I Tied a Camera to My Surf Fishing Rig! Complete Game Changer

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oh oh oh oh oh fish on fish on holy cow that's a good one good morning folks welcome to another beautiful day here along the florida gulf coast now if you've been watching my channel you know that i'm in destin florida this week on a little mini vacation if you didn't see my last dustin video i took the gopro off the beach and i saw quite a few fish swimming up and down the beach so i said gotta go beach fishing driving a pretty good ways from the condo to find some public beach access spots and that's one of the secrets to having a good fishing day is find a beach access spot that has no condo around it because it's a little more secluded less people around and so we are rigged for anything and everything today and i am super excited to see what we can catch beautiful sunrise coming up this morning it looks mighty good out here i think this is going to be as good a place as any to set up right here so let's get to fishing first thing i'm going to do folks is try and catch some sand fleas in the surf because we need some bait all right got some this is a perfect size little sand flea right here good bait for anything out there on the beach on this first rod we are tossing out a p a sand flea and also a little piece of sand flea flavored fish bites on the tip of that sand flea this works good for anything and everything out here i'm also going to toss out a little rod and i'm going to put it right here in the surf because the little rods always get hit at least that is my experience while our rods are out let's chunk the spoon and see if we can get either a good fish or some bait hope guys i think our small rod's on down here let's go see oh yeah oh oh oh this is a big one dude oh my gosh big old fish small rod got hit immediately and this dude is oh my gosh there's a dolphin trying to eat it holy cow it's a pompano i think what is it no it's a big old lady perfect i got some cut bait first fish of the day big lady fish and this is a great fish to cut up used for bait they're also fun to catch let's put a big uh ladyfish out and see what happens all right y'all big hunk of ladyfish going out right here see if there's anything big swimming around get the short rod back out because it is the only one to get hit so far we're locked and loaded here little rod immediately got smoked again guys we're on we're on i mean it's staying out there for two seconds dang feels like a decent fish maybe it's another lady heavy fish right here it hadn't jumped come on buddy what are we working with here it's a decent fish whatever it is oh yeah real good freaking fish man golly it's a pompano no way nice pompano holy cow heck yeah oh my gosh right here next to this beach guys on the little rod it never fails heck yeah real nice pompano get on up here buddy hey yeah yeah yeah yeah well we got dinner real nice keeper pompano right here on the little rod heck of a fight that is a great way to start the morning oh oh oh my brother rod's out my other rod's got one holy cow holy cow i think he came off oh well so let's go ahead and get the little rod back out i'm just pitching it maybe 20 foot from shore something like that not far at all there we go a few fish busting the surface out here i don't know if i can reach them though ah it's gonna be close i doubt it i doubt it oh god oh dude he just smoked it i got a two ounce jig i like the two ounce on the beach because you can throw it a very long ways all right and a lot of times you're going to need to do that oh oh oh oh oh fish on fish on holy cow that's a good one yep fish hole fish on come here buddy this is a pretty heavy fish right here y'all pretty dang hit good fish what are we working with oh another pump another pump heck yeah baby come on up here come on up here darling look at there guys another nice pompano on the little rod whew come here come here he's trying to get on out of here no sir no sir another keeper pompano right here guys i'm only going to keep one that's all i want so we're going to let this guy go go go go whoa there he goes what a way to start the morning we have got a four rod spread going we've got a little rod right here with sand we've got a big cut bait right there for a shark or a redfish we've got our pompano rod out there with sand flea fish bites and then on the very end we've got a really tiny uh ultra light right in the surf with six pound test in case these fish are super finicky oh guys our little rod just went completely slack right here hold on got it got it there's a fish there's a fish feels like a pretty decent one too oh yeah nice whiting check this out heck yeah it's a nice one definite keeper fish i may throw him in there with my pompano it doesn't get much nicer of a day than this right here look at this emerald green water oh guys we got one we got one on the small rod right here he just slammed it yeah oh i came off dude dang no he's back on he's on he's on he's on we got some one nailed the small rod oh yeah this is a good fish too that was on the sand flea man those sand fleas are getting it done today dude another nice lighting guys check this out that is why you always put a small rod in the surf right here and that's a fine one oh yeah dude what a whiting guys this is tony he has a channel he's a content creator in my area i'll link his information below they are one of the best tasting fish out here so don't sleep on these guys if you see them in the surf that's why it's important to keep the small rods the mini rods out because they have such light line that on a day where it's super clear they may entice a bite which that one just did this little rod just got popped down here there he is he's running down the beach y'all he's running down the beach there he is that's another decent one heck yeah oh this may be a pomp guys this is a nice fish here come here buddy look what a nice whiting right here y'all heck yeah another good one the bite has kind of slowed down and i want to find out why so we've got the go fish cam right here tied on to our pompano rig and we're going to chunk this out and see get some underwater footage see how those fish are reacting [Applause] so the very first thing we see right here is a school of blue fish and they are not interested we have shrimp on our hooks and these guys just didn't want any part in it and there's a nice pompano swimming by right there obviously not interested in another nice pompano and as i said the bite had really shut down and so as you see these fish just aren't hungry at all or they at least they don't want what we have to offer there's a lady fish coming into frame and even the ladyfish isn't hungry which is very unusual because if you know anything about ladyfish they tend to eat anything and everything here's a hardtail that's a big blue runner aka hardtail and he isn't he he seems semi-interested but he's not he's not taking the bait so and look at the pompano on the right hand side of the screen nice pompano yeah that hard tail is like nah i'm good now check this out coming into frame top right corner of your screen watch closely you'll see two big tarpon how cool is that and those are nice ones the silver king that is really cool to catch on camera big old tarpon and there's a cigar minnow lots of cigar minnows swimming around another pesky hardtail not interested just want to play with this food when a fish won't take a shrimp you know that they're not really in a feeding mode some more ladyfish it's really cool to see how these fish react under water this is just a standard pompano rig that we're using right here and you know this is a very popular rig it's what most people use on the beach so look at all these hardtails and school of hardtails and can't even get a bite there's a needle fish and then here comes a school of pompano nice school of pompano swimming right by not interested you know sometimes they're just not interested so folks that turned into a pretty eventful morning out here i'm going to show you a little clip of our condo that we're staying in after i do my outro in case you want to book the same experience it is an airbnb right on the beach before i do that guys if you like this video please shoot me a big thumbs up everything i'm involved with is linked in my description below i'm a licensed realtor along the coast here so if you're looking to buy or sell a house hit me up other than that folks we will catch you next time this is our condo for the next week as i mentioned uh my subscriber seth was nice enough to give us this beautiful condo right here on the beach i don't know if you can hear let me show you right here on the beach in dustin florida this condo is called the beach house i will link all of that in my description below in case you want to come stay here if you didn't see my last dustin video go check it out it's linked in my description below uh but i just wanted you to show you this is a two bedroom two bath condo with a really nice kitchen granite countertops full functioning kitchen which is great uh for me and melanie because we like to cook at the house and so big thumbs up to seth for uh hooking us up for the week again i will link all of his information below in case you want to book this condo for yourself
Channel: AnglerUp with Brant
Views: 859,026
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Nc9xUT-Pd4M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 13sec (853 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 06 2022
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