The Best Nat 20s in Escape From the Bloodkeep (Compilation)

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we go ahead and if anyone wants to make a stealth check a lot like using make the stealth truck can I can I what's that and we can make an inside check that wants to net 20 yeah you look at this guy this dude is full crazy he's been in the river in a cage in a box in a stone cave for 250 years he comes up but what everyone else sees is he just comes up and goes oh yeah guys you see Thomasina says double pants the trend to begin so I'm gonna roll a craft fashion check for Jesse let's see how good Jessa does and because she was a design major a little roll with the advance two dice here [Applause] [Applause] [Laughter] [Applause] you suggested test the most incredible work you'd ever seen Avinash is in this beautiful like it's like it like straddles a line of like a coat and a robe it's like a partially open-faced row like a shirt pant lence under it he's like spiders silk walking slippers and you see in like autumnal colors you see that John feathers has like this beautiful rich like corduroy brown spider silks suit he's no cuffs with like cuff links that are made out of like tightness spider carapace that like jessa kinda like peeled some like peeling like spider spikes off and so he's got a full exert jacket tie shirt pants and he doesn't have shoes on his times but he does have like spats Jay's got hops on the towel John feathers oh my god it's like I'm gonna be very real I look good yeah you do you our nature man that is one of the few things that you can use that not the case and you tracked these halflings halfway across of the lads did you not it's hard to call my stalker I'm good I could find you yes no because I love you and because you love me you will find this happening and you see he goes off and he's going to start tracking I want you guys to know that on my phone is a photograph not from here but from while you were all talking of a NAT 20 stealth check from gal fast hamhead well you guys were all talking and this on camera palm down and then same spot I go ahead and make it a grapple Oh yeah go ahead as a reaction I'm gonna say roll with advantage that I will allow de so he's gonna plussed for help to this role yeah he's got a 21 yeah 21 hole so you know like ghost try and move and your I see gauntlet stabs into the meat of his leg and you feel his whole body grip with momentary paralysis and I see missed escapes from his mouth as he is frozen in place speed reduced to zero alright I grab them and can I make the two trolls look at you and they stop for long enough they both look and go take us to see truth I take one of their big giant both of their big giant hands I've seen the trees I give me a perception check real quick okay at advantage oh yeah gal fast ham head is right behind you oh my gosh [Laughter] okay I'm gonna dexterity saving cool um you go prone fall but managed to not go over the side so you are like perched down here on the side what did Jeremy get in that 20 Jeremy goes and it was weird is that a bunch of weird rashes start bubbling all around him and he does ejects very firm bony tentacles so that he is like completely harnessed and insecure what have I accomplished nothing what what reason is there to remain and didn't do I care or perception check advantage Oh natural twenty do I happen to see a parachuting half do you smell on the wind a parachuting halfway despair suddenly this spark of life reignite I'm taking you with me I'd be old Pickering you look so pretty you and Gus captain would you help me do I make sure that baby gets blessed really yeah and you see he shows up on this rock yeah and leaps on your backs Lilith I'm standing there and he's like you wouldn't me milady are you but no no it's easy it's not sudden something I'm interested in there's no clarity Piratas like that uh I appreciate that all right well we're friends no answer no no you understand that all right let's get this baby blessed we're evil [Laughter] amazing tick rings on the back there he's gonna take a flintlock musket from his back he rolls this always works but I'm gonna need a dexterity saving throw from ol log is after you this entire chunk begins to fade away on an at twenty where would you like to jump to there starts to fall as it tilts diagonal you hit the deck over here talk about a [ __ ] clutch go ahead ready the grief make a room ladies in the way that's gonna be twenty two to hit I'll actually sit in this instance 22 to hit it's gonna hit I'm gonna say roll with advantage in this instance natural 20 [Applause] which okay a few things first from the initial hit he takes one plus was he takes 13 points of damage and as part of grief maker and a critical hit the creature struck with the sole must make a DC 15 Constitution save on a failure they take an extra 10 D technocratic damage and I gain in temporary attendee [Laughter] oh my gosh he's got a +82 Constitution it doesn't do much good on a natural - there we go I think I think 13 13 and you get these hit points they're 35 yes temporary points 49 points of necrotic damage before I Nair anything go ahead and roll your second attack also with the bandage that's with advantage you see that you uh reach up with your first attack you go ooh you have been round trolls your whole life goblins or its hundreds of years of serving the forces of darkness Hubbard is the biggest full you've ever seen the last enemy who seeks to cut down the boatmen of ultimate evil the mother you're faster moving with undead grace in your new radiant form grief maker the wound blade of sorrow finds its purchase in his thick chest the top height of his shoulder and the softest point of his belly here and drives up and as it penetrates the very bottom of his heart blood projectile vomits with the force of a firehose and all of his life your hands shake as all of his life force he's drained into you but he falls lifeless from the edge plummeting into the void you see that jeremy has both eyes Doc's trained on you and goes incredible and the Zeppelin is going to is going to fire on the siren oh wait I can react hold on now I would like to react I can make that not be a thing maybe if if the siren can be my ally as their reaction any Ally within 30 feet of me I can turn that attack into a normal hit as my central auditory feed but but myself but the siren is right and what does it mean this is this is the wording the wording is is the ally within 30 feet or the attack Ally a reaction when you oh Allah yeah an ally I can see within 30 minute ago hit I can turn that attack into a normal hit it's called Sentinel in this instance I will say that because you have spent an entire couple sessions establishing your character is extremely materialistic this object is a person [Applause]
Channel: Dimension 20
Views: 129,888
Rating: 4.9710145 out of 5
Keywords: dimension 20, dimension 20 bloodkeep, escape from the bloodkeep, d20 bloodkeep, escape from the bloodkeep bones, dimension 20 nat 20s, nat 20, nat 20s, best nat 20s, matthew mercer, matt mercer, dimension 20 matt mercer, dimension 20 brennan, brennan lee mulligan, erika ishii, ify nwadiwe, d20 brennan, double pants, john feathers, funny D&D, funny d&d moments, funny dungeons and dragons, funny dungeons and dragons campaigns, funny dungeons and dragons moments
Id: _wFnz6C47ag
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 11sec (851 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 13 2020
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