The Try Guys Shave Each Other's Faces

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- We've shaved our fathers but today we're gonna shave our daddies, the other Try Guys! (mimicking shaving sounds) ♪ I'm shaving away ♪ ♪ I'm shaving away ♪ ♪ I'm shaving away ♪ ♪ My beard today ♪ ♪ I hope I look like Timothée Chalamet ♪ ♪ I'm shaving my beard away ♪ (intro music) - [Eugene] The try guys are getting beautiful - Hey everyone a lot has changed since we filmed this video, for example my beard has already grown back this much, crazy We would not be touching each other's face like this right now, so please enjoy, hope you get a kick out of it, and if you can stay at home, please do stay at home. Need to work together to keep everyone safe. Now let's shave eachother! - Now that's what I call, a close shave. That's a thing right? - Beards, shaving, masculinity. - We're gonna shave eachother! (balloon pops) (mimics guitar) Aah! - Aah! - Cold, cold! - Cold, cold! (jazz music) - Feel real manly in this space, like whiskey, and Hemingway, and wearing dresses and heels, and having sex with men. You know? Real butch shit. - We're here back at the Barber Surgeons Guild, where I got my hair procedure. We have a team of barbers here who are gonna be teaching us how to shave properly. I see some balloons that we're gonna try to not pop. - We are going to be learning how to shave with the single blade. (balloon pops) (screams) - The Try Guys have not shaved for a week to prepare for today. This is a week growth on me, it's also a weak growth, on me. I have the AFP, asian facial pattern. - I've always been very down about how I can't grow a beard. - I've had this beard for a while, it seems like this is a very technical, difficult thing that people train for a long time to do, and then they get licenses to do it. - How many people die a year from getting shaved? I'm certain under a dozen. - That's why you clicked on the video right? To see if one of us slits the other's throat? Sweeney Todd? - Can't wait to slice my friends' throats and bake 'em in a pie. - Let's get shavin' let's shave those daddies, let's shave em! Let's shave each other. - I'm Blake, I'm a master barber here at BSG. - I'm Justin, I'm a master barber instructor, and I'm known as the mad scientist barber. Everything that I do as fast barber, - Yeah. - is completely related to science. In the third century, barbers and surgeons used to work together. King Alexander decreed that everyone in the army should shave, the surgeons needed assistance, so what they did is they grabbed barbers because they had sharp tools. So barbers became surgeonès assistants until it was decreed by the court that it is unholy to draw blood. So barbers took the whole role of surgeon. - Wow - Wow - Yes. - Did you guys say, we're using a straight edge razor? - [Blake] Absolutely - Like, single blade? - [Justin] Oh yes. - Why? - If you think of it like a bed of nails, - Sure let's think of it like that - [Blake] Yeah, let's think of it like the murder weapon. - Let's think of it like a bed of nails - Yeah, if there's a bed of nails, you can lay on that because there's enough surface tension, that it's not gonna actually cause any damage. With one spike you can do a lot more damage. Same kind of thing with the shave, if you have one blade, you get a closer, - You get a lot more damage? - on the hairs, it is a little bit more dangerous than having five blades there but there's a lot less surface tension, so you get a cleaner shave. - So, the way the bed of nails analogy goes is, a single blade is more similar to a single nail poking you in the back? - Yeah exactly. - [Ned] So, - So there's plenty of damage that can be done there. - I see. So what are some of the elements that go into the service? - [Justin] Think of it as a performance, as a start, you're an artist, you're about to get on stage. - [Zach] Too hot - [All] Hot damn! (laugh) - I can't move my mouth like this. - We start by lathering, put the hot lather on your face, then we cover it up, to kinda like soften the hair, so we can take it out of the holes. - [Zach] Ah wow. - Give him some steam. - His nose is a periscope, and his face is a submarine. - [Eugene] Noses really are the dicks of the face. - It sticks out. - It's just like, brnk. - It gets runny. - Yeah stuff shoots out of it. - Have discharge. - Yeah you're always touchin' it. - Always touchin' it, it's got two holes. - Yeah (all laugh) - There's a chemical that's released in the neurological part of our brain that controls how we feel. So our job is to make sure that chemical is released. On this particular towel, there's an astringent, right? It's heat activated. Second step is the prep oil, the shave itself, so we use a pre shave oil which is going to serve as a shield between the blade your skin. And right after that, we put another hot towel. Another towel. - Is this another secret astringent towel? - Absolutely. - This one's soaked in kerosene. - (laughs) I like that. - Now is there a reason that you've been steaming his genitals this entire time? (laughs) - [Keith] It's about relaxing, Zach. - And then we put the lather, and then we start the shaving. And you see the strokes that I'm using? - [Zach] You're just kinda - [Justin] You see how the hair's flying?? - Whoa. - [Zach] You're nickin' away. - [Ned] It's just flyin' away - [Keith] Gone! - [Eugene] Wow! - Five minutes I could just shave him if I, if I wish. The most important thing here, is to always pull the skin. - Okay. - Pull the skin, stretch it, and then... - [Zach] Do you need to shave with the grain? - You have to go with the grain to avoid bumps. - So we're with the grain? - With the grain. - With the grain. - Oh. - So if our hair switches on the bottom we have to then go. - You have to follow, this is the reason why you have to use thatching. - [Eugene] Your hair flips? - [Zach] I don't know. - You can't wear gloves. Have you ever heard of folliculitis? Ingrown hair. - [Group] Ahh. - Yes I've heard of those. - All right, this is the science behind it now, right? If you take an asian descendant, and you cut, you take the strand, hair stand and you cut it across on a microscope, it will look like a perfect circle, and this is the shape of your pore. Their pores are very, like perfectly circled. - You're so perfect. - All I hear is perfect. (laughs) - So, it's going to come out straight. If you take an African American person, or a black person, and then you look at the hair from microscope, it look more like a kidney, so when it comes out it start to curl, and around the curls you have a lot of porocity, like the hair is open, the cuticle layers are open, so they can't return the moisture that's why black people have like dry hair. And then for European descent, it's between the two. So it comes out it wants to curl, I mean it wants to go around and then goes, that's why it's curly. So when you put close shave, if you're not careful enough, what's gonna end up happening, you will cut the piece of hair inside the skin. And be very light handed that spot, you know, be very, very light handed. - And then Nick, unfortunately we're out of time so we're gonna have to leave your beard like this. - [Keith] Don't make Nick laugh. - [Eugene] Don't make him smile. - [Keith] Oh my god. - Like a baby bear. - Like a baby bear. - What animal do you think your face hair is like? - Like a tiny fox. - So at this point you have the main part done, right? You're going to do another hot towel, we start part two, which is almost like part one, except on part two we're not using any lather. So we do the oil again, the pre-shave oil, then we proceed to the massage part of it. - You know in these trying times, we all deserve a moment to take a breath, and pamper ourselves. - Go across the grain. - Across the grain. - Across the grain. - So if it's growing this way, right, and then you go this way you're going against it. So you wanna go side. - So you never wanna go against it. - Never wanna go against it. - Okay. - That's why you see me feeling it, checking the growth pattern, and I slowly take out the hair without going against the grain. - No I'm going to remove all the oil and all- everything that I used from his face. And when you clean it, you check, see if there's something that you left behind. - [Keith] Yeouch! - You hear that? - Oh yeah. - [Eugene] Yeah you liked it. - This one you took him to cloud nine. - That was amazing, at one point honestly I think I drifted off to sleep. (all gasp) - Whoa. - That's how good that felt. - [Zach] Would you do this again? - Yes, in a heartbeat. - Who is going to be shaving who today? - First up, Eugene shaving Keith. - Oh thank god. - And Ned shaving Zach. - Oh no. - [Eugene] No don't. - The next pairing we have Zach shaving Eugene. - [Eugene] Oh no. - And Keith shaving Ned. When we pitched this video, it was you guys just receiving professional shaves, and I think Ned said that's not interesting enough. - [All] Ned! (laugh) - I stand by it. He was mostly silent the whole time. ♪ I'm shaving my beard away ♪ - That one sounded pretty good actually. - Yeah - That sounded pretty close to barber shop. - We blended. - Timothée - Timothée ♪ Timothée Chalamet ♪ - Chalamet - Shout out to Timothée, thanks for watching our videos, appreciate you being a fan. - We're supposed to go cut eachother now. What are we doing? - What are we doing? - So this is really just to get you guys familiar with a razor, how to hold it, how to apply some lather to it. - I'll go first 'cause I have a razor. - [Eugene] All right, to Ned. - Unsheathe the blade, okay. - Anywhere. - Slow! (Zach laughs) - This is Zach's head right now. - [Zach] My beautiful. - I'm treating it with respect - [Zach] Delicate. (laughs) - I'm sorry, I'm sorry I dropped you, Zach. - Wow actually, I mean we spent years doing this, you're actually, like a natural. - (exhales) Enough... - It looks a lot harder than it is, I mean we spent years doin' this. - You guys are making us look like it's not that bad. - It's very much like a ghost moment. - This is beautiful. - Okay, someone call up Daniel Craig 'cause the knives are out. - See it's all about the touch. Okay, okay going straight from the, against the grain. Okay, okay now who's ready to do this with the blade. - Oh these are- - Wait we - These are dull? We didn't have blades in these? - Yeah - You're kidding me. - No, shut up! - Oh fuck no! - Shut the f- (all shouting) - Are you kidding me? - [Brandon] You already thought it was a real razor before. - [Ned] You're right, same thing - [Brandon] Same thing. - This is my second attempt at it. - [Brandon] Yes. Good against the grain but we have to go with the grain too. - [Ned] Right. - [Brandon] There you go. (balloon pops) (all scream) - Aah! - [Brandon] Next. - Gotta be like water, gotta be like water. - Okay nice. How are your nerves, good? - No! - [Eugene] Do you prefer blood over balloon pops? - I think so. - Yeah, at least when you nick somebody they don't explode. - I'm doing well. - [Brandon] Yeah! - [Keith] You're doing great Zach. - Oh! - [Brandon] That happens at times. - Oh (screams) (yells) (laughs) - Oh my god. - [Ned] Don't do that! - [Keith] Oh. - Why would you do that? (balloon) - [Keith] Oh my god! (Eugene laughs) - Right when I pulled - Every time! - my fingers from my ears. - Who's ready for some bodies? - Ready for some bodies. - [Eugene] Let's dive in. - How you doin' there, Zach? - Well, well, well, well, well - Well, well, well, Zach. - Lookie here, lookie here! - [Eugene] We got a lil' sprout on the tree. - Thanks for comin' into BSG barber shop. - Doing good champ? - I feel great. - How's your afternoon doin', Zach? - Oh it's been stressful, - [Ned] Yeah. - Had some balloons pop in my face - Oh that sounds stressful. Yeah, yeah the world is falling apart but you know what, it is never too late to get a good, clean shave. You feel that breeze? - Yup. - That's 'cause I farted, (laughs) jokes. I farted before you came in here. - Oh it feels amazing. - [Ned] Mm, boop boop boop. - Mmm. - [Eugene] Hey Keith - This hurts. - [Keith] Hmm? - [Eugene] What did the murder victim say? Nothing ever again. - Mm-hmm. - All right Keith, we're gonna steam your face. - [Ned] Hi, I'm Zach, I'm enjoying this. - [Eugene] Perfect. (playful jazz music) - This is, our cleansatory lather. It's made from juniper berries, and teakwood. Zach, it is now show time. - Show time! (upbeat saxophone music) - Show time! - Keith are you ready? - Mm-hmm. - For the first cut? - Mm-hmm. - I mean shave? - Mm-mm - Yes - Mm-hmm. - You use the word shave - [Blake] Yeah, usually. Usually you wanna avoid the word cut. - [Eugene] Yeah. - [Justin] That's it. - [Blake] Little more angle. - Yes! - Yeah we gotta stretch that skin. - That's good. - [Eugene] Oh I can feel the blade! - [Justin] Right so you have to angle a lil' more, so you can get it, that's it. - [Eugene] That's, right there - [Ned] Nice job barber. - [Eugene] Thank you Barbera. - Barbera? I hardly know her. - It is crazy because you immediately feel as the barber, the blade on the skin, you feel every hair it catches. - [Justin] Yes. - [Ned] Zach's skin is very like, mushy gushy, sort of like, like a nice warm brie. I will say I'm less concerned about cutting him now as I'm more concerned about just gettin' all the little tiny hairs. - All right little piggy. - [Keith] Okay piggy. - Are you ready for the hairs on your chinny, chin chin? - [Keith] Yes piggy. - [Eugene] Going down. - [Blake] Here so you're just gonna keep going. - [Eugene] Across the chin. - [Blake] All the way across the chin. - That's it, like the tip of it yes! (claps) Amazing job. - You have a milk mustache. (intense music) Smooth like a baby's booty. - [Justin] Ah, this is the first time I see it. - [Blake] I've never seen the crouch, the crouch approach - I've never seen this - [Blake] This is new. - This is a new technique. I should adopt this. - [Blake] He's revolutionizing barbering right now. (Justin laughs) - It's very satisfying, getting those little bits of hair. I was just getting little bits of hair and slowly taking them away. (faintly speaking) - Time for the aftershave, ready? - [Blake] Home alone style. - [Ned] One, two, three! (Keith shouts) (laughs) - Three, two, one. - Ned! It's been so long since I've seen myself clean shaven. Ah, I love it, I love it so much! I don't even- is that me? I love it, it took ya a lil' bit but once you got there you really nailed it. It looks great. - Three, two, one. - Oh my god, look at my face! Oh my god, how did you do this? Actually it looks pretty good, no, it feels really good. You know, I'm always hesitant about close shaves, but you did a great job. I'm not bleeding so, that's all I've really hoped for. - Gentlemen welcome to the barber shop. - Here you are. - [Eugene] Ooh. - [Ned] Ooh, thank you sir. - A little warm mystery whiskey for ya. - [Ned] Cheers! - To not getting our faces cut. - May they never meet. (upbeat piano music) - Oh, there we go! - [Blake] Doin' the chief. - Okay, you can't be hurt by this, wow this is actually a really close shave. This is nice! - It's pretty close, yeah. - [Eugene] I say don't do it. - That's a little better, yeah there we go. - You have such beautiful beard hair. - There is goes Thanks. - Can you lift your chin up for me? Wow, the hair's just like flying away like confetti. - Assistant, would you mind draping? - Not a problem, not a problem sir. - [Zach] Thank you. - [Blake] I'll do what I can. - I've been sweeping the floors for five years to get an apprenticeship here it's great. - Yes, you're doing very well. (laughs) - [Keith] Hmm, there we go. - Oh, wow, ooh. - [Keith] Oh yeah. Ooh, nice and in there, got some thick hairs, you really gotta get in 'em. - Stop lookin' in my eyes, this is making this worse for both of us. - I want everything to be nice and soft, nice and soft for Mr. Fulmer over here. - Now keep your eyes closed we're gonna play a game called which barber's giving you a gentle kiss? - Now I gotta get the steam over here. Dude, stay on your own patient bro! I mean, client, I mean victim, I mean. ♪ Boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop ♪ ♪ Boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop ♪ ♪ Boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop ♪ ♪ Boop boop boop boop ♪ - [Keith] So this is basically a barrier to protect his skin. - [Justin] Protect his skin. - All right, we're goin' in, Ned. (upbeat saxophone music) - [Zach] First incision is a success! Like my good friend Sheryl Crow once said, the first cut is the deepest. Woo! - [Blake] Get round two goin' - [Zach] Workin' wit' it! - [Blake] You're getting a call. - Hello, I'm in the middle of a shave right now, can I call you back? (upbeat music) - Yes Ned, we love it, you look so good, you're so relaxed. You're so Mr. Relax. - Now Eugene's jaw is very difficult, it's- this is pro level. Even the pro is like, that's a crazy jaw. - But what's underneath that? Pure bone. - [Zach] That I can get. - [Blake] Bone is a little less forgiving. - [Zach] Sorry. - [Blake] No, it's all right. - Ned is such a sweet patient. He's relaxed he's enjoying it, Eugene however, looks like someone you're burying alive. - [Zach] Cold. - Cold. - Cold, cold, cold! - Cold, cold, cold! - Relax - Wow this is where we can do some bits! - Oh you're so relaxed. - You can't do bits when you have a knife in someone's face. - But when you have a wet towel you can do all the bits you want! - You can do all the bits you want! - Don't you wanna trade, do you wanna trade? Ooh let's trade, oh ya! Oh ya, oh yes. - Oh ya, that was all of it with Zach. - Trade back. - Okay! - Say hello, to your new face, rise, rise! - Ooh, wow so smooth. It's so smooth, I don't know what babies feel like but this feels like a baby. That was cool, I liked it. I liked the knife on my skin. - I got to touch his face more in this hour than I have in the past six years combined, so. - It will never happen again. Boop! - Boop! - All right Ned, take a look at your new face. - Whoa, I forgot I looked like this! I went from like 38 to 28. Nice job, Keith. - Thanks. - This is a smooth sha- I, wow, wow. - You know the combination of your post shave glow and your hair rocked like this, - Yeah - You look like you just had crazy sex. (all laugh) - A little bit. Always bet on gay. - Woo! - [Justin] When you come here for a shave, you know, you could either come because you're stressed out, you wanna think, so you wanna text your barber, or you can come just because you wanna look good. - [Keith] I like being able to literally look at like, tiny areas and just clean away little bits at a time. It's very satisfying, and once you kinda get the hang of it it's like, kind of exciting. It's like a puzzle. - [Ned] Yeah, the moment I could start relaxing about not cutting Zach, then it just kind of became like a little puzzle. - [Eugene] It's crazy hpow much you can actually feel the hair follicles through the blade. - [Ned] Yeah, right. - [Eugene] It was like, an extension of your finger. - [Ned] You could tell when I was catching. - [Keith] You know what I hated? The balloons. - [All] (beep) balloons! - Welcome to the Barber Surgeons Guild! - We're guild members! Oh shit! - Wow! - Guys, straight razor that's customized! - What? - [Ned] Whoa. - [Zach] Yeah! - [Ned] Oh my god! - [Keith] That's so nice! ♪ Na na na na go go power rangers ♪ - And all our zords are just really hairy things. - Uh huh. - I'm a Jewish man's chest. - What will we shave next? ♪ Please click subscribe ♪ ♪ Please click subscribe ♪ ♪ Please click subscribe ♪ ♪ And buy the merch ♪ ♪ I hope I look like Timothée Chalamet ♪ ♪ Please click subscribe today ♪ - Perfect!
Channel: The Try Guys
Views: 3,323,650
Rating: 4.9710245 out of 5
Keywords: try guys, keith, ned, zach, eugene, habersberger, fulmer, kornfeld, yang, buzzfeedvideo, buzzfeed, ariel, ned & ariel, comedy, education, funny, try, learn, fail, experiment, test, tryceratops, worldsgreatesheadmassage, massage, beard, taper, dapper den, pompadour, trim, barber, mens grooming, beardbrand, high skin fade, beard trim, asmr neck massage, straight razor, barber tutorial, skin fade, barbermassage, haircut, mens hair, cut, how to trim beard, undercut, haircut men, best barbers, facial care, face
Id: 46bO7KBAJw0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 0sec (1200 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 28 2020
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