when humans are garbage

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ah what is going on folks it's me it's your boy the tall guy that's really my only defining feature today we're going to be taking a quick look and I'm a total piece of [ __ ] I can't even say the full name here I have to get bleeped because of curse words they're naughty let's see how crappy these people really do get man abuses 911 and asks dispatcher if they believe in Jesus wait what are you see hold on 911 where is the location of your emergency yes have you you ever accepted Jesus Christ as your lord and savior okay sir you know that calling 911 without meing pleas is the crime correct I was just curious if you ever accepted Jesus Christ as your lord and savior okay I'm just making sure that you understand that abuse of 911 is a crime um I wasn't aware of that and I won't do it again but I was just curious have you ever accepted Jesus Christ as your lord and savior okay sir do you need the police or the paramedics there where you're at no okay so then I'm going to go ahead and disconnect and again abusive 911 is a crime okay Jesus Christ loves [Music] you okay he called 911 wow are you kidding me are you kidding me I really hope this didn't affect anybody that actually needed 911 at that current time I know there's a bunch of operators and everything like that but what kind of art form is this did you say art form form uh I wouldn't call that an art form hey look at least they got oh dude oh my god wow uh I hope that man is okay and then I hope he beat the everliving [ __ ] out of you after the fact what kind of actual jackass dude motorcycles are already so incredibly inherently dangerous even if you drive them perfectly the amount of hazards that will take you out are insane no matter how responsible you are having a boyfriend with anxiety is lots of fun because you can tease around with other guys then make him apologize for calling you out try it and call him possessive and Sh and he'll actually believe you and even blame himself when you leave him man I really hope that whoever you were dating saw this post cuz this is probably like your secret account if it is a real one this is old though you can tell by the UI this is ancient right here I hope he saw it hope one of his buddies told him about it and I hope he dumped your ass and has lived a better life ever since then BMW slender should be tolerated slender oh slander is that what you meant to say I mean yeah I totally get it uh BMWs are I look let me say this I think they're neat cars they're kind of cool I would never buy one but they're kind of cool but is there an actual otherworldly magical effect that is sort of downloaded into your brain the moment you buy one whether it's used or not is is there just something that is injected into your head by God him or herself that makes you a giant dick I I love that he took up well technically took up all of these spaces for what is actually kind of a piece of garbage looking car all of these cars belong to the house on the right oh my god dude there is there is a certain point when you are impeding upon other people's existences by collecting [ __ ] I I know that there's probably more than one person living in the house if I had to guess there's 1 2 3 4 5 six people living in this home at least but why I'm really curious about this why did these two park on the sidewalk I'm not kidding man call a toe company let them know what's going on they'll come out and rip these [ __ ] right off the street a woman who burned Wyoming's only full service abortion clinic is ordered to pay really that's it she like burned a full service abortion clinic to the ground and she is she in prison like was it literally just a fine that she probably won't even have to pay I'm confused about this one stealing from a fatal crash victim's house couple accused of stealing from deadly crash victim's home speaks from jail oh I don't give a [ __ ] I don't want to listen I don't want to listen am I required to of course I'm not so you know what we're going to do we're just going to move on and that's it see you K man illegally dumps RV sewage waste into a creek ooh this ought to be great why are you no never mind I don't know why yeah there we go just just confront them make them feel stupid make them feel flustered when they're doing nasty disgusting like this an RV is not a license to do whatever you want of course he's wearing the mask probably not for the reason you think and the glasses and everything really great way to anonymize yourself cuz you know people are going to be coming up to you going hey man you are not supposed to be doing this quit around with our natural areas please piece of [ __ ] hates on Father getting a tattoo of a drawing from deceased daughter all right let's see here number seven the very last message my little girl Minnie made sure I had before she passed away this year Daddy can hear your voice every time I read this and I miss you more than you'll ever know if only the child wrote and drawed better no offense but that mess is an eyesore you Alex are one of the saddest people I have ever fing seen that is insane first of all that tattoo is incredible it is amazing it is beautiful and I hope that you think good thoughts every day sir also drao drao okay maybe if you spelled better we would uh consider your criticism more no of course not idiot people like this shouldn't have a dog oh my God is it huh excuse me let me see if I can get some more detail let me zoom in here I thought for a second the dog was like chained to the back I'm not sure what would be worse if a dog was chained or collared by its neck to the back of this truck or that it's just kind of free roaming on a flat bed like this that is actually crazy you are insane who the hell embeds fish hooks in dog treats and leaves them all over a hiking trail oh literal Psychopaths uh literal Psychopaths would do that there's something about this that has an air of uh razor blades and Halloween candy warning over the weekend a hiker discovered dog treats embedded with Fish Hooks along the Appalachian Trail between Pennsylvania Route 873 and the George W Outer Bridge shelter this section of Trail connects the Lehi Gap Nature Center trail system via the Woodpecker Trail all treats that were found had been removed and authorities have been notified hikers with pets should use caution on the appalachin trail around the Lehigh Gap yeah they should definitely be using caution they shouldn't have to be using caution for something like this but it's good that they know pilot tried to drink and fly a commercial Aira liner Delta pilot over alcohol limit before did they uh so this clearly was a problem before right they had to test his blood alcohol level before this flight can you imagine sitting down in the Pilot's chair and having to grab one of those breathalyzers in order to start the plane kind of like those people with their cars car exhaust dumped in pristine pristine what in a nature reserve oh an entire car exhaust what I don't know what I was expecting to see when I read that for some strange reason I was thinking the literal exhaust that comes out of the tailpipe and not the entire exhaust system wow what a [ __ ] fex blocks handicap parking plus the ramp yeah I would definitely be a little pissed about that I know that FedEx drivers UPS drivers USPS drivers all have incredibly hard jobs and they're treated like crap and I know that FedEx drivers are treated even worse they don't have Union they probably get paid okay but it's never enough to drop off 500 packages a day while being screamed at with barely enough time to breathe in the Heat or the cold however this would be one of the few occasions where I'm like hey dude you can't block that at hole move the damn van it's not hard you know what you did Greenland is selling ancient glaciers for cocktails what they're selling pieces of the melting glaciers to cocktail bars Greenland startup begins shipping Glacier Ice to cocktail bars and wherever the hell Arctic Ice argues its rare pure product can be part of Greenland's green transition and greater Independence what oh do you mean green transition in now that Greenland's not going to be covered in ice which is a bad bad bad bad thing it's going to look green for real this time free my 10-year-old granddaughter decided she wants to be treated like a grown-up s therefore I'm giving away her Barbie's girl dress up outfit she outgrew remote control car and education books for kindergarteners I bought her a room cleaning supplies and making invoices for food utilities rent and groceries let's see how grown up she feels in a week your 10-year-old you're stupid as [ __ ] what did she talk back once and your little fragile ego got really really hurt God damn you know people like this are just sad someone threw away this guinea pig right behind my house in the next alley or in the alley next to the garbage cans threw away a guinea pig I'm sorry that is the most insane thing I've ever read that's not true that is really not true I'm just being hyperbolic someone threw away a guinea pig well I hope that you either took the adorable little guy in or gal or at least got it to some kind of shelter the Humane Society something there's got to be some place for them if you're not able to take it in hacker steals mental health notes from therapist and attempts to Blackmail 33,000 patients one of Europe's Most Wanted cyber Crim has been jailed for attempting to Blackmail 33,000 people whose confidential therapy notes he stole he obtained them or she obtained them after breaking into the database of finland's largest Psychotherapy company uh I'm not going to try and pronounce the word after his attempt to extort the company failed he emailed patients directly threatening to reveal what they had told their therapists at least one suicide has been linked to the case which has shocked the country this little psycho Jazz has been sentenced to 6 years and 3 months in prison in terms of the number of victims his trial was the biggest criminal case in Finnish history good God man one of them gave their reaction to the BBC the main thing is that this absolutely empathy lacking ruthless criminal gets a prison sentence dude this person straight up said look prison we should have killed this [ __ ] I hope only the worst for this person all what's going on here okay they're they're peeling gum off of stuff this is going to get really bad is this going to get super gross it's already kind of gross like what are you doing okay oh no what are you doing I genuinely don't know what to expect at all oh this is going to get really bad I've just got I got bad vibes across the board here oh boy oh no that's all I can really say that is all I can say is oh no oh dear oh crap oh yeah here we go cool cool that is disgusting I that's that's kind of just the vibe really really disgusting who you are a complete douch bag it's the least that that is the least you deserve to be called a douchebag [ __ ] you I'd be really pissed off if someone did that to me like go in Hulk mode okay just people minding their own business uh seemingly minding their own business I don't know okay wow that was awesome would have whooped your ass dude take the helmet off beat you to death okay not to death with it beat the crap out of you with my helmet what a little freaking loser dude I hate to see my son happy what what the [ __ ] was that what the no no wow dude staged or not that kid shouldn't have to understand that I am kind of flabbergasted here I don't care I don't care if you were attempting to again as I said stage it that is that is wild right there pitiful pitiful pitiful I hope you know that in real life I'm not always angry despite having the meanest resting bits of all time like no joke my neutral expression looks Furious but I'm not I promise everything's going pretty all right 10-year-old children were found working at a Louisville McDonald's until 2: in the morning two 10-year-old children were found working at this yeah okay that's just thanks for that yeah uh I think I read about this and I feel like the kids were like I don't know related to the owner or manager or something like that was that true not that that makes it better I'm not saying that that's an excuse or something like that that is gross and child labor is disgusting they are children let them be children accidental milk spillage POV you accidentally slit are people still doing this there's no way people are still doing this milk thing right that's insane I never got it in the first place it it just I never un stood I don't get it I guess that's kind of the point though you're there to not ruin other people's lives that's not the right term this is just an inconvenience and an annoyance but you're there to take minimum wage workers or workers that are severely underpaid and make their lives measurably worse or more annoying it just it blows my mind that you're going for the lowest common denominator here victims they're your goddamn victims you're not weird you're just a piece of [ __ ] before I leave movies theaters I always dump out my leftover popcorn does anyone else do this or am I weird I remember when this was posted initially my immediate thought was there's no way they're being serious they probably took a photo of a random seat where someone did that and was maybe trying to sound sarcastic go oh well I always do this what about you it's really hard to see tone through text as we all know but maybe that's the side of me that's trying to hope for a better future for all mankind food Courier ate all the customers food because they didn't tip H leave a tip next time and this might not happen and don't bother trying to get me fired going back to Amazon uh don't B okay yeah cool man sure I don't give a sh where you work your identity follows you everywhere bro you might not get hired even at Amazon if they are shown this I don't know didn't even have a disabled badge also the irony of being parked outside an outdoor sports shop wow they P that whole thing up that is is just completely messed up everything about this is sad like what what's a something we can all do to people that Park like they're the king of the planet comfortable mate what the hell damn man I I know I know that those long flights are just the most uncomfortable places in the world even if you're in business class sitting on a plane for 10 to 20 hours is the worst you know what you do help him stretch out a little bit more you know really really get that deep stretch in by leaning your chair back as far as it'll go and it's not going to be much but that might make him just uncomfortable enough you know the eclipse signaled the end of people's savings breaking the televangelist from Idaho Who convinced his followers to sell all their belongings because the eclipse was going to bring about the Rapture appears to have ran away with all his congregants money yeah well hold hold on one second yeah televangelist if you ever ever ever see the word televangelist run someone else's engagement about you welcome to the club BFF when your friend gets engaged it's important to make sure everyone knows you have the bigger ring two men toppling rock formations at Lake me trail a video shows two men toppling Rock okay Park Rangers at Lake me National recreation area just outside Las Vegas are asking for the Public's help identifying two people caught in video or on video vandalizing natural rock formations earlier this month the National Park Service said the video of the two men pushing rocks off a cliff near the Redstone Dunes Trail was reportedly recorded on April 7th hope they were caught this image speaks for itself expecting to meet a 10-year-old with the intent of sex that is wow holy [ __ ] you are not getting out pal and uh Life Will Go On Tech sponsor and accessory tech company dbrand insults an Indian techie who asked about their MacBook cover changing colors all right let's see bought this skin a couple months back couldn't even remain the same color after just 2 months what should I do your last name is basically rash be serious yeah I remember when that happened I remember that I I've always kind of liked D Brand's whole stick where you they really took the gorilla advertising or I guess not gorilla advertising the advertising where you tell customers to [ __ ] off and berate them and do all that stuff it's funny for a while dbrand we totally understand we do you do need to let up a little bit though this one was kind of pathetic on your part these p say put a security tag in a random lady's purse that's cool okay uh neat no it's a funny prank guys it's so funny yeah putting it in an elderly person's handbag man wow okay [ __ ] losers all right let's see here dear Dad I got your message I wish I could see you please don't throw all my toys away just because I don't see you I hope I get to see you in the future please write back from Harry oh man it's another one of these all right can't help but get the most cringe wait tattoo tards can't oh for God's sake sorry I didn't know I I thought for some strange reason he was like replying to an ad whatever can't help but get the most cringe stained into their flesh who is this for what's the point you can't just grieve like a normal fre person you had to have that jammed into your flesh because reasons what you see this is the type of sh it's just rage bait obviously uh these days we call it rage bait but in general it's always been bait and I hope every single one of those replies ripped you seven new [ __ ] okay how to lose 800k in 2 minutes mom loses $800,000 disability case after photos of her winning a tree throwing competition emerge wow smart move whoever vandalized this anti-trafficking code I hope you have the day you deserve what oh my good actual Christ no that one literally is evil that is actual demonic evil h
Channel: EmKay
Views: 223,747
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Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, reddit stories, ask reddit, funny reddit, emkay, memes
Id: I-58q_iiM3s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 0sec (1140 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 06 2024
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