Jordan Peterson tells Tucker: Truth in speech is of divine significance

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[Music] jordan peterson was a clinical psychologist practicing in canada when he got into a fight with the canadian government over his right to say what he believes is true that catapulted him into the position he occupies now which is one of the world's most important one of its last really public intellectuals he's written a brand new book 12 new rules to life we just had a long and fascinating genuinely fascinating conversation with him on a new episode of tucker carlson today it's just out on fox nation here's part of it you made your decision 2016 not to say what the government of canada was prepared to force you to say you decided i can't do that it violates my conscience my soul's at stake i'm not doing it looking back on that decision five years later your life is completely different from what it was are you happy that you made that decision was it worth it well i wouldn't say i'm happy that i made the decision i i wouldn't say that my life has been particularly happy over the last five years it's been stressful beyond comprehension for a variety of reasons but and i would say um being pilloried on a regular basis publicly is definitely part of that um but you know you you make your decisions in life and i decided when i was very young i'm in my mid-20s that i was going to say what i believed and see what happened i talked to you earlier in the talk about adventure you know about the adventure of truth and i don't think i'm happy about what has happened and i certainly have dragged my family through their fair share of well both hell and and also incomprehensible opportunity it's expanded our lives in both directions to a tremendous degree but it's certainly been an adventure it's not been dull and i don't believe that it i don't believe that it was a mistake whatever happens as a consequence of telling the truth is the best thing that can happen it doesn't really matter how it looks to you at the moment or maybe even across the years because you have to it's it's a it's a it's an article of faith in some sense do you believe that reality is better constituted as a consequence of truth or falsity if you believe that reality is best constituted as a consequence of truth then you have a responsibility to speak the truth and you can't assess the consequences and say well that was a mistake because part of the decision that reality is best constituted as a consequence of the truth is the decision that no matter what happens is the best if it's a consequence of telling the truth and so that's what i conclude it's like this is what happened because i said what i had to say as clearly as i could say it and that's as good as it could be now whether or not that's good well it's good compared to all possible alternatives all possible realistic alternatives that's an article of faith as far as i'm concerned you know our culture is predicated on the idea that truth in speech is of divine significance it's the fundamental presupposition of our culture well if you believe that then you act it out and you take the consequences you're going to take the consequences one way or another you know so you want the truth on your side or do you want to hide behind falsehoods that's the question do you want to hide behind falsehoods you can watch a full interview the inspirational interview with jordan peterson by going to and we hope you will hey sean hannity here hey click here to subscribe to fox news youtube page and catch our hottest interviews and most compelling analysis you will not get it anywhere else
Channel: Fox News
Views: 710,200
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Keywords: Jordan Peterson, fox news jordan peterson, freedom of speech, jordan peterson canada, jordan peterson on tucker carlson, jordan peterson tucker, truth, tucker carlson and jordan peterson, tucker carlson today, carlson, fnc, fox news, fox news channel, fox news media, fox news network, fox news voices, tucker, tucker carlson, tucker carlson monologue, tucker carlson monologue tonight, tucker carlson tonight, tucker reacts, tucker tonight, jordan peterson interview
Id: rarY7pR03ns
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 1sec (241 seconds)
Published: Tue May 04 2021
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