Is This The Glock Killer?? Sig P365 X Macro PART 1

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[Music] hey there it's lenny mcgill with the glock store performance at custom shop here in the nashville studios today and there's a new gun that just came out that is challenging the glock 43x it is the sig p 365 x macro and i've got one right here it's super hot right now people are talking about it everybody's looking at it uh basically you know they copied a lot of what's happening with the glock 43x a longer grip now remember the p365 pretty popular nice little carry gun but look and see what uh what's missing just like the 43 versus the 43 x now this is the 365. and the 365x macro so interesting a couple really interesting things that they've done with this new gun that i find uh rather interesting because one of my big peeves about sig guns and basically all other guns uh was the the grip angle and the bore height above the grip angle so this being a glock glock 43 x this is the glock's door of course you know i'm glock centric i have my glock glasses on so i look at everything from a glock perspective the glock all the glocks have the lowest bore in relation to your hand than any gun that i've ever fired and i've said that a million times so i think sig must be watching my videos because they did that with this new 365x macro and let me show you exactly what i'm talking about so if we if we take the 365 and the 365x and i'll go ahead and i'll just put them together here real quick now this is not an exact science but it's my take what they did they being said is they they put that beaver tail a little bit higher up than it has been in the previous guns the 320s 320 all the others you know the the barrel was so much higher than your pointed finger that the gun wasn't quite as pointable this new 365x basically copies or is almost identical to the same angle as the as the glock 43x what i'm talking about is right here where your hand goes up there you're able to get higher up on the tang higher up on the beaver tail which in turn makes the gun more pointable because now i don't have to adjust the sights the sights are just basically where my finger is and i'm going to tell you that every single person watching this video every one of you can take your finger and put it across a room at 25 yards and be exactly accurate you could put a laser on your finger and point at a light switch and boom it's going to be right there we all have that inherently built into us because we've been doing it all our lives hey you you over there that's what makes the glock so special and now that's what makes this p365 special so certainly things going on here that are pretty interesting the other thing about this pc 365 is the grip of course the x macro is larger than it was on the standard 365. you can see that i don't have a really a pinky grip and so people you know always think about well you know what's the big deal about that well here's the big deal accuracy starts with a grip anybody can actually line the sights up front post rear notch understand the concept squeeze one shot off oh boom okay now what i'm talking about accuracy and grip is not the first shot it's multiple follow-up shots because what happens when you shoot a small gun like this and the same thing with the uh the 43 versus the 43x with the shorter grip anything with a shorter grip when you shoot a gun like this it starts to rotate off of your grip you just because you're not holding on to it so you end up down here and that's what affects accuracy because now your presentation is different versus being up here where you want to be so the concept of the larger grip is what makes this gun also very special that's why this 43x is super special because you can get a full-size grip on it it's basically a glock 19 grip with a slim chassis or slim frame so because of that and because of the way the glock is shaped with this little glock hump you can actually get yourself a full combat shooting grip where you actually take the butt of your off hand and you marry it up to the frame all right so now i have a lot of meat on that frame and then i concentrate on being able to hold my right hand with my left hand a lot of people don't get that but that's really the secret to a firm grip is that left hand because i'm right-handed that left hand squeezes the right hand on to the frame and i try to get some of that meat from the palm or butt of my hand onto the frame now that's what they did with the sig however they kind of took it a step further and i really commend them because what they have done is they have provided interchangeable back straps and there's a small medium and large currently this has the medium on it so here are the two other backdrops and my guess from looking at this large back strap is it's going to be very similar to what glock features because that's one of the things i like about the glock is that i can get the butt or you know palm uh of my uh right hand onto that and i can drive the gun that way boom so now i've got a very positive connection i'm high up on the gun as possible and i've got room for my left hand to marry up with the frame and basically squeeze my right hand onto the frame as well keeping my trigger finger now nice and loose so what they sig have done is provided this extra back strap that i think like i said we're going to change it out right now i think it's going to marry up and be very similar to the glock because this one is kind of the standard frame it's smaller this way so i don't have as much room to get my hand or my palm of my left hand in there but it's still big enough that i have you know long enough in a sense that i have the ability to squeeze it but my hands you know are not huge i mean i wear a size 12 shoe if that tells you anything um they're big but they're not huge you know right so i i mean i'm on it but i still feel that it's a little small for me based upon the fact that i've been shooting glocks you know all my life all my video life here the last 30 years so i really like the glock because of that little glock hump some people don't but i personally like it i think it's good and uh sig does not have the glock hump you can see now you just look at these these uh grips here let's see if i can get this thing married up here see how the glock sticks out a little further let's see if i can get you a better shot of that glock sticks out just a little further right there that that piece right there is what i'm talking about let's go ahead and change out this large it's pretty simple process there's a pin right here so you do need a pin set of some sort this is the pin set i've been selling for literally 30 years they repackaged it which is a good thing because this is a nicer package a little bit more secure in your bag they've actually redesigned the the hammer too now let me see if i get thing open there we go the hammer is kind of a little different still has a nice feel to it the nice thing about these hammers is it's got a brass tip and a nylon tip the nylon tip is very important when you're putting the pins back in because you can tap on the frame and not damage it there's also a steel head right here you can unscrew this from the bottom and unscrew one of these and put a steel head there if you're using seal now you'll find that when you are tapping a steel pin with a brass head the brass will get dinged so this is where you change it out you unscrew it and you put the steel head in because that will allow you to not mar up that brass piece because steel is stronger than breasts remember that from the bronze age when uh we were in elementary school they talked about uh using a sword the bronze swords got beaten by the steel swords and that was history in making this is a three thirty second uh punch fits perfectly same punch is used in the glock by the way to take down so we're just going to tap this puppy out and there it comes you can see this pin has a little dumbbell shape almost because it's got a smaller spot there okay so once i take the punch out it's always nice to have the perfect punch for the perfect pin we're going to go ahead and just slide this down and it slides right off just like that pretty ingenious and pretty well made i'm going to put the large one on well let's look at the small one real quick just to see how small it is why would you make a small one i don't know in case you have really small hands and you know maybe there are some people who uh would prefer the small one and uh you know certainly um i like to have something to hold on to so it's a little small for me but that's what it looks like pretty cool i mean the nice thing is it's so easily changed i'm going to go to the large one now and i want to see it and this is the first time i've done this i want to see if it marries up to this glock hump not quite the same but it's close so let me just compare it before i put the pin back in because i want to leave this one in yeah just a little different glock still sticks you know i mean to me i just like that glock grip angle and you know of course i'm biased and you all know that so i can i can say it proudly i'm a glock guy i really do like the glock you can see that the glock still has a little better angle for me okay some people will love the stick uh i'm gonna tell you what this is this is a winner though this gun is really nice we're going to get into some of the other features here real quick but let me go ahead and drop this pin back in now pure gunsmiths will say hey you take the pins out from the left or the right you put them back in from the right to the left so i'm going to flip the gun back over and the pin looks like it's it's you know double-sided so it doesn't really matter which way i put the pin in from the pins perspective and this is where i usually uh the nylon piece just tap it in and what's nice about the nylon piece you can get in there and kind of use the the tip or the angle just to make sure it's flushed up and you can see from here that it could come in a little bit so now what i'll do is take my punch and just push down on it like that to true it up on both sides and it looks like i may have come through at least a little bit more but looks good so there's the large grip easy change very well done one of the things i want to talk about right now is the trigger all right they sig have gone to this flat trigger it's a plastic trigger feels okay take up is you know it's so it's it's a striker fire so it's got to have some take up because you're pulling back on the striker remember so there it is but right here is the break and it's about five pounds which i'm going to measure here in a second here's the glock we're going to measure that glock is the same kind of thing lots of take up probably a little bit lighter just in my perspective again i've got my glock glasses on reset boom not bad reset here pretty crisp and short so you can manipulate that trigger pretty fast so let's take a a deadweight trigger weight which is really the best way to measure trigger weights you know the spring concept and all those digital things they just are really kind of iffy in my mind i've used them all i've seen them all this is so old school this thing is probably 35 years old by itself we do sell a newer version of this that's actually pretty cool um it's really the best way to measure and be accurate time to time when i use those spring things i get different weights almost every time so all right let's use the uh the 365 x first so i've got four pounds on here and four or five pounds is kind of where you want to be with a carry gun and i'm going to give it a little bit of wiggle and no happens there okay four and a half nope all right so now let's take the half off and i'll put five there's two on the bottom one two three that's five all right here we go five and there it was so you know but i bet you about five and a half is probably accurate um five and a quarter right in that ballpark yeah i'd say five and a quarter is a fair estimate i have five and a half pounds on here it didn't click right away a little persuasion there it is so and that motion you know it's kind of hard to determine what that is so you know could we say five and a half that's pretty fair now that's factory right out of the box glock 43x factory right out of the box here's five and a half i'll go backwards on this one see if i get down on the tip of that uh that that gun there that trigger hopefully without turning that thing around then okay five and a half it clicked and here's the 43x at five yeah so it's kind of about right in that ballpark i can't get it to go so i'd say it's probably five five and a half so about the same oops i got it down on the uh on the on the tip of that trigger and it kind of responded better so let's see if i can see it again i'm gonna say five and a quarter so they're very similar different shapes let's go ahead and rack them both see this one doesn't look too different that one is there different shape triggers of course glock has the safe action concept sig has some other safeties going on from a field perspective i basically i will tell you that the sig is a better feeling trigger because of it it's flat and it doesn't have this uh sharp uh safe action trigger however you want to have some fun and the nice thing about a glock is we've got a lot of glock accessories this is a glock 43 x with a pyramid trigger this is my gun so there's five pounds doesn't even get close all right i've got this thing down to about three and a half i think here's four pounds yep all right there's three it's probably not going to go at three but it's probably going to go right at three and a half which i think is a good number to have yeah all right so that's another advantage of the 43 x is that we have a whole bunch of accessories and we're going to start working on some specific accessories as well but right now we do have the pyramid trigger which can get you down to about three and a half four pounds which uh will improve your shooting you know the bottom line is the more you're yanking on the trigger the more it takes to to move and to manipulate the trigger the more movement is there is in the gun that's just basic physics there you know because you're you're all over after you know like i said the first shot is easy it's really those multiple shots is where all these techniques come into play and some of the uh the aftermarket accessories come into play so uh right now overall you know of course i'm a glock guy i really like this but i'm telling you what i'm loving this too especially with that uh larger grip panel showing how easy that was now the other nice thing about this p365x macro well did i say it comes with a 17-round magazine that's pretty cool right uh the 43x comes with a ten round magazine um [Music] it's pretty amazing that they have engineered this magazine to accept 17 rounds you can see they're basically the same size it's just a little taller than the 43 but 17 rounds you know i mean at the end of the day it's nice to have more bullets i mean that's just that's just the way it is everybody knows that so we do have accessories for your glock 43s to give it uh larger there is a 15 round magazine aftermarket that we sell as well we've got extensions and all that good stuff but this is native we're talking out of the out of the gate 17 round magazine which is damn impressive to be quite honest okay the other thing is that this gun all of the p365x's come optic ready so there's your optic plate now of course glock does offer an mos version of the 43 x so it's kind of separate a little bit more expensive but um they do offer that and it's uh actually pretty interesting because uh uh you know a lot of people want them and we're having trouble getting them they're they're difficult to get there for whatever reason they are not making as many or they can't make as many as they do just the normal ones now that said my understanding is the gating item was the plate the cover plate that uh you know would come with a gun without the optic i also understand from my inside sources that glock is certainly soon to replace the cover plate that is made out of steel with one that's made out of polymer makes sense they have a polymer gun they were one of the first polymer guns that said they will probably be able to put out more of the 43 x mos because i think the gating item is that cover plate just takes a little bit more machine time so now they can stamp those things out in a uh injection molding process and uh the uh i think they'll be delivering more mos into the marketplace and and to be honest i would think that at some point in time that glock will just make all the 43 x's optic ready i would think they should because now that's kind of the new bar and speaking of optics let's discuss the optics that would work on here uh basically it's kind of a universal footprint that will take most optics the um the one that is recommended by sig of course is their sig romeo zero and this is it right here look how tiny that is i mean this thing is awesome we're gonna go ahead and do the installation of this just a second it's lightweight it's tiny it does come with a metal shroud to protect it you can mount it like that with or without it's up to you but everybody knows that as you uh shoot and once you get into the game a little bit more you'll notice that the optics make you faster and more accurate i mean it's really just that simple it's it is kind of like cheating in a sense that now you don't have to line up the front sight with the rear notch it's now just put that dot on the target inside the glass and that's where the bullet's gonna go which is pretty awesome so uh all the top competition shooters all the fastest people in the world all the guys who are you know the uh the number one shooters you know for the last decade or two have used optics because they work so if you're kind of shy about optics yo i don't know well you know it is it is proven you will be a faster more accurate shooter and now what's really interesting of course we're seeing a lot of law enforcement guys are allowed to carry optics in the in the past just really five years ago four years ago there would be no no optics can't do optics and now all of a sudden yes you can do optics because we know you'll be a safer faster more accurate shooter if you're more accurate you're safer because you're more likely to hit the target you want to hit versus missing or hitting something you didn't want to hit so the optic thing is here to stay and what's really cool is that this little sig optic and all these other ones i'm about to show you are so tiny that they lend themselves to concealed carry which is pretty cool all right so uh that's the sig romeo zero that's the one that you know sig would recommend of course the other ones that fit are the shield and we sell a bunch of these this is a rmsc for compact it also is very tiny it is pretty darn amazing it's going to just drop right on just like uh that one uh the uh swamp fox is kind of a new version and um oh let's see if we can get this rubber shroud off here without destroying it uh the swamp fox uh is uh kind of a newer company that just came out maybe a couple years ago that we became aware of them uh our customers started demanding them wondering hey we're doing slide cover plates or we're doing uh slide optic cuts uh and people say hey can you make it for the swamp box of course we can and cannot buy a swamp fox of course you can we have swamp boxes so so the swamp fox has come along what's nice about the swamp fox it's you know relatively uh low price point um although i would say looking at all these sites uh the least expensive one is the romeo zero there's the swamp box it's pretty cool let me just put it here so you can get a pretty shot of it and um it's i would say not quite as small as the romeo zero they all have the same footprint which means that the bottoms are all going to be the same oops i guess i bought that one so all right so then the last one i want to show you is my favorite uh because of the circle dot concept and that is this uh holosun and i understand the sig now has a circle dot as well but that's not here yet i know this coming uh holosun uh kind of pioneered the circle dot i'll show you what that looks like the circle dot in the middle i like that a lot better because sometimes the little dot you know they're two ml two moa dots it's kind of hard to see but the circle brings my eye to the dot now the dot's the aiming point the circle you know is kind of a gross aiming point uh you know a 32 moa means that it's 32 inches at 100 yards so when you do the math backwards you divide that by say four it's eight inches at 25 yards so eight inches is you know pretty good you know full body shot for your ipsec targets or for you know any kind of thing but eight inches anything that's in that circle is going to get hit so that's kind of one of the things i like about you know the uh the circle dot is gives you a a faster acquisition because now anything in that circle at 25 yards and less is basically going to be hit you divide that in half again by 12 yards it's four inches so keep on going down if you want but bottom line is um holosun will also fit and i'll show you that when we get there so let's go ahead and take the slide cover plate off of the sig and kind of look at it a little bit and then kind of talk about installing that romeo zero uh i'm gonna use a torx wrench which uh it does come with the piece this is one that actually comes with holosun a little easier to use and um just remove the screws it's pretty simple as you would expect there we go there we go okay so i got the screws out and here comes the plate just like so there you go now a couple things to look at there really quickly there's a little hole right here that you've got to be aware of and the two posts right there so before i do anything you know let's just you know the plate is steel you don't want to lose it certainly don't lose your screws so i would recommend you get yourself a little baggie and uh put those pieces together and put them in your your sig box or something like that so you don't lose those guys and put those off to the side so plates off easy enough right now when you go to install this sig recommends a couple things one that you use the uh if you're using the romeo 0 you use the m3 screws okay they also recommend that we clean off the oil that is on top of the slide so that you get a better connection and just you know it's a clean surface of which to mount and then the third thing they recommend to do is to install this little shield which is kind of a 3m paper that will sit right here on top like so now you take up you know of course there's a sticky side to this right so you can peel this off and it'll stick down this paper is very important as they say that this paper is going to prevent any gases from escaping out the slide from damaging your actual site so it's real important i kind of you know never really thought about that you know that piece of paper said well okay what's that all about but they they do have a reason for it because again this is plastic okay the gases are really hot uh if you don't have this piece of paper you could melt something so pretty simple and that's basically how it works um for right now i'm not gonna glue it down because you know we're gonna let the person who buys this gun have that option i'm just gonna go ahead and put that on there like so the sig romeo zero comes with a a metal shroud and it also comes with a battery and one of the things that they recommend is you put the battery you know you can read the instructions or just listen to me but the battery goes with the negative side down or positive up it doesn't really stick in there so if you were to install it i would say you take your shroud if you want to use rod now you don't have to use a shroud either that's a that's an option if you carry this concealed or if you're running uh you know some competition or you know you're rough on guns i would say install it doesn't really add a lot of weight to it uh and it's certainly going to protect the uh the the site itself so basically what i'm gonna do is i'm going to keep it upside down i'm just going to put the shroud right over top merit my holes and then that'll keep the the battery in place so not to worry about it falling out as i set it upside down so then we're just going to go ahead and mount it down here on top of these posts okay so that's basically it and then we take our m3 screws that come with the sig romeo not the m4 now they have an m4 screw and that's for other sites not for the romeo itself not through the romeo zero so uh read those instructions they'll usually tell you which screws to use often more likely they have their own screws in there which are probably m4 screws as well so the m3 screw goes in here and you attach it and that's it now the the sad part is as you really can't co-witness with uh these uh regular sites which you know is okay um but um you can put other sites on of course uh your suppressor sites for suppressor height sites and actually co-witness if you so desire to do that but that's uh that's basically like i said you put your screws in and then you're basically you're optic ready and that's the little package and that's one of the things i really like about this uh x3 or excuse me the uh 365x macro is that it is optics ready and it's a small little package it's concealable just the way it is something else i think is really fascinating which uh sig did is they um use like a three and a half inch barrel which i think is the same barrel that comes with this 365. boom and uh they milled a compensator out here integral or part of the slide which is really smart because the compensator is going to eject gases up as the bullet's traveling through some of the gases will escape this way which helps reduce muscle flip and recoil and keeps you on target so that's a pretty smart play i think it's going to shoot very soft because of that now keep in mind some of those gases escaping are not pushed back into your hand so it will shoot softer because of that polymer frame is going to shoot softer of course but you will feel less recoil in your hand because of the compensated barrel which is a pretty smart play and of course it's going to keep it on target shot to shot and again you know everybody can execute one shot into a target it's easy can you do multiples can you do threes can you do three here and three over there rapidly with pace and with urgency and that's where all these things come into play so um uh this is you know basically a winning package uh again uh i could take the romeo zero off grab the shield drop the shield right onto it and it just fits nice and tight like that it seems pretty cool too actually very tiny that's a tiny little sight and use the uh the screws to tighten it down of course here's the uh the swamp box looks good too and now let's try the holosun and it will fit right onto those posts as well just like that and again i like the whole sum because of the uh the circle dot concept but the other thing about the hudson is really nice is the battery can be changed without taking the sight off and that's pretty big plus whereas the uh all these other ones that i showed you the battery is basically on the bottom and it needs to be removed to change the battery but you know again that's uh not a big deal it's really pretty easy uh you know if if you don't joggle too much or mess with it too much it should just go right back to the same zero that you had before when you put it on so again these these guns um are big because concealed carries big uh now they have uh these smaller guns with higher capacity magazines they're flat they're easily concealed and they're shooters okay that's the one thing about these guns is very different these guns are designed to shoot a lot of the small carry guns you know they don't you really don't want to shoot them they hurt your hands they bounce all over the place they're just you know they're they're carry guns just in case you need to have a gun these guns shoot i know that this 43x is a shooter for sure we're going to take this into the studio into the uh the range and compare them both i'm very anxious to see uh how this shoots with this compensator of course that's going to be on the next video and i hope you join me for that i'm lenny mcgill this of course is the glock store performance and custom shop we do sell sigs and we've got some of these and they're pretty hot i'm always looking for the next greatest thing still i'm loving the 43x i got to shoot this to really say there's some great features of this and they have copied some of the great features of the glock being able to get high up on that gun and really make it a pointable presentation now so it's going to be interesting to see how this thing shoots and uh like i said i hope you join me for that next video uh we're here in nashville if you're ever in nashville a lot of people come here of course it's destination city come by and visit us here at the shop we're like two miles from the airport so when you get here just either on the way in or the way out make sure you drop in it's a fabulous facility we've got some great shooting ranges i've got some great people working in the retail store and we've got every glockenstock and a bunch of sigs as well thanks for watching i'm lenny mcgill we'll see you next time [Music] you
Channel: GlockStore
Views: 784,585
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: GlockStore, Lenny Magill, Shoot270, GlockStore Nashville, GlockStore San Diego, Glock, Handgun, Custom Gun, Red Dot Optic, Custom Glock, Glock Guy, glock 43x, glock 19, edc, Sig, Sig P365 X Macro, macro, x macro, sig macro
Id: r6Yf2BqbUwU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 53sec (2093 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 23 2022
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