The Tomb of Ultimate Evil [Full Episode] | Escape From the Bloodkeep Episode 6

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- You all begin to plummet out of the sky. - Natural one. - That's a nat one. - It's a nat one! - You hit, boom boom boom boom! (groaning) - J'er'em'ih saved you. - Thank you so much! (blubbering) - I'm going into labor. (crying) Oh, no. - You got a name for the little guy in mind yet? - Leiland Junior. - Maybe the crown should go with Leiland Junior. (baby talk) - For the first time, you are alone. With yourself. (laughing) - Your spell cards! - You finally arrive deep deep down into this ancient tomb. And all the spirits of the room must give a blessing to this child. I have been only very clear about what it is that I want! Well, if whoever that is gets to it first, then I'm gonna give it to them. Boom! The foundations of the Bloodkeep shake and I need all of you to roll initiative. (laughing) (dramatic music) (explosion) Hello and welcome back to Escape from the Bloodkeep! The final episode. My name is Brennan Lee Mulligan, I'm your humble Dungeon Master and with me as always are our vile villains. Say hello, vile villains! - Hello, vile villains! - [Brennan] We find ourselves here, in the Tomb of Ultimate Evil, where the boatman of pure evil waits in the fountain of blood. Our vile villains are here, gathered 'round with J'er'em'ih and Old Pickering. (laughing) Facing the boatman, who has said that he will bestow the force of raw, primal evil to Leiland Junior, if he is blessed by all of these spiritual statues here in the room. And we see Olag and his loyalist forces have come in and the gate has closed behind them. Is there anything that anyone says as Olag charges in? - The door happened! (laughing) - Maggie. Take the child. Climb on my back. - Okay! (laughing) - I actually run to the foot of the pool of blood and shout, stand on top of it and shout, alright, I know why you orcs, you guys all follow that idiot. Y'all, there's no turning back, but goblins, do you not see a better life? (laughing) - So Olag says, Everybody fucking charge, don't let him talk! Where you jump in to finish him. (laughing) - Olag knows all of our tricks. - Yeah, Olag has seen it before. Please, everybody remove the walls here, just put them on the tables behind you. - And am I allowed to be on Lilith's back? - [Brennan] Yeah, absolutely. - Great. - [Brennan] Lilith's got 25 strength. (battle cry) (rumbling) - The Bloodkeep rumbles. You hear the crashing of the towers of the Bloodkeep collapsing overhead. Leiland, you see the enemies here, fountain of blood, your friends. You are first to act. - Alright, I glance around the rest of you as you're preparing for this round and say, Well, let me distract them. (laughing) So I kinda just drift a few inches off the ground and glide in the direction around the blood pool. (spooky whistling) 20, 25, 30. Shouting out as beneath the helmet, these long strands of white hair kind of drift weightlessly, the eyes burning blue flame in the direction, and I scream out, orcs and goblins! Come and show me your worth or be struck down before my blade! And I cast Armor of Agathys on myself to prepare for the onslaught. And in that moment, as soon as the voice fades, you see the eyes kind of wince like (crying) preparing for the (laughing) - Hell yeah. Leiland selflessly rushes out to stand between the babe and the oncoming forces of Olag. Markus, you are next to act. (sighs) - I think the first thing Markus is gonna do is just go ahead and hide. (laughing) - That's fair. - [Matt] Checks out. - [Rekha] When you come in - Oh no! - (inaudible) of speech get interrupted and go, - [Brennan] Alright. - I'll hide. - Um, what do-- - Great start. - For hide, what is the modifier I add to my hide? - Oh, the modifier you add to your hide, that's going to be, it should be stealth. - Oh, then that's gonna be 16. - 16, cool. Rock and roll. You duck behind this stone and go flatten yourself, hide. Cool, anything else? - Yeah, I wanna sneak forward, 'cause I wanna check these guys out. - [Brennan] Okay. - [Ify] And see what they say. - So you are sort of stealthing, but what direction do you want to move in, 'cause I'm gonna ask that you end your turn behind something to obstruct you from vision. - Yeah, so I'm going to go (singing) (laughing) How many is it from here? - You can make it to there, for sure. So you're hiding behind there, you can have an action. - Okay. If any attacks will take me out of hiding, right? - But you have your action, as you bonus action hid and you moved there, you could ready an action if you wanted to. - [Ify] Okay. - I don't like that crazy mad guy-- - So I'll just ready a sneak attack on the first person who tries to go for my man, Leiland. - Hell yeah, cool. You hide, ready for a sneak attack, and the first person that fucks with Leiland. Maggie, that's gonna be you. - Okay, so I'm on top of your back? Great. So what can I do from on top of your back? Can I move anywhere, or does that require her turn? - I will say, you can move onto her back, so I don't know what Lilith has planned. You also can, as a free action, tell Maggie what you have planned if you'd like. - Okay, I- oh! Good, you're on there. So I shall bring you and the child around to receive the blessings. - Oooh, okay. - We will let them fight but the important part is that we get those blessings. - Yes, okay, great. - So hang on tight! - So then, should we head toward a statue for blessing? If we go to this closest one, you think? - Yes, you are absolutely welcome to jump on the back, take the baby. The only thing that is important, so the boatman didn't say that you or you or any one person has to take the baby to get blessings. - [Rekha] Okay. - So, you're totally welcome to both get blessings. But I will say that will take a third of your fighting number out of that. - Sure, okay. - I'll just point that out. - I don't mind giving my baby to you. - Alright. - You're very good at being a mom. - Okay, I'll hang on to, and so I, I guess, knowing that, - Yes. - I would have accepted the child and then make a little sling. - Web sling. - Little baby bjorn out of (skittering) - Awww! Oh my god, so sturdy! And much better than what you get at a store! - It's very soft. - Wow! - It's sticky too, the baby's not going anywhere. - So it fully takes a village, you trustingly, lovingly, (laughs) It takes a village. You give your baby to Lilith. You have your turn. - Okay. - And yeah, your-- - This is good, now you can-- - [Rekha] Yes. Great, beat the shit out of people! (laughing) Okay, great. Then I shall also move toward, let's see, five, ten, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40. - Cool. You get 40 out, so that's as far as you can move. You have a bonus action and your action left. - Okay. - So you could run that far out, you could run if you want to close distance with them, but they're also charging you. - [Rekha] Okay. - There are some, just because this is your first time playing D&D, - [Rekha] Yes, tell me. - There are some actions that you could take right now like a dodge action, for example. - Okay. - That would give everybody that came to attack you disadvantage. - Okay. - So run out, and then sort of square up - Yeah. - In a defensive stance, and then, if you'll wanna bonus action. - Okay, I will dodge, and then what is a bonus action that I can do from this distance? - You could fly into a rage. - Great, I shall do this. (laughing) - So this is a very weird thing to see, 'cause you like, Get me! (booming) But safe. - [Rekha] And safe landed. (laughing) - Incredible. You fly into a rage, get safe, (growling) Incredible. - After you've passed off your baby too. - Yeah, amazing, you're like, Here's my baby, I trust you. (growling) - It's the equivalent of like- (laughing) - Incredible. So that's gonna be, Olag charges right for you, Maggie. - [Rekha] Perfect. (growling) - And he's gonna take some swings. (rolling dice) That's gonna, one of those is gonna hit. He swings at you for only seven points of damage, (whack) halves to three points of damage, but I'm gonna need a strength saving throw. (rolling dice) - Okay, nine, and do I get advantage? - Because you're raging, yeah. (rolling dice) - Okay, and that's a one. So nine, and then I add ten. - Yes. - [Rekha] 19. - You are not knocked prone, shockingly. - Okay. (laughing) - And then, after, so that's Olag's turn, he goes, Get over here, Maggie, you useless girl! And the next people to go, you see Hobbert and Frod. Boom. So that's gonna be, one, two difficult terrain, three, four, five, six, seven, eight. Ooh, he doesn't close, that difficult terrain really saving you there. - Mmhmm. I almost cut you open and put myself in your body. - You tried to make a door in me! (laughing) - The ultimate door happens. - I also don't think I said that plan on camera earlier, so no one will know what I'm talking about (laughing) or when I wanted to do that. - Incredible. Wonderful. He steps forward and he's actually going to take a dodge action there as well, be a little bit smarter. That's gonna be one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, and Frod is slightly out of range as well, they can both walk right up to you. - Very good. - That's Hobbert and Frod's turn, and he takes a dodge as well. After that, it's very funny 'cause we, normally there's more intersperse, this is all like, a bunch of PCs going, and bunch of villains going. Then you see that the goblins are going to go. - And these can still be bombs? - Oh, very much so. Every goblin can be a bomb. - That's meant to be aspirate. - So my, yeah, exactly. That's what my parents always told me. (laughing) - Okay. Awesome. If you guys, so let me see here, I'm gonna move one of them six spaces forward and then just match everybody else. (dramatic music) These two guys are gonna take some shots at J'er'em'ih. - No! - Oh my god. - They both miss terribly. (silly animal noises) (laughing) One, two, three, four, this guy is gonna take a swing at Maggie. - Okay. (rolling dice) - He misses. - Aha, stupid! (laughing) - He's gonna line up right up to you but he can't take a swing. - Damn right! Damn right you can't. Cool. There you go. These two guys are gonna take shots at Leiland. (rolling dice) Both miss. (clanging) - Oh, nice try. (laughing) - Are there any more goblins out here? These guys rush up over here. This little phalanx of goblins here, you see that they go, (screams and hisses) (thumping) March as like a little formation right over here. - [Amy] Very cute. - [Rekha] Okay, cute. Right, I see you're cute, what else? - The goblin that attacked Leiland is in range for my readied sneak attack? - Actually, he says that whoever (mumbling) Yeah, this guy is within shot of you, yeah, for sure. - Okay, so-- - [Matt] There's the arrow. - These two arrow guys fucked with you. This guy hasn't actually fucked with Leiland yet. - He just ran up, yeah. - Okay. - And then, are there any more little gobbies out here somewhere? Oh, this is the standard bearer, of course! One, two, three, four, five, six. - [Rekha] Standard bear. Just run of the mill, sort of standard bear. - Yeah, I thought you said bear, and I was like-- - Wait, what did he say? - Standard bearer. - Yeah, you were right, standard bearer. He's bearing stands. - Bearer. - Bearer, yeah, you get that right. - [Brennan] Cool, all these goblins charge forward - [Amy] Like the paint! - [Brennan] So this guy's going to - Oh, he already moved. - This, no this orc? - No, I'm just kidding. - Oh yeah. (laughing) - [Rekha] I'll just fuck with you! (laughing) Can you imagine it, every single one opened with nat one. - [Amy] No, I was-- - Amy's trying to take away your joy every chance she can. - Hell yeah, here we go. (rolling dice) Maggie, you got 17, 11 or higher's gonna do it. Ooh, this orc is going to hit you twice, and deal you (rolling dice) Plus eight, 15 plus eight is 23, halved to 11 damage as this orc (smacking) lays into you with axes. So this guy's just gonna run up behind this dude as well (groaning) So this one's gonna move over here. This guy with a spear is gonna take some swings at Maggie as well. Ooh. (rolling dice) He's gonna deal 12 and 15. - [Rekha] 7? - He deals another 22 halved to 11 damage to you. - Eighteen. - And now the wargs go. It's just all of them going at the same time. (sighs) - Big old battle. Five, ten, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50. Yeah, these guys are just gonna close. This guy's gonna go one, two, three, yeah, he's gonna come for Leiland. (deep growl) As well. (laughing nervously) It's bringing up the rear. I think that's all my little doggies. (muttering) Over here. Cool. Two are gonna go for Leiland. - That means you can hit one of them if you wanted. - [Brennan] That's absolutely right. These guys are both coming for ya, that's gonna be (rolling dice) Both miss, but they are fucking with him so you're welcome to take a sneak attack if you want. - Oh yeah, I'ma shoot one of them with a sneak attack. - [Brennan] Hell yeah. (rolling dice) - Oh, that's fun. So that's going to be a 12. - 12 does not hit. A crossbow bolt fires out at one of the wargs, and misses. That's gonna be Old Pickering. (laughing) He looks over at you and goes, Come, would you help me do? - Make sure that baby gets blessed. - Right, yar! And you see he jumps up on this rock (shouts) and leaps on your back, Lilith, and is standing there, and he's like, You and me, m'lady. I saw the way you were looking at Old Pickering before. (snorting) - Oh, no. - Lilith. - I'm flattered but no, no. It's not something I'm interested in. - But I'm a pirate. - No! - [Brennan] But I'm a pirate. - No, I don't think every pirate is like that. - I appreciate that. - Alright, well, we're friends. - It's alright, see, that's the kind of attitude you should have. - You know, it's an okay answer. - Yes! - Absolutely, that's right, no, and I understand that. Alright, let's get this baby blessed! (laughing) (clapping) - We're evil! (laughing) - We're evil but we understand communication and consent. - Amazing, Pickering's on the back there. He is gonna take a flintlock musket from his bag, he rolls (rolling dice) - This always works great. - Nat 20! (screaming) - Old Pickering! (clapping) - He finally did it! - Finally did it. Okay, he deals eight, 13, Jesus, he's really rolled a lot of sixes. 13, 24, 26, he blasts that warg next to you for 30 points of damage. (gunshot) Right, there ya are, sir! Pleasure working with ya! - Ah, you too, sir, well done! Keep that up! - Alright then, the baby! - The baby's like (sighing) (laughing) - Efink, that's gonna be you. - Oh, Efink, oh my. Okay. I, gosh, this is the first time it's really been set up to grab a bunch of em. I get my lightning stuff can do a line of lightning of trememdous damage and I don't even have to roll to hit. So I have to just pick my line really. I wonder, yes I think this'll do. Right through these guys right here. - [Brennan] Ooh. - [Amy] So if I hop up on here. - [Brennan] Hell yeah. - [Amy] I'll-- - [Brennan] Try to get this line right here, awesome. - [Amy] I'll Staff of Lightning them, or Staff of Storms them. - Hell yeah. - This will be only the lightning strike. - Cool. - Everybody in that line must make a DC 17 dexterity saving throw. - So that's three wargs, four goblins, and an orc, is that correct? - [Amy] Well, can it be this, this, I don't know, maybe one of these guys, him, him. - [Brennan] Yeah, that works. So these three wargs, these four goblins, and this orc right here? - Okay. - Cool. Hell yeah. - That would be great. (laughing) - [Rekha] Thank you! Thank you so much, we're evil, bye! - [Brennan] Go ahead and roll damage. - Sorry for taking away your joy sometimes. - No, no, this is quite alright. - One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, and it's nine, nine fun D6s. Let me see and make sure that's right. Yeah, that's nine, okay. Okay! (rolling dice) A lot of sixes. A lot of one or two, okay so here we go. Ten, 20, 34 points of damage and then half on a successful save. Three, four or seventeen. - [Brennan] This orc is dead. - [Amy] Yes! - The other two each take 17 points of damage. - That was sick. - I evilly say, very dry, no longer wet, hold my bone and say, In the most- in the name of friendship! And by that I mean the most evil form of it! (laughing) (rumbling) - The crying words, typically still jealous of each other! - You're very focused on your own needs! Second to your friends! (laughing) - [Brennan] Incredible. Okay, that last orc also takes 17, each of those goblins doesn't matter whether they save or not, even half is gonna fucking ruin their shit. So what we're gonna do is we're gonna roll four D20 in the Box of Doom right now to see if these guys got bombs in them. - Oh. - Yay! - Bombs! It's only if they hit a one? - Only if they hit a one. (dice rolling) (intense music) No ones! (cheering) - No bombs, just dead. - But they are just incinerated, you take out this little goblin phalanx just right away, cool. At the end of- oh, that's your action. Is there anything else you're doing? - That's my action, um, yes. I do have a bonus action, do I want to do it? I will cast, yes, I will actually cast Sanctuary on Lilith. (magical sounds) - [Brennan] Ooh. - [Amy] Which if anyone wants to attack you, that means they have to make a wisdom saving throw and if they fail, they just attack something else. - [Brennan] Cool. - Excellent. Thank you. Oh Efink, it's all tingly, thank you! - Any time, yes, I'm happy to oblige! I mean you are holding the next Lord of Shadows. - Yes, very important. Precious cargo, baby on board. - Yes, at the, you see that-- - It's holding on your butt. - At the end of your turn, Olag says, Keep moving, spread out! And you see that Hobbert is gonna take his movement and clear to here, right next to Leiland. - Shit. (laughing) No, no, no, no! - We have Sanctuary now on Lilith which is great. And then that's going to be Sokhbarr and J'er'em'ih act together, you guys actually rolled close enough that you're acting together. - Cool. In the spirit of doing fun things, I'm going to do this. I turn to J'er'em'ih and say, Well, if not now, when? And I have a potion that I brewed up and I have no idea what it does, it's a mystery potion. - Ooh! (clapping and cheering) - I'm gonna just be like, Well, this might be the end of the line, so drink up, boys! - Shots, shots, shots, shots, shots! - I take the cork out, (water pouring) down it, and see what happens. - [Brennan] Okay. - It just kills all babies. - I didn't write it down on your card 'cause I didn't want you to know it. - [Mike] Yeah. - I decided ahead of time that that mystery potion was gonna be three rolls on the wild magic table. - Okay. (laughing) - So we're just gonna roll three times, and all those effects are gonna happen together. - Holy moley. - And are you feeding it to yourself or J'er'em'ih? - I'm feeding it, I'm doing it to myself. - [Brennan] Cool, cool cool cool. - ♪ Do it to yourself ♪ Sorry, we'll just do that later. (laughing) - This is-- - [Brennan] Insane. - Insane. - Okay, Trapp. I need you to roll a percentile dice for me. - So the one with two digits will be in the tens place, and the one with single digits will be in the ones. - Okay, I'm gonna-- - [Brennan] And you're gonna roll it three times, I'm gonna tell you what happens. - Okay. (rolling dice) First time. That is 92. - 92. - Three, or do you want to take them one at a time? - Cool, that first effect is invisible to you. - Great. - What do you think that it's love? - [Brennan] Roll again please. - [Mike] Yep. Uh, five, no that can't be-- - That's five. - [Brennan] Zero five? - Zero five, yeah. - Cool. - I don't like- uh oh. - Okay, you see that appearing sudden- okay. No, roll one more time, and I'll describe more. (laughing) - This is a good move, right? - Yes! - That is 12. - 12. - Flashback to like five hours back, what do you suppose is in there? - Roll a D10 for me one more time. - A D10, yeah. (rolling dice) That's seven. - You go, you drink the potion and you go, (growling) And you feel (ripping) raw life energy. Sokhbarr grows to about eight feet in height (growling) and you feel something roiling in your stomach. - Oh my god. - And you can see death energy is coming in and you smell ash and smoke and all this crazy shit. But who has the crown right now? - You do. - Yeah, it's with the baby. - Your stomach rolls (gurgling) A weird orifice splits open on your stomach-- - Door! (laughing) - And you see that a, you feel yourself reincarnating something in your stomach. And (groans) something leaps out and you see this thing leaps out and goes, (coughing) looks at the crown and says, My special! - No! - Oh, fuck! - [Brennan] You have birthed Hork out of a hole in your stomach. - Now I know what you were going through. - It's so painful! (laughing) - Now I roll initiative for Hork! (laughing) - Wait, how does J'er'em'ih feel about this? Like, doesn't J'er'em'ih, is there a kinship? - You see that yeah, J'er'em'ih looks over and pets you with one of his eyeballs. (squishing) - Aww, very good. - Gets you ice chips. (gasping) - Truly insane. - So it's just like one of those effects-- - Is Hork-- - Was invisible to me, one is me growing incredibly large, - [Brennan] Yes, that's correct. - And one was giving birth to Hork? - That's correct. Those are the things that happened. - Great. - Okay. - Okay, well that was my action. (laughing) - That was your action, yep. - Does being large affect my movement or my anything? - I'm gonna say that reasonably it would, even though it doesn't here, I'm just gonna say add an additional plus two to damage rolls. - Plus two to damage rolls, cool. Alright, well I am going to, that action being taken, I'm just gonna start booking it. - Mmhmm. - I'm gonna try to get over to this idol. And since I am fleet of foot, I can also use my bonus action, a dash is a bonus action. - [Brennan] Cool. - Some I'm going to take my movement and then a bonus action if necessary to get over to that idol. - What's your speed? - My speed is 30 and I think I'm unaffected by difficult terrain. - Oh, really? - [Mike] I think so. - Yeah. 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 55, 60. - Great. - Cool. - And then, I guess J'er'em'ih will be, he'll kinda bring up the flank but I'll only move him as far as that first warg and have him attack that warg. - [Brennan] Cool, right here? - [Mike] Yeah. - [Brennan] Or right here? - [Mike] The outside, so he can sort of swing around and maybe catch up to me. - Cool, great. Go ahead and roll an attack. - [Mike] Cool. - Alright! (rolling dice) - Nat 20! - Nat 20, yay! (players cheering) (clapping) - Just when we needed it! - [Brennan] Very good. - Yes! - Go ahead and roll it. - Okay, and that is 2D4. (rolling dice) 14. - 14 damage to that warg over there? - [Mike] Hell yeah. - (screaming) He runs over, you see that he goes, (shrieks) and he sucks his eye sockets into his head for a second, sprouts a bunch of fur from his slimy head, and vomits up a warg head he ate before, and partially reanimates it and bites the warg with this other warg head that he's vomited up. - J'er'em'ih! (squealing) - The warg looks-- - That's so sweet. (laughing) Looks nonplussed. - He's so sweet! - He's really, he's my special little guy! - I suppose the prize is, - I know. you did such a good job raising him. - Yeah, you're a good dad. - Incredible. That's gonna be-- - Maybe we should get some sort of Mommy and Me classes. - Oh, we'll have to do that, let's do that. If we live, and we crown a new King of Evil, let's go do some Mommy and Me classes. - Our kids will play together! - We're evil! - We're evil! - Hork is going to leap up and attempt to grapple Lilith for the crown. Go ahead and make-- - She, he actually-- - Sanctuary! - He has to make a wisdom saving throw. - Oh, he does have to make a wisdom saving throw, you're not wrong. - Why did you birth him? - He makes the wisdom saving throw. - Okay. - [Brennan] Horrifying. Go ahead and roll opposed athletics. He's got a, you have to beat an 18. - Actually, on a- nope, yep, you get to do whatever you want. - [Brennan] And you are rolling disadvantage. - [Erika] Aw, rats. - Wrong show, Amy. - Oh wow, okay. 19. - Okay. - [Erika] That's a 19. - Cool, you are holding onto the crown, he jumps up on you, (muttering evilly) - Eew, who's this horrid creature? Oh, oh god! (squealing) - And I (shaking) - Yeah (gasping) just crawls up on you. That's Hork's turn, Lilith, that's you. - So, I mean is he up there? Is he up there or did he-- - Oh no, he does not, he's not grappling you successfully. He tried to pull the crown, he couldn't get it. - Great, so at this moment, Lilith reaches out her hands and says, Get him, ladies! And two giant spiders (skittering) are conjured. - [Brennan] Hell yes. - There-- - And where are you summoning them at? - Let's see, so one of them is by Leiland and I say, Leiland, darling, I know you're, I know you've got this quite down your own, you're quite capable, but just in case (laughing) Just in case, if you should need to call upon one of my children, here. - [Brennan] Great. - [Erika] So one of them is there and then the other one behind Hork. I'd say. - [Brennan] Hell yeah. You see that Jason jumps off your back, got it, Mom! And Jessa jumps behind Hork. Hell yeah, go ahead and roll initiative for them. - [Erika] Okay. Ooh! 18, 20! Dirty 20. - Ooh, dirty 20, hell yeah. Great great great. Dope. Awesome. That's your action, any movement, anything else? - Um, yes- oh, actually as a bonus action, she calls upon the blood spirit and centers it around near where she is and to optimally try and catch everybody in a 30-foot radius. - [Brennan] Um, cool. Five, ten, 15, 20, 25. So you'd have to probably put it in the blood area here to catch-- - Okay. - To catch all your allies. - And so everybody gets plus 19 HP and advantage on strength, strength saving throw. - Everyone except Sokhbarr, Sokhbarr you're out of the range. - Very well. - And me, 'cause I already have temporary hit points. - That's correct. - But thank you anyway! - Oh, just in case, just in case. - Is J'er'em'ih in range? - [Brennan] J'er'em'ih is in range, actually. - So, what does J'er'em'ih, sorry, what does he-- - Plus 19. - Plus 19. - And then advantage on any strength checks. - Cool. - [Brennan] Hell yeah. - You summon your spider babies-- - See, I help you, you help me, I love this! - Yes, that's good, teamwork makes the dream work! - And also yes, killing all of the light. - [Erika] Evil, yes, evil - That's right. - Evil teamwork. And then as my move action, I'm gonna move towards the statue, towards the-- - Oh, there's a stature here and here and here and here. Which statue do you wanna try? - Let's go with the one closest to me. - [Brennan] Closest to you. - [Erika] I have sticky feet. (skittering) And to clarify, we got plus 19 from- - [Brennan] Yes. - [Erika] Okay, cool. - Wonderful. That's awesome. So you're like right here. And I'm gonna make a check, Hork gets an attack of opportunity on you. - [Amy] Oh, he's still, any attack for another minute, he has to make a wisdom saving throw. - Oh, really, he has to for every attack he does? - [Amy] For a minute, yeah. - Where's the spell? - On a fail save, the creature must choose a new target. Oh yeah, he makes it every time, that's wild. (rolling dice) Hork fails, he is not able to attack you guys. You leave. (evil laughing) You see that your spirits protect Lilith as she moves away. And you see Pickering says, Right, I need to take that to the bank with ya! (laughing) Salty old pirate. So that's going to now be, that's Lilith, that's going to be the Vinguri. (wind blowing) who are going to rush forward. - [Matt] Oh dear. (laughing) - [Brennan] Five, ten, 15, 20, 25-- - [Amy] Oh no, they came back! - [Brennan] 30, they float across the blood, 30. I'll get this warg out of here. They close with Leiland over here. - That's disappointing. - [Brennan] Actually, one of them is gonna circle around here for Maggie. Then it's gonna be an attack on you both. The Vinguri. (rolling dice) Miss, and a, no, that is a hit. Okay. Maggie. - Mmhmm. - You take nine halved to four damage. (slicing) and the blades of the Vinguri are enchanted with necrotic energy, and this one is not halved by your rage. You take on top of that, a full 22 points (slicing) of necrotic damage. - Okay, is that different than regular hit point damage? - [Brennan] No no, it just means it doesn't get halved by your rage. - Oh, I see, I see, okay. - I'm gonna need you to make a constitution saving throw. - Okay, so (mumbling) - Oswald takes a swing at you, Leiland. (grunting) What are you doing down here? - I'm sorry for everything. Everything I've done, and everything I'm about to do. - You see he goes, You always... I will say this, I hope to destroy you here, but you were always quick with the bon mot, Leiland. - Oh, thank you so much, I really appreciate that. - And I do mean it. (gasping) (hissing) (laughing) - And you feel a Vinguri blade (slicing) slash across you (yelps) and that necrotic death energy filling you up. - I got 14 plus ten, 24 constitution. - You do not take another level of exhaustion. - Okay. - And then, you see as you are hit, you look over and see Lilith, the little baby going on your back, you see your baby looks at you get hit (dramatic music) Black eyes go red, it raises a chubby little hand - Yes! (cheering) - Leiland Junior! (screaming) - And fucking blasts Toby with a bolt of fire from a chubby little hand, and goes, Mama! (explosion) - I love you! (crying) And that is going, that's Leiland Junior's turn. - You're getting more milk than you can handle! (laughing) As soon as this is over! - It's so fun, they can be so destructive at that age. - Yes, for sure. - Lock everything down, use those little clips for the cupboards. - It's crazy how quick they learn though. - Yes, yes. - In just an hour! - Okay, now it's the Bloodkeep's turn. - Oooh. - The what? - The Bloodkeep is attacking. - Okay. - You guys want a high roll here. You want 11 or higher, not a ten or lower. - Why? - Okay. (dice rolling) - It's a five. - No! - Cool, very cool. - Is there something-- - This is cool, right? - Mmhmm, yeah yeah. - Something giant and ugly coming? - Yeah, I fucking knew it, I'm like this floor fucking moves. This is stupid. (rumbling) - [Brennan] This one's coming out. These guys are gonna make some saves. Hold on one second. - Oh wow. - So the floor gradually drops? - You guys literally see that the Bloodkeep-- - Cool cool cool cool cool. - [Brennan] Is collapsing. And you see (booming) as it drops away, you see inky void. It is not solid beneath here. The earth is opening up to swallow the Bloodkeep. - Cool, cool, cool. - [Brennan] An endless fall. - Cool, cool! - Jessa, quick, spin some silks to catch our fall! - She webs all the way around. - A huge net. - Okay, hold on one second, wow. Ooh, shit. This little fella's coming out, and then this guy over here (rumbling) falling away. Now I'm gonna make some dex saves for these guys. - Oh my god, we're clustered. - You see this standard bearer leaps out over here, this goblin just falls into nothingness, this orc also manages to leap out of the way, this goblin (shrieks) just disappears. I'm gonna need a dexterity saving throw, hold on one second, I think Leiland is on that. Let me just double check. - [Amy] No no no no no. - Oh course he would be. (laughing nervously) - [Brennan] Oh my god, Matt. You are not on that. (cheering) - [Rekha] Wait, but is Jessa? - Jason is on that. - Or Jason? - [Erika] Oh god. - So hold on, hold on one second. - Okay, okay okay okay. - [Brennan] I'm gonna remove - [Erika] It's gonna be okay. It's gonna be okay, oh my god, oh my god! Okay, okay. - So I'm gonna roll for these other guys first real quick. - [Amy] That's crazy. - [Erika] Fuck. (dice rolling) - Okay. - One more guy, this little phalanxer is gonna manage to jump out of the way. You see that Hobbert also manages to step back quickly. This goblin (squeals) falls into nothingness. I'm gonna need a dexterity saving throw from Jason. - Oh god. - Okay, okay okay okay. - It's like a door opened up in the floor. - Yeah. - I made a door happen! - Okay, okay, okay, 18, 18. 18. - Um, 18? - [Erika] Yeah. - Hold on one second. - That's a big hole. - Hey Brennan, that's a big hole. - Lilith. You turn your head (sad music) to look at the floor open up. Hobbert steps back. You see Jason look at him (skittering) Stop messing with my mo-- - No. (web flinging) - [Brennan] Web jump. (players screaming) (cheering and clapping) (gasping) - And Lilith's just screaming. (screaming) - You see Jason takes two arms (swiping) - Yeah! - Say more than that, Mom, come on, give me some credit. - I never doubted you for a moment, sweetie! - Oh man. - I shat myself! - Like a little bit of web just comes out. (laughing) - [Mike] I turn to everyone else and say, Guys, this is our element! Knocking people off of things! - Yeah! (laughing) - True! - [Brennan] Leiland, it is- You look around as (booming) You're like standing on a little peninsula. - It's like, ahh, no! Ahh! Oh. A rollercoaster of emotions in a matter of a second. Alright. I'm going to, hmm. Do you look back and see this all happen? - Yes. - As you look back I go, Maggie. - Ah? - Do you trust me? - Yes, uh, why? - Because I want to protect the mother of my lord! (laughing) - I'll move back here and take attack of opportunity from the goblin. - [Brennan] The lone goblin there? - [Matt] And I guess the warg. - [Brennan] And the warg, both miss. - [Matt] Alright, and then ten, I take another one from the Vinguri. - [Brennan] Ah, yes, that hits. - Alright. - 13, 22, hits you for 27 points of damage. - 27 points of damage? Alrighty, he takes 25 cold damage from my Armor of Agathys. (players oohing) (slicing) - Yes, he takes that swing at you, lashes out, give me a constitution saving throw as well. - Yes. (dice rolling) - 11. - Uh, 11-- - Actually no, constitution saving throw, 15. - You do not take a level of exhaustion. (gasping) You (wooshing) as he (gasping) (slicing) tries to zap the life from you. Cool. - [Matt] Say I'm stepping back to there. - [Brennan] Cool. - [Matt] Movement, yes, that'll go. I'm gonna concentrate and say, You are loved. You are special. You are important. You are loved, you are special, you are important. And I'm going to gather the cold spiritual energy of my undead form (crackling) (shouting) and release a Cone of Cold in front of me for a 60-foot cone to try to hit as much as I can in this area. And actually, you're in the radius. - It's okay. - [Brennan] Gotcha. - Do you have the 60-foot cone? - Yes, I do have a 60-foot cone. This is actually exactly our fellow right here. (gasping) - Wow! - Holy shit. Okay, so that's you right there. Let me know how you, do you want this to orient any other particular way, do you want it just like right here? - No, that's great. That's what I wanted. (laughing) - [Brennan] Holy shit. Okay. (laughing) Cool. I'm gonna need you to roll, wow. I'm gonna need you to roll damage. - [Matt] Mmhmm. 44 points of cold damage. - And it's only halved for, I mean like-- - It's halved on a constitution saving throw. - Yeah. Well... - Yay, Leiland! (clapping) - Yay! - At that exact moment, Lilith turns her head and sees this and is like (gasps) Wow! Look, everyone look at Leiland! - Leiland's doing! - He did something! I'm freezing! - [Mike] Yay Leiland! - He's the cooling one! - He's the cool one? - Oh nice, that's very nice! - We're evil! (laughing) - All it took was naming a baby after him! - Hold on one second. I'm going to also, I'm gonna roll, because this will affect things that are in the way, there's a lot of math before I get to narrate what the fuck just happened. - Yeah. - [Brennan] I'm gonna roll six-- - Oh, I'm gonna also. - I'm gonna roll 6D20 real quick. (dice rolling) No natural ones. Wild. - Oh, I see. - Yep, those are, I mean they all got bombs! Oh not these ones! - Also what was the DC for that one? - 18. - [Erika] Okay. - [Brennan] Okay. - 18 makes it? - [Matt] Was it 19? - So 18 makes it? - 18 makes it. - Is that what you got? - Yeah, no, a dirty 18. - [Brennan] Hold on one second. (whispering) So it's forced constitution, right? - So he's still, so it's 22 damage? - Was that, oh yeah. So I'll half it, that's fine. - Ooh, a lot of math. Okay, boom, so straight ahead. - [Erika] And what was it, 20? - [Brennan] 22 that I would need, so half. - Spent all of his hit points right now. - Yeah. - That's four orcs making saves. And you said 44 damage? - 44 damage, yes. - [Brennan] One, two, three (players gasp) - Yes! (clapping) That was so good. - Oh my gosh. - As one of those, the orc in the back, crumbles as his life force being drawn from him, I glance over, my eyes shine even brighter angry undead blue and as I do, I draw his soul out as an accursed specter, using my Accursed Specter ability. - Ooh! (giggling) An orc soul attempts to leave, (deep breath) and your accursed specter appears. Where do you want this specter, at which orc did you want? - It would've been the one that's closest over here. - [Brennan] Right. (gasps) Fucking servant of the Vinguri King rises. (gasping excitedly) These guys save and still die. (laughing) Hold on one sec. God, Jesus. - I'm doing it! - Leiland, you're doing it! Just stay in the moment! Don't get weird, just stay in the moment! (laughing) - And with my bonus action, I'm gonna go ahead and Hexblade's Curse our Olag. - [Brennan] Olag. - Right over there. - You Hexblade's Curse Olag. Hell yeah. I'm trying to think if there's anything else. Oh, I gotta roll saves for the Vinguri and Olag. The Vinguri... - Oh my god, let Olag die! - Please. - He'd love that. - [Rekha] Oh, you fucking freak, you'd love that. (laughing) - Ooh, doctor. And then Toby-- - Can we only do nonlethal damage on Olag? (laughing) - That'd be the saddest thing. - Just like the breath of life left in him. - Can we give him the fucking-- - Can we put him in the river? - Yeah, put him in a cage. Can we put him in the oubliette? - Yeah, an oubliette! - Make him live forever. - And tell him something's gonna happen to his bones but don't explain it. (laughing) - You might wanna watch out for your bones while you're down there. - What do you mean? (laughing) - Oh my god. And then fucking Hobbert, he's just standing in the-- (growls) Okay, our old buddy Hobbert's taking some damage as well. And I think finally, I'm actually done about all my guys getting their fucking ass kicked. So. - You have to make one too. - Right? - [Brennan] Yeah, you make one as well. - Okay. (rolling dice) 15. - 25, that does it. - Okay, cool. - So you take 22 points of cold damage. - Okay. - That's down to 22. - Yes, that is. - Okay, good for you to totally decide that. - No, tell me no, it's totally fine, very quietly. - How much did Jason take? - You said 22, right? - You take 22? - Yeah, 22. - Cool. - I'm at 165 hit points. So yes, as you said, you stand there, (wooshing) Leiland, you're the king of the fucking Vinguri. You've just been depressed. I mean that's it. You just, you've been working for an asshole for hundreds of years. Now you're not working for an asshole. You're working for a baby. And this baby hasn't done anything to fuck with you! - No! (Rekha laughing) No! This baby's pretty fucking cool! (laughing) - This baby's done one thing and that's cast a big fireball. - And I'm so proud! - You should be! - Fucking orcs, wargs, goblins (roaring) You see that they are just shredded. (cracking) You can watch as these holes open up, the cold doesn't just take them away, it sucks their souls straight down into inky blackness, no afterlife, they will be brought to a place of infinite cold without name or memory to freeze forever. And that is your birthright. Or should I say deathright? - [Matt] Oh ho! - Ooh, very funny! - And that is my turn. I do roll initiative for the specter, I believe. - Yes, go ahead and roll initiative. - Nice. - At the end of your turn-- - That's an 11. - 11, awesome. - Oh you know what, actually I do not curse Olag. I'm looking at this, I'm probably gonna curse the Vinguri closest to me. Which one is that? - Oswald. - Oswald, I curse Oswald. - [Brennan] Cool. That's going to be- - He had it coming. ♪ He had it coming. ♪ (laughing) - Another caught six. - And I know, just words destroyed. (snapping fingers) - It is my favorite Beatles song. - So (wooshes) huge spell. At the end of your turn, Leiland, you see that Olag commands Toby, says, Liar low, take the mother of the false king down! (rolling dice) Vinguri swings and hits. - What is the Vinguri attacking? - Maggie. Maggie, you take nine halved to four damage, and then you take a full three, ten, 12 more necrotic damage. - [Rekha] Okay. - And I need another constitution saving throw. - 12 plus ten. - You succeed. You do not take any exhaustion. You're very vital and these Vinguri-- - I know. (laughing) - Markus, that's you, man. - Alright, so Markus sees which one is that, Hog or Grog? - [Brennan] Hobbert. (laughing) - So disrespectful! - Hog grog mog lava bog. - [Ify] So he sees Hobbert - Gorgoth, fog bog. - He just like, as Hobbert stands over there doing whatever his dumb troll ass is doing, Markus creeps up from behind and you can see behind Hobbert, just the golden visage of my mask, getting ready to use not a blade, not a crossbow, but that slippery tongue. And he goes up to Hobbert, Hobbert. (gasping) Your man Olag just opened up a door. (laughing) In the middle of the Bloodkeep. - Yes! - Who's by the door, not you, not your bro- You, but not your brother. Wanna know why? 'Cause I heard when we were on the ship, he was whispering to your brother that he was gonna take him to the trees and not you. He said only one of you could see the trees. - Okay. Alright, I see what's happening here. (laughing) I see what's happening here. I would fully disallow this, but for the fact that it has been established that Hobbert fully hates doors. (clapping) - Yeah! - [Brennan] However. - You'll suffer for that! - Door lore, door lore, door lore! - Alright, here's what we're gonna do. I'm not gonna count that as your action. That's for free. Because it is the perfect thing to convince him, I'm gonna let you roll. On, and I know this is being harsh, on a nat 20, and on a nat 20 alone, will you get Hobbert as an ally. Be prepared for this not to be a natural 20, and for Hobbert to keep fighting you. - Okay, yes, okay. Not gonna. - Oh my god, a 19. (laughing) (screaming) - Hobbert, you dumb fuck! - Hobbert looks at you and says, I like you. But the truth is everyone's been opening doors all day, I can't keep it straight! But you still have your action and your bonus action and anything else you want to do. - Okay. (inaudible) - That was so good! - I thought you were gonna try to convince him to just walk through the door. - [Amy] I know! - Yeah, so since I can't really sneak up and do a sneak attack, I'm just gonna do what my foot knows best, and say, Get off of my bottom of the Bloodkeep! And kick him towards the hole. - [Brennan] Alright, so you move into position to kick him. You've-- - I love that's what a-- - Everybody remember, advantage on strength checks. Everybody. - [Brennan] Within 30 feet though, right? - 30 feet, yeah. - [Erika] Yeah, you're within 30 feet of the, where is he? - [Brennan] That's where the blood spirit is, right on the edge there. Is that within 30 feet? That's within 30 fucking feet. (cheering) - Ooh! A dirty 20. - A dirty 20, 23. - Ah! - [Brennan] You see that you, boom! Kick him in the back (grunts) (moaning) And that's your action, any bonus action or anything else like that? - And yeah, I just stick right there for now. 'Cause I don't have really anything bonus-y I can do. I can run away but I'd rather just fight his ass right now. - [Brennan] Yeah. Rock and roll. At the end of Markus' turn, Olag commands Toby again, Toby's gonna take another swing at Maggie. (rolling dice) Hits. Maggie, you first take just six halved to three damage and then necrotic damage, you take 13, 15, 16 points of necrotic damage. - I am at 130. - [Amy] That went away quickly. - She's right in the thick of it. (laughing) - Maggie, that's gonna be your turn. - Okay. Dear god. Should I jump up, can I jump here? Can I stand on this? - Hell yeah you can jump there. - [Rekha] Okay. - But you'll, they'll get a lot of swings on you if you do, they'll get attacks of opportunity on you if you do. - Because I'm going past them? - Because you're going past them, you're getting out of their threatened area. - [Rekha] Hmm. Okay, so then maybe I'll just try to swing at Olag. - Hell yeah, go for it. - Great. - Make your attacks. (rolling dice) - Ten plus-- - That's gonna hit. - Okay, great, plus ten, okay. - Roll your damage. (rolling dice) - Oh my god, five. Plus six, right? - Or plus nine 'cause you're raging. - Okay. So five plus nine, 14. - Okay. Awesome. That's your first attack, you whack him (smack) (grunt) - [Rekha] Uh huh, okay. - Go for it, if you wanna attack him again you can. - Okay, great. (rolling dice) 16 plus-- - [Brennan] That hits. - Yes, okay, great. (rolling dice) Five plus two, seven, plus nine, is twelve. Wait, seven plus nine is sixteen. - Cool, gotcha. (growls) You smack him again, boom! And you're welcome to frenzy if you want to use your bonus action to frenzy. - And then I have some-- - Two points of exhaustion. - Half speed or something? - Well you don't get the exhaustion until the end of the battle, right? - That's right, you don't get the exhaustion 'till-- - [Matt] Not until the rage ends. - Until the rage ends. - Ah, so it doesn't matter. - If Maggie feels like going all out because probably this is it, then yes, she totally can. (laughing) (rolling dice) - 17. - That's gonna do it. (rolling dice) - Two, two, three, one, okay, five plus nine, 14. - Five plus nine is 14. - [Rekha] Yeah. - 14 damage, yeah Olag's looking messed up. (growling) - Great. - I do love watching a butcher at work! (laughing) - [Brennan] Hell yeah. - Meat hammer! - With that, that is Olag's turn. Olag's gonna swing at you twice. - [Rekha] Mmhmm. - He's gonna hit both times. Give me two strength saving throws. (rolling dice) - 13 plus ten, 23. - [Brennan] Mmhmm. - You do have advantage on these. - Oh, okay, so then the, damn, this is lower. 12 plus ten, 22. - Okay, cool. You do not-- - Wait, do I roll again on the second? - You would, you roll for each of them. - Okay. - But you've succeeded on both of them. - Okay, great. - Yeah, cool. So Olag swings at you for 22 points of damage, halved to 11. (grunting) As he keeps swinging, and then Olag's turn is over. This guy's gonna wheel around at you for kicking him. (laughing) He's gonna swing over here. Swing over at Markus. This troll is gonna move (booming) right here, to attack Maggie. - Mmhmm. - These are for Markus. One of those is gonna hit for 20 points of damage to Markus. - Alright, Slippery as an Eel, and I'll just go ahead and take ten instead. Knocking me down to 65. - [Brennan] Cool. - And also, I will use Slippery as an Eel to get away from you. (laughing) Ten, 15, and behind this warg. - [Brennan] Okay. - But he doesn't see me. - That's parkour! Parkour! - Yeah! - Go ahead and take two-- - Pss, skull fell apart there. - [Ify] Oh, shi- - And Frod misses Maggie twice. - I almost used you as a door. (laughing) - Now it is Jason and Jessa. - Okay. (clearing throat) So Jason is going to use web at, I'll say the Vinguri there. - Hell yeah. This one right here? - [Erika] Mmhmm. - [Brennan] Cool. (vomiting noise) You see that Jason is largely frozen. He turns around and goes, That was awesome. (shivering) (web flinging) Shoots some web out. - So it's 20, 20. - [Brennan] To hit? - That's for it to hit. - [Brennan] He hits. - So the Vinguri is restrained by the webbing, they can make a DC 11 strength check and escape from the webbing on a success. - Huge! That is huge. (splattering) Webs up the Vinguri. (coughing) This is so disappointing. It feels humiliating! (laughing) - And then Jessa. - And then Jason would also move up onto the side of the blood pool there. - [Brennan] Cool. (skittering) Right here? - [Erika] Uh huh. - [Brennan] Cool. - [Erika] And then Jessa is going to multi-attack on Hork. - [Brennan] Hell yeah. Go for it. - [Erika] And burst in front of her. - That's gro-- - My baby boy! (laughing) - That's like 23? - You don't have any? - Nah, it's fine, he's fine. - (inaudible crosstalk) (laughing) - [Amy] I recognize those body parts. - Right, so that's-- - 2D8 plus two. - [Erika] Yeah. So that was a five, five piercing and then three poison damage. - Okay, eight, and is that plus two? - Yeah, the first one was five. - [Brennan] Cool, oh the first one was five, yeah yeah yeah. Cool. - They must succeed a DC 11 constitution saving throw or be poisoned for one minute. - Hork is poisoned. (bubbling) - Oh, great! Great, and then his next attack is claw. (rolling dice) Dirty 20. - Dirty 20 hits. - Okay, um, slashing, eight. Oh wait, ten. - You see that Jess- so Jason webs up a Vinguri and Jessa says, Stop fucking touching my mom, you creep! (screaming) (chewing) And Hork goes, your momma's so close! And she fucking eats Hork. - Yay! (clapping) That's my girl! - She turns around and is like, Mom, I feel like I ate a main guy. (laughing) Do you know what I say, it's like one of the main guys. - Isn't he, he seems like he had some juicy backstory that must have been deletion. - Oh, it was really juicy. (chewing) (laughing) - My special little girl. - I don't know if Hork fully understood what just happened. I don't know where he was before he came out of me but it had to have been a bad time. - He's like pissing off a cliff somewhere. (moaning) - And then he's in your stomach, yeah. - I'm in hell. - And Jessa moves up onto the blood. - [Brennan] She moves up here as well? - [Erika] Mmhmm. (hissing) - [Brennan] Oh Efink. Cool. Awesome. Are there goblins left, is the question. - There's these little fuckers over here. - Yes yes yes. You see guys rush out, one over here, and one over here, and they're both gonna take shots at-- - Sokhbarr, fair. - Sokhbarr, you take 12, you take 20 points of damage. - Very good. - And I'm going to need some, I'm gonna need two constitution checks from you. - Constitution checks. - [Brennan] Constitution saving throws, I should say. - Very good. (rolling dice) That is, where's my con modifier? That is 17. - [Brennan] 17 saves. (rolling dice) - And 18. - You save both times, you are not poisoned by their little goblin arrows. - Glad to hear it. Made me happier. (laughing) - [Brennan] One's up here. - (inaudible crosstalk and laughing) - [Brennan] One, two, three, four, five, six. This goblin's gonna run up and try to stab you as well. - Sure. - Misses. (growling evilly) They're just gobbies, yeah. One will run over here and get on the other side of you. I think that's all the goblins, I used to have goblins and then Leiland destroyed them all. - I'm terribly sorry. (laughing) - [Brennan] This guy's gonna take a whack at Lilith. That's gonna hit. Lilith. - Wait that's gonna-- - Yeah, thank you so much. - Mmhmm. - This goblin fails, he does not swing at Lilith at all. - [Erika] Yes. - So he's gonna turn his blow to Old Pickering. Which does succeed. (rolling dice) You see that this standard bearer runs up and bangs Old Pickering across the head with the standard. You see he pretty much (cracking) It was an honor to serve. And whoomp, falls off the other side of your carapace. (thumps) Hits the deck. - [Matt] No! (wooshing) - Is he dead? Are you... are you dead? - He's making saves, he's like, - [Erika] Oh! - He's, getting whacked with a standard is not fun. - That's goblins. These orcs now. - It's a miracle you survived as long as you did! - Yes it is. - Hell yeah. Then we're gonna go, this guy's gonna close with Sokhbarr here, One, two, three, four-- - [Amy] Oh god, you are a little target, aren't you, Sokhbarr? - Yeah, I mean, I brought it on myself. - You're a monster magnet! - [Mike] Yeah. ♪ It was a monster magnet! ♪ (laughing) - [Brennan] Three, four, five, six, this guy's gonna close on J'er'em'ih over here. More orcs, more orcs. This guy's gonna rush over here for Markus. And this guy's gonna rush over here for Maggie. Cool. To come in for Sokhbarr, that's gonna be a hit. That's gonna be a hit as well 'cause Sokhbarr's AC is what, 17, right? Or a 16? - Uh, boop, it is 16, yes. - That's three hits on Sokhbarr. - Hmm, interesting. - [Brennan] Interesting. 13 plus 12, 23 points of damage to Sokhbarr from these orcs swinging at you. One's gonna take some swings at J'er'em'ih. One of those is gonna hit, J'er'em'ih sustains nine points of damage. This one runs up to Markus and is gonna take some swings. He hits Markus for nine points of damage as well. And one runs up behind Maggie. - Ouchies! - My head can't help support a fucking elf. - That's racist. - No, I mean, they literally all look the same, they're-- - It's true. - I used up 118 hit points. - 13 halves to six more damage as an orc slashes at you behind you. - No. - [Mike] Oh, no, more coming at J'er'em'ih. - [Brennan] These things are gonna turn around for Markus, this one's gonna rush up here for Maggie. - And some guys going to, three of them are coming for J'er'em'ih. What's J'er'em'ih's AC again, remind me? - He is 16 as well. - That's a hit. That's a hit and that's a hit. I'm gonna need three strength saving throws from J'er'em'ih. - Very well. - And you are at- oh no, he's out of range on that. - Am I out of range? - Oh no, J'er'em'ih's in range. - Okay, so-- - Advantage. - Advantage, okay. Strength saving throw, you said? - Yes. - Cool. (rolling dice.) Cool. That is 12 is the highest, and then I have plus two to all saves for 14, and then plus five so 19. - That's the lowest one? - Yes, the lowest one was 12, then I have plus two - [Brennan] Cool. - to all saves. - Great, these guys are try to drag J'er'em'ih and throw him into the thing, and you see that he just goes, (blowing) And a weird flapping mouth coming from the top of his head and he sucks a bunch of rocks from around here (crumbling) like a vacuum, and his stomach distends and boom, he just weighs down at the spot as the wargs tear into him. They do deal 30 points of damage. - Yowza. - Ooh. - That's the wargs. - I love how creative he is! - Yeah. - Probably my favorite companion pet that's ever existed. (laughing) - J'er'em'ih's down to 71. - [Rekha] Oh my god. - Except for Trinket. (laughing) Trying to avoid the hate messages. - Oh, oh oh, okay. - There you go, good save. - [Brennan] Maggie, you get hit, you take nine halved to four points of damage, go ahead and give me a strength saving throw. Markus, you-- - 18 plus ten, 28. - [Amy] And add advantage. - And Markus, the warg misses you. - Okay. - And that's Efink's turn. And what was the saves turn? - 18 plus ten-- - Yep, you're good. Efink, that's you. - I have a question. - [Brennan] Yes. - I am very willing to make this her last stand so I'm putting that out there. I, amidst this chaos, the Bloodkeep falling, she has seen holes appear in the floor, her friends getting hit, her enemies dying, everything dying, but there's one figure she sees unhit, unfazed, and it is the necro boatman. - [Rekha] Mmhmm. - [Brennan] Mmhmm. - [Amy] And she looks at him, and she looks at the totems around, and she thinks there is no way we are gonna get to all four of them. I must become the necro boatman. And I must grant myself the right of balance and power to decide who becomes the new crowned king. - Uh. (laughing) - Yes, stories. The-- (laughing) Cool. You look at the boat, you see that the boatman's just sort of here and he goes, The fuck are you looking at? (laughing) - Just eyeing him. - The fuck are you looking at? - That guy hated our hugs! - Yeah! - I look at his dark, dark, probably wet with blood robes, and think, I miss being wet. (laughing) - Yes! - Incredible, cool! Go ahead and narrate whatever you're about to do. - [Amy] Okay. - Take whatever action you wanna take. - Okay, I guess I will, I have at least a spell slot that would kinda work for this. But I step onto the boat, it gently rocks, I would like to kind of divination and now that Gogmoth is no longer my god, I guess, but something higher, some higher power that I was born with and then also, you know, I've experienced, I was born from the loins of light but sworned fealty to the darkness and I guess I use divination to ask the deity that be, as I have experienced both, allow me to be your new champion, I guess. - You hear (whistling) You see that the eyes of all of the statues light up. (wind blowing) And you raise your staff and ruby red light glows in all of their eyes. You ask the divination, you hear the voices of the spirits here say, Nameless and accursed are we who watch the deepest pit of the Bloodkeep. The forces of evil must always exist. Timeless and forever. (church choir music) What is evil? I want you to describe those acts which are not in keeping with the light. If the forces of good in the world would have it, that there is hope and cuddling and scritchy-scratches under a little kitty cat's chin, then there must also be us. A champion of ours to wield the power of nameless evil must exist. Efink Murderdeath. (laughing) You were chosen. And you see all them go, By the way, that name is rad! (laughing) Murder and death? And you see this one over here goes, The first one is knife backwards! (laughing) - You see they go, holy shit! (laughing) They say, if you ask to be the prophet of evil itself, and to dwell here and in the forever beyond. - In the wetness of blood. - Oh sure, the blood fountain comes with. - Oh good. - Then you may have this power on the condition that you kick the old bone's ass. (laughing) - I mean, look at him. (laughing) Okay. - Kick his ass, and you get the power. - Got it! (laughing) - Oh that's, your action gives him damage. - [Amy] It does! - The boatman goes, get off my boat! What's your fucking deal, lady? What the- hey! Stop, what the fuck? No! I've dwelled here forever! - No, no, no, stop it! - I know you to come in peace and no one's attacking you now! - (stammering) Why, it's my job here! I'm like a set piece, not like a guy! (laughing) - [Rekha] Meta. (laughing) - You see, awesome, okay. - [Amy] Okay. - Cool. So that's your action, any bonus actions? - Yeah, I'm going to go ahead and cast Holy Weapon on my staff to take an attack next turn. - Cool, you cast Holy Weapon on your staff and actually, it makes perfect sense. All the ruby eyes on the statues, boom! go to your staff and, so all of their left eyes go to your staff, and all of their right eyes, a ruby ray goes to his. And you see they all go like, Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight! It's a boatman fight! You see all the mummies inside of the tomb wake up and (groaning) elbowing each other, Oh, check it out, a boat fight! (laughing) Insane. What a move! (laughing) Incredible. That's gonna be Sokhbarr and J'er'em'ih. - Cool. Am I close enough with this idol to interact with it, or? - Yes you are! - Okay, great. - Can I ask it to-- - For its blessing? - I'll just ask it for its blessing, I'll start with that and see if it does anything. - Go ahead and give me whatever skill check you like. Go ahead and give me a nature skill check. - Cool. Let's do that. And then do I have disadvantage on this 'cause of my exhaustion? - Yes, you do have have disadvantage on 'cause of your exhaustion. (rolling dice) - Oh, they were both eights. Plus my nature, which is six, so that is a total of 14. - 14, um, cool. What does Sokhbarr say to the spirit as he requisitions it for its blessing? - [Mike] I've championed the deepest and darkest of nature. I am the protector of all that is slimy and gross. Grant the blessing to my ward, the baby. Leiland Junior! (laughing) - So he says, you see it looks to you, this statue turns its head to you as its eyes (grinding) go after the staff fight and you see it goes, As the grossest statue here, (laughing) - Proper noun. - I am 100 percent into your whole deal. (laughing) - Yeah! - You see he looks at you and goes, Let the name of the child of darkness make men in their tall towers and wide cities quake in their boots! All fear the name Leiland Junior! (clapping and cheering) - Yeah! - And you (wooshing) kinda hold this blessing and you feel that like, you know, it's in this weird place, what the fuck is evil? What does it mean to be evil? It means so many different things. And this weird gross guy and you both mean the same thing where you're just like, oh. Like men and elves and dwarves and all those things decide what evil is, and if you wanna live in a little house in a little city and never get dirt on you, and never have an animal come up and bite your fucking head off, well, that's your fucking business, but it doesn't make it wrong. - Yeah! - Just 'cause it's evil. (laughing) And boom, you get this blessing. (croaking) Awesome. That's your, I would say action? - Sure, can I take a bonus action to attack? - Yeah, go for it! - Um, cool. Then that's what I'll do. I will, I will attack. (rolling dice) That is a 13 plus 11, so 24. - 24 hits! - Lovely. - Are you going for a goblin or one of the orcs? - Ooh. You know what? These goblins feel like they're pretty kickable. Just to get things to stop fucking whaling on me. - [Brennan] Yeah, for sure. - I think I'll go for the weaker ones. - Cool. - So I'm gonna, I'm just gonna, hello, little goblin! (laughing) - That's 1D6 plus ten. - Cool. - [Brennan] Oh sorry, plus 12 because of your berserker potion thing. - Yes, exactly. So 1D6 plus 12. (rolling dice) That is a five plus 12 so that is 17. - You get the blessing in one hand and (whipping) get rune in your other (bang) Full decapitation, spinning goblin head flies off and blasts into the pool of blood. (splashing) Fucking dead. - [Players] Yay! (groaning) - And then can J'er'em'ih take a reaction since I attacked? - Yeah, or he can do coordinated attack. - [Mike] Coordinated attack, right? - Yeah, absolutely. - And can he, I'm sorry, I always forget this. Can he do the Flurry of Claws and Teeth? - He can do both, because you're acting on the same turn. - Right! - So he can do Storm of Claw and Fang, and do a coordinated attack. - Let's do it. - Let's do it! Go ahead and let's do your coordinated attack first. - Okay. - So go ahead and roll just one attack, there's an already injured warg if you wanna do that. So you can attack one of the wargs. - Let's attack the injured warg first. - [Brennan] Cool. - And there's no, does your totem effect this at all? - No. - [Mike] No, great. That is a 12 plus ten I think it is? So yeah, 22. - 22, hell yeah. 22 hits. - [Mike] Cool. And then we'll take that damage. This fucking D4. (rolling dice) That is five plus ten is fifteen. - Hell yeah. Now go ahead and do Storm of Claw and Fang. - Cool. - [Brennan] And just go ahead and roll four attacks all at the same time, so get 4D20. - Oh, yeah. Do do do, thank you. (rolling dice) That is. (gasp) - My die fucked up very bad. - [Mike] Yes it did. That is a, so these are all plus tens, so that is a 22, a 25, a 19, and a nat one. - Okay. I'm gonna say that he misses this orc over here, hits the three wargs. Go ahead and roll damage, and you can roll damage just one time. - Yeah, okay, cool. - Or actually no, roll it for each time. - Roll it for each time, okay. First (muttering) First attack is 13. - [Brennan] Hell yeah. - Second. - I can't have D4s, man. - Second is, ooh, a 13. - [Brennan] Hell yeah. - And a third is (rolling dice) 17. - Ooh! So you see that J'er'em'ih has like, he's been having a rough day too, but he's pretty easygoing. He looks at these wargs that are all biting him and dragging him and he goes (shrill ululating) And he erupts into hundreds of eyestalks that fully fill- Lilith, you're like touched by a bunch. - Ooh! (gurgling) - They look at these wargs and and all (siren sound) with hundreds of little green and purple and blue lasers. This one is fully eviscerated and the rest are deep cuts (metallic slicing) and lashes into all of them and he (gurgling) sucks them all back into his body and is back in his regular form. This warg is dead. - Whoo! (clapping) - Yeah! - [Brennan] Incredible. - What will he do next? (laughing) - Specter's turn. - Specter's turn. The, let's see. It's gonna go for Olag. Just gonna go ahead as the ghost of the orc that was following it into battle just (moans) reaches forward and attempts to grasp it with a life drain. - Mmhmm. - Nine to hit. Uh, 14, not very good. - He misses, but (echoed gasping) Olag reaches out and he, you see Olag turns around and looks at the specter and goes, Lucky! (laughing) And the two smack around. You see, that is the specter's turn. Lilith, that's you. - Okay, Lilith reaches out to the altar in front of her 'cause she's heard everything that's happened with the boat. Well, I'll see, I bet she's got it. Oh, but just in case, and she reaches out and says, Spirit, dark evil spirit of the Bloodkeep, I am ancient beyond almost all reckoning. I have seen the beginning of the world and I have fallen into what many may call evil. - She ate the stars! - It was great! I ate the stars, did I tell all of you? - Just throwing support out. - How I ate the-- - We love the Luminari-- - When you look up and see the stars now, there's much less than it used to be. - I don't care what your kids say, it's a fantastic story. - Eating the lights have been deemed bad. Great, anyway, so please. Confer your blessing upon this, the child that we have chosen to secede us. - You, I'm gonna say that you roll with advantage, so your disadvantage is canceled out. Go ahead, you can give me nature, persuasion, arcana, whatever skill you wanna give me you can give. - I will do persuasion! (rolling dice) 23! - Whoa! The spirit looks down and goes, Oh my god, you're Lilith. I'm a huge fan. I'm an- Gogmoth is a fucking dick. You deserved that throne. - Right! - We all talked to him, we all talked about it. - Ya know, one time I saw him shit in a bag. (laughing) - Shit in a bag? - Did you say shit in a bag? - My dad shit in a bag? - He's- yeah! He fucking blasted shit, he's a fucking gross pig! They're all pigs, him and Zaul'zazh. - He's the worst! - I've done some gross stuff and I've never shit in a bag. - It's like those rumors you hear in big evil boardrooms where they just shit in mugs instead of going to the bathroom, and then leave them there. - I can't believe it! - J'er'em'ih blows a huge bubble of mucus that is also still like (groaning) - He blesses, so he blesses the baby and is like, We all talked about it. When you got passed over, we all fucking talked about it. We were all down here and I was talking to, um, we don't have names, but I was talking to the other three and it was, I mean it, bullshit. - It was nonsense but you know what, I realize now that the most important thing is serving with your friends. - Oh, that's-- - But evil, though, of course. - Evil for sure. - [Rekha] Evil, of course! Also evil. - Ah, wonderful. (blasting) You see this thing impart the blessing to you, (gasps) and you go down and feel again this (wooshing) feeling of like, What is the nature of evil? And as you (breathes) fill with that, you go, all you've ever wanted was for you and your family to survive, and in a world that sees you as gross and horrifying and hateful, what's wrong for sticking up for your family? (growls) And all the spiders, yay! (skittering) leap off of you. You have the blessing. - Ah, fantastic. - Yay! - So Lilith climbs up onto the walls, - [Brennan] Ooh! - [Erika] And up onto the ceiling and as far as she can make it above the pool of blood. - Ten, 15, 20, 25-- - What up, girl? - Hello! - Dope. Hold on one second, I gotta get these. - Sorry. - Put the putty on her head, and put her on a little thing. - [Brennan] Ah yes, I fucking love it. - Someone took your trick, that's so funny. - [Brennan] Hold on one second, I just gotta get these things. I see here, being very very careful. - Oh, that's amazing! - Yes! - Okay, let's get this really secure so we're being safe as possible. - What kind of putty is that? - I do not know, but this is my favorite putty. - It can hold a whole drider. (laughing) - Oh my god. - You are up on the fucking ceiling. - [Erika] Ah, this is the coolest! (skittering) Jessa and Jason are both like, Mom! Mom! Mom! Mom! Mom! - [Erika] Yes! - Lilith, awesome. - You still have my baby on your back. (gasps) - Yeah I am. (giggling) - [Brennan] Oh, that's the Vinguri. Oswald's gonna have to spend his whole turn just trying to break out of that webbing. - Nice. - He succeeds but that's his action. And then he is going to move over here to actually close with Jason. - No! - No! - Child! - Jumps up there, the other one's gonna take some swings at Maggie (rolling dice) Hits once, you take 11 halved to five slashing damage and then you take 11, 12, 14 more necrotic damage on top of that. (thump) That is the Vinguri's turn. Leiland Junior is gonna blast the Vinguri that keeps hitting you. (rolling dice) With another fireball, and sadly misses. (wooshing) - He's just a baby, I mean, you know. - [Mike] Yeah, he's a baby. - It's on his-- - Remember, it's alright. - [Amy] He's made some fire art. - It's so pretty, thank you. I'm gonna hang it up. (laughing) - Baby's first! - Like macaroni but fire. - It is once again the Bloodkeep's turn. (sighing) The difficulty, now that it has begun to crumble, is going to go up. On a 12 or lower, it's bad. On a 13 or higher, you guys will be okay. (rolling dice) - [Mike] Isn't so bad. - Ten. - Nice, nice, nice. - Okay, okay. Shit. - Oh, what? - Good thing it was easier 'cause... (dramatic music) - Um, okay. - We've been missing so far. - Sure, sure. - [Brennan] This is coming out, goodbye to you, my friend. (crumbling) - That was on a little baring pillar of skulls. (laughing) - Yeah! - Ooh, cosmetic. - I assume they are not all very structurally sound, I mean how, like these skulls are pretty brittle. - When they're putting this together, they got a bunch of skulls and just like okay, these go first, that'll support the frame. - [Brennan] That one jumps over. - [Mike] We're gonna need more skulls! - [Brennan] Goblin jumps away over there. Jesus. (crumbling) You guys can grab me, just that skull pillar one. Oh, that's the same one. (wooshing) - You're welcome. - [Brennan] Ah, yes, of course. - [Amy] What is this, is this just wrecking? - [Brennan] That's the rubble of the door. - Oh, the door that collapsed. - I see, gotcha. Yeah, we fuck doors, alright. - [Brennan] Oh, what's this one here? I'm going to need a dexterity saving throw from Leiland. - [Matt] Okay. (gasping) - Oh, no no no no no! (nervous laughing) (rolling dice) (gasp) - Natural one. (booming) (squealing) (gasping) - No, no no no no! No! No! No! - [Brennan] I'm going to put this here. Leiland, feeling the cold still in your fingertips, the floor opens up underneath you. (deep rumbling) Hobbert jumps over there. Leiland, you begin to fall. On your turn, you will start to plummet, but the floor gives way, and you guys see Leiland vanish. You immediately drop about 15 feet, just (wooshing) and begin to plummet into the void. You are, and you guys all watch Leiland (gasps) disappear into darkness. Lilith, you got that blessing from that statue at the last possible moment which was an instant- (gasping) - [Brennan] Was an instant lose condition for you guys. - What? - This disappears. Old Pickering vanishes into (wind blowing) the inky blackness. Markus, you watch as Pickering disappears. - No, no! - Was J'er'em'ih on that space? - [Brennan] J'er'em'ih's space is actually fine, which is crazy. And then hold on one second, I'm still looking at what comes out next. Thank god you moved your spider babies up onto the fountain. - Oh yeah, oh yeah. Oh boy. - [Brennan] Because, hold on one second, that's all still there, and I think that little gobby gob is actually gonna be okay. Yes, standard bearer's okay. Is that everything that comes out? (crumbling) That's everything that comes out. (wooshing) As everything falls. - That is really cool but um... - Leiland begins to fall. (wind blowing) Into inky blackness. Natural one, you (wind whistling) are sailing into the void. And Leiland, you're beginning to fall, it is your turn. - Alright, as I fall back, and kind of in that moment, just seeing all of these terrible creatures all gathered around Maggie, and the floor falling out and kind of that moment of despair overcomes me. How far away is the Vinguri right there from me about? - Well, you're falling into the void. (laughing) You fall about, you drop about 15 feet, so at the beginning of your turn, you're probably like 15 feet down so like, he's about 30 feet away from you. - I'm gonna use my bonus action to use Relentless Hex which allows me to teleport 30 feet to a hexed target. (cheering) (clapping) (screaming) - Oh my god! You guys watch Leiland fall and just as soon, (gasping) (stammering) - Oh, I need a minute. (laughing) - [Erika] Oh my god, and Jason's like, Uncle Leiland, where'd you- Uncle Leiland, where'd you come from? - Incredible. Oh my god. That ability has never been more useful. - Nope! - It hasn't. - Nope! - I cannot believe that! - I calmly look at you and say, oh, I can't. I feel like I know everything. (laughing) (screams) - [Brennan] That's your bonus action. - Wow. Incredible! You're really killing it today, Leiland! - Thank you Maggie, thank you! - The fact that you chose Oswald and not Olag just saved your life. - Yeah, I did, and I never expected that to happen! I'm so glad I did! So I go, (sighs) Thank you, Maggie. - [Ify] Oh my god. - And the rest of you. Get the fuck away from my queen! And I go ahead and cast Cause Fear at fifth level which means I can choose five targets. - Ooh! - I'm gonna choose Frod, Olag, both of those orcs, and for the hell of it, I'm gonna go ahead and aim, so it's a 60 foot range. If I can get there I'm gonna try and hit one of the big orcs that's in front of you, Sokhbarr. - Thank you! - Okay, 60 foot range, so this is actually, this is Toby over here. - Yeah, that's alright, Toby. The other Vinguri. - I'll actually go ahead and say obviously you would know this, the Vinguri are not going to be affected by fear effects. - Okay, gotcha. - [Brennan] But you would know that about them. So 60 feet from you. - [Matt] Then I'll choose the boatman. (screams) - [Brennan] You choose the boatman? (clapping) Okay, okay, okay, okay, okay. Okay, you guys are-- (players laughing) You keep it exciting here on D20, alright. - Break the game! Break the game! Double pants! Double pants! - You want us to play evil characters, but we're actually playing evil players. (laughing) - Okay, so we're choosing Frod, Olag, this orc right here, and your other two targets are where? - The orc that's on this side of Sokhbarr over there. - [Brennan] On this side? Okay, that one right there, yeah? - [Matt] And the boatman. - And the boatman, incredible. We'll roll the orcs first, they have a wisdom save here. And this is frightened condition, right? - [Matt] Correct. - Okay. - [Rekha] Oh my god. - Both orcs fail, Olag succeeds, Frod also succeeds, and I'm going to have to roll in the Box of Doom for the boatman. (dramatic music) The boatman gets a plus six, needs to roll a 12 or higher for this fear effect. So 12 or higher's gonna do it. That was a four. (gasps) - The boatman looks over and he says, What the hell is going on, what? And looks over at you. (gasping) (screaming) And just starts screaming. And is fucking incredibly frightened. - Until this day, nobody spoke to me. (laughing) - [Brennan] Yeah, so now he has disadvantage on attacks, right? - [Matt] Correct. - While you're here in his line of sight. So yeah, you see he goes after you. - I still have movement on my turn. - [Brennan] Oh yeah, go for it. - That was just a teleport. - [Brennan] Mmhmm. - I will happily, if he has a reaction, go ahead and take attack of opportunity. Five, ten - [Brennan] Mmhmm. Let's see, the blood pool? - [Brennan] Mmhmm. I will actually allow you to float over the blood pool, if you'd like to. - [Matt] Okay, I will do that. Five, ten, 15, 20, 25, 30. And I'm just gonna place myself there. - Cool. (wooshing) as you glide across the blood. You see after you, the boatman goes, and just starts taking wild, panicked swings. And he'll be like (screaming) - Whoa! - [Brennan] I'm the guy, I'm the boat guy! - I know, well you were, I mean. (frightened gibberish) (laughing) - Incredible. What a fucking turn, Jesus Christ. (clapping and cheering) Oh, god. Maggie, that, oh no, sorry. Markus, that's gonna be you. - Alright, so I'ma let him get the opportunities, strikes to go five, ten, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50-- - [Erika] Nice! Nice nice nice! - Hell yeah. - Right in front of this guy. - [Brennan] Incredible. They each take their swings. The orc is going to hit. We're going to have this orc take a swing at you. He deals you 15 points of damage. - Okay, cool. - [Brennan] As you rush past him. (wing blowing) You make it all the way over to the statue. - Ooh. And I look at the statue-- - You wouldn't make it over there with-- - Huh? - Sorry. So you were able to make it over there with just your movement? - Bonus action dash. - [Mike] Oh wow. Oh, 'cause you're fifth, oh, very cool. - [Brennan] There it goes, man. - So I stare and am like, Alright, scary cloak nameless dude. (laughing) I take off my mask (metallic clinking) (gasp) to reveal, I'm sexy as fuck. (laughing) - The huge reveal of the series! Markus is hot as shit! - I'm like, why was he wearing the mask? - Lilith's like, what? Whoa! (squealing) - Leiland is like-- - [Erika] Everyone-- You are all sa- holy shit. - I know, right? - Dammit, god damn. - Good gracious! - One of the main parts about being evil is looking scary. (dramatic music) You should know, you're in that cloak. Everybody, the main difference you can tell about the forces of good versus the forces of evil, they're wearing weird white robes, all that ornate armor, We're wearing skull faces (metallic clinking) And I clank it back on. Made out of gold. And silver. Scary swords that curve in ways that swords shouldn't. (laughing) Spikes on pauldrons. That's not useful at all! (laughing) - Go ahead and make a persuasion check with advantage. - [Ify] Okay. (rolling dice) Four, 15. So that's gonna be 29. - You see this statue (wooshing) looks at you and there's a long pause, and it goes, I- I'm so sorry, I didn't get a thing you said after you took the mask off. (laughing) I was just-- (laughing) Do you model? Why do you wear a beard? I just feel like I can tell, even under the beard, your chin, your jawline is so strong. (giggling) Fuck, sorry, I'm being unprofessional. (laughing) Blessing, yeah! (coins jingling) (cheering) You are filled with the power of this blessing! (booming) Three of you guys all have these blessings. (buzzing) Incredible. That's Markus, Maggie. That's gonna be you. - [Rekha] Okay. What's going on? So I can't go past any of these people, I have to like-- - You-- - [Rekha] Or if I do, they get an attack of opportunity. - If you do, they get attacks of opportunity on you, yes. - Okay. I don't care. (laughing) - You easily, you can just jump over them, basically. - [Rekha] Yeah. - [Brennan] Cool. - I will do that. - Cool. - So-- - I will also say, there is an action available to you called disengage. - Okay. - Which means that no one gets attacks of opportunities for you. - [Rekha] Okay. - It's your action for the turn though. - Oh, okay. Hmm. Well, and then I still get to move? - [Brennan] You still get to move, yeah. - Okay, then I'll do that. - [Brennan] Cool. - So five, ten, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40. - [Brennan] 40, hell yeah. - And that's the last? - That's the last statue over there. Disengage, you make your movement, you leap over them. That disengage probably saved your life. Hell yeah. So that is, that's Leiland, Maggie, that is your turn. - [Rekha] Cool. - Olag-- (gasps) is going to turn and rush after you. Your specter can get an attack of opportunity on him. - Yes it will. (rolling dice) That is a 20 to hit. - Oh, that hits. - Alright. (rolling dice) Olag takes 8 points of necrotic damage. - Hell yeah. - And he has to make a constitution saving throw, not that it really matters. It just reduces his max HP, but he's fine. - Okay, gotcha, cool. He rushes after you, Maggie, and he's going to take some swings. - Let me kill you! I was so happy to kill you! - He deals 18 points of damage, halved to nine to you. And I need you to make a strength saving throw. - [Erika] With advantage. - 11 and, okay six, so 11 plus ten. - You are not knocked down. - [Rekha] Great. - It's, him doing this to you is an exercise of utility. You see he goes, get off me! You have born a child of falseness! The Lord of Shadows is Dead! There can be no new lord! - Shut the fuck up, Olag, my god. Go kill yourself. Jump in a hole. - I've been trying so hard! (laughing) That is Olag's turn. Cool. Hobbert is gonna make a little athletics check. Succeeds, leaps over this chasm, he goes Five, ten, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, is gonna leap up here and take a swing at Efink on the boat. - Okay, with attack of opportunity? - Uh, no, actually he never leaves Jason's threatened area. - Yeah. - He's gonna take some swings at Efink though. - I don't like that. - Efink, you take from one attack, you take 17 points of damage. - Okay. - And from another, you take 19 points of damage. - So 36? - [Brennan] 36. - How you doing? (growling) - What's Efink at? - Efink is at 19. (gasps) No, shit, no that's great. Plus I have temporary hit points so I'm at 38. - Okay. (sighing) (growling) Pow pow pow! That's him. Frod turns to face Leiland over here. - Hey big guy! - made a door happen again! You made a door happen without even a door! You disappeared, that's like a mind door. (laughing) - Do I take psychic damage from that? (laughing) - Slam! - He's so stupid it hurts you. (laughing) - [Brennan] So that's 17. You take 25 points of damage from Frod. - [Matt] Alright. (whacks) I'm at...(mumbling) - It is the spiders' turn. - Alright. (clearing throat) So Jason is going to- oh wait, let me check to see if (rolling dice) Does not get recharge web. But Jason is going to multi-attack the Vinguri. - [Brennan] Hell yeah. (skittering) - [Erika] So, first is bite. 19 to hit? - 19 hits! (rolling dice) - Four piercing damage, then (rolling dice) Ooh, seven poison damage and you need to make a DC 11 constitution saving throw. - The Vinguri does not, it's undead, but-- - [Erika] Right. - And then the claw attack. - Eight, eight does not? - Eight does not, yeah. (slashing) Jason attacks Oswald some more, and then Jessa. - Jessa is going to attack the troll right in front of her. - [Brennan] Hobbert. - [Erika] Hobbert. She is going to actually use web. - Ooh, okay. - Or she's going to use Web Garot. - Ooh. - Ooh. - Oh, that's a nat 20! - Oh my god! (cheering) - So okay, that's a, does 1D4 plus two bludgeoning. So it's just three bludgeoning but he is grappled and escape DC 12. And until it ends, he cannot breathe and I have advantage on attack rolls against him. - Whoa! Hell yeah! (whipping) He is grappled. - Thanks, Jessa. - Thank you! - We got you, Auntie Efink! - She goes, (whipping) Let's make you a sweater, asshole! - A suit of webs. - Awesome. - That's now going to be, that's the spiders' turn. Are there any goblins left, who knows. - There are, yeah. - Oh yes. - They're the ones with their arrows aimed at me. - [Brennan] Yes, that's true. - Over there on Goblin Island. - [Mike] Yeah. Honestly, once these guys are dead, I don't know what I'm doing. (laughing) - Come to Goblin Island! - You take nine points of damage, give me two constitution saving throws. - Cool. I'll just leave that part at nine right now. Gonna make my rolls save time. I'm not gonna use Efink's. That doesn't sound good. - You shouldn't, it is dastardly. - These are con roll, so that is ten and 11. - Ten and 11. You are under the poisoned condition. (bubbling) - Okay. What does that mean? - [Brennan] Disadvantage on attack roles. - Okay. - Those arrows fly into you, (clinking) this one's gonna take a swing at J'er'em'ih. What's J'er'em'ih's AC again, sorry? - Uh, 16. - It deals 6 points of damage to J'er'em'ih. Any other goblins up there? No, I think they're all gone. Then, that's going to be the orcs. These guys are gonna, the frightened orcs get disadvantage. That's a miss. This one cannot move closer to Leiland, so it runs away. That's going to be five, ten, 15, 20, 25, 30. And he's going to be basically, he's going to hide out right there. This one is going to, five, ten, 15, 20, 25, 30. It's gonna close ranks with Leiland over here. So, it's also gonna take some swings at Leiland. That's going to hit. (rolling dice) Ten, 12, you take 16 points of damage from that orc swinging at you. These two, Sokhbarr, this guy actually, this one over here hits you. The one that's not feared hits you twice. - Okay. - [Brennan] For 12, for 20 points of damage. (banging) - I am at 89 HP. - Five, ten, 15, 20, 25... This guy's gonna close over on Leiland as well. - Oh, I have to make concentration check for the-- - Oh yes. - Fear. - [Brennan] That's right. (rolling dice) - 16, so I'm not gonna. - [Brennan] Cool. Jesus. - Too many of these goblins. (mumbling) - [Brennan] Warg, warg. Okay, two wargs on Leiland and two wargs on J'er'em'ih. (rolling dice) 16, that's a miss. - He hates wargs! - Even with advantage, no, that warg hits. Give me a strength check for J'er'em'ih. - Okay. - Add advantage. Wait, it's-- - [Brennan] Yeah. (rolling dice) - That is 18 plus 2-- - [Brennan] Oh, you're good. That's going to be 13 points of damage to J'er'em'ih from one of the wargs. He is not knocked prone. The orc next to him does hit him for 11 more points of damage. - J'er'em'ih? - [Brennan] J'er'em'ih, yeah. - Alright! - And then these wargs are coming for Leiland. (rolling dice) That's a hit. (rolling dice) That's actually a hit as well. I'ma need two strength saving throws from Leiland. (rolling dice) - Nope! (rolling dice) And probably not. A four and a 13. - The four does not succeed, you take-- - Is he within the totem's thing? - In the 30 feet? It looks like he might be out of range. - Oh, he's floating over there now. - [Matt] I think I might be-- - [Brennan] You're just out of it, yeah. (sighs) - Yeah, 'cause I'm within 30 of the Vinguri. Oswald. - So that's going to be 20 damage to Leiland and you go prone as the wargs pull you to the ground. - Yes I do. It's alright, hey, it's fine! (growling) I'm alright! My queen, just go! You've got this! (laughing) Oh god! - Just call me Maggie, please. - [Brennan] Efink, that's-- - Natural one on maintaining concentration, so my Cause Fear has faded. (exploding) - Fear goes away. That's going to be Efink. - Okay, perfect. First thing, can I tell if this thing is undead? - Which thing? - [Amy] Boatman. - He is undead. - He's undead. - [Brennan] Yep. - So the motherfucker's getting turned. (laughing) - I look him in the eye and I go, and yeah, I say, Oh, your nature has turned against you! (laughing evilly) I soon will be undead but I'm not yet! And I cast Turn Undead and he needs to make a wisdom saving throw, 18, DC 18. - We said that he had a plus six wisdom save. - [Amy] Yeah. Oh boy. Does it turn, oh boy, I actually don't know. Cause it only says it here. The range is, I think it's 30 feet, honestly. - Well, I'll tell you who's definitely getting it, is the boatman, so while you're looking it up, - [Amy] Okay. - I'm going to roll for the boatman. On a 12 or higher, he succeeds, on an 11 or lower, he fails. This is a bit of a-- - [Matt] There it is, Turn Undead. (dice rolling) 30 feet. - [Brennan] 30 feet. - I'm out of range. - Oh, good. - The boatman saves on a 16. - [Amy] Okay. - Oswald's gonna make the save, and it's 30? - 30 feet, yeah. - Oswald saves on a 14. And then I think, does this guy also get hit as well, let's find out. - The specter? - No, the other Vinguri. - The other Vinguri, okay. - [Brennan] 30... yeah, he's gonna get it too. - Good. Maybe. - He saves as well. - Okay. - Well, it was worth a shot. - [Amy] Yeah, it was worth a shot. - (boom) Worth a shot. - So I'm still laughing in those, so nothing happens, and as a bonus action, I do dispel my holiness from my weapon. And that means every creature within 30 feet, I get to name who, and then they have to make a constitution saving throw. Again, DC 18, and yeah, if they fail, they get full 4D8 radiant damage. - Oooh. - [Brennan] Oh, okay. - So it explodes, basically. - Gotcha. - [Amy] In his face. - On a success they take half damage and aren't blinded. - Oh yeah, and they're blinded too. - If it hits them, they're blinded. - This is not a room you want to be blind in. (laughing) (rolling dice) - Those two, okay. Go ahead and roll damage. - I can't use my weapon holy again so that's 4D8 radiant by the way. Ooh, 14 plus three is 17 radiant damage. (church choir music) - 17 radiant damage, okay. - Both the Vinguri get it full blast. - So they're blinded as well? - [Brennan] These two are blinded. - It's also these guys over here too. - [Brennan] The wargs as well, yes. The boatman doesn't take 17 damage, the boatman takes 54 damage. - Whoa! - [Brennan] With a vulnerability to radiant. (clapping) - Oh, yes! - Yes, yes! - Oh, my elven nature doing its work! There is balance! (screams) Why you are so... What's your whole deal? Why bother me here in this place? Everything was going fine! - There cannot be shadow without light! And he's also blinded, by the way. He cannot see. - Incredible. So he's blinded as well, my goodness. Cool. - Thank god. For a minute. - At the end of Efink's turn, Olag is going to take another swing at Maggie. That is going to be a hit. I'm gonna need a strength saving throw from Maggie. (rolling dice) - 11 plus ten. - [Brennan] Dex save? - Right, you've got it. - Yes, 19 plus 11, or ten. - But you do take ten points of damage, halved to five points of damage. God, rage is good. (laughing) - That's what I've been saying! Everybody rage! (humming) (laughing) - [Brennan] Okay. - I'm at 76 hit points. - Holy shit, how many did you start off with? - 220. - God damn, we-- - I think that's half a boat right there. - Half a boat! Efink, I think it'll make the most sense for me to go into the thick of people 'cause I've so many. - Yeah, you are a great meat shield. - [Brennan] Yes. - Yeah, truly. - Sokhbarr, it's gonna be you and J'er'em'ih. - Cool. Can I, I don't know if this is an action or not, but can I do any kind of perception check or anything to just sort of see if there's anything I could do to sort of shore up the architecture around here, just sort of like, not even keep things from, kinda keep things at bay or sort of help in any way, give us some advantage on when things are kinda crumbling. - Uh... - [Mike] If there's anything in here. - Yeah, go ahead and make a flat intelligence check. - [Mike] Okay. - [Brennan] Go for that. - And then do I have disadvantage on this from my exhaustion? - I'm gonna say no. Go ahead and just roll normally. - Damn intelligence, I'm not super intelligent. And that is a nat one. - You barely understand how this room works. - Yeah, I'm sure. (laughing) - Aww! - What is floor? - I don't understand, there's nothing underneath the floor? (laughing) How is it on... a thing? (laughing) Okay, well, that was worth a shot. - Did well. - I think you, Maggie's headed there, Lilith's on the ceiling, I don't think it makes sense for me to rush towards that totem. So I think I just gotta kinda like, just chop-- - Save yourself! - Chop at these fuckers. (squealing) - So I'm just-- - No, no! (inaudible) - What was that? - Get to safety, no! - You can do both, you can kill the men and try to get to safety. - I could do both. You know what? I could fall, but things could already happen, I'm just, I'm gonna do at least one more round of just swiping at these guys, 'cause I feel like they're a little weak. - [Brennan] Go for it. - And you know what, if I fall into the abyss, I fall into the abyss. (nervous muttering) That's going to be how it is. - No! - Alright, so this will, first I'll roll for Sokhbarr. He's gonna take a swing at, who's around him, there's two orcs and a little goblin there. - [Brennan] Two orcs and a little goblin. - Cool. - [Mike] I'm gonna go for that little goblin first. - [Brennan] Hell yeah. - That is a 19 plus 11, that's gotta hit, right? - Not even a point in rolling damage. You fucking-- - Ping! - You cleave him full in half like bisymmetrical, just (smacking) (growling) One axe down the middle, this goblin's toast. - Cool. - You get a lesson in anatomy. (laughing) - And then, what I'm gonna try to do is I'm going to use, since I'm fleet of foot, use my bonus action to- fuck it. Just like to run, and I guess I'll have to jump over that crevice, and I'm gonna head towards the lip of the thing there. - Cool, that's a five foot jump, that's within your jump distance, I'm not even gonna make an athletics check for that. - Okay, cool. - Oh, nice, yeah yeah yeah. - You know, there's nothing, your jump clearly covers that. - Cool. - So five, ten, 15 (gasps) 20, 25, 30, At where, where is-- - I only have 30 foot speed. - Cool, so you get to there, right? - [Mike] Okay. - I'm gonna get those attacks on you. - [Mike] Yep. - That's a hit. - 'Kay. - One of those is a hit for 16 points of damage. - Okay, that brings me down to, you said 16? - [Brennan] 16, yeah. - [Brennan] That is 73. (groans) (slices) As one of them takes a slash at you. That's you, J'er'em'ih can take his coordinated attack. - Yes, he will, in fact, take his coordinated attack. Whoever is-- - Sorry, this standard bearer is toast. Radiance caught him, he's fucking (explosion) - At least one of those wargs was pretty, - [Brennan] Badly injured, yeah. - Badly injured, right? - [Brennan] Yes. - I'm gonna coordinate an attack on that guy. - Cool. - So that'll be a 17. - [Brennan] Hell yeah. - Cool. And then, (rolling dice) That'll be 17 damage. - [Brennan] This warg (groaning) You see that J'er'em'ih goes and looks at that warg, you see that his wings flap a little bit. You've never seen him, even when he was running around and jumping, he barely uses his wings. He just goes, (fluttering) (gasps) - And this (blows) little bit of sparkling purple glitter comes out him, and covers this warg, and you see that the warg goes (smack) becomes a two-dimensional drawing of itself, and then floats off into the void. (laughing) - That's an ability J'er'em'ih has? - I guess? (laughing) - You really have to, it takes a long time to know your partner, you see what I mean? - And then I'm going to Flurry of Claw and Teeth these other two. - Ah yeah, go for it. Make a, roll his attacks. - And that's two separate rolls, right? - Two separate rolls, yep. (rolling dice) - That is... - Ooh. - A 26 and 22. - Hell yeah, roll for both. - First attack will be 15. - 15 damage, you see that he, yeah, his tail, you see that it's multiple little triangle spikes on it, J'er'em'ih's fucking done, man. (silly animal noises) (shrill ululating) And you see that each, he has sort of weird caltrops stacked up on his tail, he just goes, (growling) shakes his tail, (rattling) it makes a rattling noise, and each one goes, (exploding) And trails of fire come off each spike as they (high-pitched wooshing) Bam! And just missile into this warg, fucking destroy him. - Did he just like mecha missile them? - [Brennan] Yes, he (rockets launching) (exploding) And then roll damage. - J'er'em'ih gets weirder and weirder every day. - How old is he again? 200, 300- - Yeah, he's like as old as time or something. - Really, they're so precious at that age! (laughing) - And that is 15 for the other fellow there. - 15 damage, that one is looking extremely hurt. - Nice. - And then, I'm just, I was hoping to kill it, but I'm gonna just have J'er'em'ih, he'll take the attack of opportunity and he'll just sort of trot, he'll come over to be on the lip of the blood well, yeah. - [Brennan] Cool. He jumps up there. Awesome. That's-- - Does he, I assume he gets an attack on him, right? - He does, yeah. He takes an attack. That's gonna be a hit. He deals ten points of damage. - Yowza. - [Brennan] To J'er'em'ih. - J'er'em'ih's down to 31. - Oh gosh. (grunting) (thump) Orc takes a swing, at the end of Sokhbarr's turn, he's going to give the command for Frod to take a swing at Leiland, which he has advantage on. Hits and is going to deal 3D8. (dice rolling) Deals 25 points of damage to Leiland. - Okay. - Oh... (groaning) (thump) - 11. - Oh my. - That's going to be, that's the end of Sokhbarr and J'er'em'ih's turn. Then after you is going to be the specter. - Hmm. - [Erika] Ooh! - Ah, let's see. Of the wargs there, - [Brennan] Mmhmm. - Alright, of all the creatures around me, who looks the most hurt? - I forgot that I was poisoned. Which would've just affected that goblin attack. - Oh, you're good. - [Mike] Okay. I just wanted to be honest. - That goblin's fucking toast. (laughing) - I'm not sweating that goblin. Of those creatures there, these two wargs I think actually were- Oh, both of them were hurt by your Cone of Cold, so they have sustained those injuries, - [Matt] Alright, so the specter's gonna go ahead and move up behind this warg and reach out forward. (wind blowing) To attempt to reach into its body, kind of incorporeal, like just grasp its heart until it stops. (laughing) That's going to be a 22 to hit. - For sure a hit. - And the warg takes (rolling dice) 11 points of necrotic damage. - Your specter goes down, this orcish ghost reaches in (crunching) and you see the warg stops, all the blood freezes in its veins and it falls into the pool of blood. (splashing) - Good job, friend! (laughing) (whispered moaning) - Keep it up, my dude! (laughing) - Okay. That's the specter, then it's Lilith. - Lilith sees her dearest friend is in dire danger, so she reaches out with her web whip and pulls at the boatman. (laughing) She calls upon all the luck that she has left. - [Brennan] Okay, yes, go for it, go for it. You're burning up your last two luck points. (rolling dice) - 18 plus ten. - 18 plus ten, oh yeah, 28'll do it, yeah, for sure. - So that's (squeals) - And does that, that moves him automatically, right? - Yes. So it's 3D6 of piercing, which is 11, and she pulls him from the boat, ten feet into the air! - Where'd you go? Where'd you go? - And you (whipping) and just (choking) up in his neck-- - Do I get an attack of opportunity? - Yeah, we'll say this once, go for it. - Okay, cool. Alright, this is my staff, this is the first time I've attacked with my staff, plus eight so does a 17 hit? - 17 hits. - Okay. - Yeah, on the way up. - And it's just the basic damage then, right? 1D6 plus three, so not much, but enough. Seven bludgeoning. - You smack him in the ass on the way up into the air. (thump) With your staff. (laughing) He is hoisted aloft. Just (choking) Yeah. You hear a chorus from all around the room, from all the mummies, Ooh! You see this guy over here that you haven't met yet goes, Ah, you hate to see it, folks. (laughing) And you yoink him up out of the thing, cool. So yes, that's your action, right? - And so I wait until he's hanging under me. - No. (laughing) - And I sever the cord. - [Brennan] So he looks at you and says, (choking) What, what's wrong with you people? (laughing) - We're evil! (screaming) - You watch him fall as all your spiders go, Yay! - [Erika] What does it mean to kill him? - My girl! Lilith, my girl! - Lilith bursts into tears and says, Efink, you're my best friend. And I'm going to miss you so much. - Just come down and visit in the void! (crying) I'll miss you too! - I'll miss you so much! - I'm gonna be wet again! - Fulfill your destiny! - Before that power's handed over, I want a chance. - [Brennan] We, yes. You see (wooshing) You see that (deep rumbling) The water, the blood, the blood of the blood fountain begins to swirl around the base of the boat. And the boat begins to just stay where it is, even as the whirling blood recedes underneath it. (deep, guttural noises) The boatman (screaming) falls into the inky void. (laughing) I mean, fuck me, right? (laughing) Incredible. - Yeah! - That is fucking awesome, Lilith. Any movement that turn or no? - I'm gonna go directly above the blood pool. - Awesome. Jump. - How's that gonna work? - Oh, there you go, just stick it under the front of the boat there. - [Erika] I'm gonna do that. And actually, do I have a bonus action? - Look at that, perfect! - I'm gonna say that your bonus action was like severing-- - [Erika] Okay. - The thing. So (thumping) The boatman is no more. Efink stands in the center of the boat. - I'm crying as if someone gave me the tiara for the princess, or Miss America. - Miss America, incredible. Finally! - This is much better than Miss Tyriath! - Yes! - Cool. The blind Vinguri are going to... - Just stumble around. - [Brennan] Just stumble around. This one's gonna come over and surround Leiland here. This one's going to come over to Leiland as well. Now, they're blind but Leiland is also prone. So they're each gonna take some swings at Leiland. Leiland, you take-- - Who hits me? - Oswald hits you. The one with your hex on it. - Yeah, I'm gonna go ahead and attempt to use Armor of Hexes to see if perhaps he misses. As I see the blade come up, I (screaming) tumble out of the way. Yes, with a six, it misses! (screaming) (cheering and clapping) (grunting) He's looking at Oswald, takes his, even blind, he's like, Look, I just have to kill you! You must understand, it's not personal! It's a little personal. And you (metallic clinking) and your hexes stop him. - I'm just like, new Dark Lord! Things have changed! Rule of law, totally different! - You see, so instead of almost certainly dying, Toby gets one hit on you for 20 points of damage. - I am unconscious. (thumping) That's unfortunate. - Well, without that death save. (thumps) You guys see that Toby sinks his runeblade into Leiland's chest, and you begin to see Leiland's armor (metallic clanking) (grunting) As he is surrounded on all sides. That's the Vinguri. Lilith, you're up on the ceiling, right? - Yes. - You see Leiland Junior reaches out, and his eyes actually go a fiery white, and he looks down at Leiland and says, I have not released you from my service. You may not depart without my permission. (laughing) (wooshing) (laughing) - Oh my god! - With-- - He said so many words, he was born a couple hours ago! - I'm so proud! - Look at your boy commanding his minions! - Oh my gosh! - We made a good choice. - As your armor (crumpling and banging) starts to implode, (grunting) you see that (wooshing) time stops, a swirl of white mist goes everywhere, and he goes, Hide no longer behind a helmet. I would have the world behold the face of my right hand. You (exploding) In a burst of light, Leiland, or rather I should say Kraz-Thun, disappears. - [Matt] Uh oh. - [Brennan] And Leiland appears. (gasping) - Oh shit! (wind blowing) - This is effectively a high-level healing word, he's going to raise you for seven, for 11, raises you for 16 hit points. - 16 hit points. - Look at Leiland! Everyone, look at Leiland! - Oh, that's who he is? - He looks so cool! (laughing) You're totally-- - I look back towards the child Leiland Junior and go, Eyyyy. (cheering) (baby talk) Yay! (clapping) - [Brennan] Incredible! That is the Bloodkeep's turn. - Okay. - No! - Oh no! - No! - I have a feeling... I feel like I will fall. - [Brennan] Okay. - No. - Now it is a three quarters chance of further crumbling. - Mmhmm. - [Brennan] One through 15. - Inclusive of 15? - Inclusive of 15. 16 or higher is what you guys are looking for. - Alright. (dice rolling) - 14. - It would have been nice the first two. (nervous crosstalk) - I'm so scared, you guys. You guys, I'm so scared. It's a little late, yeah. (deep breath) - Ooh, doctor. (dramatic music) (crumbling) - [Erika] Oh! - [Brennan] That one's going away. Let's see what we're gonna pick, this buddy. Stand back up again. Anything else? Gone. (growling) - Goblin island? - Um, hold on a second. (laughing) - The worst vacation destination on Earth! - All that is still there. - Good. - Coulda lost that. - [Brennan] This one goes. (gasp) I'm gonna need a dexterity saving throw from Rekha. - Yeah, I mean no! - No! - Advantage - Okay. Five... (rolling dice) 20! (screaming) - Olag is after you, this entire chunk begins to fade away. On a nat 20, where would you like to jump to? - There! (laughing) - It starts to fall. As it tilts diagonal, you (roaring) And bam, hit the deck over here. (roaring) Talk about a fucking clutch. Nat 20. (Rekha screams) (laughing) - Holy shit! - Nice, nice. - Hell yeah. I'm going to need dexterity saving throws from, hold on one second, - [Ify] No way. Hold on one second, let me just make sure that I got this right. What does this piece do? That one's Leiland. - [Erika] No! - Let me get a dexterity saving throw from Leiland. - Right. Been always very good at these in the past. - Well at least you're not-- (rolling dice) - 19! - Unconscious. - It was like, one... 19. (gasping) Plus one, 20. - [Brennan] Plus one, 20. Leiland, you leap to the edge of the blood fountain. This chunk (wind whistling) with this warg and this orc is going to vanish. That part is still there, all of that is still there. They're gonna make some dex saves, these two. (rolling dice) That's a three and a six. (yelling) And they fall away. Wild. What, how 'bout some saving throws, huh? - Seriously. - Whoa. - (laughing) Whoa. - [Brennan] That's the Bloodkeep's turn. - Holy shit. - Sokhbarr looks over here and goes like, But seriously, how does this even work? That piece isn't connected to anything. And yet it floats in nothing. (laughing) - Sokhbarr, that's- that's your hangup? That's where you draw the line? - I, yeah, I mean- I just, I don't know. Guys, this place is crazy. (laughing) - Ooh, and actually this piece too. - [Mike] Oh, alright. - [Brennan] Poof, vanishes. Great. That is going to be back on top of the order, that's Leiland. - Alright. Let's see. And Olag is still trained heavily on Maggie? - Yes. - How bad does Olag look? - He looks pretty bad. He looks not great. Yeah, he's taken a lot of damage. I mean he's not on death's door. - Right. Alright, so as I like, oh shit, yah! Leap onto the side, the transition's like My god, thank my chi- (yelping) And then leap on the side. Look back over and see Olag just charging towards Maggie and I'm like, (sighs) My lord needs a mother. - Markus catches this and goes, Let Olag live. (gasps) Let Olag live. - Make a persuasion check and give me some- - Ahh! - [Matt] I'm not loyal to you, I'm loyal to her. - I get it, let's go. - [Brennan] Okay. Old silvertongued Markus. - Oh, 18! - Looking at you and even the conversation we had before, I'm like (sighs) My connection, forgotten royalty. And in just the eyes you see, alright, I trust you. And I spin the finger around instead. Which of the Vinguri looks the most damaged? - Your boy Oswald looks the most damaged. - Like pretty bad or? - They're actually both pretty equal, - [Matt] Okay. - And they've both been roughed up a lot. They're not on death's door, but they're like one notch above it. - Got you. - [Brennan] Yeah. - Who's the one that stabbed and killed me, that was-- - That was Toby. (laughing) - Okay. I turn and go, Toby. - What? Oh, you would do the same. - Yeah. (laughing) I Finger of Death him. - Oh shit! Alright, go ahead and roll. - Saving it the whole game. (rolling dice) That's good... - Well I gotta know what MarKus' thing is. (laughing) - I'm livid! Kill Olag! (laughing) - Oh, be ready, be ready. For some RP. - Some shenan- - Oh no. - 44 points of necrotic damage plus 30, sorry. So it's 74 points of necrotic damage. - Fails his save on a natural three. So here's the bummer news. These guys are resistant to necrotic damage. That being said, you suck the soul out of his armor so fucking fast (wooshes) And you're holding it, burning icy blue in your hand. His armor (clanking) falls to the ground. Even at half damage, he is unmade. (explosion) - Which I, holding it in my hand, I look towards Oswald and go, Like I said, rules have changed. There's a new lord in town. Think carefully about who you side with. - Make a persuasion check with advantage. (rolling dice) - Ooh, 29! (laughing) - Who am I to question the wisdom of the king of the Vinguri? (shouting) - Oh my god, oh my god. Oh my god. - You raise, also, Finger of Death raises Toby as a zombie, right? - Yes. - Which is just a much shittier Vinguri. They're already undead. So I think he just gets up and all his armor is like, fucked up and cracked and he's like, (clanking) Hey, brother, hello! (laughing) Alright, you made a point. I shall serve. - And, uh-- - The spooky boys are back together! - King of the Vinguri once again! - You see that Toby and Oswald look at each other and go, How do we get that look? (clanking) I know, right? He looks great! Incredible. In one round, both Vinguri are back under your command. - Wooh! - Nice! - [Brennan] Awesome! Any movement or other actions? - I'm in melee with the big troll. - [Brennan] That's correct. - I'm gonna go ahead and just stay there. - Cool, great great great. That's going to be-- - Oh, he's probably going to attack me on the next turn anyway, I'm gonna go ahead and attempt to just take the attack of opportunity and attempt to move along towards back towards my friends. - [Brennan] Cool, great. - [Matt] Yeah, there, that's good. - [Brennan] Cool, great. He's gonna take a swing at you. - Go for it. - Hits. - Alright. (rolling dice) - And deals 16 points of damage to you. - Alright. So I go charging away, I'm like, Oh, hi boys, keep it up! (thuds) (splashes) - [Brennan] You fall face first into the blood pool. Leiland is down for the count again. (wooshing) But now I'm caught in the swirl and (swishing) - Yeah, bonking against the wall. - Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow - [Brennan] That is Leiland. Markus, that's you. - Alright, so I bound over. - [Brennan] Let's see this. - [Ify] Hoo, ha, hoo, ha, hoo, what did you need me to do for that? - You don't need to do anything for that. That's all good, that's all gravy. - Maggie. I got this, I already talked to one of these guys. I got something cooked. - What? - Big scary evil statue, you wanted us to prove something evil. And the most evil thing you could do is take away something someone really, really wants. Standing in that swirling pool of blood, my own friend wants to become the Keeper of Souls down here. And standing away from me with that axe is an orc who really wants to die. I want you to make my evil bidding come true. And make Olag stuck in here, alive, and undead, for eternity. - Oh, shit, I'm gonna be listening to his complaints all eternity? - You see the evil statue looks at you, go ahead and give me just a persuasion check. Flat persuasion check, I'm gonna set the DC at 30. - Oh, it's 24. - Ooh. You go to talk to the statue, it goes, Compelling offer, I would love to hurt that guy. But I also want to hurt everybody. (laughing) - Okay. - How do we make this work? Let's start brainstorming. (crumbling) He starts throwing out some ideas. Okay, I will make him live here forever. Is there someone that I can make die forever? Um, die forever. How do we do this? Okay. Tic tock, tic tock. I'm trying to think. Okay, we can come up with something. Yes to the orc. What happens to you? Can we make you, I don't know, pulled apart? Chains, spikes? No judgment, just throwing stuff out. - Markus takes a step back. How 'bout falling forever? - Oh my god. - What? - And he steps off into the void. - No! - What? - You see the statue goes, hell yes! Love that! Pew! (ringing) And fucking blasts Olag, boom. Into the void (wooshing) Markus and Olag both begin to fall. (wind blowing) Incredible. What a fucking turn! - Holy shit. - Whoa. - There's no blessing there, right? That was just for Olag, torturing Olag? - There was no blessing there, this was a- Who knows what happened to Olag, the spirit is doing something to Olag, Markus is falling, (wooshing) You're both heading down. And-- - Oh my god. - [Brennan] It still needs a blessing. Maggie, it is your turn. (gasping for air) Something, you guys feel, it's great. - Ify! - This is so good! - [Brennan] This is insane. This is insane magic here. This is insane magic here. And you're getting a ble- It's like you see one of the mummies right next to this dude is like, This is a lot, I mean this is, it's gotta be the best one ever. (coughing) For sure, for sure. (laughing) Incredible, Maggie, it's your turn. (laughing) - Well, it feels selfish but I would like this blessing. - Mmhmm. - [Rekha] Yeah! - I think we'll all die if we don't get that blessing. - Great, I'm going to ask this statue for a blessing. - How does Maggie ask it for a blessing? - Please. Please, I need you to bless my child to be the next heir of this land. I know that many might be wondering, hey, why don't I just do it? Right? It was my father. My boyfriend. Seems pretty crazy I'm around all this evil and I don't wish to be in charge of it. I want to be on the local level, okay? I want to do what I want to do, I don't want to do what people expect me to do. And if I don't want a big high shiny position, that should be okay. - You see that the statue looks down at you and says, You speak true, Maggie. This final blessing of the chamber is yours. Do you think you could talk to your dad about this one, (laughing) Um, 'cause here's the thing is, I love working here, I really do, but if I were to be given a name, I could be released from here, and then I could be up doing- I just feel like I have a lot to offer. - Yeah, I'll do it, yep, mmhmm. - Oh, you would? - [Rekha] Yeah. - Oh my god, that's honestly so nice of you. - Yeah yeah, okay. - Thank you so- I don't really feel so weird asking you but just like it's one of those things where it's like you kinda have to just like, gotta make a move. - [Rekha] Mmhmm. - You know, I'm stuck in a room. - Mmhmm. - I'm not gonna get that many opportunities to sort of, meet the daughter of-- - Daughter of, yeah. My name is Maggie, it's fine. (laughing) So, the blessing. (growling) (vibrating) (grunting) - [Brennan] The fourth blessing is had! (cheering) All blessings collected! Boat in the center! Incredible. Maggie, that's your turn. Olag is gone. - Oh my god, Markus. Fuck. - This-- - You don't even have any bonus action, anything you could do for-- - Yeah, I was like, can I-- - Oh yeah, if you wanted to take a movement, you absolutely can, yeah. - What is the reverse of the Winnie the Pooh, Bugs Bunny situation to below? Can I jump off of some debris and scoop him up and jump, you know, can I do some crazy jumping? - [Brennan] Um. - Just scoop him? - Try to scoop Markus? Markus is already 15 feet down. - [Rekha] Okay. - You-- - Like just 15 straight? - No actually, you went on your turn, so you're more like, you (stuttering) fell back so you're more like 20 feet straight down now. - Okay. I never got a chance to attack on my turn. If I hit this attack, maybe Markus is right here with a sword in his stomach. - What, attacking himself? - What the hell? - Wait, what? - Fog of War. - [Brennan] Fog of War. - Oh! - Oh! - [Mike] 'Cause it, 'cause you teleport with it, right? Yeah, you teleport with it. - So Maggie, you turn to look around, there's a little bit of initiative fuckery, but this is definitely a Box of Doom roll. If you can hit your own armor class, as a successful melee attack. - Yeah. (laughing) - [Amy] Oh my god. - 15 plus 20. (laughing) - 11. - 26, you see Markus falls, and reappears right next to you with a sword in his stomach. (shrieking) - Markus! Oh my god! - Did you get the blessing? - Yes I got the blessing! - I'ma just take a nap. - I'm gonna need you to roll full fucking sneak attack damage against yourself. - That is amazing! - Oh, Ify. Is that how you play a rogue? - You still have, you have a bonus and your move if you want. - Okay. - [Erika] Oh my god. Dear fucking god. (giggling) - Wait, can I see what happens here? - [Brennan] Yeah. - Alright, so-- - I think you did a lot of damage to yourself. - 24...30 damage to myself! - Yikes! - Oh, and what are you at? - 49. - [Brennan] Okay. - You're at 49 right now, so that's before you take your damage, right? - Yeah. - So you're really at what, 19? - 19. - So you have your movement, Markus is right next to you, what do you wanna do? - Can I put him on my back and can I jump somewhere that, do we think there's somewhere that's safe? I mean, how do we know. (laughing) - The door jam might-- - Well you can definitely, you can grab him for free. - [Rekha] Yeah. - [Brennan] And then we go like, you go Five, ten, fifteen. - [Rekha] Mmhmm. - [Brennan] 20, 25, 30, 35, 40. - [Rekha] Okay. - [Brennan] You can jump all the way back there if you wanna try for right there. You can also probably make it over here if you wanted to. It's your call, where do you wanna try to get to? - These guys are on our side now, right? - [Brennan] Yes they are. - Okay, there he goes for... - Insane. (laughing) Fully insane. You grab a bleeding Markus, you see that this statue after, it goes, Oh I already gave the fucking ble- oh. You're a liar. - I'm a rogue. - You're a- (sighs) - We're evil! - Yeah, we're evil! - We're evil! (laughing) - Why is everyone? - Yes. - I know the hug kinda threw things off for people, but we are evil. (laughing) - You see that this statue's looking around like, This guy lied to me! Can I get my blessing back? - No, sorry! - No takesie-backsies! - Incredible. - No take backs in the Bloodkeep! - It's the trolls' turn, this one's gonna take two swings-- - He is grappled. - [Brennan] Yes. - And he cannot breathe. - Oh that's right, he's gotta use his action to try to get out. He spends his whole turn breaking out of the grapple. He successfully does it, but he breaks out of the grapple. That's his action. And he stays right there. This one is going to jump up here clear to right over here on this ledge, and take a swing at Oswald. He's gonna hit Oswald twice. And that's the end of Oswald. (laughing) - Well, it was nice having him for a while. (wooshing) - Then, oh wait a minute. Do... when your quarry dies, does anything happen to you or no? (mumbling) Look that up. - Target dies, you regain hit points equal to your warlock level plus your charisma modifier. - Leiland's back up! - Yay! - Holy shit. - Right, 'cause Oswald's dead. - Yeah. (laughing) - That troll fucked up. (laughing) So Leiland, you're like- - [Matt] That's 19. - You've had a couple momentary dips in the last second of (screaming) Oswald! I teleport back, okay, great (stabbing) And then stabbed through the heart. (wooshing) Oh, I'm new in a radiant, resplendent body. (splashing) And troll, back in the blood. (gasping) Float up again. - I'm getting really sick of this whole life and death thing. - Incredible. That is the trolls' turn. That's spiders. - Oh, hmm. - Not an expression. That's spiders! (laughing) - It's all spiders from here. - It's all spiders. They're gonna delay. - [Brennan] Okay. - Until after, yeah, they're gonna delay. Jessa is, or hmm. Is it possible to move and then ready an action? - Yes. - Okay, so she's gonna move to this corner over here, and ready an action if- or, on the side- if the floor gives way, she is going to web the web for everybody in that square. - Okay, awesome. - And Jason is going to defend. - Oh, he's gonna take a dodge action? - Yeah. - [Brennan] Cool. - Gonna take a dodge action. - [Brennan] Hell yeah. Great. Jessa does trigger an attack of opportunity and takes-- - Oh. - [Brennan] 24 damage. She's down. - No. No, she's fine, she's fine. - [Brennan] She's fine? Jason was the one who had been hurt before, kay. - Oh oh oh oh oh. - Goblins go, just take some shots at, they miss Markus both times if they turn to fire at Markus. (flinging) And there are no other goblins left. These orcs are gonna go. These guys both (grunts) leap across the chasm here. - Oh, come on. (grunts) Aw, leave me alone. (laughing) Hey, come on now. - [Brennan] This guy's gonna run over here for J'er'em'ih as well. Any other orcs out there? - Does that one get attack of opportunity from J'er'em'ih? - From Jason, yeah, he does. Jason gets an attack on him. - Yes! - [Brennan] Have Jason go. - So multi-attack? - Or just one attack. - [Erika] Okay. - Jason, J'er'em'ih, Jessa, John, all the beasts. - Yep. (laughing) - J do bite. Oh, nat one. - That orc gets out of there. - I don't like this. - Sokhbarr. - Yeah. - [Brennan] You take, plus six, you take 36 points of damage from these orcs whaling on you. - Okay. (grunting and pounding) - They all miss J'er'em'ih with all their attacks. - Wow, cool. - [Brennan] Very cool. Efink, that is your turn again. - Okay, how many hit points, so you're back up a little bit? - I have 19. - Can you do the blessing? - The blessing? Can I do the actual, can I put a crown on a baby? (laughing) - You hold your staff aloft, and we're going to say that you can ready an action. - Okay. - You need to get each blessing, the baby, and the crown. - Oh, so it's carried by each of these people? - Yep, so. - [Amy] Okay. - But you can make it all happen, you can ready an action, you're on the boat, you're fucking ready for it to happen. No shenanigans, no other boatman here. You can delay initiative, or if you wanna cast a spell, you can cast a spell. - I am at 38 hit points but I do have a death ward still 'cause it's only eight hours. - That's true. - So actually, maybe, yeah. Then I'll delay the action but for flavor, what actually happens is some of the blood kind of gets closer to me, like you know, Ariel Kiss The Girl. (running water) - [Brennan] Yeah. (splashing) - [Rekha] Kiss the Girl style. - Oh yeah. - It's sort of like a waterfall. The blood itself is making its water dance. - Yeah, dope. You're just delaying your initiative, you just tell me when you wanna go, and you put yourself in the order whenever you want. - Okay. - [Brennan] Waiting for those things that you need. - Yeah, I look at all of you, Thank you all, give me the blessings, the baby, and the tia- I mean crown. - Sokhbarr, it's gonna be you. - [Mike] Cool. When it just like give me the blessings, does that, do we have to be on the boat? Or we have to-- - You have to be touching the blood. - Have to be touching the blood. - Oh. - Cool. Alright, then, so I'm just gonna scramble up in there and I'm gonna crawl into that blood. (splashing) - I'm gonna roll their attacks of opportunity on you. - Very good. - Both hit, one's a nat 20. - Okay. - No it's not! (Brennan screaming) No it's not! I have Back to the- - Yes! - I have Back to the Grave! And I can do it, or sorry, Sentinel at Death's Door, five times before my long rest. - Hoo! - Nothing can get between me and my baby and the blessings! - My baby! - You baby, yes. (laughing) - Okay, cool, just checking. - 21 points of damage to Sokhbarr. - Okay. - [Brennan] You (grunting) - I'm at 16. - You beastlike just submerge your head and claws into the blood, and you're fucking locked into the fountain, and you guys see that bursting from your shell are thorns and vines and clicking insects and just wildlife just spurts out of Sokhbarr's back as you vomit your blessing into the blood. (growling) You see bugs and bugs and worms and worms are coursing in your mouth and you see that J'er'em'ih goes, (squeals) - Oh I might get used to this. - Is that how it's gonna work for everybody? Or is it kind of dependent on your personality? - I kind of made a gross promise, so I think maybe that's- - Specter acts. - [Mike] Oh, does? - Oh sorry, J'er'em'ih has an action, yeah. - Can he Flurry of-- - Yeah, go for it! Make two attacks! - Cool. He's gonna do that. (rolling dice) That is 25 and 18. - These guys each have less than ten hit points left, and that's minimum damage for J'er'em'ih. You go in and J'er'em'ih goes, (squealing) turns around and just (metallic clash) his tail goes about to 60 feet in length and he just flings each of them into the void. (yells) - Woo! - [Brennan] He's dead. (clapping) - And then he just is kinda like-- - You must be so proud! - Sorta struts his way into the blood and starts swimming around. - [Rekha] Like a dog! (laughing) - Incredible. That's gonna be the specter. - Oh, J'er'em'ih! - The specter's gonna go ahead and move forward to there. - [Brennan] Mmhmm. - And take a strike at the troll. - Go for it. - He reaches forward (gasp) That is 19 to hit? - Hits. - Nice. - And the troll takes (rolling dice) Aww, six points of necrotic damage. - Awesome. You see that Frod goes, (booming) Also, fun fact, that's the first time Frod's been injured in the fight. - Oh! - [Brennan] So your specter, good! - Great! - Scratches him up. (deep growling) That's gonna be Lilith. - Alright. - I'm ready! - Lilith drops down into the blood pool. - [Mike] Yeah. (buzzing) - Boom! (splashing) Splash! Lilith is in the blood. Incredible. - It's a fun party everyone, mind your cell phones. (laughing) - [Brennan] One. Hell yeah. Cool. Lilith, you're there. - Alright, do I need to hand her the things or is it-- - That's gonna be our, - Or we're just in the blood? - You have a free object interaction, you can hand the baby and crown over. - So I gently pull the baby from the little bjorn, webby bjorn. - This would never have been possible without you. - No, no, it was really a team effort. - The moment the boatman was, you loved me, he was. - So proud of you! Look at you fulfilling your destiny! Your dark, evil bloody destiny! - Whoa, please be careful! (laughing) (inaudible chattering) - Please, please, dear god. (laughing) Maybe, you know, you don't have to hold him too long, right? - [Erika] And then-- - I just wish he was older. - Which is it? - An action to give the blessing. - Uh, oh! Okay. - [Brennan] Yeah. - And, here! - Yeah, you, as you sink your fangs into this, you see that Sokhbarr's vomiting worms, you go to give the blessing, suddenly (screaming) just fucking spiders out of your mouth, your nose, your eyes, your ears. (screaming) And just strands of web start (whipping) whipping around everywhere (wooshing) Boom! Blood pool glows even brighter. (growling) as this crazy red energy. Bonus action? - I, yes, actually. I'm going to say, Jason and Jessa dearest, Mommy can handle this on her own now. Thank you. And (wind blowing) everybody find safety. And she's going to do a grasping web here. - [Brennan] Oop! - [Erika] And whip, whip at, is it possible for her to extend the vine or the web towards allies instead of-- - Yeah, absolutely. - Okay, so it sticks to me, goes (flinging) bleh! - [Brennan] And it's grabbing Maggie? - [Erika] Yeah. And it's grabbing Maggie. - [Brennan] Cool, you don't resist it, I'll let you just pull Maggie onto the lip here. - [Rekha] Love it. (whipping) - Bonus action, Maggie is there. Done deal. That's Lilith's turn. You see Toby is gonna jump up and start fighting Frod. (growling) As a zombie. You can go ahead and roll that attack. - Mmhmm. (rolling dice) Natural one. - His whole arm falls off. (crackling) Boom! (laughing) - You're doing great, Toby! - I don't feel good! - I can see that! (laughing) - You see that is the Vinguri. Leiland, you see that Leiland Junior takes his turn. (church choir music) - You see he goes, Mama. (gasps) - Holds his hand out, the crown bursts into flame, and hovers over his head as his eyes glow with fire. - Oh my god, someone take a picture! (laughing) - This job just got real easy. - That's going to be the Bloodkeep's turn. - Yay. - Oh cool. - You guys need an 18 or higher. - Oh my god. - Okay. (rolling dice) - It's a natural one. - Okay. - That's neat. - Whoa. - Fun times, fun times, fun times. - You have like, dodge stuff. - Yeah. - Dodge stuff. - [Brennan] Okay. - Strike yourself again! (stammering) - [Matt] I mean... - Goodbye, archer goblins. - Goblin island! - No! - I didn't even get to visit! - Goblin island. - You know, you live near goblin island, and you always say you're gonna go visit it, and you just never get around to it. - You can go for free on your birthday! - [Mike] Oh really? - Can I, the only time that I've been was when I had relatives visiting town. - Yeah, exactly, you wait for someone to come in and then you get to goblin island. - Oh. - [Brennan] Incredible. Yeah, Olag is just falling to his fucking death. - [Matt] Undeath, always. (crumbling) - [Brennan] This one, this one as well. - We never succeeded the Bloodkeep. - Woo. Okay. - Cool, wow. Everything is falling. - Holy shit. - I mean, you gotta figure the blood's gonna be the last part standing of the Bloodkeep. - You have to imagine, right? - [Rekha] Mmhmm. - Oh my god. - [Brennan] This is all falling away. - Great gap, I'm glad we're close together. - Mmhmm. - [Brennan] These orcs also fall, make some dex saves for them. Ooh, that's a five and a four. Bye orcs! - Bye bye! - [Brennan] And then, - No. - No. - [Erika] No! - [Amy] No, no, you have the blessing! Oh shitballs. - [Rekha] Thank you for moving me. - I'm gonna make a save for Frod as well, cause he's big and one of his feet's on there. That's a nat one. - Oh! (cheering) - Bye! - Oh, this door, I hate it! - I knew it. - Shit! - And I'm gonna need a save from your zombie and from Markus. - Natural three. - [Brennan] Natural three. - 19. (sighs) - Oh! - I mean, 19 is the bar for me. (laughing) - Because I can't get any lower than a ten. Unless I get a nat one. - [Brennan] Natural three, the Vinguri fall off into mist. - You'll be remembered! - You guys see Markus fall away. (wind blowing) - Markus! - [Rekha] Again! - And then a fucking crossbow bolt with a rope (flings) (cheering) And swinging up, fucking swashbuckler, (shouts) Bam, here on the lip. (clapping and cheering) - You are so fucking cool! Oh my god! - My god! - [Erika] And very sexy without his mask! - [Rekha] Oh my god! - [Matt] I'll never forget it. - Leiland, that is your turn. - Oh, yes it is. - Everyone else just died. - It is very much my turn. - It's all our turn. What do you think about it? - What's left, just Hobbert? - Just Hobbert. - Well, I mean-- - And he's, is he still garadin? - No, he's free to act. - Alright, so I take a moment to just go, (stammers) (laughing) We'll talk later. I'm gonna go ahead and put my movement here. Five, ten, 15, 20, 25. I have a feeling I have reach on my weapon. - [Brennan] Mmhmm. - I'm just gonna go ahead and ready the Griefmaker Runeblade. (metallic clinking) My god, come on, swing the way. (laughing) (rolling dice) That is going to be 22 to hit. - I'll actually say, in this instance, 22 to hit is gonna hit. I'm gonna say roll with advantage in this instance. (rolling dice) - Natural 20. - Yes! - Get him! - Which, okay, a few things. First, from the initial hit, he takes one plus, he takes 13 points of damage. And as part of Griefmaker, on a critical hit, the creature struck with the sword must make a DC15 constitution save. On a failure, they take an extra 10D10 necrotic damage. - Whoa. - And I gain in temporary hit points. - 10D10. - Oh my gosh. - Hobbert. - He's got a plus eight to constitution, and it doesn't do much good on a natural two. - Alright. Holy shit! - [Brennan] Everyone lend Matt some D10s! (laughing) - [Mike] Oh, there we go. I think Erika's-- - [Brennan] Erika's got you. Good. How much damage did you already do? - That was 13. - 13, okay. - Ohohohoho, beautiful. That is a 25, (laughing) - And you get these hit points too? - [Matt] 35. - Yes, temporary hit points. - Which he needs. (laughing) - 35... 49 points of necrotic damage. - Before I narrate anything, go ahead and roll your second attack. (laughing) - Thank you. Also with advantage? - Also with advantage. (rolling dice) - Natural one. Natural one! (laughing) - Giveth and it taketh. - You see that you reach up with your first attack, you go (slicing) (blood squirting) You have been around trolls your whole life, goblins, orcs, hundreds of years of serving the forces of darkness. Hobbert is the biggest troll you've ever seen. The last enemy who seeks to cut down the boatman of ultimate evil, the mother of the new Lord of Shadows, and your master. Moving with undead grace in your new radiant form, Griefmaker the Runeblade of Sorrow finds its purchase not in his thick chest, the tough hide of his shoulder, but in the softest point of his belly here and drives up, up, up. (gasps) And as it penetrates the very bottom of his heart, blood projectile vomits with the force of a fire hose (screaming) And all of his life, your hands shake as all of his life force (gasps) is drained into you. (growls) and he falls lifeless from the edge, plummeting into the void. (sighs) - Ah, that. Did you- did everyone see that? - Yes, I didn't need his blessing. - [Brennan] You see that J'er'em'ih has both eye stalks trained on you and goes, (screams) - J'er'em'ih! (laughing) - Claps his eyeballs. - [Brennan] Incredible. All enemies lay defeated. Markus and Maggie. You stand at the edge of the blood pool, it is your turn. We exit combat. - Welp. (sighing) Time to give you blessing. I don't know the hygienics of jumping in this with an open wound, but let's see! - You touch the blood and your wound opens and gold coins (jingling) flow out of your stomach. - What you love most! (wind blowing) - Maggie. - What a chunky soup. - Sokhbarr'd just like to hang, just sort of grab the side of the boat. We don't really know what's gonna happen. Just sort of like, I don't know if this boat's going anywhere, but we just wanna be ready to be like gripped on here. - Okay, so I approach, I approach, I stand there. (laughing) - That one! - Just got splashed right there. - I say, with this final blessing, do I make my child the new Lord of Shadows. (explosion) - Your staff (battle cry) fills with burning red light. You hold the child, Leiland looks to you and says, Boatkeeper. Do you pronounce it to be true? - Yes, quite. - Let me hold your finger. - I really don't-- - Let him, let him! Let him! - And just a little pudgy, little pudgy fingers go inn your eye. - Aww! - Get that out of there. - I am the Lord of Shadows! Thank you Mommy! - Oh good! - Blood (explosion) (splattering) All of you are lifted into the air! (screaming) Gold coins, web, blood, bugs, gold, Maggie, from your hands, fire! Boom! (wooshing) A wave of shadows stretches over Gorgar. The lights of the forces of good, men, elves, and dwarves are extinguished. They are banished from the land, made mad by fear as they retreat from this place. The Bloodkeep (crushing) Before its final crumbling, (gasp) Stands. Damaged, in ruins, but still there. Long work remains. But a new Lord of Shadows reigns in Gorgar. Here you find a new hope for the future of evil. It is several days hence from your victory in the pool of blood. This chamber took a lot of work to repair. Mostly because there's no floor and there never is floor. It just goes forever with no floor. - I still don't get it, I just still-- - Contractors, we lost so many. - I've been blessed of eternal knowledge but I cannot communicate it in the right language. It would be, it's very simple, if only-- - Honestly, I don't care anymore. - A huge coronation takes place. The new Lord of Shadows, little bitty baby Leiland Junior, the New Lord of Shadows. - My god. - [Brennan] You, against all odds, managed to collect the blessings, give them to the child, you found a work around by straight up just killing the boatman. - Replacing the boatman. - [Brennan] Replacing the boatman. - Violently. - Violently, with also just a dirty trick. It's literally like I'll sacrifice my life, fuck you! (laughing) - To be fair, that was not for the blessing, that was just to piss off, to make Olag suffer for all eternity. - After the coron, you see that people gather in the chamber here, partially for the benefit of Efink never being able to leave again. But Efink, all the vast knowledge of the world-- - So I think what happens to her is she becomes a little more accessible than the boatman. And that helps because she's able to talk to people, sort of like a bartender therapist type thing, but that hurts because it's really just (stuttering) Kelariel, like a lot, coming to tell her, and work out her issues. - Keldriel's down there-- - [Amy] Keldriel. - All the time, yeah. I'm seeing someone who's really helping me a lot, I think. They told me that, you know, when I'm feeling stressed or anxious, I can just not read. Which is huge for me. 'Cause I thought I had to. But you don't. - No, no you really, no, why would you read when it's causing so much-- - It's bad, the book's bad. - Well yes, but-- (screaming) - [Amy] What else are you do- okay. - Yep. - [Amy] When we're back, what else are we doing? We're saying our affirmations, - [Brennan] Saying affirmations. - And we are-- - I am goin-- - Oh, our time is fucking up, it's always up, it's always up. We were about to make a big breakthrough! - Okay, I must return. - [Amy] Yes. - I shall be back. - Why don't you also, just give reading another shot. (laughing) - Incredible. You see that she heads out, incredible coronation. After the coronation, you know, forces of darkness took a huge blow, obviously there's no hope for world domination in the near future, but Gorgar remains, and with Gorgar there is hope. You're all hanging out, having a ball, the champagne is being poured. Markus, you fully healed up from your wounds. And you hear a familiar voice behind you. And you see he says, My friend. Lookin' sharp, man. Word gets around that you started taking the mask off, what's going on? And you see John Feathers. (screaming) - Fuck yeah, fuck yeah! - And he now has a full wardrobe. He's in like a new suit. Jet black, it's got a little spider logo on the pocket square, beautiful leather skin hat. (laughing) You see it looks like it has a familiar ruddy red and you see that the skin was harvested from Olag, who just can't die now. You see he's over in a corner going, (screaming) Please, oh mistress,let me die! (laughing) You see John looks at you and says, Looking sharp, my friend, how's it going? - Pretty good, man, pretty good now that things are settled here. - Listen, I'm not gonna tell you your business, but I heard about a little score if you want in. - You know I'm always in. - He says, I hear there is a small sky nation out there with a very old king and only one heir for the throne. It'd be a shame if anything happened to that old man, don't you think? - It'd be a terrible shame. (laughing) - [Brennan] Need a ride? - Let's go. - John Feathers spreads his wings and soars underneath the balcony at the edge of the Bloodkeep. And Markus, you (wooshing) swan dive off, land on your buddy, and he goes, let's do this. And in what will be the most out-of-genre thing I do, he puts a full pair of sunglasses on. (laughing) - He's so hot! (laughing) - [Matt] I hope he comes back. - Lilith, you see that, you're staying here. Elections have already occurred. The idea of elections was very hard for a lot of the goblins and orcs. You have overwhelmingly been voted Queen Regent - Yes! - [Brennan] Of Gorgar. (clapping) - You know, I'd like to say that this is not just for me. It's for all the little horrifying girls out there. - Should we be concerned if every spider got a vote? (laughing) - I mean, we're all hundreds of years old! They're over 18, makes sense! - Can't see why you could deny them to vote. - And honestly, voter turnout was huge once we stopped, you know, having all those fucking suppressive rules against the amount of spiders who could apply. - That's true. - Honestly. I don't think that's a coincidence, so. (laughing) - Yes. - You see that, so you know, what's Lilith up to? What are the first laws she's passing, things she's doing in Gorgar? Jessa obviously wants to open a fashion design firm. You see that she's like, Honestly, the whole shitty armor and weird-looking cast iron stuff, like why is that our look? Why can't we have fashion? Why can't the orcs look good? Why can't the goblins look good? It doesn't make any sense. - I think in the past, it used to sort of differentiate evil from good and things, but I love the spin you have on everything, my darling. - Thank you! - You're my special little girl. - At the end of the week, you see that Jason shows up. And you see that Russell is starting to cry a little bit. And Jason shows up, and he's got a little bag of spiderweb on his back, and there's a bunch of orcs and goblins behind him, and tons of other spiders, and he says, Mom, I've been thinking a lot about the forest, and Kharad-Kar, and it feels like it was an outpost for Gorgar for a long time, and I think it free and should be again. - My little man. She leans down from her high head and takes his mandibles in her hands. My little man, you've grown up so fast. Now go. Make your mother proud. And cover the land of men and elves with dark shadows, the likes of which will block out the sun! (skittering) I love you and make sure you pack warm for the winters! - Farewell, Mom! (skittering) Destroy the world of men and spread darkness forever! (skittering and hissing) Jessa pats you on the back and Russell goes, He's gonna be okay. It all will be okay. Sokhbarr, you are the Bog Lord once more. All their beasts have been released from you know, service to this crazy army endeavor. And you smell on the wind the stench of the Bog of Despair. - I... I gotta go back home, guys. I know where I'm needed. I know where I've got work to do. And my only hope is that the number of people we terrified out there, that someone will still be having nightmares of J'er'em'ih, and maybe another scream beast will come back into this world. - Yeah. - As you say that, the little pocket of Vinguri blood in J'er'em'ih (gasps) spreads into his head. (bubbling) He goes down into his throat, opens his beak, and a scream that ruptures earth and actually causes lightning to break out throughout the clouds all around you, (shrieking) At frequencies only some of you can even hear. - My ears just start bleeding as I'm staring lovingly at it. (laughing) - And as he does so, in the reverberations of his scream, you see realms to nightmares split open as the fabric of reality itself rends. Lovecraftian nightmares emerge from realms beyond, things that move with strange geometry from aeons beyond time, and (popping) 12 little scream beasts pups appear all over you. - He was pregnant too! Sokhbarr, aww! - Oh my god! Oh I love you so much, J'er'em'ih! (ululating) And all around you (shrill ululating) (laughing) - They're just biting me-- (inaudible) - Oh, fun! (laughing) - [Brennan] Efink. You are bound to the fountain of blood. And in the fountain of blood are all the secrets you've ever wanted. And all of the sights that you could ever see. And in the corner, a weeping ghost orc. - Oh, yes. (grunting) - Corporeal, ghastly, ghost thing, skin peeling off of him, looks up. Is this my fate forever? To stay here? - Oh, yes it is. It is. And you, as much as I love, I don't want to talk about my outward appearance anymore, do I look better covered in blood than ever before? - I can only speak true to you. You look fucking great. (laughing) - I knew you'd say that! (laughing) - With your resplendent laugh, echoes out and you hear it echoing back from you from every shadowy corner of the world, where there is nothing now that you cannot see. - Yes. - And up in the throne room, after all the partying's done, Maggie and Leiland and little Leiland Junior. He has had a big day, he got a little bit cranky and incinerated a couple hundred goblins. - Oh, classic. - They're so precious at that age. - And he looks up and he finally starts napping. - [Rekha] Uh huh. Oh, thank god. - Yeah, it's been a while. - It's been a day. - Rambunctious 24 hours. - Wow. Well, I'm glad all of this has worked out. (laughing) The way it has, perfectly evil. (laughing) - You see that as you sort of laugh a little bit, just the sound of your laugh makes little Leiland Junior so happy he (breathes) comes up and he goes, mama. Mama I want, I want, I want. I want Leiland. There is something I must ask of you. After all is said and done, all our victories and our salvation from a destruction by the forces of light, there is one and only one task that burns at the center of my mind. Bring me the head of Galfast Hamhead! - Oh yes! What a great idea! (spraying) - And the champagne float he was holding just scatters to a thousand shards. (laughing) As you hear this crack of heavy stone beneath his knee as is slams into the ground, him already kneeling before, from the billowing silver hairs of his ghostly form, a single eye peeks up from underneath. My lord. It shall be done. (gasping) (screaming) (baby talk) - Yay! (clapping) - And that's all for Escape from the Bloodkeep! Thanks so much for tuning in! - [Erika] Oh my god. - [Brennan] Snow flurries from the sky as the wind kicks up. Miserable pedestrians who crowd into the subways. It is New York City, baby! - Whee! (clapping) - [Brennan] I always felt like maybe there's a little bit of magic. Hey Pete, how's it going, bud? (explosion) - This is real bad. (singing) - Can we get out of this dirty-ass sewer? - And Sophia Bakes comes in, takes a hit at this dude! - Everyone's so fucked. - Silence! - Nat 20! (screaming)
Channel: Dimension 20
Views: 416,205
Rating: 4.9600267 out of 5
Keywords: Dimension 20, Escape From the Bloodkeep, ify nwadiwe, death, masks, spiders, brennan lee mulligan, rekha shankar, matthew mercer, amy vorpahl, mike trapp, erika ishii, fear, tabletop rpg, fantasy, mythical creatures, demons, monsters, evil, villains, dimension 20 bloodkeep, matt mercer, bloodkeep full episodes
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 179min 6sec (10746 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 04 2020
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