Top 10 Least Reliable Pistols

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[Applause] foreign [Applause] what's up guys this is Chris here and today we're going to be doing a fun video today we're going to be talking about the top 10 least reliable Pistols that we've ever had the way we're going to rank these is we're going to rank these based on the amount of malfunction they've had in the actual videos we've done not only from the first shots but from the Thousand round reviews prior testing things like that but I'm also going to take into account the history of reliability over the course of the Firearms light not only in my hands but other people's hands that I know and some other testing that I've seen so we're going to be talking about guns that just malfunction an awful lot we're going to be talking about some guns that you should probably stay away from and hopefully don't depend on to defend your own life so we're going to be mixing these up a little bit there'll be a few different ones in here and there'll be some controversial ones as well so the comment section on this video should be interesting before we get into the video I do want to mention my patreon supporters thank you very much we try to make the most honest gun content on the internet and because of that the industry doesn't always love us so we make videos for you guys and if you want to support us that's the best way to do it just go to the link in the description and sign up also in that description is a link to a local shelter it aims Iowa it's the yss it's a Youth Shelter those kids can really use your help so if you click that link it'll bring you right to donate page and you can give those kids a few bucks and we can all feel good about it so out of all the guns that we've shot on the channel these are some of my least favorite these are some of the guns that I wouldn't count on even if you paid me we're gonna get right into number 10 here number 10 is probably going to be the most reliable gun on the list because that's how lists work that'll happen I was gonna say it was gonna work well but that it's like nah [ __ ] you the high point in general I was gonna put the high point 380 but I'm gonna throw the high point nine into the bus as well it's a big bus and there's lots of room so we're going to talk about the high point kind of as a whole it's a blowback operated incredibly cheap gun made with probably the most cheap parts in manufacturing that you can find out there it's a blowback operated gun so not only is it questionably reliable but it also has a pretty significant recall impulse considering they're either nine or 380 it's a pretty terrible trigger and it's pretty inaccurate but the reality is is these guns come for somewhere between a hundred and two hundred dollars so the reason why this is at number 10 is because you should probably already know they're not going to work well if you buy a gun for 100 bucks uh we actually got one for what like 125 bucks the high point 380 I think it's the one of the cheapest handguns in the world we got it and it did have quite a few functions now I'll probably give it a little bit of a pass since again it's at number 10 because it's so cheap but the reality is is it failed like every 20 rounds or so and it wasn't a very awesome experience to shoot and if you consider there are guns that like the Taurus G3 series and stuff that are a little bit better I would go that route instead of the high point I like the idea of the high point because I like to arm people that need to be armed I also like the fact that it's made in America I think they're made in Cleveland I've even met the high point guys and they're pretty cool but the reality is when a gun sucks it kind of sucks in at number nine is going to be another controversial pick we're going to be talking about a lot of people's favorite gun huh it's a Sig after all we're gonna be talking about the Sig 320. oh man I can hear it now but the reality is we've had somewhere between 6 and 10 320s on the channel and it's a very popular design they have a lot of different types and all of them have had some sort of malfunction the Sig 320 is what I would consider the most popular gun that is fun reliable uh the m17 M18 have been adopted by the US Military and have been fraught with controversy they also have had issues mechanically discharging maybe maybe not that's up to people investigating the thing but what we're concerned about is going to be the reliability of the guns as a whole the pros of the 320 are that it has the fire control unit it's very modular it has a lot of fun things about it but compared to the other Titans of the Firearms industry like the m p the Glock and so on it's just less reliable than those pistols are and that for me is just the fact considering I've had about 10 of them and all of them have the occasional Bobble now whether that be man magazine related whether that be finicky on ammo whether that be that they have a slide Mass that's akin to a bus uh reciprocating on top of the gun I'm not sure what goes on maybe the heavy slide doesn't allow some lighter Walmart style ammunition like Winchester white box to actually function correctly but I've seen military testing where they had their share malfunctions even with the very hottest of ammunitions we even had a Wilson Combat version of the 320 and not even Wilson Combat can iron out the issues on the 320 series even though it's popular even though a lot of people love it as far as like the big go-to guns it's the least reliable now we got the two controversial ones out of the way let's get into some real [ __ ] boxes let's start off with the Taurus 608 now the tour 608 is the only revolver to make the list and damn it is it tough to make an unreliable revolver but Taurus really stepped up to the plate and delivered here the Taurus 608 was a cool gun when I bought it until I shot it it's a six inch barreled I think it come in a couple different variants but mine was a six inch barrel eight shot 357 Magnum double single action revolver that's pretty cool in theory it also was ported out of the factory and it came out for about 600 bucks which should have been a clue for me that I should have went Smith and Wesson it had a malfunction about every cylinder had tons of timing issues it was one of the most difficult guns I've ever had to shoot and it had non-stop malfunctions now for a revolver revolvers are traditionally pretty reliable because there's not a lot that can go wrong as long as you keep them clean but this gun was an absolute disaster we had light primer strikes and I think a lot of that has to do with poor manufacturing quality and just not really giving a [ __ ] about your end product so if you want an unreliable revolver check out the Taurus 608 in at number seven we have kind of a cheat but I wanted to throw it on here anyway the AG stand arms mdp9 now this is a nine millimeter pistol and it uses Glock magazines it's one of the most anticipated guns of last year I've been waiting for for it for quite a few years the reason why is it uses a roller delayed system and not only does it do that but it has AR-15 style controls so it's like taking the MP5 which is probably the best system used for pccs the most reliable the most time tested the most sought after it because of its low recoil and reliability and you put it in an AR-15 system making it more ergonomics you have to worry about the bad trigger the weird safety and the things like that you also get a lock back on the magazines if you can get through a magazine and uh you get a lot of other features as well what you also get with the mdp9 is you get to pay essentially three thousand dollars to have a [ __ ] show happen to you of malfunctions the mdp9 is actually so bad that it is currently being a paperweight in my house because even after we got it fixed no one will buy it from me in at number six we got another controversial one but I think it's pretty obvious if you've seen any videos on it oh I didn't even see that I was supposed to get eaten cool we have the Springfield Prodigy another Super sought after gun of 2022 and another epic failure in my personal opinion man people want 2011s and I'll tell you why 2011 is probably the most shootable platform in the world it is one of the best triggers very low recoil and just phenomenal to shoot as long as it works the Springfield Prodigy was a great idea a big company bringing a 2011 to Market that people can afford at around the 1500 price point the downside of the Springfield Prodigy is that it was very unreliable as a matter of fact I had about 20 some reliability issues during the Thousand round process and mine was one of the more reliable ones on the internet I saw tons of people that had issues with it I talked to other reviewers who had issues with it and I've actually met people just in the street that told me they've had issues with it and that is even forgivable if you couldn't get other guns in that price point but the bull Armory comes in around that price point and they function pretty well and then if you go up 500 you can get into a staccato which is Stone Cold reliable so if you're looking for a nine millimeter 2011 you want that speed you want that accuracy I would check out staccato if you're looking for a malfunction clearance drill wrapped up in a fifteen hundred dollar package check out the Springfield Prodigy in at number five we have a very cool unique and crapshoot of a gun we're going to be talking about the fight light Raider now the fight light Raider looks like some [ __ ] that a space pirate would use to invade the moon and that's one of the things that I really liked about it a semi-automatic AR style design it has a raptor grip and like I said it looks very cool however we had a lot of issues with this gun [Music] okay same problem over and over again failure to extract as I kind of expected based on the fact that it's a very unique design that uses a bolt with a little like rat tail on the end that slides inside the Raptor grip it's a system that the ARs wasn't designed for and because of that I think that causes some issues the other issue probably has to do with r d manufacturing quality stuff like that but I think a lot of it is the fact that they put a seven inch barrel in a DI system and it just simply doesn't have the dwell time in order to work correctly like a lot of the other ARS that are below 10 and a half inches so it is what it is it's a very cool looking gun and I wish it worked great because I had a lot of fun shooting it but the reality is is it was super unreliable in at number four we have one of the greatest hits we're going to be talking about the car CW 380. Now if I would have said that on this video 20 years ago the car guys would have literally come out of the woodwork rose up and slain me but the reality is the car guys are pretty much gone and the reason why is is because cause what I was saying about the gun seven years ago in my video holds true today that gun sucks I don't give passes on guns that were designed for self-defense above all else all their features it doesn't really matter what they are as long as the Gun Works and this gun didn't work not only did it not work but it not worked a lot this gun had light primer strikes failure to feed and other common irritating malfunctions that could be cleared but also takes a lot of time if you consider the limited magazine capacity it's also a bit of an issue when you're consistently clearing malfunctions and you only have seven to ten rounds to play with in the first place the car cw380 goes down on history as one of my least favorite pistols to shoot but it also happens to be one of the least reliable guns we've had on the channel which is why it keeps coming back from the dead again and again like George Romero designed it in at number three we have the shittiest and also the cheapest gun in the gun store the SCCY the sky the sky is a 200 double action only pistol which I purchased because we wanted to do a video on the cheapest gun in the gun store I kind of knew what I was getting into when I got it since the people warned me about even buying it when I was buying it I actually got it at my local shields uh thanks for trying to warn me Austin but it is what it is we went for it anyway the cpx-2 comes in nine millimeter maybe other calibers I'm unsure and I don't care it has a three inch barrel a double action design and it is a polymer frame pistol it is lightweight cheap and the grip actually has some pretty good ergonomics but everything else is trash tons of malfunctions double feeds light primer strikes feel to extract with all types of ammunition not only that but the gun also is relatively known for this and I if you look in that video of the first shots we did on that you will see hundreds of people commenting the exact same issues along with that I've talked to a lot of people in person who've had the same issues as well and on top of that I've seen lots of videos where people have had those issues so I don't think it's exclusively to me I think this guy just really sucks I would recommend if you're going to spend the 200 or 300 price point I would honestly look at maybe a high point because it is more reliable than the sky or I would check out the Taurus G Series again or even step it up a notch to a cannon which you would absolutely love by comparison to this thing number two we have the always popular Remington rb9 sorry I can't even say the Remington rp9 without laughing oh my God that used to be at least for a long time the least reliable gun on my channel it just recently got topped but the Remington rp9 held the ground for a long time the Remington rp9 is a striker-fired polymer frame pistol introduced by the always quality uh Remington group at their feeble attempt to make a nine millimeter pistol uh and it failed obviously and the reason for that is is a lot of reasons it's unreliable first off but it also has really bad ergonomics the trigger slaps you every time you shoot it and it just looks like [ __ ] as well but the shooting experience aside the reliability was one of the worst we'd ever seen yeah there's clip of one clip on my channel of me just shooting this gun one round and racking it out and and restarting the whole process over again it's actually a gun that you can really use for a consistent malfunction clearing practice if you want to because it barely gets through two or three rounds without malfunctioning I think the Remington rp9 well at least I used to think the Remington are 39 was the worst gun that you could buy on the market today but sadly it's not it already malfunctioned yes it did well that didn't take very long in at number one we have the Taurus PT-22 the Taurus PT-22 is not only unreliable in practice but it's unreliable in every standard that you could measure it fell apart multiple times while we were shooting it the magazine fell apart the barrel system flew out of the gun but we were reloading it and on top of that it had a whole lot of double feeds light primer strikes and everything you could imagine if you want to watch a real comedy routine you can feel free to check out the first shots of that gun but the Taurus pt22 is hilariously bad it is a very tiny carry pistol that looks a lot like the noisy Cricket that uses 22 long rifle cartridges um the gun itself has a tip out Barrel which is copied from like the Beretta Tomcat which was initially introduced to allow people of smaller stature older people people with arthritis to be able to get around in the chamber without having to Rack a heavy slide so they have a tip out system that you can put content and put it in and then you have a magazine as well so it's like loading a breach Action Gun and then putting a MAG in the bottom of it the problem I have with that system is that not only is it not easier than something like the easy system or the light rack system from Ruger but it introduces a lot of other issues like the gun falling apart for example so if you use that type of system that is kind of tough to use on even the Beretta series and then you introduce a bunch of like mimmed super low quality melted beer can style Parts in it what you're going to get is not only Parts breakages but you're going to get malfunctions that you don't even know how to clear like you might need an engineering degree to try to figure out how to fix this gun out of all the guns I've ever tested ever that's the gun I would want to carry the least and I've shot the altor if you like this video please like And subscribe please support your Oklahoma shelters and remember to recycle I'll check it later [Applause] [Music] oh
Channel: Honest Outlaw
Views: 876,614
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: top 10, worst guns, worst pistols, least reliable pistols, least reliable gun, top 5, top 10 worst guns, honest outlaw, taurus, sig, sccy, hipoint, hi point, remington, springfield prodigy, 2011, 1911, worst 2011, worst 1911, sig m18, sig p320, p320 problems, p320 fail, m18 fail, m17 fail, 380, 22, 22 pistol, 380 pistol, top 5 pistols, top 5 handguns, top 5 guns, top 10 guns, sig x compact, mdp9, fitelight raider, fightlite raider, worst gun, worst handgun, least reliable
Id: Wr4LzddD78U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 40sec (940 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 26 2023
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