Knives Ben Stole | Knife Banter Ep. 50

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today ablai HQ we are looking at my knife collection one of the things about my knife collection guys is I give knives away the thing you gotta understand is when you work in the knife industry things come to you whether they're given or or whether you steal them or you still like a pirate [Music] previously on knife banter our friend Thomas sent us an email says the knife banter videos are always interesting and fun I can tell that Zach likes knives but the guy on the left the viewers left that's me yeah that's you does not his dislike of knives is just too much perhaps you could find another guy who appreciates knives to fill the spot ly days later hi this is Tom Brown the guy who doesn't think you like knives the reason I say that is the way you look at the string and eyes out before you when you start to read you looks like a frown I'd really like to see a video of what knives you actually have it would be interesting you know because I think it would be only a couple and they would be thin little things that you can carry in your pockets and nobody can notice what is up guys today a Blakey we are looking at my knife collection this will be fun it's gonna be fun so here's how it'll work guys we're gonna look at the knives I've bought the knives I've been given and the knives I stole it's a pretty big pile and at the end of this thing we're gonna have a giveaway so we'll dive into it here's where we're gonna start right here is with a viewer oh look at the prediction do you want to read the viewer let's read the viewer prediction I didn't know about the secret hiding in the bottle yeah Matthew has loaded it up alright this is from Michael TV 44 yes on Ben's collection so when we asked the people wanted to see this my predictions are they're all going to have deep carry pocket clip recess screws and all of them are at least as long as his finger also they will be cheap because it's a cheap sucker you might be right I don't know alright so let's start with the knives I bought and there's other like random junk in my toolbox here I'm just gonna move that aside so random junk little Burnley towel let's start with the first knife I bought while at blade HQ Spyderco delicate yeah delica in Ben blue in Ben blue yep this was the very first knife in fact this was the knife I'd worked here probably like three to four months this is just a college job and I was like alright it's time and I I bought a knife and I love the Ben blue I love the the full flat grind on it it's been a great knife I still carry it from time to time I don't love that it's not deep carry I need to get a Lynch clip haven't done it but I also don't love the back lock I think since discovering the access lock hidden like yeah maybe maybe not but at the time college kid get first real big boy knife yeah this is the one basically yeah the next one I bought let's let's go an order here next one i bought was probably the group Tilian I discovered the access lock carried this one for probably two years ish and I really like that one it's been good that's not a choice you'll notice there's a there's something about the sizes here I don't know if anybody at home is super super surprised though right now been probably not and then I'm like I'm like I need a fixed blade and so I sat there and debated between the se4 and the tops Bob I landed on the SC 4 okay and what suede you either either way just a little bit of sizing and I'm top swath has a little bit more in the handle mhm and I just went for this guy instead I also like guess he's warranty I know that tops has a great warranty as well but I at the time I was like dang I like the warranty I like their style cool so I ended up buying that guy and then what else have I purchased so when I left blade HQ and went to see our cutie I needed to make a knife purchase yeah this is called the Leon ma design number five it's discontinued now with good reason it's a slip joint actually I think you can still buy it in the UK okay but it's discontinued in the American market I like the deep carry clip g10 and at the time I'm like let's try to slip to it I took this backpacking and I hated it so bad I actually bought another knife after this one before I started working at Sirica to you guys and I actually gave that one away so one of the things about my next collection guys is I give knives away I don't collect I don't I'm not a true collector like I don't buy knives just to have them yeah I let people come to my house and if they're like hey that's cool take it with you so knives that I purchased a personal more for other people than for myself I think even a true collector though there is a lot of rotation in sure kind of like you know pristine white I love collection so yours is just a more of a working collection it's a working car so that one was I keep this one out of just like don't buy bad knives I'm glad they don't make it anymore is this is this your first deep carry pocket clip it was okay and is this the one at the minimum did this make you fall in love with that pocket clip we're not quite mm not quite in fact I complain about this before but that screw catches on your pocket really bad yeah this just had some some pretty fatal flaws for me irritation after that and then the last two that I've purchased recently just a squid this one I made for me and my brothers we stuck a little thing on their smooth seas never made skilled sailors so a little bit of indentation on there I love the squid in fact I carried the squid the squid came out right when I moved to see our kitty and I carried this one more than any other knife at sea our kitty I don't so I like that one and then the last one I've purchased is the benchmade sequel since out of print yeah discontinued it was a show knife but I loved it and I haven't found anything to replace it so every Friday Blade HQ we have a meeting and at that meeting we all show what's in our pocket and there's almost no reason for Ben to ever show us what's in his pocket because it's got all of it it's almost like the group Tilian yeah and the delica kind of had a baby had a baby that's a deep carry pocket clip yep it's a perfect Ben baby it really is and until they make the mini bug out I'm repetition agai that benchmade to make a mini bug out they say they're not going to but I'm gonna start a petitioner Late Show and maybe they'll do it until I find something different I I'm gonna carry this guy perfect I haven't been swayed there you go anything else on this I'm the same way with that with a bench made HK I have though too so I understand I love it okay so those are the knives that I purchased let's go into the knives that were given to me which is actually a much larger category and the thing you gotta understand is when you work in the knife industry things come to you whether they're given or or whether you steal them or you still like a pirate and Matthews gonna comment in here oh whoa okay go for it let's just check this one out you do that and I'll unload some knives okay this is from G da T's 187 do you guys blade HQ employees get your personal knife sharpened in house if so what method is used to sharpen I've got an answer you got an answer what's your answer my answer is I sharpen my own knives so I do it typically on a work sharp or a sharp maker I prefer the work sharp just because I just and don't you guys are gonna complain because I'll grind the tips down I got I got plenty I got a couple tips all right yeah uh yeah unload it and then I actually I sharpen my own as well like most of mine on a stone every once in a while though we actually just did a video with Steven from our store that yeah on how to use a sharp maker and everyone said well I'll cast off to Steven if I'm in a pinch and he uses a Cammy I think yeah Steven those amazing work to does amazing work yes beautiful mirror finishes yeah fantastic all right more hot mess for you guys because you asked we asked you and then you said yes so the knives I've been given category most the time when somebody gives me a knife I do not give it away I feel like that was a nice gesture yeah and I keep them so first knife I was ever given was this little Explorer knife it's made in Japan it's a 440 stainless and this one came from a fishing trip with my grandpa he's like if you catch a fish I'll buy you a knife he takes me out to there's this little store in Utah called Smith and Edwards he takes me to Smith and Edwards and I walk up to the knife counter and I get the biggest meanest knife they have in the case and this was it so this is a Smith and Edwards fine then it is it daggers on both sides yeah it is okay yeah so it was new yeah and I think my brother ran it through a pull-through sharpener it's it's been around so yeah for sure but that was my fishing knife well I love how you so Smith and Edwards is actually a place that you can like buy tanks too so yeah your knife key from a tank store and it's it's kind of a Utah treasure yeah it is so that was that one and then my next one given to me was this little Victorinox this was given to me when I was 12 and I promptly sliced my finger with that guy this is this is the slice it's a slice yeah okay so long story there but yeah 12 year old Scout camp split-finger yeah beautiful what else is on the list here come in alphabetical order you pick one no I was gonna say what's the story this is about when I worked to see our cutie I did a ton of video for them and so this is actually one of the coolest pieces in my collection for me it was made by Michael Rodriguez and his son okay we actually filmed a video we roll in some footage with that but I was filming this video and then when done he gave me this knife so Michael Rodriguez Special Forces Green Beret super super cool dude and his son worked on this one and when they were done they gave it to me they designed it is a throwing knife cool so kind of a fun piece right so the same week I was filming this project I also worked on this one will roast some of this footage in as well this is a Darren's or Royce custom of TCT knives this is a custom sangra door so I actually filmed him making this knife and then when he was done with it he actually engraved my name on it so it has my name oh that's neat that's really and gave it to me so you're a boss and this is one of my favorites in my collection just cuz it's like I spent the whole day with him in fact Darrin was like dang dude why does this take so long like this whole video thing I was there eight hours and he's like this takes forever and then when he saw it he he said holy holy expletive that's amazing like video just takes a long time it takes time this was a cool and and that was a cool those are those are both really neat and it's all power of like work and that's the fun part about this category most of these knives have come from work like this is se Azula was a blade HQ at the time anytime we got an exclusive they would give everyone in the company an exclusive oh we need to bring that back no good times I miss those Technica's ease so that was one of the first ones I got up at played a cheeky awesome Sam from HEA gave me the sweet comb ya know so you got to comb so you got to comb Bob from Hudson design of manufacturing gave me that one so you just kind of like stuff comes to you I feel like you need more like luscious locks [Music] or maybe like a like a big old mountain man beard you know carry those around a little more dude I wish I wish I had I used for him but I I love them they're like pieces of know yeah that's stuff that I've been involved in it's neat to be given that type of thing another blade HQ giveaway we took all the knives from the studio and gave them way to the company and this is the one I the carving knife almost been blue almost passes the finger test does I know you're looking for but this one's fun because it's like I think this is a piece of Blade HQ culture yeah in the sense that yeah we don't give nigh exclusives to everybody now but when we got stuff laying around like give it to the employees which I think it's a fun little thing other projects this was a I filmed for a day sharpening videos with Tom Beth this is a discontinued knife that he designed called the muck and he signed it for me which I love well that's neat he did within a little engraver yep cool yep so he's super proud of this one and that one's a fun one AB in my collection I don't know that I'd ever use it it's for fish I'm not a fisherman yeah one day I was at dinner at CRKT and was yes peroxidase and some other folks and yes / pulled this out of his pocket it's a fox knife it's a non so design and I was like dang I like that and he's like it's yours well that's awesome it was super cool so I've kept this one because it's like muscle a little moment little jealous you know I got a little bit of a man crush on Vox I know but this is a non so that's true so I mean it doesn't carry the same rights alright yeah other things in the collection guys this is where like my knife collection just it's it's weird so what same sort of thing on this one one day I saw this on Instagram I texted Lucas Burnley like dude that thing's sick and like two days later one shows up at CRKT it's like that's cool the first time I met Lucas Burnley he handed me a sigh pop oh right on well that's really neat yeah yeah super cool and I don't know it's to me it was like a really good relationship builder not that like not that I needed a sigh ha but like for Luke it was like hey thanks for being on the same team yeah so that was super cool and then my wife got me a Leatherman blast once so that's in the in the collection as well this one's discontinued I wanted a wave she got me a blast it's still it's still nice little element though it's a good little Leatherman so guys let me know so far which ones are your favorite down in the comment section we're gonna go to the knives I stole here right after the commercial break hey guys I'm here to tell you about the new Gerber and power it's all USA made s30v blade aluminum handle these things are pretty sweet this one's a blade HQ exclusive so get on the website check out the different models we have and happy hunting alright guys welcome back and Ben has been given so many nice we actually forgot to in the last little section so Ben final to thee as you were given these are from little knives and you'll notice a lot of Sierra cuties in my collection when you work at a place stuff comes to you this is the CRKT rmj kenji hawk it's sharpened up here it's sharpened there it's like sharpened everywhere yeah and when you start at Sirica t they let you choose a tool okay and I'm like what tool would never buy but I want but I kind of want and it was this guy so I keep it in my closet at home just cuz you know you just never know keep it under the pillow a little home defense yeah I should probably keep it in my car cuz it's actually like it does great work going through like car doors and stuff so like extraction tool but that's a fun little memory like I probably sat on that for like three months I'm like which one should I get that's awesome you know what I'm seeing though here is a CRKT gave you something blade edge cues to giveaway exclusives I feel like we need to start a culture here additionally I think I've given you a few things he probably has the next one on the list was gifted to me as a result of eight stitches chopping my hand with this thing so this is the chance in hell machete from CRKT and this particular one if you look at my hand close you can see that there's some two good cuts there so I was on a video shoot with CRKT and weird things happened I ended up being the talent like the actor and we were filming in the rain and what happened is the director was like hey I need you to chop faster and like we're off schedule we were in a hurry so I'm sitting there chopping with this thing and I looked down and I've got this big gaping hole in my glove and I'm like crap and I've pulled the glove off and I have like cut my just brand new much laid it oh yeah oh yeah and I'm like crap and I don't I don't do well with personal injuries so I'm like I start to get a luzie and then I yeah four hours in the ER and then kept taking pictures I was on this shoot to take pictures for crkt but this one's memorable for that reason that's that's a good memory yeah how many chops do you think you got till you realize that your handle is like honestly like you look at the footage and I've watched this footage like I can't even tell where I hit my hand and I'm lucky I didn't lose a finger like literally like honestly like that's that's the thing literally have no idea when I hit my hand or like you know like sever a nerve or a ten oh yeah yes so I barely severed the joint capsule yeah if I had gone deeper into the donut capsule they said it would have been all sorts of major surgery so would have been a workers comp even then you know I'm glad that you got it though I'm glad you have that in the collection you look shaky hold it do you feel it or no no no no I took it out in fact after after that happened there's like this little wooded area up in Oregon and I take it back out and I'm like you and I are gonna have some time got to get back on that horse yeah it was just kind of fun one of the fun things about the CRKT stuff all of the products that I have or took over there on that side yeah I used them for pictures so there's pictures of like all of these things on CR Kitty's account like I'll go on their Instagram and I'm like took that took that like this is this adventure that was that adventure and so it's there's like a lot of memories built into the individual tools which is pretty funny that's awesome next up is speaking of taking we've got a whole slew of tooken yeah so let's just let's just jump in okay well well jump in but let me do some explaining for necessary so I managed all of the social media all of the stuff over to CRKT that was kind of front-facing and so a lot of times what would happen is I pull a product off the shelf or I'd pull it out of warranty to go take pictures my habit was to like find the good ones in warranty right snag them take pictures with them and they just never made it back and so I fell and bought my camera bag I don't know what happened so this is one of those this is a discontinued model from Doug Ritter it's called the RSK mk6 and so when I went to CRKT I already had this yeah but when you work at a knife company a certain knife company you can't carry right somebody else's knife like you can't pull this out in front of people and be like hey pull this out in front of people and say I work at so this was kind of my camper knife mm-hmm when I moved to CRKT I made a new camper knife yes became a camper knife so this has been on tons of adventures with me tons of fun pictures with the - which is which is entertaining but that kind of replaced my Azula well I was while you're with me I'm Katie that makes sense that makes sense yep this one I love this knife one of my favorite very favorites it's the Spyderco dragonfly assault - so here's how this one way so we've put on a couple of ventures and I've see this is always in your pocket yeah I didn't know this was a stolen knife though yeah yeah you made me an accessory Ben yeah so the story on this one is I wanted this knife and when you work in a knife coming you're like yeah I want a knife but I'll just use it on the project and then it'll be great so yeah I invented a project I took this one on a trip to Lake Powell and used it tested it and then kept it but the fun thing is it also made an appearance in our most recent sell video I feel like ladies you've got their money's worth off of this particular knife y'all completed [Laughter] all right here we go we're gonna just steal a couple of things I love it another warranty knife from CRKT this one's called the igniter I don't know if this was in printer anymore or not but idea assisted it and I love it I noticed that was actually I was playing with a little bit before we started shooting and I at I actually asked benna's like is this assisted because I I thought they were and it even still feels it like loads up but it's uh yeah it's cool this one's a little longer than I like but I love the g10 on it and it was a fun one to carry i don't really carry it anymore I prefer the axis lock totally so time make you think about your crime this is Sierra Katie hootenanny it's a Ken Onion design and I think this one came off one of our photo shoots with Ken Onion and so fun little fun fact about this one and its successor the forget the name of this one but let me pull a little thing here the outrage is that one so I think it was probably the same photo shoot I actually took this picture for the cover right on which is super fun yeah that's my awesome so this is the one we're gonna give away guys and we'll tell you how to win it at the end so kind of fun little memory like I think I had one of these for a minute I gave it away someone came to the house and ended up giving it away but fun just little memories of like life in the knife industry you know no I'm totally this one though this one doesn't look like a knife industry knife to me no this one I so my mom was cleaning out her garage and I found this one in the garage and I said whose is this she said I don't know I said it's mine now so this one's kind of a half given half stolen on this one yeah the old Cub Scout knife definitely not my brother's now it's got some weird what's up with these like half pennies going on yeah so this late on that there's like these lighter locks in here that they've made so like the can opener has this little liner lock yeah which is totally stupid because they should have put it on the on the blade you would yeah right but I think there's some rules and there's like a Scout rule or some scars used to have a walking blade so yeah the can opener and the all right here both lock both lock okay but if you want to cut your finger off just use that can use that one okay as in lock so did you care did you actually use this in skills no you use your Victorian yeah and if it works yeah so that's a fun little memory but I figure it was probably my dad's maybe okay I asked him cuz maybe he wanted yeah you don't want to even get back to him right so this was another crkt warranty knife I figure if I ever start hunting this is a cool one and I did this shoot with rust comer and he's a guy that designed this one and so kind of a memory of like that shoot with him we went out in the Texas woods filmed a whole bunch of stuff for this game hoist Sierra Kathy was making this game hoist for interesting for like field dressing and stuff yeah I think it's just continued interesting but I got to go to Texas it's just rad did it come with this sheath yeah oh wow super classy knife yeah that's way classy and so if I take up hunting someday boom there's your knife set awesome these two look like they're brother and sister yeah so this one does I'm al Rauch called the burglar acts I filmed with him and this was properly used on a shoot and I was like I can have that and so take that one this one this one looks a little bit like the frere that they've released just yeah kind of just the bigger beard and everything you know yep same same designer same same sort of flow but I threw a few accessories in fact the handle on this is a really gross color so I just sanded it down put a walnut stain through a lanyard on it looks good hang it in the garage same sort of thing with this guy I took this one on a backpacking trip this is the Chokin by rmj tactical from CR QT anyway from a little just a little Hawk I use it to hit the Aspen routes in my yard oh okay when they start to pop them up perfect perfect perfect dig a little bit with and kill them yeah and then last on the list here now this is this is all your gentleman's knives yes and isn't all your enemy have for your suits yeah classy occasion all of them together beautiful so when I started at CRKT I had this fascination with the m16 series yeah and I'm like in fact are you gonna show the good people this yeah let's do it pulling out some relics here yeah that's when I got there I actually laid out all the m16s I could find from the building and put them on the table to try to understand this line so the m16 line makes up a huge part of Syracuse revenue relative to their other knives in their line so I'm like I want to learn about it and so as these would come to warranty and get get discarded I just yank him because I want up to understand like sizing all of those things right right I think at one time there were like 70 different models in the m16 series like active at one time yeah Wow like rated partially serrated like all of these different models and I like tried to wrap my head around it and finally I gave up and just took a few of these took a few you're like I'm just gonna take it with me yeah and with any special stories here literally no no just just have them yeah I mean if you guys don't know why this is Jen this is this is Ben's gentleman knife check out our gentleman's videos yeah you'll understand Oh then Matthews left us alone hey that's not yours oh no this is not mine that's for Matthew you want to read it yeah let's do it see I think this is a viewer comment I don't know I like these it is if you were coming okay it was Jacobs summer I'd like to see a video where zach is set on fire that is all well thanks Matthew lobotomy can anybody go ahead we can end this video there well you know you win some you lose some I think he was gonna do something fun and post on this okay maybe I'll maybe I'll be on flames right now I hope it's like a flaming chariot so there you have it guys we asked you if you wanted to see it you said yes and here is the : we got a giveaway though oh yeah so here's the plan I like to give knives away and this one's part of my collection it can be part of your collection go ahead and let's say ask a relevant question down in the comments about the collection I'll try to answer it but that will be your entry between the hootenanny must be 18 and over USA only all that jazzy jazz so you give away a lot of knives you've given this knife away yeah I feel like you don't have to replace it yeah oh boy oh oh I didn't know this was coming what have you done I made you think then what okay I got to show this off though I gotta show the good people who knows Oh Jamie those arrows have little rebels okay dang this is this is yet release so this is you guys first this is we have 200,000 subscribers we've got this is our 50th knife banner we made been a custom knife Rit dye g10 we love all of you guys we love Ben here you go Oh best part what is what is up guys Thank You YouTube you're great we'll keep coming to you with more stuff I am stoked man look at this thing with the winch clip and everything Holy Smoke we could what is up guys the sparklers this is amazing the episode 200,000 subscribers and a pair of three doesn't get here it died that lady's Cuban handmade no good it was good the beaver wanted to see Zach on fire I feel like everything's awesome
Channel: Blade HQ
Views: 844,378
Rating: 4.8821611 out of 5
Keywords: Benchmade, Knives, Benchmade EDC, Everyday Carry, Prepared, Bugout, Grayman Bugout, Osborne, Griptilian, Automatic knife, Assisted Knife, Axis Lock, CRKT, Knife Collection, Knife Show, Knife, Spyderco, Pocket Knives
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 32sec (1652 seconds)
Published: Fri May 25 2018
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