going to be recreating our logo. Oh god. Wes. - [Ned] Our logo, see? Very nice. Recreate it, yes. Very good zoom, Wes. - And then on round two, each of us are going to be drawing another try guy. - We'll rate each pancake from our least favorite to the best in show in order to crown, the winner. - In the end, there probably be one winner. - But first we've got to make pancake batter. - Now batter consistency is a big key. You don't want it too runny 'cause then it's just gonna go everywhere. But you also don't want it too thick 'cause your hands are gonna get really tired as you're trying to squeeze it out. - First step, got to make my pancake mix. - Basically just mix this up until the large lumps disappear and let it stand for one to two minutes to thicken. - This is pretty good, I'm gonna make it just a tiny bit thinner. Yeah, that looks better already. - And then we're gonna add coloring it. - Oh yeah. Perfect. How the f*** am I supposed to do this. - I'm gonna choose the pink, the violet, the teal and the Kelly Green for the try guys colors. - If anyone else figures out a way to do this easily, I will pay them a hundred Zack bucks, right now. - Yes, this one is gonna be violet. I hope. They got a little mixed up. (woman shrieks in the background) - Oh no, oh no. Was he trying to shake it? - Yeah. - Oh no. - I mean if we're gonna- didn't expect that. - Fun fact, something to be prepared for is that when you shake up the batter, it's usually gonna pop out the top. We haven't figured out the scientific reason, but I'm sure there's a reason. - K you coming out? Hi kitty. Oh man. Sometimes it really just can't help but ejaculate out the top. - Round one. Each try guy will make pancake art out of the tri guy logo, the triceratops. - Keith, Eugene, Zack, and Ned, let's see what you can do. Ready, set, battle! We only get three tries. Only three tries to do our best version. - [Ned] All right! Let's get started. One of the biggest mistakes that I have personally made when doing pancake art is not Pamming the grill before you start doing pancake art. - [Keith] It goes foot, loop to the armpit. - [Zach] We got this fam. Form, fam, diddy. Okay. Purple done. Purple done. Moving onto the red. Come on. - I mean my shape isn't bad. It's just the fact that this is like too small for what I want. - Okay. Let's just keep going with purple. Purple is the hardest one. - Goes like that Ah shit. I did not leave enough room for the head. - [Collins] Oh, okay. Probably another pro tip. I should mention spacing. Very important. As you can tell, I'm tryna write the word Yeet, but I basically run out of room because I made my first E way too big. So this is, this is gonna be tough. - Yeah, definitely requires some forethought, - Which I clearly don't have. - And that is where the tail would have gone. - I smushed it a little bit too far to the right. So I got to kind of compress everything, but Wes, what do you think? This isn't quite what I was hoping for. (baby verbally nods) (Ned verbally nods) - Whoa, that's pretty good. Wow. That's good. - I would fill this in but I don't want to waste this batter. As you can see, there's not enough room. - We'll spoon of my favorite blue. - That's a dino. Now, we let him cook for a minute. - I don't even have my spatula out. What am I doing? Another thing to keep in mind is that whenever you flip the pancake, it's going to be in reverse. If you're drawing a word or a logo or something, you basically have to draw it in reverse of what it's actually gonna look like when you actually flip it over. Otherwise it's going to read completely wrong. - One...Two... Three (Ned shrieks) - Almost. Get back on. Okay. Okay. - Okay. This is attempt number two with entirely new canvas. And I'm going to do the same method I did before, where I start with the face. - Making more batter, batter up. Thanks for watching. - Okay so, we'll try this again. I'm going to make the whole thing a little smaller. I think that was my mistake the first time. And I'm going to start with the face because the face is definitely one of the most important parts. - I'm not mad at that. If I had to submit that for judging. I would be okay with it. All right. Now to add a little pizazz, I'm just gonna add some color throughout of course this should be mostly green because I'm the best. - [Keith] That's not bad. - [Woman] That looks pretty good. - It's not great, but it's not bad. Now. I made myself extra batter over here. (Toddler babbles) - [Ned] You wanna look at the pancakes some more? See this is what it looks like before, I put the blue covering. - When you're filling in a large area it's important to fill it in from the outside in. - A general rule of thumb is you don't want to have any gaps in your pancake 'cause otherwise when you go to flip it, it has a tendency to fall all apart. So if you have a whole bunch of different pieces, you can always connect to with a nice background and that'll make it a lot easier to flip. - Now, pancakes. You wanna wait until they're bubbly all over. And this bubble all over, but I'm nervous. - Tails a little worrisome. - He's ripping guys. He's ripping. This was going to be so cool. And he's ripping. - Ugh, it's actually it's nerve wrecking. - Okay. Now we're ready for another flip. - I think I can just do it with my fingers, right? - [Toddler] No - Oh. - One, two, three. - Oh! (Eugene joyfully celebrates) - How cute. - Look at that. I think my other one was better. I'm understanding this a little bit more now. - I think I do need to just fill instead of going outside the lines, even though it's gonna be harder to flip, I think it's just gonna look so much sexier. I don't think it looks sexier. - [Woman] You don't think it looks sexy right now? - No, it's, it's very Nickelodeon. - All right, this is my third and final attempt at a triceratops. - I think I'm gonna get it this time. I'm feeling very confident. - I think my first one was a little better. Actually. - Let's give this an outline. Let's see what that looks like. This might be cool, this might be f***ing crazy. - I think this one's gonna be the one. I got a feeling, oh boy, it's cooking so fast. - Oh! [Keith joyfully celebrates] Ooh Lala. Becky you can eat the rest of this garbage one. We got a new best. - Oh my God. It's a masterpiece. Triceratops, complete. - [Try Guys in Unison] Round two - Each Try Guy will attempt to make another try guys face - Ready, set, battle! - [Keith] The way this ones gonna be different is I'm making Eugene. This is the little emoji we often use with Eugene. [Eugene] I think I'm going to attempt to recreate Zach's iconic moment from one of the very first Try Guys' videos. - Oh my God. I'm the clitoris. - I think it's super stupid. - I have been assigned Ned. Now, Ned of course is the easiest Try Guy. Done! - It's time for Keith. Now, to do Keith. Ooh, this is tricky. - [Zach] I don't really care about winning at this point. I just wanna have fun. - So I'm gonna go on my second try. I don't like this face and I'm going to take it as a loss. - Oh no. I forgot the spray. - Oh, I wasn't even cooking. (Keith hysterically laughs) I was like, it's really not browning. - Oh no. Oh no. Oh no. Oh no. - Okay that I'm on my second try, I'm not happy with the face. The face is so important. I'm gonna do it one more time. This is the last try. I've set to start over now. - Try and speckle the beard. - Go in and just get him some skin. Gimme some skin bruh. Turn this down, he's getting too hot. Eugene's always a little bit too hot. - Another thing I like to do is actually test out the bottle on the side over here, before filling in my color because that way, if there's any inconsistency in here, I can catch it before I mess up my art. - [Devan] Oh no. - [Collins] And if all else fails, just claim that whatever happened was your brilliant vision. 'Cause remember art is subjective so use that to your advantage. - All right. So this is the last try to get the face right. I just really want to make sure that you can tell it's Zach. So that's why I'm starting over. I realized I just don't have enough batter to do the entire new pancakes. - [Woman] He's stuck. - Oh no! I didn't use canola oil, I forgot. - [Woman] C'mon Eugene. - [Keith] C'mon - [Woman] C'mon - Ooh, I'm so nervous. I feel like I just wasted an attempt, but you just gotta believe in yourself. That's what I always say. Believe in yourself. - [Keith] Okay, go. Not bad! - That's a no canola oil. That is dope. - Oh my God. He's beautiful. - Oh my gosh! Look how cute he is! Wow guys! This is something you can do. I'm doing this by myself. I watched no tutorial. - We've done everything but his mouth right now. - [Woman] Oh my God! - [Zach] It's pretty good. Right? - [Woman] That looks like a coloring book. - [Zach] It looks like he has crabs. - [Keith] So let's go and try this again. I got the canola oil on here. This little wave on his hair. - Now, cartoon Ned doesn't have a beard, but real Ned does. All right. That's gotta be good enough. - So I wrote the letters backwards because I think when you flip it, it'll be the right way. On the other side. - Now, when you're filling in your pancake with some color, you wanna have two shades of the same color. That way it looks 3D. - Now we're just fill skin color in everywhere else. Make it one big circle. - Now I'm a little worried because I made a really huge pancake. I don't know exactly how I'm gonna flip it, but we'll try. Okay. - [Collins] Spatulas are a very important part of the equation, - [Devan] if not the most important, actually. - [Collins] Yep, and what you're gonna want to look for is spatulas that are very wide, very thin because you wanna be able to go underneath as much of the pancake as it possibly can. And flip it. If it's too thick, it's going to kind of bunch it up. And it's just going to turn into disaster. - I think the question is just to make sure that this entire thing is loose. - [Collins] All right, here we go. Time for the flip 3, 2, 1. Yes! - Oh, snap! - There we go! All right - Nicely done! - And that's how you do it. - Three, two, one. Oh, damn, that looks good. - Flip. - Oh, didn't do it. I've just got to commit to it. It's heavy. It's heavy. It's fighting me. - *beep* Save him. Save Ned. Save Ned. Ow. I'm burning myself. Ow. Ow. *beep*. - [Ned] Two, three. Oh. Yeah! (Ned joyfully celebrating) - Ned, stay with me, buddy. Don't go toward the light buddy, come on. Stay with me. One, two, three. (Zach blows the pancake) C'mon Ned. (Eugene laughing confidently) - Look, it's a face! We made a face in the pancake. (Zach cheering) - Daddy Ned! - Now we're gonna take my beautiful creations to Collins, to judge them and to Wesley, to eat them. - Collins, Devan, what's up! - Yo, what's up. We're very excited to judge some pancakes 'cause we of course make a lot of our own, but to see you guys do it, it's gonna be, it's gonna be a gem. - So the three categories we're judging you on are accuracy, creativity and would you eat it. - Yeah. Most importantly. Would you eat it because I mean, even though normal pancake batter, aesthetically, it can make a big difference. And actually speaking of, kind of pancakes, we've got a surprise for you guys that I actually took no part in this. This was all Devan. - Yes. This was all me. So, here it is! A big reveal. Tadah! (Everyone wowing) - That's a pancake. - Oh my God. - Wow. - We're big fans of what you guys do so I thought we might commemorate it with this, with this pancake here. It's unfortunate. You can't eat it because it's gonna taste delicious. - That is unbelievably rude of you. 'Cause those are the exact same faces we tried to recreate. And there is not a chance. - No way! There's not a chance we got that, close to that good. - I had no idea! Okay judges for my triceratops, I tried a bunch of stuff. You know, I shaded it in, in different colors. Tried adding spirals and zigzags. Presenting my triceratops. Boom. - Oh! All right. - Hey, that actually looks pretty good man. - Yeah it was really fun. I kinda, kinda was surprised at how well I was able to get the shape. - And then, creativity, that's the one part of it where I think there could've been more colors or more maybe like textures or like. - When I tried that it looked like poo poo though (everyone shocked and laughing in the background) - All right, maybe you made a good call on that one! - You did a good job! - Thank you judges. - For my inspiration, I took one of our most popular t-shirt designs which is on a beautiful navy background. Please check out my triceratops logo. (Devan chuckles in the background) - Wait, I'm sorry what? (Zach laughing) - Way to go. It's right there. - How did this happen? - I wanted to make it look like our t-shirts. - Ned did you have to custom make the navy blue 'cause that wasn't a color we were provided. - Oh yeah, bro. - That was the creativity for sure. - Alright, in terms of tastiness, it does look a smidge burnt. - Looks a smidge crispy. - So if you like chips, it might be good for you. - Thank you, judges. - I really wanted to honor our pastel colors and I think you can see the triceratops literally walking through the Jurassic. - Oh, oh. - Okay. I'm saying straight off from like a, would I eat that? Absolutely. Like that, that low-key looks super delicious. Like just from a taste standpoint. Nicely done. It looks a smidge like an elephant with, with the trunk cause the - Oh yeah. Only thing I would say it looks a little bit elephant-like, but then I think then from a would I eat it standpoint, absolutely, that's a double thumbs up. So you can just send that, send that our way. - Thank you, judges. - Key bros. I was thrilled to be able to be crafty today. This is my interpretation of the Try Guys logo. - Oh, I like that. - This looks- - Oh that's cool. It's like a birthday party. You know, I love that. And you added the name too and a little heart. Holy cow. - Eugene loves us. He loves us. - No, no, that's not what it means. - Aww - No, that's not what I meant. - He loves us. - So I think from a creativity standpoint, nailed it. - Nailed it. - Very nicely done. - Good job. - Thank you. Yay. - Good job. - Do I think mine's the best? No. Do I think it's the most accurate? Yes. - So in fourth place, I'm very sorry. I think it'd be, I think it'd be Ned. Yeah Ned, I'm sorry. That's a, that's gonna be fourth place. I'm sorry man. - I made a custom t-shirt color. How can you? Would you put any of the other ones- they're just normal pancakes. - I think in third would be, you know what? I don't know. I think it'd be Keith. - I'll take it. I'll take it. - And then in second place would be, I think we're well, I think we should go for first place. - Oh first place? Yeah, you're right. - Just announce the winner. - It's so suspenseful. - [Collins] Yeah right, and in first place is Eugene. (everyone celebrating and clapping their hands) - [Collins] Congratulations! - Thank you, Keys. - In round two. We're each drawing one another. I think we all probably, you know, made each other as beautiful as we possibly could. I know I did. (everyone laughs) - Looking at me, but this time, I genuinely did not do that. - Okay, well we'll see. I feel like I got something to prove. I got third place in that first round, but I think my skill only got better as I did this and I, of course had the pleasure of creating Eugene and here it is. (everyone wowing at the pancake) - Cute. - Look at that hair. - So, here's what I like about this is that using some like very simple like lines and shapes, you were really able to like capture the essence of Eugene. Kudos to you on that, that's not easy too. - So in terms of accuracy, I think that's pretty good. In terms of creativity, I think it's a, you know, middle of the road there. I don't know how much more creative you want to get with with a portrait of somebody else. - Yeah. You got my smirk right down. - Yeah. I was really happy with it. Thank you very much, judges. - I got to illustrate daddy Ned. Here we go. - Oh man (everyone laughing) (Ned squealing) - Hold on, you used cinnamon for the beard? - That's what I thought. - I gave him cinnamon beard. - Yeah, I love cinnamon. I love cinnamon, so uh. - Oh man. - So straight off would I eat this pancake, yes! - Cinnamon pancakes a little bit syrup, absolutely. - Definitely. - So that's a yes. In terms of accuracy, you know, I think the red hair is pretty accentuated. I think you did a pretty good job. - It's kind of the essence of me 48 hours on meth. (all laughing) Alright, judges, well, thank you Zach for that. - I thought it was great - For Keith, I chose the emoji from our book. We had three attempts, I only needed one. First try. Here it is. (everyone wowing and clapping) - Well done. - Wow. - That's so good. - Literally well done. It's a little burnt. I'm joking. - So from creativity standpoint, I mean, it's definitely- - What like.. oh? - I mean it's very accurate and with accuracy, You know, you don't get as much creativity with it. So I think it's really good - From creativity, but from an accuracy standpoint - really good. Like really, really good. - A plus. A plus on that. And then from a, would I eat it, yeah, I mean, it looks like a pancake. - Yeah. And like, you know what- - I wouldn't even mind it's a little bit well done. - It's a pancake but also a face. - I tell ya. I look delicious. - Yes you certainly do. - I would bite on into that. - Yes. - Thank you, judges. - Now, one thing everyone knows about Zach is that he really loves looking cute. - Pretty cute. - But Zach has one moment from Try Guys history that I need to remind you of. I present to you my cartoon portrait in pancake art of Zach. (everyone laughing) - This may be the first ever demonetized pancake video. - Oh my god, yes! - Wow. - I'm a pancake. - That is quite impressive. - You've got some detail in there, man. Even like, I appreciate the, like the added OMG above it, like just like it took that creativity. It's like another level, but - Would you want to eat it? - We'll wait on that one. - Yeah. - So yeah, sorry, you gotta careful on that one. - I didn't think about that when I made it, you know. - Even the nails. - You got nails. How did you do that, man? - What did you use? Like, just a like- - That is hard. How did you get that? - You just use the thinnest tip which also now when I say that that is also not appropriate for this scenario but you use the thinnest tip and the thinnest tip makes the best lines. - Wow. - Just the tip. - All right, Eugene. Pretty good - Man. - Geez, this is so tough. - I feel like no matter what I'm going to do, there's going to be different opinion in the comments, you know. - Yeah, we have- There's really no right decision on this one. - This one's tough. This one is really tough. - So I think the thing is that like three of them went for the kind of emoji look. So I feel like, those are easy to kind of group together like and compare. - I think I know who's in last place. I think I know who's in last place. - Okay. I think- - And- - I think, I think winner, second. - Wait, winner? What? - Yeah, no? No? - What? - All right, we're hopping back in. It was not unanimous. The one that I thought should win. Devan thought should be last place. So we're all over the board on this one. - We have no clue. - Oh my god. - There's lack of consensus across the board. Wait, okay. Let's do this. Sorry. So fourth place. - Yes. - I'm super sorry, but Devan's gonna choose this one. Cause he thinks he knows. - Okay, I'm gonna choose Keith. I am so sorry, - What? - but it was so good. - I thought you should have won Keith. - The only reason - I appreciate how simple and how beautiful it was. - The only reason I'm choosing it 'cause it didn't have a creative element to it. - What?! - All of the other ones minus, maybe Ned's had a creative element to it. - What?! - I thought Keith should've won - Is creative good when the art is bad. I don't understand. I thought simplicity. I thought there's nothing I could do to improve how Eugene looks. - Just seeing everyone's reactions like (gasp). - No way, p-p-pirate poopy brown face gets higher than fourth place. - You are out of your mind. He's- you are adorable. - You can get the cinnamon points in the world, but it does not look anything like me, sir. - I honorably accepted third place in the first round thinking well, there's no way I'll get, there's no way I'll get fourth in the next round. - I'll take the hot seat. - I wasn't built to be a judge. I'm sorry. So I'm going to go Ned. I think, unfortunately I think yours fourth place. Just due to the fact. - What?! (everyone laughing) Are you serious? Are you insane? How could you?! - Oh no, its my fault! - To make me fourth place, you're not issuing your correction to make Zach fourth place? - There's no way Zachs is not last, what are you watching? - What're you talking about? Cinnamon beard! - He took a whole different element - He's creative! - and put it in there. - It's not creative if it looks awful. - I think we have to draw a numbers, man - Okay, who are the third place winners. - Sorry, it's gonna be Zach. I'm sorry. I'm sorry! - My third place would also be Zach - Consistent. I appreciate it judges. Thank you for agreeing that mine is better than both Keith and Ned's depending on who's judging. - We need to leave this up to the comments. You know, I think they're gonna be more accurate than we are. - You should just like comment down below who you think won and we bow out. - For the winner, we would have to choose Eugene. I think the amount of detail in there. - I'm going Keith. I'm going Keith. - I know I'm throwing it up in the air. I'm sorry Eugene. It's incredible. - There was a lot going on right there. I think the only thing that we can agree on is that Eugene is the winner and I did not lose. The other guys are losers. Thank you. Keys brothers so much. I'm also a half winner. - Yes, yes, yes, definitely. - And half loser. - And if you average out all the rankings, Zach and I tied, which is still very upsetting to me. - If don't think this captured the essence of Ned then how do you explain this? - Did you have that waiting this whole time. - He always does. - Like, if I don't win, boom, the proof I should win. - Boom. - So like, yeah, we would highly recommend if you want to try it out with friends, family, even by yourself, like it's really, really, really fun. And it's a great way to just kind of express yourself and then get some delicious food afterwards, so. - Exactly. - This was really fun guys. - Bye guys. - Well, thank you guys so much. Thank you guys. Really appreciate it. - I'm making a fourth, Ned. Don't tell anybody. Oh boy. Oh, you know what pretty terrifying.
Channel: The Try Guys
Views: 2,459,112
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: try guys, keith, ned, zach, eugene, habersberger, fulmer, kornfeld, yang, buzzfeedvideo, buzzfeed, ariel, ned & ariel, comedy, education, funny, try, learn, fail, experiment, test, tryceratops, pancake art battle, pancake, breakfast, collins key, pancake art challenge, pancake art, pancake challenge, challenges, challenge, art, pancakes, key, collins, giant, how to, art challenge, davon key
Id: zr8IorvzJ7E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 21sec (1341 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 25 2020
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