"I Will Not Be Silent" - Matthew Tuttle | Missions Conference 2021 | Friday Night

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[Applause] [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Music] glorious [Music] forever is [Music] [Music] he's righteous and he's glorious [Applause] of jesus of jesus glorious [Music] is dominion [Music] glorious he is [Music] h there is a name above all names [Music] h2h there is a name above all names [Applause] [Music] [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] [Music] that hallelujah evening and lift up the name of jesus every hand clapping in this house why don't you shout that name tonight jesus do it again jesus hallelujah somebody give god a praise here tonight lift up your voice let a joyful sound erupt in this place here because we are expecting the anointing of the holy ghost to have his perfect way jesus name we are delighted to have every single one of you with us for friday night of mission missions conference 2021 why don't you look around and greet somebody here tonight make them feel welcome i see a lot of visitors a lot of unfamiliar faces it's a pleasure to have every single one of you [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] again it is a delight to have everybody here worshiping with us here tonight we are going to just have one more worship song after this and then we will relinquish the pulpit to pastor matthew tuttle we are delighted to have him in bozier city here tonight his son louis is here with us and ryan i forgot your last name because i was delighting in the glory of your first name but it's a pleasure to have you here with us as well we have brother and sister drost back in bossier with us this is not the draw that y'all been seeing a lot of here lately this is his brother the general superintendent of mexico our southern neighbors we are delighted to have you all here for this weekend and also we have i didn't get to see them before service i don't know where they're sitting but brother and sister sherry right here and we're delighted to have y'all here with us thank you for being with us this evening we're delighted to have anytime we have a missionary in our midst we are always pumped up about having them in bossier city uh we have just one thing i've got to make clear that i don't know if this is necessarily permissions conference but you parents have been asking if you're trying to register a kid in advance for youth camp you need to do that online so just google louisiana district pentecostal whatever it's going to take you to our website it's a weird url but you need to do that online i got a little separate praise break to have here today we had two baptisms already this day haley and jackson linder were both baptized in the name of jesus they don't want a whole lot of attention they were a little bit shy about it i said i wouldn't make them stand but we are all going to give god a little bit of praise for these two young ones who are baptized in the name above every other name we had a special little baptism session here today at the church all by ourselves but it was absolutely incredible and lastly as the ushers would come to help us prepare to take the offering if you didn't get one of these whenever you came in you get one if you would whenever you leave this is our missions conference there's some information in here you can look at on the last page there's this little perforated page where you can see our pledge card and if you would fill this out whenever look missions conference is a weekend that we get inspired to constantly reinvest in the global work of the spreading of the gospel of jesus christ bossier city has been blessed we believe because of our commitment to missions around the world so if you'd break off this pledge card and turn that in you could put it in the offering or up to the office it's fine but we want to do that but real quick i want to celebrate the first page with you we have a little itemized breakdown you don't have to look it up if you don't want to right now but you're giving for the year of 2020. does anybody it feels like something happened in 2020 that was not super encouraging but for the life of me i can't think of it maybe somebody will remind me later but povc for missions gave 622 000 465.91 y'all we need to give god a great big handclap of praise to let him know that we are honored to be a part of the blessing of the kingdom all around this world this is why we do this this weekend every year we love being a part of missions and if you believe that i want you to give god one more handclap of praise as i pray over this offering tonight father we glorify your name and we thank you for letting us be a part of this god we are honored and humbled to be a part of global missions inspire us once again father no looking back at what's in the past we give you glory for it we honor you and all that but god we know that there are greater things in store there's a revival already being sparked across this globe and we get to be a part of it for all of this we thank you from the bottom of our hearts and we give with a cheerful heart tonight and everybody say in jesus name [Music] amen they say this mountain can be moved they say these chains will never break but they don't know you like we do there is power in your name we've heard that there is no way through we've heard the tide will never change they haven't seen what you can do there is power in your name so much power in your name [Music] break the unbreakable god we believe god we believe lord we'll see a miracle that we believe god we believe jesus we know that hope is never lost there is power in your name so [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] you on the way when there seems to be no way [Music] [Applause] [Music] impossible god we believe foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign we believe you for jesus [Music] if you said it it is done oh yes you said it i believe it you said it it is said it i believe it you said it it is [Music] you say is [Applause] is [Applause] [Music] it's already [Music] you say [Applause] [Music] is [Music] foreign [Music] god [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] amen why don't we give the lord a great praise come on let's do it with great enthusiasm the effectual fervent prayer come on there's got to be some fervor hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah you're the mighty god you're the everlasting father you're everything we would ever need i love you jesus i love you jesus i love you jesus hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah praise the lord praise the lord praise the lord amen as you return to your seats why don't you have five 27 people and tell them the devil's going to have a bad weekend amen amen praise god and i believe that i believe the enemies in for a bad weekend anytime that we folk come together the devil's going to have a bad time amen but we're going to have a great time in the holy ghost you believe that well two of us believe it that's all it takes amen but i'm thankful for the two of us where two or three agree amen he's in the midst of us we're going to turn to psalms chapter 30 verse 10 where we will read three verses in your hearing and i'm going to talk to you a little bit tonight just a little bible lesson that i gave my church what's on my heart and i feel it to share it with you in this age in which we are trying the whole world's trying to shut us down and shut the voice of the church down but i want you to know it's louder than it's ever been it's greater than it's ever been this is the hour of the church amen and as you turn there tonight i want to say what a privilege and honor it is to be here first and foremost and i give honor to your great leadership the dean family what how blessed you are to be led by such a family such a apostolic renowned family around the movement that loves this truth and i give honor to brother drost excited about what god's going to do through him in this meeting and all of those that will be speaking good to see the sherry family amen glad they're here and my son is with me louis ryan thank you for driving and riding i didn't have to be lonely and this great church i tell you it's great to have all the preachers but if there's nobody here to hear us preach it's not quite as fun amen it's a whole lot more fun i went to bible school with brother jonathan sherry amen we drove one time all the way to chicago you remember that we drove all the way to chicago to rent a car and got there and uh we didn't have a credit card you can't rent a car without a credit card at least you couldn't pin so we had to drive all the way back in a geo metro and uh that's a that's a very small car and i'm a very big man so uh anyway we have great great memories wonderful man of god great to see him tonight but i could be remiss just to again thank you for your kindness towards my family myself when michelle and i were on aim in the netherlands for five years this church played such a pivotal role financially supporting us your strength many of you there's several that reached out while we were there reminding us that we were not forgotten and that you were praying for us and those are very very comforting words and your kindness towards us will never be forgotten so i just feel honored to be here tonight thank you again for allowing me to be here as i preach tonight i i will go ahead and say i do expect you to say amen that wasn't very good so we're going to practice now you're not going to say amen when i say something new because i y'all have the greatest preachers in pentecost so y'all's minds are blown all the time so i'm just going to say things true and we're going to agree with things true how about that god's good that's pretty good if you think he's the second in the trinity but i just said god is good jesus is god come on jesus is god that's a revelation flesh and blood did not reveal that unto you but my father which is in heaven aren't you thankful there's a whole host of people come on they don't even know who jesus is but you do and anytime somebody gets up here and says jesus is god you got to get excited about it remember when you first got the revelation come on remember when you first found out who jesus was praise god praise god praise god amen uh psalms chapter 30 and verse 10 hear o lord and have mercy upon me lord be thou my helper thou has turned for me my morning into dancing thou has put off my sackcloth and girdeth me with gladness verse 12 to the end that my glory may sing praise to thee and not be silent o lord my god i will give thanks unto thee forever i will give thanks unto thee forever there in the 12th verse of the 30th chapter of psalms the writer of psalms says that i will not be silent my my title this evening will be an echo of those words from the psalmist there in the 12th verse of the 30th chapter of psalms i will not be silent look at your neighbor and say i will not be silent amen if you would why don't you just stretch your hands towards heaven eyes are closed and let's open our mouths and invite his presence again into this building father tonight how in need we are of you we are need needful of your presence i tonight father need your anointing to flow from my top from the top of my head to the very souls of my feet lord that the words that are spoken be the word of god let me not deviate to the flesh but let it be your spirit that speaks and and your word that comes father let it bring strength and encouragement challenge whatever you have to do but when we leave this room father i pray that we will be changed by the power of your name and the power of your word and as one we say in jesus name come on let's stand one more time in jesus name why don't we put our hands together giving god thanks for his holy words you can be seated thank you for standing [Applause] in the beginning genesis 1 and verse 1 says that in the beginning god created the heavens and the earth you know it and the earth was without form and void and darkness was upon the face of the deep it is here that we have what we would say perhaps a problem because in john 1 john 1 and 5 it says this then is the message which we have heard of him and declare unto you that god is light and in him is no darkness at all and yet in the second verse of the first chapter of genesis we are informed that god created the heaven and the earth and darkness was on the face of the deep and so in my what i would believe and understand is that from verse 1 to verse 2 something transpired that when god created the heavens and the earth i don't believe that god created them in darkness i personally believe that between verse 1 and 2 something happened i believe it's probably where satan was kicked out and when satan entered into the earth that's where darkness came and that's where chaos or confusion for that's what that word void means so the bible says that the darkness and the the chaos on the earth now is is i believe it's the result of a satanic presence and and the reason i believe that is because i was raised in amsterdam and i was raised where satan stronghold is very strong and and i've found that in any place he is it's a dark place and it's a chaotic mess and i've just come to tell you tonight i know it's missions conference uh but if your body's in a chaotic mess if your marriage isn't a mess if your money's in a mess there is a solution i said there is a solution to the satanic chaos of our world you want to know why this world's going silly and banana nut crazy because satan has released darkness and chaos into this atmosphere come on there's there's a satanic presence manifesting itself like it never has before but there is a solution i said there the solutions not don lemon cnn washington d.c republican or democrat the solution is in verse three come on somebody give me a little more monitor i need to be reminded of actually it gets before verse three it's at the end of verse two while there is darkness and chaos in the world the bible says that the spirit of the lord moved first thing you're going to find out about god is he moves i said the first thing i find out about god can't get two verses in before discovering my god is not a sit still and check it out kind of god god doesn't have church like this pastor it's chaos pastor it's a mess pastor it's hey if god had to move to make something happen you'll have to move to make something [Applause] i said don't think anything will change unless you're willing to move but if you'll move i said if you'll move he'll move and the darkness and the chaos can be rectified and changed in your life just by making motion just by making motion there's something about motion that moves god into motion come on you need a move of god this world needs a move of god your marriage needs a move of god my body needs a move move jesus move move move and after he is in motion come on when you begin to move he doesn't speak where there's no motion notice that everybody says well i need a word from god hey god doesn't speak until things are in motion come on once it's once we've had a move of god that's why we've got to come in and have a move of god we can't come in and settle for a little show we can't settle come on we're not here on theater and i'm not a speech giver come on we're here to come on this is preaching this is changing the atmosphere and the climate and the dynamic of our generation we are the solution to it and the spirit of the lord moved on the face of the deep and god and god said he lifted his voice and he began to make noise come on somebody there's something that happens when we begin to move and we begin to make noise oh clap your hands oh that's motion and lift your voice that sound and triumph is your promise i know it's friday night but last i checked they move and make lots of noise at the friday football game let's not check the club they don't sit still last i checked the volumes cranking at the rock concert if they can make noise and move we've got to move church we've got to move and we cannot be silent i said we cannot be silent and everything changed when god began to speak for there is power in god's word i said there's power when we begin to speak and out of the ground the lord forms every beast of the field and the fowl of the air and he brings them to adam just to see what he'll say and what he will say about them and whatever he calls them that's what they're called six thousand years later whatever he calls that's what they're called whatever the man said it would be that's what it would be there's power in your voice i said there's power in the void let me tell you the problems in america are not political problems they're not hollywood problems they're pulpit problems oh i know it's quiet that's all right the problem is not the politicians the problem is silent pulpit not this one for this is a pulpit that preaches truth but i've come to preach and declare under the unction of the holy ghost come on we cannot allow come on we can't be afraid to stand behind the holy desk and declare the saith the lord there's still got to be a voice that says come on more moral issues we get involved we get involved in come on we get involved in it we get involved in abortion we get involved in same-sex stuff and we say it's not right be quiet be quiet shut it down give them three points a nice life lesson let them go home cash your check but that's not what the church was called to do that's not what the church was called to be we were called to have a move of god and to lift our voices oh come on men of god it ought to start in your home if you're having family problems you're the priest of your home and a priest is to preach the duty of a priest is to be a preacher you ought to push come on at your dinner table you ought to begin to prophesy at family devotions you ought to begin to speak life into your family because i will not be silent i will not be silent whatever he said it would be that is what it will be that is what it will be speak hope speak life power of life and death you know it's in your mouth so let's use it let's use it come on let's use it let's use our voice let's what's sad is the whole we could change america if every christian would stand up and use their voice well i'm just going to be a new there is no neutral there is no neutral you're either for us or you are against us there is no in between i'll check it out and see who i'll go with you've got to choose you this day who you will serve and i've made up my mind put it on the internet let everybody know i am on the lord's side i know some of y'all waiting for the good point i've hit it a thousand times we will not be silent one voice can put a thousand to fly two ten thousand maybe i told you all this but i i can't remember what i tell i'm i just turned 40. i know that's young for most but i high mileage on this 40 year old so that still knocks the value pretty much to zero and uh i was at this men's conference there was this real smart preacher i'm thankful for the smart preachers that you know they teach me all this stuff and he went down this whole explanation of how many angels there were in heaven had figured it out it was amazing using revelation and all these books crazy stuff had all these he's like man there's 300 million or they're worth 300 million he said a third of them kicked out that's 100 million dollars he just kept on going i'm saying hold on a second you just told me there's 100 million devils i need to know what we're going to do about that like that's a pretty big problem so my you know i'm not smart like he was so i'm just sitting there doing some basic math i'm going one can put a thousand two can put ten thousand every time i had somebody i multiplied by ten i said how many do i have to have to get to a hundred million because i'm also not one of these guys that can look out and say you are battling with the demon of angry i've identified the demon of ugly pretty good but the other ones i can't get so i'm sitting there thinking man since i can't pick out which demon i'm fighting in holland i don't have that gift i got a new motto let's kill them all let's just take care of all the demons so here's the magic number all you gotta have are six people one puts a thousand two puts ten thousand six will put 100 million demons on the fl all you need is six people that means really all you need is five people five people that will get together in agreement we can take down every demonic force in what are you battling tonight if you came here expecting me to tell you what it was i'm not here to tell you what it was but i am here to tell you that if i can get five people linked up with you we can have revival we can have a holy ghost outpouring we can have a demonstration of the then i was preaching a funeral a few weeks after that i'm preaching a funeral they bring the coffin in and i noticed how many handles are on the sides of the coffin y'all ever notice there's six three on each side it takes six people to carry one deadhead for every and i have noticed this to be true for every deadhead in the church you suck up six people's energy it's the truth you that's why you just sitting there like this it is a liability for the same six people now that have to clap and praise to carry you could be putting all the hell on the run but instead we got to carry your dead head so here's a little deal for the rest of my message if you're gonna be here i need you to be here and i need you to get your mind to church because there's somebody that's battling the demon of fear somebody came friday night they don't care how much we give given the offering they came saying i need my marriage to be put back together i just got a diagnosis and i don't know what i'm gonna do hey friend you're with people that will lift their voice and we will agree to come on bossier you got more in you lift your voice come on you got more in you lift your voice and let the devil know you're going down we're coming out of covet we're going into a harvest season i've come to preach to bozier city i know you're going to talk about the world this weekend but let me speak what i feel in the holy ghost revival's here revivals here stop guessing stop questioning you're going to have a harvest like you've never had it's coming it won't come unless you verbally agree with it come on silence is a disagreement not a neutral stance silence is disagreeing not neutral you've got to amend it you've got to shout it i don't really believe all this noisy stuff you're just trying to get us to a plus ask the walls of jericho about the noisy stuff oh come on somebody that's the old rock the preacher was supposed to talk to but he didn't use his tongue he used a stick and guess what the punishment was he didn't get to go to promise land don't tell me that speaking in tongues isn't linked to you going to the promised land don't tell me that your promise isn't linked to your mouth don't tell me it's linked to your mouth there is come on that's why every cathedral i was raised in europe every cathedral i went into i went to hundreds of them i've been almost almost every country in western europe mainly in east and you go into these massive cathedrals and on the tours there's signs and these signs say please be silent you go in and you might get to talking a little too loud and there'd be a special little nun or priest or somebody come up to you shh come on somebody then you go to the ball games and there's signs that say please be louder i i need a sign on every pentecostal door that says please do not be silent we are not a quiet church we are not a quiet people we are not i said we are not i can read some of your brains you're sitting there and the bible says be still and know that i am god uh you're laughing cause i busted you beast i'm just gonna be still and know okay well we're gonna stop right here just for you who's god i thought i was in a pentecostal church who is god oh look at your neighbor and say jesus is god now look at your neighbor and say now you know that who god is keep reading your bible because three verses after be still and know that i am god you know what it says i didn't think so clap your hands all ye people shout unto the lord that's the next verse you just gotta keep reading because once you know who god is you can't be silent anymore you're going to run you're going to shout you're going to dance you're going to leap you're going to speak in tongues you can't be silent once you know that jesus is the mighty god once you know that he's the alpha and the omega the beginning and the ending once you know he's the first the last the lily of the valley the bride and morning star once you know he's the king above every king the healer and the waymaker once you know he's your lawyer your doctor your best the reason they're silent is because they don't know who jesus is but once you know you can't be silent well try to tell gideon about being quiet oh you got to remember him in his his army 32 000 men going down and there they are god says to have them drink something what was the prerequisite how were they eliminated you remember what eliminated how he whittled them down the ones that used their tongues got to go to war the ones that didn't use their mouth didn't get to go to battle he said i'd rather go with 300 men that know how to shout than 10 000 that sit silent and i have come to that conclusion i'd rather go to a church with 300 crazy loud tongue-talking apostolics then put me in a dead coliseum with 10 000 people that just glare at me give me sound give me motion give me god and what what an astounding military strategy the gentleman had that god had for gideon he says all right here's the plan you're gonna you're gonna take this picture and you're gonna take a candle you're gonna go up and you're gonna you're gonna shout real loud that's how i'm gonna give you the victory is with noise now i'm not much of a hunter because i was raised in the netherlands and there's really not much to hunt but i i now pastor inviter you don't ever want to tell them you don't hunt when you're in provider because then you become the hunted my brother-in-law's they're so manly they wear camo to church so you know i'm just trying to fit in i just want to be a man you know i didn't know you had to kill things to be a man but hey now that i've killed things i kind of have a good understanding it is kind of madly but i'm still not really that big of a fan i mean i remember they were like hey matt go hunting with us and i'd always denied him and but i got tired of being called all kinds and you know what i mean and so i like all right i'm going to go send me the list things i got to buy so they sent me this list here we go i read it on my phone little buddy propane heater gloves thermal underwear more gloves hand warmers for inside your gloves i'm like do the deer go do the deer die in the summer like that's a question i legitimately have for all the hunters do the deer die in the summer why do we have to go out and kill him when it's negative 1000 degrees outside it's a mystery to me i think it's that the glove manufacturers and the hunters they're in there in cahoots so i mean oh man i hate being cold i'm out there and then i spend like 150 dollars on all this ridiculous and so i get of course man the only thing they didn't include was doritos and coca-cola and i'm like i'm gonna be sitting in this stand for two hours i'm gonna have me some doritos and i'm gonna have me coke so anyway went out that morning i saw absolutely nothing i just nothing probably because i slept the whole time but because i also don't like mornings and i'm literally in this cocoon of warmth with a little propane heater you know what i mean so the evening hunt my brother-in-law's like hey dude i'll go with you man no no problem i'll i'll sit there with you kind of point you probably saw a deer you just didn't know it was one i said okay that's cool so we were crawling up in this thing you know right and i'm gonna tell you the worst thing that could happen if you're a hunting you kill a deer because you never kill a deer right when the sun you kill it as that sun just poop disappears and then you gotta go search oh god and you're tracking this deer it's horrible it's the worst thing that could happen anyway i'm sitting up there in this stand i'm with this my brother-in-law these are avid hunters we get settled i mean everything's in so i'm like okay sit down i get my doritos [Music] oh god i can't even eat my doritos i hate it even more all right so i get my coke oh man he about had a heart attack like what are you doing man we've got to be quiet can you imagine getting gideon's army they're up there and gideon finally hey guys stop worrying about being quiet y'all need to shout shout yeah shout stop hiding from the enemy and let him know you're still alive stop sitting in your pew like you're defeated and stand up and say i'm i will not be silent i will not be silent i will what are you doing i'm just letting the devil know he ain't got me yet why are you running up there preacher i'm just letting hell know i'm alive i'm alive you ought to just shout you want to clap somebody ought to let out a comanche war cry and let hell know i am alive come on i'm coming out of hiding i'm coming out of my cocoon i'm coming out of the cave i am alive [Applause] first thing we found out about god is he moves and makes noise first thing you find out about the day of pentecost is they're united next thing you know there comes a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind and 120 people spoke in tongues so loud that 3 000 without a mic without amplification 3 000 people heard them speaking with other tongues come on somebody pentecost didn't start with a kumbaya around the fireplace it didn't start with a guitar and an australian hymn sitting on a stool it started with a loud sound this is who we are this is what we are we're allowed apostolic tongue talking we are the church and we allowed and so we understand our power is linked to our voices that you've got to speak it you that's why hell is doing everything it can to silence us come on trying to silence the man of god trying to silence our pope they're arresting pastors up in canada come on throwing them in prison that's what they've been trying to do for all generations silence them get them to compromise buy them off that's the generation we're in i said that's the generation we're in because not only do we understand the power of sound and the power of a lifted voice that our shout is not just a ye ha we won the lottery it is a declaration of war against our adversary but not only do we know that he knows that so he said i it began it began in heaven this battle this war between satan and our savior he said i'm going to ascend into heaven he said i'm going to i'm going to go in no satan's mission was never to be over god he said i will be equal to god this was socialism right here it is i grew up in socialism 23 years of my life everybody's the same everybody makes the same except the couple that don't it's all a lie it's all a lie i know i'm not supposed to do politics but i came from a place where you don't want to you don't want to be in that america you don't want to be in that it's horrible the greatest thing we've got is the united states of america i said the greatest gift that god has given this world in this generation is the united states of america and the reason we're losing it come on because we got to have men that'll get up and say come on america was shaped by the pulpit let's not stop shaping who we are as a nation we're the greatest if you can't stand up and clap and thank god for america my god what a country what a place god gave him about a second powell kicked him out of heaven said get out of here and so then satan enters into the earth howard thou fall in isaiah 14 and 12 says how art thou fallen from heaven oh lucifer the son of the morning how cut down to the ground which does weaken the nations for thou hast said in that heart i will ascend into heaven i will exalt my throat the stars of god he said i can't be equal to god so i will be above the stars of god who are the stars of god you got to go to revelation chapter 1 and verse 20 revelation 1 and verse 20. here is the revelation of who the stars are that hell is trying to ascend over and establish his throne above here it is the mystery of the seven stars which thou saw in thy right hand of the seven candlesticks the seven stars are the seven angels of the seven churches satan said if i can't rule the earth i can rule the earth if i rule over the pulpit he said i will put my throne above and over the path if i control the pulpit i control it all whoa what are you saying preacher i'm telling you boss your city that when your man of god gets up here any man stands behind this desk that what he is doing is more than giving life lectures what he's doing is more than three points for a happy marriage more than five points to help you get over depression what's happening right here behind this pulpit is a spiritual battle it is a war it's the battle of a throne the throne of god versus the throne of hell what i'm doing right now in this meeting and i feel it in the holy ghost is i'm waging a war there's a battle there's a battle that's going on every time to the dean gets up here there's a war that's waging there's a battle it's righteousness versus unrighteousness it's holiness versus unholier it's good versus evil it's light versus darkness it's the authority of heaven versus the authority of hell there's a war going on in this pulpit right now every time your pastor gets up here every time pastor ryan dean gets up and begins to preach he's not just doing something to make us feel good it is come on it is our generation that is hanging in the balance that's why every time your pastor gets done preaching i promise you we don't talk about this i don't really talk to you that much but when you get when you step through that door you step off those stairs there's a devil waiting on you and he says things like that's the worst message you ever preached am i right yeah am i right man they're never going to come back you went way too far they're probably going to stop paying their tithes how are you going to feed your family am i right yes i'm right because it happens to every one of them there's a devil waiting right here somewhere on your preacher to tell him how bad he did how awful it was that you lost the war it's awful it's horrible that's why the last thing he needs is somebody negative nancy up here telling him all the things he did wrong and how bad it is when he's just getting beat up by hell go ahead and tell him that some other day but on sunday hey i had a i remember i'm off my notes that's okay we're in a fight for come on we're in a fight for what's right we're in a fight for the very soul of the nation of come on and we can't be silent we can't let hell win that we can't let the enemy get this this is our place this is where we win america this is where we win the war for righteousness right here [Applause] i remember i just started pastoring i didn't plan on saying this but i was just pastoring it i was young i was 28 years old just started passing this church and i had a guy he'd been coming quite a bit nice guy after church he comes up to me one sunday he's like oh brother tuttle he's like i would tell you you did a great job but i don't want you to get the big head and the devil said see they all think you're a bunch of arrogant you're arrogant that's what he said so i just looked at him and said hey uh hey brother you you can go ahead and tell me how great i did the devil's full-time job is to keep me humble he doesn't need assistance because there's nowhere in my bible i can see where it says keep your brother humble it does say forsake not the assembling of yourselves together y'all know that one that means to go to heaven you've got to go to church but what's the rest of it follow peace not thou holy say man forsaking not the assembling of yourselves together how exhorting one another you know what exhorting one another means do you know what that means encourage each other encourage each other you know so here's the thing just coming to church isn't enough you can't come in five minutes late leave five minutes early it's against the bible if you believe you gotta come to church to be saved then you gotta do what the bible says when you get here and that's in courage that means you can't leave until you've high five 25 people and said you're going to make it nobody's ever died of being overly encouraged nobody gave up because they were overly no no no no they died because nobody discouraged them no preacher ever gave a come on somebody because they were discouraged he said your pastor faces discouragement and the adversary comes against his mind but in the name of jesus he's going to have a church of young men of elders that are going to be here waiting saying you're the greatest thing man that was the best message i've ever heard don't you get up here and tell him how brother so and so and more if he was like lee stone king he had so and so is anointing it you just heard this amazing message on the internet no best preacher you've got is the one in your pulpit best pastor you've got is the one that's waging for the city of bosie ought to get on your feet right now let the devil know who your man of god is get on up preach with your preacher nehemiah's trying to build the wall discouragement comes the enemy comes against them they're in a low place he begins to preach in 5 and 13 of nehemiah and he says go shake every man out of his house he says and thus be shaken out and emptied and all the congregations said amen when nehemiah was fighting for the pulpit he didn't just fight the war alone because ladies and gentlemen the war doesn't stop here i said the battle doesn't end at the pulpit isaiah chapter 14 and 13 let's go back to it for thou has said in thine heart i will ascend into heaven and i will exalt my throne above the stars of god meaning that he is trying to wage war for this pulpit amen however once he realizes he can't get the pulpit the bible says that he will set his throne over the congregation of the people he says if i can't have if i can't have the pulpit the stars he said i will establish my throne over the congregation he said if i can't silence the pulpit i'll silence the pew and i'm sad to tell you there's many a place he is silenced there's nothing worse than preaching in a place that's silent idiot come on america come on bozier city oh well that's just new york city that's just portland oregon that's just amsterdam that's just minnesota you better watch it you sit i will not be silent so the pulpit has to be loud and the pulpit has to preach truth without fear or favor of man it has to you're man of god let me tell you he doesn't always want to get up here in his flesh and preach what thus saith the lord but when he does the pew cannot sit down idly and let it come and bounce back it's got to be received in all the congregation said i said all the congregation there's only one god holiness living is still applicable righteousness is still for 2021. come on preach with me you got to preach with your preacher ask paul and silas if if speaking loud and singing don't work come on you can bind my hands you can bind my feet the biggest mistake you made you could have shut it all down with a piece of duct tape come on somebody they forgot the duct tape so they left their mouths uncovered and with their mouths they begin to sing and begin to praise god because your mouth matters what you begin to say matters in the house of god abel abel abel was such a worshiper he was such a praiser he was such a man of god that even after he died he got it into his blood his blood was still crawling come here my blood i said come here my blood come here blood i'm going to be such a worshiper that when i die my blood is still doing what i do still believing what i believe still running house i had a really sad instance lately i was preaching a meeting and i had all the young people run the house and a bunch of them came up to me and said brother tuttle we've never ran the aisles i said you've never ran the aisles i said well that's who we are haven't you ever heard the term holy roller see i know y'all laugh but that actually used to be a thing that of course that's before we were too good that was before we were rich and the pews were patted in the come on somebody you never ran the aisle you ought to run those eyes go ahead run them come with me i'll do it with you if you never come on you do it with me too come on let's go young people let's go come on i'm not going to let i'll run in if it's going to die you'll have to stop inviting me to preach and that's okay i'll preach somewhere where they do run because go ahead this is who we are we're now running we're at tongue talking what this is alpha we're immersed motion marching around walls of jericho and making noise acts chapter 2 they spoke in tongues acts chapter 3 there's miracles and the miraculous happened and guess what he got up went into church and he began to run and he began to leap because the apostolics are leapers runners tongue talkers holy rollers this is who we are hey the dance belongs to the church somebody said oh this is looking like a club and i said no no no no no no no the church isn't trying to look like the club the club is trying to look like the church hell can't create anything he's just a thief all he can do is steal so if they're dancing the dance actually belongs to us if they're shouting it's because he stole it from us if they're clapping it's because he's still i say we take it back i say we get it back get back to dancing get back to singing get back to shouting get back to running get it back come on declare war i'm fighting for something right now and i need somebody to fight with me let's get it back our young people aren't going to be raised in a church that doesn't know about owl running i said we're not going to be a church come on that doesn't love shouting and dancing and speaking into that's what we are that's what we love i need you to clap your hands so loud you can feel them burn i need you to shout so loud you let hell tremble revive revive we are not going to be hell hear that listen don't stop satan listen that's the sound of the church alive that's the sound of a congregation unfettered that's the sound of a church with a maid of mind we i'm almost done jesus is tempted three times in the wilderness the stone says worship me cast myself down but there's a fourth devil and each times you know the story each time he's tempted of satan in the wilderness he says it is written it is written it is written however there is a fourth devil that he will encounter right after he comes down the mountain and luke he comes down and he goes into the church house and all the synagogue heard the things that he spoke and were filled with wrath that means they got angry when the preacher started preaching when jesus preaches sometimes people get angry first sermon of pentecost the first response was pricked in heart not felt good don't forget that they got angry so he goes to church again in capernaum and there he enters in church and there's another demon 4-34 and he says let us alone what have we to do with thee thou jesus son of nazareth art thou come to destroy us i know that thou art the holy one of god this satanic spirit says we know who you are but we want to have church without you and this spirit this satanic spirit said just leave me alone and don't bother me this is the spirit of complacency come on to the other demonic spirits of temptation he just said the bible says the bible says the bible says and he let them be but to the spirit of complacency jesus did not let it be for with complacency you can't compromise you don't discuss we don't sit down and sign peace treaties with complacent spirits and there's a spirit of complacency and comfortable comfortableness getting into the church in the western culture just leave us alone come on let us give our twenty thousand come on let cash i literally had hey i preached like this at home and i ticked people off i had a guy call me big big tithe bear he said you should just be happy i go to your church no joke and i said i'm not this isn't a business where you come and pay for my product this is a war i just happen to be the captain of the team and if you're not come on and if you're not going to fight i need you to leave so somebody can sit on your pew that's a fighter because i'd rather have a drug addict with a sword in his hand killing devils i've lived on zero i can cook ramen noodles come on somebody i don't need your money i need to wage war against hell and if we start beating hell god will give it to us god will take [Applause] get up off your comfortable complacency and say hell this is war this is war this is war [Applause] you gotta let hell know who sides your own [Applause] because serpents don't have voice boxes serpents make no sound they're silent it's easy to spot them they can't shout they can't say amen they don't preach with the preacher they do not ever judas was one judas was one oh he he could he could make noise the only time he ever list his voice and gets troubled about anything is when jesus didn't do good enough social justice oh he made a big big stink out of that this money could have been for the poor we should be doing more for the poor see he he would shout over social justice issues but he wouldn't shout for the high priest let me just say this that we can never resolve the social ills of our generation oh you're like really no we we can't we can't feed all the poor the poor you will have with you always we can't solve all the tensions we can't they're going to be here our hope isn't in fixing this world i'm not saying that we don't oh little vader pumped out 1.1 million two years ago to our community just to our community hey we did it but you know what we didn't do we didn't i'm off my notes but i'm in the holy ghost because this is where our generation is church is filled with social justice warriors that don't preach truth and it's filled it with pride it's so full of pride it stinks of pride that's why they can't give a homeless man a donut without a video camera why on earth while on earth you got to have a video camera recording you giving them a chocolate glazed doughnut you know who i've never seen with the video camera the homeless man i've never seen the homeless man here i am sitting on the side of the road oh look here's a nice he's embarrassed here you are out here and why because we got to put it on our church facebook page to let everybody know how holy and spiritual we are i'm not saying don't feed the poor i'm just saying that when you feed them you don't have to be recording it and sure don't be if you're going to be allowed about your 25 cent chocolate bar that you gave to a homeless man on the side of the road but you come and sit in church like this if all your facebook posts are about social justice social justice social justice social justice but you can't ever say anything about the king of kings in the lord of lords you got a problem so come on you want to help your society society you want to help blows your city then give them bread that'll last forever give them peace that's beyond their understanding give them joy that strength in the middle of the battle give them jesus give them tongue talking give them an hour and give them pew jumping give them shouting and screaming give them the holy ghost give them what you've got silver and gold silver and gold have i none we don't have the solution for your poverty problem we've got the solution for your eternal soul problem can't say can't say i can pay your bills but i can get you to a land where the walls are jasper and the gates are pearl i can give you a place where there's a mansion no more crying or dying lying or stealing it no more pain or shame or agony i can give you hope that'll last me on time i can give you oh i can't get you high on some drug but there's a holy ghost and if you get out in this aisle and you get to dancing like this this is how you dance son [Applause] somehow someway it works somehow someway i'm done we're about to declare war and we're about to have victory in this house there's something going to break in the spirit in this room something needs to break here for us to go to the next dimension come on there's some wall here i feel it in the holy ghost and i only know my wife says now when you feel that wall don't fight back you're just a guest speaker it's not my nature when i feel a wall i fight back that's why god called me to preach and she didn't get called to preach because she would be nice and let me just say it right now our generation doesn't need nice it needs war war against the spirit of perversion that's coming against our children war against the spirit of compromise that's coming into our church war that's coming against our country that's saying lay down and acquiesce to communistic and socialistic ideas it needs people that are wage war again i'm your man we're gonna fight and we're not gonna stop until we've got everyone that wants to go to heaven [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh if you cannot shout it is not personal preference it's spiritual the culture of this church was born with loud sound it was born in an atmosphere of exuberant worship and fervent prayer they were in one accord and they were in prayer but not just prayer prayer and supplication supplication is not crossing yourself and counting beads supplementation supplication is not humming supplication is allowed energetic pleading that's what brought pentecost jesus pour out your spirit jesus that was just the prayer meeting i said that was the prayer meeting the prayer meeting was loud it was pleading for their nation pleading for their country pleading for their world what would happen in 2021 if the apostolic church found an altar again come on there's no fancy enough song there's not a pretty enough thing that we can do i know we practice and that's great and beautiful but let's not forget we've got to pray and we can't just hum and pray 37 seconds we got to get down and we got to lift our voices and we've got to go into supplication if you need victory here tonight in your personal life i want you to come very quickly you can stand here across the front family finance faith wherever you're at you can come personally we're going to give you first vip access to this altar call if you need the miraculous to happen it's going to happen there it is well what which which miracle are we calling for we're calling for all of them right now if you need a miracle you should come come flush up against this platform riya ko sandhya something's about to happen god is changing there's a heart in these young people that's beats for a radical our world is looking for radical change they're marching in the streets and burning our cities down come on painting their hairs and changing their eyeballs changing their genders i said they're willing to go from a man to a woman or a woman to a man and we're ashamed to ask them to look like what they are let's be who we are we you want to be radical world join the team there's no place more radically in love with jesus in this place right here everyone else i know it's missions conference but we cannot have global revival why are you preaching this preacher because here's what i told my church i don't believe we can have global revival like god wants to have it with a weakened america i think america and i believe with all of my heart that america is it's the bread basket it's what funnels and pays for global revival and if we lose this friend how we going to pay for the how many hundreds of missionaries do we have we can't we have to have and we have to preserve what we have until jesus come on i know we're not come on and if they're going to take it they're going to take it with not a silent anemic weak watered-down church they're going to take it come on he's not coming back for a week church it's a church triumphant that's what we are so what i want is every one of you that loves your god and loves this great country i want you to come in behind these right here and we're about to declare war and as we begin to declare war here's what we're going to do we're going to shout aloud as we're very familiar and comfortable with but the revival that we need and the breakthrough that we desire and that god has promised us is not going to just come with one two three shout we do that all the time that's what's going to initiate a prayer meeting that's going to change our city our state our nation and it will then impact our world because revival globally starts right here come on at the pentecostals of bozier city a revival around our world starts right here in north america and we've got to have it we've got to have an apostolic revival of come on of who we are our identity cannot be wavered or questioned in this last hour this is who we are we're the church a brother with a brother [Applause] i want you to grab their hand brother with brother sister with sister as i begin to pray we then will shout on the count of three you will lift that hand i want you to begin to shout don't stop after you've shouted the name of jesus then you are going to begin to pray i want you to begin to pray for bozier city i want you to begin to pray for your pastor who's waging war against the spirits of this city i want you to begin to pray for america pray for our president bind strongholds take dominion and authority and i want you to do it loud hell cannot hear your minds thinking it can only hear your voice and what it says oh father now as i father declare war on the adversary and let him know in every spirit every principality the prince of this city the principalities and ruler of this state of the united states of america while there have been some that have silenced their pulpits and compromise saints that have shut down and given into complacency i confirm and i affirm this truth this church is not those churches we are a church of faith we are church that is declaring war on the adversary we will not be silent we will not be silent on the count of three i want you to shout the name of jesus like you've shouted it oh come on so loud that hell hears it on the count of three one two three jesus don't stop don't stop don't stop now i need you to pray begin to pray begin to pray begin to pray and those that are needing a miracle as we begin to pray out of the overflow the miraculous is going to happen now the miraculous is going to happen yes [Music] come on a voice of triumph a voice of triumph a voice of triumph a voice of triumph come on the other back of the day could come that they ask for our head the day can come that they request our blood don't tell me you'll give me give your head if you can't give your voice don't tell me you'll let them take your kid if they won't take your shout come on you gotta let hell know whose team you're on as for me and my house we will serve the lord we will serve the lord we will serve the lord we will serve the lord we will serve the [Music] [Applause] lord [Music] [Applause] [Music] hallelujah hallelujah [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] now lay your hand on somebody and begin to speak come on let the enemy hear you pray for your family pray for your brother begin to speak life begin to speak anointing in favor of god in the name of jesus come on let it come out of you come on let it come let it come let it come jesus jesus if you don't know what to say right now i need you to say the name of jesus we're not going to be silent we're going to give like we've never given we're going to go like we've never gone we're going to send our children we are going to lift our voices we're going to move the mission this is who we are we're the people of [Music] god [Applause] [Music] come on that wall's still there i need some fellow fighters come on you need to war with me right now you need a war with me right now there's something right here you can take it [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] no no no no no no no [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] holy ghost is here it's friday night what we waiting on come on hallelujah hallelujah [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Applause] i feel the holy ghost i wonder if i've got an old-timer that knows what i'm talking about when i talk about owl running do i have somebody ever done it before you come on give me a hand what you if i got an hour runner come on up here i need the professionals some of you old timers anybody been in this longer than 20 minutes and come on you've ran the aisles before don't look at me crazy come clip you i need another pro you got anybody come on right over here i see your hand come on come on brother all right we we gotta we gotta have revival of some things that got us to where we're at i believe that y'all believe it we're gonna we're gonna we're gonna shout now don't sing me some slow song boys get in the holy ghost this man's come on god just set robbie free i believe it in the name of jesus robbie you weren't speaking in english while ago you go ahead and let that come on you go ahead and let jesus give it to you now we're going to shout and dance because it's friday night and the dance belongs to us look at your neighbors say the dance belongs to us i said the dance belongs to us yeah now i need to get somebody to get with somebody's a dancer and we're going to sing a fast song it don't matter what it is just give us something that moves you know what i mean you're ready all right y'all ready y'all ready to dance all right get with somebody this is how we wage war come on in prayer in motion and there you go come on now let's go one two three go jesus jesus jesus [Applause] [Music] [Applause] the day that lord presence of celebrated lord of the lord [Music] oh [Music] is is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] he is [Music] oh [Music] he is worthy [Music] this is [Music] is in the lord [Music] [Music] jesus hey some biblical biology you didn't know your legs were connected to your mouth but bob says if you leap you'll get happy leap for joy if you're sad there's a solution it's called jumping hey i got to tell you this little story before i go home there's a lady i was just sitting with her the other day she's been coming to my church for two years her name's dorothy and i said how'd you start coming she said two years ago my husband walked out on me and left me with my son she said i had no hope and i sat down at my kitchen table she said i began to write my suicide note i had a bunch of pills here i can't remember which one kind they were she said i wrote it to my son and she said and something hit me in that moment and it said that church that's knocked on your door 10 20 times you should try that place one last time she said so i went over to the little box where i keep all the mail she said i had 12 invitations from east gate church you know what that means that was a person that knocked on the door one time and they didn't come so they knocked again and they knocked again and they knocked again they said we are not going to stop reaching for you she said i grabbed it i came in the church she said when i walked in she's like it's like the arms of god reached around me and said i love you and you're home she i haven't missed a service she said i went through online covered with you guys i haven't missed a service i said i know she's in our media team now she's involved in our kids ministry and every saturday you know what she does she goes out on the streets and she says i'm going to knock this door and i will not be silent you've got to make up your mind i know there's some no's i know there's some people that have said we're not going to come and we're never going to come but your mindset has to be we're never going to be quiet we're never going to stop reaching uh we're never going to stop believing forbos you're in the world thank you for letting me be here why don't we just give god a great praise one more time celebrate celebrate in the presence of the lord [Music] he is is this is [Music] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] is [Music] is [Music] so [Music] so [Music] you
Channel: The Pentecostals of Bossier City
Views: 5,053
Rating: 4.8167939 out of 5
Keywords: matthew tuttle, matthew tuttle preaching, matthew tuttle upci, bro matthew tuttle, rev matthew tuttle, matt tuttle, matt tuttle preaching, matt tuttle upci, i will not be silent, pentecostals of bossier city, pobc, pobc live, pentecostal, pentecostal preaching, pentecostal church, pentecostal worship, missions conference 2021, name above all names eddie james lyrics, believe for it cece winans lyrics
Id: dqwzBBm_ozg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 106min 1sec (6361 seconds)
Published: Fri May 14 2021
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