The Best Hard Use Pocket Knives | Week One Wednesday Ep. 8

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how's it going guys and welcome to week 1 Wednesday or as we like to call it whoa today we are going to be looking at work knives I'm gonna be looking at knives that you would take in a trade knives that you might want to work with outside just hardcore big knives now they're not all big but they're all good definitely four we jump in we want to give a huge shout out to we knives they are the reason that we've won Wednesday happen so huge shout out to we knives and if you guys haven't checked out their stuff check it out they make some great stuff if you don't know why them sponsoring this is important hold on to the end I promise you're not gonna be disappointed now like with every while we are gonna kick it off with a couple new arrivals while you guys get into this livestream and then we'll jump into the meat and potatoes of this thing so for new arrivals we have got the new one from giant mouse this is the giant mouse klein so you get an L max blade you get g10 handles these really cool accents and then of course like with every beautiful giant mouse you get that beautiful beautiful wire clip pocket clip and you know it's just everything you'd expect from giant mouse right right it feels great it's made of a premium steel and it's only going for 154 bucks with that L max I would own this knife mmm if just one thing was different what's that if it was a drop point Oh drop point okay just just yeah or flat out I don't know yeah Persian swoop is just not for me so funny story we actually have a giant mouse working knife on the table so we'll take a look at that we'll check it yeah so that goes for 154 on the website and it also comes in a beautiful micarta but I figured change it up a little bit show you guys the g10 version all right guys we have a home designed chimera balisong now this is cool because the latch actually disappears well partially disappears and it's actually pretty sweet as far as getting it out of the way oh yeah so it's a it's a it's a great innovation from homme and again usa-made super premium everything you expect with a home titanium it's got these really cool blue g10 like sense and it comes in a few different colors anyway these are on the website for 415 dollars yeah so it's definitely a premium Bally but you are for sure getting what you pay for with these homes so absolutely really really awesome they're buttery all right um next up we have got the Kershaw launched for you might notice it looks a little different this is a blade HQ exclusive it just launched we've got blue blades we've got red blades and it's just you know great little launch for made in the United States super awesome action super awesome warranty and you know probably California leaguer we're not lawyers we don't give advice but probably California legal and this one because it is a blade HQ exclusive and you are getting a specially coated blade goes for 89.95 on the website if you want the red one kind of like the Kalashnikov that we did we also have one of those same price on the website that's true still still not my cup of tea yeah but yeah you know Kurt doesn't love it I'm a big fan I got the desert warrior one it's great you guys gonna be excited about this next one okay now this is the jumbo roll for reals big guys for reals though this is for reals the Jumbo roll so for April Fool's we did a video it was a ton of fun we did the Jumbo roll video now it's real so we actually made it right I have a bunch of these on the website for realsies right now on the website so we have these hooks that can go over your door and hold it it drops all the way down just shy of the floor this thing normally the our other knife roll has this many rows like 12 yeah yeah well nice but Jamie Jamie is gonna fire Kurt this is what happens when you do a live anyway guys the Jumbo roll has 40 different sections for your knife collection and man it's real it's okay so a couple things so we did an April Fool's video it was April Fool's video nothing was real so this goes for thirty dollars on the website which i think is pretty sweet to get all those those knives in one spot and it doesn't roll roll so if you put all your knives in this thing and then try to I'm gonna roll up perfectly but you could fold it up and still transport your eyes so anyways kind of a fun thing just wrote down yeah you already brought the microphone I mean who cares now so sorry alright so if you guys are just joining us this is week one Wednesday this is our live show that we do every Wednesday this is a show for you guys by you guys and today we are looking at working knives now we know a little bit about working you know currently we sit behind a desk knife better and we we sit behind a desk here at HQ but I'm a journeyman carpenter I'm a journeyman concrete specialist I've done everything else in between his grease monkey for a while landscaping all that stuff Kurt's been a Mason he's been a landscaper same thing I've done everything in the middle so we pick knives that we thought would be a good fit and then we also took a ton of suggestions from you guys on what knives you guys are using in your trades so what you guys are using for actual work knives you know what working in the industries two different industries is actually what gave me my hand hands yeah and that's where the ham hands came from the ham hands alright so first knife on the table we cannot even begin to talk about the subject without talking about Cold Steel so this is the Cold Steel recon one get an s35vn blade g10 handles two-way reversible pocket clip and then of course that super-strong tryout lock that cold steel is so well known for so I've never carried a cold steel as a working knife to be honest when I was doing a lot of the construction that I was doing I only carried one or two knives with me for the most part cuz I found what worked and I liked it well look at those a little bit later but the Recon came up time and time again in your guys's comments Thomas Denton on YouTube was one of the guys that shouted this one out and said that he uses this one he wanted to see it on the table so there's a recon one you know what if I could if I could actuate the Triad lock really well probably carry one yeah we're not gonna do it right now because you already broke the microphone that's right Curt has a hard time with triad lock for summary Josh but the Reese on one is a great option for a working knife alright guys I have this little Gerber it's called the exchange of blade or the EAB basically it is a very simplified swappable razor knife has a liner lock deep carry pocket clip I have actually personally used one of these before I worked here I was like a box cutter or like if I'm cutting sheet rock or something and the reason being you can just swap out the blade yeah right these these this style of knife is such a great knife for for anybody who's doing work out there any type of work that you're doing because you can just replace that blade when it does go dull specifically cutting you know backing board or cutting sheet rock or anything like right when you're going through that much blade mmm I mean you're turning them up this is a great option and twelve dollars on the website twelve dollars you can yeah that's great I actually used to travel with one of those when I was building gun ranges so I build gun ranges all the United States and you know obviously you can't take a knife you know it's airports that's right like that so I would just pick up something like this when I get to a new place and I'd have an exchangeable blade and post a pocket knife exactly it's cool now if you're a knife guy I haven't ran into a lot of knife guys in in the construction role but if you're a knife guy and you want something like that Gerber but knife appropriate you go with the Manics too with the this has got the maximun blade steel on it now this is a lightweight so I heard from a lot of you guys you wanted to see the Mannix - a lot of you guys were using the Mannix - with the maximun blade steel this is a lightweight I know make some of you guys may be like that's not really for hard use so you know I know I disagree I beat the crap out of my bug-out and it keeps coming back for more but this is got the the Spyderco this is the ball bearing lock on it right is that the right word I think so yeah yeah ball bearing lock so there's got the Spyderco ball bearing lock so it's got the nice one-handed open and close and then the maximun steel now the nice thing with the maximun steel is it's not really great for prying or anything like that should be prying with your pocket knives either way but the great thing with maximun is you don't have to sharpen it very often so if you're processing a lot of boxes or anything like that and that's what I heard from a lot of you guys out there you're doing receiving shipping anything like that this Maxim it will just cut four days before you ever have to sharpen it again that's introduced I don't have a knife with yeah I don't I've never owned maximum either but it's something I heard from a lot of you guys out and that goes for 180 850 on the website sweet you know and it actually brings up kind of an interesting point I'm gonna pull this up here really quick guys I had the same this was a comment on YouTube about what a working knife is and it's from jammer Montana and he said criteria for working I should be cheap a durable sharp but easily resharpened great ergonomics for lots of use and decent thickness and length one-handed opening and closing is important but not essential and then he likes ones that goes on his belt because you're usually wearing a belt you know you can put more tools in your pockets I think that is a great definition it's a pretty solid ruler working knife now maximun I Barry uses sharpen but it's gonna last you a long time that's you know that's the advantage to it okay next up on the table is the Kershaw blur it's a Ken Onion design it's got the speed assist opening this is track Tec I didn't even have to look at my paper guys oh my gosh Curt always forgets that it's how I forget I'm always liked wrecked ackard tech track yeah track tech track tech track tech mmm along with these aluminum scales it's pretty darn sweet yeah you can go tip up or tip down let's see yeah yeah it goes from 60 63 bucks $63 and this is another knife that we heard a ton of you guys are carrying kind of day-to-day at work is this blur right and the blade length I was looking that up it's it's right around three and a half just shy of three and a half inches yeah so this thing is sweet a ton of people use it I really really love this knife but I'll tell you why I don't own one okay was it these are a little aggressive the alum stone sharp yeah a little sharp and if you guys put a deep carry pocket clip on this be about perfect be money Oh am I good you know I think you just I didn't you two have been amazing long enough your hands get a little soft there buddy they are they are I'm grab brick in a long time $63 oh and uh Hanks account Hanks account on Instagram a firefighter he wanted to check that one out he says he carries the blur every day as a firefighter so that's awesome that's pretty big endorsement huge I mean he's probably trust his life on that thing absolutely alright so next up have the Gerber oh six Auto now I chose the tanto with the serrations because when we're talking work knives right and especially with the o6 Auto the tanto blade is notorious for being just a workhorse of a blade shape and then what the serrations like honestly like if you're in an in place where you can't sharpen your knife all the time you're not good at sharpening your knife serrations stay sharper longer like it's just effect it's what they do but with the o6 OTO you're getting s30v blade you're getting the g10 handles you know super snappy with the two-way reversible pocket clip made in the USA just great you know when we're talking working knives we're talking a knife that you want to trust every single day you know I can have to mess with her that's gonna break on you this knife has probably been deployed with men and women overseas probably more than any other knife in like the last ten years like this knife is just a workhorse it would be interesting to see the actual yeah the actual numbers exactly but when you're sending a knife out to the sandbox and these men and women are using every day in life life-or-death situations it's probably gonna work for you if you're a carpenter is probably work for you if you you know you're a tile guy or something like that he's gonna treat you all right it's gonna happen it's gonna be just fine exactly those bags aligned cutting into that right no those hot tenders out there no problem no problem so anyways and that goes for one hundred and seventy nine ninety nine on the website now this brings up these couple knives here that brings up an important point with working knives is and this is true too with tactical knives you guys watch the video that we did with Neil from ready gunner with tactical knives most guys I knew in the construction interaction everybody I knew in the construction industry did they wouldn't man I'll tell you what knife they were carrying they're rare rare super rare and the ones the ones that did they'd be like oh it's a cricket the CRKT I called CRKT cricket before I knew as well literally oh it's a cricket or whatever and they're just picking up knives wherever right so the reality is is to drop a hundred eighty bucks on a knife it's you know it's money that's definitely real money but it's also about investing in your tools right you know absolutely investing in your tools think of this guy as a tool look at this this is the crkt compact ray zl-- I think there used to make a full-size or yeah so the it's kind of in the air yeah they've made a full-size I don't know if it's discontinued but this thing is such a utilitarian blade even in the compact package which maybe it's a secondary knife or again maybe for processing boxes a lot or whatever it's still so dang useful I personally this one has g10 scales on top of the regular scale like the stainless yeah but I think without those it'd be perfect it's got a less thick it has a sharpened chisel tip and that would be awesome for any kind of scraping also what we were talking about earlier is like the replaceable razor blade knives this thing if you hold it and you really wanted to get that fine detail cutting work that a 90-degree angle is really gonna come in handy yep and it's cool man deep carry pocket clip frame lock it's it's pretty sweet it's just a great little user and what's it go for $26 on the website 26 bucks you can't go wrong yeah and that's the thing is when we're talking there's your cricket right there if you're a working man and you don't know what knives are there's your cricket all right all right cool so next up we have got the bench made freak or as it's been called the super freaks a lot of us here blade HQ drool over this knife mark Brandt on instagram he wanted to see this one out here I don't know if I can't remember he said he used it or I wanted to see it but either way here it is buddy so this has got g10 handles to a reversible pocket clip that sweet sweet access lock and then m4 steel now with m4 steel who love we love them for Steel's here at blade HQ exactly we love m4 here at blade HQ my m4 pair of three is one of my favorite knives and talk about work knives like that thing's a workhorse m4 retains edge really for a really long time it's just a great working blade so one thing that I love that they did with this is they coded it because m4 is a higher carbon content so it has a tendency to rust a little bit easier and so for me personally if I was going to take this out to the field I don't want to have to like clean the rust off my blade or worry about it rusting or whatever so coated blade I think's the way to go I just see that thing and a man it's so beautiful dad I want to use it as a tool right here do I just wanna use it as Hauk and that's that's the other consideration when when when I was when I was a carpenter that's when I bought my first like benchmade right right nope that was my dress knife that did not go to work with me right but this thing was designed to work so it's it's got it's got a really good purchase really big handle you know this is probably a medium to large size knife and it's great all the way can I see it yeah you can see it Kurt's been drooling on this thing a lot guys the hams the hams the hams a man just swapped out for a deep carry oh so good how long might be on my near to purchase we might have had a crow moment is what yeah yeah all right and that goes for a 19125 on the website guys all right up next over here we've got the C V V so V B elemental and this thing is sweet we we've been talking about it and I don't it and we're gonna keep talking about it I'm telling you this knife is the most simplistic yeah probably one of the best bang for your buck knife out right out yeah like available yeah d2 blade g10 gentle-like d 2g 10 deep carry pocket clip you got that savvy action butter blade centering yeah all the things all the good things that you want with a knife there this knife has it and it's $50 yeah if you didn't hear me it's 50 $50 go buy one here's the thing is again you're talking you talking about a knife that like it's okay if you lose or it's okay if you break or whatever but that's still gonna get the job done right mmm and and not just that but like any off of the offerings from savvy B or not any cuz they guys just like with we knives because the Vivi's owned by we just like with some of the we knives not all of them are great workers all right but that one hands down great work of Grady BC you know and dress it up gentleman's knife whatever yeah I like it it's slim yeah it's beautiful no classic you guys you guys have really been diggin this knife and so if we if you guys haven't checked it out check out Taylor from best damn EDC he's got he's got a video about like some budget carries he's doing he's carrying this Vivi it's going to win it's obvious it's going to but check that out but anyways a lot of people been crushing on this knife so right now I think on the website they might be out of stock don't worry we've talked with CVV and we're gonna get a million more so everybody can own one cuz everybody should step on the notice of EB they do make bigger knives so this is this VV practice it goes for 40 to 43 bucks on the website and you know it's just got a 9 CR blade g10 handles to a reversible deep carry pocket clip but again it's just a nice big working knife now the Praxis is one of the old earlier models of civilian and you guys produce a lot for not a big fan of the colored liners maybe some of you guys are that's rad it doesn't affect the performance of knife by any means just personally not a fan of the liner color but they do make them in a bigger size too so if you're looking for something for a gloved hand or a bigger hand boom 43 legs that and the boost are right around the same size yes right around the same really fill your hand and you've got a lot of blade yeah alright guys we have some of your favorite knife the zt0 2 2 3 0 2 2 3 guys this thing is awesome wait I got it we got a pause on this one okay we have oh five six sixes I heard a lot of oh five six six other we have oh five sixes they're on sale on the website you're like hundred thirty bucks on twenty five bucks I'm like that I picked this one okay because every time we post this on Instagram there's a lot of heat comes out and you know I mean like we posted it at blade show and people like I don't like it looks like a gas station knife here's the thing now I was raised in truck stops because my grandpa was a truck driver so maybe I'm biased but I don't think it looks like a truck stop knife and on top of that ZT is known for being hardcore working knives and so many of their knives now are titanium and carbon fiber which is great it's fine but for me I want some g10 and that's why I love this thing cuz it's got g10 it's pretty sign that 20 CV blade so anyways ecv let me know in the comments guys how do you guys feel about this knife be honest guys be honest and let's also see if we can get any awesome comments whoever else was raised by truck drivers yeah alright guys yeah I mean we pretty much talked about it titanium g10 20 CV coated blade reversible pocket clip yeah and just everything you expect with ziti made America great warranty great action and it's meant to be beat-up it's an expensive knife for sure especially if you're talking about a working man like this is an expensive knife but this is a tool you can trust right absolutely that's a good one and it goes for $300 so we're talking about investing in a tool now this is one of those that might be a little bit of an investment and this is the thing is as a carpenter right I use a lot of Milwaukee I use a lot of rigid and things like that for table saws compound saw stuff like that and but I wouldn't ever use like something from Lowe's right like I'm not a big fan of like the Lowe's brands and stuff yeah the less expensive I can't even think the names like Ryobi not a fan of Iove right like I'm not a fan of the blue one whatever the blue one is I don't even know the names because I just avoid them and I and I think the same thing goes for what you're carrying in your pocket is it's it's a matter of investments a matter of if you want something super quality that you can count on how's a good warranty or if you want something that is like I'm gonna fall apart yeah you get what you pay for you really do you really do especially with tools and that's what we're looking at today is is when I look at a pocket jewelry were looking at tools so speaking of tools and utilitarian we can't talk about work knives without talking about the m16 kind of heralding back to the gerber o6 Auto this knife has been you know out with troops and everything for a long time and a lot of guys that have served this is the knife that they served with so the m16 is great knife you know this one I think um in different varying blade Steel's they come in varying patterns this one goes for $45 on the website and we even have someone sale for like 30 bucks I'm serious which is pretty sweet and so yeah just it's a great beauty knife that's gonna get the job done I actually know a handful of electricians that carry m16s really and they love them because they're easy to sharpen and they can just be toughened doesn't matter I mean a bunch of them have like you know the tips missing and everything right okay right yeah like it doesn't break the bank right alright guys so now it is time for pocket check so I've got a couple comments here popping up on the phone we're gonna take a look at we're gonna see what's in our pockets and then we're gonna see some of the knives you guys want to see on the table so Curt we got your pockets today what's the space ah this silly thing no don't no no no no no no no so guys if you haven't watched best knives under three inches to check it out we convinced Kurt to carry a Victorinox for about a month or so for a month for thirty days he's gonna have in his pocket and he picked the super tinker based on here guys his votes and what he thought would work for him got the American flag won as he should have now you called it silly but we were talking about it today and he was like oh I've actually used it quite a bit it's pretty handy no no look he's being stubborn cuz you guys are here okay okay listen listen to this this is real this is real talk right here yeah the very first day I put this in my pocket by the time I got home later that evening yeah I was like nope I can't do this anymore so I put this leather lanyard because you beat on he wants to have a pocket clip because I want a pocket clip right so now this can go in my pocket and this kind of hang out and I can grab this way yeah but when it's down deep in your pocket that is the most annoying thing that world that is one thing that I had to get used to with the compact see the other mistake that he made cuz I try to talk to him about this I think it's a little thick cuz he's usually wearing like basketball shorts when he's wearing pants it's rare and I think I think it was a little thick for the type of pants that he likes to carry but you have to admit you it has come in useful you've used it a handful of times you said you use the screwdriver a couple times use the scissors a couple times I have used the scissors my wife was like hey there's some scissors like wait a minute oh actually I do it's kind of weird alright what else you got your pocket alright more more on that later guys don't worry upcoming knife thinner when we're talking work knives I had to bring in my workhorse this is the benchmade mini barrage with d2 steel deep carry pocket clip and it's been through the works if you guys have seen any of the previous videos where I talk about this it has been years in just some hard trench work yep and then and yeah this is another knife that a lot of you guys said you use as a work knife everyday is the is the broader than mini brush right this is the mini brush Raja main brush popped up a lot with you this is the curt's custom kurz we got a couple shoutouts here Timothy bensinger he said that oh this is awesome he bought a mermaid for a six-year-old daughter and it's in a shadow box until she's 12 yes that's awesome bro oh my gosh that is amazing and then Eric T 13 he asked what do we like best the Guardian tactical recon in Lmax or the s35vn blade so I can't speak from experience cuz I don't own one honestly I'd probably go Lmax just cuz it's Lmax why not right but what about what do you think uh Guardian tactical mine is a 154cm yeah and kinda wish you would have been a little more premium okay but to be honest I haven't had any problems and that thing sharpens up like sharp that's the be scary sure that's the beauty of 150cm especially I paired to like an L max is well L max is nice so you know that's kind of a tough choice and then pocket dump wise we got Tony Hendrik he's got an F oh he says m16 is a good beater he passed his on to his son nice generations Evo us has got an orange bench made 51 right on do this and then Randy sweet he's got an old pro tect Hero 3 he's going on shift right after this so thanks for tuning in buddy nice guys should send in photos if your daily uh yeah we'd love to see them so I'm gonna see those alright cool so Sean's been running around for us and our graphic designer Sean's been running around pulling sometimes you guys want to see on the table let's see what we cooked up dude we got some good stuff today here's got some yes I'm excited about that one nice there we go you got what are you carrying today you know some of you guys might know what I'm carrying cuz I've shown it a few times before I only carry one knife ever all day every day row he let go it gets the job done for you right don't look at it too closely cuz I may have blunted the tip oh I don't want to talk about it kind of a sore point well thanks for got miss knife thanks you guys will enjoy these yeah it alright I'm taking this one alright guys umm I don't know who wanted to see these so uh you know who you are you're watching so this is the micro tech Ultratech bounty hunter we just got a couple of these in there almost sold out please don't buy any because I want to buy one before this is the tanto with the serrations and the apparently the plain blades sold out already are you kidding me playing blades gone that's what I wanted but anyways just super cool knife all the details here you got this Mandalorian symbol here you got a rocket pack here and then just sweet colors distressed it's great you know it's actually really good that you covered that knife because I wouldn't have been able to point out all those things so but it is sweet it goes for 315 on the website get one while you can okay I'm giving that one back to you this is the Kershaw dividend it's got the silicon bag yes nice smell er the smelly pack um this thing is cool it's got everything isn't it m390 steel and yeah just it's it's a speed safe assisted safe made in the USA and uh you know this actually falls in line with what we're talking about with great work knives we actually have a link on the table I was gonna say this is similar just lightly yeah the link is just a little bit beefier so great choice whoever chose that alright and then finally we have the steel will Tasso I've talked about this knife a handful of times guys I have one I really enjoy it's going 470 bucks what sets this apart from other knives is I mean you know it's got an m3 90 blade steel which is great it's got g10 which is great and then it's got this lock that looks a little bit like other locks you might have seen but the difference is is that it actually is a breakable back lock so it's a really really strong lock is it called the amp locked the amp yeah the ant lock but it's all one-handed so anyways if you haven't checked out steelwill ant locked a so that's cool there it is check it out 170 on the website alright this finally we'll do a quick pocket check of what I'm carrying today one of them I don't have long because I want you guys to see the case so I have got my Leatherman surge can we just have a moment of silence so everyone can take in that patina and here's the thing guys this isn't actually from not taking care of it this is the only reason it's lasts as long as cuz I have taken care of this case I've just had it for a very long time it's awesome so this is a Leatherman surge and when we're talking work knives kind of jumping into that subject you can see there's still a bit concrete from the poor I did about a week or two ago but when you're talking work knives this is the knife that I would take with me on every single job site every single job I've ever done I've taken this knife with me and here's the thing when it comes to construction on the brand man so Red Wing boots Duluth pants Carhartt shirts and Leatherman Serge and that's not to say that there's not another multi-tool that's right on part with the Serge it's just I found what worked I found what didn't let me down and I just stuck with it and so this Leatherman Serge is absolutely incredible highly recommended this is my personal one but this is something I was carrying on me today took it off the belt so you guys could see that she she's cool well alright I've got my bench made out last because we're showing off kind of our work knives so s30v blade g10 handles and then it's got a 3d serrated pride tip you can see I might have used it once or twice might have beat it up once or twice this thing is incredible if I was still in the trades this is the knife I would share you with me it's awesome and then if you're a first responder of some sort it does have a glass breaker on the end and then it does have a seat belt cutter as well those are kind of ancillary for me to be honest the double blade system on the access lock is really what sells me on it so that's cool you know guys I got three knives on me today I have a knife problem I got a knife from how are we gonna talk about it in my pocket if I don't bring out my compact this isn't my Victorinox compact and I will tell you right now that if I didn't think that Victorinox were for kids when I was working construction hands down this would've been in my pocket every day on the job site hands down and we're gonna talk a little bit about some in pocket knives here in a minute but I just I don't know about it yet so good so good alright let's jump back in we're gonna jump into a giant mouse oh wait just one second we got a comment from of you guys out there so Knockaround 511 and that he cut down 31 trees that were on average 5 inches in diameter with his Gerber Flatiron no way buddy I need to see pictures of that that's incredible is amazing also Gerber Flatiron there's another work for you especially if you're cutting down 5 inch trees I love it I need to know how long that took 5 inches around yeah a red comb all right cool so we're gonna jump into the giant mouse Nimbus now we looked at the Clyde at the beginning for some new arrivals but when we're talking work knives this thing's m390 blade g10 handles it's got that sweet wire clip that you get from giant mouse and then the thing that I love about this goes about a hundred seventy-five on the website I feel like this has been kind of eclipsed by the biblio and the biblio is wonderful like I carry my my scar Dibley all the time but when we're talking about work knives this thing this was designed to be a workhorse right very utilitarian blade and then the handles really neutral and the thing that that I love about it is it just fills your hand up and you're you just it's just a really secure purchase so I like it because you get significant knife mm-hmm it's workable yeah you're like you can get on this thing yeah and it's also still refined and asleep it's kind of nice looking and it's 175 again I think for a lot of like like if any of the guys that I've worked on cruise on are watching this right now I'm sure a lot of them are like you're crazy paying a hundred seventy-five for a knife right but that's the thing is as you learn about knives you realize like actually like m3 90s worth paying for g10 is worth paying for like a company you can trust and equality designers worth paying for good warranty exactly things so so really great knife from giant mouse and you know it'd be great for gloves as well right it's got that bigger purchase today okay guys I have over here a hinderer XM 18 now this thing is sweet 20 CV steel g10 scales a 2-way reversible pocket clip this thing's pretty sweet liner lock yeah I know I know hinderer Rick he he's kind of come from the trades hasn't he Rick was a fireman a pretty sure when I was talking to me told me did some construction and stuff as well he's really hands-on guy really nice guy and he's since day one hinder knives has been about designing knives to use them right like that's the whole purpose of the Hinderer knives and maybe the USA great warranty and getting Rick's a really great guy but this this would definitely fall kind of on that higher end of the premium tools what's the price on this uh it goes for 375 375 you're paying for premium materials one qalam I have yeah is how sharp and pointy yeah yeah but flip it open and then hold it but you flip it open and look at that I just it just launched you in then you get a really nice choil out of that flipper tab yeah I'm gonna say it again I think Kurt's hands are just going soft it needs to get me seriously seriously through next time I pour some concrete you're coming alright deal so 375 on the site guys Rick hinder XM 18 yeah alright and then I've never handled this knife until today this was a this was a suggestion from a lot of you guys out there Josh dudes on Instagram you were the first one I saw call it out but there was a bunch of you guys that carry this this is the k-bar dozier dozer I don't know I don't know which one it is but dozier a dozer anyways it goes for 1995 it's got an Aussie blade just kind of FRN scales not a huge fan of the pocket clip yeah kind of looks like it wouldn't last yeah that's the thing but here's the thing that's why he's talking about in pocket knives is pocket clips never lasted for me ever so not really great there in general for pocket clips for me never had success but it does have a backlog back lock is good I mean that's that's a solid lock yeah so super strong lock and this thing's going for 20 bucks and so I can see why a lot of you guys use this 20 bucks man yeah great deal and literally go wrong the other thing like I said it's just it's really ergonomic right like it just fits your hand really really well I know a couple of people whom really might like that color too yeah this is a the color I've heard about once or twice yeah all right guys I have over here a bokor Kalashnikov if you don't know about the book Kalashnikov I just want to smack you through the key what are you doing what are you doing I'm just teasin I'm just teasing guys these things are workhorses it's an automatic its plunge lock aluminum handles deep carry clip this is the dagger blade that's the dagger blade the dagger blade and honestly these things are beefy yeah if you don't believe us go back a few videos and watch our Kalashnikov video and there were knives on there that had seen years yeah we hammer just two of the stories real quick to the stories we had one guy who was laying sod with his it ended up getting buried under some sod the next season he had like a dead patch in his grass and it cuts it out and the Kalashnikov was underneath he just blows it out real quick fires like a champ and then smote a who's been on the channel a couple times you guys saw his knife in that knife better and he has used it so much that like half the blades gone because he was in receiving for a long time just opening boxes every day with it and still to this day that's what he uses and this is this is a guy who's got like custom one-off knives like I've seen knives like he's got stuff from like benchmade Chris Reeve that I've never seen anywhere else right like first run yeah like and and he still takes that Kalashnikov out to receive boxes so inexpensive easy to sharpen super reliable Kalashnikov awesome action $40 yes great great work that's really what it comes down to awesome knife $40 exactly I'm speaking of Awesome knives for not a lot of money next up we have the cold steel tough light so with the tough light you're about thirty bucks you get a nice little cold steel it's got a two-way pocket clip that is for tip down carrying how to think about it for a second yeah for a tip down carry and this thing is just you know it's designed with the toil and everything just to go right in hand thumb on jimping and then to use that Warren cliff utility blade and then it's a tiny little knife but it packs a punch with that try out lock and so all the way around it's a workhorse and like I said 30 bucks Triad lock super utilitarian and we're talking about opening boxes we're talking about processing bags of concrete or line right you know if you're a hottie doing doing masonry work great knife for all those things I'm crazy about the bleed but yeah I totally understand it cuz you know you don't like one click blades in gen I don't I don't like one cliches in general or sheepsfoot or any of those yeah but it does give you that really hard flat edge just like a razor blade and it's gonna last you 15,000 times more yeah and it's again this one's an AWS 8 so super easy to sharpen and then again at 30 bucks you're not breaking the bank so even if you're looking to buy a gift for a buddy who's in the traits or whatever you get him something like this this is gonna be a huge step up from whatever gas station knife that he has I know I've done the gas station knife game and they're huge step up alright guys up next I have the micro tech L UDT uh what does AUD T stand for large underwater detonation demolition demolition err did not detonate their missions okay guys with this you know exactly what you're getting with micro tech I mean it snaps open it's an amazing action premium materials this is L max steel you have your pocket clip back there I personally would think it would be amazing with the deep carry but I'm a deep carry guy I think Kurt said that about every knife on the table that doesn't have a dude there or at least it needs an option but not very you know but honestly you can't really go wrong with this I mean it literally says demolition team on the knife like that's that's what the original L you are no you d the UDT was it was for for underwater demolition yep and so these things are workhorses even though it looks really fancy nice because it is and and this is the thing with this knife and a couple of them knives on the table I would have such a hard time I know I think I think about when I was like like a concrete guy or carpenter guy and I was making good money like I was making really good money but still like something like this it's like I'm gonna save that right for when I actually do put on the collared shirt and a nice pair of shoes or whatever and like you know like it just it's such a nice night but made the United States and I know a lot of guys a lot of Leo a lot of the guys that are deployed they also carry the Lu DT so again just oh just a workhorse of a knife comes in like what 260 years yeah $260 yeah so yeah that's a that's a sweet one even me putting it back I was like all right so next up we have the Kershaw link as promised m390 blade aluminum handles two-way reversible pocket clip made in the USA all the things we love about Kershaw but here's the thing guys let me say it more time m390 blade $80 $80 it is a sweet I think in the best bang for your buck knives we talked about this knife and we said this is probably the best bang for your buck knife on the table it's probably still the case it's probably it's still on this table very close top contains a very close top contender sure there are little things we could tweak here or there for me personally it's not the one I'd go for on the table but we'll talk about that in a minute but man it is such a good knife for the money such a good knife for the money and here's the thing we've talked about kind of expensive knives we talked about tools we've talked about less expensive knives this thing I think Falls like high-end top of the middle great it's just like no I totally says like you're not spending a lot of money and you're getting a lot of knife um one thing I do like and then I want to mention here even though there are multiple knives on the table is the comment you're reading the description of a tool knife or right yeah is the one-handed capability yep now I know a lot of people aren't assisted people like you but the assist on that on any of these knives having the assistant that's one thing that you need to consider when you're thinking okay I'm gonna invest in a tool yeah what do you want to assist it do you want an auto something like that I can totally close things I can totally close an assisted knife one-handed am I gonna do it on camera no cuz I might cut myself and you guys know the rule we're just gonna keep rolling I don't do it all over tables not a good thing it's not a good look but for me personally I don't like having to think about closing the knife so much right I want to be able to open it and close it that's why I love the axis lock so much oppression locks yeah but the link is just an incredible knife yeah it really is cool over here I have a Spyderco pair of military - these things are sweet as most of our viewers know exactly s30v steel you got the compression lock here a 4-way reversible pocket clip g10 scales I mean I don't really know what else to say yeah it was all amazing we're talking workhorse this is a tried-and-true it really is all the way around and you know the thing is I actually forgot I apologize guys were alive so it is what it is at this point I was gonna grab an Osborn a 940 benchmade 940 because really I think that that the 940 and the parrot - are sorry the PM - pair of three the PM - are right in the same class right like that was one thing that we heard from a lot of you guys when we were like hey tell us what knives you use it work p.m. - Osborn right like time and time again Benjamin benchmade 9:40 p.m. - and they're both just such classic workhorses great Steel's and the cool thing with the PM - is that you can get it in a couple different steel variation right right whether it's an exclusive or whether it's just a variation and different skill colors and stuff exactly so Christmas hams remember I mean this thing I can get full purchase I can choke up on it all the things this this is amazing like we were talking about with the hinder you put your thumb on that ramp and you are locked it's like seatbelt like you're locked in really good luck getting that on my hand good purchase on it and like I said earlier my pair of three is my m4 pair three is one of my go to work knives you know on my you guys have seen my Geo Tracker once or twice in the videos here on HQ but on the tracker I was building a hardtop for it right and when I was building a hardtop that was the knife I'd all my resin working everything really yeah that's crazy this paramilitary - is 140 on the website grab them yeah a couple more call-outs here we got Christian long he said his grandpa was a truck driver and carried a buck 110 until the day passed away if that isn't a work late I don't know what is Christian I'm right with you my Papa D he was the truck driver my dad was a truck driver I was a truck driver but my papi was truck driver literally forever he carried a buck 110 and then a little I don't know what it was but it was some sort of like case or something like that in a solid joint yeah in tradition as well so you're right that buck 110 every one of my families have one since we were babies so here's the thing is my dad had a buck 110 but it was like always in its leather case clipdown a meat slided on his belt that's what I imagined when I think truck driver on the road right buck 110 yeah oh great grandpa's little leather grandpa's and the leather on the belt for shirt that's that's really cool and then Mike arvig he said he got himself a scholastic off as a joke and it's become one of his go-to knives yes yes they really those Kalashnikovs really are impressive they're awesome man all right so we had a conversation about tools here right we've had a conversation about price of tools we had a conversation about quality of tools but we can't talk about work knives without talking about the knife that is literally work knife the Chris Reeve Sebenza Sebenza translates to work so you guys know this is CPM s35vn steel full titanium construction with the Reeve integral lock bar just the hole all the details everything made in Idaho you know aerospace tolerances things just killer absolutely killer and it was designed to work I talked with Tim Reeves so Tim Reeve is Chris Reeves son so I've talked to Tim or even a couple of the trade shows and stuff and he's got stories of like oh yeah like I just take my Sebenza and like you know do the grip tape on my skateboard yeah we'd go out to the cabin and just like chop up wood with them or whatever and in my heart this is a grill knife from you don't own one of these in my heart I'm like no little buddy don't do it there so that's what it was made for it was designed for specifically to go to work I'm sure even the name even the name it was designed to go to work I'm sure it can handle a lot of stuff but there's no way if I have a Sebenza in my pocket that I'm getting it out to tool with my Sebenza criminy that thing's staying in the pocket yeah maybe cutting open some mail right so again when we're talking when we're talking tools and we're talking you know paying for a good tool this is $450 so you get the full Chris Reeve warranty again handmade in the United States and the tightest tolerances when we talk pocket knives any of the knives on the table this isn't me hyping this is an actual effect this is the yardstick for pocket knives literally this is the thing that defines if a pocket knife is good or not good kind of industry-wide so super great knife it's a grill knife of - I'm with you bro I think I'm not rising I'm not cutting deck tape with my Sebenza but you should that's a thing I got a saying with most my stuff and it's destroyed - enjoy it right and you should always your stuff you should but I don't know if I could do it that's true though I mean me with my barage that's I love it so much because I know it can take it exactly all right guys up next on the table we have Oh didn't quite get it all we have the spyderco pacific salt in h1 steel h1 h1 man it's just basically a road just doesn't rust so this is on the table because if you're in a swampy area if you're the swamp if you're a swamp no but if you're but if you're in wet conditions and you you're working a lot and you don't wanna have to baby your pocket knife we literally tested this thing in the Great Salt Lake which is way saltier than in the ocean on earth and we couldn't Ross the blade so yeah just a great knife and was it go for this one is $88 e $8 and it is on the website on the website I when I was building gun ranges was in Florida for a while building the gun range and I remember wheat speaking of swamps we checked into the hotel and the gal was like okay if there's any body of water don't swim it unless it's a pool and we were like okay hahaha like you know make what had tourists I'm from Vegas I'm from Las Vegas so I'm like if you have make fun of the tourist thing right we walk outside and we're taking our bags out of the truck into the hotel room and there are literally three I don't know crocodile alligators I'm from Vegas I don't know the crocodiles like in the front yard of this thing just cruise it around then we drove to work the next morning and there's a crocodile crossing there we had a stop to let the crocodile cross the road and I was actually carrying a d2 knife on that trip and it but you did get a little bit of rust on it I don't know why but that terrifies me but talking about crocodiles look at this yeah that's all right um man we gotta blow through some of these knives we're gonna run out of time here guys let's do it all right so next up we have got the case Barlow now some of you might be looking in saying Zach why is there a traditional on the table I know Curtis and this is why is when I was when I was working construction actually all growing up I'm I'm spoiled and that I've I've almost always had a locking knife I love locking knives but I've almost always carried an in pocket knife as well and so for me this is quintessential to a working knife so you have a knife like this to pick out slivers because you know you didn't like just cut a sewer line with it or something you have a knife like this to process food you have a knife like this that's in your pocket of course it's not gonna be pristine and clean and pretty but you know you haven't used the blade to do anything really gnarly or crazy with and so for me I've always it's probably that truck driver cowboy background but I've always carried a knife like this in my pocket I'm all networked I actually just really quick because we are gonna run that time this was one of them for a long time grandpa Jensen did the old grandpa Jensen special on that one yeah and then this this buck new pattern was one for a long time too and when we talked about buying inexpensive knives so you can break them there you go but I think any pocket knife is very important and I'll tell you right now if I hadn't given up work Victorinox is because I thought they were kid knifes the compact would have been in my pocket the whole time Curtis pace he doesn't believe me how good it is but you'll find out so anyways that case goes for 48 99 on the website but I I just can't talk about work knives at least from my personal experience without talking about a good in pocket knife that's kind of your backup blade so okay and this one's pretty Barlow I actually it's a Barlow the the design is classic if you don't like a Barlow yeah yeah I don't know what's wrong with you all right guys up next actually last but not least for me for you yeah yeah um we have the Leatherman skeletal now the skeletal is really cool but that's not what I'm here get on the side check it out $80 no big that's a great one but this right here we have been getting in these Kydex sheets and their form fitted to a bunch of different varieties of tools yeah they don't actually they don't the surge yet but they've got the Leatherman free so I'm pretty excited right and it's it's kind of like it has the same kind of clip that maybe a lot of pistol holsters have it just snaps right in there and it has this little screw with the buffer to adjust the tension on it yeah and these things are sweet think how handy that would be on your belt instead of like undoing the velcro and the snap and zippers them yep whatever hell yeah I mean you pull it out and you just shove it back in yeah so you guys know I enjoy the Leatherman Wave another one I like I destroyed that case and probably like five months yeah and a nylon yeah I'm gnarly on my stuff you guys know this but man this is so cool so we got them for a bunch of different multi tools on the website check them out all right speaking of multi tools last one on the table here this is the Gerber Center Drive now the reason that this is here is I heard from a ton of you guys that the Center Drive is a great tool now you guys heard my whole spiel about the surge trusting a tool because I've used it enough that I know I don't have to mess with it and I've heard the same experiences for the Center Drive so it's got the one hand opening from Gerber it's got the spring-loaded pliers I actually have a great story about spring the spring-loaded Gerber's that's so handy yeah you're gonna have to wait I got a we got a update of my knife collection coming soon so hold on but the real reason to buy the Center Drive is Center Drive so it's a built in long long range screwdriver and then it also has a bit kit comes with it and to be honest this is for any multi-tool I've used this is superior like straight up facts just the facts like I think this were a screwdriver our sort of screwdriver I think this would be superior and a lot of you guys have asked me to carry this and give my feedback so I am gonna start carrying one give you guys my feedback after I've done a couple jobs with it but I think the center Drive screwdriver is awesome awesome it's so awkward we've all been there when you're when you have your Leatherman or whatever multi-tool and you're screwed is on one side and got a handful the knife on the other side yeah Center Drive that's that's it's pretty sweet and that goes for a hundred five on the website whoo guys that was a lot of those a lot of knives but that's what was all about it's all about looking as many nice as we can having a good time hanging out and now we come to the end which is maybe one of the best parts of wow I mean I wish I could I know I wish I could too so as you guys know wow is brought to you by we knives now it doesn't tell us that doesn't mean that they tell us what to put on the table as you can see there's not a single we knife on the table sure there's a couple sivb s but they just kind of fit the bill what it means is that they give us rad knives to give away to you guys and today we're giving away a wee knife I've been lusting after I like that one this is the wee knife gnar so you got s35vn blade this has got a titanium handle now you might have heard me gush about this before but this titanium does not feel like titanium you guys know I'm not a huge fan of titanium blades just or titanium handles a little slippery sometimes for me this has got some sort of finish feel that it's a texture it's like almost like a rubber it's almost like a rubberized finish and it feels so dang good so anyways the we gnar we're giving it away we've got a link down in the description if you're not seeing it just hit refresh and that link is good for about 30 minutes or so and you guys can go over fill out the form the enter to win we'll announce the winner tomorrow or we're Friday I like its name gnar I love it anyways what's a great thing if you're not watching live make sure to make a little note in your guy's calendar we do this every single month first Wednesday of the month and we give away a knife every single time let us know what work knives you guys use and think we're out that's it catch you guys on the next one you
Channel: Blade HQ
Views: 865,157
Rating: 4.7679815 out of 5
Keywords: Blade HQ, BladeHQ, Knife Banter, Week One Wednesday, Knife Show, Blade show, Sharp, Steel, Knives, Knife, Pocket Knife, Automatic Knife, Folding Knife, Fixed Blade Knives, Summer Knives, Summer 2019, Spyderco, Benchmade, WE Knives
Id: ggEJbam5Ccg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 54sec (3294 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 04 2019
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