STOP LOSING FISH W/ THIS RIG! Fishing Rig Tutorial (Inshore/Pier/Surf Fishing)

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guys ladies and gentlemen we need to have a talk I've seen a lot of people lately use this one particular rig that I just cannot approve of this is one of the Jang Kia strings I've ever seen and I see so many people using it I don't want to offend anyone out there who who is using this rig but I want to offer you guys a different solution the rig I'm talking about is this metal ring from Walmart or from whatever tackle shop that you guys get them from it's an all metal rig with clips to hold on the hooks and steel leaders as the main line there's no reason why I need to be using a metal leader rig there's just no reason it's just completely unnecessary you can build the same thing for much cheaper much quicker this metal arm that attaches to the main leader line is completely unnecessary you can you can achieve the same thing using your regular monofilament fishing line which is like I've got this whole roll for three dollars and I can't I probably probably a hundred of these rigs it looks like this pretty heavy-duty but like I see people clipping their hooks on with these swivels and it's just do not do that please stop fishing like this I beg you so I think that this rig in general looks very unnatural that's why I don't like it it's unnatural and the way that the hooks are held on it's unreliable but I do truly feel you can do the same rig using monofilament line and that's exactly what I want to show you today and when you tie it the way I'm telling you to tie it it'll be a much more natural presentation and it's better for landing fish as well so let's get to the bill first things first we're gonna need some kind of monofilament or fluorocarbon line that's gonna be your main line right there I'm using 20-pound line right here next we're gonna use hooks we're gonna need some hooks I'm using size two aughts right here and these are bait holder hooks you see these barbs that's so the baits will stay on and not slide off the shank of the hook very easily we're gonna need a swivel because this keeps your line from tangling up when you're fishing in moving water your we'll be spinning around and you don't want your line to get tangled that's what this helps prevent and a sinker I typically like to use pyramid sinkers with this rig but it really depends on where you're fishing you were you fishing in a place with rocky bottom I would use more of a Bank sinker like that or an inline sinker like that but I'm going to demonstrate with this pyramid the final thing that I like to add are colorful beads to attract the fish these are made of glass but there's all sorts of plastic ones you can use as well for way cheaper different sizes different colors and these all serve a purpose we're trapped fish and to protect your knots so let's get started on this build first off I'm gonna try and replicate the same thing except made with monofilament line here and all we're really going to do is tie two dropper loops here and here these are very basic knots if you don't know how to tie this I teach how to tie all sorts of different knots on our website hey skipper fishing calm I've got blueprints for all sorts of different rigs if you don't know how to tie these you need to learn how to tie these first and foremost go to our site check out our crash courses learn these knots and come back to this video if you already know how to tie these knots great I'm going to show you how to tie the dropper loop knot very quickly so first make a circle like this and then you're going to continue to twist these two lines together about eight times and then pull it through the middle just like that and look at how they stack just like that see how perfectly now we're going to lick it and gently pull to tighten now it's fully tightened so we've got the first dropper loop now we're gonna do one more dropper loop right here and you can make these loops as long as you want or as short as you want if you want them longer and make the circle bigger if you want them shorter make the circle smaller just like that I want them about 2 to 3 inches long not too long not too short so now I'm going to attach this swivel to the top just like this and I'm using the improved clinch knot here and if you don't know how to tie this you can slow this video down and learn oh look at how nicely that stacks up this is one of my favorite knots to tie it's really easy to do on the field and it's really important to know how to do these knots on the field because otherwise you'll be wasting time learning how to tie it while the fish are biting and that is the worst case scenario y'all and then now here's the bottom of the rig we're just going to tie a surgeon's knot right here just like that this is where the sinker will go just like this you see this the same thing and then the first dropper loop is right here this is the fun part this is where you can put a bead on here or choose not to put a bead on here I'm gonna put on a colorful let me put on a little colorful red one right here just like that pinch it and push it through just like that and then put the hook right through and pull and there we have it there's our first hook now our second one let's do a red and yellow one like this yeah that looks good looks kinda like a Dragon Ball I don't know why your reminds me that yeah we're gonna do the same thing now you don't need beads you don't need beads at all I like putting them on there because they look nice and I think they attract fish there we go and then we're gonna put this right through and pull and then we have it at the bottom we're gonna put on the sinker whatever sinker you think is gonna be best for your area and we have just tied the same rig except on monofilament line without all the you know the metal unnatural looking metal on here and it's gonna be cheaper to tie it this way than to continue to buy this you see the difference this way you can adjust how long you want your rig how short you want your rig how long you want these arms what color is right here what's hook size you want right here and you don't have to worry about this snapping because this will be a much better connection right here then whatever the heck this thing is this is failed to me fail Shane Shane Shane start learning to tie these rigs he'll save you a lot of time a lot of money a lot of headache a lot of frustration if I offended anybody with this rig I'm sorry this is just how I feel about it I've kept my mouth quiet about it for a long enough but I see so many people using this and the problem I see with that is people are going to be losing their fish people are going to be giving fish piercings people are going to be leaving hooks in fish's mouth people are going to be leaving gear like this in the bottom of the ocean and that's just not something I don't want to see for those people who still think they should use this comment below and let me know what why are you all using this what benefit do you see in using this - the fact that you don't have to tie your own ring I might be missing something I could be completely wrong here but in my opinion I think this is a wave to use than this and if I'm wrong tell me what's up comment below otherwise if anyone decides to tie this up send us a message let us know how it worked out for you if you have any questions we are here to help some bait that goes perfectly with this rig is our bait right here scooty bits this is an entire bottom half of the squid this is these are the jigging tentacles now the tentacles will go great on the bottom of these hooks right here because they'll naturally float through the water looking and smelling like something naturally in the water it's great because you don't have to freeze it it's great in the refrigerator it's great bait our job here at hey skipper is to help as many people get on fish as possible we just want you guys to get out and get fishing we have the blueprints for this rig as well as many other rigs on our website hey skipper fishing comm in fact we've got a whole library full of ebooks and crash courses to teach you guys exactly how we do our fishing learn how to tie knots learn how to tie different rigs learn how to read the surf all sorts of different knowledge on our website hey skipper fishing comm and I encourage you to go on there and learn as much as possible before you go out and fish here in hey skipper we want to make it easy for people to learn how to fish and I'm glad we could have this talk I can finally get this off my chest thank you guys for watching I hope you learned something have a great one and I'll see you next week [Music] [Music]
Channel: Hey Skipper
Views: 450,349
Rating: 4.8622022 out of 5
Keywords: fishing tutorial, how to fishing, fishing rig tutorial, best fishing rig, fishing, how to fishing rig, how to make fishing rigs, how to tie fishing rigs, pier fishing rig, fishing help, hey skipper, hey skipper fishing, senko skipper, senko skipper fishing, fishing rig, catch more fish, fishing tips, pier fishing rigs
Id: -NvFM9ZdchQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 50sec (650 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 30 2020
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