Chef Uses Orange Squash For Sauce | Ramsay's Kitchen Nightmares

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[Music] i'm on the 1140 train heading for oakhampton a busy tourist town in the heart of rural devon the perfect restaurant here would be something almost like a little jewel in the crown and in the middle of the town in terms of produce for a chef it's a dream you've got the most amazing lamb beef dairy produce look at the environment you could wish for anything better absolutely amazing [Music] for six years mick martin and his wife mo have run a successful cafe with the help of their 19 year old adopted daughter michelle but their fortunes have taken a turn for the worst since ex-trucker and burger van man mick decided to transform the room above the cafe into a bistro with disastrous results i could have done this room cheap and nasty by the end of the day i wanted to be the best restaurant in oaky mick's especially proud of his psychedelic wallpaper a bit jazzy everyone said no that ain't gonna work but the more i put up the more i liked it his specialities are ducklerange made with orange squash this is really sweet to see and year-old lamb shanks serve from a package if i used to bake it myself you're always going to get a fatty one where these these ones i buy in you can never ever go wrong with them [Music] sunday afternoon in oakhampton mix opened his bistro especially to cook me some lunch my food is blowing my own trumpet if i had gone to college when i was young [Music] unfortunately oakhampton disagrees the locals aren't biting mixed volley has driven the family into 80 grands worth of debt which until a month ago it kept hidden from mo and i was just so shocked and angry very angry i could have walked i've got to be honest now moe's cut up the credit cards but dreamer mick has plans to keep spending i'm just going to keep on and keep on even if i have to go further and further into debt everything's dependent on this business to be saved my marriage and all let's see what this ex trucker can do an eating experience you must try the steaks local produce chicken dishes dad lamb shanks all lovely all food is freshly cooked [ __ ] me hello hello michelle michelle nice to see you pleasure to meet you your blouse matches the wallpaper i feel like i'm tripping out never touched this stuff but i feel like i've just swallowed an e holy crap compared to the hideous wallpaper the menu is very attractive simple freshly cooked food on paper it looks delicious orange squash spoonful of uh gravy rich and meaty it's called clay a lot of them say it's the best they've had it can't be that bad can it first up mix house special duck with orange sauce excellent okay there's the potatoes jesus christ [ __ ] me do i need sunglasses what is that sauce i think maybe it's the orange squash he uses did you really say orange squash it looks like someone's dropped a [ __ ] lemon tart on my plate gives it color ah that me jesus christ that's worse than [ __ ] benelli next up is the lamb shank who will love lamb shanks [ __ ] it now okay excellent thank you there's local lamb they're they're actually vacuum packed ones uh actually they can last for about a year just say that again they're bought in they're vacuum packed the lamb shanks and they've actually got a life shelf of about a year and they don't have to be kept refrigerated holy [ __ ] yeah hold on a minute so where has that been hanging around it's just in a box they're kept in a box in a hot kitchen yeah i've got to tell the truth i can't i don't know i respect your honesty well [ __ ] me as a first admit i'm not going to taste it that's fine [ __ ] that might just be the worst food i've ever come across the joker who made it could be beyond my help hello in 21 years of [ __ ] cooking i've never ever refused to taste the dish and when the lambshank arrived on the table i got told that it has a shelf life of 12 months doesn't need refrigerating and dad didn't cook it how in the [ __ ] can you charge 11 pound for that tell me most pubs around here all use the same sort of system mick you're running a bistro where's the lamb shank that's the last oh gordon that's his famous lamb shank mick what in the [ __ ] is inside the lamb shank and how long has that been cooked for for a dish never to be refrigerated but it's all chemicals chemicals e number two e6134 e627e262 thickener e415 e4112 do you feel like having a ship thank [ __ ] i didn't eat it sugar flavorings color e 150d spices emulsifier e 322 yeast extract come on mick [ __ ] me i'm surprised you haven't [ __ ] killed off half the population in oakhampton they're gonna be safe i don't know they wouldn't sell it mick has even lied to his customers all our food is freshly cooked your patience would be greatly appreciated even during busy times we believe quality becomes before speed this reflects our style and our care you guys sir i mean [ __ ] off me [ __ ] you yeah but gordon we cannot cook lamb shanks and firm away every day if we've got no customers go for our books that's not good enough excuse me should we talk about the duck yeah go on what the [ __ ] did you put in that sauce it's like some [ __ ] sci-fi sperm sci-fi sperm yeah where's the where's the orange juice so it's an orange squash yes i concentrate yeah you know all the reports of the people we do it love the source you know i thought to be so honest as a restaurateur whatever you want to kill yourself your responsibility is providing them with at least something fresh and especially [ __ ] 11 quid it's about right about right four times it help well he's a stubborn [ __ ] this is a stubborn [ __ ] i'll be the first one to admit that but we desperately desperately need help from yourself and i'm sorry i'm going to get emotional i don't want to get upset because my husband's being slated to death and we work so hard for this business and it's just killing us and i'm not denying that you guys work [ __ ] hard i can see that in your face i can see that from your daughter well i just don't know what to say i'm gonna get some fresh air [ __ ] me [Music] the most shocking thing about this was mick's blasiness how he has that level of arrogance that he can get away with it he doesn't look like he's capable of cooking anything so my biggest nightmare right now is [ __ ] mitch the dubco bistro looks doomed the man in charge mick martin is recklessly pursuing his pipe dream and has already sold his family's four-bedroom house to keep it afloat it continues to hemorrhage cash and his family are at breaking point yeah i've worked hard really all my life and i didn't have a lot as a kiddie and i always dreamt of a beautiful home and that's what i had it was a dream you know i took it away now mo and mick are living in a tiny flat on the premises even now mick keeps mowing the dark about their finances so i'm going to try and find out just how much money they have left bloody hell but it's a big come down to a to four bedroom house [ __ ] house so the bistro wasn't moe's idea the bistro was your idea because you wanted to make always advanced here all the time i'm starting to pick that up now it doesn't matter what my wife says if i got a dream in my head well i'm sorry that's selfish it might be selfish but that's old-fashioned stubbornness and selfish at its best well it is that's why i've kept everything from her because i'm the bloke makes more pig-headed than i thought if he doesn't stop spending he'll lose the business and his family could be homeless within months what's left in the coffers what have you got tucked away well i've got one car i can hit four grandma so you don't know about that one that's for a rainy day make this is getting worse i've done this room and i'm proud of it but i haven't got it how i want it and i'm just going to keep nibbling at it until i do or if i can lose a lot [ __ ] it now i can't believe my ears mixed line to his wife and in the thick of a credit crunch he's gambling his family's future away the situation's dire and i don't think he's gripped reality in terms of how [ __ ] he is and he said well if it closes it closes but it's everybody else he's bringing down with him through his own [ __ ] stubbornness can you ask about table nines doing could you let me know when table 9's nearly ready thank you before i can start fixing this restaurant i need to see how bad things really are so tonight i'm filling the beast with 30 locals and i'm going to watch the martin family in action have you got peas on no so i'm putting them on that's what i'm saying talk to me then i know what you want mick used to have a burger van and it shows he's working on his own and leaving motor second guess what he's doing mick is there any chance you could talk a little bit to mo if at least she could help you a bit more if you open up and ask no if i say anything if you forget so what's the point [ __ ] too high you do love well whatever as long as you're gonna make me look small you're happy well if you was to do all your garnishes and vegetables i'd know where i am but i'm doing that for your bloody job as well tonight it's like a one-man band in there like he's back in his burger van cooking in and out of the microwave and totally [ __ ] upside down i mean without mo in the kitchen he's [ __ ] we're only an hour and a half into service but there's already a huge backlog of orders a mix started to crumble i don't want no food sent down until i tell you okay no food sent down until he says okay no more food no how long no more orders i've got wait until he says if i send one thing down i'll get my head bit off i don't this is ridiculous if mick can't cope sending out ready meals he shouldn't be running her kitchen joe i don't really care what they say i can only do what i could do i'd rather you didn't take it out with me because i'm just asking i've had to delay two tables so i have plastic upstairs michelle's impressive she's the one person here who is in control sadly she's now been left to face the fallout from her dad's incompetence yeah i've been waiting too long to be fair i've lost count of the minutes and get we're hungry desperate those meals did manage to get out the kitchen are now being sent back we've got a phone there to communicate don't come down here and try and make a scene because you're on camera oh you're the one doing it can you help me down please you're gonna have to use to work with my outfit like this any longer right i'll go and sort it out i'm so sorry but the beast always closed my husband's big [ __ ] dream is a complete fart where's he gone i don't know gordon i don't [ __ ] care okay come on i can't i'm not going to [ __ ] have heart attack over this i don't want you to have a [ __ ] heart i don't want you to have a heart attack over this [ __ ] booming i just don't want it i'm his daughter and he speaks to me like [ __ ] like mum you know and that's his wife you know he thinks he does it because he thinks he gets away with it he can't get away with it i can take the knock so i think like i tried to take all the knocks for everybody but even i've got a breaking point 18 customers weren't fed tonight i'm not gonna let mick get away with it i had a respect for her taking the crap tonight i'd appreciate if you go upstairs and apologize to the customers i'm not one of the words oh come on mick [ __ ] you now give me a little bit more than that jesus christ come on i've finished all food now and i do apologize you're a restaurant you can't just say that we're not going to eat i could do well i won't die no when you've got paying customers [Music] this is a first for me i'm trying to fix a family as well as a restaurant i've got to get some home truth through to mick i'm amazed that these two are still here by the end of the day they know i love them it's nothing to do with it and i always say you know that's not the passport to treat them the way you are yeah but i don't mean to ah you do and unfortunately you don't even know how bad it is because you haven't stepped out and seen what they're experiencing when you're [ __ ] pissed off with it i see that tonight the first time i've seen it but i never thought i'd ever hear that gordon no it's just so far [Music] there's a mental torture going on in there there's a psychological head [ __ ] moe's running around like little some little ass wipe to him it's not fair it's not normal and it's not [ __ ] it's not the right way to run a kitchen i'm deeply concerned about mick's ability to run this family bistro he has to start working with not against his wife and daughter if he doesn't i'm convinced this business will fail and the family will fall apart the only thing they've got right so far is the concept oh camden is screaming out for really good neighborhood family run small intimate bistro but before we can get any of that started these guys need to go back to basics cooking fresh ingredients from now on i'm gonna make sure this is a team effort i need to change the menu from fake to fresh and i've brought the entire family to a dairy farm just 20 minutes from their doorstep to teach them the importance of quality ingredients i'm going to show them what they should be feeding their customers you visit cash and carry minimum three times a week four minutes four times a week so you you drop the miles up yeah so what i wanted to do was not just bring you but bring everybody here and bring you a little closer to the place of origin where food starts yeah put you in touch duncan how are you very good good to see you that's good you've bought lots of milk haven't you lots of plastic gardens but you've never [ __ ] milked one have you good excellent roll up your sleeves right where are they come on mick oh they're getting near that ass i'm telling you that yeah close it off at the top i think she had your trout last night for dinner this is harmony yeah trust me squeeze come on michelle you can do it stick your boyfriend last saturday night it starts here yeah all starts here quality ingredients today it's the same whether you're you're braising a lamb shank or whether you're making the most amazing [ __ ] ice cream the ethics yeah and the mentality is all about the quality okay just like the dovecot this dairy farm is a family-run business nick could learn a lot from it in terms of success it started off very very small and producing hardly any ice cream and year on year in it builds and it's no different to what you've got and when you first said to me where i've got the customers coming so what's the point doing fresh well there's every point because you've got to start somewhere and it builds i believe everything just like let's go but yeah yep okay yeah yeah yeah i thought you're good at that no i didn't call you a wanker i just said i was telling me it was that several times i'm determined the bistro's menu will only use fresh ingredients i'm taking the martins to the local butcher to see what a lamb shank looks like before it's been stuffed with chemicals vacuum packed and put in a box the level of difference between a cash and carry and your local butcher it's night and day a bistro is about the cheap cuts it's about the rumps about the bone shoulders about the belly being braised the best end the expensive one stay away from that stuff look at it not a [ __ ] e in sight amazing it's in one of your pre-prepared ones that you can get what do you mean we can't have it on the floor for 365 days we can't inject it with 18 enough no no say that again you didn't apologize now the message is finally getting through it's time to crack on with my plan fortunately the current dovecot menu works well so i'm not going to rewrite it but simply ditch the fake food and replace it with delicious freshly cooked versions of my own [Music] rome wasn't built in the day so i'm starting off with two dishes the duck and the lamb shag and i'm going to show the family how easy it is to cook them properly the difference i swear to god is night and day it's black and white lamb shanks from the local butcher mix microwave is out i'm browning my shanks off in a pan adding them to fresh vegetables then tomato puree to thicken it up a bottle of red wine and finally beef stock easy and what i'm trying to say is just a very natural way of cooking now for my version of duck ella ranch in my sauce there's garlic onions and the orange juice is fresh this is the right way i totally agree with everything gordon said we better get ready aren't they all coming in tonight we've got 40 locals booked in for dinner it'll be the most customers the beta has ever taken to keep things simple i've only changed the duck and the lamb shank everything else on the menu is the same [Music] i need to talk to me yeah so i know what you're doing right and it's last chance saloon for mick if he doesn't prove that he can work as a team with mo and michelle he's out all right talk to me because you've gone all silent again and i'm just trying to say what i'm doing yeah i know i just asked you to talk to me service has just started but already mick's not working as part of a team hey look at me i swear to god i don't know what it is but in service you disappear you disappear i don't get that you don't think that no i [ __ ] don't you're just trying to wind me up nick hello everything i'm telling you i'm trying to help you i know you are but you're not you're not paying attention to health now he's cooking dishes in the wrong order and slowing everything up so why'd you put the trout on before the steak is well done got to do the longest things first chicken will take 10 times longer than the trout on that table all you had to look after was a trout well at least have the balls admit you forgot about it i'll just put it in the wrong oven on the wrong temperature makes completely out of his depth i have no option but to step in and do the work for him mick i've just done the six tables single-handedly but you're standing in one corner i [ __ ] make some money running around like a blue ass slide hey mick i'm doing [ __ ] all well if i ain't doing nothing oh you're not gonna run out again he's absolutely [ __ ] clueless can't focus on two tables at any one time and secondly he forgets things instantly puts it on turns around forgets it [Music] as the night goes on mixed standards hit rock bottom what's he done to my lam shank [Music] let's have a look absolutely perfect see if it comes about i don't think it will there you go the night's nearly over and the customers aren't happy my salmon wasn't cooked and now my salmon's overcooked so a little bit disappointing the steak had to send back because it was cold but when they brought it back again the second time because it was nice and hot but it was over cooked unfortunately unfortunately our failure is down to one person mick didn't communicate cracked under pressure and the evening has been a complete disaster but unbelievably he remains in denial if that's what mick is like with you supporting him and me in here [ __ ] don't believe what i'm hearing what i really don't believe what is he like when he's on his own i don't believe what i'm [ __ ] hearing from you talk to me there am i [ __ ] just a cabbage standing there doing nothing did i call you a cabbage that's what it sounds like everyone else is racing around apart from me you're making mistakes you don't even believe you're making mistakes there was no mistakes here it was all upstairs tonight gordon be honest i'm sorry i'm really [ __ ] sorry here he goes he's backing back in you never stand up every mistake tonight [Music] and accept you not mr [ __ ] perfect [Music] it's not gonna [ __ ] last much longer [Music] well you know i can't lose a family you know i've already been through trying to have somebody want me stupid don't be stupid dare i ever talk right now it's fine okay fine you are a special dog nothing ever is going to change that [Music] these three can't continue like this three's a crowd two's company mick has to go time is running out for the dovecot and the martin family head chef mick can't cook and he's stubbornness is destroying his business and his marriage there's only one solution i have to take mick out the kitchen they can't afford to hire a new chef but i've got confidence in michelle and so i'm going to take a risk and put her in mixed place now i've just got to break the news tonight okay is gonna be a different service first of all yeah you're out right yeah and mo both of you gonna take the night off i'm gonna run it with michelle oh my god but i've never done anything with it before good by ten o'clock tonight you'll have done the whole lot without any difference from you right now not even allowed to pop down don't wanna [ __ ] uh unless you pop you down the lift then i push the button you'll cut the [ __ ] thing off [Laughter] we can't afford to close for the evening so we've got to push on with my plan to transform mix menu we're gonna create a homemade alternative to mixed packet soup flavourings what have you got chili and the basil nice smelling lovely already you're my only [ __ ] hope right now thank you and i mean that because i'm telling you now um mum's on the [ __ ] verge [ __ ] dad's lost it and you my sweet at [ __ ] 19 yeah i've got the [ __ ] world on your shoulders but you can do it she will walk if it continues and she will walk away from him and she'll walk away he's my dad she's my mum you know where would i be you know and i wouldn't want to go through anything like that because i i've had my family made for me at the end of the day when you look back you know you're very loyal you've been very loyal and very [ __ ] loving so who or what inspired you to um want to cook to be a chef my mum your parents right yeah they're divorced i wanted to get away from the ship fight at home i wanted to get away from everything and just get into a world where i could [ __ ] concentrate focus um before i went off the rails really simple as that wow you get something negative at 19. do you turn around and stand there and get bitter or do you do something in a positive form and turn something negative into something positive well that's what you should do right i'm gonna try to taste this soup you know that i am i'm remembering well i'm gonna be more pissed off with you if it's better than mine oh wow wow [ __ ] oh [ __ ] that's good darling it's better than good it's [ __ ] that's got me really excited now i've got all my hopes pinned on michelle i just pray she pulled it off she's not intimidated about having her go and that's all you want that attitude for someone to say look give it to me show me because i want to do it michelle will be cooking a menu of three starters and three mains all fresh versions of mixed old dishes so menu yeah your roasted tomato pepper soup yes a prawn avocado cocktail easy farmer's market salad yeah after that the solo steak weighs lamb and the spoon is ricotta okay right are you ready i'm ready i was born ready good excellent the restaurant's nearly fully booked tonight and we've got special guests mo and mick i want to show mick that the kitchen can run better with michelle in control so much simpler than that i just i just love everything about this one how's it made me go get you once right what's the next thing i'm gonna do i'm not telling you you tell me steaks off you go good girl tonight i'll be by michelle's side but i want to see if she's got the potential to run the kitchen on her own okay how are you feeling i'm having fun actually huh excellent four sirloin steaks three rare and one medium rare okay good what's the one we put on first what is it okay the medium the medium rare [Music] what do you want to do you tell me i can do from cocktails yeah you do the big one you do the three-pronged cocktail [Music] i mean if that's the first time just cut it then yeah can't grumble it's incredible she's [ __ ] bright she's a quick learner and this girl hasn't even spent a day in a professional kitchen tonight michelle served a full restaurant with no mistakes the gamble's paid off and i hope mick realizes that the kitchen is better off without him in it 33 customers what did we take a total of 948 pounds if we did 33 there tonight we're capable of doing double that 66 to 70 people if we take 2 000 pounds a night three nights a week it's only gonna take us eight to twelve months to get out of the [ __ ] girl i live here i'd love to try and do it i really would now whereas i never wanted to be down here on an evening before never ever things are finally looking up for the dovecot but before we can call it a bistro mix psychedelic wallpaper has to go [Music] when you look at it and you try to focus on it it comes back at you at a thousand miles an hour what about the poor [ __ ] that sits here then holy mackerel hold on be honest the first time you walked in here you must have walked anyway [ __ ] analysis wow well i'll i'll i'll let a nurse and so what a [ __ ] fire it gets like a [ __ ] firescope holy crap jesus christ almighty i feel like pete dokady i've never popped a knee in my life nor were though good well you won [ __ ] something when you bought that i need some warmth in here mick what have we got a tv for in here well i was hoping to get business meetings and i've had a dvd put i'm hoping to get a fully booked [ __ ] restaurant they say you can throw things that are bounced off i don't know stroke things out and bounce off what do you mean like bottles yeah basically one and that was a thousand pound yeah and it's destructible i'm not saying that well we'll find out right yeah you're right [Music] and with less than a day to go to relaunch he's helping me remove his pride and joy two panels down 12 to go i did like this wallpaper well let's wait till mo gets back and let's do your bedroom in it [Music] i've changed the decor refreshed the menu and put the kitchen back on track now it's time to sort out the finances and get some honesty back into mick and moe's relationship and the message here now is to let mo take control of the finances mick doesn't know how to run that business properly and he's never asked for help and that's why they're so far on the ship [Music] i'm hoping that tranquil park away from the bistro will keep the mood calm mate where are we the finances 25 overdose yeah and 50 on cards how much 50. 50 on cards you've got rid of the cards yeah yeah and then within two minutes you're not even telling me the truth in what way cards the one i got spare yeah they sent me a new one you don't know about that yeah what's the limit on there seven nine i think seven nine what have you used on it about four nine oh for [ __ ] you're joking you've been a total [ __ ] pratt aren't you yeah sorry but if i find you spending one more penny you can walk and walk and walk and walk as far away from us as you can so i'm not going to end my days like a [ __ ] [ __ ] you have to start letting mo take control of the business sorry hey come here come on i just want to get honest how much the car cost it's worth 12 13 trade but i say 16 on it so why have you ended up with a car with negative equity you always told me that i've said to you i don't lay out money yeah but you're still freaking getting deeper in debt doing it such a false person mick you know you're trying to make me feel little again didn't you i don't think that's on that end of interview for me once again mick is burying his head in the sand meg he won't come back gordon fake the truth had to come out you can't run a business let alone a marriage without being open and honest moe's had enough and decided not to let mick off the hook you're not used to me standing up to you i've let you walk all over me like a bloody doormat and i ain't doing it anymore my business is wrapped in my marriage as well the way it's coming across to me is it's your cat you work the heart and soul downstairs and this is my dream nobody's saying you haven't won wednesday thursday sunday off every [ __ ] week and i'm down there every [ __ ] day now you're being so so so childish which i shall be doing [Music] sorry about the uh argument what did he say he said he won't feel the same about me again i think he at the minute he's feeling down because he's feeling like you know this is what i've wanted to get the business off of him completely and i mean it's not thinking naturally at all for me the most important thing is that you stand up to him because it's the only way we're going to progress you know let's hope mick decides to put his family rather than his pride first it's launch day mix calm down and he's back on side i've got a big change coming from the martin family and i'm hoping it will remind mick where the strength of his business lies so we have a family-run bistro yeah so we're happy with the word bistro okay yeah that that works beautiful but one thing you haven't done properly yeah in six years is use this it's really nice excellent so it's going to take all three of you to run now yeah bistro yes and it's representing each and every one of you and it's united you as a family the beginning yeah of a new chapter thank you so much huh i can't think of a better way holy spirit jesus christ of mighty does that look lovely yeah huh isn't that nice huh lovely [Music] the changes inside the bistro are even more dramatic the room now has a warm welcoming feel the tv has gone and so are the tail clots tonight is the big night there are 60 people coming for dinner the family have got to pull together this has been one of the toughest weeks of my [ __ ] cooking career yeah it wasn't about turning this restaurant around it's about turning a family around and tonight we're re-launching martin's bistro make it work michelle will be in charge of the kitchen with moe as her assistant we can do it smoother with you i can do anything all right darling i'll see you later tonight all of my changes to mix menu are complete and i've created three new dishes mussels in white wine and garlic chicken kiev and salmon and smoked haddock fish cakes i've succeeded in keeping mick out of the kitchen and i found a new role for him from now on he's running front of house and here we go mo big night first order breathe out please first check table ten four covers we've booked two sittings into the dining room so the team will be under more pressure than ever before but if mick and mo are going to start paying off their huge debt this can't be a one-off and i'm not gonna touch anything you're gonna be there i'm standing here yeah and i'm now yes that's from one minute past seven you're coming chef off you go [Music] good and in the lift big charlie please michelle's cool calm and in control the first dishes have gone out quickly it's a great start chicken's been on for seven minutes we sent four starters mom can cross that off and the food is hitting the spot the sauce i gather is homemade which is good because i don't like marie rose sauce out of a bottle it's often too sharp too vinegary this is very nice done well with this that's what i imagined the real chicken kiev should taste like and it did and it was just the most delicious dinner ever the relaunch is going well but mick's about to get some feedback from a mate it's too fun and the food looking for rubbish tonight but your cooking surpasses everything tonight i wish you [ __ ] tell you that those lamb shanks he went ballistic at oh they're lovely as the russians filling up mick starts the wobble stressed very stressed [ __ ] don't work up here and then you expect you to [ __ ] do this and do that i get [ __ ] off the night's getting busier and i need mick to stay in control 8 15 going well yeah get these first tables off back in the bar we start the relay yes and this hey first sitting we break even second sitting we start to make money come on the second sitting of diners have arrived but mick's crumbled [ __ ] you know i wish my name weren't there everyone's [ __ ] mick mcmick mick can't take the pace he's stressing out for nothing you know and if he stresses out they're all going to stress out i was relieved getting mick out of the kitchen that was a [ __ ] big headache removed put them in the dining room it's like having a [ __ ] wisdom tooth you're trying to pull out without any [ __ ] anesthetic tonight michelle was brilliant moe was a rock and the bistro made two thousand pounds unfortunately mick let his family down and he's too pig-headed to admit it to me tonight's gone [ __ ] well so you were in control of the dining room tonight yeah it was full control you're flapping around i think it's been a big success up there tonight let's leave it at that why do you always think that people are picking on you when i'm trying to tell you something objectively oh [ __ ] you good night [ __ ] i'm not going to argue with you all right mick yeah good night well we were on a high weren't we darling yeah before i go anywhere if any of that stuff comes back in here and he tries to oh wait wait i know it's the beginning of the event it is the beginning of the end well he says low [ __ ] tonight you know i'm not even happy with the room a lot of customers didn't like the room well done thank you okay stand strong definitely yeah i won't let you down don't let yourself down yeah stick together excellently well obtain gold thank you man i just think the room looks boring now plain and simple right now i'm more worried for michelle and moe because they're gonna have to really fight hard to keep him on track and he is a dominating guy and i don't know how much pressure he's going to put both of them under to squeeze his way back in the kitchen and in the dining room six weeks later i'm back in oakhampton on my way to martin's bistro can't wait to find out what's going on and what they've done the last month because we have to go back to basics with this and start almost as if we're opening a brand new restaurant right from the beginning i left michelle running the kitchen she's got potential but lacked experience so whilst i was away i arranged for to have some extra training at a top restaurant in devon now you can feel it fun you in it just remember it will break now i'm about to find out if our new skills are paying off back at the bistro ladies how are we both hello good to see you nice to see you in terms of numbers how many numbers covers 24 this saturday 24th is good quite a few walk-ins actually which is really good good we've had a lot of inquiries for like anniversaries birthday parties good um all off the menu which is ideal anything takens are up and they're climbing every week and following the work experience i arranged for michelle the sky's the limit this monday just gone i actually had to kill a live lobster great news how was that it was quite funny it was quite amusing i didn't mind yeah you've got something more important to support with mum and something that means so much to the longevity of this place i want you now okay to go and do me something yeah thinking about what you learned in exeter thinking about what you've put into place here and do me something that's not on the menu to eat while michelle wrestles me something up i want to find out how mick is feeling about my changes now that the business is on the up [Music] how are you yeah is it frustrating if you're not in the kitchen no i do miss it but i'm not so stressed now i can honestly say we will be the only place around here what we'll do 100 100 home cooked and fresh that's what's going to help this family run restaurant right i could have never done that yeah well it's very honest for you to you know have the the balls to say and admit him i'm really pleased to hear that mick's finally got the message and that he's behind the new bistro and that's got to be good news for mo he doesn't have any money on him anytime and if he wants anything you can come to me for it yeah that's my girl yeah i've become harder and even mick said um you've changed an awful lot i said mick i've let you walk all over me for too long i can kiss him time to taste my chef's new creation okay what is it okay salmon steak it's nice simple with pea puree lovely uh you've cooked the salmon on the skin yeah yeah how'd you get the skin so crispy what did you put in there olive oil just a little hot pan really hot pan nice spoonfully cooked nice and pink and that my dear it's [ __ ] delicious right one more dish one more dish joking good to see you come here tonight martin's bistro is buzzing there are 48 customers booked but i've managed to bag myself a table i need to put my mind at rest and check that mixed nasty lamb shanks are well and truly out one lamb shank look at the difference in that baby holy mackerel i mean the difference is night and day it actually looks and smells delicious just by looking at it you can see how it falls off the bone almost like it's sort of a lady young unwrapping her stockings from her legs the whole thing just slides down that bone i mean delicious local yeah the only thing local about the last lampshank was it was from [ __ ] cash and carry delicious it's lovely yeah absolutely beautiful the fresh ingredients even tell the difference like we've been before it was good but this is excellent that's how we feel this is what it's about really really nice here and definitely come back the significant leap in a short period of time is phenomenal here's the thing okay not every night is going to be a big success you've got to constantly tell yourselves you're running a new business it will happen yeah we're still a team still a family i can see that tonight well done chef good night good night keep going yes and i mean keep going yes and you yeah yeah yeah you're just new to the rock well done yeah to be honest it's going to be the making of michelle martin's bistro because she is a young girl 20 years of age but one serious head on her combine that with mo's determination christ that's the recipe for success you
Channel: All In The Kitchen
Views: 1,118,100
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Gordon Ramsay, Gordon Ramsay chef, Gordon Ramsay recipe, Gordon Ramsay cooking, Gordon Ramsay teaching, Gordon Ramsay best of, Gordon Ramsay funny, Gordon Ramsay argument, Gordon Ramsay tv show, Gordon Ramsay full episodes, Gordon Ramsay cooking show, full episodes, cooking, cooking show, full episodes cooking
Id: P9WVh8ya8Ws
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 6sec (2766 seconds)
Published: Mon May 02 2022
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