NAYC 2019 VIDEO Mark Brown There is a Lad Here

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[Music] worthy [Music] oh praise the Lord everybody if you find your way back to your seats I'm gonna give you some quick instruction and then we're gonna get into the word of the Lord if you have seen on social media there has been a prayer survey that's been posted by the youth ministry team and I ask if you have not taken that I would like you to take that right now literally takes 40 seconds so if you would grab your phone and go to their Instagram account Facebook account or it go to this link up here and fill out that survey if you've already done it then don't worry about it but if you have not done it I ask that you would do that and we're gonna share those results with you here today so glad to have my family with me if they have a picture of my family they could put that up that is my everything that's my wife Jordan this December we will been married 15 years we got married when we were 12 and those are my three children Noah Grace and Eden as you could tell we're still in the book of Genesis our next kid will be Nimrod or Methuselah loved them very very much yeah anyone ever been lied to before three biggest lies I ever heard in my life came from my Mexican mama from Tijuana she always called me me means my son the first biggest lie my Mexican mama told me was me you will grow second biggest lie my Mexican mama told me was mija your pimples will go away I'm at na YC is a 35 year old man and I got more acne than most you thirteen year olds lo have mercy the third biggest lie my Mexican mama told me was mija you will overcome the fear of public speaking so I feel a little awkward and uncomfortable there's more people in this room than there is in the state of South Dakota y'all don't know what South Dakota is do ya it just means south of the North Pole we have a major conference that we hold every hundred years called behind the times registration is still open last night God gave us a promise tonight god it is gonna give us a process or at least this afternoon we go to the book of John chapter 6 and verse 5 reading in the word of the Lord Jesus lifted up his eyes and he saw a great company come unto them and he said to Philip we're gonna get enough bread to buy that these people can eat jesus said this to prove him because he himself knew what he was going to do Jesus wants to test us he already knows what he's going to do he just wants you to be a part of it can these bones live God already knew God didn't need a zekiel but God has always wanted include people in the plan that he has for our lives and John's 6 7 Philip answers well two hundred pennyworth if we if we saved a bunch of money over a number of months it still wouldn't be enough to feed every one of them just so they could take a little a few months wages of all them working he believed it would not be enough then one of the disciples Andrew simon Peters brother says them there is a lad here he has five barley loaves two small fishes but what is that among so many and jesus said make the men sit down there's a bunch of grass in the place the man sat down number about five thousand Jesus took the loaves and when he had given thanks he distributed to the disciples the disciples to them that were set down and likewise of the fishes as much as they would and when they were filled he said to his disciples gather up the fragments that remain that nothing be lost still believe Jesus is wanting to gather the fragments and here we are today in this dome in this arena fragments gathered together and we've discovered there are 12 baskets filled with these fragments and their remains over and above the miracle manifest the miracle materialized as it all came together over and above and it all started with a lad john 69 if you would read these first five words with me there is a lad here there is a lad here in this room there is a young person I'm not here to preach to the masses though all of you are eavesdropping but there is a lad that God has singled you out this afternoon I'm not worried if all of you leave right after the sermons over God is after a lad that is here how many believe that sientate por favor or la presencia de Dios you know I may be squatted an American biosis grande grande event they said Adubato a men usually here in this room you think that you are passing through life without value without purpose I'm talented I'm not rich I'm not capable I don't have much oh my god fine homes into fashions I got a piece of advice for you today swallow your pride now you may be thinking what pride I'm timid I'm shy I don't have much I'm not the center of the attention I am NOT out in front of everybody I'm I don't deal with pride see there's different kinds of pride there is the obvious the blatant loud and obnoxious one that is self promoting but then there's the not so obvious one silent recluse the one that is self preserving see pride will either promote the flesh or protect the flesh but it's two sides of the same coin and under that premise all of us struggle with pride fear an inferiority complex has such a strong hold on us whether introvert or extrovert we are doing all that we can to protect our flesh out of fear the Bible says in 2nd Timothy 1:7 God has not given you the spirit of fear he has given you power love and a sound mind first John 4:18 says look there is no fear in love but love casts out fear see we have this concept of what we think humility is but true humility says in the book of James chapter 4 and verse 10 if you would humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord see we think God has designed humility to keep us down but when you can find the place of humility God can take you to heavenly places it says in Proverbs 14:26 in the fear of the Lord there is strong confidence confidence is not arrogance but when you really live in humility in the fear of the Lord you just get a little moxie about you you get a little persuasion in your spirit the Bible says in the book of Proverbs 28 and verse 1 that we have to be bold as a lion if you are righteous God wants to impute unto you the boldness of a lion someone say praise the Lord Matthew chapter 25 there is a fascinating parable in my estimation and it is Jesus as he is speaking and he gives this this story of a master and the master goes to three servants he goes to one servant and he gives him one talent he goes to the other servant and gives him two talents and he goes to the other servant and gives him five talents the Bible says he gave it to them according to their ability that is important to remember and he tells them as I give this to you I am going away for an unspecified amount of time and I will return when you least expect it the master leaves heads out and he comes back and when he returns he goes to the man that has five talents and he says how did you do buddy he says well I had five now I have ten he goes to them and he says to him well done thou good and faithful servant you have been faithful over little I will now make you ruler over many enter thou into the joy of the Lord the next one has two talents he goes how did you do you know I had two now I have four he says well done you've been faithful over a little and I have now made you a ruler over many enter thou into the joy of the Lord then we go to this next guy it's interesting the one with the least amount of talent the one with the least amount of ability and he says give an account for what I have given you and the man said I was afraid I was scared so I hid that talent in the earth because I knew you were a hard man you are an austere you are a difficult individual to deal with is what the man says to the master he says you reap where you haven't sown and you gather where you haven't straud I was afraid so I didn't want to gamble it I didn't want to risk it I didn't want to drop the ball I didn't want to lose what you gave me so I hid it I sheltered it I protected it you would think that the master would understand and say well done you did have the least amount of ability out of all these guys and if you would have took a chance you would have blew it that's not what he says he says you wicked and slothful servant you knew that I was a difficult master you knew it and so he says gather this men and bind him in Chains and cast him into outer darkness where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth what if that's not enough he he takes the guys talent the little that he has and gives it to the guy that has ten talk about fair share let me ask you a couple questions here in this parable who's the master Jesus who's the servants thou has rightly judged it's it's it's interesting Jesus is describing himself he could paint whatever picture he wants about himself and you know what he says about himself dude bro I'm like like hippy Jesus like everything's cool man like don't worry cotton candy come as you are dude ah Jesus described himself as a difficult person to deal with at times he said that about himself the Bible says in the book of Romans chapter 11 verse 22 behold the goodness and severity of God we like to park it at the goodness of God but don't you ever forget the Bible says in Hebrews 10 to 1 that art God is a consuming fire and in verse 31 it says it is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the Living God we better never forget there is a strong side to God we can approach him as a lamb but we better reckon he's a lion amen where the servant sees the master the more of the story that he's trying to communicate is this there's some of us here we only have one talent we don't we we are by nature low-level talent ability type people anyone feel like you're a one talent person and then you got friends that have twice as much talent as you then you got friends that have five times as much talent as you makes me want to puke we do it all and they're above five foot tall make me want to puke but they're out there in this audience right now tall dark handsome can sing can preach got money man but check this out the moral of the story is this no matter the level of talent none of us are exempt from doing something with our talent you want talent individuals you better start stop setting up your pity party and talking about how little you have and out enough stop talking about how small your church is stop talking about how small your district is stop talking about the little that you have well you don't understand where a home is district you ever heard of South Dakota these smallest district in the United Pentecostal church international seven churches in the whole state closest neighbor if you're lucky is a hot an hour and 20 minutes away got a Greek word for you whoop-dee-doo but here's the problem with home missions districts if we're not careful if you're in a small missions work if you're in a small church low-level talent and you don't got all the goods up here and say you can get a foul spirit in you and you can begin to tear apart those they have twice as much as you and have five times as much as you and we heard the preacher yesterday it's not time to pick apart it's time that we unify and work together Jesus Jesus you're here with the chip on your shoulder because you're watching this worship team you know because they got to time talent five time talent let me give you some insight about them this wasn't their first time playing or singing they've been working at it a long time they didn't sit there and hide their talent and keep it from everything they put it out there and they took a step of faith and say God here's what I got and Lord multiply it one Talent people it's a shame when the only place our talent is used is in the world he hid the talent in the earth God is calling you tonight or this afternoon to take your talent out of the world and put it into the church this is the body of Christ we all can't be the hands we all can't be the eyes we all can't be the ears if you feel like everyone's picking on you you might be the nose but every part is vital crucial and essential God does not need our ability he needs our availability and whatever little you have you've got to make it available to Jesus with those with twice as much talent and five times as much talent I still give you a warning you got to be careful lest you lean the solely on your talent because talent can provide opportunities but talent without any consecration is a dangerous place to live there is a lad here listen up you haven't been able to sleep something's been provoking your thoughts and you can't quite put words to it there is a shift taking place in you and you can sense it you just can't make sense of it I'm talking to you this afternoon your scripture is psalm 42 and verse 7 deep is calling unto deep the depths of God is reaching for the depths of a lad in this room today the call of God is going forth today many are called few are chosen but there is a lad listen the difference between the called and the chosen is that the chosen are those who choose to be diligent about the call second Peter 1:10 says listen up brethren you got to give diligence to make your calling and election sure it's not up to God to do see we had this conception you know there's misconception that well if it's the will of God it's just gonna happen not true the ultimate prophetic will of God will come to pass yes but what part you play in it is up to you you you might have got a promise last night but that promise is not permission for you to be lazy to procrastinate to sit back in to relax I don't care if you got one talent too or you're ahead of the game with five you gotta be diligent about to call of God the Apostle Paul said in first Corinthians 1:26 that you got to see your calling I'm glad you heard it but you got to see this calling you got every person in this room under the sound of my voice has a calling every single one of you is called but do you want to be chosen not many wise after the flesh not many mighty not many noble see God uses imperfect people to perform His perfect will don't give me your litany your resume and all they said sorry excuses of why God can't use you know God is able to take imperfection and use it for his perfect purpose here you also got to realize the value of your calling Paul told Timothy in second Timothy 1:9 the one that called you has called you with a holy calling the call of God is not permission for you to go about acting like some sort of bigshot and not able to lock in the fear of the Lord or in humility this is a holy calling and it's his purpose you're the spirit of the Lord be not be careful not to indulge in permissible things Paul was so passionate about his call and it was so holy to him he said in first Corinthians 6:12 he says look all things are lawful for me but not all things are expedient I have permission to do a lot of things but I don't do those things because they do not benefit my call of God they do not benefit the purpose of God so I will not be brought under the power of any he goes on to say three chapters later in 1st Corinthians 9 23 he says this I do for the Gospels sake what are you willing to do for the Gospels sake that you're always willing to do just for your own sake we got to learn the first attribute of Christianity if any man will come after me let him deny himself self-denial is the first attribute of a disciple and you've been called to a high calling a holy calling a greater purpose and I pray in the name of Lord Jesus Christ when we live here or leave here today that we leave here with an understanding and a revelation of denying ourselves would you clap your hands to the Lord he goes on to say in verse 25 that every man that strives for the mastery those who want to excel those that want to be champions are temperate in all things the Holy Ghost spoke to me said your generation doesn't lack passion it lacks temperance we're very passionate but we're not good at self-restraint we're not good at self-denial Paul goes on to say in verse 27 so I keep under my body and I bring it into subjection because I don't want to be a castaway I might be preaching to people but if I do not learn the art of discipline and consecration and lowering of myself and putting myself in check I will fall prey to the list of people that have fallen off the platform and far away from the pulpit which you lift your hands to the Lord which would be in a call in the name of the Lord Jesus right now Kodama Tata Sita Kiki remote Arikara Baja in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray you open up the windows of heaven roll back the roof of this building and fixing a ladder between heaven and earth and may the angels of the Lord ascend and descend upon this place right now and I pray you take scales off of eyes and open ears to hear what the Spirit of the Living God is saying would you clap your hands Paul was intense about his discipline if I was to ask right now and we did a survey about the greatest basketball player you'd begin to cry out and scream names and I'd venture to say it would be the same names heard over and over again in every in any given year there are 30 basketball teams with 494 people on the roster that play but there ain't a person in this room that can name off 494 of those people but the same names even if you don't follow sports you would find very easily to name or to recognize the names that are being uttered because those people operate at a completely different level they function at a high level they may have been born with some innate abilities and natural abilities that took them so far but I promise you the Superstars and I'm not here advocating for sports I don't follow it but I do understand some things about sports I want you to know Michael Jordan didn't get where he was at because of mere natural ability LeBron James did not get where he is at because he is a five talent individual those people took what God gave them they're gifted abilities and they multiplied they developed it you read about these figures when everyone else on their team will go to the club and go to other activities they would separate themselves from them and they will shoot another thousand shots they would wake up early and they would practice the game with intensity that's the NBA I would venture to say it's the same about the UPC if I asked you to name the Great's we would hear the same names probably throughout this arena over and over again not diminishing anyone else but we recognize with someone like Jack Cunningham steps to this pulpit they operate at a completely different level when vests Dominion steps to the pulpit she functions at a completely different level with someone like Victor Jackson or Jo camp patella or Chris Greene or Landon Gore or Josh herring step into that pulpit you better believe they operate at a completely different level be intellectually honest with yourself for a moment do you think that Jack Cunningham prepared for last night by binging on Game of Thrones [Music] do you think Lee Stoneking stays up playing video games all night boy this video game is powerful and I like it you're outside your mind if you think that's how he lives his day-to-day life do you think that's the Mangan she stayed up watching Netflix all night before she preaches that because at times Oh baby I love to watch the office huh seems to be a cult classic among our movement here in People reference that show that endorses homosexuality that promotes promiscuity look I'm telling you what level do you want to operate at and what capacity do you want to function [Applause] God is calling a lad here today I was at Bishop Cornwell's Church sitting in some sort of tree Stanley sitting some sort of tree stand thing I didn't tell Bishop Goren well my story my testimony is he's sitting there with foam coming out of his mouth and blood in his eyes trying to kill thousands of years when I was lost in the world I saw a movie called Bambi it messed me up I wasn't in that tree stand to watch deer killed I was there to pick his brain about how he built a church in an area that they said you could not build a church in a district you could not build because I want to do something in South Dakota I want to break through in the last frontier of Pentecost listen up to me listen up if you're North Dakota South Dakota Montana Wyoming Minnesota Nebraska whatever small district you find yourself in I'm telling you you don't have to stay small you don't have to be small-minded God is about to release and as I'm talking to Bishop core well he put the gun down and he starts just telling me about his life oh boy teaching 15 Bible studies a week as bishop busting in over 500 students out in the neighborhood every Sunday and he gave me Matthew 547 he says what do ye more than others you want what others got you better live how others are living don't expect something more if you're not given as much as they're given I can't expect to have the same kind of church if I'm not putting the same amount of sacrifice into it I beseech you therefore brethren by the mercies of God that you present your bodies a living sacrifice holy and acceptable unto God which by the way it's a reasonable service he's not asked anything that we would do for God is not beyond reason but the verse goes on to say be not conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind that you may prove what is that good acceptable and perfect will of God a guy was a barista for 10 years the who is a her I can make you a cup of coffee and if I say hey would you like a good cup of coffee but yeah sure so you want to accept of a cup of coffee sure what if I gave you the option of a perfect cup of coffee which would you choose do you want to live in the good will of God the acceptable will of God where is there a lad in this place you feel the pull towards the perfect will of God there is a pull in this atmosphere for the perfect will of God you've been living below your potential and God is about to lift someone up into the perfect will of the Lord there's a number of things that have drastically changed my life but I'll name you a quick idea for what it's worth Jesus used this phrase watch in pray now Jews wasn't talked about Netflix than repentance Matthew 26:41 watch and pray so you enter not into temptation but some of you just watch and it enters into temptation but then he says in mark 12 33 watch and pray for the return of Jesus Christ first John 3:3 says this the person that has this hope of the Resurrection or the return of Jesus Christ the person that has that hope looking to it has it in them is purifying themselves let me say it to this this let me say this to you in this way what you watch affects how you pray you can watch and you enter in temptation or you can do what Colossians 3:2 says you to redirect your eyes and you set your affection on things above and not on things of this earth I'm telling you the person in this room that is looking and living like Jesus Christ is returning it's walking in a state of purification they are living a separate and pure life normally me lamentations 351 says this the eye affects the heart job 31 7 says this the heart walks after the eye you got to see the cycle the eye affects the heart and the heart walks after the eye that's why Jesus taught the principle of Matthew 5:27 through 30 we think of the physical act being wrong but he says I tell you what you watch can cause you to go to hell what you look at can cause the temptation to rise inside of you and go after it I know it's about to get weird and awkward in this place but I'm not afraid I'm under the inspiration of the Holy Ghost and God is reaching for a lad in this room and God is about to raise up a giant in this house second Peter 2:8 says there was a righteous man named lot and he says as he was dwelling among them in seen and hearing vexed his righteous soul from day to day here was a righteous man that was watching and listening didn't say he was participating but what he watched and what he listened to vex his righteous soul day after day jesus said it like this in matthew 6 22 and 23 he says the light of the body is the eye or literally the gateway the entrance the portal into your heart and soul is through the eye and if your eye would be single your whole body will be full of light meaning if you allow purity through your eyes your we'll begin to emanate inside your spirit but he says if your eye is evil your whole body is full of darkness what we watch absolutely matters he goes on to say this is the same Jesus you know that we claim to live and love it serve the same Jesus said look if the light be in you is darkness how great is that darkness you check me you think if I see if I'm wrong you study it out it literally means if what you watch you think it doesn't impact you that's called deception and it's the greatest deception of all not saying that but Jesus is saying if you think it doesn't affect you you're wrong and those who want to justify that behavior I'd say Romans 3:4 let God be true and every man a liar I don't care what no psychologist says I don't care what that person was a degree from a book that don't have the Holy Ghost says listen to me somebody we got to be diligent about the call of God y'all ready you might want to sit down for this let me send you the results they're survey I'll read off the age demographic of the youth group and the hyphens in this room there's a lot of ways to break down these statistics but I'm just going to give a couple and later down the next few weeks or months I'll send you some breakdowns of those numbers through social media you ready the percentage of people that read their Bible daily this is your survey 54% of you read your Bible daily here's the percentage of you who read through your Bible in a year 25% here's the average amount of days prayed for those who actually do pray four point six nine usually well that's pretty alright here's the percent of you that pray daily fifty six percent you won't know what the average prayer time is seventeen point five six minutes you want to know the percentage of those who pray an hour or more in this room six percent I think we're watching the wrong thing when our eyes are fixed on Jesus when our eyes are fixed on the return of the Lord Jesus Christ and the lostness that we are surrounded by look you cannot but help to get a passion and a burden of intercession for Souls and studying the Word of God to see how to make this revival work we don't got a problem with inspiration it's Pentecost drug of choice our problem is application you've heard word after word after word after word we're addicted a good preaching but what we need is a good praying meeting what we need is getting in the word what we need is help God wake us up I don't think I get paid for an hour I got ADHD LMNOP I'll believe your diagnosis if you don't play video games for two hours or watch a three hour movie our problem is not attention our problem is appetite that which we have an appetite for we're going to give attention to blessed are they that do hunger and thirst after righteousness I believe the Holy Ghost said you will be filled is there a hungry lad in this house is there someone that starts tea for the greater I am not diminishing last night it was of God in the Holy Ghost so don't misinterpret my words but demonstration is never an indication of consecration never many in that day will say Lord have we not prophesied in your name have we not cast out Devils in your name God can use anything he wants to at any time he wants but at the end he wants to know do I know you have I seen you in the prayer room have I seen you reading my word have you read my text message lately impartation without consecration will lead to your destruction any time I step to a pulpit I pray God give me the attitude needed for the anointing wanted I want to be anointed but I've got to have the right attitude because arrogance in the pulpit is destructive it's deadly would you lift your hands would you lift your voice I believe in impartation I believe in Mantle's but our promise we want impartation because we think it is a bypass or a shortcut to having a consecrated life you might think I'm being a jerk or mean I got a Greek word for you whoop-dee-doo we're so afraid of conviction because it's not preached anymore what God would a guy that we get conviction again it's godly sorrow that works repentance unto salvation not to be repented of I want to be challenged I want to be better I want to reach we have so redefined what fasting is and what praying is and what Bible study is we have lowered the bar lowered the bar lowered the part it's happening in the education system keep lowering the bar so we can pass more people through I don't want to lower the bar to get more ministers through that only hurts us the lack of your best hurts everything we need you to be the best you can be for Jesus we need each other I don't want to carry deadweight I got 15 minutes I'm shutting up he thought about de Soto toca prays will help you gain ground but only prayer can help you sustain ground I don't care how much victory we get in this room if you don't go home and pray if you don't go home and start talking to Jesus on a daily basis we keep lowering this bar how brother who are you to judge at 5 minutes does it mean anything to Jesus we've lowered that bar so much we're tripping over it when we lower the level of Bible reading so we can make people feel better and we lower the level of Prayer so we can make people feel better we have created a stumbling block for ministries without word and without prayer are destined to failure there is a lad here there is a lad here let the masses exit and go to the restaurant but there is a lad here that says oh there's something at this altar today God's got meat for you that they know not of it's around this altar today it's in your voice and your desperation hitaka sand or Omaha the prophecy of Azusa before the conclusion of that mighty wave was this there was three of them but I'll name one it says before Jesus Christ comes back he'll return to a generation that praises a God to whom they do not pray to we're good at praising or just not good at praying lift your hands lift your hands Honda batata blah hablas Africa listen I'm so thankful for how large nao IC is growing but may we never lose sight how large hell is growing hell is enlarging herself the harvest is plenteous the laborers are few listen to these verses Jesus I'm a long winded preacher help me second chronicles 29:30 4 is a sad verse it says but the priests were too few that's our problem right now there's a call for revival but the priests are so few but lowering the bar is not the answer because look keep reading that verse it says that there was not enough to minister and because the priests were too few so they called for the Levites to help them to finish the work because there was a group of people that were more upright in heart to sanctify themselves in the priest there's too many people that are just living comfortable we need a generation of lads to rise up you don't need a piece of paper that says you can preach or pray you don't need a piece of paper to tell you to go teach a Bible study look there is a lad here you're not looking for a position you're not looking for a title you're looking to do something for the work of God ha ha ha another sad verses isaiah 4 1 it says in that day there was seven women that are willing to take hold of one man a seven to one ratio sounds like a a YC trip bible college or prayer meeting seven women to every one man that's where we're at right listen every man you better let your youth present and just preach you on the first night men you got to listen up where are the the priests are too few the harvest is too plenteous where are the men we got a Goliath of a problem right now the enemy stands there saying send me a man you know why he did that Burt Carson he knew there was no man out there he knew there was no one out there bigger or badder than him so he's like send me a man that enemy is still trying to intimidate you right now but see when the enemy called for a man God called for a lad out of the backside of a desert on the backside of a pastor and that lad came forth he said I got a cause I got a purpose I'm full of depressing verses I said another one I'm almost done I'm gonna shut up real fast First Samuel 1319 there was no Smith found throughout all the land of Israel because the Philistines knew the power of a blacksmith and so verse 20 all the Israelites went down to the Philistines to sharpen every man's his share his culture I'm gonna get in trouble but it's okay I love my Jesus I love my family I love South Dakota they'll take me back but there is a lad here obedience is better than prominence aren't you afraid you're gonna lose your ministry preaching invitations I'm not in it for that I fight the lie that says you got a you got a handout cards and sell yourself and promote yourself to get on some sort of platform or be related to someone I'm not a prophet nor am I the son of a prophet I've never had out in a card I've never called a pastor I'm telling you that promotion doesn't come from the east or the west or the south God is judge he putteth up one he puts down another your problem is you're looking to this platform and you're salivating oh I hope I get to preach anyway I see one day I hope I get to I get to be the conference guy one day I hope I hope I hope this platform is the smallest part of my life here mean the Holy Ghost there is no Smith in all the Land of Israel so God's people went to the Philistines to get their weapons here we go there is a lad here and God has been working on your heart and you're tired of us having to go to the Philistines for weapons you can misinterpret this all you want but I know the spirit in which I'm giving in I'm tired of us having to go to charismatic folk to get songs I'm tired of us having to go to preachers that committed adultery to get a sermon I'm tired of us having to go to someone like Israel Houghton tied to a bed to get some sort of inspiration and they don't know even how to keep their life in check why are we doing we got to understand something you are the children of God you got the Holy Ghost you got the truth but the reason why we're going elsewhere for inspiration and writings is because the prayer level is so low and the Bible reading is so low but if we would ever start praying again if we ever start reading our Bibles again I'm telling you I will give you a ready hand and a pen God is going to god bless James Wilson for having 10 songs written by apostolic in the name of Jesus I pray that we are not given to go try to get some contract somewhere so we could be on a big platform of some big charismatic church we don't need another sellout we need you to be sold out for this doctrine and for separation [Applause] my pastor can come up here my brother and my son I'm done it's 1253 supposed to be done at 1:00 if we don't have a long altar call I'll be fine but there's a lad here mark my words look stop looking to this pulpit stop looking to these microphones in these instruments they are valuable they are important in the worship team has been phenomenal but you know what here's what I believe the Holy Ghost told me the next revival will be an anonymous revival Paul said this about the church I was unknown by the face among the churches some of you feel such a stirring in your spirit and your biggest stumbling block to being a part of the biggest revival is that you're gonna try to promote your face on social media there are access challenged nations and you would be wise to never ever be on social media ever what you saying oh there's nothing wrong with it it's not about what's right or wrong it's about the call and the purpose of God in your life obedience is better than prominence Ezekiel God told Ezekiel he said listen up boy I'm giving you a revival a call where you won't get one convert church was not rocking not one convert and then God has the audacity to say this Ezekiel if I took you and put you over here you'd have a mass revival but that's not what I called you to do I've had so many people tell me mark if you got out of South Dakota and went somewhere else you would have a breakthrough revival but obedience it's better in prominence your mission when you leave here is not to be known it's to be unknown but well known I gotta shut up you're mad it's 12:55 in the days of Samson the enemy was mocking him and they said call for Samson let's make sport of him and they laughed at him here's this man designed to have power and he's at the mercy of the enemy and his eyes were out he could not see but then he found a lad and he says take me to the pillars suffer me to touch the pillars Samson's final moments on earth he did a lot of things wrong but he did one thing right at the end he said God I'm okay with the dying with everyone else it's not about my name and my fame anymore I got to get back to the pillar and I need a lad to help me there is a lad here that is going to complete the circuit of the generation gap and when we see these lads value in this place when we start working together look we're in the fourth quarter we're on the second half we're on the back nine this is our finest hour you do not need your name sung you do not need your name plastered everywhere you just gotta say God let me die God do away with my name and when the adults and the lads and the pillars came together and they were willing to be broken they did more in the last push than they did an entire 20 years potaka lift your hands if you feel the Holy Ghost pull on you I want you to charge this altar I want you come on the kingdom of heaven come on press your way press your way come on there's too strong of a burden for you to be sitting in the top seats with popcorn in your hand there's a burden right now in this place there is a toccata man how many songs could have been written if we weren't worried about getting a contract how many sermons could have been written if we were waiting on a pulpit how many songs could have been sung how many churches could have been planted if you were waiting for one to open up come on we gotta fix our problem right now don't worry about position don't worry about building B you nailed it to God your voices are carrying this one today come on your voices right now taka taka you don't need to be seen there's someone that you can't see right now translating this service I don't know him by name but if you can hear me i prophesy prophesy to you right now god I pray his blessing upon your life right now because you are willing to be outside of this arena so you can minister to people inside this arena I pray the blessing of the Lord upon your ministry as a bilingual man of God I pray the anointing in the favor of the Lord on you Chanukah come on Nebraska come on Nebraska this is yours come on Montana this is your service come on one Talent individual come on small district come on small Church your prophecies in the air right now [Applause] come on you don't need a pulpit you need some prayer right now come on there's a Ezequiel in this room right now there's an insta-kill in this room right now you're not worried about being known you're not worried about being seen you're not worried about position right now come on god it's going to position you strategically in this endtime revival stop worrying [Applause] listen carefully I feel led to share something with you and I'm gonna I'm gonna let you be this is your alter I was having a pity party at Bible College one time I went to Bible College for four years now we got to preach a chapel service this wasn't a preacher guy I did was just outreach in Bible studies I was getting ticked off because I'm seeing the most carnal people on the platform in student Chapel that is not anything negative against the vile College I think Indiana Bible College is the greatest Bible College in the world now give honor to them I would not be where I'm at without that but the season we were there there's are some unique things that took place and we're still seeing it play out right now but I'm having a pity party God why not me God gave me a vision it got pitch-black in that room I was in I could feel the darkness and a light went up in the air and it exploded it was a firework it was so beautiful it lit up the whole sky a living illuminated the air I just stared at it and then it fizzled out and everything got pitch-black again and it was dark and God says that's not what I called you to be listen up if you have two talents five talents as much as anyone else and I'm not against talent it's needed but you could shoot up real fast but without consecration you will not last if I would have presented this opportunity years ago I would have died don't be so fast to try to be famous be secret and if you would honor God in your secret life he'll reward you openly would you lift your voices right now there is a lad in this room rubato send Oh dote on dad a break on bandit a Hindi Damaso de ikita rama mentos so Taketa men total Tecate son de la vaca that's it God is calling us to die hot Abbas under a car those 16 missionaries are in this room right now we're about to complete the gap of what we're missing INXS challenge Nations right now there is a land and God can use a humble person that doesn't want to be famous to be in an area across the world lift your voice now now the altar calls yours now [Applause] [Applause] you
Channel: Mark Brown
Views: 28,723
Rating: 4.9541984 out of 5
Keywords: NAYC, North American Youth Congress, Mark Brown, Preaching, There is a Lad Here, 2019
Id: Ae32EQ1d62Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 68min 53sec (4133 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 08 2019
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