Catch the BIGGEST fish at the Pier! 3 SIMPLE METHODS for Pier Fishing!

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[Music] [Music] [Music] hey today is our first day fishing on the west coast of florida in tampa bay the water is so beautiful here and there's wildlife everywhere when we arrived to our fishing spot the first thing we noticed was that all the people are fishing on one side of the pier that's kind of strange the second thing we noticed was that their fishing gear was all remarkably similar they each had a light rod and a reel with a goofy or banana jig tied onto the end most of the time accompanied by a fly and attached with a loop knot when we see that people are all using one type of setup to target the local fish we immediately listen and adjust our setups to match this happens to us all the time at new spots we just have to learn and adapt hey there's two primary methods of fishing i'm going to be doing one will be jigging for bait fish and for just whatever wants to bite a jig which is a lot of different kinds of fish and two i'm going to be live lining live bait so if i end up catching some smaller fish i'm going to use that as bait to catch bigger fish but first we're gonna start out with jigging let's get started okay so the goofy jig is actually a very unique looking jig it looks like a banana people also call it a banana jig it's really popular around this area i see a lot of people casting these jigs off of the bridge and jigging it back real quickly this is a really popular method and i'm going to be trying that today i think that i'm going to be catching all sorts of different kinds of fish but it's really simple to use you just cast it out flick it up let it flutter down flick it up let it flutter down really simple let's do this okay here i think this is going to work pretty well put a piece of squid on there like this i think that's going to work pretty well uh customer baby jack does everyone always fish on this side right here why not on any other side that's so strange if you look right there it was right next to this this one so that's structure on this side oh i see so let's open it on this side so the uh fish concrete right here for what fish for whatever fish what if i put a high low with some shrimp on there yeah you look at tons of pinfish mostly a lot of pinfish huh yeah it depends on your rig supposed to uh match what you're going of my suggested list really good that's good how often do you come here after work yeah yeah where right uh close to shore you saw them yeah they they always hang out in the deck oh really oh but it's not in season that's the thing maybe it's gonna be fun that's they're not gonna eat that are they oh is it very good i didn't know that right i agree okay next time i'll try that first look are they sitting there right now you think yep they're always there but it's kind of murky now so you can see yeah i'll do it thank you oh nice this is spring thank you the lizard fish and we're gonna use it for live bait for a snook now so dead all right my lizardfish just died it's been it's been gone it's gone through a lot of casts nothing i couldn't find anything with it but my dad just got a pinfish so i'm gonna put another pinfish on okay oh i think i got hit dad [Music] so [Music] [Music] snap me at the well at least not my hope holy cow thank you thank you i really want to catch one of these snook but first i have to catch more bait the next method we're going to be catching bait with this high-low rig or we can use a sabiki rig but i think we're going to be using a high-low rig today simple small hooks small weight put some fresh bait on there put some salted bait on there drop it down catch some fish but we need uh we need a cooler and some water you got a lizard fish yeah okay let's put that on live i don't know where the back of the tail it right by the pile on let it swim let it swim towards it and around it if it starts swimming that way pick it up and put it back in the water oh i got one [Music] oh it's like stuck there it's here i see it it's stuck it's stuck on one it's stuck on the pole where did i literally see it can i swim down and get it yes you can do you want to hold your vibe yeah oh my gosh can you see it uh whew there's the beast right there okay let's get a measurement 30 30. 30. okay good all right let's let it go starting to kick thank you for your help no i caught it and it got stuck around the pole and i didn't want to leave it there and let it die so i took out the fishing line and i revived it very nice yeah yeah it was a nice one that was epic who the heck thought that something would bite a lizard fish like that that was pretty wild but 30 inches is within slot too bad is not seasoned really i really want to try a snook but i i always catch it when it's not the the right season so i got to come back during stoke season lesson learned how about you it was really adrenaline rushing because it just kept shooting me under the bridge and left and right and it was really strong so when it wrapped me up around that pole i thought it was fighting but it was actually just stuck so actually you're the one who discovered that it was actually right there so it only went up to here it pulled you so far over there and i there came a point where your rod tip stopped moving so i was like i'm just gonna go see you like yeah you see it from the other side but you were like you're like don't don't fish it from there i was like what do you mean i couldn't where am i supposed to go if i if i went if i went any further i would have gotten cut by the oyster beds thanks to our new friend we got 40 pound leader which i think really helped as well that 20 pound just snapped right away for that that pin fish i'm gonna try using a pinfish this time another pinfish and maybe we can get a bigger one okay so this is how you hook the small the the bait fish right through the tail like this you want to do this so that it can swim downwards i don't want to hook the lips because it makes it swim all weird when you hook it like this and you also want to make sure that you don't hook it too much you want the hook still exposed so that it can still hook the actual fish you see it's not it's not hidden just keep walking it oh there it is bumped it yeah are you on i think i might have been known you're on the hook oh what do you why did you set the hook no it didn't suck it in all the way just stuck it up didn't matter good job dad i'm letting him go well i'll put it down in the hole like brendan told me so first up drop it down there and then swim around the pound and then next thing i know the rod form pretty hard and i let it go and then next thing i know that my line getting tight but i think he didn't realize that he got hooked yet so i tried to pull it up and then get off second time i just dropped back down the same hole and it really inhaled this time it just swallowed it and it ran with it right yeah i had my weight on him this time yeah i just bring him to the beach [Music] we both got all this stuff we both got multiple bites too i think we're gonna come back tomorrow and play the same thing maybe just a little bit so that was an interesting day got this is like the first time we've ever fished this area of tampa met some really nice people who showed me some really cool different ways of fishing and ended up getting a lot of different kinds of fish and it was really awesome to to utilize these different methods that i've seen before and that i've kind of dabbled with before but it actually worked for me well today so we ended up catching a couple of different kinds of bait we caught pinfish and lizard fish lizard fish who the heck would have thought that a snook would smoke a fish like that it just took off and ran with it and is that my phone ringing i thought i heard my phone ring anyways i'm here for another four or five days i'm gonna be trying the the different piers and the different beaches around here to see what i can get i just want to say thank you to everyone who's watching our show right now and everyone who's here to help support and and help us learn a little bit more about fishing we couldn't do it without you guys and i really love the the community that we've got i hope that you guys enjoy being in here as well and if you are interested in learning more about fishing or being a part of this community i encourage you to subscribe like this video if you like this video and it really helps support us so thank you guys for watching and i'll see you next week [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Hey Skipper
Views: 79,456
Rating: 4.9058824 out of 5
Keywords: Fishing, fishing how to, fishing, tutorial, fishing help, how to fishing, pier fishing, salt water fishing, saltwater fishing, snook, fishing rig, fishing rigs, fishing rig tutorial, bait, live bait, live lining, fishing bait, bait fishing, fishing with bait, live fishing bait, fishing knots, lizard fish, pinfish, vlog, florida fishing, hey skipper, hey skipper fishing, senko skipper, senko skipper fishing
Id: Qhc_wuRCFa4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 54sec (1194 seconds)
Published: Thu May 13 2021
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