Who Has The Best CLUTCH Voicelines in Valorant?

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hey everybody Jeff here we already know that one of the best feelings of Valor is clutching out around where it seems all hope was lost and your teammates were already giving up Faith on you typing Gigi in the chat will the icing on top of that feeling is listening to the agents you're playing say their clutch voice lines would just add to this hype but some agents have some pretty bad clutch voice signs that kind of kill the mood while other agents like Phoenix make you want to upload that clip to tick tock and watch it go viral so today I'm ranking every single agent's clutch voice signs here in valorant make sure to drop a like if you're excited and let me know in the comments which agent you think has the best clutch voice line and if you think I ranked your favorite agent wrong well feel free to scream at me in one of my twitch streams that I did your agent dirty so first up on our list is going to be Brimstone bullets before we get into brimstone's clutch voice signs I got a clutch sponsor for you you know sometimes you can feel like that gaming for hours can be a total waste of time right well with buff today sponsor you actually get rewarded for spending time gaming it's a free and safe software backed by overall for trustworthy company that gives you challenges for so many games like Valor and fortnite Dota 2 fall guys and more once you complete the challenges and over time build up enough buff points head over to the marketplace to redeem for gift cards and so much more you can also enter monthly Raffles or weekly Raffles for big rewards if you're feeling well pretty lucky if you want to show off any nutty Clips you have there is a highlights tab where buff records your gameplay and you can chop up the footage pretty easily and post it some of these clips guys have well over 10 000 views since buff totally revamps their website and app recently there is no better time to get started and if you're quick you'll get an extra 70 buff points on top of the 70 buck points you already get use my link in the description or the pin comment this September to get the 70 extra buff points so you gotta be quick thank you both for sponsoring today's video here is brimstone's clutch voice lines who's the old dog now there's some things you just can't teach yeah I'm sure you guys are getting the vibe that I am too like it's something that it's just not like it's not super appealing yeah Brimstone does kind of make fun of himself saying who's the old dog now because literally like ask the agents on valid protocol make fun of his age so I do kind of think that's a little funny other than that guys they're really not impressed with brimstone's voice science so I think we have to put him down in seeds here up next is Viper and here's Viper's clutch voice lines if you want something done right do it yourself you only thought that was close now this is definitely an improvement off of brimstone's voice signs I really do like how kind of like arrogant and Sassy Viper sounds uh with these voice lines the one where she says just do it yourself is kind of like a knock at your teammates being like dude why did you not get any kills why did I have to clutch it out I do enjoy Viper's clutch Voice sign so I think we're gonna rank her at like a high B tier probably up next is spooky ghost boy Omen you forget your place that was fun so the words that he says are kind of like lame like you forgot your place and that was fun it's I don't know nothing too crazy there like literally the only thing that makes these voice lines cool is omen's voice actor and the voice himself because like if it wasn't for that if it was like any other agent saying that it'd probably be like a c or a d tier but since it's just Omen said it we're gonna have to put him at beats here at the very least up next is everyone's favorite valorant nerd killjoy calculated oh my genius doesn't stop in the lab kill is one of the agents that has quite a few uh clutch voice lines so I picked my two favorite and the calculated one is one that I absolutely love because it's obviously a meme I love it and pretty much any agent that has a meme in their Voice sign is automatically gonna be put like a b tier or higher and I like how she's laughing in the second one and you know my genius doesn't stop in the lab pretty good stuff pretty good stuff I'm gonna have killjoy at a a tier and I think that's a pretty good spot for her up next is gonna be Cipher your copies are nothing you forget I always play high stakes now guys oh this one's gonna be a little controversial and I'm probably gonna get a couple of dislikes for this one but I don't really like Cipher's voice signs very much it's like of course sniper's voice is cool and usually I really do love cypher's voice lines and pretty much all of them are like really really good but like these clutch voice signs I don't know guys they're not really speaking to me I I'm gonna have to do it I'm gonna have to do it I'm sorry but Cipher is gonna have to go into C tier I hope I didn't make a lot of you guys mad with that one but uh up next is gonna be sofa a little recognition is nice now and then thank you do not hunt the hunter now the reason why I love Sova so much is because we all know that soba is a very humble and you know responsible person he's very well respected about their Protocol no one really hates him very much at all I just love how he says a little recognition is nice now and then thank you and it just seems so like humbling you know so I just really do love that voice line and the other one is really good too do not hunt the hunter of course that is super like you know pertinent to his character and I think with these two voice lines combined and just the humbleness behind it I'm gonna have to rank it a nice solid a tier for Sova up next is everyone's favorite healer say age I am not just your healer this is what I train for and contrary to what I just said apparently when Sage gets a clutch she does not want to be referred to as just the Healer she and like it sounded like she was like kind of angry with that one didn't it didn't sound like she was kind of like mad and like how she wanted to prove herself as not more than just a Healer that she could also pretty much kick some ass as well I really do think that in some of Sage's voice lines she wants to differentiate herself besides of just being the Healer and be recognized more than just healing and uh I just really like that and especially with the emotion behind that first Voice sign and also the second one too that I showed you uh we're gonna do Sage with a probably an age here we'll do an eight year for sage up next is Phoenix and you guys are gonna absolutely love this one oh that's going on a highlight reel for sure oh you thought you put up a fight yeah I think it's pretty safe to say that I think I think Phoenix deserves an S tier like right off the bat like like 100 an S tier like I said anytime a meme or a cultural reference is going to be implemented into these voice lines they're gonna be higher up on the list for me and with little really Phoenix saying like with the clutch saying that it's gonna go on a highlight reel for sure it makes you really want to just throw that clip onto Tick Tock and watch it go viral hopefully and uh yeah there's clearly an S tier and one of the best voice lines in the game up next is the windgirl jet oh wow you guys suck oh my back hurts everyone's so heavy guys oh this is another amazing one first of all she says that you guys suck I don't even know if she's really saying that to the enemies if the enemies suck or is she saying that to her teammates where it's like oh you you guys suck I had to clutch it out regardless that one's awesome and then she says that her back hurts everyone's so heavy that she's carry the entire team come on like that's clearly an S tier as well two s tiers back to back Phoenix and Jen I mean just pick yourself you're playing jet you're in game you beat a 3v1 you get the plan down clutch it out and then all of a sudden jet says that her back hurts everyone's so heavy You're gonna laugh your team is gonna laugh and it's just gonna be a good time so clearly an S tier for jet up next is this cocky clutch Voice sign from Reina if I had Superior it's because I am they are nothing to me I really love that first one if I ask Superior is because I am I mean Raiden just knows that she's better than everybody the second country Voice sign is a little and to me it's kind of this so I think they're gonna offset uh I think I think a good spot for Reyna Is We I don't think we're gonna go too high right there I don't think we're gonna go too low with her so let's put her at a nice solid beat here up next is gonna be race don't mess with this bayana I could have beaten twice the number oh oh god oh I'm sorry raised Maids I just I don't know I don't know sometimes Rey's voice lines kind of just they just annoy me for some reason I don't know I don't know why I don't know why the voice actors does an amazing job she's incredible voice actors but like I don't know sometimes racist voice signs are just not the best to me sometimes they're just annoying it's the same thing here with the clutch boy signs uh don't mess with the Banya I could be twice the number I don't know guys D tier I'm sorry I'm sorry we're gonna put raised into D tier don't hate me I just I'm sorry up next I was gonna be Rey's best friend breach my rate just went up always got to over prove myself so when I was recording The Voice lines for this video uh when I first heard breach's voice signs I was like oh that's kind of lame let's throw that in a detail I didn't really like that very much but then when I heard the always got to overproof myself you know when I heard that I thought it kind of goes hand in hand with this character development where you know he was born in congenital amputee had to prove himself be equal to people around him and then you know since he was a criminal's entire life his you know the judge sentenced the rest of the torsion family to you know pretty much life in prison and gave breach a lesser sentence and then even now everyone in person is just like a criminal they don't really trust him they probably don't think of breached too much he can't do very much and uh I really do think that that Voice sign is something where you know he he got the clutch and he's like yo look at me I always have to over prove myself and uh just finally show me some recognition so I think we're gonna do a seat here actually for breach maybe a red tube far into that I probably did but like I don't know I just felt bad and I just gave him a c now up next is gonna be Skye don't even try me ah now there's some Serenity yeah you guys are probably getting the same Vibes I'm getting uh I I don't really care for these ones too much like I'm just gonna be real to you I just they don't really speak to me I don't think they're really cool They Don't Really feed too much into her personality into her character and just be honest guys I think these clutch voice lines are pretty much Duds and uh I'm gonna throw these ones in D tier now uh really really a cool one coming up is gonna be yoru anyone else thinks they can kill a God so I saved a day don't make a big deal about it dude like I have your personality is just being like a cocky arrogant person right we can all agree on that and then when he says anyone else think they can kill a god like he refer to himself as a god like what who does that probably Reina would and then he says so I saved the day don't make a big deal about it like that's that's like again he's cocky is arrogant he's like oh I saved the days like don't care I don't need a recognition and but then he says you know anyone's like they could kill a God so like of course this is gonna be an S tier I mean yours so cool and yeah these clutch voice signs they fit his character very well the theme he's going for and uh nothing short of s tier here up next is Astra hey people come on now I'm anticipating my congratulations oh I'm too shocked for them to be honest guys I really really like these voice signs and the vibe that Astra has when she clutches it up because it seems like she's just as excited as the player when clutch again like it just seems she's like really hyped and like super happy and proud of herself and you know she's she's anticipating her congratulations she's throwing out some boo who's like I don't know she's just having like a really good time and these are the Vibes I'm looking for in these voice lines like when you clutch out around and you're playing Astra and you see Asher like cheering alongside you that's gotta be a good feeling right so I think with all that into consideration I think we're gonna put Astra in a pretty high eighth here I think she deserves it up next is KO and just listen to this one guys you're gonna love it go back to fighting boss I'm Bill different like I said guys if there's going to be a meme in a clutch Voice sign it's gonna automatically be higher up there and KO has not won but two Neves he says go back to fighting Bots love that and then he says he's built different love that also like he's built different go back to fighting Bots like it's good it's good it's Esther right It's gotta be S tier I mean just the sassiness that KO always has in his voice lines and the theme that he has is his personality it's just hilarious we're gonna have to give KO of course an S here he deserves it up next is my main chamber how do I get away with these things she'll sees our faces sorry I should not laugh so normally I do love pretty much everything with chamber I love playing him because I'm a dirty chamber Main and I love all the voice signs and all his cinematic appearances and all that but with his clutch voice science I don't know I'm not really I'm not really feeling him too much I'm gonna be real I think they're kind of mid and they're kind of like you know they had a little Cockiness a little arrogant like what are you gonna expect to chamber that's what you're always gonna get nothing really breaks the mold he's not too hyped about it he's not like anything crazy so I think since it's pretty mid I think we're gonna put chamber right in the B category I think we're gonna rank these voice lines B up next is the woman of lightning neon try that again I dare you almost got me not yeah yeah these these ones are pretty mid and they're kind of they're kind of look kind of poopy they're kind of dumpy I don't know I don't really care for them very much I like a lot of neon's voice lines and vanilla Vasquez I forgot how to say her name uh I'd probably butcher that like she does an amazing job of your voice acting neon and I I actually really like her as a character but these clutch boy signs man they're kind of like they're just I don't know I don't really care for them try that again I dare you ha awesome almost got me ha not yeah that's just not I don't really care for it uh seats here yeah we'll put neon in a c I don't think she deserves a d tier but I think seeds here is where we're gonna put neon and since maroon Badger Mage agent 21 is not released yet the time recording this video fade is gonna be the last agent on this list and get ready to listen to these ones because they're kind of cool did they really think they could scare me you can't kill a nightmare oh man yeah those ones are pretty good aren't they you can't kill a nightmare like she puts like anger and hatred into that like like how could you how dare you even think you could kill a nightmare and then when she says did you really think you could scare me like the the sassiness and just the disrespect for the enemies is just like amazing and she sounds really angry and aggressive with these voice lines doesn't she like I was a little scared I was I was kind of scared looking at these or listening to these so um yeah I think Faye deserves a pretty good easier here I think I know not not necessarily s tier uh you know but I think an a tier like a higher a tier is going to do really well for fate so yeah I hope you guys agree with my list if you don't please feel free to share with your thoughts in the comments below and yeah you can always yell at me on my Twitter streams tell me how dumb I am and why I made the stupidest decision ever placing your agent low on the list but yeah if you enjoyed the video make sure you have a like subscribe notifications if you're new and with all that being said yeah
Channel: Sir Jeppy
Views: 48,386
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: valorant agents, valorant moments, all valorant agents, valorant ace, valorant characters, all valorant characters, all valorant agents ultimate, valorant voicelines, valorant ultimate voice lines, all agent ace voicelines, ace voice lines valorant, valorant agents tier list, valorant agents ranked, valorant agents explained, valorant agents voice lines, valorant agents lore, valorant agents trailers, Who Has The Best CLUTCH Voicelines in Valorant?, valorant clutch
Id: GRbisuirecg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 44sec (824 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 28 2022
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