CHURCH OF SATAN Deceives Millions of Christians! (Part 1) | Dr. Gene Kim

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i'm going to give you this this is something this is probably the most important you're going to hear tonight i want you to pay attention so when the when god set up his church the true church of god a new testament local church in our church history this is how it follows one the bible is the final authority now why is it that we are king james only you ever thought of that because calvinists and all nearly every evangelical christian church including joel osteen would even say that the bible is the final authority in their final creed however how how satan attacks that is well let's see if you'll really believe it as your final authority when he gives 200 plus different versions of the bible and man picks whatever wording they want because if they choose that word in their verse it supports their own doctrine that they want to support so then this is so satan is going to attack this and we will see that that's why kjv only ism is important why because a perfect word of god is absolutely important and the evidence is looking at critics like james white when he does his crooked debates and pulls up different modern versions to support his highest calvinist man-made arguments that's important the evidence is looking at all these tv preachers they use many different modern versions why to support their sermon that's their final authority so the bible quickly becomes out of the final authority and that what becomes the final authority is man that's why satan attacked it with alexandria the first centuries from egypt who became the always the consistent enemy ever since before the time of abraham that's why the devil he raised up the modern version committee that's the reason why the devil raised up the jesuits who were ruined by the great awakening revivals and protestant reformation so they can only come back through westcott and hoard and attacking the institutions that pave the way for the french revolutions with their age of reason age of enlightenment and german rationalism and english deism but we shall cover that in our world history class now when satan sees how god sets up the new testament church what is satan going to do he's going to attack every pointer the second thing is literal biblical interpretation literal biblical interpretation that's why we stress so much on being dispensationalist in being pre-millennialist you might say why because pre-millennialism and dispensationalism is born from literal biblical interpretation we rightly divide verses because we literally take it as it says that it's faith and works for salvation in one verse and faith alone not by works for salvation in another verse we take it literally so we rightly divide it hence that's why we become dispensationalists we literally believe it when it says rightly dividing the word of truth we literally believe that see people who are post-millennial are millennial you know what kind of mindset they go by by meaning not by literal words what the bible says what it means and then they make so it goes by again their bias of choosing historical timelines historical arguments rational explanations to justify it rather than the word of god itself that's dangerous and satan you know which group he used again for that one who was infamous for that alexandria egypt and today's calvinist they adopt that mindset liberal schools today when they talk about the bible they adopt that meaning mindset not literal words if you if you take literal interpretation you know what they automatically call you an extremist fundamentalist just like those muslims who take their quran literally that's what they do this is the adoption of a new testament church all right pastor you explained all that now give me a verse one verse is simple and that's antioch acts 11. the home base of the true new testament church was in antioch syria why because that is where the the disciples were first called christians if you study world history it is a matter of fact that antioch when they had their churches sent out where alexandria started their own churches antioch was known for their literal exact interpretation of the bible throughout the first centuries alexandria they went by oh our meaning because i'm a scholar and i know better than the bible so let's go by scholastic meaning over here see that that that was demonic when christians today talk about your early church history they're going to go to alexandria egypt and roman churches they're not going to talk about these guys they're going to say that they're going to consider these guys as a weirdos as the cults just like they accuse you dispensationalists in kjv only people as cults satan that see that's a demonic spirit these calvinists these are millennial post-millennials why is it a demonic spirit that's what satan during the time they were accused as being the weirdos and all that for taking literal biblical interpretation and the bible as a final authority the but it is evidence that manuscript evidence come from mainly two lines mainly two lines the main line is one from alexandria egypt and then the second one is from syria that's why we believe these two pointers because of the home base of the true new testament church i mean that's where the christians were first called christians right look at acts chapter 11. look what the bible says verse 20 uh let's see over here verse 26 and when he had found him he brought him onto antioch and it came to pass that a whole year they assembled themselves with the church and taught much people and the disciples were called what christians first in antioch notice that uh it was from here that the word of the lord was being preached because keep reading at verse 19. now they which were scattered abroad upon the persecution that arose about stephen traveled as far as phoenix and cyprus and antioch preaching the what the word ah if you want to find the word of god then where do you want to find it from you want to find it from here amen not alexandria i'll tell you what which guy when he got uh where he had to get his scriptures from he came from alexandria but he had to get the word of god out of alexandria and be corrected so if you want to get the word of god you got to get out of alexandria that would be good teaching right there that's good teaching right there bless god praise god somebody run the isles all right don't worry about john macarthur and the calvinist getting a heart attack and say how dare you do that no you should run the aisles and shout to the lord that if you get out of alexandria you're closer to the word of the lord never go down there you don't believe me look look in your bible in the book of acts apollos came from alexandria he had to receive correction from the scripture and he came from alexandria but he received correction when he was outside get out of here man pastor you're so passionate about it why are you so uh mad about it why are you so passionate about it why are you so excited about it because this is ingrained in our churches today and in our history infected like a virus you need to know where your true church comes from this will be eye-opening to you when you go to church and you're not going to see church the same anymore and you're going to realize this is a false church there is teaching something wrong over here because you need to see what a true church is and how satan attacked it all right but there are more pointers for a true church the other one let's look at the book of acts chapter 13 acts 13 it is a an evangelistic church the true church new testament church is an evangelistic church it is a soul winning that's why we do soul winning that's why we do street preaching people try to criticize street preaching say oh no one's going to get saved out of that people say that oh you know through your own testimony people will get saved no look at the evangelism method is ingrained from antioch you know who are the people who sit at home and like to study and use their testimony to win people alexandrians yeah that's true the the cult that you should watch out for is the alexandrian cult amen you got to watch out for that that's why all the preachers even those that you would think that are really good guys like billy graham ravi zacharias charles stanley john mcarthur and all those guys they all have an alexandrian cult mindset that's how you can establish a true church real quickly is the alexandrian cult you have to find that the alexandrian cult mentality all right so look at acts chapter 13 verse one now there were in the church that was at antioch certain prophets and teachers as barnabas and simeon that was called niger and lucius of cyrene and manean which had been brought up with herod the tetrarch and saul as a minister to the lord and fasted the holy ghost said separate me barnabas and saul for the work where unto i have called them and when they have fasted and prayed and laid their hands on them they sent them away so notice over here that they're so winning-minded church they don't just sit at home and establish a kingdom all right no they're like you got to spread the gospel see these ifb churches stay over here stay over here why because they want to build a bigger church through you some bible believers are caught in that way you got to watch out for that my church you know what i prefer get out of here and spread because the word of the lord has to spread too many souls dying going to hell that i don't need to build my own kingdom here as much as i want to you see me online what do i tell onliners there are many of them who want to travel over here you know i tell them go to a local church nearby these bible believing churches need you that's why i don't grow big that's why i'm not some of these cultists you know s anderson whatever who like to gather people all around the world at the beginning and then that's how he grew his church really really fast until he was actually exposed for where i mentioned that he was like a jim jones cult and then he all of a sudden coincidentally started to recommend them to go to local churches and he didn't just grow as much anymore at a fast rate makes you wonder right see you got to watch out for these ifb cults all right so the next one yeah i'm preaching all right the next one is independent i'm excited about this teaching man because i'm exposing the fraud of the anti-churches you want to be the true new testament church you'd want to be the anti-church history the stream of anti-church history is the opposite of all this always the opposite so remember that when you look at that your world history class is going to go whoa and you're going to point out something to your pastor and say hey pastor when you're talking about this i noticed a sign of anti-church history there isn't that a sign of anti-church history i know it's a sign of new testament true church history there isn't that a sign of new testament church history remember that this teaching is going to be so important because it's not just history apply it today's life and you will see it all right all right independent notice over here that we don't build an organization there's not the baptist confederation of churches real bible believers confederation of churches no we're not that we are an independent bible believing baptist church when a pastor sets up his own independent bible believing church we don't bind each other we're not binding each other where there's a head organization like a catholic church system you know why because bible believing churches and pastors have different convictions due to the different people and the fields the lord put them in and if we have happen to have a split in the church the lord still still can function his church why because they're all independent so look at uh did you read acts chapter 13 what we read right here god said verse 2 and 3 separate them separate them so paul when he started his churches he wasn't bound by that church he was separated to start his own churches that's why i look at matthew chapter 20. matthew chapter 20. so why do you think the catholic church for the dark ages wanted the church to control the states why do you think that we live in a day and age where the countries in the state want to control the churches it's not independent you notice that it's not independent that's why communism is of the devil that's why socialism is of the devil because that's what the pope did i read from his article he took a church mindset to establish it and apply it to the country so that basically that we have to equalize our wealth amongst each other you can't mingle the church with the world for crying out loud the world's people are totally different you gotta understand but what did god talk about in his system he was a capitalist he was not a socialist you look at over here that his economic system is done by capitalism look at verse uh verse 10 but when the first came they supposed that they should have received more and they likewise received every man a penny and when they had received it they murmured against the goodman of the house it's not equalized it's not equality but look what god says at verse 13 but he answered one of them and said friend i do thee no wrong this not thou agree with me for a penny look at verse 15. is it not lawful for me to do what i will with mine own is thine i evil because i am good look at acts chapter 5 acts chapter 5. this is the passage that is used by the catholic church by their socialist agenda program by communists and etc where they believe that you have to equalize the wealth no you'll notice over here that it was not mandatory it was voluntary free will see this this was private ownership this was capitalism people privately owning something but out of their voluntary giving they give to the work of the lord if this pastor made all of you pay a certain amount of tithe then you know what we are we this is not a free local church you know what this is this is a mandatory dictatorial type of church setting you notice that all right let's look at acts chapter five acts chapter five you'll notice at uh so chapter four is their favorite passage where they will use that verse 32-37 but this was all voluntary giving you notice that now look at acts chapter 5. even ananias who is part of it of the giving look what peter recognized verse 3 but peter said ananias why is satan filled thine hearts to lie to the holy ghost and to keep back part of the price of the land whilst it remained was it what not thine own and after it was sold was it not in thine what own power well shall conceive this thing in thine heart thou has not lied unto men but unto god see that peter even recognized when they were giving trying to help out the church or an equal quote unquote amount of wealth notice that pete that the church recognized a capitalistic private property type of system why because we're an independent church we're not a mandatory dictatorial church that's a roman catholic church system that is a communist agenda why do you think that the old man who seemed to be very crazy didn't know what he was talking about drew the antichrist and underneath it a sign that says catholic soviet union catholic communist all welcome that man was brilliant man it took you this long for you dumb millennials to finally get it and people start criticizing that man of god when he's the one that man the lord showed him a lot of things you know why because he was looking at church history history with the bible and that becomes boom eye-opening the next one look at ephesians 4 ephesians 4. now this one's being longer actually than my uh other teaching so let me try to go through this quickly ephesians chapter 4. but this is very important because you need to understand the establishment of a true church the next establishment of a true church is that it is a unified body of believers it is not a rogue group do you understand that see they emphasize so much on independent that they believe that they can be rebel rogue and criticize the bible believers around them but guess what you find those same bearded people becoming a cult leader themselves and if people go rogue on them then they get all mad and they feel like that they're persecuted and they have a self-persecution complex you see what this is this is wickedness a true new testament church believes in a unified body of believers so yes we are independent where we don't control each other but i want to see spiritual maturity that through our own voluntary efforts we're making we're giving toward other people that we love one another that we're not capitalist greedy uh elitist because that has a flaw itself too see he wants us to be accountable to each other so then if there's a group of bible believers who disagree with you you should think twice about i wonder if the method i'm doing is right and is it biblical well it's the word of god is the final authority that's right but you got to realize when the lord established the new testament church there are the word of god just because you have the word of god satan can use the word of god too so what is good evidence that keeps you in check is seeing the majority of other bible believers who believe this as much as you do how they believe it do they believe the same way as you do you know why because the bible says that a multitude of counselors there is safety there is danger in that self-pride world so it's good to be accountable to other bible believers you need that oh you you're setting up a catholic church system you don't want accountability that's your problem you want to be a cult leader this is where cults come from cults are rogues outside of the unified body here's evidence and we'll close it here actually i think that i'm going to break this into two parts since it is very important to take time so we'll uh end it here so ephesians chapter four look at verse three endeavoring to what keep the unity of the spirit in the what bond of peace god wants that he wants everyone to be in peace and unified to each other because look at this verse 11 and he gave somewhat apostles and some prophets and some evangelists and some pastors and teachers for the perfecting of the saints for the work of the ministry for the edifying of the body of christ to we all come in the unity of the faith see that's what god wants see god wants so a lot of you members you can't just especially people who just studied the bible for one year i mean you got to be definitely full of yourself when you have bible believing pastors who studied the book and ministry for years and years and years and for you to go rebel and rogue on these bible-believing preachers should be troubling to you because god set them to you to establish a unified body of believers but the people who depart from it are what look at verse 14 children carried about every wind of doctrine from what they see online everything that they watch 14 that we henceforth be no more children you're a child i don't care if you grow your beard this long you're a child man rebel rogue you tossed to and fro and carried out with every wind of doctrine by the slate of men and cunning craftiness whereby they lie in way to deceive how about that how about that that book is amazing about the establishment of a new testament church all right i'm going to give more pointers in our next wednesday bible study
Channel: REAL Bible Believers
Views: 185,483
Rating: 4.807415 out of 5
Keywords: sid roth, alex jones, conspiracy theory podcast, end times 2021, flat earth theory, mark dice, charles lawson, ravi zacharias, rob skiba, jonathan kleck, end time bible, evangelistic pentecostal church, pentecostal church, perry stone ministries, prophecy, prophecy update, prophecy update with ps david kim, steve cioccolanti, bible study, how to understand the bible, king james bible, bible study with me, bible study lessons, bible study for beginners, bible study methods
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 1sec (1321 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 12 2020
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