15 Best Compact Carry Pistols

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foreign [Applause] what's up guys this is Chris here and today we've got a good video for you today we're going to go over the 15 best compact carry guns in order to be in this list you have to be durable reliable time tested a good track record it has to be fast accurate relatively affordable although we will have a ton of different price tiers anywhere from pretty expensive to actually pretty cheap so we have something for everybody we're also going to have a number of different actions so we're going to have some double action some Striker Fired and some single action guns as well that way we get at least one entry on there from everybody these are going to be evaluated based on my reviews my first shots my thousand round reviews My testing but also other people's testing we're going to take in consideration the track record of the gun it's military and law enforcement service and how it's done with civilians as far as not only just how many have been sold but how happy those people are overall so if you're looking for a carry gun this is a really good place to start now before we get into the list I do want to mention my Patron supporters thank you guys very much you guys are the biggest supporter of the channel we try to be the most honest gun content on the internet and because of that companies don't always love us so it's nice that you guys are here for us because we're here for you if you want to support the channel just go to the link in the description and hit that patreon link it's the best way to do it also in that description a local shelter in Ames Iowa it's the yss those kids could really use your help so please go down that link and donate to those kids all right let's get right into it at number 15 with the HK MP too big too big too big so we'll go with something smaller let's start with number 15 the Springfield Hellcat Pro now the Springfield Hellcat Pro is a relatively new gun but it's so awesome I had to put it on the list it just couldn't make it up higher than a lot of guns that have higher track records and stuff like that but it might be there someday what I would consider probably the best carry option from Springfield at the moment the Hellcat Pro Blends a lot of cool stuff together that I think makes a really unique and carryable package it is a very small gun with only one inch in overall width which is very important it's going to be a lot thinner than a lot of the guns on the list it has a 21 ounce overall weight and it is a polymer frame striker-fired pistol so the trigger pull is going to be the same poundage every time which is great for new Shooters it also comes in with a lot of cool features and a price point that makes it pretty attractive at between 500 and 600 dollars with a 15 round magazine capacity one of the smallest guns that you can get in this class not only is it thin but it's very light as well but it still shoots okay now physics being what they are it's not going to shoot as good as some of the guns later on this list that might be a little bit beefier and heavier but it is going to be much easier to carry all day and you still get that 15 rounds of nine millimeter capacity to make it feel good the Hellcat Pro was very accurate although the trigger is not as good as some other guns on this list and it was very reliable as well feel free to check out our thousand round review if you're interested in at number 14 the Beretta PX4 Storm a very unique offering from Beretta it has a rotating Barrel design that makes it very very soft shooting it's very accurate very reliable and pretty unheard of so you can often find them for prices that you would be surprised the MSRP is between 650 and 700 but I've seen these guns for around 500 and you can even get them done by Langdon tactical like I had mine done and they shoot extremely well it's gonna be a little more expensive but they're awesome and remember very very light recoil 15 round magazine capacity and a 27 ounce overall weight makes it a very carryable package still with a four inch barrel it's going to be a double action single action pistol so you're going to have that long double action for a shot and then you're going to have a very crisp and light single action trigger pull in my opinion the double action is safer for carry especially in appendix because it's kind of a safety in and of itself having that longer trigger pull and you do definitely get used to it over time I shoot a CZ Shadow 2 in competition and I barely notice it now so if you're looking for something unique in light recoiling and maybe something not everybody has check out the Beretta PX4 Storm the only downside to the gun and the reason why it's not higher on the list is because it's relatively unknown you can't really find it a lot of places you can't find holsters and and parts and magazines in a lot of places so it sits at number 14. doesn't make it a bad gun though in at number 13 we have maybe my favorite 1911 on the list at least on the list because it's my favorite Commander size 1911 the Dan Wesson Guardian now the guardian has a special place in my heart because not only is it a 1911 but I also carry the guardian for a number of years I trusted my life to it and of all the guns shot that does give it a pretty high recommendation now the Dan Wesson Guardian is expensive at about Seventeen hundred dollars but hey it's a semi-custom 1911 so you're gonna get what you pay for it's got a very smooth trigger pull somewhere between three and four pounds it's a single action only guns you are going to have to carry it cocked and lock like your grandpa did but your grandpa was probably a badass they come in 45 or nine millimeter mine was a nine millimeter so I had a nine round capacity I personally like that a 1911 and nine millimeter is an absolute dream to shoot it does have an aluminum frame so it is relatively light at 28 ounces uh you're gonna have a limited capacity with it but you make up for it with one of the best Triggers on planet Earth and one of the most accurate barrels that you'll find the Dan Wesson Guardian shoots three to four inches at 50 to 100 yards it's more accurate than you'll ever be and if you want to look good on the Range and carry a gun and feel comfortable and still have a good enough gun to go to the barbecue and defend yourself the Dan Wesson Guardian is a pretty good way to go now hey if you can't afford to the end Western Guardian don't worry about it there's a lot of cheap guns on the list here you in at number 12. we're going to be talking about the Taurus G3 now the Taurus G3 is the cheapest gun on the list and what I would consider probably the cheapest gun you can get that's still good to go for a carry this is actually one of the new ones here but we do have a thousand round review of the Taurus G3 if you're interested the Taurus is a double action polymer frame pistol with a four inch barrel that comes with a lot of great features but a very low price tag it has a 15 round or 17 round capacity it is a nine millimeter and some of them have AMD controls and even are Optics ready however the base model does not but it does come in between two and three hundred dollars making it affordable for pretty much everybody looking for self-defense now I know a lot of people who sneer at this but no matter what your income level I think you should still be able to afford to defend yourself and if you need to get into a 200 gun I would recommend the Taurus G3 through our testing it was very reliable I think we had maybe three failures out of a thousand rounds but the trigger is great the recomb pulse is great the the texture is good and the slide is easy to maintain and easy to handle even for people with arthritic hands so I feel pretty good about putting the gun on the list I would consider it maybe the cheapest gun that I would carry if I had to although if you want to bump it up a little bit there is some better options like number 11 the Beretta apx Centurion coming at about a hundred dollars more than that at about the 400 price point I think the Beretta apx Centurion is one of the best guns on the market you can get a polymer frame Striker Fired pistol with a fire control module that you can change grips with a 3.7 inch barrel 28 ounce overall weight and a capacity of about 13 to 15 rounds all for 400 bucks coming from the oldest firearms company in the world and having a warranty and a track record that'll make you feel a lot more comfortable than maybe the Taurus we did a thousand round review of the apx Centurion and we actually have the version 2 in testing right now and I gotta say I definitely recommend them in at number 10 we're gonna start getting into some of the big boys I want to talk about the CZ p01 now the CZ p01 is one of my favorite guns on the planet as you guys know the p01 in its stock configuration is somewhere between five and six hundred dollars it has a four inch barrel at 28 ounce overall weight just like a lot of the other guns but this one is going to be an aluminum frame double action you can get it with a decocker or a safety and it has a great trigger out of the box and it's safe to carry appendix which I like a lot based on the CZ 75 design it is one of the most reliable guns on the planet it does great in adverse conditions it does great in cold hot mud sand whatever you can throw at the gun it'll run it runs most cheap ammunition as well including wolf and remanufactured ammo I've had no problems with mine and on top of that you do get that double strike capability now I think where the p01 really shines is when you get them customized because you can get them slicked up to compete with like a 2011 which is really impressive but you can certainly take the base gun and be extremely happy in an number nine we have the Canik tp9 SF Elite I really like this gun because it's another gun that gives you a ton of gun for the money with a four inch barrel and a 28 ounce weight we have lots of features for the money as well front slide serrations and B controls a textured mag release and you have a pre-cock striker trigger that's one of the better guns in the industry a lot of these come with Optics mounts and you get a fiber optic with a blacked out rear and you get a 15 round magazine capacity all for about the 400 price point which is absolutely insane in at number eight we have the CZ p10c now the CZ p10c is a great gun and it's an absolute classic these days came out about five years ago and I've been shooting them ever since and I freaking love them one of my favorite companies CZ not only they put out great guns but they put them out ready to work they're all worked from the factory and ready to go so you have no break-in period this one has a very low slide Mass with front serrations picatinny rail for lights and lasers a phenomenal trigger and undercut serrated magazine release with Ambi controls and a great grip that you can get really high on so polymer frame striker-fired pistol with extreme reliability extreme accuracy but where it really shines is its recoil control you can shoot out as many shots as you need to to get the job done on this guy without losing control of the pistol and that's why I love it close fast and dirty exactly what a carry gun needs to be and the p10c Really delivers in at number seven we're gonna have a pretty controversial gun and I'll tell you why a is really expensive B I kind of designed it we're gonna be talking about the atlas Aries in my opinion the best gun on this list that no one can afford which is why it comes in at number seven uh these guns are about six thousand dollars but it is in my opinion worth it I actually worked with that This Gun Works on this a little bit and gave them some design input on what I would like out of the gun and this is what we came up with we came up with a 15 round aluminum framed aluminum gripped 2011 pistol made by one of the best companies on Earth hence the price tag with a picatinny rail ported right from the factory Optics Mount and a three pound trigger that is better than anything you've ever felt in your life we have Ambi controls on each side we have a drill and tap magazine release and then we have a straight back to the rear single action trigger so at 2011 if you're unfamiliar or a double stack 1911 is in fact how it sounds it's a double stack 1911. so you have all the ergonomics that you like on the 1911 but you get a 15 to 27 round capacity with the atlas Aries which I like a lot all the controls are all going to be slicked up and everything is going to be beautiful like angels singing when you get it from the factory so someday if you get the chance to shoot one of these I'd recommend trying one out and if you subscribe now and wait a couple weeks hey who knows maybe we'll be giving one away now in a number six man they're heating up getting harder and harder to like put guns above guns because they're all so good and they're so different as well it's hard to compare p365 to an atlas Aries but we're going to the p365x macro maybe my favorite gun of last year it really takes the p365 and makes it bigger that's what I want the Peter 65x macro is as it sounds so the macro version of the b365 except we've got a bang and flat face trigger it comes with a slide cut comp in there so it doesn't reduce any of the reliability or anything like that but it does give you increased follow-up shots we have a four inch slide with a three inch barrel Optics mounting system and it is a polymer frame Striker fire pistol however it also does have the fire control module in it so you can put it in bigger or smaller grips if you so choose it comes Optics ready for the 507 it has a HD night sights that are made of steel and a very comfortable grip all that for around 700 is pretty cool but add to the fact that it's only one inch thick and it is only 21 ounces you have a pistol with the capability of full-size pistols with the recoil control of a freaking open gun all for the package that's a little bit bigger than the p365. I would argue that if this has been around for a couple more years this might have gotten the number one spot considering all the features and accuracy and reliability that we've had out of this gun that being said I just have to test it for a few more years before I can recommend it over some of the guns that have been doing it forever but the p365x macro is right on the way in at number five we have damn another good gun we're gonna be talking about the Walter PDP now the Walther PDP compact the four inch is a pretty banging gun and I'll tell you why it has a pre-cock striker trigger it is a striker-fired polymer frame pistol like a lot of the other guns on the list except this one comes in with a ton of great features we have an Optics mounting system adjustable sights we have great texture on the grip back straps comes with two or three 15 round mags I actually forget how many it comes with magazine releases texture the trigger guard is absolutely huge which I like a lot because I live in Iowa where we got to wear these things a lot of the year because it's below zero out of the year and it's really helpful it has amb controls it's extremely accurate and it shoots very quickly I can shoot at 100 yards with this gun no problem problem and I feel super comfortable when I had this guy the Walther PDP is is the successor to the P99 and the PPQ and I think it does a great job building on those awesome platforms adding some new features people were looking for in at number four we have oh man you guys know I love this gun this is the CZ p07 and I had to put on those for a number of reasons one because CZ apparently discontinued these how dare you and two because I've been carrying this gun for literal years and it's been through basically everything as you can see here uh this is a double action single action polymer frame pistol my personal favorite double action pistol I might add it is a constant companion with me it has a 28 ounce weight similar to many of the other guns on the list but I think this one handles it even better with some of the lightest if not the lightest recoil on the list part of that is due to the internal slide radius but a lot of that is due to the CZ ergonomics and the grip and the light weight of the slide giving it less reciprocating mass as it comes back and it also pushes back on the double action Hammer as it comes back which reduces The Recoil even more I have some steel sights on here however they believe they do come with polymer sites we have a picatinny rail a lot of room up here to put your thumb this is a great gun for big hands if you got big hands like me there's a lot of room to put your hands we have a great undercut as well we have a textured magazine release and pretty good texture on the grip however you can see I did cover up with Talon grips which have lasted like literally six years I know I see a lot of tactical instructors say don't put Town grips on because they'll eventually fall off but hey just like escalators that when they break they become stairs when tile and grips come off you just have the same [ __ ] grip you had before so personally for me they work mine has a decocker on it but you can get a model with the safety and as you can see here all the controls are very big which makes this a phenomenal gun to use when it's cold outside and since Iowa's winter lasts about three to four months on average we get two to three months that where it can be below zero I really like to have this gun because I can use it in any condition it's it's the most reliable gun I own thousands of rounds for this gun we've done mud testing adverse testing everything you can think of you can throw out this thing and it'll still work in at number three we have one of the greatest guns ever made the m p 2.0 I had to put this one pretty high on the list uh partly because of the reliability partly because how many law enforcement agencies use it partly because it's one of the highest selling guns on the market today but really I put it on the list because of how much I love it personally this is one of the newer models however if you've been watching the channel recently you'll know that I left one of my old ones outside for three months with the same ammunition in cold and rain and snow and it rusted up and still worked I took it out racked it and shot the damn thing not only did it work but it shot targets at 50 yards right after that with the same magazine shut the [ __ ] up [Applause] foreign commercial I don't know what is very very durable very reliable great and adverse conditions big controls any controls on each side the 2.0 has a phenomenal trigger in it you get a 15 round magazine capacity although they are compatible with all the models so you can put bigger and bigger magazines if you want picatinny rail for light mounting this one came Optics ready with suppressor height sights very cool right out of the Factory and then you have these cool fish scale serrations as well great recoil control on the m p 2.0 arguably one of the least recoiling striker-fired guns this is a Striker Fired polymer frame gun with a four inch barrel and about 500 price point 28 ounces again you can see that a lot of the compact guns have the same damn weight but I want to tell you anyway in case you're splitting hairs maybe you're nothing fancy fan but I like to know what guns weigh that way I can decide how much I want to carry them so I like this one a lot because it has some of the best texture in the business the 2.0 put a lot of really aggressive texture on there not great for everybody but great for me I think if you're looking for a gun to do everything with this is certainly one of those options and probably the main competitor to number two the freaking Glock 19. the Glock 19 is the highest sold pistol ever I think and for good reason it started this craze it started the compact polymer frame striker-fired pistol craze that you can see most of these guns fit into it's kind of the OG and this is actually the fifth generation as you can see I have a very Precision slide on there and that kind of highlights what's awesome about the Glock you can put anything you want on it you can put any parts sites dots lights you can have one of ten thousand companies accessorize it for you you put different triggers you can put anything you want on there but from the base gun right out of the box it's still pretty good because the Gen 5 comes with a lot of features guys we're looking for they took away the finger grooves they added a little bit better trigger you've got back straps involved in the box that you can put a beaver tail on if you like they come Optics ready and they're probably the most reliable gun on the planet if not they're certainly up there they've been tested by law enforcement military been using them Special Forces groups have been using them for many many years and they couldn't be tested more if you don't want to think about it too much and you want it gone that's just going to work all the time and you want a gun you can get parts for a holsters for anything you want the Glock 19 is your boy all right now I know we just kind of glossed over a lot of these last guns but you have to remember that I do have reviews or at least first shots of all these guns so if you want to check that out feel free to subscribe to the channel go through my videos and you can see them all there that being said we're going to get into number one now and hopefully you agree with me maybe you won't hard to say my number one is the staccato C2 the staccato C2 is a gun that defends me personally all the time it's one of my main carry guns it's one of my home defense guns it's a gun that my wife shoots all the time it's a gun that I shoot all the time and I think it brings all the best possible features from the competition racing community and I think it brings it into a compact package that's relatively affordable that's super durable super reliable that you can get into and shoot quick without having to worry about a malfunction it brings everything that I want with the 2011 platform and nothing I don't the staccato C2 is relatively expensive though 2 000 bucks and then 2500 for the Optics ready model which is very expensive but what you're going to get out of it is high performance you get a 15 to 17 round magazine capacity you get a polymer grip aluminum frame steel slide that's Optics ready here we're rocking the new hollow sun EPS on there which we'll be doing a review of you get uh suppressor height sights you get a three pound single action trigger which is very awesome you get good texture on the grip you get a beaver tail safety and an Ambi manual safety now you do have to carry these cocked and locked so you're going to have to get used to that battery of arms but once you do get used to the battery of arms once you do get into the initial price what you'll receive is unbelievable recoil control incredible accuracy and speed on the trigger that you can't imagine if you've only ever shot a polymer framed gun like a Glock 19 or something the 1911 2011 brings the best trigger in the business not only does it go straight back to the rear and doesn't have any fulcrum business like a polymer frame or like a Glock 19 does for example but you also get a very very short reset on the trigger which allows you to shoot very very quickly and very very accurately the less trigger movement that you have the less you can [ __ ] that up so I think the C2 kind of eliminates a lot of user error and gives you durability and reliability that you're not going to get with something like maybe a bull Armory or Springfield Prodigy and they do come a little bit higher than the Springfield Prodigy but you're not going to get 15 malfunctions per thousand rounds you're going to get zero or at least I did anyway this is my second staccato C2 and both of them have run philosophy with no malfunctions at all including remanufactured ammunition including hollow points including varying types from 115 grain all the way up to 147 grain very very impressive design I couldn't be happier and that's why I use it to defend myself but hey I use a bunch of these guns so any one of these that you pick will be good enough I promise you that if you like this video please like And subscribe please help out your local homeless shelters and remember to recycle but before I check you later let me know in the comment section below if you want a sub compact list because I was thinking about doing that maybe a double stack micro list let me know what you want maybe a pocket pistol list I want to do the best 15 for each one of those categories so you tell me what you want next [Applause] [Applause] [Music] in at number three we have one oh [ __ ] I have coffee on my mustache I wonder how long it's been there
Channel: Honest Outlaw
Views: 619,597
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 15 best, top 15, top 5, top 5 guns, top 5 carry guns, honest outlaw, top 15 carry guns, top 5 carry pistols, best pistol, best handgun, best carry gun, best carry pistol, gun review, sig p365, x macro, Springfield hellcat pro, Beretta px4 storm, dan wesson guardian, Taurus g3, beretta apx centurion, cz p01, Cz p10c, Canik tp9 sf elite compact, atlas gun works ares, Pdp, walther pdp, Cz p07, m&p 2.0, g19, glock 19, staccato c2, most reliable guns, carry gun, new gun
Id: FylHQSax7AU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 15sec (1335 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 05 2023
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