Get Rid Of Your Glock's PLASTIC Guide Rod!

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[Music] hey there it's Lenny McGill with a GlockStore performance and custom shop here in the beautiful Nashville Studios and you know we've moved here about four years ago built this building got this business running up here moved out of California I don't know if I've told you how much I like Tennessee but I really like it um and it's funny because I started thinking about you know my life and my career here I am uh about 40 years into this business and I thought to myself what is you know what is the value of what are we doing here and what you know what have we done over the last 40 years and certainly I've done a lot of videos and all that fun stuff but I've introduced some products that help people shoot better shoot faster shoot more accurately operate their gun more efficiently be safer and one of the items and probably the most important item that I've ever manufactured kind of invented and introduced about 30 years ago is the tungsten guide rod for your Glock uh the Glock comes with a plastic guide a lot of people aren't aware of that and you know the Glocks are by Nature light because it has a polymer frame and a steel uh upper so it's lighter than a traditional steel gun uh significantly and that's one of the advantages of it however the disadvantage is that when you shoot it it has a tendency to kind of Pop around a little bit uh a lot of people with a Glock will notice the muzzle flip I mean especially if you're shooting 40 caliber or even 10 millimeter uh you'll notice that there is a snappiness to the Glock and a lot of people uh you know it affects their ability to shoot accurately shot the shot and anybody can stand there and look at the sights and shoot the first shot and boom but then the second follow-up shot if you want to do it in a rapid Pace um if your gun is jumping around and you you know no matter what kind of technique you have it's it's not going to be as accurate as the first shot so that said uh the tungsten guide rod helps improve your accuracy so first and foremost let's go ahead and look at this this is a Glock 45 which I really like it's it's now my personal gun and um I'm going to build it up over a course of time here I've already uh put a pyramid trigger inside of it uh and I've got our new uh of the HD uh XR sites which are the uh Trijicon HD XR extreme extended range sites and that means that the front post is a little bit thinner the rear post is a wider U which allows for faster Target acquisition faster site acquisition and it allows you to really get on target a little faster and it's designed really for you know self-defense Close Quarter fast shooting uh it's not a Precision site that you know you'd take to 50 yards I mean you could but it really is designed for close-up fast targets and so now that said the tungsten guide rod marries very well with that so what I'll be doing here is I'm going to go ahead and show you the demonstrate the uh installation of tungsten guide road which is probably the easiest thing to do and like I said it is probably the most important thing we sell certainly one of the most popular things we sell when you buy a Glock you know you'll you know the guns are great the way they are but if you want to improve it we like to improve our trigger we like to improve the sights and I like to manage recoil and that's what this tungsten guide rod does so here's our Glock 45 I'm going to go ahead and verify that it is empty whenever you work on guns you want to make sure it's empty we don't have any ammunition on the table no ammunition in the room there's no magazine in this gun so I know that it's basically unloaded but I'm going to go ahead and peek inside and look inside the chamber and make sure that it's unloaded now every time I pick that gun up when it's out of my possession I'm going to do the same exact thing because I don't want to forget that I loaded it by mistake and that's what typically happens I've been around this business long enough to know everybody I've talked to all the you know the big big time shooters uh you know I'm talking you know Bill Wilson Mike blacksko uh Jerry Barnhart you know Rob Lake not everybody every one of those guys has had an accidental discharge and it typically happens when they didn't realize they loaded the gun because they do it so often that it becomes automatic so please understand that you know your responsibilities every time you pick that gun up verify that it's unloaded pull the trigger in a safe Direction now we can work on it that said now here's how we do the disassembly here and you've seen me do this a million times but I'll do it again for in case this is your first time you take your finger and your your whole hand just rotate it on top of the slide like so what we're trying to do is going to pull the slide back just about a quarter of an inch to take pressure off of the slide lock or the slide uh the takedown lever basically the slide lock so we're going to go ahead and pull that back and now on both sides just like that I'm going to pull down on the slide lock we do sell an extended version I have not yet installed it on this gun I will do that in a separate video all right so we pull the slide off we want to maintain this light we don't want to let it just fall down and slip off and hit the table we want to maintain it in our hands so that it doesn't do that because if it falls it will damage that nose ring there and if that gets bent or cracked it's basically toast as they say now there's the upper there's the lower we'll be working on that later I'm going to put that off the side the upper itself consists of the barrel which everybody knows the sights of course and then inside is the guide rod and the striker or the firing pin and the safety plunger that actually prevents the firing pin from going forward unless you are actually pulling the trigger so that's one of the good safeties that Glock has built into this gun the guide rod comes out very simply all we want to do now is we want to push forward and depress the spring a little bit with our thumb just like this push it forward and lift it out and there it comes the barrel can also come out just like that but for this demonstration we don't need to take the barrel out I just want to show you and it drops in and it marries itself up and there it is okay now we offer two different types of tungsten guide rods the original tungsten guide rod and the pure tungsten guide rod the original tungsten guide rod is a copper tungsten blend it's significantly heavier than the factory plastic version so this is the factory plastic you can feel you can know kind of in your hand wow it's kind of light yes it is especially when you compare it to the tungsten options the pure tungsten is pure tungsten it is significantly heavier than this one so what I'm going to do is I'm going to measure these out here on a little food scale that does grams so we get pretty accurate and this thing is about 18 grams I've already done it so it's 18 grams that's the factory the original tungsten is going to push out to about 48 grams I've already measured these so I'm just going to do it again for you right here and that's actually 42 grams excuse me so that's 42 grams for that one and the pure tungsten I have measured out at about 70 or 71 it's 71 grams so they're your three options Factory plastic tungsten or the pure tungsten now the nice thing about the pure tungsten you'll notice it's got a one spring versus a dual spring so that allows us to manage the spring weights so if you're shooting with a suppressor or you're shooting with a compensator or you just want to have a lighter spring because it's easier to manipulate that's a good option with this uh pure tungsten Rod because it allows you to manage spring weights you offer uh different spring weights for this that are lower typically the spring weight on this 45 uh Gen 5 is about 17 to 18 pounds all right so there's the three options uh the plastic one like I said I'm going to replace I'm going to elect to put the pure tungsten in because it's the best one it is the most expensive but it also is the best one now the the insulation like I said is so simple this is something you do in less than a minute I'm talking through it and dragging it out but basically what we're going to do is take the head just put it into the nose ring this down and compress the spring and drop it down all the way a lot of people one of the questions people often ask me uh and I hear it all the time is that hey which ledge does it go on and it goes on the bottom ledge as you can expect so if you look at the the barrel you'll see there's a a rounded ledge down there and there's kind of more of a flat ledge and you actually want that guide rod to be living in the bottom sometimes people take their gun apart and it's actually living up on top because it kind of came out a little bit that's okay it's normal it will find itself once it's seated you know the gun's going to actually compress itself together but you want to install this so that the rounded part intersects with the rounded part of the guide rod itself all right so just gonna go ahead and drop the barrel back in and guide rod goes in and depress it just a little bit make sure it's on the bottom should look kind of like that and now we just take our frame and we line up our rails now I always want to be careful that I don't misalign one of the Rails I have honestly I've done it so many times I've I've done it where I've got the two rails in the front on and I come back on the back here and for whatever reason somehow I missed the rails in the back and all of a sudden it's on top and that's a real mess because then it kind of gets stuck somewhat so you always want to make sure that when you get back to here they actually get the line the rails lined up you get it kind of set everything looks good and now we'll go ahead and rack it and which will lock itself in place and that's where the slide lock actually locks the the whole slide up into the frame and that's it that's the installation like I said this is the tungsten guide rod is the most popular item we sell I mean without a doubt it is also the item that when you install it and you go from the plastic guide rod to the tungsten guide rod and you shoot you go wow there's a wow factor I mean we get a lot of wow factors on the pyramid trigger because it's a big difference in a big upgrade but the other wow factor is that the gun does not jump around so when my wife shoots the nine millimeter I put the tungsten guide on make sure she's got it in her gun it's a huge difference and we've got them available for all the Glocks across the board the 43x is a real good example that's a small little gun with a plastic guide rod we put the tungsten guide rod in there and the difference is dramatic you have less jumpiness so now think about what's happening as you're shooting and you want to shoot rapid shots all of a sudden now your groups will tighten up and I guarantee if you do a test yourself when you shoot with a plastic guide rod and you go to the tungsten guide rod you will have tighter groups you will be more accurate you'll be more consistent and you'll be safer because of those reasons I mean safety comes down to hitting the target you want to want to hit when you're supposed to hit it okay you know that's what safety's all about you know if you're ever in a situation and you can't control the firearm you're shooting you're missing hitting people in the background that's not very safe but the tungsten guide rod I'll tell you will improve your shooting dramatically in every way and I guarantee it because I know we've sold literally now I tell you over the last 30 years we've sold over 500 000 guide rods and everybody loves them and I know you will too I'm Lenny McGill this is the GlockStore performance and Custom Shop we're here in Nashville now check us out also not only here on YouTube but on Rumble because now we're going to be starting our Rumble channel for a lot of obvious reasons so please check us out on Rumble also of course YouTube uh we uh we love the YouTube channel we love being able to communicate with our customers uh but they are making a little bit tough on some gun people so we're you know Plan B is Rumble thanks for watching we'll see you next time [Music]
Channel: GlockStore
Views: 296,813
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: GlockStore, Lenny Magill, Shoot270, GlockStore Nashville, GlockStore San Diego, Glock, Handgun, Custom Gun, Red Dot Optic, Custom Glock, Glock Guy, glock 43x, glock 19, edc, Tungsten, Guide Rod, Tungsten Guide Rod, Glock upgrade, custom glock, best gun upgrade
Id: gMqDQtTL5Pk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 46sec (766 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 07 2022
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