Kanye West: Jesus Is King, Sunday Service, and Being Born Again | Apple Music

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The look on Zane’s face for most of the interview is hilarious

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 223 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/asa014 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 25 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

β€œi was not just addicted to sex, i was also addicted to inspiration” sometimes hearing kanye talk feels like a fever dream

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 327 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/thankyoumagicman πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 25 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

why this album just two dudes talking?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 471 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/ethith πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 25 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

He legitimately said at one point he was concerned with having his six year old daughter out-dress fucking Rhianna. It's really no wonder he'd just go to Wyoming and just zone the fuck out for a little while.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 244 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/DieByTheFunk πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 25 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

we've been bamboozled

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 326 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Infinity_tk πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 25 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

I see the gimmick. He got niggas waiting for Jesus. Art imitates life.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 325 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Afleet216 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 25 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

It's so evident that he's on antipsychotics. He's having those Lithium thought patterns that literally sedates him to the state of oblivion and makes his thoughts very difficult to express.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 133 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/chemkick πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 25 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

after watching some snippets i'm glad we never got a Kanye & Joe Rogan interview that would of been a complete shit show.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 130 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/tronicsss πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 25 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Watching this and the Kimmel part is genuinely uncomfortable, he acts like one of those conspiracies where an artist gets socially kidnapped and brainwashed. I think he was desperate to find something to fix himself, tried to use religion for it then got totally engrossed and controlled by the people he looked up to.

Or he’s just fuckin dumb, could be that.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 150 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/ALPB11 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 25 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies
thanks for bringing us here man this place is uh this place is spectacular this is all same before this is the kind of place that you fly over and you wonder what's going on down there because it's just doesn't you don't feel like there's anything within you know a thousand miles and we find ourselves in this isolated place how did you find why I mean why why I mean why here we recorded the last album in Jackson Hole and I just been looking to get a place but I I've been looking to get a place here and I was looking for multi a multi thousand acre property and Jackson Hole didn't have any properties available over 500 acres because I was looking for a place to set up the easy campus hmm so we found out about Cody we came here and when I first got to the ranch I was expecting something really green because that's what I was used to hmm so I didn't like it when I first got here and there yes but by the time I was it was time to leave I loved it and I was like wow these are actually the easy tones right here it's actually that's true it actually is the palette that I'm thinking about that that makes me kind of want to put the other jacket back on my breath I wanna wear the fleece is good you look good and the fleet just feels like you know it says Jesus is king palette oh yeah that makes it make sense though you talked about and people were at least 10 20 years now it's more of a future well I want to ask you about 20 years from now you talk about yeezy camp what is this place in 20 years I have some visions but the more that I'm in service to God I just clear my head and just wake up more empty every day and then let and let God do the driving and just use me as he may so you you know you make plans and God laughs so if I told you the plans I could tell you what what would happen six months from now at 20 years now so we're we're building farms here because of the climate and because the soil then I have hydroponic cotton we hemp and we're developing our own fabrics who are going to go from seed to sow and farm-to-table so we can see the entire process full sustainability yes which is a concern for all of us but but its present on your mind the idea of a sustainable future we got a sustained right we do yeah and for me I know where it's an interview and we're doing talking but the reason why I didn't want to say 20 years from now I would say six months Naz is it's really not about talking it's about doing mm-hmm so we are doing we are in the process right now I can I could tell you what I'm doing anything else just yeah I got a talk you know I think the original plan was for you to use your interest in architecture and and to build something that that gave to the community and expanded into the community from from Calabasas and that didn't that didn't manifest itself one reason or another permits was that the reason why couldn't happen out in California well it did manifest that I was able to see it get done mm-hmm but you know I was in California building my domes and they said my dome was ten feet too high right then they tore it down that kind of semantic but think about what they're saying mmm your dome it's too high we got to tear it down so they came to me and said you have to tear it down but before I even had the opportunity now Maya this is more my own 300 acre property before I had the opportunity they already went to press with it hmm to be liked and by the way we're gonna show everyone tell everyone that we're tearing down your dough so what did that say to you at the time beyond the actual actually detained feet what does the 10 feet say to you more than anything was the 10 extra seconds that it takes to get a like back when you put something on Instagram that extra waiting time slow yessing people and slowing people down is one of the most popular forms of control how many times have you had an idea and you just get put in traffic through the bureaucracy so I don't deal with the traffic at all on any situation where I'll just be sitting waiting I'm like cuz its power versus force I'm not gonna force anything I do what I have the power to do uh-huh and if I have to force it then it's probably not a situation I need to be in when I come here and I see the kind of world you're living in here and the kind of environment you that you will create six months and Beyond I just wonder what and and the transformation you're going through as a human being what a city like our life feels like when you go back it feels a bit cramped for my mind when you drove here you didn't see a lot of extra noise it was the road there was nothing and then just God yeah yeah I mean when you see all of the the billboards the the traffic billboards and I say traffic I'm talking about the billboards are actually sex trafficking because if a guy is arguing with his girl or something that went through something with his wife and on one side of the street there's a billboard for spirits just alcohol another side it's called this number where it's a picture of a woman on a billboard says come to the strip club yeah and he goes and spend some money just to sit down and have someone to talk to him at the end of the night when they close up the club they say how much traffic did we have so there's all different layers to traffic in like for me playboy was my gateway and to full-on pornography addiction my dad had a playboy left out at age five and it's affected almost every choice I made for the rest of my life mmm from age five to now having to kick the habit and it just presents itself in the open like it's okay and I stand up and say you know it's not okay you must be incredibly aware now that you've got to a point where you are actively turning your back on the coping mechanisms that you've been using throughout your life right in order to function from that moment in time through to when did you first start to acknowledge the idea of being born again and and absorbing your faith Holt like completely not just as a Christian walking through society but actually like in servitude when was that approximately it's like approximately April okay was after Coachella yeah you know yeah God was using me and it lined up amazing like literally the Sunday was Easter Sunday yeah but I remember when the hare died you know it was placed on my head that morning before Coachella and then hit my head and it felt cold hmm and I didn't like it I had an aversion to it and then when the guy was dying it I didn't even like how I came out I had like too much white in the tone it was like purple and white and I was like I don't like this but I had already planned to have like this purple you know outfit and this purple hair dye and you know I wouldn't have the I wouldn't have the time to sit and do anything you know like that now because I'm you know using my mind to build what we're building with farming what we're building we're bringing manufacturing back to the states within the next two years Easy's you know we're gonna bring them back to the states we're creating factories where we have an injection molded shoes we're gonna be hiring people through the prison reform I don't like to say the word system but second-chance people hmm and just you know people gave up on manufacturer um I wanna I'm talking about the purple hair for a second oh but then I want to jump into how we had given up on manufacturing and said let's just like manufacturers overseas because it seemed like it was what was easier yeah and for me as a founder it's really important to bring these jobs you know back to back to America why I mean what specifically what what affected you that that part of the process of building easy offshore let's start creatively I had this idea for a new boot that we did and actually the design that we did is very similar to something that we now just saw in a Balenciaga show so a lot of times me and Tim that the head designer blintz Yaga will have similar ideas thinking we did the 700 they did the triple-s at the similar time so you know I built a factory in Canoga California so we wouldn't have to go to the factories in China but 30% of the machines were still in storage and it was never built all the way to not have to go to China so the team went to China they're working on this boot I call it the motorcycle boot right now and it's stuck in customs so I still haven't seen I said do we have a picture of it or we don't have a picture of it whereas when I have ly this gentleman Caesar that works in our office will have a idea and he's just pulling the phone together and moulding it right there I mean by the end of the day you get a physical idea of what once was a Photoshop so for us to be able to wrap it prototype we have to wrap your prototype even the what we're doing with the way spaces are you know it's like we've been stuck in a loop and we got to break the loop and that's one of the reasons why I took the denim jacket off even though I love the the color and put on this polar fleece because the idea is more in the future than the fabrics we're looking at the fabrics are we gonna use traditional cotton cotton or are we using the polar fleece what impact does the dye have and we're studying if we can control the color from the seed and that's when you go seed to sow because a lot of times you have a separate cotton factory and then they send it out to be cut then it gets sent back to the cotton factory then it gets sent to die and we've been talking about things like screen printing to apply color or dipping it in a different way because we're just looking like nylon is a five-story building so when we're going to see to someone I'm looking because I like the Nile when we have nylon in here I'm saying oh wow we need to we got to have fabrics that don't take five story buildings I was gonna psyche Enoch before we were talking started filming I was talking about how I wanna get your opinion on why it's important to bring manufacturing back to the states I mean I've only been here four or five years but I mean I know that it's important to the country that there are jobs here and that there are things happening in them within the country within the space of the country I mean you know from my point of view I know that there is a huge amount of deliberation over manufacturing and and and conditions and wages and all sorts of things offshore and you know I know from people from talking to people in fashion talking to people in all kinds of industries that there's a desire to control that more to be more in control of how people are treated and how things are made I mean it's really about control we have to be in control of our own minds of our own food our health and our families that's what's gonna say well you know when I arrived I said I didn't know whether this was you know 3000 years with a and 3,000 years in the past or 3,000 years in the future being on this ranch because it's so isolated and and and really are in the elements apart from this cozy environment we're in the elements right here it's just been planted in the middle of the space and and it sounds to me like you want to go back to go forward like you want to go back and use some of these techniques and these ideas in order to roll is dismantle it ultimately here like Rome is the is the true Silicon Valley of humanity a lot of the ideas and things that we need yeah I've been are from thousands and thousands years ago there's like what do we need for our as laws hierarchy of neat art what is mmm what our personal needs as a human being and what we need the most is each other mm-hmm that's why we gather together just like the antelopes that are running out there hmm we gather together and what is the best form of each other family to keep our families close huh but cities have been designed to create more problems that can create more industries so it's designed that your job is 45 minutes away so that you can spend time and traffic so that the cars have more wear and tear and and spend more gas and take more gas but to think of communities where the church is in the center of the community and then then the school cafeterias sustainable gardening and homes this is the concept that I have this is what we this is what me and Rick Fox went to the Bahamas as we're working on hurricane proof homes right now we're thinking of how to organize the amount of wind that's coming through yeah this house is gonna be way more that I put on here you know yeah yeah so I mean this is not a hurricane obviously nobody whips through yeah and one of when I was creating the energy to write I mean that's what he was saying before I mean it's it may the elements give you what you need is what you're saying yeah God gives us everything that we need what I love about being Christian is I've always been an innovator but it always seemed like all the innovators working for I don't know and ran I heard the term or something like these ideas that there is no God all this and it's just working for the valuation of a company as opposed to working for the rebirth or is that a rebirth I might not find the right word but working for a renewal of the planet and a humility and humanity to understand that we will not destroy the earth we could destroy the resources we can destroy ourselves and we destroy ourselves and then the earth goes off sure so regardless of what's happening at Wall Street and what's happening at the board at the you know with with trade and what's happening a Pangaea type mentality un coming together one thing no matter what side you're on you're considered to be a bad guy a good guy everybody wants a similar thing and that's for the world to be better for their children huh so someone's fighting in a war they want the world to be better folks their children and what we're not realizing being all God's creation is we have so much more in common than we think I think there's something planning at us this idea of you know human nature even stuff that I was saying oh I saw in Silicon Valley but this guy was like I don't want the world to be fixed if I if I'm not the one fixing it but you know we do we always put ourselves right right in the center of trying to solve things but I often think that as society we lack direction in the unity needed to do it as one right we don't always have to be the one that does it you know this interview alone yeah might do it I could be in there and you know have these ideas of civil engineering and using aqueducts and sustainable gardening and farming but there's people out there they're gonna see this and they're like they're gonna come to the table and say you know I've done I've studied this for 10 years I've studied this for 10 years I've studied this for 10 years and it's something where everybody all the fortune 500 companies all the founders have to come to the table and say this is what we want we were here in 2012 it's a difference between founders yeah and stockholders yeah what would you say the difference is well the founder has the ultimate responsibility for the legacy at hand the stockholder has the ultimate responsibility for the money and the power and the business of the money in the moment yeah so you got a look look he'd like Gary from Restoration Hardware they try to kick him out of his company yeah and it was as legacy didn't match up with the with the with the with the with the power you know with the the money in the and they had had to bring him back that's the thing with the founder founders are special bro yeah that's living founders yeah you gotta honor those living founders those are the great great-great great-great-grandfather's of what's being built so who are the who are the who are the founders right now that you're speaking to all of them this interview give me a call four years ago we did the same thing but the difference was and this is the fun this is how much you've changed over four years four years ago you did the same thing in turn to the camera and you were like I need I need to find need support to build my vision with easy and I need people to understand my place in fashion my place outside of just making music and I want to be taken seriously and I am and you said give me a call now there's a different is a different mission and that required you to commit whole like wholesale to your faith not just as I am a Christian but also know who my favorite founder is so Jack Dorsey right why just incredibly smart visionary mm-hmm he created a bank on his third company at one company it fell second company's Twitter created Square and now he's got a new arm like st. arm that division the bank that allows people to buy stock in companies as big as I'm gonna say his company I don't know how to say today but it's the one that calls 314,000 Warren Buffett's Berkshire Hathaway Jack Dorsey's created an app where someone can buy into that stock at $1 actually I'm not saying that that is not possible somewhere on the stock market huh I'm just saying he created the app and that allows everyone to be invested to be invested I mean that's just one of the things he's did one of the things that he did is he he wanted to invest in me early and he never he never tried to Sun me a lot of times I would go out and meet with people in Silicon Valley and it was really like the first episode of Silicon Valley where Kid Rock is like young love Kid Rock and the very next conversation is yo that's cute right he's the brokest person here so you imagine lies you would trivialize you thought trivialized in that experience as an entertainer trying to play trying to play tick absolutely and you know now that I'm in service to Christ my job is to spread the gospel mm-hmm to let people know what Jesus has done for me you know I've spread it a lot of things I there was a time I was letting you know what high fashion had done for me I was letting you know what the Hennessy had done for me I was letting you know all these things but now I'm letting you know what Jesus has done for me and in that I'm no longer I'm no longer a slave I'm a son now son of God I'm free through to Christ I'm thinking of something I want to say I allow Christian innovator when you think about the church because it has to stand on the word so hard it loves to be extra traditional to the point of blocking innovation so when we started Sunday service we were able to be free where people were in doubt of it and questioned some people slow in question now saying it's not a church you can't call it a church because you'll have a pastor all of these things is it a choice well we have a pastor now so but this is a church like I mean is that is that kind of the ultimate compliment for you that Sunday service is a church well let's ask let's ask North West she thinks we based our design loosely not loosely okay we saw out we saw Rob James Terrell [Laughter] he's a good one yeah so we and I have the utmost respect he's unreal for Ortega also the head is Zara because I would like to saw Raja Rock right I want as I rob their infrastructure right and the way their office environment so the the the church that we did I was you know slightly embarrassed to show James that we had copied his his uh his circular space yeah and it didn't have an oculus at the top so we just copy the way he did the benches right he did some lights but the lights would move slow and sometimes it looked like doesn't make yet yeah so what is your it's like a big sort of like rounded teepee type environment is yeah so I showed you know North a picture of a James Turrell structure that I loved and she said that looks like Church huh that's what church looks like to north and north is you know she was last night just actually crying about when she couldn't go to church when it would be out of town and she'd be at school and she was like church needs to be here every Sunday so now we'll only move the church mostly on Friday have only moved the choir mostly on Friday and throughout the week but we'll always have it at home because church does need to be a place that people know they can go to and they don't have to hop on a flight and chase it down and that's what is a part of what I think makes it a church another thing is when North talks about church she says I'm gonna bring my friends here and I'm gonna dance tell me someone that you know that's in our age group that they're most positive memory of their childhood or one of them equally was going to church where people are like I want to go to church and what do you think that is sitting in those pews the tradition the four walls God doesn't exist only in four walls God is everything and everywhere so Christian innovation Christian innovators that's the net that we're casting for the organization that we have now looking for a Christian innovative Christian Avena wrap up preacher well no longer entertainer I'm not here for anyone's entertained interesting interesting so let me ask you this real quick cuz I because I want to go here for a minute yeah North's all in you're raising your family with in this environment now and they support you and they Bend and they're believing Kim as well yes right so what about like say you're making this album what about those who are talented who bring something special to the table who are creative who inspire you in that regard but not necessarily worshipping at the altar how's your relationship with them changed because you're so driven by your faith now they're still here mm-hmm I believe that was King David now I'm not a theologian I'm a recent convert so I just wanted to say that before I start sure quoting or misquoting structure so yeah yeah you're on a journey yes so yeah that was this journey of this album you know there was times where I was asking people to fast during the album I was asking people to this is gonna be radical when I'm about to say I know this is we can look at it edit this time was where I was asking people to now have premarital sex while they were working on an album huh I know that's one with a shady room we like what you mean don't have premarital sex you better turn that Magda style you know right now so that but seriously there's time so I was you know this time so I went to people that were working on other projects and said could you just work and focus on this and not just because you needed their attention but because it wasn't in keeping with the spirit of what you were making you thought that it was at odds what they were working on yeah I thought it would be it would tarnish the experience yeah I thought if we could all focus and fast I mean it's known when people pray together families are pray together stay together when people pray together and fast together the the power is is increased so so I had some things were theories of recent converts they go in and you know we're a lot of times the most fire-and-brimstone else judgmental yeah because we don't know what - we don't everything that we did was of and that for God so we have to the reaction to a degree isn't it it's a reaction of what you've left behind so ya feel like you must commit 1000% to something in order to leave behind that was the environment you can't tell other people that are around that they need to be committed 1,000% and that's the thing but God was patient and my family was patient for me when they when they were praying for me you know when they saw me yeah at the pornhub Awards there's family members they couldn't tell me not to do it all they could do was pray yeah and be patient and it had to happen in God's time so for me when I have people around who I would like them to be where I'm at in my journey this time so all I could do is pray and be patient guys gonna only be in God's time but you've lived a well-documented life filled with temptation and it's been it's all throughout your records and all throughout your music and it's been quoted and what's your relationship with temptation now how do you process that are you able once you find God to the degree you have to just switch that off is that possible I think when people have been addicted to something like if you ask somebody that's a drug addict it's like you say are you still addicted well yeah you turn it off actually like with God I've been able to beat things that had a full control of me things that you know that that played way that I found when I was five years old was written all over the moment when I was at the MTV Awards with the timberlands the ball mine jeans before people's rocket ball my jeans and the Hennessy bottle it's like that was such a script out of a rock star's life my mom had passed a year before and I said you know some people drown themselves in drugs and I drowned myself in my addiction mmm which was what sex and that's what drove the ego to fit the ego I mean that was part of feeding the ego money clothes cars accolades the advent of social media a Twitter account mm-hmm of paparazzi photos go on to Paris Fashion Week all of that it's overwhelming I mean we need to clear your mind to the degree you are now and you sit out here in Wyoming making music which is spiritually fulfilling to you and hopefully to millions of other people you know what that was not just addicted to sex I was also addicted to inspiration but there's only one you know I was thank God they both serving the same purpose to some degree and I mean this let me let me qualify that statement okay addiction be it six drugs alcohol is a coping mechanism that is designed to fill a space in you that can't be filled an insatiable hole right requiring more and more isn't use it inspiration maybe I'm meaning more ambition isn't that doing the same thing then well they said that you know a lot of successful men had a high sex drive right the who said that you know they yeah yeah so but when I meant by addicted to inspiration yeah it could be the sex could be an inspiration but also just a design image you know a jacket that I wanted to design a car image a house image I was addicted to these kind of images coming across like be people say our architecture is my porn hmm and people can be addicted to architecture mm-hmm people I mean a big big addiction is work yeah very much workaholics let's call him and what about you know men that say men and women that say hey you know I'm working this job so hard to make a better life for my kids and then you look up and they hadn't spent their life when you exactly when do you live your life with your actual kids we do you find that balance you see I'm we're gonna make a better life of my kids but when are you gonna spend your life with your kids yeah and really it's it like did you have to work for that fourth house you know did you have to work for the well did you I didn't have to there's a balance of family and calling that I specifically have I have to protect and take care of my family and make sure what the power that God has put in my hands that I do everything that I can as the father to provide the best chance at them being the maximum success that they can be no that was a very but specifically thoughtful answer yeah because I just say normal life no I just say no I was very jealous oh oh and I get that I and I said as a father because they also have a mother that's right so it's the barrel and it's all about the fourth house it's about the environment that you create ultimately they're learning right yeah and also the environment of because of my position in the world the environment that I inform for other people you know we've informed a successful celebrity marriage a successful interracial marriage where the husband was the darker color inside of America we we've informed some things that I I wasn't as into now where you know I literally was up there trying to have my daughter out dress Rihanna it sound crazy when you say it out loud but if you really think about is like his daughter was walking around with a slip dress I the culture was my god mm-hmm because and this was documented this was documented in Keeping Up with the Kardashians and in a scene really interesting to watch the dynamic of you and Kim where she ultimately said you were complicit in this experience yeah and now you're asking me to change and away from the cameras that's that's another example of what you're talking about is not I would I always had a bit of a version of paparazzi which has been documented I'm also and have also had a aversion to cameras being on at all times there's a balance of when we have to be closed on Sunday but the idea I was gonna say is that I thought I was the God of culture but really culture was my god and who invented the culture the culture is cultivated by who so if you were to think what is the culture today what are some of the major things that it includes and all of the major points of what might make the culture the culture bowing I mean taking a knee at a football game wearing you know expensive clothes rapping about just rap period making money from rap making money from basketball before I get to my point can we name some other things that you say are part of culture buying jewelry what are some of the other things that we see on the culture using social media as a very major part of the culture to be down with or with the culture you have to use social media right what other things okay now let me just get to my point right now none of these things that you need to be involved in in order to be down with the culture are owned by by people so who designed the culture a lot of people would argue that you are instrumental in driving the culture and you own your own companies that you have inspired that change what it's an inspired now but did you know that this is where I was going with it when I named all those things you didn't name yourself you didn't name yourself and yeah it's a very valid point mm-hmm I think that's changing I think that culture is very squarely going into the hands and the influence now of the mute the new founders I mean when Chad said don't sign anything right his tour was canceled like the next week mm-hmm spiritual warfare okay let's talk about that you say it and God is changing God is using me God is using me to show off I believe he like you know God is is similar to he's saying he wanted the loudest voice and the and the the one who made the most noise timid to make the most impact yeah he wanted to show off he's like Matt now let me take this let me take this never kanessa type character Nebuchadnezzar was the king was it is it Babylon mm-hmm not Nebuchadnezzar was the king of Babylon and he looked at his entire kingdom and said I did this and God said Oh real you did this it sounds kind of similar right I'm standing on the tip of the mountain talking about Jesus say it's right I did this I'm a god now I'm a God and I could talk to Jesus at the end of my show I had a guy dressed up as Jesus at the end of my show standing on a huge mountain yeah that's all and that huge mountain first why they make any money off the tour I'm lugging a mountain around and God said okay never kanessa was diagnosed with bipolar disorder he was and he was still King so not only was I diagnosed with mental illness the mental illness is something that was used to take my dome down by 10 feet to wash me out to control me let me tell you one are you saying that they tore it down because it was based on the fact that they consider what you were doing to be part of to be crazy no that's not what I'm saying but I see that you took in that way no I was just comparing on my dome and saying this guy that can go up to the telethon this guy that that we can cancel him off a radio and still 20,000 kids come to see him and he is completely not played by the rules of the system and still the most relevant we could take him off the time cover we could do no covers on them on purpose on purpose we could just take away press no publicist Vic do that and he still has the number one searched brand on the planet meaning like number one GZ number two or flight number three adidas and then the other three is like Adidas Nike and Louie Vuitton I don't know which one was which one was which but the number one was easy and all the other ones I'm closely associated with in some way every one of these guys that our founders now have to look me I to I every founder on the planet there will be a time while will be president of the United States and I will remember I will forgive but I will remember any founder that didn't have the capacity to understand culturally what we were doing interesting tone though like I will forgive and I will remember is kind of like it's sort of like a forgiving threatening hybrid what Oh what I'm supposed to forget no you said you'll forgive but what does remember mean if you forgive isn't forgiveness if you forgive yourself for the life you lived up until six seven months ago do you still remember all the things you always remember every meeting and interaction I've had with Jack Dorsey and I will always remember my meetings and interactions with Mark Zuckerberg and they've been completely different mm-hm with social media people are brainwashed by a people are addicted to it is they modern-day cigarettes when cigarettes first came out and Edward Bernays created the created the torches of freedom March to get women to feel empowered yep by smoking cigarettes this is from center yourself and it shows that Edward Bernays was Freud's cousin so you know I don't know if I should even even talk anymore it's like you gotta leave I mean so much more to ask you I just thought the waving is so much more now see it might be five more years where I get it you might be president by the time I speak to you next yeah we're I'm gonna be on the on the on the picking order when you're president you are you write down no we'll do our interview we'll do an interview I don't do a lot of interviews anyway you Donna's gonna see you again I'll probably do more interviews when I'm president 2024 is still thing it's still that's the that's the timeframe we're working on you're working on some things right now so yeah the what I'm saying is people are addicted to social media people invest more into a photo on social media than they invest into real life one of the reasons why I came to this ranch is to get outside anyone that's in a corporate environment black or white there's bureaucracy at every level there's there there's rivalries on teams at every level there's rivalries with coaches with owners with stockholders with founders and everybody goes home to their families and they want their their sons and their daughters to be a successful as them if not better you know we're all people yeah so this is it to to point fingers and say this person is doing good and this person is doing bad you know I'm just giving you a flat opinion on what I currently see and what I feel and the pain that I have in my life I suffer I suffer and I appreciate the suffering because it's just we can just feel a little bit of what Jesus felt when we suffer but social media makes me suffer I suffer from that and by me saying this out loud I'm sure that there's other married men that suffer in a similar way that are happy to hear me say oh yeah I'm suffering well I just married men because social media prompts women in particular to put out content that they wouldn't have put out when I sent referring to your sex addiction yeah would not yeah it definitely could deal with my addictions but when I was younger and I wanted to see something like that I had to you know pay someone that was older to go to 7-eleven and buy it now I got friends they got have kids that aren't just out of grandmas school in high school that it's completely available there is no NSFW I'll load up right now on this computer and I'll load up some things and you'll be like should that be NSFW or not is it just covering just a bit of it and you know there's people as a god-fearing merry Christian innovator billionaire founder no one's gonna take my opinion away from me I've been given my opinion my whole career I didn't kill my career how many times I'm gonna start giving my opinion now people are not any times people talking my career is over mm-hmm no one is going to control my opinion and one of the things where people have been off let off the hook a bit was this whole oh he's crazy I look at him he's crazy that got to mute my opinion for 3-4 years but it's God has the power jesus is the force that brought the sanity back let me tell you how I brought some sad back by following God when you are no boo can you not be on social media literally as we speak just something else like this either like focus the energy here or like go somewhere else and like go just do it in another room but something but I'm not trying to put your butt so just saying that I'm like that I know but I go into this transcendent state in this day that he was come where like oh I'm actually reading Larry's mind what's Larry think as you're speaking I'm actually reading Josh's mind I'm reading mr. Boies mine but what happened exactly case in point something on the internet took oh distracted booze - what we're talking about when people pray together and you're in a room together you can think things all the way through when that energy builds up because artists are like a lake we reflect what's in front of us so if you're in front of an audience in the audience is wider you might say everybody throw your hands in the air yeah that wouldn't be appropriate if you like came in as one person sitting at the breakfast table you like everybody thought yeah I'm just one person what I'm saying is you're a reflection of in a room that you're in where you are yeah you're absorbing and absorbing that energy try to translate that energy and create something great yeah you know I want actually that brings something to mind when I saw the Pablo tour with the stage and I watched the way that people moved under it it felt like a worship and it felt the reaction felt like like icon an idol worship it didn't feel like it like a normal show and I wonder now that you're putting your energy into something channeling it into something bigger than you how hard that is looking back on it with some hindsight just reflect for a minute how hard it is being on a stage when all that energy is coming at you and you didn't have a place to channel it like faith you you exactly this exact point I was making when you're not serving God you're serving everyone else you're serving your ego you're serving your bank account you're serving your legs see you're you know serving your wife and kids yes is a good thing sir you're serving your management or the people that you're managing you're serving you serve a Hollywood you're serving your reputation you're serving the the responsibility of your race you're serving you know there's a so the thing is I am you'd say with what I do with music that I am a a top chef be like of five stars Michelin chef correct of what I do with music right so imagine that level of chef having to serve at ten different restaurants all at the same time right and drive different places those meals sounds like a road to bankruptcy a road to bankruptcy a road to TMZ quotes a road to the world just not understand any holding out with your friends yeah a falling out with your friends and people just not understanding the main thing is look we are living in the dark ages we're living in an age where people die of hunger we're living in an age where people are being killed in the street by their own race we're living in an age where one in three african-americans are being locked up we're living at age where there are children being held at the border some with their real present parents some not with their real parents we were living at age where houses are not sustaining through hurricanes and there's companies that are worth trillions of dollars around the world with geniuses just working on how to make solely their product better we're living at age where someone could be fired for what they think if they say it out loud that's the age wake up this is 2019 this is where we are at right now this is what Dave Chappelle whole point was stop chilling the art the artists are supposed to express themselves to be able to have that eternal three-year-old at all costs people say oh this is going to kill your brand but my brand is expressing how I feel whether it's in line with what you thought the brand was even two days ago a smart man has the to pivot and say I think something different now I don't think this because this was the culture I don't think North should wear crop tops just because I had a way in a slip dress when she was 2 years old I think and feel differently now now that I am Christian now that I'm the founder of a 3 billion dollar organization and married for five years I have five years of marriage under my belt now tell me who you gonna listen to what have you learned from five years of marriage what do you learn from that what I learned from five years of marriage is it is the greatest bond it is a god bond to be able to have someone that you can call along someone you could call out someone that could call on you and call you out equally yoked someone to complain to and someone to grow with as we grow and raise our children that sounds like real commitment like I'm not just saying like ten years of marriage but that sounds like a life long realization those are all key attributes to a lifelong bond absolutely that's it I mean I told my wife I said Jesus King is coming there's gonna be a lot of attacks there's gonna be some silly attacks what do you say that are you talking about spiritual spiritual attacks just spiritual warfare and then also just societal control attacks and I was afraid to speak my mind when I was when I didn't know my Master's all my Master's you think I ain't gonna talk my mind right now uh-huh you know saying this give me some other examples where someone is saying something that isn't what you're culturally supposed to say hmm give me an example of something of a position where someone is saying something that you're not culturally supposed to say we there I bet it's only one name you could think of you don't want to say it did you live by the way I'm alright with that say that name Donald Trump's on the list no doubt about it and I and I don't I'm not a fan man oh and that's that that's an understatement right but that's okay we're different we and we have different approaches now we live our life but one thing you said earlier on which I do totally relate to which I love is we're trying to leave the world a better place for the people who have mattered to us how kids okay and if you're too young to have kids you're trying to make the world a better place for yourself and she may be in a situation where it's expected of her now but I do think Greta Thun Berg at one point was on their list having a 16 year old kid from Sweden coming out and putting everything on hold and saying what she believed in and climate change does consume me and I do think it's an issue and I think the fact that she came out did that was huge and now it's like oh that's culturally accepted cuz she has an army of kids behind it but at the time she was one kid she's the only person who stood out in the street and did that mmm on her own do you how many times I've walked down the street when I'd been so frustrated about that and thought what if I just stop what I'm doing is stand out in the middle of a street in Los Angeles with the placard would anyone join me right I'm sure I'm not alone of feeling that way and if it was overwhelming like what changes are really gonna make she just showed us up she did that on her own started with one person no I was beautiful and it's beautiful but it's also terrifying that we're leaving that world you know I see why you're here I get it I understand why you why you're checking out it was too noisy for you there it was too noisy and he responded by making as much noise as you could and we're lucky we got amazing art out of it amazing art if this was a trade Kanye we did all right out of it you know what there's a funny facts well that's good but also I own nobody nothing my forefathers have already fought the fight so it's not a fight when I put the Hat on it's simply my opinion it's next subject fair enough fair enough you know there is part of you that is liberal I'm the most liberal you forgot your liberals the Liberals like it's like they're gonna come flying down the mountain here in Wyoming like on horses and stuff it's like you know come on but it wouldn't come to my home and they'd rather be with no self service and you know and the valley just driving to like all right our eighth meeting a day all right I'm a Kanye West fan and I'm a can have a cut it's a reality I'm a Kanye West man what you play me of roses a that was shocking for a Kanye West fan but this shows you that God is hilarious why God you know there's one gate there's two gates over the street gates but there's two main gates when you're with houses at the end of the cul-de-sac hmm one gate goes in my house is at the end of the cul-de-sac who else house you think is at the end of the other cul-de-sac of the gate the name of the gate is their house at the end of the cul-de-sac the name of the gate is my house is in the coset what other rapper do you think I don't know help me out I'm trying to wake up okay hold a second okay go so God is funny yeah Drake right literally lives four blocks down the street forgot II gotta go so that shows you that God is likes got a sense of humor thing why Lucas he's the polar opposite of way of where you're at no no it's just because there was a rivalry oh right right right right now liberals love art right and now I am unquestionably undoubtedly the greatest human artists of all time it's just not even a question anymore at this point it's just a fact right so for the greatest artists in human existence to put a red hat on was like God practical joke right it hurts so much it hurts so many it hurt people a lot you know because you are held up as this person who continues to provide us but though but those little those liberals never know fans man fans fan or also fans fans and liberals never stood in front of the prison's to stop their from being one and three locked up or the system that set up with is actually not enough legal job opportunities yeah for us to avoid from being locked up now you got the Clintons that's privately-owned prisons you got I'm saying it's like everyone everyone no one is God everyone bases their opinions on a group of propaganda esque images fed to us from the very first cartoon or the very first cereal box that we saw in a grocery store and our environment friends schools religion country music rebel Institute all informs our opinion and what side were all we've been herded into an idea of blue or red right left but there's actually a time when we were closer to heaven when we were six months before we could learn before we learn how to be before things got so complement so so complicated what we actually had more in common all of these things that separate us it's like when you don't spend time talking to somebody for a long time you start to build up more and more and more and more and more reasons yeah you should be this anxiety in it and that distance creates that anxiety this distance is created anxiety we we are the same human beings we are God's and that man versus machine is man is the machine so if you wants imperfect creation because we perish go ahead so if you're in a situation now where you're able to do you want to mend that you want to bring those things together starting with the relationships in your life are you able to do that with the with the friendships that have been a bit of deviate you talk about the rivalry would drag you talk about this public fallout with people who you've shared a really valuable part of your life with jay-z people like that are you able to men that is this putting you on a path of recovery and personal relationships as much as it isn't your own relationship absolutely you cannot be in service to God and be mad at your brother have you started that process next door yeah I go to Drake's house just I walk over there with no security and just leave my phone number here's my cell but I you know I'm not trying to ring the doorbell and say all you gotta you gotta come out sorry I he might be busy mm-hmm you know he's he got a studio in there you know you probably you know you're just gonna take it the Drake is recording at all times and stuff like me he probably record now man we got leave probably record but you would like to see that you'd like to see that yo yo yo man can I talk here in a booth always never you never ever smile stay in a booth I don't lead a booth speaking at a booth I put my bedroom in the booth for just sleeping a booth I'll sleep in the booth a babe I wake up I bought for breakfast yes so so I'll go leave myself and things like that you know psyche you know with J you know I love all of these people but you got to know there's a there's a lineage of JT a to Drake it's you know this person is your idol then you get to know him then you be friends then you turn to frenemies then you turn the enemies and then you gotta bring back the positive energy mm-hmm but that is the lineage of like rap Kings you know and inspire us cuz J was my biggest you know it's right time I got to New York we had to throw backs I'm gonna tell you I'm really a big boy had to throw backs first and the what was it it's called sky high I think he had the Astros and then he had another one I think you might have had in the watch for the hook video he might add it but Mitchell has had a little stand and Lennox and I would be going down there doing beats for Jermaine Dupri now pull it up to the stand and try to throw back we started getting a lot of throw backs and I pull up to you know baselines and they were like you know I pull up with my throw back and like Jays like man that's nice not like that then I pull up the next I got another throw back there for days they said what you're staying Ilana and then Darcy was using this thing that we that we hadn't heard of called the internet selling jerseys you know online and he'd been had a store like RSVP it's crazy that was like it think about think about that for a second think about like that probably feels like a drop in the ocean right yeah how innocent that time was back then yeah who you were back then versus who you are now hmm and the journey you've been on to get to this place that's a life what happens to all the work what happens to all the music what happens to the songs that we still love what happens to those yah kalisto sure what happens to go is from your perspective right thank you for that and we will but what happens to those I'm going back y'all about to get the George Lucas versions right autumn robots is gonna be like yes such a lovely God right I mean the old clips there's a church in the wild yes yes literally literally reversibly yes do you go got to get the new version yeah they get those old versions we are removing Jesus's wife from the eye that's a huh I went to the Vatican and it was a Raphael painting and the person said this blacked out part is where Raphael painted Jesus wife and the Pope was so mad that he sent people to kill him in Raphael died of a cold before they could kill her mm-hmm and that was when I was saying about when they wanted to tear the domes down I was like I was gonna tear it down before y'all hmm like there's no win in that but I was gonna tear down cuz I was just experimenting anyway they think they you know I'm saying he did something they think la oh man we made you tell ya I was experiment with them domes anyway yeah we just trying to get we're just getting proportions we're seeing what it felt like we took the domes up and we may eat there and we started having you know things like you want some 3,000 years old era you'd say I was 3,000 years ago we stepped into how proprietary can you be in an environment where you serve the Lord and I want to bring up a specific example this this idea of that is such a good question this idea of trademarking Sunday service which ultimately is a terming have created an environment which is communal and belongs to everyone isn't just a Kanye West Show but there's the idea of like ownership over that term how does proprietary behavior exist in a time of ultimate servitude it isn't everything is for a god and we can receive donations mmm that's the only way that it can work so that's so the money you make from the merch is is in donation to the cause I mean I would say some you know spent if if tithing is 20 if tithing is 10 percent Sunday services devta called me 20 percent at this time but that mean sure let me just uh so let me let me make sure but it's the iteration where we haven't completely solved it so we're praying on it we're praying for the answer mmm in God's time for me to be able to work only for the church that you wanna save my 20-year vision that's my 20-year vision everything that I do is for the church even designing a shoe for the church even all the two names all shoe names be like John 3:16 instead 350s now everything is for now everything is for the church that's a vision that I that I have to be able to be an innovator and Christian innovator Christian innovator think about this you know it's a lotta a lot of organizations have capitalized on my creativity and innovation so if everything is for the church and that includes the edit the relationship with your fans let me ask you this what is the relationship between a Kanye West fan and somebody who ultimately is following the same path as you and is there a desire is there a desire ultimately to convert-- to convert-- to convert-- people through this process it's not a desire it's my only mission and calling is to spread the gospel when I make a song is to spread the gospel when we make a device this portable stem player that we design with teenage engineering for this album and albums move forward is to spread the gospel this the ranch any wrench that we use the ideas of behind it to shred the gospel to show everything that I do and to be more respectful to my body as a temple yeah you know even like you know I had I was thinking all you know just using my mind and running this company was good enough no I need to hmm you know watch my diet a happy ending what changes anything I didn't order that frozen margarita today at UH at lunch do you drink it all you know what I had stopped drinking completely when when I first converted and now I'll have a drink it's just mm-hmm what I what I've been told is to not have drunkenness something because I was thinking man it's just the taste of alcohol a sin to taste the alcohol on your lips just I'm trying to work out like like when you've come for okay so check it out so if this if if becoming a born-again Christian is an ultimate reflection upon life before as being sin right not everything in life was sin but when you first become born-again that's what you have to address you have to take a look at the whole picture and and almost untangle it from that work backwards from that right like what is a sin and what is not that's a that's an intense experience we're only yes and then you figure out that you still sin I started giving myself to curses a day Oh like there's a video game like wow oh this is now people say you know God doesn't have a scorecard I gave myself a Christian scorecard yeah and I'd like today yeah I was like I hit an 80 yeah oh yeah 90 I hit a 90 and at certain times I get on the phone with somebody about Manny about the lower my Christian scorecard like it already because you're trying it because you're trying to be the best Christian you can be from day one you always want to be but I mean like you know what I'm having I'm trying to wake this technology out myself but you've always been a Christian but you've made a complete complete commitment so it's all or nothing from day one and then you have to work in what is appropriate from that point forward but it's it's never all or nothing because you you're a human being right right right yes I guess I'm getting a are you allowing use are you being kind to yourself through this process are you allowing fell ability in this process yeah but then I be repenting because I'll you know going like look at some I'm a supposed to be looking out on the internet right and how do you process that now guilt and then this route is I'm not saying oh no no no shame now that's something that Christ has removed is the shame what happened is it's it doesn't work like Karma God is so merciful that it's not directly connected so this is a thought in my mind it's incorrect and quite arrogant to think that God would immediately punish me for me knowingly falling short the ego talking again yes the ego talking but I give you I just give you an example of it you know see if I slip up and look at something pornographic online and then the next day I get into a big argument with my wife or or some of the designs don't come back right at the office or a song we lose a foul or something someone else show up to the studio you know this is incorrect but this ego and arrogance has me thinking oh it's because I did that thing right and then I installation yeah I try to correlate it but that's not God God doesn't work like that and we we don't know how God works but I'll go and be repeated I'm sorry for those nuts that interracial I thought is the most like me about why you've got fences here but how far do you walk how far you let yourself go into this artists do like a 30 40 minute walk you could go for days bro don't ever get tempted to do that don't you ever get tempted to just like if you want to go back like just see what it would be like to just walk it walk off into the distance you own it all yes it's just for hours now used to get other stuff on my schedule but isn't that what you like to like these liberals we're running around trying to do what we can to help the world and but it got this ultimately a process you'd be trying to slow things down and find space to do that to give you some space to think have you been able to do that yes switch off like that yeah well you know the most space that I had to think is when I went to the hospital yeah in 2016 yeah I'm not sure if the wind picked it up but I asked you I said to you do you ever just take the time to walk your land and just think and surely do it to a some degree you bought this place and you you've redesigned your approach to living and in order to find space to think and you scuse me and you said I'm one of the only places that what the place we thought you really got to think was in hospital in 2016 and I wonder that's where I had the most space mmm to think what came from that experience on you know in terms of the processing one of the things that was written we have the booklets that I were right one of the things that I wrote down was build a church in Calabasas so we were at Sunday service and we were doing a set adrift from memory bliss of you mm-hmm no I would die without him now I would I'd you and um my wife showed me where I have wrote sample p.m. dawn die without you so one of the things that happened when I went to the hospital as I started reading the Bible and I started writing out copying and writing out Bible verses and a person came to my house that wasn't a Christian and told me come over and then 30 minutes later I was in handcuffs headed to the hospital now this person very well may have saved my life because when you're in an episode you can jump off the side of a balcony you can stab your high presence of mind is not yeah you could do a lot of things when you're ramped up like that but one of the things that people do now is they try to discriminate against my mind and my thoughts because of that moment it's like if someone you know went to jail and now they're working at an office and they have an argument with somebody who are they gonna blame for the argument the guy that went to jail so I still have radical thoughts visions future ideas and sometimes when I say them out loud people could just denounce it and say oh you're crazy no and I think about I don't buy that because it's someone who has it suffered with mental health issues throughout my life hmm and you know had to really develop tools in order to do them to protect my family because I can definitely find myself in a very very dark place I'm grateful for those experiences in those thoughts oh absolutely to be able to have gone that far to go to places that people say only ayahuasca and different things can take you but to naturally be able to think that far and connect and the way you know I feel another thing related to me wearing the Hat that liberals love to do is say all this relates to mental health his story is meant to help is he like my wife or go places and people will be like it's J okay is he doing is he okay like Kobe Bryant has won five championships and he's got a lot of injuries is his story isn't pulling an Achilles and every story after that how he pulled an Achilles but the same press that doesn't want to do the press and doesn't want to say hey easy is the most Google brand and this guy is a billionaire this guy is a black Trump supporter this guy is they want to make the conversation always be about mental health and I do love the fact that I can show the world that I'm sitting here and have been diagnosed put on medication medication to make me fat on purpose because after I didn't want to take the meds they're like okay we got this version I don't make you fat they're trying to kill the superhero so I'm here to show that someone that's diagnosed can still drive and be the founder of a multi-billion dollar organization can still be in service to Christ can still be a good husband and a good dad my life does not end with this diagnosis no and I will not be stigmatized I'm gonna say one thing and discriminated no I'm sorry I'm say wonder from my perspective I've said this in public too actually isn't private too many my friends you know when I heard the kids he goes project in particular that project was one of the first things that I'd heard that not only remove the stigma of having mental health issues but like you said put a cape on it mmm-hmm gave it a power I think we're the mint where people get confused and align it with mental instability as is if I may say as the distribution of the information oh you may like when I tweet a hundred tweets or when you go off and you do it all in two weeks and everyone sees this flurry of activity and it's like everyday there's three things coming at you that you're distributing information wise then people I think their natural instincts if I can speak for people are to go is he okay there seems to be a lot of disruption and instability going on around him in this very short window of time does that make sense yeah but I've never been just okay I've always been amazing so they want me to operate in a just-okay format mmm and that's not the format that I'm in it and I mean the biggest it's always the defense you just said it's okay but it's not okay it's amazing HSP highly sensitive people meaning people who can't stand the BS I can't sit with something on my spirit for more than a day I can't go to sleep on it I got I have to express it the what when I was you know me and Drake had a disagreement and he refused to talk to me for six months that was so painful because expressing yourself as a form of therapy for people with mental health so you saw I expressed myself I've been waiting to express myself for a long time and then the expression fully came out people that are locked up a lot of times ran out of words the expression went to I'm just about to go shoot somebody or I'm I'm going crazy because I don't have a way to feed my family or my gang said that I'm disrespected and if I don't go and kill this person then they gonna look at me like I'm not strong so it's a lot of things with people are driven to not have a conversation all the way through another thing I was thinking about when I use the bathroom over the day well I take it early just now although I was taking a piss because it pissed me off is when the media says Kanye defends his support of Trump I didn't know I was in a courtroom I got to defend nothing it's not a defense you know if every time someone asks you a question you try to say the right answer your entire life is a test and when did you have the most anxiety in grammar school of high school no request on test day so your entire life become this test I ain't trying to say the right answer I am just doing what I feel my mama said trying is failing there is no ifs Woods could shut it just is and we just are and it is so it's simple that's like and this mentality should not be defeated yay cannot die yay cannot be buried there is nothing there a matter of fact no enemy there is I my only only the enemy is a concept this out it's like a game think about it you play a video game there's an antagonist but it wouldn't be a game unless there was opposition I ain't trying to play ping pong by myself hmm so they set up new goals where there's one time we was like okay Drake is your rival now I think I think more about Bernard Arnault than I think about Drake because he might have thought he got culture by taking Virgil but it's like no now you're having a pilfer from my territory you came in and took one person that is african-american is African and that could be the face to draw Louis Vuitton on the side of backs and get people that look at Instagram and want to buy expensive items that are of the culture so to say to over spin on things all no actually stepped into my territory how'd that make you feel initially when that happen at the beginning not when you hugged each other at you know at the Fashion Show which was one of the best things ever that year that moment at the moment when he left and that happened how did you feel you know I felt bad I felt like it was supposed to be me I was the Louis Vuitton da people still call me the Louis Vuitton Don when I'm walking down the street but I took a branding from something that someone else had made up and is in control of it was completely up to Bernard who he wanted to dawn as the Louis Vuitton Don because he bought the bag brand he went in hired Marc Jacobs he created the industry he innovated the industry of luxury brought people out to fashion shows and pair of Paris I mean Bernardo is one of my heroes he's probably my top my dad is my top living hero and then like way way under that is but not enough because he's got the taste he's got the Sensibility he's got the high Manus man created the idea of even wanting Louis Vuitton it was just an old bag brand and he bought it and then he had the wherewithal to get this kid out of New York Marc Jacobs to go in and wrap it and bring it to the streets with Sprouse me and Pharrell and let him go Wow you know let Kim Jones do the supreme and now hire Virgil like I really admire what Bernard has done he also offered me a deal five years ago when we had our first gz show shook my hand said we never go back on a handshake then drop the deal three months later and it had effect on me going to the hospital mmm-hmm because my first adidas collection that has like these pants from season one had line ups the second collection never came out because I had to dignify the apparel with adidas so no adidas no Louie Vuitton mm-hmm and for me with I'm wrapping Drake stay right down the street I'm designing I don't have production I haven't done it before no one wants to help me out I'm tweeting by season 3 season 4 the show was 45 minutes late and they LeBron to me meaning like they did what they did to LeBron when he said he's going to the heat my wife got robbed in Paris and our control yeah next thing you know I'm in the hospital and I have to wear that for the rest of my life but to take a bat as a badge of honor because it's a don't treat me like a celebrity always know your human being first yes one one 100% and then out of anybody that they could have chose no one they did that they got one of the best men from our wedding mm-hmm and what I love about when I hugged Virgil is he he showed me that actually we're all playing on the same court and he went and ran that field goal he ran that touchdown in for us all because there was a time when we all were crazy there's a time when it was fish sticks and South Park now everybody want to pull up at a fashion show but he really stamped it by being that designer he validated it he validated and when I said earlier I always thought it was supposed to be me it always was and is supposed to be me but I'm not supposed to be working for Bernard mmm I'm supposed to be bringing manufacturing you know back to America they did me a favor but I tell you what now Bernard knows my new Drake I'll tell you that I ain't even thinking I mean I want all blessings Drake up I'm ordained minister if you want meat it like when he finally get married I was like Aubrey I'm gonna have ups and downs you be good that should be good at that yes yes sorry I give it and everything like that I if we didn't get the memo I'm just now I'm not good at holding my breath holding my tongue real bad at it real bad the uh yeah but it was supposed to be me in that way but God had a bigger plan this is that thing is so much the Instagram the Jesus Instagram where the little kid is holding on to a little teddy bear there's an Instagram where a little kid is holding on to a little teddy bear and Jesus has this huge teddy bear behind his back but you don't want to let go of that little teddy bear that you've known your whole life that's what I was talking about to tradition you don't want to let go of what you think it's supposed to be and there's God's got a bigger plan for you that's why I didn't want to even be you know presumptuous and arrogant like borderline blasphemous to try to tell you where this would be in 20 years mmm you know I'm open hey God use me please please Jesus Christ use me to the maximum if it is in your will he's given me all these skills like it's time so I sat in my house and I'm looking at how beautiful my house is and me a taxable vort did it and I'm looking at the designs I'm looking the museum looking at what we do with show design like the floating stage and the mountain hmm and I'm thinking why God why couldn't I work for Bernard oh no and God is like because I need you to work for me this is what sway was talking about and now I used to say how sway now I can say now sway now sway now it's time that's what this is all about yes we're gonna like well you could've gave me to interview this way I love you old respect I know I'm a fan of my peers but it's been five years waiting to get to talk to you again and I think about it and I think about you being forty two million dollars in debt when we spoke the first well it wasn't the first time you know the first time we ever spoke was way before that I asked you what no I was memorable for you but not for me well I remember it and I really so so I'll hold on to that name that's all right conversations come the most memorable question I asked you the first interviewee ever did was which beat do you wish he night do you want your answer was Benjamin's it was because of the question it was Quebec just remember you know it wasn't cuz you asked me it was because no it's because I asked it then we found ourselves for him you found yourself way to million dollars in debt you were screaming at people to notice you and to give you into and to back you show some faith yeah I'm saying Mark Zuckerberg looking for aliens hey go one right here yeah yeah and now you are in this and you're in the cover of Forbes they neglected to mention it be you are a billionaire what I made up the term sent to millionaire they may have a special turn it was a special term that makes sure that the last line says and maybe one day he built he will be a billionaire like his little sister Kylie you know that line was why I did the interview in the first place right because it was such a yeah yeah it's sticking it in a stop you know so and they manage they put that last there and it was like take that red hand look we'll have fun this is liberals be doing a V baby yeah because liberals like eighty percent of the press think about it you know you got Tom Brady you know he playing sports you got the Liberals right in the newspaper you know there's a fight going on it was a big fight going on between right now there was not a lot of communication between side left and side up right mm-hmm I'm saying there's a fight going on and that's why you found yourself in the middle of that is because there's a lot of people on this on the left side who you call liberals who you have inspire and you give you've given us greatness and I know that that's not why you do it and I know it I am a liberal I'm a 200% ER mm every situation I understand my wife does something that makes me mad I'm like I understand your perspective of why you did right but it still makes me mad right i 100% feel and understand why people have their position that are on the left i 100% understand the people on the right and the issue is communication that people are not communicating and for people to mute themselves is what I thought was the the harshest thing to say if you're black don't talk to this person I'm gonna talk to everybody as long as I get air in my lungs like I would go pull up saved - hey Putin how you doing hey Kim Jong how you doing how they anybody I will talk I will have a conversation with anyone with respect and love I have loved it respect for everyone I don't have admiration for everyone but I have love and respect mmm-hmm Jesus is king Joanna tell people what's coming in dissembler oh yes Sunday service album Jesus is born on Christmas mm-hmm it's coming you will continue to build from here outward and I know you only think six months in advance well that's what you said before I don't buy that part actually I know there's maybe an aim of yours but I do think that you probably have a broader idea about what this becomes and where would you like to see this when you finally find a place for your we're at peace I just will keep getting used by God I don't love suffering no one loves pain but I'm still through the good times and through the suffering I praise God because I experienced the blessings and also experienced the lessons I'm just so blessed for everything I've been through to still be standing here and 15 years in be making an album with the work the paintings still are inspiring to me I want to hear them I want to listen to this I want to have you know music is my job that's why I'm putting out the album serving God and everything that I can do is my job that's why I'm here that's why I'm on the planet is to be in service in fear love and service to God barri was you know throughout the summer he had come by and played me a new album with playing the Solange album then you know just playing new artists and we'd be working on clothes and he's like okay clothes is good and ok cool this is a multi-billion dollar company that's cool be gay music is your job it should job this is what like I believe if I stopped doing music not because it promotes the brand I believe because God has given me a gift that I pray for and so many people love that if I stop doing it he might start to take other things away cuz Who am I to say oh I got these shoes now or oh we're building these hotels now or oh yeah you know I got a family now so I'm not gonna do music I'm not gonna give people he's new ideas that I have I had to really and you know it's fun it's a good job it's a fun thing to do and I quite enjoy is it as fun doing it now as it was doing it in Hawaii or doing it in Paris or doing it at the Mercer or doing it with J or doing it for J that's a good question well I'll tell you one thing I quite enjoy the sound of my own voice and apparently by the streams billions of other people do also but that's not what else is it as I just want to do that sound bite but go ahead now is it is fun or is it just different the job you know when you were wearing the backpack when you're sitting there making it or the footage of you in the studio just make you just literally vomiting up these beats like just it's spontaneously creating things like no one else can on this keyboard and making these bangers and coming up with this stuff is it is it as fun I mean we sit in here in front of ten chirps do did a little fun to you we could drive on the lake we got a lake look it's making music this fun is your job is what I'm saying this is a part of my job this is what I do in the midst of my job like when I hand the hand the new device we need still working on a name but the the portable stem player to my daughter and she's playing it and then she turns down the vocals and turns up the vocal her eyes light up this is feeling her eyes light up the way Jays eyes used to light up when I would come and play him a beat and that mean everything to at the time that was that was everything you were striving for at that moment in time that validation now the validation comes from your family well I don't know if it's about a validation as more it's not about validation it's about the light seeing Jay's face light up when I would play on those beats and now seeing North's face light up when she's playing with the device that we just created what is this device he keeps talking we go go back to studio we'll play it like but ticks in general are dark music has more of ability to be light similar to Tesla I'm about lighting the world up about being a light being a beacon and having other people experience joy through what we create whether they're holding the product that we create or experience a Sunday service or when they used to come to the tours and see the imagination someone up there with a mask on it it's not about entertainment as more as it's not about entertainment it's about imagination witness the imagination and feel good feel know that things are possible know that things that you feel are possible that's what that's my job that's what I'm here to do to do things you're like oh I didn't know that's why we got to go and take this shirt out on the lake so you can see that this thing literally drives on the lake and that it is possible for these to do that the and I think that that I think this is a good thing this anchor about you know comparing these moments of also the way people hear a reason why I love doing listening sessions is to be close to all these people here and the way they felt when they first see the light yeah we see the light you know whereas when an album is like release mass wide you can kind of hear views coming back or you hear people driving down the street that feels good yeah it's there's a communal element to music that streaming helps and it's actually it takes away from it a little bits like video killed the radio star streaming killed the videostar HSP hypersensitive people yeah I never heard that term before do you think that that is the thing that you're most misunderstood about and the way that you've been perceived and treated is that is that people ignored or perhaps didn't I understand your sensitivity levels yeah I also but I also fell as a camouflage if the system that supported kanye west's had any idea that I would make it to that telethon or make it to that Taylor Swift stage or make it to be the founder of this three billion dollar company they would have injected it with drugs way earlier they would have tried to do anything to stop it earlier but it's too late so it's been a camouflage and even right now as I speak there's a a wash of arrogance that because I've been diagnosed with mental health because I am black because I've been positioned in this entertainment field because I've had a red half of all these different things it it makes I'm you know when I talk it's a dog whistle because the people who need to hear it hear it and the people who don't need to hear it that should be afraid of it are too much bigots they're too much of bigots too Annamma say too much bigots because the use of incorrect English is also a common it's also a camouflage yeah there are too much bigots to believe that it could happen Bernard Arnault doesn't believe that the kid that had a backpack on will be standing across the stadium from jay-z the greatest rapper ever mm-hmm think about that and a little kid in baseline studio with a backpack on mmm someday to be across the across the stadium from one of his heroes Bernard Arnault is one of my heroes your dad is your number one hero yeah and then Bernard where did you talk about your dad before certainly no we've never spoken about your dad before oh man yes my dad is he has a water purification Center he don't know no raps he's stayed in homeless shelters less than 10 years ago just to help people he's a Christian marriage counselor ass's degree met you know met my mom in college it's like and now at age 40 at age 42 so many artists at age 40 like Tesla stop having sex at age 40 da Vinci said I'm not gonna paint rich women mmm anymore I'm gonna build bridges mmm at this age this is the age when you start to see you guys haven't even seen when they do books on what we've we're gonna make you're gonna look at the sound and say also yay sound it's all these different things we haven't really experienced what the paintings are yet you talk about being in prayer like a that Allen says so who need practice we don't have choir practice we have choir growth we have grown the amount of courts that I've listened to in the past year alone like an off time even when I was doing five albums in a row I was like old it's just like LeBron James back on the treadmill ya know that's you know just that that five hours was a part of my rehabilitation from coming from the hospital think about like when I was at Nike when I was at Nike there wasn't no virtue there wasn't no drag there was no Travis that was it was just like yay graduation and then when I left you know I had a brand antisocial social club they made the anti Calle Calle Club and Nike other versions to be airtight Kanye someone's gonna watch this and they're gonna start - it was gonna be an official anti Kanye Kanye Club trust me okay and they made the Pro Jesus Jesus Club then they gonna make a pro Jesus Jesus Club they're gonna make it bread Jesus Jesus but I go to the hotels and everything you're gonna build man well and building it for us other people's families not just no to building it for us for everyone just innovating thinking why does that plug have to go into that wall like that wallet what is this room this far away why is this couch design like this what's your life's work now from this point forward it is your life's work creatively it's what I am interested in expressing but it will only be expressed if it's in God's will because if God wants me to build these factories they shall be built and if God says that's not what I want you to do yeah yeah I want you to go I want you to sit in jail I want you to go to Sydney Africa for this amount of time for this reason I want you I don't know what God has planned a surrendering of control in your whole life is being about control exactly think about that it could go from being they said whatever God has planned that I am ready to be in service to God and whatever he has planned for me thanks for inviting us here this is the place this place is super special you know yeah well so let's walk back I shoot a machine please some music and then I'll go ahead and like finish the album oh yeah part two that's fire this is like yeah this is crazy this is one for the ages this is crazy so I guess you know anticipation of the album coming you know we should focus a little bit on on some of the some of the folks who have contributed to it because you know there are other people who are involved we just spoke about a couple of producers who have who have been involved in and clips are on the record and people know about that and getting those two back together you know creatively we know that they have a relationship but getting them on a record it could only be in this project right yes that's everybody's what they think this is the only one that's the only one no malice would come and wrap on correct yes correct so can you just talk us through the process of putting that to him in and getting that talk to a place where clips reunite for this project mmm it was just beautiful I mean I had uh they they were out here like or out working on that album just five months ago I remember saying I'm not even gonna rap and then it was serious about that you were interested in rapping I didn't know how to rap for God hmm I didn't you know so I remember no malice feeling like I'm a write you a rap for this you go rap on this cuz I'm a write you about he did say you gonna rap was a paraphrase he's I'm alright I'm alright around and he must have been over you know he must have been euphoric at the idea of you being able to identify with what he had he had established fit also absolutely yeah he's just sent a verse over right now the second verse for this song I'm playing you with victory on it song called glory just sent over a second verse idea so as you see we finish in verses tonight and right and still writing new stuff absolutely like this is such a win for the kingdom for Kanye to come back home from going from jesus walks to I love it and they say I give it up to you god I tried it my way is not working now it's not working out I got you know everything is in shambles I'm ending up in debt least I'm seeing you know all we're making this money but still ended up in debt my public standing is all in shambles I'm you know I'm not I'm not in good shape I'm having ups and downs with my health people calling me crazy people not wanting to sit and meet with me and this all this has happened I had to just give it all up to God and not use any of you know the tacticity you know even like let's say I'll be known as my new Drake and all this kind of hotlines or whatever it's like no we got to go in and say that it's all in God's hands it's just praying when you pray things don't always happen exactly when you want them to happen there's is a God's time it's not in your time and God may have you suffer to use you to show you something to show someone else something that's God why do I have to suffer why don't I have to go through this night but it's a bit as a part of a bigger plan so where does that leave push pushes coming along but I can't speak I can't speak on his journey and his walk but he know he knows God is real you know there's there's things where people know God is real but the tangible and the physical things are so in front of us and Cuddy on reborn which is an important moment of kids in ghosts right mm-hmm that's a song that ultimately set you on the path even though that record came out you were still on your way to Chicago to denounce Jesus the interesting timeline for that yeah it's interesting that it's reborn because Cuddy's not Christian and I wasn't and you would and yet that song was almost a declaration of yeah eight months I don't know if it said I think I was in the path since I was born god I've always had me on this path and you know after surrounded myself with Sunday service with all of these god-fearing god-loving people singing you know I really had a luxury soundwave treatment to show me how God is so good and I was led with light and it's funny because God led me with light to him but then I'll turn around and be screaming and other people that are not in the same place in their journey you know pointing fingers and being judgmental and you're over that now to a degree I'm still human I still hurt I still get mad but it's interesting Jo drugs in the studio no alcohol in the studio can you be around that stuff all alcohol but yeah no but some people you know I have a medical condition where they have to smoke weed mm-hmm and you're okay with that well yeah you saying what do I condone on a property inside of my studio specifically mm-hmm you know I'm early on into the walk and I believe that there's certain things that haven't been defined completely but definitely I mean we never have people doing hard drugs in our in our studio yeah any way whenever I've never seen someone do cocaine in a studio of mine I never seen anyone smoke crack I've never seen anyone do heroin but pills are a friend of heroin there it's a oxy cognizant opioid so I remember you know having surgery and then having the painkiller and then after the pain was gone I'd still be popping the pills that maybe taken more than one and the feeling that thing that set off it's a similar feeling to when you climax so that shows you why sex is just as much a powerful drug as opioid whereas heroin yeah so when you saw me at the MTV Awards the year after my mama had passed that was like if I was a heroin addict with the needle and a heroin addict with the needle coming out of my arm like I don't really care about living anymore and I just thank God for saving me physically mentally spiritually yeah my last question is um at this point in your life at 42 and being a man of faith serving God spreading the gospel have you been able to find peace with the challenges of your life that you didn't bring up on yourself the loss of your mum the exposure to pornography at a young age the things that set you on your path that you've had to process yes I'm at peace its I give it all up to God it's sometimes we will sit around and start to get mad about something or um you know about to scream about something and I'm rude you know I had a rude I have a rude spirit and I had a rude spirit that I need to work on grace a lot of people there's things that they need to work on man I am like just prepped to be a Christian you know you get stereotyped you know Smita stall and say oh do you play balls is that you just take everything about my personality but like all you would make a perfect Christian don't you want to hold on to someone that fight isn't that fine needed don't need some of that fighting you still like that what is that the fight just cuz you a Christian don't mean you ain't got fight I mean the rudeness let me be more specific well that's what I've got to say the thing I pray for to be more christ-like is the grace is its I have to pray for grace and then as God strengthens my hand is to have more grace like we as human beings inside of the game of life do there's a disability where I might be slightly upset about something later today I pray that but doesn't seem to go about two days didn't something new to be hah I'm upset about that these are like new challenges that we're at with life it's completely landscape has changed around here taking you know meetings and doing partnerships on building factories and building our own farms and in these new challenges there will be things you're frustrated about it's like if you went to different levels of the video game like I'm less frustrated about the snare or a hi-hat I've been doing that so long a call it Manny Marroquin I call it Mike Dean we have our production staff everything we've got that completely under control I don't have any idea you know of how you have an idea but I don't have experience doing the things I'm talking about yeah yeah and in that experience there's gonna be some cuts and some bruises but I'm ready to go in it's one of those like jumping in the deep and things like if you knew how you know difficult certain things where you might not jump in to be able to receive be able to receive how rewarding they are on the other end and we we in the defense we always stay we stay in deeper I'm not shallow I'm deep Oh muck everything's gonna be on the deep in
Channel: Apple Music
Views: 4,327,450
Rating: 4.8614917 out of 5
Keywords: Apple Music, kanye west, kanye west jesus is king, kanye west sunday service, jesus is king, kanye sunday service, sunday service, jesus is king kanye, jesus is king kanye west, kanye west jesus is king album, kanye, kanye west interview, Zane Lowe, interview, zane lowe interview, music interviews, hip hop, kim kardashian, born again, Beats Radio, sunday service kanye, Beats 1, Beats 1 Radio, kanye west new album, christian, yandhi, kanye jesus is king, follow god kanye
Id: QuOCvKvrwI8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 114min 54sec (6894 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 24 2019
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