Who Has The BEST Ace Voicelines In Valorant?

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hey everybody jeff here and i'm going to rank every single agent's ace voice lines here in valerian after an amazing moment where you drop an ace on the enemy team your agent will burst into an ace voice line really adding value to that awesome moment but some agents voice lines are way way better than others so that's what i'm going to rank today oh yeah and i don't know if you guys can see this but there is a big red mark on my forehead i was scratching my forehead before i started filming the video and i'm just now noticing it and it looks really red and i apologize oh you know what comment down below red forehead just to make fun of me let's of course start off in deeds here and then work our way all the way up to s tier at the end of the video let's get right into this so i do apologize guys but the first agent i'm going to put in d tier that's going to make a lot of you mad is going to be jet you should have seen your faces as you guys can see it's kind of bland it's only one line but that one line actually isn't like awful because there's quite a few agents on the valor protocol that only have one ace voice line while others have like five so what i'm gonna do is if there's agents that have more than two i'm just gonna go down to my two favorite ace voice lines but jet only has one and you know it is it does come across as kind of like cocky and arrogant but to be honest doesn't really just appeal to me that much other than that guys i don't think there's much to say about jets ace voice line it's kind of just below average and you'll see why as we get into some really cool voice lines later in the video up next in d tier unfortunately is going to be brimstone now brimstone has like four or five ace voice lines i picked two of my favorite and it still only landed him in detail get off my lawn i'm king of this hill my favorite one of the two is get off my lawn but like i don't know like the way like the way brimstone the voice actor like says these voice signs it just doesn't capture that amazing moment for me so like if you get an ace in valerian you want the agent you're playing to like burst into like so much energy with a sick voice line and brimstone kind of just feels like he's just like just just kind of just chilling i love brimstone's ultimate voice signs but these ace voice lines they're just not doing it for me i apologize the last agent i'm putting in d tier unfortunately is going to be a race talk about collateral damage bring it me against the world like i don't know guys just just stay with me i don't know if you guys feel the same way as i do but like dude that was actually annoying like i don't know what it is about the way she said the words like it just like it's just annoying to me like it does it doesn't it's not cool it's not funny it's not like witty or charming it's just annoying but i can't see how quite a few people would think that it is pretty cool or they do enjoy it so that's why i added it a little higher on deets here but definitely definitely not enough to boost it up into seats here next up is seats here and the first agent we're gonna be putting in seats here is going to be astra the barrel of the gun is always dark so this is one of those times where the valerian agent only has one ace voice line and unfortunately for astra it's not really that great it's kind of gritty when she says the barrel of the gun is always dark but it's not like a super energetic or hype way she's saying it she's kind of just like slowly saying it and uh i don't know it just to me it just i don't think i could really boost it up any higher than seeds here what do you guys think coming up next is seeds here is going to be sage must i do everything today i was the sword so this is one of those times where i think sage's ultimate voice lines are like literally amazing but her ace voice signs are kind of below average for me none of them really capture the uh like intensity moment besides maybe the voice line where she says today i am the sword it's like kind of cool the way she says today but other than that guys like i don't know there's just it's just not really vibing well with me the last agent in seats here is going to be yoru i don't really have much to say about this besides it is kind of cool but it's pretty short and there's only one voice line as opposed to some of the agents having two but in my opinion it's just not really doing it for me is that red dot still on my forehead it definitely looks like it's still there the first agent in beats here is going to be killjoy go ahead call me tech support again killjoy only has one line but it's actually not that bad because i can totally see killjoy getting upset and frustrated with other agents or people referring to her as just tech support when she's so much more than that she's got a brilliant mind she has amazing ways to utilize her technology in combat and she really just does not want to be tech support so that's why she says it in the ace voice line and i think it fits her character very well now coming up next and b tier is going to be phoenix mess with again oh wait you can't you thought you could come against i now this is the first time where i really feel like an agent is just going off on being like super like you know witty and really just making fun of the enemy team he has two voice lines that i chose and i actually like them a good amount the way he portrays the words and emotions and like the funny moments in his voice lines i think really fits his character very well up next and beats here i'm probably going to surprise a couple of you guys because i think it's really cool but maybe some of you won't is going to be sova i'll pair through you all who else do you have so maybe i just have a soft spot for sova but i think like pretty much every time he says anything the voice actor that plays him just does so well because like he can literally say like i'm going to take c and i'm gonna be like dude i like that that's good stuff let's do it i will say though that the ace voice line for sova could be better but since this is my ranking i'm gonna put it in average because i know that it's not the best but i just like it enough to at least put it in average now the last agent in beats here then after that move on to a tier is going to be sky i can feel it i can be so much more how did i get this powerful so the thing i like most about skye is that the way she says her ace voice line and the words behind it the uh what is it i can feel it i can be so much more that is a good good like intense foreshadowing moment of what sky can truly become because we know that sky in the radiant wars that ko fought in centuries later in an alternate timeline that he's in where ko came from ko tells stories of just how powerful skye becomes so i think that every once in a while when skye has like a good ace or a good moment where she's like man i'm really feeling myself like she might start tapping into that like powerful god that she actually can be but i'm getting ahead of myself we're just breaking the voice lines here and i think it's pretty good the first agent in aids here is going to be omen worthless dead fools so all omen has to say to be cool is literally just three words worthless dead fools omen along with sova i think can literally say anything and it automatically sounds cool so literally all omen had to say was three words and it already reigned in a tier for me now imagine if he had like a couple more words or two voice lines like that boy would be up an s but regardless i just think it's just really i'm gonna say it i think it's badass and uh you know what he deserves the a tier now moving on to the most cocky and arrogant agent on the valor protocol in a tier is going to be chamber i really am fantastic did you enjoy the show of course you did now chambers ace voice lines you guys heard it it's very cocky and he's full of himself and he knows it i really am fantastic and did you enjoy the show laughing of course you did this man knows he's great he wants an audience and you know when he does well he's gonna give you that audience i think his voice lines and the way he says it just portrays so well to this character it fits him so well and uh yeah i mean that's literally that's literally chamber the last agent in aids here and i was on the fence and putting him in s here but i already have a couple more agents and s here so i didn't want to flood s too much it's going to be breach what the hell were the rest of you doing anyone else want to try me i like the first one who says what the hell are the rest of you doing because like to be honest sometimes when you get an ace of valor and you're like looking around your team and saying wait where was everybody else why did i have to do everything but then the other one where he says anyone else want to try me the way he says it was breach does such a good job on sounding so like hype and energetic and badass sometimes especially like his ultimate voice lines as well but for the ace voice lines here in today's video what we're ranking i think it's enough to barely barely be on the edge of a tier and s tier but i'm going to leave him in a now we are breaking into s tier territory and the first agent to get into s tier is going to be ko get out of my killzone now this is one of the voice signs where i don't feel like it's like super cool and badass and hype i just think it's hilarious because when ko says i know what they're thinking aimbot that's just like freaking funny because like we all have dealt at some point whether it's in valerian or other competitive first person shooter video games i'm looking at you rainbow six siege of people who literally are hacking and using aimbot and you're always like dude that guy's hitting shots he's aimbot but like it actually is aimbot for ko because ko is a radiant killer robot and if you know if you really really think about it he literally has aimbot so i just thought it was funny that riot added that as like a funny moment to an ace voice line up next in s tier and the queen and empress of the radiance is going to be reyna bow before me thank you i was starving and the whole theme of reyna being like the literal queen or empress of the radiance especially in the radiant wars that i talked about in my ko lore video the bow before me really really fits her character and the way she says it is just so intimidating and menacing and we all know that reyna feeds on the souls and the power of the victims or people she's killed so when she says she's starving and thank you for all five kills the ace i don't know i think it's amazing i think it's you know super cool dark fits her character well and like really i mean that was just high quality s-tier voice lines right there now there are only two agents left on the valerian protocol and both of them are in s tier first up is going to be cipher are you forget i've always been a killer you're dead and i didn't feel anything not even a thrill now the first voiceline i showed you wasn't really like that great my opinion but the second one is just so so dark menacing and like i would be intimidated if someone said that to me you can rewind it or let's just go over it again he says you're dead and i didn't feel anything not even a thrill that's like something that i wouldn't expect out of cipher to say i would expect someone like reina or maybe even chamber to say but like cipher i feel like that's just like too dark for him but i guess hey when you're just feeling yourself and you're just popping off and killing enemies i guess at that point you could say whatever you want right and of course coming in an s tier and i'm sorry guys i just i guess i'm just a viper simp or something but viper is going to be the best ace voice line you wanted a villain i gave you a villain so look i know it's only one line it's not even two voice lines but when you're one voice sign and the way it's said is that good like you have to give props and respect to viper because to be honest viper is like the uh quote-unquote villain of valerian maybe next to reyna but you know as seen by other agents so when she just pops off and is just killing people left and right and she says you wanted a villain i gave you a villain like it just it literally sends chills down my arm each time i get a ace in valor and a plane viper which does not happen very often remember to comment red forehead if you want to make fun of me and leave a like and subscribe notifications if you do now with all that being said jeffy out
Channel: Sir Jeppy
Views: 171,903
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: valorant agents, valorant ace, valorant highlights, ace voice lines valorant, agent voice lines valorant, all valorant agents, all valorant characters, ace voicelines, valorant best moments, all agent ace voicelines, valorant characters, valorant agents tier list, all valorant agent ace voicelines, valorant agents ranked, valorant agents backstory, valorant agents ultimate voice lines, valorant agents lore, Who Has The BEST Ace Voicelines In Valorant?, sir jeppy valorant
Id: X0qe1dDg2q0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 24sec (744 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 20 2021
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