Kurt's Knife Collection! | Knife Banter Ep. 87

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today we've got a special knife better looking at Curt's knife collection now Curt collects knives kind of like a crow collect shiny things would you would you dispute that fact no okay okay [Music] how's it going guys and today we've got a special knife better looking at Kurt's knife clicks you know Kurt your collection is interesting so the way that Kurt collects knives is a little bit different I think to some people so we've got some sections so we've got kind of your outdoor rock-and-roll fixed blade axe collection right you'd bit of a huntsman bit of an outdoorsman see then we've got kind of your awesome blade HQ additions right yeah and then crits got this interesting little thing about his collection where he collects doubles of knives for some unknowns sometimes known reason so we're gonna dive into that towards the end so I'm stoked I'm stoked - let's do it [Music] you pretty smoothly hello my invitation wine why so cross like that this is my superhero costume my arms they're moving they're moving in the groove this is what it's like being born so first knife on the table tell us all about this thing this knife I got when I was a child whoa what is that like glue or something you've been using it dude it's probably tree sap so I grew up in a place where there was just apple orchards everywhere my house was literally surrounded by apple orchards and me and my friends would go out there and like play with sticks and throw stuff is that's what the Hou yeah we were boys and I came across this in the middle of the apple orchard just sitting there no I was like yes and yeah this this thing hung out with me for quite a while and I threw into probably a bajillion trees so that is tree sap almost for sure that is probably true so realistically that's yeah yeah it's a good one I've had it for a long time I've played what's that game called where you throw the knife at your feet mumbly peg mumbly peg I don't play that at home kids I play I played dozens of rounds of mumbly peg with that thing this is really cool you know the thing that I love about this is whenever I see people's first knives it's almost always something like this so this is your first fixed blade right first fixed yeah yeah so like either it's like a traditional that your grandpa gave you right or just like something awesome that's like oh yeah like a marine and a movie definitely this knife at some point I think Rambo probably dropped yeah it's perfect yeah Rambo dropped it on like we were always running away and you but really hurted it really it was probably like some punk kid walking through the orchard thought he was cool got that out of the pawn shop yeah I just happened to find it I loved it that's awesome all right uh some more more leather more fixed blade yeah so this one I made the leather sheath on this one but oh just brush over that let's enjoy the craftsmanship here alright this is pretty sweet dude it's so I like to tinker in leather I'm not professional by any means but yeah if I see a cool idea I like to try to do my best to copy it or make replicas yeah so yeah it was a fun project so it's pretty sweet give credit um ZUP for some you know pretty handy leather work I mean this is you know we just did that video with Parker from Stein barrel right make sure to check out stock and barrel super super guy does great work but like this is pretty good anyways so sweet leather sheath and then yes awesome beat-up knife so this is the buck compadre hmm and I when I first hired on I've had my eye on this knife mostly because it's just so heinous yeah like the color the color is just like whoa that's red look at me right yeah yeah and so I wanted a knife that I could just beat camping and just kind of play around with and so I bought this one and if you can see it has a little bit of wear and tear yeah you use it once or twice a little bit of roughage back here but I literally baton so much firewood and just cut anything I possibly could actually I took it out for a weekend and I chipped the blade so bad that I had Stephen sharpen it and it took him a while he had to read profile itself to get it right yeah but anyway this thing it's a workhorse it's good it's a good one it's a good one it's a good one and agree a little chic man honestly like that sinks that's it that's the awesome little handmade I mean you have a sewing machine right no it's all good you know I dabble in leather Smith as well and this is cool thanks alright alright boy this one this to me screens hurt this to me looks like a curt knife this one it's kind of similar to actually I kind of have a lot of knives that I buy just to play with have fun yeah so I bought this it's an Ontario rat 7 I've always been interested in these I have a rat 3 that is elsewhere in my collection yeah we should know guys this is just the smattering of the collection and give you guys a good taste of crits collection he's got a bunch more knives but we kind of picked we cherry picked up we picked the best ones so that's what you're getting on the table here there's like a whole bucket and eyes on the other side of the camera there's a couple yes so I bought this one I've wanted to test this out and compare it to how well it would do against a lot of the stories and reviews we've gotten on the SE knives yeah for sure and it's got a similar build yeah similar build and so I've put this thing to the test and I don't know if you guys can really see that that well hopefully anyway these these little yellow e marks on there are actual pieces of wood that has bonded to the coating like I'm not even kidding I cannot just embedded also you just heard a lot of people's hearts by scraping those two nights together like now that's how Curt use this is nice this it's a tool anyway yeah so this wood is like really on there but it's cool knife I like the micarta so it's big yeah when I think Curt I think like either really shiny specific knife or very big huge blade of some type great which we're gonna get to a little bit out here in a second all right no I know I know a little bit the story on this one right so this one you got a Montana Wyoming so yeah we were up in West Yellowstone okay our friend's cabin sowait Montana or Wyoming Yellowstone it could be right yeah so West Yellowstone is just inside the Montana border right it's we were actually more in by Island Park Idaho yeah okay and and my wife saw we're on a family vacation my wife saw this like side of the road podunk come by my crafts and junk kind of like to see like the small town flea market literally is like grandma's like selling the quilts instead and there's like 12 yes there's like twelve groups of people and one guy always has like some crazy dead animal totally yeah that one okay so I was like ok we'll go and I start walking through and I meet this guy Brandon Williams and my name sounds familiar yeah he's a so ends up he's a fortune fire champion forged on fire winning champion on the History Channel yeah it he had this table of knives and that broke Jamie's heart a little bit yeah a little stiff Jamie's gonna fire you for that step you're fired I know calm down so anyway yeah I got talking with this guy and he's like yeah I make these a forged knives all the time and I'm like whoa these are really cool I ended up talking to him for an hour and a half my wife's like that's good and yeah so I picked this one up and I actually just recently talked to him um I think I'm gonna get another one a little smaller so cool so moral the story if you guys are ever traveling with your wife or your girlfriend they want to stop at some weird little crafts thing just stop cuz like you might need a knife champion and get a cool knife out of it seriously I would say this one is probably my favorite fixed blade that I have that's awesome and you have a couple that's a handful again this is not all I have a couple all right so this one we had to have on the table just for quick mention so right as we mentioned Curt you do you're your hunter right you do what you you you go out hiking and go out backpacking and you go hunting yeah and so this is obviously is your have elan for yeah it's clean animal it's for all my detail work that I do when I'm skinning an animal or or you know filled dressing that's my go-to for a quick super sharp detail work no that one is it your favorite was this one that have me you haven't have it's just the one I have I know that there's a lot of different variations I got that I would say I I bought that right before a lot of people started coming out with the other ones okay and so I've just had them just because they I feel like they maybe started the game yeah when we did the hunting video when we had the guys from mountaintops come in they really liked to have along as well yeah so if you guys are interested in hunting knives check out that video that we did is pretty cool yeah so that's good alright so going back to big knives and Kurt talked to us about this okay actually first let me tell a story so guys there's probably not more than a week or two that will go by that I don't see Kurt sitting at his desk in between taking photos where he's not just sitting with an axe at his desk just like just like looking at it inspecting it like he's ready to go on a Viking raid and then they just sit on his desk you know and it's like are you gonna buy it or gonna go hunting with it you're gonna die going to war with it what do you do but this one you actually oh this is yours yep so when I first hired on this was on the shelf and man I've been eyeing it forever Jamie has been eyeing it forever and a whole year and a half went by and I this past Christmas actually was past Christmas I was like hey honey you uh you got me a gift for Christmas thank you okay so I bought this showed up at home and she wrapped it and I was super bummed because I couldn't have it for like a month right it was under the tree and I was like oh come on but yeah this thing is awesome uh plus I'm a Norse guy and dude Swedish made yes for just been around for ever like a sixth 1600s this is a whole book right Holtz Brooke yeah yeah these guys do amazing work amazing work yeah this one's the 20-inch carpenter axe yeah I like it it's good solid sturdy it's chopped down some trees and you were saying this one rides in your truck like all the time it literally never leaves my except for to come on the night manager right show the good people of YouTube yeah this one is in my truck all the time so don't mess all right so we got a good chunkier kind of outdoor fixed-blade adventure nice now let's go into some stuff you've done here at blade HQ and the first one I love the most out of all of them so we have a tradition here at blade HQ so it's a bokor kalashnikov mini we have a tradition here blade HQ that when you hire on we learn about you we start a secret conversation about you and then we pick out a knife that give you a knife you know it's usually nothing super fancy but you know what a cool knife something we think would work for you so I was totally taken by surprise yeah usually usually we have an explanation when you get the knife why we got this for you do remember I don't remember I remember conversation so um when when they presented it to me they're like oh yeah I hate this we were going around we have Friday meetings and at the beginning of the meeting we say what are you carrying and we go around the room and see what everybody's carrying we do a pocket check every Fri yeah and they don't have anything we shame you yeah are you working a blady to keep it on a knife in your pocket right anyways exactly so they were like oh yeah this Colt gave me this knife and this knife and these weird guys gave me this knife and I'm like what the Freak is going on and then all the sudden Ben bust this thing out and he's like Kurt we do this thing where we give new employee in the marketing department this this new knife that kind of fits that persona and I used to wear when I first hired on I guess I had worn some OD green and black not some all the time and it matched it was like his whole outfit was like tailored tell it I like to match anyway so they gave me this one and even though it's small I I do like it it's it's a good workhorse and this is this is why I think it's late because as you guys know Kurt really does not like small nights you really doesn't not like small automatic knives no so it this knife brings me joy yeah and so it's it's a cool story I got it from some very special people special special and yeah it's always keep that one forever cool right on now let's see I know a lot of the stories with these ones cuz you know I've been around for them right so the next one is Eleanor right yeah this one's Eleanor so it's a bench made proper it has flight a Neum brass scales and I just put this little bead and lanyard on there we love us some flight Aniyah so the story behind Eleanor is I think it was like my third week working here and I've been like your second it was it was very shortly after I first started working here anyway we needed an image and so I was like okay cool so across the street from the old building there was like this filled with olive trees I'm like cool it's good just walk out there and find some olive trees the trinitarios Lee known to be very hard wood very hard it's an important fact so I I saw this I found this like cut stump but had been there forever so like aged well and I was like all sweet so I go like this and I stick it in and I'm pushing hard because the wood was so hard and it buckled and I cut across these two fingers think I had like eight stitches do you have a scar on the head it's right and it's like on the neck on the lens it's hard to see him but yeah so that was a lot of blood yeah but but I got the photo yep he finished the ads while bleeding the photo finished it then when Gus if you haven't made Jamie too mad about stabbing his table maybe he'll flash flash the image up so you guys can see right even after bleeding out Kirk got a good one it was a good one so yeah this is this is Eleanor and then shortly after we were carving a bar of soap for a video of something I can't even remember so so Korea had had this thing where he's like dude I got a master this knife like it cut me bad I'm gonna master it because you know it's slip-joint like he did it he's not a big deal and fall off the horse you get back I'll be back on so he's like we had to do this thing for just doing some soap carving for something we did I don't know what I don't know if we used it but yeah and and Kurt starts carving this time-lapse and then he's like in there and somebody's looking in and he's like trying not to interrupt the time-lapse and he's like he's like I need some napkins I cut himself carving stupid parts the best part is Zach at the very beginning he saw what knife I was gonna use and he's like you're gonna cut yourself bro yeah yeah it's always like don't cut yourself huh yeah so it wasn't that bad of a cut though no one knows that was history that was no sorry - that was fine but yeah this thing is my Eleanor and if you don't know the gone in 60 seconds reference look it up that watch the movie get some culture in you you know so that's my proper and then up next we have my well-loved Guardian tactical recon 35 oh yeah I love this thing great knife and this this right here like I I know now when people do a Guardian tactical or Microtech or lightning or whatever I can tell the difference because I sit next to Kurt he's fired this thing so many times I can tell like I don't know look I'll be oh that's a guardian this thing has been fired a lot yeah it has and actually I just recently took it apart and just cuz it was kind of getting sluggish yeah and I was like what the heck so I took it apart and there was so much Pocket lint in there from always being in my pocket so anyway yeah cleared it all out and this thing fires like a rifle Colts awesome right on the next one I got this one from my main man Andrew here he he had surgery on his knee so Andrews our copywriter right and then he was me and him went and did the camping video together right so yeah yeah so Andrew supercool guy loved it yeah great dude we love Andrew and he had surgery on his knee and he couldn't drive because medication and he needed a ride up to Salt Lake City for some something I don't even remember and I was like dude I'll totally take you like that's just me I just do it yeah now Zack would be the same way but yeah let's just go for money for money no so so I give him a ride and the next day he hands me this and I'm like what's this and he's like dude thank you for giving me a ride it would it cost me so much to have like an uber right you know yeah and I was like freaking I should take him on more right no yeah so this one this one's really cool I'll keep this one forever Andrew gave me that one and that one that's what it's a GE see was it not a Pendleton pen pemberton Henderson novel Tim Burton and we get correctly wrong Oh what else okay so wait when you pick this up I just really got three three slip joints on the table yeah now in Kurt's in Kurt's full collection he has like a ton of traditionals that he just kind of like picked up over the years got from his dad and stuff so but even here you got you got the three slip joints I didn't realize that before which is it's surprising because he doesn't carry a slip joint in there like the real world on the day no the most I've carried was this the proper proper yeah Eleanor I know she's been your pocket Quinn yeah I have to master it gotta master all right so just uh what two months ago Lin Thompson came in a couple months later it's you and man just talking to him and learning stuff from him Lin Thompson a cold steel knives just in case you don't know who then Thompson is like the Lin Thompson I hope you're watching yeah and we recently just had a video come out that was Lin Thompson's like greatest hits from cold steel if you guys haven't seen it check it out it's it was so much fun to sit down and talk with him just a rad video make sure to check it out the guy is one of the most amazing interesting dudes I've ever babies a legend yeah and so he was here and I think this one's called the lucky it is lucky yep the lucky the lucky anyway it's a dual blade you got your serrated and your plane anyway he gave this he's he sent us each each one of us in the marketing department he sent us one of these and it was a personal written note saying thank you for the experience being here being such a great just a great place to come hang out and we were able to do a lot of cool things with Lin and I was like blown away because that I don't think this happens very often but I just I felt really cool like man thanks Lin and he's a very genuine really cool guy so Lin Thompson I got that love you guys should have seen when so if you've never watched cold steel video you should go watch cold steel video so this is the image that Kirk had in his mind when Lin came and you were a little intimidated let's be honest oh dude I was like have you seen some of those videos you see what he walked in he just had these like big puppy-dog eyes and he's like nice to meet you sir and then he got to talking to Lin and lives just a genuine good dude yeah and and then afterwards I think Kurt you're like I want Lin to be my stepdad exactly it lends a cool guy anyway so he sent these out to us and and that's another one I'll keep forever yeah super classy of him to do that was really nice yeah oh uh I guess this one Ryan from CRKT was here and he had gifts for everyone I think he felt bad that I didn't get a gift Ryan even though you may have not been super prepared I appreciate it I love you bro anyway yeah this thing is awesome I sit here and flip this all the time well the great thing about it yeah the great thing about it it stays at this desk and every once in a while he'd be like let's test it I feel like like I feel like you've like try to do a kickflip off of it or something like you just being it on skype you know my desk my skateboard and like all sorts of things and usually that's when Ben goes yeah don't do that because because we know Kurt will get cut good old seismic man I've only been cut a couple times yeah just a cup just a few Kurt Kurt for sure a blade HQ has had more stitches than anybody he might actually have more stitches than everybody combined that's a bold statement maybe now I'm gonna check on that I might actually be true alright maybe so these are some of the these are some of the knives that Kurt has that are kind of just the special blade HQ knives now on to kind of your this quirk that you have in your collection so we were sitting down we were looking at Kurt's collection and we were talking about it and I realized he had like doubles of a bunch of knives like two of the same knife and I asked him like dude why do you have two of this knife what are you - this knife and you guys got to hear some of these stories so so we pulled the doubles and dude let's just jump in so we got two pocos all pull on you pull on those yeah slowed this over and we'll show these off actually you know what you talk about this one okay so this is just the standard Benchmade pouco 200 you know the standard thing yeah this one this is how it comes originally yeah and then I the very first day I bought my first poco I cut the handle off and so when so so why do you have to first why do you have to poop goes well when I cut the handle off the first one I'm like dang what if I totally screw this up right I was like I gotta have backup so so we bought it back I bought a backup as a oh crap Kurt totally screwed up and everybody knows it it's so much just okay anyways just in case and so I had Spencer here make these micarta scales for me yeah and then a really close friend of mine put the jimping in and I feel like it fits me and my needs and makes me super happy so I was a nervous at first because I don't want my hand to slide up yeah when when you put I remember because I was there cuz you know I'm about that micarta light as well and when you put that my card on eyes like it feels great but it did it feel a little slippery right so that jimping is perfect yeah I put that so my one of my best friends put the jimping on and that way when I push in I've got a lot more purchase so it's it's been a project ongoing and I still want to make a different sheath for it yeah but yeah so that's double pukas double-double Foose goes all right onto the next double knife now there's only one on the table but it's got it's got a history and this this is a little bit back to Kurt's rascal date I'll call him yeah I yeah don't hate me for this anyway so benchmade mini barrage this was actually my first bench made that I've owned I bought this a couple to three years before I started working here so it's been four or five years now and I I went to a certain retailer that rhymes wish and he went to a certain retailer and I I bought this knife it was black scales with a satin blade and I wanted that d2 steel right and so d2 I just happened to see right next to it was a hideous hunter orange scale black d2 blade right and I was like man I just kind of want the best of both worlds so I bought both and I'm might have I'm not gonna admit I may or may not have done a little switcheroo and took the other one back now I don't know little blunt blade swap a little blade so ah it's just a curt exclusive I'm not saying it's the right thing to do but it happened and as you guys will see he's repented of his ways so you know it's a story from the past I figure with how much I've spent I've kind of made up for what I was doing thank you anyway so yeah this thing it's been with me forever but then you know but you paid karma came back karma came back yeah and I lost this thing for about two years and I had to switch the battery in my car so I went to Autozone or whatever and I bought a new battery and I was switching it there in the parking lot well I pull out my old battery and this thing is sitting down in the tray just corroded and acid buildup and so just full of junk and mud and all and I was like what no way oh my gosh I freaking love this knife so I found it had Stephen here clean it up and sharpened it for me and this thing is awesome yeah honestly like you know I'm not a big fan of assisted but think fires like new oh yeah it's really shocking all that battery acid it still really does this thing is awesome I hope I a never lose it because I well if I lose it I hope I lose it for a short amount of time and then I'll find it later yeah and it'll have two stories just a couple of years no big deal right all right so let's see let's see the the the next set of doubles which kind of makes up for the first that first one right right yeah yeah so the next set of doubles here so this one I'm a big fan of James brand I really love their design and the colors they use and stuff like that this isn't my first though no I bought an all-black and I lost it what right so then I was like man I look at these so often because I'm doing photos or whatever is I'm like man it would be so cool if the neon green had a black blade well it didn't it had a satin blade but the white one had a black blade and so I had to buy two and switch them so this is my snowflake and I don't have a name for this one but it it's super cool guys down in the comments give this knife a name get a real good one I will make sure that Kurt calls it whatever you guys want it she needs a name she needs a name never a good name yeah man so the snowflake I don't really use or carry yeah yeah honestly is sat in my desk for about a year yeah and I mean the white skills right you don't get right right I did I actually just lent it out to my brother-in-law and I gotta give him crap because he totally muffed him up and I had to I just scrub him clean anyway you know who you are but yeah so uh just a little Glade switcheroo so I could have what I actually wanted so what we're learning is if you want to sell to ninety two Kurt make one with a handle color that he really likes and then another one with the handle color he doesn't but make sure that one of them has a satin one has a black blade you just sold two knives no problem no problem alright what's the last set of doubles we have here on the tape alright guys some of my favorite knives of all time I will live and die by these things was your favorite kitchen knife at least oh yes I mean in minimum at minimum the best kitchen if you guys don't know me by now a hashtag anything and right in Jamie's face anything anyway best made bug outs I originally bought the blue one when it first came out when the OD green came out with the gray blade I wanted one so bad but we we were selling out so fast that they weren't letting employees purchase them yet so I had to wait like an extra two or three months it's actually an important note so I know sometimes you guys get upset like why do the employees get one and we did it we actually do monitor that like when we know something's gonna be super hot we're like sorry we're put on pause yeah so it was either buy it at full retail or just wait and and love it that way so I waited oh yeah man and I'm surprised you waited to be honest I'm surprised I waited to but these sayings I have used and abused and I carry them literally almost every single day yeah you can pocket check Kurt almost any time you might have another knife in his pocket but almost always he's got a bug no with this kind of a newer addition this obviously was a blue one now I've got those flighty Neum skills on her yep I've got those flight a Neum skills they just dropped actually when they came out they came out at 10 a.m. like last week oh yeah anyway right at 10 a.m. is what I'm I was I made sure I was there at 10:00 a.m. and bought these these are the titanium ones I think they have brass copper and carbon fiber carbon fiber to happen in this one yeah so I swapped out the scales and I haven't gone back so I like it I really love it makes it tough robust it's a little heavier but yeah it's a little bit of weight just a little bit so guys I want to go down the comments I've never I don't think I've ever bought a double knife like I don't think I've ever bought two of one knife to like swap illiterate let me know in the comments if you guys have I want to know like I know how common this is guarantee there's somebody out there that's like yep yeah yep cool let us know let us know down in the comments alright guys uh so this is a great taste of Kurt's collection uh there's there's actually a little bit of Kurt's collection that I left out from the beginning and kind of snuck in here so there's another part of Kurt's collection which is so Kurt collects knives kind of like a crow collects shiny things would you would you dispute that fact no okay okay so Kurt is actually gotten to the point at here at HQ where he will buy knives and not even tell us because because we're like dude you really another one another one and so he has these these knives in his collection that like he has yet to even really carry so I just grabbed a couple of them um I have a problem so he's got he's got the ZT that you've carried like once or twice right he's got an Osborn he's carried a handful of times he's got the which one is this a mini crooked the mini Pro gave you carried like twice maybe once twice I sharpened it yeah and then which ones this again this is the Bravo one bark River Park River that's right this is the Bark River Bravo one that you have it you haven't even used yet right no so so there still has factory oil there's a whole collection how long have you had this that one's kind of a recent one it's just been three four weeks oh three four weeks okay so this is pretty new pretty new but still so honestly I don't know if I'll use that yeah three V and that's why I bought it yeah but I know this one is kind of a special knife for you it's I kind of yeah I don't it's a looker it's a looker it's gorgeous yeah so anyways it's a whole whole other part of Kurt's collection that we won't dive into today of knives that he's carried once or twice maybe not even carried because he's like a crow with shiny things you know what I can't blame him if something comes in and like micarta or something I'm a sucker see and I'm like dude I need it see I'm not the only one and I just buy it and I can made fun of for it doesn't want to know how many of you guys are crows like me because because it's a thing like if I see it and it's cool it's like oh my gosh I gotta have it shut up and take my money so anyway sweet well you know Kurt thanks man this has been great this has been great I'm gonna I've been hesitating yeah business guys has been worried about this guy's give Curt some love down to comments he's like oh like I don't know how people are gonna feel but let Kurt know he's got an awesome collection he does it right he gets some great knives he uses them is good stuff dude it's good stuff so but anyways thanks guys pulling along as always and uh you know please consider subscribing hittin that notification bell and we'll see you next round [Music] I felt like we haven't done this in a while minute oh cool we got a lot of b-roll ee I can rap ee I can rap alright let's do this thing uh how's my beard looking delicious
Channel: Blade HQ
Views: 577,272
Rating: 4.8954763 out of 5
Keywords: Blade HQ, Knife, Knives, Knife Banter, Pocket Knife, Blade Show, Knife Show, Steel, Sharp, Knife Collection, Custom Knives, Modified Knives, Benchmade, Spyderco, Bark River
Id: ymolXhmTb9E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 51sec (2031 seconds)
Published: Fri May 10 2019
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