the tortured gordon department | Kitchen Nightmares | Gordon Ramsay

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how much is he putting in there look all that pepperoni I mean the slices of sauce jammed together yeah I've never seen a Kone so full I mean the feeling's cold that is hideous I don't like that either I've been wanting to take that calone and fling it like a Frisbee for about 20 years Pete I got some critiques for you are you are you kidding me listen to me damn it the complaint is it's so full it's cold up it's going to be a wake up call for peach see perfect I put my pizza up against anybody in the country no Denver or Colorado in a country that's how confident I am about my piz let's go come on okay here we go here's your sausage pizza holy is that ridiculous it's like the pizza that at Denver yeah [ __ ] okay I'll let you take that in thank you man oh my God dripping in Grease the oil the grease coming out of [Music] there the oil in there look at the grease that's gross he said it's too greasy just exactly what I I feel oh shut up I don't want to hear [Music] honestly the best pizza in Denver I mean does that look like the best pizza trust me I can tell you it doesn't taste good so the dough is so thick why I mean it's just like a loaf of bread it's like a baguette in there mhm that's our thin crust that's the thin crust mhm stop wow seriously yeah a lot of people get upset with me for that when they ask for the thin crust and I bring them the thin crust wow you touch that D is raw oh wow it is raw pastry my God what a mess D I'm done all righty I Dreadful okay I'll let him know messy that is definitely not the best pizza in Denver let's get that right hey Pete he wanted me to show you the dough what's wrong with that pizza he said the pizza was doughy on the inside and greasy it is doughy look really I agree with him too are you kidding me I don't know what the chef is talking about and a lot of people love it I do I eat it don't you guys throw this away leave it Al are you kidding me what that's disgusting I'm hungry I think seph Ramon's problem is that he hasn't tasted a classic Pizza before damn is good he taste at all this fancy stuff you [Music] know okay here we go the meatball hero the meatball hero wow and how do you would you um I guess you approach that however you feel wow thank you my ding no problem just visually there's nothing hero looking about that God that's not anywhere near a hero sandwich that looks more like a sloppy joe bad it's all soggy there it's like eating a patch of soaking wet grass after a cow sh all over it you all done with that that is definitely not a hero yeah disgusting there's a type of ER on the menu it's not hero it's zero I'll let him know please do you want to hear Chef's response yes yes he said it's a zero not a hero I don't believe this I have plenty of people that they love my meatball I am very proud of my beat balls and for SE Ry to say it was a zero it's very insulting the look on your face doesn't look good no it's got a really weird texture when a fly bypasses the [ __ ] this you know it's bad trust me um I'm I'm done with that thank you thanks Dy [Music] jeez so what did he say about those um has a weird texture to the sauce he doesn't know why it would be called barbecue people have been coming here for 33 years the food cannot be that bad oh this is your salmon wow this is the special yes with the dill Dijon cream sauce the dill Dijon cream sauce somebody likes cream in the kitchen who is that where all these cream sauces come from I don't know who originally started them but Alexa cooks with a lot of cream W everything's made with heavy cream a we have oh there's the salmon under there cream sauce mhm thank you D you're welcome Salon taste Frozen doesn't taste freshh at all it's dry very dry wow I mean it's very old school cream on cream on cream well thank you for ding you're very welcome yeah that wasn't pleasant all right I'll let them know that was hideous he says the salmon taste dry what come on really he said CREAM again and well everything he ordered has cream but I know wow I would think people would know what they're ordering before they did it but that's whatever I think everything is delicious I wouldn't serve it if I didn't think it was delicious there goes another one God got wallpaper that's terrible what a mess Randy when was the last time we had a coat of paint or I changed the wallpaper when was the last time last wallpaper 5 years ago this this wallpaper 5 years ago no not this one can I show you something sure please what's all this here for and this here dis repair and you pull that table out and you just see all that marking there across the wall like that and this place looks and feels like it's been closed for the last 10 years so look that the restaurant has well hopefully before the week it's finished I'll get a straight answer here is your Yucatan scallops oh here he is Sir here he is Wy there you go Che the man and where are the scops inside that boat underneath the peppers and yes excellent thank you you're welcome wow it is absolutely gross wow dread no seasoning whatsoever and the scallops are just hideous I got to find out why this is called yakatan cuz I don't want to insult those people in Mexico Randy um I'd like to find out why it's called the yakatan SE scul dish what's the relation the spice with the Chipotle peppers so why is it called yakatan cuz it's got Spice in it just the name you you just pick the name out of the Hat it Bears no relevance the actual if it does or doesn't I'm not actually 100% sure are you kidding me okay I'm done with that thank you [Music] that was gross scallops are overdone and the sauce is Bland that's the way I've been cooking them they look beautiful they were cooked perfectly I know they were getting irritated I like it it's an absolute matter of taste this is just [ __ ] stupid that's the way we cook that's that's it wasn't an off tap [Music] wow that gyro is terrible why would you serve Frozen gyro here that's the style he make it here that's not the way to cook it does anyone ever complain about this yes do you honestly think that is good I don't know what to say wow this is embarrassing if there's one thing that you should nail a gyro that's the Hallmark of any good Greek restaurant Mano yes this one he tried this doesn't like it who said that um Mr Mr Ram wow that was a bad St can itier please okay put it in a nice plat you got to make it nice this is for Chef mamy thank [Music] you okay this is the traditional Lucano the Greek sa look at that are they that deep fried they Fri and they sh with their wine L when you fry sausage like that the flavor's gone it looks like the remainder of a dog chew that is a mess poo it just smells of fryer where's the white wine and garlic too much grease I mean that's just grease there's more grease in this plate than there is in the Greek ARS I'm so sorry I don't know taste that please does that remind you of Grease only I taste garet and grease this area of Queens is called flushing right now I'd like to flush these right down the toilet excuse me lot of garlic there huh oh Jesus oh [ __ ] Tak some water [Music] you okay arene I'm okay I'm [Music] okay Emmanuel the loan was too greasy doesn't have any wine sauce on the bottom was just plain greasy so he can't eat it I don't think it's greasy it's one of the best Lucano that uh we have in this neighborhood I don't know why he doesn't like it you put in 30 seconds bro let's make it good this time irini can we get this stuff to sh okay this is the bti thank you D wow this is Dreadful it's like a bland pile of worms it's bland I mean that is depressing when something starts steaming that hot like that in the center it confirms it's been microwaved and as for that concoction oh my God looks like the intestines look out that is a mess popular yeah that means no wow are we done I'm so sorry yes do we have anything else coming no do you want to look for something else the bathroom that's what I'd like to look for sorry oh my God have water yes come on what's what's wrong with it shouting you over there okay please you ask me about the table and I say even if you can't make ravioli Linguini spaghetti lasagna wow wow it's too oily try on there I've never done it before Julie thank you yeah that's way too oily yeah that is too much oil in there yes it's supposed to be dough not pace now was my first try here with me Trevor is way out of his league right now he has absolutely no idea what he's doing that guy's an idiot you meet lasagna thank you for Ding and um there's a big disgusting thumb print with meat source can you ask him just to take his paws off my side of you see that thumb print I do it's like dubbed in the sauce and right on the edge right on the side of the plate not appetizing can you ask him just quickly wipe that off please absolutely and tell him to clean these fingers please shef thumb print all over my plate covered in tomato sauce no thank you that's disgusting now what he hasn't tried it yet he just wants to guys to clean the edges of the plate there's fingerprints there's a really bad one right there and there's somewhere here and he said to make sure you guys clean your hands okay I'm stressing out Mama's me TOA um DL why is it so watery there um that would be from the marinera wow thank you D you're welcome damn that is Stone Cold I mean well Andy so you just touched that there real finger here eges it's cold it is ice cold where is ice cold right here yeah ice cold okay show Julie Julie please thank you you're welcome disgusting Chef would like you guys to feel right here it's cold that [ __ ] lasagna is cold juli the microwave I told you not to use that microwave use the one in the back I said it's not going to make a difference I guarantee I said to use the one in the back because I don't want this [ __ ] happen again it's not going to make a difference going to then why all of a sudden did it change [ __ ] years that's [ __ ] I said don't use it okay Julie Julie's in denial about everything and I don't understand why she won't acknowledge that make sure there's no [Music] fingerprints is your spaghetti with meatballs thank you my darling and are the meatballs homemade no they're frozen oh come on serious does he know how to make a meatball he does know how to make meatballs oh okay great so why isn't he doing them um I believe that they used to do them and they fell apart too much before that means he doesn't know how to make them doesn't know how to make them right wow ask the chef why you can't make a meatball okay please thank you then wow the meatballs taste like warm foam Trevor Chef would like to know why our meatballs would fall apart why would you not be able to make a meatball so only the reason we stopped serving them is cuz they fell apart that was our original Chef I didn't say that that was putting words in my mouth thank you I would love to go back making handmade meatballs okay that's [ __ ] Trevor I can't get you to do [ __ ] prep and you want to make me balls that's going to work kiss my ass you don't want to pay anybody do anything I have to beg you to come to work in the day I can't even put you on days because you don't show up do you think I wanted coming back here and trying to handle a whole goddamn kitchen you don't handle this kitchen I handle this [ __ ] kitchen because you refuse to do anything I don't know what to do you ask for this job you always walk around saying I'm the head ask you now do you see why no one likes you why is all that oil on there we usually drizzle the top of our appetizers with olive oil or flood um usually we drizzle but it looks like there's a little extra put on can I have a teaspoon please Dy of course thank you wow you drizzle sparingly with a touch of oil but look at it I've got little spoon PS mid bathtubs full of oil floating on the side it's gross [Music] can you ask Mark very carefully just stop staring at me because he's scary he just stands there and stares okay I have a little dish first to put this oil in please oh yeah hey Mark Casa stop staring at him cuz you're creeping him out you got to be kidding me man a little dish oh teaspoon of all who put the oil on um I'm not quite sure it wasn't back there wow this is humus my God it's so thin it's just liquid is that normally that runny that the humus I've been told it depends on the Gano Beans really we're going to start blaming a [ __ ] Bean for the humus there's times where the hummus will be extremely thin or there's times where the hummus will be overly thick yeah it's not the Bean's fault it's the chef's I feel like I'm always apologizing for the food now tell I'm done with that okay but I'm not a chef it's out of my control who put the oil on top of the appetizer I didn't do the appetizer I did it he said it's a lot of oil it's tradition to put a good amount of oil on hummus so for Chef Ramsey not to like it is a shocker to meet I should have made it for him it's a disgusting busing station that looks Dreadful there has to be a much better place to put dirty dishes than that that's bad a it's weird how you just drop all those dirties there yeah that's where our dishes go why not just walk 5T and put the dirty plates inside the plate wash I don't know how difficult would it be to walk straight into the kitchen and put them in there not hard at all Chef Ramsey is right but every time I try to open my mouth every time I have a suggestion I basically get told to shut up thank you you're welcome rubber beans is ready okay I'm coming to get it oh means and who put the Zed on what's what's the z the Z forena kind of a design looks like someone's puked up on my plate oh come on does that look appetizing to you yeah doesn't look too appetizing it doesn't look appetizing at all no okay thank you no problem uh that looks like the inside of a diaper I mean it's so bad jeez said she a me look like someone threw up okay tell him enjoy your meal man um I'm done there dling that one mouth all too much all right I'll get that out of your way thank you you're welcome one thing I can confirm it tasted the way it looked Dreadful nope not a winner okay whatever you guys this is crazy I don't agree with Chef Ramsey about some of the items that's at first I will will defend my food to CH FR because I know how healthy and delicious it is how hideous does that [Music] look my God it's brand Cherry has been beaten the crap out of it's [ __ ] disgusting I think he's complaining about the wheel job that it's tough I did it 10 not even 2 seconds I flipped it really quick tenderized it I mean we do have one of the best wheels we get it from the Butcher and queen so I don't know unless you overcooked it I did not overcook it bro this is so overcooked it's extraordinary a little taste of that oh my good God I mean it's dusted with flour see all this yes see this here that that's gunge that's just raw flour that is like you can make a [ __ ] pizza dough with that that's that that's gun I'll remove it thank you chef wow how's the feel TR feels overcooked he said gun she called it it's it's just flour wow I mean this is uh [ __ ] crazy if Chef Ramsey doesn't like the view there's nothing I can do about that because that's the way it's made and I'm not going to change that okay Chef this is our Penny Al can I just give you that yellow and bits of why is it drowned and sauce I cannot answer that I mean it's like baby vomit the sauce is disgusting and that is gross the chef not cook past them we have inconsistencies should have grabbed the pen that I cooked this morning why P that I just cooked it's sitting there fresh didn't even get oiled yet what do we give them I cook yesterday sure there's a difference it still taste good you didn't like the taste no you didn't like the taste awful said it was like baby vomit baby vomit baby vomit wow okay you come over apart from being drowned in sauce the pasta's like mush would you mind cuz everyone starts think and I'm exaggerating but it's like overcooked disgusting but the flavor is not bad oh I disagree you disagree with the flavor the sauce is Bland there's no salt in the sauce and there's too much garlic but for me the fundamentals when you come to an Italian restaurant is the pasta the pasta is over cooked that's the embarrassing part anyway can you get the chef to taste that okay excellent thank you wow taste the pasta you said it's drowned and sauce but it doesn't have any flavor sauce doesn't have any flavor what he said oh IDE deal 8 out of 10 trust me right now he's not even a out of 100 all right thank you Chef right hope good luck wow uh are we sure that's it when I think of Italian cuisine is done with exciting generous amount of muscles in a bowl but that has to be the tightest portion of muscles I've ever seen in my entire life is that what customers get this is what customers get Chef how much is that not really sure Chef do you find out how much this one is yes je I will I mean seriously oh my God how much are the muscles look in the computer Tracer and find out sister you wow you really just said that to me you didn't know you the [ __ ] place sister I know $10 you should know too come on it's $10 how hard was that to tell me when I'm dealing with this [ __ ]
Channel: Kitchen Nightmares
Views: 166,953
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Gordon Ramsay, Kitchen Nightmares, Gordon Ramsay Kitchen Nightmares, Kitchen Nightmares USA, Kitchen Nightmares UK, Kitchen Nightmares Official, Kitchen Nightmares Full Episodes, Kitchen Nightmares Best Moments, Kitchen Nightmares Worst Fridges, Kitchen Nightmares Funniest Moments, Kitchen Nightmares Worst Food, Kitchen Nightmares Argument, Gordon Ramsay Insults, Gordon Ramsay Argument
Id: S005PBYmaTE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 47sec (1427 seconds)
Published: Wed May 01 2024
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