I Put a Diamond SMURF in SILVER to Test How Bad Smurfing Actually Is... (It's NOT What You Think)

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hello YouTube so today we are figuring out how bad the smurfing situation is invalent by putting a diamond player in a silver Lobby to figure out how hard he can carry his team hopefully he doesn't bought frag and give Smurfs a bad name well technically Smurfs already have a bad name our Diamond Player for today is Akashi anyway if you guys want to see your stuff Live come on over to twitch.tv slash egwick if you do enjoy the content please consider subscribing to the YouTube channel for watching Akashi he's on the raise I guess this is his main I would have expected him to play like Reina I don't know but Smurfs more often than not radar or jet so seeing a raise is interesting so they're on defense first just a heads up when you're playing in lower ranks like silver and bronze what ranks do you think that are the Smurfs usually yeah are they like three ranks up like diamond this is the whole reason why we did the Diamond Player because usually people say that you can't Smurf if you're only two ranks up because it's too close oh he pops off the Smurf didn't even do anything this round he just killed one dude his team popped off anyway when you're in like silver or like little ranks I feel like a lot of people tend to panic with weapons that you're not supposed to panic with like the ghost you know how you're supposed to just tap tap the ghost I feel like people or from what I've noticed watching the games in bronze and silver they like to spam it we're gonna be locked on Tim's this entire time to see how a Smurf actually performs am I watching the correct player here this guy destroyed it with a stinger he was blindly wait which is another question actually because I don't often encounter Smurfs or the times I didn't counter Smurfs rent too often usually usually play very aggressive or do they play with their team because if I were to Smurf I feel like I'd bait my teammates and preserve my life so much more than trying to entry because then I know I can carry I know I can win the Angels but if I try to attack and I find someone in a random corner I can't predict matching they play aggro maybe it's different I don't know he just plays it like a DM maybe like the aim or the skill Gap is just so high that they can just play it like a DM then again if you're playing like a jet or a Rainer you can just take those risky ass fights and just get out of there easy okay so he knows that the enemy team got a kill on B he's rotating over to B now his team is getting destroyed here retake situations are always hard even if you're smurfing as low as the enemy team doesn't play together and he can isolate fights he'll be completely fine but let's see how this all right it's all up to our real Smurf which is Mauricio the Stinger God the killjoy who hasn't died yet probably get his first death here what am I watching this man is actually a monster on the Stinger oh I just realized this guy has the blast extractive all right excellent choice excellent colorway that's the second time he hasn't got that I'd imagine that diamond players would like pre-fire that or pre-aim that spot already because that's where the Sova dark lands and that's also where it came oh my God okay so our Smurfs so far not doing too well but maybe he has to grow into the game a bit you know we just put a diamond player in a silver Lobby he might be anticipating what a diamond player would do and if silver players are unpredictable and it might be hard for him right it doesn't seem like he warmed up who knows one HP oh my God don't pull your Knives Out chat people love doing that and they get caught with their pants down wait he's pre-aiming the spot now oh there it is yep that's an interesting spot to pre-aim do people take the zipline often oh you saw him there's a jet just pushing up with a [ __ ] oh no he has knives oh my God you silver players are cracked out of their minds oh oh nice truck dude silver players are correct you will not kill my allies the Jet got three kills if I was a jet player I'd be so mad I'd just be like what the team I got you three kills and now we're down to three feet that's what was going on that that is silver I'm telling you man I really feel like Silvers just have like moments of Brilliance it's not a sustained thing you know it's just moments glimpses of their real power and then it disappears for the rest of the game oh this man has been playing for a while that's the episode one act one battle pass your radar are you the diamond you see I like it sense of humor why are people acting like this is some sussy Among Us Lobby dude everyone here is legitimately silver anyway whatever plotists are secretly all Smurfs you know maybe this is what my chat means the YouTube comments mean when they say that oh yeah Silver's just insane because it does feel like aim right now is kind of popping the aim looks pretty good it's not gonna lie all right two to four so our team with the Smurf is currently losing probably needs some time to warm up so everyone just relax you know oh no this isn't looking too hot Diamond player Oh no you're re-peaking the upper you are stuck here you're making a ton of noise maybe you're just really confident in his aim damn is he actually a Smurf well I guess you would call him a Smurf right Chef if a diamond player plays in a silver Lobby that's technically a Smurf whether or not they play well or not he's prone to nerves yeah or Smurf's having a bad game it can happen okay everyone relax he's gonna pop off in time we're gonna see him absolutely dominate the game I think since he thinks that he's like a Smurf he's gonna go aggro a little and change up his play cell I mean to be fair I feel like Duelists are much more effective Smurfs compared to someone who plays like a controller because I feel like as for your impact in the game when you're playing a duelist you just have so much more impact this guy went from if you have a gun he probably doesn't right wait he had zero credits why the [ __ ] did he go for a knife silver players are just they're built different man I don't understand that brain is built different like actually built different oh Jeff has ultimate I guess maybe that's why you knife the police what is this rain on this what did you do today did he drinks milk damn bro the best drink okay let's see how this works okay oh my God he pushed up all right my boy's nervous here I feel like that's what's happening okay wait I have a story actually now that we're talking about it because I have a friend and we used to climb together and we both said the Mortal at the same time but this man was so inconsistent that in one game while we were climbing to Mortal now the game was pretty close right but at halftime he had zero kills and I think like 12 or 10 deaths something like that now my question to you guys is how would you lift up your teammate you know you don't flame him in this situation because he only plays worse right how would you lift up your teammate what would you tell them to make some play better breathe and drink water content oh my God where did that boat go okay guess what okay he's playing okay so far right now to be fair when your zero kills at halftime that's only goes up I know you're entry fragging and that's hard but you suck you know if you're gonna say that I'd wait till the end of the game because then at least your chances of winning is already zero if you say that while the game's still going on you push your chances even further down oh God flavor more and just have fun but my RR man having fun is secondary winning games is what's important and I'm kidding don't have that mindset you're gonna burn yourself out like crazy all right here comes Akashi one before situation versus the rain oh my Lord who's enough useless man and this guy is hard stuck silver we're watching the wrong dude today chap Lorena decided that oh yeah let me join eggwix games about smurfing play my silver and act like I'm a [ __ ] Immortal aimer using an ALT account now we check tracker and everything we made sure that people had sufficient games played so that we know that it's not like an ALT account so the rain is just having a good day his iron episode two that's great improvement though okay I see it the Panic is there this is less about the physical side of things and I feel like this is more mental now we gotta get him out of the mental run what do you buy wait he went ghost that's interesting wait can't you play a satchel I don't play race I don't know should you be able to buy like a blue one ghost is 500 a Boombox like 300 I think so um questionable utility here okay this is the part where I'd tell him to just calm down look at him he's so sporadic oh my God but he gets two yeah I feel like right now he's not calm yeah he seems really nervous full shield growled too I like this play though wait why is attack Shield full Shields or a sheriff kills you oh well okay interesting what's the play here the Silva is gonna Dark Side maybe drone for the team and then raise goes and entries there's a flag but there's a turret behind so they see it okay the flash comes out okay gets one oh almost dies we'll get stool oh he's going for more 4 HP okay that spots out Owen reloading you're gonna pick him okay never mind server 4 HP does he survive the arena what okay all right so our Smurf is now third frag he's coming back if there's that low you should push ahead I think it's fine but I'd rather you push with a teammate just so I can trade you for your low HP you know you swing and then the enemy has to spray on you or something and then your teammate swings and trade you after because if you're just going alone for me it's not optimal I quit calling them down what am I supposed to say encourage them okay I'll be the most encouraging person after this oh wow sure this is a really Scrappy ass game yeah I don't understand what's going on but they were winning I'm not gonna tell him anything he's already doing his part no need to break his mentality or anything oh they stacked a unfortunately they're on eco right no they're not what they stacked a on this I thought they'd be like full Eco stack a but they have pretty decent buys I guess it's a half by interesting oh that killjo might just die now they just play Postman here the Smurf should not Peak maybe he's trusting in his aim okay he does trust in his name we're chilling he's playing well he's got the old oh one enemy that Arena just has this number or something I don't know but Serena just doesn't die oh and the old comes out who's that kill Joy that killjoy actually just along the game holy man that kills Roy what do you think is the easiest role to climb on I know a lot of people will say duelist but for me I think it's controller because you just enable your Duelists or controller or initiator you make the job easier for your cracked out abers okay gets blinded by his own omen they enter sight No One's Gonna check the sage someone checks the sage oh my lordy oh let's do it great mate no if I was in history let me finish if I was in raise the situation I would just stay back play with the team we have numbers anyway no need to be aggressive but let's see how this works out wait are killjo has Molly line up oh no oh that guy should have stuck it there oh no not plotted for them not button for them it's a wall bag dude kill truck is playing so well I am like really impressed playing the objective you know you don't go for the kills you go for time you plant my God good stuff that's the thing you didn't even have to have good aims there aim was not an equation for the killjoy we're down to Satchel but you know that's what you call confidence she doesn't need the other Satchel it's all good okay the rain is now popping one tap's Arena oh never mind okay holds mid what's up egg like some of them gave clarification and DM stuff they're not smurfing and are hard suck because they're scared of getting bad yeah I know no it's fine I'm pretty sure they're just having a good idea no worries what happens oh is killjoy Gonna Save the game again maybe maybe pull oh that was so close is the lockdown went out I think they win there's the bot for egg Wendy why are both The Omen players bought Frank this is not all a good luck for all Omen Mains worldwide man Gotta Get It Up Randy almond isn't the best pick on this map ice boxes like oman's playground but obviously Viper is better but icebox is so good if you're playing Omen like selfishly he's so fun on icebox you're Russian man you gotta calm down just breathe you got this no I don't get this note go ahead I have some confidence exactly I have something to say yes hello you know the iron bundle right the iron 2.0 the new and ion one so why don't you keep an eye on business oh oh my God that's my kind of humor but you got me good I honestly thought he was gonna ask for an iron bundle I got caught man I actually didn't expect that holy [ __ ] his main is killjoy wait yeah why isn't he playing his babe then I mean technically what do you Smurf a lot of people like to play agents that aren't even their names so I mean if he chose raise for this then I guess that's his choice he doesn't have to choose his name just like when I play with my like level one friends when we play unrated I play Jump I don't play oh okay we'll play against the world again how many times has killed so I had I swear to God almost every round this person has oh Jesus Christ oh are they gonna go for it oh unfortunate oh it goes off I think there's times though oh there is no 1v1's Arena I just want to say like ludvy ones aren't a good indicative skill I'm pretty sure there are Silvers who have better aims than diamonds it's just that the diamond player plays smarter or something like that all right here we go 11 to 10. what a close game we have today okay gets hit by the KO knife shot that's a vandal has all he's doing it okay it doesn't matter if it doesn't hurt hey one enemy remaining okay okay our Smurf took over the rounds this time don't push don't push people okay I meant like why is he not switching up his lifestyle when he's not really fragging I think it's fine I think even if you're not fragging buying weapons that will enable you to frag is fine I don't think there's too many options on icebox too like he could go judge what's on the pack it's not too great so I really think your only option when you're playing Attack is this Phantom or van some rounds you go judge or maybe like an Odin but on attack I think you're limited honestly in low ranks just like do us our initiative because essentially you're playing five one two one you never get support from your team no but that's what I'm saying I feel like a lot of people have that mindset and so no one really supports each other and I feel like if you just like communicate a bit more and tells them oh this is what I plan to do or something I feel like it might be easy but I don't know I don't have first-hand experience I can't tell you Spike down a one enemy remaining oh oh the TP where's that TP going he went up unlucky even in Emma lobbies people play the random shots if it works it works that's true like everything doesn't have to be like coordinated but I feel like if you're playing bad that's when it's more important to be coordinated because at least since then if you don't get kills or if you're not doing well with your aim at least someone can trade you right or at least that's how I do it because my bad days are let's just say they're pretty bad true smurfing experience making the score so tight they won't be detected that's true though wait has anyone actually ever gotten banned for smurfing because if Noah's ever gotten bad for smurfing there's no point in trying to make the score type good hold oh great trade because they don't know it's planted on a they have so much space to play here the jet is slow though and Reina hears them oh this killjoy is dead one enemy remaining oh that is unfortunate yeah it's all up to the jump on 9 HP yeah ggs all right chat everyone do we give our smurf one more chance or do we run it again with a gamer from chat we need two Silvers and a diamond though all right Chad the council has spoken it's a diamond one I'm a cutie I'm just a cutie by the way play this as if it was your ranked game so play it really properly he's playing chamber that's another Smurf agent I completely forgot about chamber is strong oh you've got cutie what A default knife because he came over from Apex and there's a diamond Andy so he's probably cracked out of his mind with the ink what's he gonna do oh I like this he's gonna peek use his Superior aim get an early kill all right I like this that's a good place this is something I do too actually if I was like a job because it's a very low recipe it's the curse anytime I hype someone up they just don't oh my God oh my God this guy is so aggressive and they went around are you both no why do people keep saying I'm Bob you have proof of my hair or something what's up sure he's rethinking like this is what you call the Smurf confidence in Jesus Christ has dropped his [ __ ] threat I take it back everything is good everything is fine I don't know what's going on but I guess what the hell where is that guy looking I guess this is a typical Silver Line holy crap all right final one it's Andre please you have the talent to jinx people yeah I know people tell me that a lot it's what the hell happened to my screen wait that's so weird you guys see this does it it doesn't usually become like this pixels what the hell all right now what's he doing okay the TP away they're already in this [ __ ] is a monster he's [ __ ] this man picks up some Marshalls I feel like he wants to be recalling his TVs here just in case it'll be up later on that jump goes crazy or a diamond does not play well he's not playing bad too his team's just playing well but team Smurf buff maybe because someone bought frags in one game doesn't mean they're boosted okay it happens we gotta let him like get used to the game now he's pushing up here comes the triple everyone rotate here comes a triple killjoy stop them oh he kills Royce Dead come on oh no he's a guy that's clean all right he's gonna pick this except nobody is here if no one's here he should be getting the orbs why don't people pick up the arm back okay just one to be fair your team's just playing really well right now it's kind of hard to judge and the enemy team is kind of having a bad day like his team's just playing insane so there's not much he can do right now yeah his arena is popping right there like look he doesn't even have to play the game they're just running it down and then people will say that the Jet and Arena are special three seconds after the round and three people die yelling that's just how do you come back from that now he's dead though oh don't repeat that he's got the confidence well he can't TPL if I was in that situation I wouldn't repeat the offer but that's just me I'm very scared of offers I love the existential crisis in chat maybe I'm the silver okay oh he hasn't up now okay this is a silver killer no one knows how to deal with an up in silver or in lower ranks they'll just dry Peak the Opera watch this oh wait no one's peaking unfortunate oh yeah someone's driving all right and final is in the situation I think I'd rotate because they know that there's an awful short and they wouldn't pick me short anymore but nothing makes sense maybe I should just be holding short in case holding tiles my bad wait why are they just staying there now this is a free wait they're forcing listening usually if you see like three people or four people out of sight that's the cue for you to rotate oh just jamming there my shot picks up the Vandal that's great teleport's ready except someone pause the game real quick I ran out of this space for my recording delete valent I hate you delete your hentai collection um no comment I don't have one I do have a bunch of Saucy thumbnails though you know I keep a stash just so that if my is that if I don't have anything to post for the thumbnail I'll just pick out a random Saucy Viper thumbnail and oh there we go 100K views how much is your storage let's see here I have a grand total of 900 plus 900 plus 900 plus 500 technically 950. anyone good at math 950 times 3 plus 500 why am I getting three thousand and four thousand some guys have four thousand yeah so I have around three thousand worth of gigabytes or three terabs basically oh no Nice Shot you see chop one stream takes around about 50 gig give or take not to mention the tons of games I have and all that stuff so I have so much footage I haven't got around to editing so that's on me so I can't believe it yet but yeah he's on five and four wait did you have a TV to get out oh yeah he does oh this is a good position don't re-swing this he's holding you oh no my guy's cleaning does that wall Bank wait I actually don't know it does wall back it doesn't feel enough though I never wall bags oh you learned something new every day nice shot oh no he's dead each other wait did no one go for the diffuse God damn it no it's because of the fuse man oh he's got this easy flop here it comes great click oh he'll repeat [Music] oh wait I saw that oh god wow what the hell smoke two three kills through the smoke no it will be wilder all right so they are coming back that's Ivan guy is popping all right what's the play Here My Guy where is he going that's an interesting TP oh he's gonna Peak Med I shot but that was very unsafe what if you lost a gunfight feel like he should have put the TP down first picks up a ghost now what are they doing this game is so spread out I don't understand anything that's happening oh I feel like he it might be an apex thing but I feel like he's adsing too much he doesn't have to ABS that close up meanwhile zank pops off he's dead here oh wait why the ghost also the Raider didn't kill him the Killer's gonna kill him short nothing makes sense nothing makes sense nothing makes sense maybe not okay here it comes looks like a TP okay yeah he doesn't even have to play damn if you're in this game do you think Aditya is a Smurf instead like if you have high kills does that mean you're the Smurf is that it I also feel like it's the quality of the kill so that guy repeat okay I'm pretty sure yeah okay let's do this Silver version like he's getting good kills but no one repeats that when you're that low he rarely TPS Escape his team's just going insane right now there's nothing else we can say can we check his tracker Aditya is plot he's smurfing from an ALT account he looks silver to me I shot Matt if this did you guys smurfing that'd be really sad mainly because you would think that an experiment about smurfing you'd have actual players this is ironic I don't know if he's smurfing but he looks so spectatum okay Rob doesn't look too crazy to me I don't know people were saying the Ivan guy was a Smurf too because they went oh sounds pretty close I guess he's smurfing guys relax okay not everyone who has high kills his birthday same thing with the Ivan guy last game that everyone was so sure was smurfing too so just calm with a Smurf what the [ __ ] is he doing you think there's a big difference between EU servers I can't say never played oh unfortunate one enemy remaining I don't know Chad I don't know man the movement doesn't look very I don't know dude he's peaking with w and a and then if you're higher up you usually just Peak with A and D everyone [Music]
Channel: eggwick
Views: 1,064,267
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: -HJxi7mQJ5E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 44sec (1484 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 17 2022
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