Florida Pier Fishing: Don't Make These Mistakes

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[Music] what's up everyone today i am covering common mistakes that new peer anglers new jetty anglers honestly new dock anglers encounter and mistakes that are easily fixable so i'm going to keep saying pier throughout the video but just know that it really applies to any land-based place piers jetties inlets anything like that all of these mistakes and fundamentals are really applicable to anyone who fishes those areas [Music] it's worth mentioning that i've been fishing places like these for most of my life and while i do pretty good a lot of trips there's plenty of trips where i don't catch much or i don't catch anything and anyone who has a little bit of experience knows that that's kind of part of fishing and that's part of why fishing i think is so awesome because if it was easy if you were successful every single time it wouldn't leave that desire it wouldn't light that fire under you to get better to do better and to question what did i do wrong what could i change what could i do to put myself in a better situation to catch fish so just know that if you're not catching them every time completely normal but let's dive into the video let's cover some fundamentals some things that you guys can do to put yourself in better situations to catch more fish from the pier we'll divide this up into three main mistakes three principles if you will the first mistake is picking the wrong spot so you've made it out to the pier but you're fishing in the wrong spot on the pier there's thousands of feet thousands of areas that you really could fish and you're just not fishing in the right spot secondly is you're presenting your bait your lure whatever it is in the wrong way you're not actually doing the right presentation it doesn't look natural and that's why you're not hooking any fish and lastly you've done everything right you've hooked the fish but the way you're fighting the fish is completely wrong and end up losing it because you're not using the right techniques to actually land the fish and get them on the pier so those are going to be our three common mistakes that we're going to be fixing let's dive in the first mistake is picking your spot on the pier where are you actually going to be fishing should be should you be fishing near the beach should you be fishing at the end should you be fishing in between the sand bars who's who's to know there's a bunch of different places that you can be so let's break this down the first thing that i'm going to suggest you guys look for is bait now bait name may not always be as obvious as it is in this clip that i have planned right now this giant dark school around the end of the pier that is all pilchards that is all bait fish and sometimes it is and sometimes it isn't but a good indicator of whether or not there is bait where you are is is there a shadowy spot and does it move around it's probably going to be bait if there's bait that is the first place that i'm going to try fishing and what i'm going to do is i'm going to fish on the edge of the bait school i want my bait to be presented in a way that it looks natural but it's standing out just enough that it's going to get eaten because if i'm fishing my bait that's exactly like the rest of them smack dab in the middle that's a needle in a haystack that a fish is never going to be able to find so we want to put them right on the edge right in that strike zone if there's no obvious bait the next thing that i'm going to do is i'm going to look for the actual fish that might be around i'm going to look whether it might be snook hanging out underneath the pier whether it's some spanish mackerel patrolling up and down or it's a giant school with jack crevalles that are just passing by a lot of the time anglers will miss they'll just make the mistake of not looking in the water and not paying attention to their surroundings and there's a giant school of bluefish swimming right next to them and they're not just not fishing next to those bluefish if they went another 50 feet to the south or 50 feet to the west they would have actually caught some fish so paying attention to your surroundings pro tip get yourself a pair of polarized sunglasses if you're just wearing sunglasses from the dollar store get yourself you know a cheap pair of polarized and you're going to be able to see into the water a lot better because the polarization allows the glare to be cut down on the water you're gonna be able to see see some fish and put yourself in a better situation i can't tell you guys how many times that i've seen a guy that he's got the right rod he's got his expensive reel he's got the right bait and he's snook fishing he's underneath the pier in the right kind of location but he didn't take the time to walk up and down the pier and just look and see if there were snook hanging around three piling sets down from the dude there's a giant school of snook but he has no idea because he just didn't take the time to physically or visually look into the water and see if there was any snook around you you have it's just it seems so silly but it just it is what it is and you know sometimes people you know miss easy things like that that would have put them in a great situation to catch some nice fish so you know moral of the story is is look see if there's some fish around pay attention to your surroundings and you might just catch an awesome fish if there's no obvious bait schools if there's no obvious fish around the next thing that i'm going to do is i'm going to try and fish in areas that i know are more likely to hold fish than others so first thing you're not going to want to do is cast on top of a sand bar you're anytime you're fishing a pier there's of course there's going to be sand bars fish aren't going to typically travel on those what you are going to want to do is you're going to want to fish in between the sand bars so anytime there's a trough fish on the back side of a sandbar areas like that they're just avenues for fish to migrate through and plenty of fish are going to be swimming up and down next you're going to want to look for structure what's the easiest structure to find when you're fishing on a pier oh yeah you in the back okay the pilings it's it seems kind of silly but those pilings have been there forever they have a bunch of barnacles on them those barnacles are homes crabs shrimp there are plenty of areas for little orange for fish to feed on so fish around those pilings use that structure to your advantage don't be afraid to snag the pilings and break off and lose your rig that's just it's part of fishing it happens to me all the time and i've been doing it forever just put yourself in that situation think about where the fish would hang out are they going to hang out out in the desolate area where there's no bait nothing going on are they going to hang around the pilings where there might be some fish there might be some shrimp or crabs or something like that that they can feed on there may be reef there may be other structure that you know about on this pier so fishing on that reef may put you in a better situation to get hooked up by just fishing on the bare sand that the bare desert think about where the fish might want to hang out and i'm willing to bet you guys are going to catch more fish or at least hook more fish lastly if none of the three things have worked for you if you can't see any bait you haven't seen any fish and you know you've been fishing around the structure and you're just not really getting anything but there's another guy on the pier and he just seems to be catching stuff you should try and pay attention to where that guy's fishing and what he's doing pure anglers are pretty friendly for the most part so you know maybe politely go up and ask what that guy's doing pay attention to it fish around them don't fish on top of them that's just rude but you can fish around that same area it's a public place try and see what they're doing and if there's someone catching something and it's a tightly tight little area fishing around that area you might just hook something y'all if you like these kind of how to tackle technique type videos be sure to hit the thumbs up button that's going to allow this video to be shared with other people and allow the channel to grow put me in the position to make more videos like this for you guys so hit that thumbs up button now let's get back to it secondly secondly is that a word um the second mistake that someone makes or that newbie peer anglers or newbie land-based fishermen make is they're improperly presenting their bait and i could go on and on about this i could honestly probably write like a whole ebook on just improper presentations or what proper presentations should look like but for the sake of this youtube video let's just stick to the fundamentals let's stick to what you can apply to a little bit of everywhere we'll divide it up into dead baits live baits and lures and start right off with dead baits dead baits typically are going to be fish best on the bottom not saying that that's the only way but for simplicity's sake and for the simplicity of this video let's just say that we're fishing all our dead baits on bottom you want to use the lightest weight that you can just the lightest weight that you can get away with the lightest weight that the outside conditions are going to allow you to use so what i mean by that is let's say there's a lot of current you want to use just enough weight that you're going to be able to hold bottom with whatever deadbait that you're using you don't want it getting swept heavily and just getting dragged and not looking real you want to keep that bait in that strike zone you want to keep that dead bait in that strike zone there's your lead down there kicking up a bunch of sand it's going to look a little bit suspicious to fish you might need to cast really far so you might need to use a heavier weight in order to cast it out to that strike zone out to that area maybe there's a bait school out there and you're trying to get a bottom bait right on the edge of the bait school you might need to use a heavier weight just to get out there and lastly how big is your bait you might need a bigger lead for a bigger bait shark fishing off the beach for instance we used to use whole pieces of cinder block in order to keep our bait down now think about how ridiculous like a little pilchard would look if you're using a cinder block of course that's ridiculous a little pilchard this big i'm gonna probably be using like a split shot or you know maybe a half ounce egg at the most and it's really conditions based but you want to think you you want with all of these things with dead baits live baits lures i want you guys to imagine what would it look like if a fish was actually about to eat this bait is it natural enough can you actually imagine a fish eating this bait or does it just look absolutely ridiculous now fish do eat ridiculous things right but if we think through this a little bit logically does it look like a natural presentation or does it not let's err on the side of natural presentations in order to put us in the best position to catch some more fish my baits can be fished in a myriad of ways but for simplicity's sake let's just focus on live baits being fished on a flat line so that would be just a hook and a leader no weight or anything like that so the bait is able to swim around naturally now you want to match your hook to your bait size so if you're fishing that three inch four inch long pilchard you don't want to stick a 10 0 12 0 shark hook in it number one it's going to look ridiculous but think about what that's going to do to your bait it's not going to be able to swim around and it's probably going to die very prematurely compared to what it would have if you would have used like let's say a 1-0 or a 2-0 hook something that it can actually swim around with and look like an actual bait look like it's natural self and predatory fish are going to react to that if there's a giant hook dragging it down they're going to be like what the heck man i'm not going to eat this thing but if it just has the little hook and it just looks like maybe a bait that's just slightly struggling it's just slightly different from the pack then that fish is going to pounce and then that fish is going to eat that live bait so just think through it a little bit logically take the time to change your hook size and match your hook to your bait our line is going to do the exact same thing so if we're using 100 120 pound test on a little tiny bait it's not going to be able to drag that around because that thick heavy leader or thick heavy line is just going to be dragging it down so if we can drop down our leader if we have the ability to for sure drop the leader down drop the line down use a lighter rod or something like that and it's going to make the bait look more natural it's going to look more like something that predatory fish are going to want to eat lastly let's think about where we're casting it so my rights and lefts are going to be all jacked up so i'm just going to keep saying over here but let's imagine we have the current coming from this way to that way we want to cast up current we want to cast here because that way when we cast our bait cast him out and he's swimming he's just going to swim and he's going to drift naturally if we cast him down current he's just going to start getting drugged by the current we're not going to really be able to do all that much with him so let's say there's a snook sitting right here we cast up current of the snook and our little bait swims around boom he's in the strike zone and it looks like a natural presentation makes sense guys i i hope so clear as mud you don't have any dead bait you don't have any live bait lures are still a great way to just catch a little bit of anything let's take this voodoo shrimp or this just shrimp imitation for instance it can work great but it needs the right presentation so let's think again about where the current's going if we have current coming from this way going that way we want to cast it up current and allow it to jig and move naturally just like a shrimp would get pulled by the current in the actual in the wild i guess um we want this to look naturally if we cast it down current it's just going to kind of sit there it's going to look goofy you're going to be able to jig it up and down but the current's going to keep pulling it and it's just going to sit there looking like this as opposed to jig move jig move jig move like any shrimp would next guys never i most of you have probably seen this and it's just the goofiest thing ever but i'll say it anyways because some people just don't know what they don't know lures like this rapala xraf things with treble hooks on the back of it don't don't be that guy that sticks like a whole sardine or like wraps a piece of squid around the back treble hook because you're like ah you know there could be let's add some scent to this thing and then the thing swims upside down and skips on the top of the water it doesn't doesn't look like it's supposed to these lures are designed specifically to swim in a very elegant very fish-like pattern that's why they have their builds that's why they're shaped the way they are fish the lures the way they're made now you can 100 tip jigs and things like that with bait and it's just a little bit more of an advanced technique so for simplicity sake of this video for you guys that are real beginners just fish the lure the way it's made don't over complicate things cast it out reel it it should be wobbling side to side and if it's skipping on top it's probably fouled or there might be water in it or the yeah the lure may be broken or something like that you should see it swimming looking like it should but we've covered finding the right spot on the pier we've covered presenting our lures or our baits or whatever it is in the right manner now we're hooked up to a fish we've done everything right and we're hooked up to that nice fish it's ripping some drag and we lose it for some reason for some reason we lose it we're not really thinking about what we did wrong well there's a million little mistakes that new anglers make when they're fighting their fish that lead them to losing it so let's cover some simple ones and some simple tips that can prevent i don't want to say 100 prevent but that can put someone in a much better situation put them at a greater advantage to land that nice fish the biggest thing and i can't emphasize this enough guys the biggest mistake that anglers make that new pier wranglers make when they're fighting a fish is they just stand there when they're fighting it they don't move they don't follow their fish so if the fish is swimming to the left they just kind of stand there and just watch and let jesus take the wheel and the fish is suddenly either wrapped around the end of the pier or he's got 10 other anglers tangled around his line and pop everything he lost loses everything you should follow your fish when you're hooked up to a nice fish or you hooked up even to a smaller fish you should keep them directly in front of you when you're on your pier it's much different than a boat because the boat's gonna swing around you're gonna have plenty of room and the boat's pretty short so you're able to just kind of maneuver just while keeping your feet planted but on a pier you are stationary and you need to follow that fish because not only are there other anglers there's also structure that that fish can break you off on so keeping them in front of you is huge and it's going to prevent a lot of tangles and it's going to prevent a lot of break offs move your feet can't say it enough next let's say you're fishing for snook underneath you guys returning subscribers and you know usual viewers of this channel see i do do a lot of snook fishing at the pier snook fishing is a little bit different so it's going to sound a little bit counter-intuitive counter-intuitive to what i just said and snook fishing when you're fishing underneath the pier you actually want to pull the opposite direction and kind of walk shimmy yourself the opposite direction that the fish is going that's just because the fish is going straight for a piling and you want to keep them away from that piling and the best method is to pull at the opposite angle that they're pulling so i will take a couple steps to the right or a couple steps to the left that the fish is going that opposite direction a lot of the time so if this seems confusing it's really not um a lot of this comes with time guys and don't be overwhelmed by all of this information that i'm throwing at you if you're completely new to it i'm trying to say it in as layman's terms as possible as layman's terms as possible i don't know if that makes sense but i'm trying to explain it as simply as possible for you guys if you're ever on structure let's say you did not keep up with the fish and the fish is tangled around the piling or something like that don't pull with all your might expecting the fish to come out just because you're pulling really hard a lot of the time actually loosening up and giving the fish a second to swim back around the piling is a better method a lot of times just having that little bit of patience and watching seeing what the fish is doing okay if the fish is pulling this way let me walk around this way and pull from this angle and that actually may lead to you landing that fish so slow down when you're tangled around structure structure will break your line if you're applying a lot of pressure to your line when it's rubbing up against it so this video has really only been wave tops it's really been just fundamentals and it may not be diving into the nitty-gritty like a lot of you would want but in my opinion this is kind of the best way to structure a youtube video i do want to start creating a lot more informational content for you guys so what i'm going to need from you is to comment down in the section below how you want to see informational content structured in the future would you like something that's location based so beach fishing pier fishing inlet fishing offshore fishing offshore fishing in southeast florida offshore fishing in the florida keys or would you like to see something that's species-based snook fishing fundamentals tarpon fishing redfish how to catch kingfish or would you like to see something a little bit more broad seasonally based summer fishing tactics spring fishing tactics let me know comment down below i really appreciate it guys we made it so we got through those three common fishing mistakes that guys make and y'all if this seemed a little bit too simple or if it seemed like a lot of information either way don't worry we got plenty of more fishing content coming your way more review videos more travel y'all there's a lot of stuff coming on this channel and i really can't wait i want to thank you all so much for watching and i'll see you in that next video later
Channel: Ryan Morie
Views: 81,135
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fishing, saltwater fishing, best fishing video, juno ryan, deep sea fishing, tackle techniques, tackle tuesday, fishing from florida pier, florida pier fishing, pier fishing, how to catch fish from the pier, big fish from florida pier, pier, fish, Florida Pier Fishing: Don't Make These Mistakes
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 32sec (1172 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 30 2021
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