Top 3 LIVE BAIT RIGGING MISTAKES (Underwater Evidence)

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all right it is finally complete after one year of underwater investigation on what live bait actually looks like depending on if you're in a boat like we are if you're fishing from shore if you're fishing with pinfish croak or shrimp how many different baits do you guys go through you name it just about every bait you could use in shore so many hours underwater so here's why we did this captain peter deeks here as you know is one of our fishing coaches and he is known for his live bait master course that was of course we put out gosh it's probably been a couple years now and one of the big things that you always were like man if i could just take nice cameras underwater and film exactly what all of these different bait fish look like yeah why they're rigged sure like it would change everything and you guys did it yeah no we definitely did and being a charter captain i'm always explaining to my customers what to do what not to do and without being able to see your bait it's really hard to understand so like they say you know an image is worth a thousand words so i wanted to show everyone what your baits look like under the water with different rigs hooks conditions current no current and how those baits are interactive you know if there's current you've got your line tight bait doesn't look natural you're not going to get a strike so without actually being able to see that on in the water you don't know and now you're able to see exactly what's causing most anglers most weekend warriors and even some guides to actually lose fish because their bait is not being presented in the right way and so we are going to give you a chance to get the entire full course and by the way when peter calls me and says joe like i learned more than i have ever learned filming this course you know what's good but we wanted to review some of the really the top three mistakes that you're seeing a lot of anglers uh really suffer from right sure why they're using live baits what's number one uh so let's talk about this real quick a misconception with live bait is that because you're using the real thing fish just want to eat it no matter what it's just get it in the water it's not magic so let's talk about shrimp here first so the old shrimp how you hook your baits is is going to dictate what they look like in the water and so the key to using live bait is keeping them looking as natural as possible in the water you want it to look like it does not have a hook or line attached to it so with shrimp the biggest mistake is see anglers make is they hook shrimp right in the middle of the back everybody everybody i mean when i was a kid you know shrimp have a little spot there usually yep i always thought that's where you put your hook oh yeah i mean everybody does it that doesn't allow a shrimp to look natural in the water it actually makes it spin if there's any kind of current the hook is heavy and makes the shrimp sit upside down so you're really making a shrimp look as unnatural as possible hooking in the back the biggest mistake ice anglers make so where you want to hook a shrimp is in the head or the tail it keeps the shrimp looking streamlined in the water i always say if you're not hooking it in the head or the tail it's a fail so just remember that with shrimp oh say that again that's a little catchy don't forget it if it's not hooked in the head or the tail it's a fail easy as that keep that shrimp looking natural let it swim let it look right so that's the head what's it supposed to look like in the tail how you rigging it and what i love about this course this is not just saying hey this is because my grandfather taught me how to do this this is not because i had success last week you guys take these rigs which is why it took a year to do this in every kind of scenario possible right and show exactly what it looks like to a predator fish i learned so much from watching this is awesome yeah so looking that look at that in the water you know it looks like a shrimp without a rig in it it's able to behave look right okay and one more thing that i want to show you with shrimp is if you're fishing in heavy current go ahead and pinch the tip of the tail off on the shrimp whether it's live or dead frozen doesn't matter pinch the very tip of the tail off and then you're going to get your hook hook it bottom to top close to the end right here and you're going to center it this is going to keep that shrimp very streamlined in the water it's going to keep it from spinning it's going to send scent out behind it the fish are going to find this bait really quick you're going to catch bottom dwellers you're going to catch visual feeders like snook and tarpon you're going to catch just about everything so if you're fishing in heavy current take the tip of the tail off hook it just like that and uh and you're going to catch a lot more fish yeah and wait you guys see it in this underwater course it is so cool to see exactly what that looks like when it's down on the on the bottom it is it is awesome yeah it'll make so much more sense when you can see in the water yep cool all right so let's talk about mistake number two and this is something that happens in heavy current right right okay what do we got okay we got a real lively pinfish there this is our guinea pig when you're fishing in heavy current it is so important to hook your baits properly when you're fishing in current you almost want to picture that you're trolling your bait so in your mind imagine trolling your bait behind a boat how would you rig your bait when you're trolling well you always hook them up towards the face because you're dragging your baits you want to look as natural as possible i see so many people fishing improperly so the biggest mistake is when fishing and current hooking your bait in the tail or towards the tail i see charter captains doing this really good anglers it's a huge mistake especially if you're in current fishing a pass fishing in deep water and you're using a weight if you hook your bait like that it's going to twirl and spin underwater and look very unnatural you're not going to get the strikes and um and not even just heavy current because i've seen the videos where you you show it in super heavy current moderate current and no current even just a little bit of current all of a sudden that thing starts helicoptering it looks so unnatural oh it was such an aha moment watching it underwater yeah it kills the baits it doesn't look natural to the predators it's just it's a terrible way so i'll show you the proper way real quick this is a pinfish you want to hook your baits to be as centered and streamlined as possible so with a pinfish like this hook through bottom jaw through the top keep it super center just like that it's as easy as that in the heavy current that bait's gonna look very natural it's gonna live a long time um but i just see a lot of people making that mistake it's really easy heavy current hook it forward keep it streamlined all right mistake number three some of the tackle stores might not like this but i saw what happens looking underwater and you've seen it just from years and years and years of being on the water what do we got so to avoid so this is this is just super simple and it's a mistake that almost everybody makes if you're gonna fish go as light as you can and make it look as natural as you can aka don't buy don't buy metal leaders i mean so many people use these and it just looks so unnatural it makes your bait look unnatural there's all of this hardware so the key to fishing live bait is modify your tackle to be as light and unnoticeable as possible so there's no reason you need to use a six ought hook metal leader and uh beads in a weight when you're fishing live bait and wait wait you see it in the course it might as well have a flag waving around saying i'm not really live bait right it's br it's so loud under water compared to that so much more than you would think and it doesn't allow the baits to swim naturally there's just everything about it is negative so when you're fishing for fish big predators whether you're fishing for small fish big fish there's no reason not to go as light as possible this right here 30 pound fluorocarbon leader about two feet of line we've got a little split shot here to match the weight go bigger smaller and then we have a one ought little j-hook you can go a j-hook a circle hook you could go a an octopus hook and just go as light as possible with this rig here you can catch tarpon snook trout sheepshead snapper anything and so you would think this right here is going to catch you big fish strong fish it's not you're not going to get the strike it's not any stronger this is cheap affordable easy and it's going to allow you to catch the fish because your bait's going to look natural and there's been so many personal best and even world record fish caught on just a simple rig like that yeah i mean that's that's all you need right there yeah and i think a lot of people might be thinking right well why do tackle stores sell this and and how did i catch a fish using a you know a pre-brought rig or how did i catch a fish rigged the wrong way of course it can obviously happen but this entire course the reason we did this was to take someone who is moderately consistent and taken the next level this is about instead of catching two fish in a day catching four six ten this is all about maximizing your time so if you're happy with where you are and you're catching more fish than you could possibly imagine then this might not be the right course for you but if you're like most of us who want to go out there and catch more fish who want to go out there and just get more strikes more consistently and also just just being able to visualize what your bait looks underwater it changed everything for me i know it changed it for you just being able to say wow like that's what my bait is doing during this exact scenario right yeah no this is a tool that i think that everybody should have and being able to see what your bait and rigs and everything on the end of your line looks like in the water under different situations and being able to use that to modify it to your technique so no matter where you live what you're fishing for you can use this to modify your skills and to be able to catch just about everything yep and the cool part is it's interactive as well so we'll all be in there answering questions kind of like having a full-time fishing guide in your back pocket and if you guys remember about the last time we did a course with captain peter deeks his one little caveat was i don't want every single one of my competitors and everyone knowing this so there's only 400 copies we did and we shut it down it has been shut down since then so two years that course has been shut down that's that live bait mastery so this one is going to be very similar it is going to have a cap to it we haven't completely agreed on what that is but at any point we might shut it down again so get yours today it is going to be at a massive massive discount especially when you compare it to like just spending a day with you let alone 30 days with you to film what it would take on and cole here with this 50 000 camera whatever it is and all the underwater casings and stuff so much went into this course and it truly will change the way you fish regardless if you're already a live angler or if you're kind of like myself and luke who fish a lot of artificial but always want to become better and more consistent with live bait or if you're just a beginner in general and you want to skyrocket your results and catch more fish and outfish all of your friends this will give you an edge over your buddies and it's going to give you an edge over the fish so click down below see if we still have some copies left and i can't wait to see you inside the course it's going to be good it will for sure you
Channel: Salt Strong
Views: 718,979
Rating: 4.8302422 out of 5
Keywords: underwater bait forensics, how to rig shrimp, how to rig pinfish, how to rig mulllet, best live bait fishing course, underwater bait video, underwater fishing video, best fishing course, live bait fishing, live bait mistakes
Id: gnQbfEiMO8Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 7sec (667 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 19 2020
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