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hey guys today we've got a special guest my dad ever films down here with that so it's it's a nice nice little change today we're going to be teaching you how to tie a t naught and this knot works really well for the high-low rigs it's a great not to use if you're trying to tie a rig that's not gonna get tangled so just imagining they depend the depth of the water you know to sinker okay so I was swimming I will have about 18 to 20 inches so I'll make a loop right I'll look then you go around I would say for efficiency sick time to be best I don't want called too many times then you creating more problem four five six so but normally you would want to wet it up a little bit with your saliva whatever water give him a cup of water so assuming that was you're using this kind of line right but this one you don't need to so now you tie easy that's the knot to preventing your hook you can wrap around your main line it's fully tight no a normal normal T drop when you cut that out potentially the the line could be just get undone and the hook will be off and the whole thing just separate out but this one did t drop in here is made for you you can cut it if you wanted to so you're going back in here you go about sick time too the for a sick now important you can't remember you're gonna messed up all the why you gotta keep this close to this you make sure you make sure that close together if you don't you will have a gap between the teacher that this not and this not so therefore it will allow that to be laugh that's not good so you you see one side more than the other no worry so you pull one side versus just have to be patient now you put the sign straight mile it's a very tedious work but it work very efficient if you want to get it when you get it done they will work very well this thing is harder to hide in the other morning see ya keep the Gothic with clothes okay remember that that's important see that right there that needs to be closed okay wow that's a nice looking not not when you talk when you pull with this you don't want to pull so fast and creating heat on the line that work rim bold you know you could have by the way he is in it it's not good so did time pay attention to that and slow down there we go that's a nice looking not gosh so now you cook like I say you could cut it off use it or you can just go like this and go through with the hook and you know for you gotta have a small hook but I could show you in this one so all right through here well not one time see one time the co like this is not I would like to go to town at least pull it up so that I would to drop even with this if they look good already like I mean this is very the flop a flex lobby yeah very floppy line it's still still resisting getting tangled and this is very important because it's like it's kind of similar to a three-way swivel where you've got one arm holding this out hold it pushing this outwards let's let's tie it one more time let's see let's try it one more time so so high and low so you got that out of water tonight seven thing a loop right to a simple overhand knot about six times right yes it six times creating a loop keep it tight you can to the or find six mm-hmm now water or saliva that one throws you guys out but I'm sure you got you do the same thing and then up here I know it I saw you guys don't lie and then you got blamed the first taste buddy hey guy they go see there all right now now this is the confusing part this is make another loop another another loop right here okay so let me show you like this right again from here I'm gonna do this nobody cool wrong way you go down the opposite way so here just to get the finger yeah yeah that's fine okay okay you going to do it yes I'm gonna try so line it up like this six times again mm-hm two three four five six mm-hmm and then we're gonna pull this loop through this noob that we've made just like that right mm-hmm okay now the tricky part is tightening it evenly okay put it up you got go up here no okay wait wait you so see that one this what you don't want to do you want to have that to go back down don't use your mouth oh I think you should do using guy with your hand see you're starting to get that issue I should learn it you're messed up so you know like that yeah no no no no you have it to yourself you cannot happen yet to hold it for you you cannot do it all right do alone yourself yeah just just slowly Papo and push it back down yo hold on sorry this house trade Elsa yes there you go see see what I mean mmm no no no yeah you'd have it to yourself oh very good okay not bad yeah okay I see what you're saying you got to keep that close up to the top well it'll start hiding we're a unit I though together okay okay so now what you were saying is that sometimes we want to tie hooks on that are much smaller than this and the I won't fit onto here sometimes a big hook is not the way to go what we're suggesting it's cut this loop say that right here you can come on and now you've got this line right here right with this line you can tie that little hook right on here and it still has has the same effect with this we hold this there's no way yes strong lot you see that get out there see you want a cap no oh I see okay let's see my other two have any he pull hard enough you see one no you know you just had to pull this is Tyler's hopefully you'll get rid of that gap there I see me you wanna form that certainty so that pretty tight pretty snug now you see that right snug so important to not to do this one that will be flappy yeah that would not call it t he chopping him all in this is we could tie this one earlier so we'll put a school goes here that gonna go into your main line with the with a clip on right and then this one down you with a singer the reason is you can change it out easily so sometimes you want to use the fishfinder you're just snap off and then to put this away and use something out you know so you don't have to retie every time alright guys that was a a quick little lesson on how to tie the T knot I hope you that you'll be able to apply this in your own fishing situations which I honestly I'm sure you can if you fish with bait I suggest you try this this this not next time you go out I want to thank my dad for joining us on the show teaching us a little bit about what he's been learning in Florida my dad's been staying in Florida I've been staying in Maryland he's been doing all sorts of fishing I've been doing all sorts of freezing it's very cold here but we're on our way to Florida in a few weeks we're gonna be going to Jacksonville to do some insure saltwater fishing xand jetty fishing some surf fishing we've got all sorts of super salty bait available right now we've got a super sale going on as well we've got strips here we've got tentacles here and we've got and we've got sweet jackets here we have sales on all of these plus more at Sanka skipper comm we've got loads of more information and tutorials on there check it out
Channel: Hey Skipper
Views: 5,811,309
Rating: 4.7457032 out of 5
Keywords: fishing, fishing knot, fishing rig, rig, knot, t knot, fishing tutorial, fishing knot tutorial, fishing rig tutorial, senkoskipper, senko skipper, Hey Skipper
Id: _KL8ej_8jMs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 11sec (671 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 15 2018
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