"The Time is Now" Rev. Matthew Tuttle - Nexus Conference - Friday Night

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] nexus conference 2021 did you come to give god praise did you come to give him glory on a friday night did you come to lift your hands now here's the thing about nexus let's define nexus really quickly it's a link it's a tie but really the first word when you look up nexus in the dictionary it's a connection it's a connection so there's been some preaching that has gone forth powerful preaching life-changing preaching and i believe there is a generation that's here tonight that you are not going to wait and see let me let me back up there's there's a couple different kind of connections you can have a one gig connection you could have a 10 gig connection you could have a fiber optic connection once you get into that fiber territory things move really fast and i just believe there's a generation of people here tonight young people that you're not going to wait six months when you get home to fall in line with what your pastor is saying you're not gonna wait for yet another conference you're not gonna wait for the perfect situation the perfect setting the perfect set of circumstances but you're gonna say pastor i don't need a mic i don't need a position i'm here to work give me a mop give me a job give me something to do i'll be appraiser i'll be someone that'll just make it in the prayer room i'll keep the prayer room hot is there a generation of people that's that'll say that that'll say i'll lift my hands i'll start right now start right now hallelujah start right now and say lord use me lord take me lord mold me hallelujah i'm ready right now lord to be used close your eyes lift your hands give god praise right now in jesus name can you keep those hands put together in just a moment are you thankful to be in the house of god aren't you thankful that you know he's a mighty god do you know he's a mighty god tonight i wonder if he can help us sing this can you just say he's a mighty god i couldn't hear you can you just say he's almighty god [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] when i think [Music] to express how great you [Music] are [Music] [Music] oh [Music] god we served [Music] is [Applause] [Music] [Music] the moon and the stars how brave you are we [Applause] is [Music] think about it now think [Music] no praise that's high enough how brave [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] hey [Music] out [Music] [Applause] any ladies [Music] [Music] oh all your money you yeah [Music] [Music] thank you that you're a jesus god come on somebody let's lift him up right now come on he's the mighty god come on he's the mighty god lift up your voice come on lift up your voice to that mighty god hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah come on let's clap our hands to him on this friday night i said let's clap our hands to him [Music] we have heard i have heard for many years this term i'm waiting for revival i can't wait to see what god's going to do i've heard it said i can't wait to see how god's going to use me as i was praying while ago i just felt something different right now i feel like there's a generation of people in this room and listening and watching tonight they're not waiting for revival they're at the gate saying god let's have revival we're walking in revival we're walking and doing things for god no i'm not saying i'm waiting to see what god's gonna do i'm already watching what god is doing we're not waiting for revival we're walking in revival come on i believe what nexus represents is a generation of young people that's not going to sit around and wait no pastor i'm going to have revival with you right now no pastor i'm gonna knock doors right now no pastor i'm gonna teach a bible study right [Music] we're not now we're having we're not waiting we're doing [Applause] here here i was out of town last week and my son texted me dad we knocked 174 doors [Music] i'm thinking oh boy i'm going to get a call from the city council hey how many did you have out knocking doors 37. you know what not one negative response 174 doors you know what my young people are saying we're tired of waiting we're ready to do something we want to teach a bible study we want to knock on the door devil world here we come let's have revival [Music] hallelujah come on let's clap our hands to the lord together [Music] oh we love you jesus come on let's lift our hands and turn our hearts to the lord together right now we love you jesus god will believe in you for greater [Music] oh we believe in you for greater jesus there is no fear cause i believe there is no doubt cause i have seen your faithfulness my fortress over and over [Music] i [Music] faithfulness [Music] [Music] what do our names [Music] what you are [Music] release your love inside of me your power for all to [Music] see [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] lord you will never fail your name is powerful your work's unstoppable all things are possible can you say is [Music] oh oh foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] i'll see you is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] it's gonna work in your face [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] if you is [Music] is it's gonna work [Music] is it's gone away [Music] come on right now everyone in this place lift your hands come on how many of you will dare to believe again how many of you are there to trust god again they're gonna sing it again and as they begin to sing i want you to lift your hand right now and worship say god i'm gonna believe you again come on i'm gonna trust you again hallelujah come on hallelujah in jesus name come on that's it go ahead and believe him for it tonight i know you're not done with me yeah god [Music] [Music] away [Music] [Applause] oh come on let's do this [Music] away [Music] abundantly above all that we can ask or think oh god and we pray right now that your spirit will sweep through this house like a mighty rushing wind encouraging uplifting believing that all things are possible to him that believes oh god it is [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] come on all across this auditorium why don't we lift our voices together [Applause] hallelujah why don't we lift our hearts oh as an act of faith [Music] hallelujah what a wonderful wonderful presence of the lord is in this service tonight in nexus 20 21. how many are you glad you're here tonight and how many you believe god's not done and that he has more for us this evening amen god bless you as you make your way back to your seats we'd like to ask our ushers to get ready to receive our offering this evening and as we mentioned last night our offerings are going towards missions works home and foreign so please know that you're giving all of it last night and tonight is going directly towards those how many of you enjoyed the preaching and the teaching last night and today [Applause] amen it's been a great time just a few announcements before the ushers come we want to make it mention again this evening that after service this evening for all of our town out of town guests and our in-town guests and ministry and family now for out of town guests and local guests it's from ages 15 to 35 because this conference is about that age group and then all of our ministry we want to invite you down to the gym for a meal and a time of fellowship man wasn't that food good last night and the fellowship was better but man it was good food last night we want to invite you down there and as a way of durham the local church thanking you we want uh you to know out of town guests and uh ministry and family that we want you to go first so please as service is dismissed this evening make your way down there we want to get everybody served and then of course the local folk here in durham we'll eat but we want to thank you for coming and being our guest here at this conference durham aren't we glad they came to be with us now for those of you that did not fall into those categories there is still hope and outside in front of the nursery tonight there will be 300 plates to go available for you at no cost so listen whether you like tacos or not which i can't imagine anybody in this world doesn't like tacos because that's what they're serving at the marriage supper of the lamb we us hispanics we know that so get used to it but even if you don't like tacos it's free of charge and you can't beat that anywhere in a coved era amen amen god bless you so please be aware of that we do have some exciting announcements to make everyone aware of everybody say october 26 through 28th east coast conference yes we are still planning on having east coast conference this year east coast conference is always a great time for this local church great time of impacting ministry and we are looking forward to that and we are excited to announce for the first time october 22 26 through 28th is the east coast conference in english october 29th and 30 is our first east coast conference in spanish and we are excited about that we're believing god for two great days of outpouring and ministry and then how many of you enjoyed nexus this year well plan on coming back next year january 26th and 20 through 28 of 2022 we'll be doing nexus all over again it'll be bigger it'll be greater it'll be it'll be exciting hey listen mark your calendar for these events we want our out-of-town guests to come and be a part of the great things that god's doing and finally as our ushers prepare we want to make everyone aware of bible's network uh biblio's network isn't it is a youtube channel that uh pastor urshan and myself i'm doing it in spanish he's doing it in english we're inviting guests we're talking about the word of god there are bible studies talking about the oneness of god uh i know our last biblio espanol we we tackled third culture uh the third culture syndrome and that's very relevant for those spanish-speaking people in this country so we're dealing with relevant topics in society and culture we're talking about doctrine we're talking about exciting things and also on there our bible study so the beautiful thing about bibles is this say you're sitting in starbucks and you don't feel really competent maybe explaining the oneness of god or some of the things that where you're new in church and you just you you feel led by god to witness to somebody real simple just pop open your phone don't go talk to those people say hey why don't you take a moment and look at this real quick it'll just take a few moments hey listen through that they can hear about baptism in jesus name they can feel hear about the infilling of the holy ghost with the evidence of speaking those tongues biblos is making a difference we're getting thousands of views every week and we have new content coming out every single thursday so please it's b-i-b-l-o-s and bibles is greek for the book and we know that the book is the bible the word of god amen thank you very much let's pray together father we thank you for your kindness and your blessings for the opportunity to give to your kingdom lord we know that you are faithful to us toward us and everything we do you give back to us in abundance now father we ask you to bless this offering user for your glory bless missionaries all across this nation the world in jesus name we pray god bless you this evening as you get come on while you're preparing to give why don't you stand to your feet with us tonight come on how many knows that we are people called by the name of jesus [Music] and how many knows that when you call on that name something amazing begins to happen in the atmosphere why don't you just begin this night calling on the name that is above every other name [Music] in the name of jesus in the name of jesus something happens when i call your name something happens when i call your name something happens when i call your name something happens when i call your name come on if you stepped in here with a need tonight if you'll call on the name of jesus we believe the need will be supplied oh yeah [Music] me [Music] they know that just with a little bit of faith you can say let this [Music] [Music] when i call your name [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] oh [Music] [Music] we play crew my [Music] we [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] right now take off the garment of heaviness and put on a garment of prey [Music] hello [Music] breakthrough reach up and pull down while breakthrough breakthrough [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] we break free [Music] go ahead and break through in the holy ghost chains are loose go ahead and get it in the spirit tonight [Music] hey [Music] [Music] [Music] we make mountains we [Music] put your hands together somebody put your hands together and give god praise [Music] somebody move your feet the bible says that david danced before the lord with all of his might i want somebody to dance in the holy ghost [Music] i'll go ahead and loosen it up go ahead and get free of the holy ghost it's friday night and it's time to have church it's friday night and it's time to get victory somebody up in the balcony give god a little praise tonight somebody up here [Music] go ahead and break out go ahead [Music] oh let's lift our hands to heaven tonight right where you're at in the middle of your problems [Music] in the middle of your challenge in the middle of your circumstance give god praise anyhow oh let's lift our voices to heaven tonight oh give thanks unto the lord for he is good [Laughter] somebody give thanks unto the lord for he is good he brought you through 2020. he brought you through covet 19. [Music] the devil told you you weren't going to make it but here you are in 2020 and god is still on the throne [Music] i'm trying to move on but i just feel like the holy ghost is just the bible said it would break out on your right hand and on your left hand [Music] give the lord a handcuff of praise tonight i'll give you a handcuff of praise oh clap your hands all you people that means everybody in the room that means from the back to the front from the side to the fire and then he said shower [Music] anybody still got a shout left [Music] thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you jesus amen amen find the seat amen we're going to move on to the next part of the service we can do this all night long and we might we might wind up doing just that but anybody that said the church is dead has never been to an apostolic church before i don't know about that brothershin y'all are a little wild [Music] you remember back when you were in the club you remember when you were running the streets and you were drinking it and snorting it and shooting it and running around all night you remember those days right well don't you dry up on me when you come in church come on don't you forget what god has done for you now he brought me out [Music] somebody say thank you jesus amen god bless you you can be seated there's a wonderful wonderful atmosphere i feel miracle signs and wonders in this house oh thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you jesus when god's people start praising him you don't know what's going to happen you don't know what's going to break out when somebody starts calling on the name [Music] and i call him jehovah i call him the first i call him the last i call him the wonderful and i call him the counselor i call him the mighty god but when i really want to get his attention i call him jesus jehovah's salvation [Music] praise god praise god you can be seated we've had a wonderful time here over the last the course of the last two days didn't we have a wonderful time last night the holy ghost was here the preaching of the word of god was such a strength and and today we had some wonderful sessions we had several people that um were impacted i'm so thankful for it and question and answer sessions this is a question asking generation and and i don't want to be sitting here saying well just do what i say i want to point you to the chapter the verse the word of god i want people the bible says that they that do know their god shall be strong and shall do exploits and i believe that with all of my heart i want to thank everybody that has come if you are visiting with us welcome to fpc tonight welcome to nexus conference i know you have a busy schedule i know this was put together in a few weeks i know that we were still wrestling with covet dynamics and it's weird but jesus is still in the healing business he's still in the saving business and we're so glad you came we're glad you came to exalt the name of the lord i want to thank our our workers that have worked so hard there's many people behind the scenes that took the last few weeks they painted they cleaned they worked i could call names sister carol brother michael brother brian just a host of workers and i'm glad my sister kristen is here she helped out and worked so hard this week visiting from indianapolis indiana and and so many people they just put in our our musicians our singers praise god how many enjoy that worship tonight man i felt the holy ghost moving in this place i felt like putting my shouting shoes on brother evan grizzle from wilmington north carolina dynamic pastor of a dynamic church we love you we appreciate you brother dave howell um from shelbyville indiana and brother nixon dowdy over here on the keys came in to help us out and and brother jeremy back there on the synthesizer god bless you my friend and sister cheyenne all these workers and the singers that are here in durham we love and appreciate them let's give them a handclap of appreciation for working so hard [Applause] brother holmes thank you so much for preaching to us last night you spoke to this generation we love and appreciate bishop joel holmes he is a voice that i want this generation to hear and none of this would happen without bishop johnny godaire bishop godier we love you and appreciate you tonight amen fpc durham is here because of your burden and your vision we love you we appreciate you tonight praise god praise god remain standing i would love to have every one of these people come and greet you because they could all do it in world-class fashion but all of our ministers we're glad you're here we love you appreciate you but tonight i want to flow with the holy ghost and i don't want to bog it down i know i can feel when the unction is upon us and and tonight we have a preacher as you know my brother joel erschen was slated to preach tonight and he was unfortunately not able to do so he did contract covet 19. it is one of the hazards of this day he sent his love and his apologies he wants to do it again another time and so we were we were very sad but then we found out brother matt tuttle could come to preach for us and god gave us the balm of gilead [Applause] [Laughter] to restore and and brother tuttle who pastors a dynamic church inviter tech says they're experiencing great revival i met brother tuttle several years ago at a conference and i was so impressed with his spirit and i was impressed with the anointing that's on his life and and he won't say this so i'm going to say it he pastored and it was a dordrecht and and they say that that the environment that you're in molds you and shapes you but i believe that in the kingdom of god we are called to take dominion over our environment and pastor matt tuttle not only thrived in europe but he fought the secularism of europe and anybody that says you can't have revival in europe has never met pastor matt tuttle he came against that spirit with fire and revival and they had miracle signs and wonders and i have watched him i've worshiped the lord with him thank god for his ministry and i love and appreciate him he came on a second's notice to help us and he'll never know what that means to me so brother total we want you to come and take your liberty let the lord use you tonight let's give the lord a hand type of praise thank you what a privilege and high honor it is to be here tonight in the presence of the lord as you turn in your bibles to john chapter 2 we will quickly read from verse 7. as you turn there i was coming down the road the church and saw the traffic jam of all the people that were leaving and going out of the parking lot lined up i thought oh they must figured out brother ocean's not preaching so i'm really glad some of y'all stayed because my wife's looking online and she'd like to see some people out there and uh she said you can't preach as good as joel erschen but you can preach shorter than he can so i don't know how long he preaches but that must mean i need to be short i'm going to try to do that but i'm really honored to be here tonight and and i i look and esteem your pastor brother ursh and his family how blessed you are to have a man of god and a family his wife and kids sons that are admired by their generation and i honor them i honor uh your bishop of course brother godaire as a young boy um i was already been made mentioned too i was raised in the netherlands and uh we came by on deputation and brother gaudier had us and took my dad out and me to lunch and i remember i just sat there and watched him was like man i'm having lunch with johnny godair the johnny godair and now i got to sit next to him on the platform and preach at his church man dreams come true amen wow young people give yourself give your give your life to jesus and it'll take you so far the great saints of this church are the homes i honor him man of god my friends that are here tonight ministry and the great church the people of god thank you thank you for your kindness and the nice basket it was like i'm only here for one night it was like the ark of noah's ark so i just gave to guys the front front desk and said y'all have that and then go to church and so they're they're very blessed they're also thankful john chapter 2 verse 7 if you're there say amen amen man y'all could y'all the last thing y'all needed was me y'all could have just shouted all night i'll tell you when we get to that place at my church i don't preach i'm like thank you lord for the night off i ain't even gonna lie i get excited a little bit and uh i thought it was going to happen again but y'all y'all y'all are with i don't know john chapter 2 verse 7. here we go let's try you'll probably regret it that's almost there you're going to regret it jesus saith unto them fill the water pots with water and they filled them up to the brim and he saith unto them draw out now and bear unto the governor of the feast and they bear it when the ruler of the feast had tasted the water that was made wine and knew not whence it was but the servant which drew the water knew the governor of the feast called the bridegroom and he saith unto him every man at the beginning to set forth good wine and when men have well drunk then that which is worse but thou has kept the good wine till now this beginning of miracles did jesus in canaan of galilee and manifested forth his glory and his disciples believed on him for the next few moments i will take your time and i'm going to take a career risk and do something i've never done before i'm going to midway through the message or so let one of these young men give the title to my message so taking a career risk but i think you'll do a good job all right lord i thank you for who you are i thank you for what you've done you're in this room we have already praised you we have lifted you up and your president is made evident lord the fact that we can feel and sense you now lord that we know that you are here and realize that i pray lord that your word would come and move us past realization into revelation that not only are you here in our midst but you desire to work amongst us and father when you're ready move us from revelation to demonstration and pour out your spirit signs wonders and miracles the bodies that are sick let them leave healed father i pray the spirits that need strength would be fine strength and your joy i pray lord that whatever you do we would leave changed by the power of your word and when it's done we will always give you praise and everybody said in jesus name why don't you just put your hands together right where you are hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah [Applause] praise the lord somebody shout jesus you can be seated in the presence of the lord there is an attitude that is coming into the church that that i believe in our generation will unlock the door of demonstration and what we are very sure and can very confidently say is the last hour i believe this attitude shift the shift in the spirit that we sense can be summarized in a single word that this one word will make all the difference this single word is the word i believe it's the key that will unlock the door to the demonstration that god desires to work in his church in this last hour there is much power in a word a single word has very much power the bible has much to say about the power of words life and death are in the power of the tongue in the power of your words by our words we are condemned or justified and that we will give account for every idle word it's being recorded there is one word that will unlock this miracle ministry of jesus christ in this city and every city beyond in this generation it is john chapter 2 and that i have heard preached since i was a child fifth generation pentecost i've heard the water turned to wine preached and i have heard it preached over and over again that god he always saves the best for he always saves the best for last however that is wrong the devil wants us to believe that the best is last the devil wants us to believe that somewhere at the end of a rainbow the best is waiting on us however in john chapter 2 and verse 10 i think it would be wise to put it on the screen because many of you are looking at me as though i just preached that the trinity was okay so let us read the words of jesus and sayeth unto them every man at the beginning to set forth good wine and when men have well drunk that which is worse but thou has kept the good wine until the best isn't last the best oh come on somebody some of you are procrastinating your best life and saying well i'll get it tomorrow but i've just come with a little simple word and if you're waiting for the great revelatory pact point on point three i went ahead and put the good part on the front end the best is now the best the church has ever been is tonight the best life you could ever live is i need somebody to shout now i said you need to shout now oh hal and so it is that it is when he said now that he unlocked the miracle ministries of jesus christ this is a trap from the adversary from the enemy that would like to confine the miracles the wonders the signs in the supernatural confined to the past there are people who are bound to the past may i say romans 8 37 that we are we're not just conquerors we are more than conquerors through him that love us for i am persuaded that neither death nor life nor angels nor principalities nor powers nor things present nor things to come nor height nor death nor other creature shall be able to separate us from the love of god which is in christ jesus our lord it is here that we list all the things that could cannot separate us from being more than a conqueror from walking in victory from walking in the ability to step into what god has for us height cannot do it depth cannot do it angels principalities powers things that are present or things that are to come however one thing that's missing from the list of things that can hinder you from walking in victory is past because the past can hinder the present and there is so there are so many in pentecost specifically multi-generationals i was raised in holland there was no one when we got there everybody in my church was first generation so it's new i'm adapting to pastoring five and six and even seventh generation apostolics and i find the trick of the enemy is to trap them in the concept in the mindset that 1992 was as good as it was ever going to be and if we could just sing the songs of 93 and if we could just sing like they did oh if we could just have the preaching like then if the good old days hey come on if you are caught up in the good old days you'll never conquer this day for this is the day the lord has made i will rejoice and be glad in it this is the day this is the day this is the day come on you want to know why you're always sad because you're trapped believing the best has already been lived but the devil is a liar this is the day i'm gonna rejoice that now is the best oh i just wish i had somebody that would high-five themselves real hard and let the devil know i'm not waiting come on i'm not looking in the rear-view mirror of my history the come on the best days of this church are they didn't happen yesterday they didn't happen when we walked in this building for the first time the best is right now right now 2021 it's here and it's here now you'll get depressed you'll get depressed thinking it's job got depressed because bible says he says i've looked before me he said and i've looked behind me he said he wasn't before me he said he wasn't behind me he said so i tried on the right he said i tried it on the right and then i tried it on the left he said i tried it everywhere and he was nowhere to be found and i'm left to wonder well god where were you and god said i was right there where he was he was looking forward he was looking back hey job stop waiting on tomorrow and stop hoping in yesterday stop looking to the right and stop looking to the left and young people make up your mind that this is i don't have anything else to preach other than tell this church up that this is your hour this is the hour of the church the greatest revival was not in our history the greatest revival of the church is now when i first became pastor the church i pastor and they elected me they told me oh everybody told me that it would take five to seven years before i would be officially the pastor they said well you have the title but you won't officially be the pastor for five to seven years and i said my god i sure hope jesus doesn't come back and all these people don't have a pastor they're gonna go to hell so i just went ahead about three months in i could feel them all kind of you know they're like on a five-year corona break and i get up and i say hold on now i know that's what they say but i don't have five years to wait to be your pastor we're going to go ahead and make this announcement i'm your pastor tonight and we're going to have revival tonight and if you want to go somewhere and wait five years you can go somewhere else and pray jesus doesn't come back so you don't go to hell but come on somebody i've just come to tell this church you got a new pastor and you don't have five years the time is now i said the time is now for the pastor's vision to go forth the time is now for us to have the revival that god has for us the time is now come on and since that church bought in we baptized 786 people in the name of jesus we've tripled our attendance given over three million dollars to global missions you know why because i got some people to believe you don't have to wait you don't have to look back you can believe it now i i just wish somebody praise god like you really believed it was it wasn't going to happen but like you believed it is happening it's now somebody shout now what do you think's a good title for this message congratulate yourself you just titled a conference message come on high five yourself say man i we're we're all in unity i said we're all in unity it needs to happen now the the harvest is linked to what we say but it's also linked to what we do not say in ecclesiastes chapter 7 and verse 10 he says say not look at your neighbor and say don't say don't talk like this look at him say don't talk like this say it's a sin it'd be just like a woman cutting her hair be just like come on be just like a man wearing pants so skinny you be just it come on somebody it'd be it'd be just like a man acting like a woman it'd be just like a man becoming a woman you you you sin i know i got you excited right there but you know what's just as much of a sin say not what is the cause that former days were better than these if you go around saying yesterday was better oh i wish it was like yesterday oh you might as well whack your hair i'll put a miniskirt on because the same bible that says you ought to have long hair ladies says don't be romanticizing the past live in the moment grab hold of the day and say it's ours revival is now if you really believed it you'd be twirling and dancing and shouting if you really believed healing was now you'd say don't let me be sick no more it's right now it's never gonna get better got to remind you god's word doesn't go down he never gets less his light doesn't get dimmer well i don't believe all that i think it was pretty good in the past ask lot's wife how that worked out i said ask block's wife how it looks looking at yesterday hoping you can turn today into what you had then no no man who puts his hand to the plow you can't look back get your eyes off yesterday today is the day of salvation in miracles and healings and signs and wonders and so i have learned that if the adversary cannot keep us confined romanticizing our yesterdays convinced that the best has already happened that he will do his utmost best to keep us bound to the hope that the best will happen later that 10 or 20 or 30 years from now we're convinced that then well once i get through the trial let me let me go ahead and tell you what's going to happen when you get through this trial there's going to be another trial and you know what's going to happen when you get through that trial there's going to be another trial and the devil loves to have you sitting on your pew young men saying well when i get through this when my family conflict gets through then i'll start living for god then i'll step into what god has called me to do then i'll do the ministry that god has and the anointing that god is on my life i'll praise him then i'll do it then i'll do it now somebody shout now i thought you'd get more excited about your sermon title somebody shout now [Applause] so there are some things that revivalists don't say we don't say the past was better than today however we are also there's some other things we're not allowed to say john chapter 4 and verse 35 and jesus says here's what you're not allowed to say you're not allowed to say the past was better you know you can't be doing that it's not it's not true and jesus said say not there are four months and then cometh the harvest he said you're not allowed to say yesterday is better and he said you're also not allowed to say i'll delay it till tomorrow he said you can't live in yesterday and you can't live in tomorrow it's jesus christ the same yester i'm thankful he's the same yesterday but really who cares because i can't get to yesterday and i'm glad he's the same tomorrow but i might not make it to tomorrow but thank god the most important word in that bible verse he's the same yesterday i said he's the same yesterday and he's the same right now i'm just gonna go ahead and speak it somebody that's sick in your body tonight you're gonna be healed and it's not gonna be on sunday it's going to happen now somebody's going to be refilled with the holy ghost not on sunday night it's going to happen somebody shout now i i heard us heard a story about an old man he's talking to his friends he said man i'm aiming to i'm aiming to go to france one day oh man that'd be great he said i'm aiming one day to to go fishing on the on out to deep sea fishing i'm aiming to do this and i'm aiming to do that and i may finally one of his friends looked at him and said fire i've come to raleigh and durham north carolina to say fire stop aiming at revival stop pointing the gun at it and pull the trigger and let's do it let's do it let's do it let's do it let's do it bigger let's do it greater than it's ever been done before god isn't going to get more powerful than he is right now god's not gonna be more kind than he is right now god's not moody i said he's not gonna get over his bad day wake up and bless us now no ladies and gentlemen it's right now it's right now stop waiting and fire somebody shout now [Applause] the adversary is not afraid of us living in the past he's not afraid of you living in the future he's afraid some young man some believer will believe that they can lay their hands on the sick now that they can have revival in their cities now well someday i'll pray someday i'll fast someday i'll get involved in ministry someday i'll do what god has called me to do come on right now you don't have to feel bad it was in the bible too lazarus jesus best friend has died jesus shows up and martha and mary martha's mad jesus she says if you'd have been here when he got sick you could have healed him if you'd have showed up then it could have happened in our yesterday if it just happened back when president trump was trump uh president if it happened back before we had to wear these stupid face sorry don't offend you wonderful face mask if if it had happened back come on whatever it is i don't want to get into all that but if you want to know you can watch live streams from my church well you know our hope is gone now we got this administration our hope is gone now because we got no no no no no he's and jesus looked at her and he said your brother is gonna live again jesus kind of like me standing up here saying you're going to have revival now but martha was like most yawns like saying yeah she said i know brother tell i know it's going to happen oh i know it's going to be great in the resurrection i know it it'll be better tomorrow i know our only hope of the better is later on down the road i know that somewhere in the future it'll happen then jesus didn't say sometime in the future he looked at her and said your brother can live now just like he's looking at this generation and he's saying through this man of god tonight it can happen now what would really happen if you truly believed in martha what would really happen if we really grasp that it can happen now he said i am the resurrection he didn't say i will be or i was he said i am i am and he that cometh to god must you must be born again of water and spirit somebody say hallelujah you've got to be baptized in the name of jesus for the remission of your sins you must be born of the spirit and when you are you will speak with other tongues is the initial sign of that spirit being pushed into your life that's a must but there are some other things there's some other must you must believe and you must believe that he i said if you're just believing he was or he will be you're not in the bible come on somebody you're just as wrong as being baptized in the trinity you've got to believe he what if you believed he is just like you did jesus name baptism i guarantee you the next time your co-worker said they had a headache you wouldn't offer them a tylenol you'd lay your hands on them and say in the name of jesus you can be healed because god is god somebody shout he is there's not one time in the bible that says god can nowhere in the bible does it say god can 157 times it says god is and you must believe that god what he is what it doesn't say what he is just says you got to believe he is so what is he whatever you need when is he what he is right now he is whatever you need and he's that right now you need a miracle he's a miracle worker you need a waymaker he's a way maker you need a doctor he's a doctor you need a lawyer he's a lawyer you need a friend he's a friend you need a father he's a father you need a mother he's a mother you need some whole peace i wish i had somebody with a need in the building that would say my god is [Applause] he is right now high five your neighbor and say now now now do it again like you know now high five the neighbor you had to ignore and you just hurt their feelings high five them and say he is he is a he's not just a a present help he's a very present help devil wants us to just sit there in our pew living in this fantasy world that someday one day he'll do it again when when it's going to happen oh devil's favorite song there's gonna be revival in the land there's gonna be a devil's like sing it again there's gonna be a river 35 years later there's going to be a revive i am sick and tired don't come prophesy anymore about revivals that's coming i don't want to hear it i'm done i didn't come with a prophetic word for your future i came with a present word for your now and i've come to tell you every prophecy that's been prophesied it is upon your shoulders for upon us the ends of time have come the next tick could be the trumpet i said the next tick could be the trumpet and the time is now young man it's now it's now that we packed the building out it's now that you pray your friend through it's now that your co-worker gets the holy ghost it's now that you get on the outreach team it's now that you start driving a van or a bus it's now now now [Applause] well come on you can feel a little resistance y'all wanted me to blow your minds i didn't come with mind-boggling revelation i came away with a word from heaven i said i came with a word from heaven to tell you your revival's here and it's time to step into it our generation is the generation that will see it [Applause] well i'm just gonna wait and you know i'm just gonna hold off and hang out and you know i can get well i'm just not the fast type brother tell you you got a lot of energy i'm just kind of slower you get your arm cut off arm blown off you go the doctor you sure don't crawl you run you get into the er and the doctor's like well let's see here when do i have time on my calendar you know what calendar's full i'll just put it for some time in the future you're having a heart attack and the er doctor says man i'm sorry you know what i got a lunch break i'll be back tomorrow you look at that doctrines you say you get your little knife you get the anesthesiologist and you're going to do it right if you can have that kind of passion about your arm and about your heart why can't you have that kind of fur fire and fervor about the church i say let's have revival the generation we live in their arms are blown off their hearts are messed up their minds have been blown and they don't need a church to sit around saying well we'll see when we can fit you into the next revival meeting we'll wait till east ghost conference baby it's now and they added to the church daily the time is i said the time now [Applause] god's not waiting for him to get strong i said he's not waiting for the day he's going to get more rested he's waiting on you he's waiting on us and the lord appeared in second chronicles 7 and 12 to solomon by night and said unto him i have heard thy prayer and have y'all can stay up here if you want i have to stand the whole time and scream and then they give me like a communion cup here thank god i got three of them everything's bigger in texas i'm just not used to these mini water bottles excuse me don't come up here and get any of it i don't see any of y'all sweating y'all are laughing but at my church we have the good church meter the good church meter is this you gotta take your hand take your hand wipe your forehead now look at it is it glistening if it ain't glistening we ain't having good church mine is glistening that means i'm gonna have something happen in my life i see [Applause] come on i pack i pack halls you know i got halls in my backpack back at the hotel room because i planned to scream my voice out i got extra shirts you know why because i planned now there we go bring me a whole bunch of them cause i plan to sweat my shirt out i come to church to have church why don't somebody just run or dance or shout until you're at least half as sweaty as i am you shouldn't let your preacher get more sweaty than you you shouldn't let your preacher scream louder than you my goodness i thought i was in a pentecostal church but i'm making you nervous because i'm not talking about what god's gonna do i'm talking about what god wants to do and y'all are all tight and nervous because you've been told so much what's going to happen that you're in shock that god can actually do it right now he's not waiting on your grandpa and he's not going to do it with your kids young man he's going to do it with the owl i'm almost done and and the lord appeared to solomon by night this familiar passage of scripture and said unto him i've heard thy prayer and have chosen which place he chose this place to myself for a house of sacrifice god has chosen this place i believe with all of my heart that god's anointing god's favor is on this place and while each of us are the temple of the holy ghost i believe that even in this day god has set aside specific places in the world in cities where his favor and his eye is focused and i believe that the first pentecostal church of durham north carolina has the eye of god and that his eye his heart his mind is tuned to this place he chose do you believe there's something special about this place do i have anybody here that got the holy ghost in this place do i have anybody here that you were baptized in the name of jesus in this place that's why when we come to this place we dress up [Applause] see come on let me go ahead and say it i said that's why we dress up when we come to this place if you can't afford a suit and tie you put your best clothes on because you're coming to this place i'm off my notes but what's up with the castling down of christianity i i told my church you ain't ever gonna see me in blue jeans with holes the president of the united states gets in a suit and a tie to give the state of the union if the president can dress up in a suit and tie to give the state of a union that will crumble i can dress in a suit and tie to deliver the state of a kingdom that's eternal i've come to tell you the state of the kingdom is well it is stronger than it's ever been it's greater than it's ever been the young people are more filled with fire than they ever have been it's a good time to be a part of the kingdom of god you got to have this place i said you got to have the church something about the church place the lord is my shepherd i shall not want he maketh me to lie down in green pastures come on he leaded me beside the still waters he restores my soul he leads me in the paths of righteousness for his namesake yea though i walk through the valley of the shadow of death i will fear no evil for thou art with me thy rod and thy staff they comfort me thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies thou anointest my head with oil my cup runneth over surely goodness and mercy do you want that kind of blessing do you want that in your life surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life if you want that then here you've got to obey the last part i will dwell in the house of the lord thank god for this place thank god for this place [Applause] i've got faith in this place he says in the next verse 13 and if i shut up heaven that there be no rain or if i command the locust to devour the land or if i send pestilence among my people if my people which are called by my name i wasn't here last night but i can almost guarantee the bishop preached about prayer shall humble themselves and and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways then will i hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land i have faith in this place and i have faith in the power of prayer i said if there's some young men that can learn how to pray the only hope the united states of america has is that people get down and begin to pray i said the only hope we've got are some young men some young ladies some elders some mamas and daddies and grandmas and grandpas getting in on their face and praying i have faith in this place i have faith in prayer next verse let's read it because the prayer verse 14 has the next verse let's read it together stop i said let's read let's start let's start over when when when now we've got faith in prayer we've got faith in the place we just need faith in the present [Applause] what if you believe the now as much as you believe the prayer what if you believe the now as much as you believe the place i'll tell you what would happen what you praying would start happening the key that unlocks the door to the prayer you've been praying is that you believe that it will not happen next year but you i would to god there'd be somebody right now that would give god a praise like what you've been praying like you believe that what you've been praying is gonna happen now now now [Applause] right now his eyes are open right now his ears are a tent to the prayer right now right now verse 16. for have i chosen and there's an anointing and a power that you can unlock unless you'll start living believing that right now that right now pastor ursula i was sitting on that airplane this was this was my wednesday night bible study and i had something real fancy i normally break glasses or kill fish and i was landing having a little fancy sermon oh maybe i'll do it i can't meet maybe not and i was landing in the durham i looked out the window and the lord said tell him it's now so i can't i'm sorry i wish i could do the fancy one but i've just got to tell you what jesus told me to tell everybody in this house stop waiting stop looking stop hoping for what will come and start doing it today today today today all their lives they had been raised for thousands of years in sunday school taught that with stammering lips in another tongue i will speak to my people that this is the rest we're with you'll cause the weirder to rest the next sunday school lesson was i'm going to pour out my spirit upon all flesh and they had been taught for year after year sunday school class from kindergarten all the way through 12th grade through youth class into the hyphen class on up into the young marriage class up into the senior saints that that the day was coming that stammering lips would and tongues were going to be poured out and then in acts chapter 2 and verse 4 the sound of the holy ghost blows and they begin to speak with other tongues as the spirit gives them utterance and then those very people that through sunday school through their teen years had heard about the prophecy and been told that it was coming and multi-generational one god believers now they come and only mock they needed a preacher to open the door and rise and say ladies and gentlemen this is that so i've come from vitor texas i open the door i rise stand behind the desk to declare to this generation this is that the end of time is upon us behold in the last days saith the lord i will pour out my spirit upon oh you can't get any more last and last we're the last generation and the end of time is upon us and it's time to have revival like never before i'm almost done well preacher you know i i believe we're going to have this great revival and i'm thankful for raising this money and sending it over to africa korea and kazakhstan but i pass through some little country church out in the middle really nowhere really 2021 started and i told my church we're going to have revival now we got the pretty building we got the nice pews we got the awesome pastor said it's time now we started baptizing people we baptized we've baptized of course 2020 we baptized almost every sunday even through the coronavirus that was good the last sunday we baptized three in the name of jesus monday night two people baptized in jesus name one filled with the holy ghost that's good monday night tuesday i'm not talking about next year i'm not just talking about 2020. i'm talking about 2021. tuesday i'm in tampa i had to do something there i'm sitting in my rental car and i get a text ding it's a picture you can put it up there i gave it to him i forwarded it to put my picture up there hopefully they got it boy i got a bald spot that ain't my head that's one six no 1-6-21 we got the date wrong underneath there that's lymphoma she sent the next picture send it put the next picture up that was tuesday [Applause] well someday it'll happen no go ahead and live in your someday fantasy land i'm gonna go ahead and do it right now go ahead and procrastinate your purpose to um some unforeseen day in your tomorrow but i'm gonna do it now go ahead and hope that maybe just happenstance we get somebody else in office but i'm gonna do it now whoa wednesday night we baptize three people in the name of jesus thursday i'm having family night someone the phone goes off king we need to baptize somebody in jesus name it's thursday night i went down to the church last thursday night baptized him in the name of jesus friday night i'm i'm packing all my stuff trying to you know look real good for you guys ding phone goes off says pastor we need you to come down we're going to baptize somebody else in the name of jesus i land in durham ding phone goes off pastor we're baptizing people in the name of jesus go ahead and baptize on sunday but i made up my mind we're going to have revival now we're going to have revival and if it can happen invite or texas it can happen in north carolina if it can come on somebody it can happen in your church it can happen in your home we're not talking about africa we're not talking about the days of the 90s the 80s the 70s and the 60s 2021 revival somebody shout now somebody shout right now [Applause] how many of you are ready to see it happen tonight i'm thankful for shouting dancing i'm all about it i'm a big fan but i believe we can shout and dance about some miracles that take place i believe that god wants to heal people in 2021 i believe god wants to set people free from drugs and alcohol in 2021 i believe that god wants to set you free from the bondage of sin and i think and i believe and know he wants to do it tonight tonight is the night right now is the time right now is the time every young man and woman that feels called to the ministry wants you to come to the front now run now quickly quickly quickly hey man if you feel a call of god on your life i'm not just talking about pulpit ministry i'm talking about ministry if you feel like god has called you to minister should be everybody amen each of you have been called amen the bible says that you'll lay your hands on the sick and they're not talking about the gift of healing or miracles we're just talking about being a believer that if you're a believer in you you have the power to lay your hands amen and there are those that will operate in the gifts of the spirit and then and i believe that god wants to open the windows of heaven and release that into this generation like never before i believe that now is the time i believe that god wants to do it like he never has before that he that he's going to pour out a harvest and a revival on this generation like never before it's happening right now come on god it's brought i know i know there's other churches here but to this church i speak god has brought you the man you have the bishop and now is the time now is your time for harvest and revival i wonder if i could get some young men to lay your hand on another young man and begin to operate if you're here sick in your body and you want god to heal you you can leave sick or you can believe that god can do it right now you can hope for another big name preacher some high dollar prophet or you can say i refuse to live sick another day i will be healed and it will happen now let it happen in my life okada let it happen in my home okada come on i refuse to believe that my marriage has to live in constant conflict that someday date in the unforeseen future after months and years and hours with counseling that our marriage gets better why not just believe that a moving of the holy ghost could sweep into your life and your marriage could be healed tonight why not believe that marital problems that the spirit of divorce could be broken now why not believe that now pornography addictions can be broken up why not believe that now as signs and wonders can happen come on if you're in this house battling physical ailments come on whatever they may be you ought to find somebody and ask them if they're a believer ask them to lay their hands upon your head and then ask them to speak over you and i believe with everything inside of me that you will be healed now it is here it's in the room the hour the time is now it is now lift up your voice up come on come on i'm not just preaching to pep you up i'm not just preaching to make you feel good i'm preaching what the lord has given me for this generation and for this very hour it is now i believe that we are nearer that of course we're nearer than we've ever been but it is it is on us hey it is upon us let us not delay let us not push back hallelujah that which god has ordained for this very hour we are his people the people of the name who've been set apart hallelujah called out unto him now begin to operate now begin to utilize the power that is within you begin now speak it now hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah that's pretty good praying but i want you to pray now with a fervor that everything you're speaking is going to happen as you speak it pray like the words that are coming out of your mouth are forming life in the instant that they leave your lips speak now with a boldness and a confidence that at the very tip of your tongue once the word the syllable the sentence has come to a conclusion and the period is placed at its ending that then it happens not tomorrow not after the sun rises in a new day but tonight tonight purpose is found tonight hope is restored tonight healing is brought to the bodies now now [Music] down down down now [Music] um somebody shout jesus [Music] oh hold on a moment hold on connor hold on just one moment one moment on my way to the church i called my wife and i said i feel to do something but i think it's odd i've never done this before i said i feel like there will be people there that are connected to people that are not there that are sick that are not well i said i feel to have them call them on the phone and that we begin to pray for them over the phone in this building brother holmes just came up to me he's got a gentleman on facetime if you're here right now and you know of somebody that needs a miracle in their life i want you to grab your phone right now grab it grab it we're going to call them and we are going to pray right now and we're about to pray what is the name brother blakely he's on the on a ventilator he's on a ventilator there's a man on a ventilator right now here on facetime if you need come on if you got a dad a grandfather a grandmother come on if you've got somebody you know that's sick right now god spoke this to me in my car my wife said you need to do it i forgot he came up to me and god quickened my memory god wants to do something that's beyond this place right now come on there's miracles that are going to manifest themselves all across this nation we're about to speak life over brother blakely and over every individual in need why don't we extend our hands towards this man father in the name of jesus by the authority of your word and the power of the spirit of god we speak life now healing virtue open the lungs open the airways heal this body in the name of jesus in the name of jesus and let it happen now come on church begin to say it say it now come on you ought to connect with them however you need to let the miracles of this building transcend and stretch themselves out come on in the holy ghost come on i can see rays of light shooting from this building i see a rays of light shooting out of the top of this building and they're landing all around in different homes come on i see it in the holy ghost i see them landed in hospitals and light going through the rooms miracles are happening tonight come on come on apostolics let's be apostolic in worship let's be apostolic in word let's be apostolic in acts and deeds and wonder and wonder and wonders and miracles they're in the room right now there's miracles happening [Music] [Music] is all to you everything i give to you [Music] to you [Music] [Music] me [Music] [Applause] [Music] everything give to you you're holding nothing without me [Music] everything i give to you [Music] [Music] nothing [Music] holding nothing with i give you all of me i give you all of me i give you i give you all of [Music] you me of me [Music] to you [Music] everything i give to you with holding nothing [Music] [Music] everything i give to you [Music] [Music] [Music] forever [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] i give you foreign [Music] foreign i give you [Music] [Music] me [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] i foreign you all of me oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] so take [Music] [Music] to yours [Music] [Applause] [Music] save [Music] to yourself transform [Music] to yourself my [Music] to yourself somebody shout yes shout victory [Music] now shout it like you got it shout victory still didn't get it shout it like you got it somebody shout now [Music] now hold on how do you spell now i need some real smart people now i know you're not from texas but can you spell now backwards [Music] because when you get a now attitude you get a victory attitude it's not an attitude of defeatism and it's an attitude of winning a victory look at your neighbor and say we win now look at him and say we win now the victory is i said the victory is now i need you to get with your neighbor and get somebody by the hand come on oh magnify the lord with me let us see there's some kind of magnification you got to get somebody with you let us exalt his [Music] we're about to we are about to shout but you know god he's kind of all about the details and he tells us to shout but he doesn't just tell us how to shout he tells us how to shout he said i am picky i don't want just a whoo-hoo or a yee-ha he said when you shout unto me it has to sound like victory with a voice with the sound alone of triumph that means come on that means it comes somewhere in here not here you gotta put you let go of that neighbor's hand put your hand right here put your hand right here out of your belly now we're gonna shout and it's gonna come from here it's gonna be the sound of a victory now the enemy has tried to tell this church to tell us that we have been defeated but not only are we going to have victory now we are going to have it greater than we ever could have imagined are you ready your hand is in someone's hand the other hand's on your belly on the count of three you are going to shout and it's gonna sound like victory it's gonna sound like an overcomer on the count of three one two three come on you gotta dance let everything that have friends praise the lord praise the lord [Music] um [Music] i got victory [Applause] victory [Music] we [Applause] so i got victory [Music] [Music] uh [Music] [Music] it's is right now right now i i declare it victories [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] we break food [Music] anybody feel victory in this house right now [Music] does anybody believe you have a right now opportunity to get your breakthrough [Music] here's what the bible bible says to shout unto the lord with the voice of triumph now hold on this is this is very much in the bible the bible says that when david defeated goliath that all of israel shouted unto god and gave god glory and they overcame the philistines the bible says that when gideon blew the trumpet and they broke the pictures and the candles shone out that they shouted the sword of the lord and of gideon on the seventh time around on the seventh day joshua said blow the trumpet and shout because the lord has given you the victory but all of that was a foreshadowing of another day when it's not going to be gideon and it's not going to be joshua and it's not going to be david but the lord himself is going to descend from heaven with the voice of the archangel and the trump of god and there's gonna be a shout i want you to take about 60 seconds and i want you to shout unto god shout for your church shout for your youth group shout for your family out shout for your blacksmithing friends in the name of jesus [Applause] [Music] [Music] we make [Music] in jesus name [Music] [Music] come on i know you can feel that victory in this house i know you can feel that breakthrough i know you can feel those chains falling off in the name of jesus [Applause] somebody shout somebody give it [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] food [Music] oh [Music] we [Music] [Music] [Music] is my deliverance [Music] oh let's give him glory tonight let's give him glory [Music] all over this building i want you to lift your hands i want you to lift your voice let's call in the name of jesus hallelujah we've heard a word from the lord hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah somebody's received a word from the lord tonight somebody has been touched by the hand of god i don't even know how to shut a service like this down i'm not even going to try hallelujah god has spoken to people's hearts take this home with you help your pastor help your church now somebody say now say it again say now now's the time to teach that bible study now is the time to knock on those doors now's the time to lay hands on people in jesus name now is the time to have revival now's the time to believe god now now now [Music] hallelujah we have a meal down in the gymnasium for those of you that can join us amen one last time let's lift our hands to heaven let's give god thanks for what he's done blessed be your name jesus [Music] blessed be your name thank you for this word thank you for this beautiful spirit thank you for the outpouring of your grace in this sanctuary hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah [Applause] if you want to continue to pray you can continue to pray we love you we appreciate you we look forward to seeing you at nexus next year be at church on sunday have a great move of god at home we love you and appreciate you god bless you tonight you
Channel: First Pentecostal Church of Durham
Views: 5,657
Rating: 4.9411764 out of 5
Id: TZMG4wfX-zo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 145min 0sec (8700 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 22 2021
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