Top 5 DIY Saltwater Fishing Rigs When Using Bait, Cheap And Easy To Make

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hey fishing friend jc here with rad railing fishing i upload quality content all the time make sure you subscribe in this video i'm going to be sharing with you different ways to rig for inshore saltwater fishing with hooks swivels and sinkers this is going to be an awesome video so let's get to it right after this all right guys for all of these rigs i'm just using braided lines so that you can see it um you're going to be using monofilament fluorocarbon or possibly even wire if you're fishing for toothy critters barracuda and sharks and stuff like that this first rig is just a free line or a weightless rig it's just got a hook tied onto the line is all i'm going to use this when i'm fishing in really shallow water with shrimp or greenbacks pinfish i use a weightless rig a free line very often when i am snook fishing around bridges in and out of current i like that bait to have as natural of appearance as possible so you'll see me using a free line often that is unless i want to get my pen fish down and get him to stay on the bottom when i'm snook fishing then i'm probably going to be using a two ounce weight on there or sometimes i'll add a split shot if i want it to go down it just depends on the current but that's your free line or your weightless rig this next rig is a knocker rig if you've been watching my videos you see i like to fish for sheepshead this way this is where the sinker just slides down on top of the hook one of the main advantages of using a knocker rig there's several advantages but one of the things that i like is see how it knocks if you happen to get hooked onto a rock or some type of structure you can basically just bounce that sinker around and and that slack that's in there it'll cause it to to pull the hook off of the structure or you get that knocking effect where it helps to knock the hook off of the structure but i like using a knocker rig for that reason and also another reason i like using an aqua rig is when you're casting your bait and that weight is right down on the hook you get a really accurate you can get a really accurate and far cast with that weight that way it's an easy way to rig also so yeah you're just tying that hook on and sliding the sinker on right so there's your knocker rig now with just about any of these rigs guys you can add swivels on to attach your braided line to your monofilament or whatever this is just another this is another version of a knocker rig here i've got the swivel tied here okay so that sinker can only go a certain distance and what that does is when this thing lands out there you've casted it right your bait lands down there if you're in current or you got live bait that kerner is going to want to pull your bait away this way and so when you have that swivel on there it basically limits the distance that your bait can travel from the sinker so that's just kind of another version of their knocker rig if you're not tying your leader line directly onto your braided fishing line you can use a swivel you can limit that at that distance right there one of the things i'd like to note about a knocker rig is sometimes if you're using a small hook and a large weight the size of the hole on this large weight will cause the weight to go over the eye of the hook and what actually happens is the weight will slide down on the hook there's a couple of ways that you can stop that from happening you just take a pair of needle nose pliers and just crimp your your weight you can close the size of that hole another option is you can always add a some type of bead on there beads have a specific purpose we'll be talking about that in a little while so yeah your your knocker rig that's just designed to get your bait down there on the bottom as close to the bottom as possible and like i said i think it just makes it easier to cast when you're fishing with a knocker egg too so next up we have what's called the fish finder rig here and i actually added on that little bead on this one where the swivel attaches to the leader line going down to the hook now that bead has some different types of purposes there um what i mentioned earlier it'll keep that sinker from sliding over the a small hook but also it tends to protect the knot where you tied your knot rather than having the sinker the rough edge of the sinker rubbing on that you get the benefit of that bead helping to protect the knot so so the same advantage of using a fish finder rig like the knocker rig is that if you get hung up on some type of structure you can jerk that sinker back and forth and that sink will go down it'll you know pull up and down on the hook and i'll help get the hook unhung from the structure now one of the things that i didn't mention about the knocker rig and the same applies with the fish finder rig is you see how that line slides through the sinker you're going to be able to feel a fish bite better whenever that line is sliding through the sinker like that whenever you have a sinker that is permanently attached then you're feeling the weight of the sinker and not so much the actual bite on the line so i'll show you an example of that [Music] some places some places sell sinkers like this that actually have a swivel on each end so if you had your your your hook line coming off of one end and then your main line coming off of the other end of that type of sinker you're going to be feeling the sinker the weight of the sinker more than you're going to feel the fish bite you know i don't use a bead to protect the knot because i'm either eventually going to get hung up on a rock and i'm going to break off or i'm going to hook into a big fish he's going to hang me up and i'm going to get broke off so i don't mess around with beads so next up we have the modification of the freeline rig or the weightless rig and that's done with a crimp weight or what's called a split shot now if you can see that how that's shaped this is the type of weight that you you crimp it onto your line but on the back side it has a place where you can actually crimp it uh squeeze it and it'll come off your line so let me put that on there so i use these whenever i start out with a free line and then there might be you know more current than what i anticipated and i want to get a little bit of weight on there to get my bait down deeper in the water column and i'm just going to crimp that on there with a pair of pliers or use my teeth once you get it crimped on if you you know you can add more weight depending on the current or the depth of water you know how many weights that you need but if you want to take the weight off it's just as simple as pinching on the back side and the weight will come right off so make sure you get the version of the split shot that you can take off your hook the crimp weight all right so this next one is a pretty fancy rig that has several different ways that it can be rigged up it's called a dropper rig i've heard people call this a chicken rig when there's a couple of hooks on there but basically what you're going to do you've got the weight at the bottom of the rig and then your hooks are up here and what makes this a great rig i've been using this for sheepshead fishing is because your weight is on the bottom when you get a a bite you actually are able to feel the fish because you're not feel you can feel the weight of the weight but when you get a bite it's in between the end of your fishing pole and the weight so you can feel the bite better but there's a couple of different ways to rig up the hooks right here i've got the first hook put on right here i've got the first hook put on with a three-way swivel i tend to not use three-way swivels um just because i think it's just more hardware for things to get tangled up in right for your line to get wrapped around and your hooks to get your other hooks to get hook hooked on so basically what i do is i just tie my hook on right like this and this is tied on with what's called a dropper loop okay i don't necessarily use a dropper loop whenever i create my rig like this that the knot is called a dropper loop i use more of what's called a surgeon's knot where i just put the hook on there and i i thread it through the loop about three times and then i pull it tight so this is your so that's what your so that's what your drop rig looks like you can have multiple hooks i use this type of rig when i'm catching pinfish and when i want to have multiple hooks like when i'm sheepshead fishing [Music] so let me show you some variations on the sinker down here so there's several different sinker types you can use with this rig but most of them have some type of a loop that you can put the line through it's a pyramid sinker here you can see that that type of sinker right there has the little loop on it as well so on the bottom of the line where the sinker goes let me take this sinker off and show you what i did all right so on the bottom of the line i've just tied a loop on the bottom like that the way you put your weight on is you take that loop you slide it through the eye you pinch it slide it through the eye of the weight once you slide it through you open up that loop and then you put the weight through the loop all the way through the loop like that and then you pull it up tight to the eye that's on the sinker and that way you can change your weights out you can start out with you know half ounce if you want to change to an ounce or two ounces or three ounces it's easy you just grab the loop and then you push the weight back through the loop and you can take it off that way let me show you some variations of this [Music] so one of your variations is going to be to use a snap swivel the reason you use a snap swivel is so that if your weight gets hung up in the rocks you can pull really hard the snap swivel would bend out and it would just pull the weight off so show you what that looks like you would just thread that through with your loop snap swivel would come through like that then you would snap your weight onto that like that that's what that would look like yeah oftentimes when you're fishing with heavy weights around structure it's the weight that gets hung up so all right let me show you another version of this that i saw recently at the jetties easily take this off by opening that loop pulling all that back through the loop and now i'm free to rig up with a different type of rig so i saw this at the jetties the other day the gentleman was actually just using a paper clip and he had taken a paper clip and slid it over his line that way [Music] then he had taken his weight and he slid his weight up on the paper hook clip like that probably a lot cheaper way to rig up your weights rather than using a snap swivel this way if your weight gets hung up you can really apply a lot of pressure and pull hard and of course you know that these paper clips are going to bend out pretty easy you know with the more pressure that you put on them so there are several different things that will determine the type of rig that you're going to be fishing with right number one is going to be the type of fish that you are targeting the second thing is going to be what are the conditions like in the area where you were fishing is it deep is there a lot of current um is the wind blowing really hard are there a lot of waves like if you were fishing on the beach so let me give you some examples let's take whiting for for an example right let's say you go out on the beach you're surf fishing for whiting but it is a really super flat calm day no end no waves right there's really no reason to have a gigantic sinker unless you're going to be casting your bait a very very long way right and you could rig up several different ways in that type of situation right flat calm day you could might be able to just get away with a split shot rig something lightweight if you're not casting far you could use a fish finder rig you could double up on your hooks use the dropper loop rig you could use a knocker rig right so but if the conditions on the beach were really really bad and the wind was blowing hard right then you're going to use some type of a spike sinker and you're probably going to use the dropper loop rig or you're going to use a very heavy pyramid sinker so that you'll be able to hold that bait in place or if you're fishing the beach where there's a lot of current right but here's another example i mentioned snook fishing earlier snook tend to hang out in several different areas of the water column i've heard that bigger snook hang that hang out on the bottom right and the smaller snook and currant tend to hang out on the top of the water i have seen bigger snook hang out you know on the top of the water as well in the current what they do is they face into the current waiting for the bait to come to them right but i've snook fish a lot just by freelining okay i'm in my kayak i'm in shallow water i'm around the mangroves and i'm free-lining those shrimp those shrimp will just float through the current naturally right you've got a live shrimp on there shrimp don't hang out on the bottom when they're whenever there's fast current right shrimp are basically floating through the current so you're gonna use the free line or you're going to use a free line with a split shot whenever you want to present that bait in the most natural way as possible when i snook fish with pin fish i may have mentioned it earlier in the demonstration yeah i did mention it but oftentimes i will use a free line with pinfish because i know how to hook those pinfish to get them to automatically dive down to the bottom pinfish tend to dive straight down to the bottom depending on how you hook them so when i'm yeah and it just depends on the bait that you're using right if you're fishing with a mullet mullet tend to be more of a surface type swimmers right they don't go way down deep in the water column so if you want a mullet to get way down deep you're probably going to have to use a weight if you want a mullet to just swim naturally you're going to use a free line so these different rigs apply to different types of fish that we're fishing for and also the different types of conditions that we're fishing in when i go fishing with julio and we go down to us a particular pier right there are a lot of people fishing on that pier we're using a heavy sinker number one so that our bait doesn't swim over and get all tangled up into other areas but the second reason is is that they're very big snook hanging out in that pier area and they like to hang out on the bottom right so we're basically rigged up with like a fish finder rig or a knocker rig get that bait down there close to the bottom where those big snook are at so you can see what i'm talking about right the different fish have different patterns where they hang out so yep water depth the conditions the current the wind and the different types of fish that you're fishing for or going to determine the type of rig that you or i or anybody else is going to be fishing with right so whatever fish you're targeting study that type of fish so you guys see me fishing with a knocker rig a lot i love to fish with a knocker rig because it's just easy to rig and when you get it hung up on the bottom like i said when you when you jerk it that sinker just slides all over and it knocks on the hook and it'll help get that thing unhooked off of whatever it is that it's hooked on so the knocker rig and the fish finder rig definitely give you that sensitivity feel if you've got a weight that is just tight on stationary and your line can't slip through that weight you're not going to be able to feel the fish bite as well so those are the different rigs and there's a little bit about you know why we use those rigs in different situations so study up on the place that you're going to be fishing find out what type of fish they're catching there and pay attention to the people that you're fishing around pay attention to that guy that is catching the fish this morning i was at the jetties there's a guy down there he's always catching pompano and i was watching him from a distance right i was watching him i was watching exactly how he was working that jig he was just popping that thing really light you know i'm like i'm trying to learn from somebody who has mastered how to catch pompano so wherever you go just go and study people watch what they're doing all right guys thanks for watching this video thumbs up or appreciate if you're not a subscriber please subscribe hit that bell icon i upload videos a couple times a week and i try to upload quality content so get out there and go fishing man life is fun live it see ya [Music] you
Channel: Rad Reeling Fishing
Views: 157,921
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: saltwater fishing rigs, diy, beginner, how to rig for saltwater fishing, live, bait, dropper, drop, carolina, chicken rig, multiple, hook, hooks, sinker, dropper loop, fish finder rig, knocker, crimp weight, split shot, leader, mono, flourocarbon, steal, steel, braid, braided, sinkers, how, to, how to rig, easy, do it yourself, beginner fisherman rigs, rigging fishing line for beginners, beginner saltwater fishing tips, tips, bridge fishing, surf fishing, pier fishing, inshore fishing
Id: PolsZ2Sqbs4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 35sec (1115 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 17 2021
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