Prompocalypse (Ep. 16) | Fantasy High

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hey mom how is worth lakhs I'm so sorry kiddo it seems possible that he went back to hell did I become the next elven Oracle golden heart isn't on any of these lists there's no dragon born that works at the school so Calv axis is its goal no heart you see teachers all over the school grounds getting sucked into what are disguised as cameras but are actually crystal palimpsest you guys see videos of fires being sent if you elect to go fight in try to save them you will give up half of your current hit points yeah I'm doing it I'm gonna go find those girls she grabs her boat Swan dives through the window lands on her Griffin's back and takes off into the sky you got him sweetheart I'm back to the prom mom this is Elmo baby and your mom [ __ ] the gun all right you had there now I'm gonna get the cruisers ready I'll meet you there my darling boy he takes his eye patch off hands it to you oh yeah take it and then drop my sword deep into his heart that's how I enjoy boy you wore on the hangman across town as Gorga big a dine Kristen and rizz all rushed to the problem the crowns are poised and vice-principal golden horde as the sole chaperone turns to look at you [Music] ladies and gentlemen welcome back to the final episode of fantasy hi I'm Brenda Leigh mulligan this is Miss Emily expert thing mister exactly Yama over jack miss you Oh Thompson iodine mr. Lee Wilson Fabian C caster Beardsley I'm Kristin Applebee's and mr. Brian Murphy hello intrepid adventurers guys for the final time say hi intrepid heroes we are here at the gymnasium at the egg fort adventuring Academy our heroes have just crashed the front doors I will allow you guys to make some perception or insight checks pick your poison tell me what you're rolling as you age I want to okay I have a 14 and I want to make sure that the crowns aren't on the heads quite yet the crowns are about to be placed on the headstock there you get a set 17 perception I go to 21 perception 1721 14% 14 investigative 14 I see it okay a 17 and a 21 perception gorg you notice raagh bark rock over in the corner still in his letter jacket you make an inside check 18 uh raagh has a black eye and looks very sad a dime you clock Golden Horde right over here by the food area guys golden dicks right over there it is combat first act in this combat is going to be fake okay I'd like to Greg grab gorg and dimension door to way no no no I want to grab Gorgo and dimension door to where they're about to put the Crown's on is that within range of your spell it's 500 feet yeah yeah Oh Big Jim so right where they're doing that big you reach over to gorg ugh I say sorry trust me right here cuz he goes next right here in the midst of all these orcish musicians and then I want to look at him and say grab the crown and then get on my skateboard and dash away I'm gonna dash in the to the side that raagh is on to kickflip six uh so rushing and fig your first tack memory of your mother flying away on her Griffin is still fresh you think you're dope dwarven skateboard boom you ain't going to appear on the stage and a flash of sulfur and brimstone you kick who alley and shoot off the stage corker gets your action okay I'm grabbing well okay I'm not proud of this going for her crown versus his crown as I imagine she's in this court I different I'm going into a rage and I'm gonna grab her go ahead and make an opposed athletics check you can toss it to me if you want afterwards I just you're way stronger and I can't good call first one is 17 but I get advantage because I'm and then a net one so thank goodness oh you reach out and yank the crown away from Penelope good break it over unique or do it every books articles I have four bombs can I just help pull the pin on all of them and and run right here on the stage yeah uh you you want to throw so you can throw one time okay you watch that it's not like a bandolier you can pull all the pins you can definitely state if you want to yeah I think I am and I'm gonna run towards where Fig cool it was you about eight movement so that's one two three four five six seven eight you hurl your bomb I make dexterity saves for both of them it's tens radius right yeah you can put this with your mates with one bomb and they're making do it can I make an inside check of if the band is bad make it inside check that's only like a 10 um you honestly can't tell you heard one of them on the way in here going everybody give it up for your prom king and queen okay well yeah just at them and I'm just running so just at them you're running they're gonna make some saves go ahead and roll damage nice 66 they're all it's our heart soul whoo 6 6 5 1 & 1 3 so that is 12 18 19 any 22 22 each so it's 22 damage Dane looks around goes look babe blows up he's uh doesn't look too badly injured but doesn't got the full force of that blast Penelope ever petal raises a hand to you and says if you want to be cool you should give my boyfriend my crown back I'm gonna need you to make a saving throw and I'm going to need you to subtract to d4 from the roll to d4 and it's not being in a rage does not help me right now this is aren't you aren't you immune from being charm mindless rage the spell does not work she says a bunch of to you and all you're hearing in your head is the eldest beautiful Dane blade leaps off the stage rushes here he makes a roll I'm gonna need you to beat a 23 on athletics check campaign go good he does it he got excited so the first ones only 13 ooh why did I have to be 23 26 Dane Dane blade runs over grabs it look cool my conference crown dude no that is going to be wrist at the beginning and every one of your turns I would like to you to roll for police uh this round if you rolling that 20 your mom will show us sweet mom nope all right what do you do okay I am going to hop on back of the hangman think of presumptuous yeah and I say captain Fabian in the ball let's do this best friends and I want to ready an [Laughter] activity so that whoever he attacks I want to poke out and sneak attack him whoever attacks him you see remember he attacker he attacks Scott his turn incredible incredible that's going to be Kristin great can I see what 60 feet looks like sure can 60 feet the ball about to the half point of the gym great uh how many spaces do I get six you can move six I need someone to like throw me or something they get there you get sixty feet from there right you first spell yeah but I need to reach the stage yeah could you write how many people can the hangman carry like if she readied an action could we drag her could we get her to the halfway mark on our route to somewhere else uh you could take Kristen with you if you make an acrobatics check to stay on the bike you can do that okay cool uh acrobatics what about analytics you know what maybe go why don't you ready in action until I get okay I'm ready in action but before I do that um let's see I uh I cast spirit Guardians do cool done deal oh yeah um you what you can do you can actually just totally lower your initiative and go after a dime you want done I would love to do that deal okay just self-consciously looking at a tie with the with that ten perception check I am I able to tell if anyone is wearing the tuxedo from earlier or is bleeding out of the hand the left not with the tab okay can I make another called easy 1534 I got a 40 minutes Tim I want to give him my magnify glass magnifying glass ah you roll with advantage all right now if you do not see the person here in the hall all right well in that case I'm not gonna let gore go get away with with having all the fun uh I'd like to drive the hangman toward toward a Dane or I get as close to Dane as I can all the while if I'd like to if I can Teen Wolf team will fit on top to jump off and attack him you had a go ahead and maybe one more perception check okay uh ten ten is the exact TCU needed as you get closer you are racing Singh like I don't spot him anywhere Gorgo where score go you see Dane hefting his great sword with a bandage around his left hand yes can i this is all so crazy how fast we're going very fast right uh incredibly fast can I yell - what's his name Rob bark rock as we drive as we drive past him the fight is on oops growl go ahead and make a persuasion check for me all right don't you have an advantage on that do I have advantage on persuasion intimidation that's 1111 raagh looks up at you so sad looking and looks around at the fight starting you tear off you leap off here the hangman rockets past bridge we were ready to action if you leap off the hangman or no I guess I'll stay on it cool you stay on it incredible Fabian go ahead and take your take your attack yeah 11 11 is not gonna do it oh great [Music] 22 22 does it no right 11 your sword finds purchase BAM CD and whips around and says you you dude wear a leather jacket on the first day not even on the team no you and that I shoot him try to shoot him that is a 22 hit 20 hits dope sneak attack yeah cuz it's around other people maybe 600d good 11 15 20 22 28 damage Jesus Christ you guys surround Dane played with his prom king crown on his head first we bombed him first you bombed him so he's like partially burns got a little crown on his head holding the sword there he swings around damage thrash and it's just surrounded on all sides but that's going to be a Dynes turn I do a little ditty and I cost fly on Miguel Christin sick and then I guess I go up here a little bit yeah go for it as far as I can which is about here sure probably hell yeah right yep great and that is wait hang on a second yeah no that's what I'll do rad Kristen that's going to be your turn awesome you feel yourself eyes glow whitened my god why how far can I fly sixty right hell yeah so you can go you can go of course and a half court yeah I fly and as I'm right here I cast banishment on Penelope and I send her to another plane of existence that's harmless but she's incapacitated all right hold on one second guys great wild first turn yeah yeah truly yeah nobody remember fight yeah cuz I'd like to believe you everybody's just standing in this problem watching us like Kristin flying over his head racing towards the stage Penelope what level spell is the fourth level spell and she has to make the charisma saving throw or be vanished okay for how long for uh yeah rounds she should be hopeful first of all penalty goes huh and throws a counterspell at you if she rolls a nine or higher you're mighty clerics spell blasts through the counter spell she makes her saving throw what does she have to hit for that what's the Christmas uh uh I believe for you at sixteen right yeah 16 which be a sixteen if she resists the spell least burned a counterspell counter spells er I mean if you're still fine like remember when we fought the bad you see vice principal golden Nord [Music] also fix her we're so close to you I'm going to need you Miami man gorg to go ahead and make a opposed athletics check you have to beat a 24 ok good first ones 18 18 Ireland striding boom-boom Golden Horse says Oh young students who've decided to show yourselves rule leaps up with the cricket bat brings it to your face does not strike your face but uses the moment of distraction snatch the crown from your hand and curls it to right in front of that is going to be the students and the band the band go you see that one of the orcs grabs the mic and says you see all these students begin to rush about Lily nilly all just freaking out and trying to figure out what's happening you see some rushed over to the food table so grab as much food as they can before whatever happens happens you see the band begins to very quickly pack up their instruments there's early cases going together grabbing amps and stuff like that it's gonna be your turn how does Dane look how does he look rough he looks rough okay then I'm going to reckless shred and which means he'll have disadvantage on his saving throw and cast dissonant whispers third level on him baby he has disadvantage on the saving throw fails miserably okay so that's can I borrow 4d sixes really great I need one more oh that's for you oh I meant I need one more okay I hit him for great but 15 she goes and moves as far away as you can on his reaction here to the corner that's gonna be reactions from that's gonna be reactions from gorg ugh with my attack can I try to knock the crown off his head sure seven to seventeen hit 17 hits as with a sentinel winning a reaction his movement is zero after I hit him so I guess he can't move um I would actually say if he's here and attempts it everybody still gets the same attack of opportunity so I think he's just frozen and you guys all get your attacks on so I got I got a 17 as well 17:20 do you guys all hit oh yes eight thirteen fourteen sixteen to nineteen twenty twenty six but does my I got a thirteen but you want to knock the car yes you are not sure if this will affect the prophecy or not cuz the wording of the prophecy is specific as the crown thing so you can choose to deal the damage directly to him or you can knock the crown hmm he's kind of already been I'm gonna do a damage right do the damage awesome the three of you you see that you go hit his grace he goes oh no music is too powerful takes a step back Fabian you I am this sort of the sea casters through his foot nailing him to the spot Gorgo you slash his stomach open as you blast his prints out from behind Dane is dead baby does it take an action for me to steal his shadow it may go ahead and look that up and I'll let you do it if you can do it as a reaction you see that raagh looks he goes rushes forward Rock gain sucks I'm gonna need you to make an opposed athletics check ok 25 what you gotta be yep using your reaction so I steal his shadow go for it yeah I got a 23 ah raagh grapples you to the ground and hits you for first killed that dude just kill everyone we 14 halves to 7 and then 11 half to five just going hitting you as hard as he can that is going to be gorg's turn okay just make a persuasion check does that take my action or is it um I'll let you do it instead of movement how about so you can do an action and then a movement don't need to move if you wanted to I just wanted to stop the crown thing oh yeah because she's got the crown the crown is flying through the air at her or did yeah she's like reaching her hand out for us it's fine to the anchor if I try to get up and throw it just do it for a hand axe can I do both of those things you have to beat raw at a grapple to escape the grapple okay what does this grow because we ROCK have to roll on that grapple as well he does but he rolls with advantage because he's raging okay I'm going to try to get out first okay you have to beat a that's funny you have to be done at 20 the role in end 2012 16 13 you weren't unable to get it you stole your action okay I'm just gonna start attacking him from here cuz cool I'm back at 22 and then not you shy should roll all my 22 hits alright yeah I'll just keep rolling my up their attacks 18 sorry 22 and 18 yeah 18 hits as well and then 16 it's all three hit okay nine white boss F yeah nine and then 10 and then nineteen nine ten and nineteen nineteen in 1971 38 Jesus Christ we are monsters you look a try you try to go to Grandpa doesn't work he's just like sweeping he's like it was just rod screams in pain but that's is that half because he's raging or uh it looks like it even have 38:10 which is a fair amount of damage Penelope ever pedal rides over here to the front of the stage and lifts a hand I'm gonna need Kristen to make a dexterity saving throw oh not good six [Applause] 911 you take 36 points of Penelope raises our hand not even fighting smart at this point ignores this whole crowd of people and hits just Kristen with a fireball try to banish me I am the prom queen I let them put my best friend in that crystal you think you're gonna take this from me my moment you and is surrounded by energy on all sides arcane magic swirling around her that is going to be Dane he's dead sometimes you make a villain and they die in the first two rounds did you guys know that now you know that is going to be R is okay still in the back of a hangman I am still on the hangman the ship is yours the ball whatever you'd have a appreciate that appreciate that okay so it seems like they've been crowned yes he needs to behold his treasure I'm wondering if I should try to like like it find him somehow cuz they've been crowned I don't know how much it's gonna help to doubt now come down now yeah cool so would I do to him that would blind him I'm not very athletic or anything hold your magnifying glass shoot him in the eye dude yeah I think that's just gonna do damage maybe I should just go after Penelope there all right I am I guess I probably won't I'll leave the hangman for my boy Fabian and I'm just going to we'll get your birthday okay I am I'm also thinking about attacking oh don't run from the police oh yeah oh you know what yeah I do right Brennan I roll to see if the police come roll for the police 19 or 20 does it 13 okay I think maybe already in action again to wait for Fabian all attack who he attacks that we attack can you get is there any chance you have a feel for the what the aura is or the nature of the aura yeah can I check her or around her you go for it uh 21 oh no what kind of role is this I did investigate I see it you see a ruby necklace hanging around she's got your dad was that her best friend what no don't do a burn - Crispin I'm in the air I'm like an advertisement for chicken of course all attack whoever figurehead attack chicken advents you watch it it's just like if you went to problem there was a dangling chicken leg bounty I think it's your dad no no but is that what he needs to behold another yes well okay Wendy you go and are you next I think I'm after a darn Oh Oh fantastic great yes I have I would like the hangman to drive in front of the stage I would like to run and jump off of the hangman and attempt to grapple Penelope every petal uh hell yeah you leap on the Haman it pulls to the front you leap off go ahead and make an athletics check we'll call it a dc-10 you leap off go ahead and make an opposed athletics you have to beat a one uh well I I do handedly so Fabian broad-shouldered at let ik powerful lease on the back of the hangman Penelope a five foot to prom in a bright pink dress summoning all of her magical energy this is my moment Wow damn as it is evil is real and Penelope is no joke she's a powerful sorceress nobody feels great about what they just saw even golden horde goes Oh Penelope is taken in to the ground good cover her Ruby with your bod that's going to be that's gonna be use you have one sword attack if you want yes I'm a bad at this point I killed my father today yes because she's prone oh yeah mm-hmm yeah you'd eventually probably for sure 11:20 all right modified 20 yes correct oh you hit ten uh you uh slash across her arm with the sort of sea caster she goes psycho and then I'm going to jump off the hangman with my sword of shadows and yell I know this looks bad but she's evil oh my god I rolled so bad sixteen she is prong I know but she uses the field spell to see that is going to be that's there is Fabian a dine that'll be you spell centering yes thank you I guess I'm gonna cost fly on myself and do a double movement to get to this stage that you're gonna drop the concentration Oh if I do that okay 100 how far is a hundred feet a hundred is even more than this this is this is up to 80 so a hundred would be four more squares from here so one two through the here okay could I get two here and hit Golden Horde yeah you take your full movement you can hit Golden Horde I just want to make sure that there's nobody else in the way because I want to do lightning bolt and I don't want to hit anybody else um uh make an arc on it this is against the rules but I don't care make a DC 15 Arcana check is you have the spell sniper feet and that sounds like it would do that great nope you you are going to hit some students or somebody to try to hit him with a lightning bolt okay well that's the risk you take when you go to the egg for adventuring Academy I yell as I do it come on fellow student so you men are you might get on the right team and then I cast lightning bolt on towards Golden Horde rad they're gonna so he and Ron are both gonna make some saves here what's the DC on that my DC is 15 okay and it's a dexterity saving through go ahead and roll damage great so it's eight d68 I'll just do it I've got yes and my D then I'll sold you this price no 612 no good for 12 1720 20 to 24 28 rod gets it full-force across the back Golden Horde dodged the side clips across his face you don't see a facial reaction there's that you injured him and it seems like a day in the golden rod gold yeah and then as my I can do misty steps right not to spells in the same round lightning bolt is taken care of right it's because it's two steps okay great that is going to be Kristen right well I have something that heals half health right half head point yeah life preserve life yes so I can heal you up to half and I think it's five times level so you can heal up to 40 hit points with that cool and no one else is hurt right who else is Barack I know I'm at 50 but and my max is 112 so that's five people within 30 feet and my 30 feet from these people if I fly over them yeah so you cuz you're at five you should heal yourself I'm definitely gonna hear myself through for others back a couple other than their ability like give you some healing me yeah cool um nobody else is at half all came in at half from helping our parent no cuz he had we also had bonus yeah hit points because of you so only two people who have been attacked here are under halfway right so who's been damaged unless 50 but now I mean like I could use a little bit yeah yeah this is you too cool so then I give myself 35 and then I also take or I also I get an extra 10 from auto heals that's which brings me up to 50 because I was at five and then tell me Gordo how much do I get 15 did 32 yourself so you get 10 okay so it makes sense you have 40 to split up amongst people oh okay very helpful and then could I actually have changed that to fly to like up here and still oh sure you can cheat like land up here I want to get like hidden I'm and then connect duck or is that an in action you can try to you can't really hide on your turn but you can you can like get you can give some cover oh that's not cool I knew that Golden Horde takes a full disengage moves out to right here he's looking right past you a dime takes a little crystal clicker from his thing and goes oh yeah waited very wrong except farther away through the open doors of the gym down across the yard over the little hedge you see the kvx bank that they built next to the school the top of the bank explodes the walls crumble the largest mountain of gold you have ever seen it stands before you Golden Horde goes so big he immediately crushes and flattens the two students underneath him oh yes the Emperor of the Red Waste has returned the time is now for a new age of fire and conquest rich once more hi I'm the trustee and I debris like dividends all myself so wafting metaphor dude inbred ahead I am going to need I'm gonna need everybody here to roll a wisdom saving throw it's not fear is it it is fear okay good thank you thank God threes are old a fox I had it 10 23 from Kristin I got 11 what a figure 18 yes 29 29 at 20 1920 erupting from his humanoid form the dragon calve axis emperor of the red wastes spreads his mighty wings inside the gymnasium completely ruining this year's prom the theme a night to remember will indeed be a night to remember but not the Kay just a regular night to remember Thank You Gorga I'm going to need you to make an insight check - no way for for it's all been leading to this moment the pieces all fall into place numbers moments memories you shouldn't give him your flower he doesn't deserve to be your friend but a carrion thing to say the exact kind of thing that a father would say to his son that's why he wasn't there your father has been the villain this whole time of course it is the story of the hero's journey you must defeat your father in combat you must lay low he who cast darkness and doubt over your life Gork this is your dad father stop this what quit it dad what what are you talking about you turned my dad this is exactly what I'm talking about the last time I rained they sent the Queen and her best heroes I get the the B squad I get the loser Patrol give me a break you got this kid who's completely confused and clumsy no idea what's going on the only thing special about you is that some God decided you were special randomly oh we got this kid who I can see from you shaking in your boots right now you're not clever enough for the library and you're not brave enough for the world we this kid about you your father is more man than you'll ever be and I'll tell you what else you will only be a pale soft reflection of him and then this kid so unlovable that your father would rather go to hell and stay with you could you please stop flirting with me it is you might have a jail cell waiting for you also no my god no events are you making kind of I'm seeing someone I am a full-grown dragon I'm going to I'm going to eat you we don't have a thing see he goes he goes this kid thinks I'm his dad are you idiot freak loser and a ball don't tell your balls and I'll tell you what boss as you know from my binding I was forbidden from harming Silesian citizens your father had to renounce his citizenship when he entered the service devouring him was the greatest joy I have known these past 300 years it's gonna feel so good when I shoot you with his gun a dine you are gripped with terror students they flee just flee watch these classes what is your life if you're not if not this hold on yeah thanks oh yeah it's its ass over here one dude is still there milling around it's right there good work no past his wisdom say be fair these orcs start frantically trying to get somewhere their gear you know that works fully abandoned their gear and right the gear is scattered across the stage my dad gave me this symbol that is going to go back to fig fig unfortunately 18 was not high enough what 18 was not a high enough for the TC for that check was 19 to do well I'm not kidding after your salty bar for Golden Horde you see that he turns to face you and goes hope to think of it maybe we should have a thing you and I warranted dwarves speaking which you drop your dwarven skateboard under the frightened condition uh at the so you have to take the full turn trying to escape that's dragon fear you make it all the way out the door on your skateboard at the end of your turn you can make another savings round so I had to use my whole action to flee but now it's ending my turn so I can make analysis washe was fleeing now you may make another wisdom same throw you're trying to get 19 I got exactly 19 in San around and then I'm like just kidding and you if somebody would like to go ahead and put his faith over by a dime that is going to be now raagh who's going to keep swinging so what have I used like can I not use like a bonus action or anything like that Oh was that like my whole usual burner section too - um that's going to be raagh attacking you with your armor class again man 14:14 okay he hits you for nine damage and then and that's half to four or five so sorry it was 1859 then he hits you for 13 halves to 6 and then he hits you for 15 halves to 7 okay so 29 I'm at 31 that is going to be gorg I'm just trying to I'm gonna try to get up because I have to get out of this I only try to convince them I have zero persuasion though I don't all right yeah if you want I will give you want to persuade him I will give you advantage on the hell yeah I'm gonna try to persuade me I think he's kind of clearly in love with Dane I think he's gay too or maybe I just think everyone's gay all right oooh 15 what do you say - raagh Rob behind you I'm sorry that we killed your friend but he was kind of a jerk to you where'd you get that black eye no dude Dane was the best man I went and told him psyched to jawbone and he said just talk about your feelings and I told Dana bout my feelings that he socked me in the face and he said that he wouldn't tell anybody so I could stay on the owl bears but he socked you in my face right look behind me you see that looks behind you he goes there's nothing there Danes out there you know nobody's ever I'm just an idiot and I'm ugly no one's gonna look I'm just gonna kiss him you pull this is my god you haven't kissed Zelda yet this is my second kiss you pull raagh and close play a tender kiss rock acoustic prom help us kill this dragon he feels more hips he is filled with a sense of belonging and a centeredness and leaps through the air at Colton what a narc what if I was my that's your that's you can either take a movement or inaction one of those was the persuasion check I'm gonna move don't you get to take a movement at the end of your turn anyway so you should take an action you can bonus action move towards golden oh yeah I guess I should I'm going to throw now I'm gonna can I move okay trying to figure out I want to get on this side of them and attack him but is that too many things Oh golden work yeah uh yeah that's too many things okay so actually you could do you have in a section a bonus section is to move so you can move towards them so you can go like one two three four five six seven eight it's like here okay we don't all want to be next to each okay I'm gonna can I move I'll just move to this side cool and and I'm gonna attack this dude oh my god is it my full off side attack ah you took a bonus action so it's just two attacks eleven it or not loser listening to his music wants to strike down boxes yes he's not wearing any armor though Emily I sometimes can't tell when you're really me or not okay so hard that is going to be Penelope ever pedal we got wasting time with all these dummies but they're yeah seriously that's helpful freakin drag oh no I can't she teleports to the top of balloons of the balloons yeah I can stand on balloons because I'm I don't know like I did a whole 30 and I did some other stuff that's got me like I'm slow down it was four-prong because this dress was my mom's you see uh Penelope has two spells in a turn hmm she can cast oh sorry I just missed a step um she's going to ha ha rules lawyer you did it yeah she she hops up there that is her turn that's her whole turn that's going to be R is go ahead and roll for police and 18 19 or 20 is gonna do it a 1 that one no worries there's a prom right oh it's your turn race okay um okay she is not near any of my friends so I can't do any of my cool stuff but we got to take her out but we also have this huge dragon so I am just going to I guess run to the side of the stage and then I'll just take my attack on Kell back sis well you run over here yeah so that I can hide as a bonus action at the end of my turn cool okay so I'm just gonna shoot at him that is a 22 to hit 22 does it do it not great but fine 4 8 12 13 18 24 damage and I'm also gonna do fury of the small for another 832 damage Jesus Christ yes and then I use my bonus action to hide cool go ahead make it not too great not great 15 15 hide you take out your father's gun I am what hits into Cal taxes he lashes out what is your armor class 16 cool cards and deals use 15 points of damage okay that is going to be Fabian all right what are the chances of running vaulting off of the off of the drums and grabbing on to the sign to pull the balloons down with my own weight I would say that's a pretty good chance uh that's an insane jump you do have sneakers of dunking let's call that a DC I'll set that at a DC won t DC 20 acrobatics ref letter oh this is ethically 21 off of the drum Fran you grab this and your scepter just shattered and you pull the balloons all the way to the ground she's gonna make acrobatics check NAT 20 she leaps off of the balloons as you pulled them off and lands here on the stairs but and you're down here that's your movement you have an action if you'd like I'm gonna crossbow her and then can I say can I call for the hangman to come to my friends here at the front of the gym hell yeah go ahead and make your roll okay so first attack 16 16 is not gonna do it she throws the shield up result great say 1/7 1770s gonna do it yes [Music] and that'll be 9 she is looking hurt gang the hangman rushes over to the front and that is going to at the end of Fabian's turn and I command for it to follow any instructions they give it that is going at the end of Fabian's turn gorg ugh you are also hit by golden hordes tail which deals twenty halves to ten damage - all right I'm at twenty one that is going to be a dime I don't use mailed wisdom saving throw right uh yeah you also your panic attack sets in you're gonna make this role of disadvantage great good but I still have a plus-one to save right 914 14th does not do it a dine turns feeling suddenly for all the world just impossible for you to comprehend this is crazy you should be in a library you shouldn't have been there this is a mistake it doesn't matter your part you can't be the elven Oracle there's no way you could be it's impossible it was all a mistake there's a dragon and you sprint into the yard that is going to be you feel awful for abandoning your friends but what can you do you're just you having trouble breathing tears are flowing down your face that is going to be that's going to be Kristin's turn is there a way for me while flying to like hide in a blind spot the rafters kind of like but near golden horde but without him knowing that I'm there I try to make a hunch I have a question sure it's bad for all of us but I also want to play the game right yeah I am afraid do I have concentration you feel to fly spell and I okay I'm sorry that's a good ok then I am going to also he found me I was doing in the air yeah yeah dragons notoriously perceptive right true ok so who's really low 20 words gonna get hit more than I am probably this guy's been attacking on our turns I think when it's his turn it's gonna be real bad ok so I have he hasn't even like attacked yet I can do let's see okay I'll do preserve life which would just get you up to would give you up to 40 oh you were done you've already done it okay so yeah so you could just give me for up to 40 points well what do you have I'm at 20 so I'm less than my half - okay so then we can I can give each of you 20 or I can give you ten in him 30 that's yeah great that okay turn in third at the end of Kristin's turn Golden Horde hits you for oh and I run to there but he can probably still reach actually he can't oh yeah if you're right I was gonna run towards her to fight this out to fight Penelope gotcha Golden Horde is instead going to deal deal 18 so nine damage to Gorga okay then it is golden horns turn God for you - okay hey I'm 43 powerful something what is this Oh that's gonna do it miss Penelope good um me see I think actually he's no he can hit yeah he can hit just these two and not Penelope by like moving up and getting his mattress where he needs it I'm going to need Kristin and Fabian to make dexterity saving throws oh that's well that's wrong sorry I am incorrect that was rock um thank God yeah I was like Jesus Christ he can hit up inking here I'm hiding behind the stage mm-hmm I need Kristen to me for but I get you man determination I can do one I guess okay I'm down I'm absolutely down I have faith dude that's up for in a two that's truly the worst luck oh my god I think I've got rocker you know she's just downright we don't need a counter wallah this could actually permanently kill Kristen if it does her full at point-o with your 470 - whatever you like 100 right we need to do 125 damage to kill you so this is this is gonna be 6 12 18 24 28 32 36 38 40 452 what's how much is failing Airport okay yeah she loves fire 64 66 damaged gamba no dead 66 and Roswell Rock turns around rushing at golden horde victoriously gold returns read and says I want to be very clear I have no problem with your sexuality this is nothi it's not a homophobe thing the gay one oh to be clear I am very socially liberal I am fiscally conservative Ritu do what they want I should be free to collect gold and destroy and you should be free to try it away this is a cogent political [Music] Christmas down that is going to be fig okay so I'm within cuz she only runs 30 right you only run third yeah and so can I look back at her and do I have any sense of if I cast charm person on her that it would get her out of her fear does she have something that gets people resistance not to counter charm but not that's I guess it's within 30 feet but I've I feel like well could I start playing it and then also get on the bike and then go to Kristen you would have to either go after a dine or go after Kristen I can get Kristen oh I don't know find this turn but as my healers KITT I can get her up to one if she can heal herself okay um in that case I guess that well I wanted to get closer to the drums but let's do that I mean I'm only gonna be able to again why don't you just can I just eat respiration well can I just okay can i okay here's what I'm gonna do the bike hasn't taken its action yet right great so I'm gonna say hey drive me out we're gonna pick up add on and then come back in and then I'm playing on the bike I'm playing counter charm on the bike you rushed after a dine on the bike you make it to a dine you vanished go ahead and give me a perception check real quick it's a dc-10 I got a four cool someone playing counter track getting her onto the thing and then do we come back in because I told the bike to come back in you're gonna have to make a grapple check that add-ons trying to flee as hard as possible so yeah you and add I make opposed at let exchanger for that last turn yeah what is it a Flett ik's i did not get a 16 you hoist a diner on to the bike and turn your thing out I know that we have counter chumps you'll have advantage you'll have advantage on you make it back to the door and I also wink at her and give her all great things all great things at the end of figs turn what is it called legendary actions Oh what do you mean what are we talking about if I could get some eggs to attack as reactions on our turn dude we need to get you a moment here like stat I'm your dad I got a Rizzoli take 12 points of damage oh I'm gonna I want to uncanny dodge cool that goes down to six okay because that performs idiot that is going to be now be gored ugh okay can I make it inside check to know that I'm just trying to have a sense of if I play the drums because I have that proficiency if I have to be holding the Ruby or not or if it's like no you're not be holding the Ruby not not the way that not the way Fig did the first time I'm gonna take a full I'm gonna run towards the drums and try to play them you rushed towards the drums you can attack of opportunity from Cal faxes who hits you for eighteen halfs nine points of damage and you make it to the drums go ahead what are you to do to get to the drums I have that proficiency to play the drums go ahead and give me I will allow you to you're in a rage right yes here's the thing you know listen to these tunes man normally performance as a charisma check but you're listening to some slash cut thrash but hurt smash - metal mm-hmm I never allow you a performance check using strength as the ability and not it's a DC 20 so you answer your it's proficiency plus strength so it's gonna be 4 plus 1 so plus 7 you need to beat a 20 um you start you see how this goes right this kid likes to get beat to a soundtrack that's that's not what I met that is going to be at the end of gorg's turn just you're so far I know but we got the bike Riz you get hit for another 11 5 Danny dodge that I can't I use the reaction already you see Calv axis looks at Penelope and goes find out why he's playing those drums you see the Penelope casts detect thoughts on herself can't you not be charmed Oh would that be a charm don't know trying definition um people listen to that music man oh yeah put those headphones on I got at the end Penelope ever petals turn oh there's this still still the student okay you see he's going man he's like tough guys for real duh best of luck dude ooh beignets what um see you're still notice you haven't fully case thanks dude oh my god look they have prawns dude they have shrimp at the end and prawn at this way you should have seen all the food rizz you take 17 points of damage okay fur calve axes you injured Health Access the worst at the end of Penelope's turn he hits you know you forgot hit him deep he was actually this shot to the back from not nothing rizz I'm going to need a death saving throw from you to do you make a police yeah can you make it you know please check 17:12 that is going to be Fabian okay the hangman's been used right angles being used so I you like but like but if the hangman is now going on fix oh that's great fantastic in that case can I I would love to found I would love to run up the the handrail versus the stairs and attempt to grab grab the the Ruby around her neck and then bolt off hell yeah go ahead and give me an acrobatics check 11 reroll it o is one of your Lucky's would I don't take a little bit falling damage I'll take the falling damage cool you take 4 points of following damage go ahead make an opposed athletics to grab the Ruby you got to beat a 7 here hmm and now since you did um you snatch the Ruby you should just stop with me what's your deal damn you might jump on the other side there isn't this is wall okay great um so you can where do you want a head I don't can't I grabbed her or I don't think there's anyone who can heal me right yeah well I like yeah I'd like to land as close to the stage as possible you do it on the stage oh great can I leave behind the stage you leave behind Steve yeah yeah use it can I get half cover you can get half cover great cool and then and then I'd like to a second wind go for it um add nine as you are rushing forward fig rushing on your way back on a second you see not in a palimpsest chunky cardigan swing behind him you see you see jawbone Russia spectacles on his thing it's all right I heard there was trouble what's going on uh he looks at you in your eyes what do you say to John it's really bad oh you see look see and goes Jesus Christ well there's some kind of dragon fear here you see he goes hey man head on look at me straight it's me honestly now do you have panic attacks a lot do you like feel your breath kind of catch up in your yeah your parents give you anything for that hey parents just left and I don't know where they are he goes and he gives you a big warm furry hug you see he goes all right listen to me him all right you listen to me right here having panic attacks and it's not a character flaw do you understand you are not a coward you have a God medical condition all right I was at a truck stop bathroom sucking off a Border Patrol because I was trying to sneak an iguana to my friend's place he had a cockfight ring all right I had to get it to him cuz the thing had been slit stuffed up full of drugs and sew him back together he understand me well maybe this guy he had venereal say he had warts all over it but I was so drunk at that point I don't give I sucked him off anyway he understand me say but the point is this warts or not who that guy is he's sick he wouldn't say Oh a bad person cuz I have warts on my [ __ ] and a little bit on my balls you wouldn't say that you're not a coward a head-on you're sick you just need medicine you're gonna come and talk to me this is my job God he reaches into his cardigan pulls out a little thing of pills yes I was gonna sell this guy to a guy I know one time stabbed me in the middle of an orgy okay these are free these isn't these are anxiety meds all right there is no shame in having mental illness I'm sorry your parents didn't take care of this before you are a good wizard you're not wrong for having panic attacks you understand me now go ahead take as many of these as you want we'll cure the poison damage later just hug down a bunch these because these got to start working right away you understand me dosage is important I don't want to I want to underline that dosage is important you need to listen to your doctor right now there's a dragon who's come back to end the world so we're just gonna have you work a couple of these down you understand me you're a good kid he hands you these go ahead and put your house burned down if you want to come stay with me and tracker that's fine go ahead and put anxiety meds in your inventory and go ahead you no longer will roll disadvantage on fear checks you can go ahead you have the Bartok inspiration here and advantage 20 the fear melts away from you kid hey I'm coming I came here to up and help children jawbone rules it's so glad we hope that gets life together jabo gets it John's life had life lycanthropia no health insurance then he got this job no the insurance can control bone heal Jovan cannot heal just of the mind he's just a healer of the mind and so he'll combined in us all exactly he's just a good guidance counselor all right um Jabba we'll we'll rush in after you I don't go ahead and tell me what does ad I do in return I would love to do a knock on a check on this it's absolute unit yeah 12 um 12 doesn't give you anything on Calv axis you don't know that there's that much to get even um but with 12 I can remind you of something please you remember what happened to fig when she tried to cast which he had detect thoughts active on your jacket 12 is not a huge but Penelope has detect thoughts active and anyone who's detecting thoughts in the presence of your jacket detects millions in thoughts from the civilization inside the dimensional space of your code get close yeah yeah let's let's head towards Penelope yeah I mean if she is she controlling the thing no I think your controller I am its I gotcha yeah well we're gonna go and then can I do I can I cast a spell yeah go for it I would like to cost rave frost on Calv axis it's just a can't rip its to d8 of first damage mm-hmm hell yeah do you need some dudes I just need to cool go ahead so you guerrilla attack or anything or no Ezreal I do ranged spell attack go ahead and roll me a range spell attack I got a 22 hey Leo you hit go for it five I mean if it can give me one more Arkana check great good night Oh ah ray of Frost scours him he turns back around and says what are you doing back here you were running away terrified oh very mature aren't you supposed to be some kind of high for looting elf I'm a child oh you're attacking a bunch of children you coward be careful a tine he has a taste for the young well I have a mental illness and that's fine you see he goes all right let's not turn this into a PSA after-school special bulls God I don't have to work at a school anymore cool that is going to be that's a dime that's gonna be Kristin yes if we by any chance get a chance to seal him in something we gotta steal him to be the next lunch lad and then promote goal ear to vice-principal yes this is his time it is this isn't a sexual thing I'm just evil yeah mine happens to be extremely internal as a reptile leader if you said it was small and weird so thank you even though it's not no because it's hard because you're turned on by us children a little dog red rocket okay okay you take 11 points of damage wait I would like to cost shield as a as a reaction shot you can me absolutely do that and it bypasses that he crushes your field all right 1111 fig you take first 12 and then first 12 and then 22 points of damage 22 total no so 34 is this fire is not fire he descends on you with claws and bites every jeans this medicine is great yeah that's that is going to be big okay um so I'm gonna use a full riffle turn to retreat do you take a disengage action a disengaged but can I do I solve a bonus action if I disengaged yeah does it give you just an action okay actually this the bikes turn yeah yeah you can use the bike so the bike can take a disengage and then move I think 80 okay so 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 so we can get to here ah so we get to here I'm going to I'm going to jump off and then I'll take my seat one two three four five I think I can get to the drums so I'll just let you get to the drums and I'm gonna healing word wrist ah for I'm gonna do a cuz it's a bonus action I'm gonna do a second level so I'll healing word him for six plus eight 14 you're calling the cops call the cops cool that is going that's face for that's awesome gorg ugh that's you baby okay you can make another performance check if you want or you can but that'd be my action if I did that would be your like if you deca do your movement if you'd like movement more action do it yeah you got strength I'm just gonna do that feel bad I I look at fig get some inspiration from her musical knowledge 20 snatch 20 oh you see fig rushing to you you were a loner and a freak and a loser and this bad cool rocker invited you to join her band there is no way you are going to this solo up you got this dude just do it like we do in band practice come apart for kolaks you see some texts yeah I thought you were um but you were in a ruby oh oh okay um well but if she explaining that wasn't gonna be anything more than that on the noticeboard of what come back sis what's your here see groan relax uh says oh uh she is o Golden Horde Kovacs is what that's honestly nuts where are you guys Porsche Lee singed because it's been attacking us dead you see that uh gorath Lex looks up its called access rears his head around so dad uh he kind of used to come on to me like an upside down an axe made of fire a sick guitar Pierce's hand it's time to spread please the game play the drums mournful band on that instead I rather I'm gonna take can I use my bonus section to move towards Penelope as close as I can get yeah absolutely alright if I can't get to her they might not be able to one two three four five six seven eight you are just out of region I'm just gonna hit her in the face with a firebomb where do I roll for that you can automatically just do it just okay I'm gonna do that 66 hell yeah oh my goodness which we all give him our desiccation he runs fire bottle of symbolic who 20 Penelope looks on the verge you see that her gown lights on fire and is burned to shred she says just covered in ash Janice can i frenzy and throw another bomb on the user bonus bonus action to do the Orcas workers aggression um you see that she looks at you goes my dress you went wrong what is wrong with you I've ruined from that is going to be Penelope's um can she see me cuz I did hide you did hide I'm a neural perception but she cannot see you great okay thanks the bowl hey man take one for the time I got rogue I cannot get hit I'm gonna need Fabian gorg ugh and fig to all make dexterity saving throws agenda at that why have some kind of for some reason seventeen the psychic damage it's fire you do have resistance to it okay it's a I only got a tenant I got in at 20 cool that's gonna be 811 is 1924 31 36 would you get 17 what'd you get can you take a full 36 damage at six oh yeah you take a full 36 damage you each take 50 you teach take 18 damage Oh wouldn't I then half that again so you take nine damage okay at the end of penalties turn to here and that is going to be that's at the end of pin on it and then Penelope is going to go one two three six little acrobatics check to get up there she succeeds on um that is going to be R is go ahead no for police 16 or higher does it okay um what is that can I shoot Penelope from here I probably get closer you know we'd be able to like bless or bark inspiration for police I haven't had a bonus action - yeah okay I mean I would heal yeah I don't I don't know if I can get well it's not good to bring her we got to give her to her if she's right next to her right um okay I am going to I guess just run around back near Fabian okay a one two three four five six that's your movement okay and then try to shoot Penelope okay uh what's your range on that it's short bow so it should be like 82 82 yeah she's only 14 not gonna do it great good cool then I am going to I'd like to like take cover by the stage and then also hide a net 20 on a hide cool alright thanks for the at 20 now disappear that is going to be a job out you hear him say Hey Oh thanks for the job now it's time for you to lose your job but your life is what I haven't been mean and so long I used to be very mean I could say scary whatever I believe in you Thanks you're alright he rushes he's he's gonna make an athletics check and leaks up and begins crawling up golden words wide jaw bone is gone that is going to be Fabian can I make a perception check to see if I think that gorath elack's is going to fly at and what's isn't a cat cal faxes mechanics I track 16 also he's gonna play some music okay great then I would like to action surge I think I do yeah can i I'd like to - up to Penelope and vault running up the running up the not the normal stairs but of course the handrail give me an what are you doing under there 12 12 is not gonna cut you have advantage son I I have you said acrobatics oh yeah 12 is not gonna do it I'll give me a dexterity a sturdy saving throw DC 15 Doug you slip off the handrails grab onto here and end your movement there you have your action left I'd like to hand crossbow from the from the railing hand crossbow from the rest go for it make your attack great like 24 great 24 hits great and then and then and then 1212 miss of the 24 hits great and 9 penalty takes the bolt all I wanted to be was Queen and she falls Penelope is no more can she flop over the top of the ledge dramatically falls all the cool kids you met in the entryway on your first day are dead at your head raagh we only lead in job can I call for the hangman to me to fly beneath me when it has the chance yes oh you're on give me my motorcycle back cool that is Fabian then it's going to be a dine I would like to do another Arcana check to see if I can figure out what the going on hmm not 20 not not 20 bit 20 just a 20 oh no just 20 it's good you think the situation is as it stands this is a dragon you are fighting ok then I will can I take the bike to the side of the stage so I'm like over here a little bit like covet and then I will cost lightning bolt at him again oh hell yeah so it's the dexterity saving through 15 and I would like to give him my 9 my divination roll dice oh that hold on one second you give him your 9 the yes go for it okay go ahead and roll oh I need I need before so because it's an 8 6 plus 5 11 oh my god why am I so bad at math thank you 11 plus 15 so 26 26 damage homeboy takes that whole thing 26 add-on you raise your hand aloft feeling completely yourself strong you hear behind you and you see a vision of it before it happens and it happens exactly as you saw well you could have told me before this very moment I was dead cow or calve access across his chest ah my suit it's right it's pretty ruined already but you uh god it's hard with his claws I only have four there's no middle one um you see that he it looks injured that was like that is now going to Kristin oh you got it great great that's a good one yeah and if this happens then I'm up to one then you're just no you're just stabilized stabilized yeah you see oh wait the bike hasn't gone yet oh the bike goes over to Fabian yes you are standing here you see that gorath elack's goes ahead and hits a chord on his guitar he does something strands of demonic music oh uh he hits that cord holy and you see that calve axis becomes almost inure to the spell wait what are you really here Arcana xx you know something about dragons which is that something that's powerful can brute-force through its innate magic a couple of resistances to spells I mean he has a number of times that it can just not be affected you see the gorg less will go gobble gobble and who hit some kind of spell at Cal taxes that Calv axis uses this innate draconic ability to avoid that is going to be gold in the ward [Music] can I use know to make him reroll that attack role look to me is not an attack okay it's not an attack mmm Jesus Christ just this guy he's probably really rude to him in class I'm going to need this I'm likely going down I am going to need rizz fig and a dine to make dexterity saving throws weirdoes even though it's fully hidden mm-hm 12:20 not net 12 okay Jews are the only two yeah we're just dead I mean I got hit by 11 buildings they love Michigan this is the number of dice yeah God [Music] the only need I know all of you you failed you're saving 20 IDs you take a full 48 points of damage you take 24 points of damage rolling down you take 24 points of damage I'm down why do we that is going to be a death saving throw please okay yeah 15 15 okay that is going to be more good oh wait since I got hit can I at least die wasn't doing my hellish rebuke sure is it fire damage yeah this is immune to it he's completely immune to fire damage okay okay you can do it that is going to be Gorga I mean I never know what to do can I just do like a like a unchecked medicine save on Kristin like stood she's still gonna be at 0 Sharon needs one wave to get anything you'll only be at 0 I don't even gotta make the call I'm gonna run behind him okay he's my my bonus action right well yeah you can get over here I'm just gonna hit him a bunch about you all right so recap yeah yes sir so 22 that'll do it 14 that'll do it oh really I'm sorry 40 does not do it okay and then 27 two of them hit okay so 13 and 9 so 22 and 9 gotcha you start laying into him with your SC job I'm going hell yeah okay give it to me cuz God stop cutting my leg little freak and he's going to at the end of your turn hit you for seven plus eight is 15 so seven points of damage okay I'm gonna use relentless endurance to stay up at one he hits you you've blood coming from your nose and eyes stand back up that is going to be three you get the bro for please guys I can't roll above a ten how many are over fifteen seven okay um you guys see on Jawbone's turn he crawls into golden horse mouth and you see golden horde it goes like whoa get out of there ah gah and he cannot bite through jawbone he's like should have gotten some silver fillings all right well he's chewing on me I'm gonna try to get in deep we'll see if I can plug the fire up man when I were up I want to be a guy he forces himself to even to the dragon's mouth baby and that's you how far away is the hospital extremely far great [Laughter] a doctor and doctor I'll be like oh it was me I would like to run along the the banister this catwalk up here and leap onto his wings hell yeah go ahead and give me an athletics check great nineteen BAM stride dragon and I'm just up here I guess can I like can I make some move to hold on so that I can't be or can I continue moving or you can continue moving if you take a few well you sure it's you're here that's 30 that's your that's your move how like how secure am i right now like if he like decide addition you're running on the wing of a moving dragon so hardly secure well then I'd like to I guess use my full movement to get onto his back and like grip onto a spine hell yeah BAM you jump right on this mother great great jump on his head that is awesome that's gonna be a dime I open up my jacket of useful things and I say I need something that will beat calve axis and I put my head in a bucket and I pull out you reach into your jacket of useful things we are going to we're going to cut really briefly to inside of the jacket of useful things deep in a swirling nexus of illuminated denim threads hangs the Citadel at the center of the code of useful things gunfire goes on throughout the city a high-speed chase within the city in the center of the jacket it was illuminated you see that a captain turns around and says we're not gonna make it some weird stone science officers we are going to make a vengeance holding strong you see that a woman who is like - assassin daggers says we have to get it there the prophecy if we do not succeed at this moment the jacket will be destroyed forever I'm gonna save the jacket we might not save ourselves leaps out of the car into the center of the jacket the seam opens Oh God he's jumping out of the pocket you see that a weird flesh and suddenly spectral figure Springs out of your pocket and puts a wand in your hand I wait someone to calve axis hell yeah great a25 you go ahead and roll to d-10 damage yes mm-hmm four plus nine fifteen thirteen thirteen a little ray of cold shoots out you see how this goes oh just yell for three you see you see that is your turn that is going to be crystalline out of death safe all right you ask a jacket first thanks Bertha lakhs rushes over to fig versus over to fig and he's going to make an untrained medicine check yeah Daniel need to be stabilized he does not succeed dad daddy that was a waste of a turn golden horde is going to attack Gorga Gorga you take him dead for sure five and then eight so that's seven damage guards down drops he moves over here and begins to lay into North elects [Music] that is going to be a figs turn Romi death save 17 that is going to be you see that Cub axis is going to take a swing with his tail and miss leaves ready I tried to hit a Don rizz go ahead let me just eat cool can I roll for police first well for please I'll have to roll at this 14 i banished these guys goodbye get out of here you're gone green dice now you got it you got it you're gonna create critical 14 baby - God do is what that is now I'm gonna roll my debts a critical time that's a 1400 critical that's the critical 14 core there's the 14 we needed this is just much too might be bad order than the other jawbone can use to crawl around in size barracks on the a dine you take 13 points of damage I'm down oh wait wait can I throw up my shield it does not use knots all right so everyone in the party is down except for you can you reach into a dice Jack I didn't get a healing I don't know if you can get on top of the dragon otherwise we're just gonna be watching jawbone and gorflax go ahead the hangman is about nobody in that crystal jewel what about this student I I mean I I this point I'm just going to stab this dragon that's a good first one is 25 25 hits second one is 20 hits first 113 yeah hell yeah second 113 think uh I mean uh axis is looking like he has some injuries on it he's looking very vital I'm gonna need a diner old fcv good I love that yeah gorflax turns and starts laying into calve axis golden hoard is going to go now I'm gonna need you to make a dexterity saving 18 you are adults 3 8 13 points of damage as you are flung off of his head um he used to chew on jawbone yeah Figg that's gonna be you in my intermittent conscience kind of unconsciousness can i commune with my dad sure you say I just want to I want to appear to him as a spectral memory and wake him some Bartek history and I got 14 unstable oh that's going to be Gorga 19 success writs rolling for please 13 critical 13 come on coming up five I'm the worst person to have role for the whole party guys this isn't gonna work go ahead and give me that desk save cool they have one failure so I brought this one I'll be good forever no don't say that so much you had to failing saves I was about to pass out well next turn Fabian you take six 14 points of damage I have six baby it's your turn Kim Broussard heal us just as gonna bring some healing I mean can I have an ice cream without with like with the hangman and its movement is there enough do I have enough movement to swing around the stage get grab a dime or just her coat and move out of his attack range sure I'd like to do that and me as yes hangman you grab a dying you guys move all the way over here we go we get like can we go other side of the table that's right I still what I don't even want him to be thinking about me you're behind the tables great that is going to be like a DES I need a DES a failure Kristen is stable can I roll like for an ad 20 and then be alive uh this is to the corn god I know I left for a while but what a great ass thank you for you have to repair the comparative world religions but please heal me [Music] guys that's it for today's chapter of dimension 20 but are you called you from the great beyond I have possessed the dungeon master known as Brennan Lee Mulligan to Satan more full episodes of dimension 20 await you on drop out top TV sorry Rob for your free trial Sam did we get that beautiful red hair smoking up a storm surrounded by men and women flirting with the mollies heshes going oh I love it here it's wonderful up here it's wonderful you see that she looks over at you and says Kristen
Channel: Dimension 20
Views: 783,832
Rating: 4.9725304 out of 5
Keywords: school, Dimension 20, brian murphy, ally beardsley, lou wilson, siobhan thompson, high school, teens, evil, demons, the finger, wizards, anxiety, feels, inspirational, speeches, death, punching, rock and roll, so metal, flying, guns, fuck you, swords, motorcycles, magic, fantasies, monsters, music, explosions, bombs, royalty, skateboarding, battles, gyms, finales, prom, dancing, zac oyama, emily axford, brennan lee mulligan, dungeons and dragons, role playing, dragons, mythical creatures, fights
Id: G4bdPAmK4fg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 117min 36sec (7056 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 22 2019
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