The Face Of Allah - Powerful - MercifulServant Videos

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you shall see your Lord just as you see this full moon you shall see your Lord the comparison is to the people looking at the moon and the people looking at Allah you will see your Lord just as you see this full moon no one will be fighting no one will be arguing to see it everyone will be able to see Allah Subhanahu WA Ta'ala the greatest blessing of jannah is not Jenna the greatest blessing of Jannah is not the things inside of Jenna rather the greatest blessing of Jenna is something even more than Jenna itself Allah says in the Quran Linn latina accent oh al khazneh was the odda those who do good they shall get a listener which is the name of Jannah they shall get a listener was the yada and they will get more than Jenna what could possibly be more than Jenna our prophet SAS and explained this verse he made it have seed of this verse and he said when the people of Jannah have entered Jenna allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala will ask them all my servants are you happy the people of genda will say yes oh allah we are Allah will say o My servants is there anything more that you want the people of gender will say and what could we month more than this o Allah have you not caused us to enter this paradise what more could we want then the Prophet SAW said I'm said Allah subhana WA Ta'ala we'll lift the veil yep she will a job and they will look at his face and they will not be given anything better and more noble than the looking at his face and this is the zyada data or an talks about this were the process and said well Hadi his the other this is the thing that is more than gender Allah says in the Quran wha Martin Fionna alep T ha our Jilla you're only spending your money to see the face of Allah you're spending your money fee subida not to see the face of Allah Allah says you're being good to your relatives in order to see the face of Allah Allah says you're being patient well dad inna szabo to eb-2 ha ha cheer up to him they're being patient in order to see allah subhana wa ta'ala and the face of Allah subhana WA Ta'ala and the Quran tells us that when we see the face of Allah when we see the face of Allah our faces will become bright and shining we all know the verse would you ruin Yama even now we're in our up behind now there are on that day faces will be shining bright now there are there gonna be shining bright why because they will be looking at their Lord Allah Rabi ha now there are in Arad behalf now there are and this shows us that looking at the face of Allah is the greatest blessing given to us and that face has been described as dhul Jalali wal Ikram the face has been described as the face of Jalal and general means magnificence channel means honor channel means magnificence and a Crom means nobility the face of Allah is a face of honor and a face of nobility why because anybody who sees that face has been honoured beyond anyone else anyone who sees that face has been given an honor and a nobility that no one else will possess and that face of Allah we will not see it in this world Moosa asked to see but Allah said you don't have the power you don't have the power the capability that is something only in the next life and a famous hadith of a Buddha Allah referee after Israel Maharaj when the process went up and he went to a place higher than G read the gibreel gibreel took him up and Gabriel said I cannot go anymore now you have to go on your own I'm not allowed beyond this point so the process and went higher than any created being has ever been then he came back down a Buddha relative Adi asked him this hadith is not a Muslim very beautiful how did very interesting I did ya Rasul Allah hell ro8 Arabic beautiful hadith o Messenger of Allah did you see your Lord did you see your Lord and our Prophet sallallahu wasallam replied no Inara there was light everywhere how could I see him no Inara there was light everywhere how could I see him what light is he talking about what is this light our prophet SAS and explained in another hadith he clarified in another hadith and this hadith is reported in a by Abu Huraira and so a Muslim as well and in it he said allah azza wajal has taken a hijab hey job open or a las hijab is noon Allah Azza WA JAL has taken a a job by a job we mean a covering Allah has taken a a job what is that hijab you see for us that a job that a job covers the beauty it covers the beauty and it envelopes the beauty for Allah subhana WA Ta'ala that a job itself is beauty and what is covered is beyond imagination what it covers is beyond what the mind can comprehend so our prophet SAS and have said hey job over nor Allah say job is light Lokesh F ah who if he were to lift that a job the haricot subbu Hajj de menthe AHA alayhi besouro woman healthy the rays of light that come from a las face would destroy everything that it sees the beauty the radiance of Allah subhana WA Ta'ala is so powerful that the creation cannot bear to see it so when the creation cannot bear to see it out of mercy for the creation Allah has veiled himself from us in this dunya and his veil his veil itself is light so when our profit system went up all the way to Israel Maharaj he saw the veil of Allah so when I would have asked him what did you see did you see Allah he said noon Inara there was the light
Channel: MercifulServant
Views: 2,718,141
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Islam, Muslim, Allah, lecture, Reminder, sikm4n, LoveAllah328, soldierofAllah2, merciful, servant, lebo2196, islamicevent, themercifulservant, TheDailyReminder, Islamnet, Islamic, Videos, Songs, documentary, religion, movies, lectures, miracles, nasheed, naat, dua, death, the, daily, reminder, reminders, islamic
Id: I3IJve0vN9g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 7sec (427 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 27 2014
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