Scientist Atheist Converts to Islam Part 1 | YOU will cry | 'LIVE'

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👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Eoussama 📅︎︎ Oct 15 2019 🗫︎ replies
[Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] we have not a conversation my friend I just saw you sitting down over there and I've asked you to come over because we don't like to film in the street where there lots of people passing because you know what they'll be in with a film as well very kind of you to come over thank you and we haven't had a conversation correct that's right but the only thing is that you saw the Christians preaching you can hear them singing in the background and you asked us I use the same group something's all right I said to the what do you call this man the brother listen look at the man over that right he's not any man or anything he's on a got a long thing on log so born like a long dress but he just you know just kid he's actually a like an engineer type thing alright but what I wanna ask him was was he in competition with them was it like a Christian yes yes so the Muslims in competition with a Christian okay that's fair enough and I came over to you and I asked you whether you're a Christian because so you listen to the thing going on and you said you're not a Christian I'm not agree to now but what as I listened to these people I had to shake my head at the things that he was saying because I'm not a believer and I'm not convinced by what he's saying okay that's this you're not convinced by the what the Christians are saying not at all okay and what I have asked you is what is your belief and you said you don't believe in anything you're basically an atheist I'm an 80s okay and I said to so and you said your name is David David David is that shortened today no David David I gave I David and what I said to David was that I can give you some evidence there is a creator because you don't believe in a creator correct right and what you have told me while we were setting up the cameras that you've retired now be used to be teachers I correct that's correct isn't it you see your teacher okay fine and I'll give you some evidence David okay right David David oh really I would suggest four pieces of evidence there is a creator okay I mean whether it is klom or Christianity or any other religion really the first question is is there a creator or not because most of these belief systems they believe in a creator yeah yes so it's really establishing whether there's a creator or not first before going on to the religions that make sense yeah that's true and I think when it's all said and done it is highly logical to assume that they must have been something at the very beginning all right now here we define that is what you're going to tell me all right yes that's correct how we define the beginning that's true but more about whether there is an intelligent being who has made everything or things have just come by chance if it's just you know it's if it's just evolution and just the Big Bang Theory is that just it or there is somebody who made things happen is it someone who made the Big Bang happened that's the question unless you're going to convince me that somebody created the Big Bang this is right or not not quite as any why because I don't convince I don't convert and I don't persuade that's all we told to say in the Quran the reason being that it depends on God's guidance whether you believe in him or not it's up to him it's his guidance because God says in the Quran no one can believe except with his permission so it's his permission he decides who should believe in him how did he decide he decides on a few things and some of these things are for example David whether you're a good guy or not whether you're a humble guy or not whether you ask for guidance are you searching for the truth are you searching for the Creator if you are then he will answer your search all right fair enough okay so I don't convince or convert or persuade well we'll give you some evidence I hope you will see their rooms and obviously you will accept this equator but it's not up to me to convince if I make sense that make sense ok fine ok that will give some evidence it's like anything in life really whether it's it's about metals which you deal with a word or if you told me that's what you work with or actually teach sorry always with physics or chemistry and will present the evidence whether you agree with some theory or whatever obviously that's up to you to decide some exhale fair fair enough thank you very okay and you have told me I can tell from your accident if you don't mind me saying is that I suggested while we're setting up the camera I suggested you read the South African Australian and you told me you're from Australia that's right I'm from give Australia and you're visiting the UK yes like airline again the right and you're an atheist correct I'm an atheist you're an atheist you're from Australia and you're visiting the UK exactly okay have you visited the is it your first time to UK you've been here a few times to previously yes even if you don't believe it you okay well it's a long way to come it is a long way but it's worth it it's a starting point for trips abroad and in fact it's a good hub it is a good have and and this is why I'm interested in the Muslim religion is because I've been to Turkey and I've traveled around Eastern Europe and the Balkans and I see the Muslim religion all the time and a I just like to learn more about it yeah the people you make you've seen good people generally yes pretty good people exactly I find okay fine I mean you do get that Muslims obviously you get that cases as well you get bad Christians as well you get bad 80s yep okay see yeah you get bad in all religions and even if they don't have written you could get bad people people could be by good and bad hopefully really believe that Muslims are good because Islam makes them good and Christianity Christians are good because Christianity makes them good but always you do get bad Christian to get bad Muslim true okay Phaneuf sorry just one small point here I'm not trying to bash atheism but a sometimes people say that I'm an atheist I don't believe in God because religion causes trouble of wars what I say to that David is that atheists have been responsible for more deaths in the 20th century that's Lenin Stalin who were not only atheist but they were anti religion and they were responsible more deaths than any religion so does do religions cause trouble of wars some people came to follow religion can cause trouble and Wars but then 80s do as well say you were good and bad in all religions including atheism that's true I mean you guys I got to look back to the 11th century when the the Christians from the England went over to you know what what they call at the the Crusades the cruise eyes exactly and hello is Christian versus Muslim is for what I don't like your sad isn't it that is it is it is okay right let me give you some evidence David well first thing I often like to ask atheist David is were you always an atheist or did you become an atheist because something had happened to your life was something you saw because yeah this is what someone told me to ask and it is quite useful asking this the reason being David a lot of people that atheist have become atheist for something they've seen in their lives or in the world or something like that is a reason yeah that's right I mean I I was born a Christian or no I was born into Christianity and raised as a Christian which I don't see a properties in Australia in Australia which city is that in Canberra Canberra the capital and were the capital right and I came to a point where my feelings were that something couldn't have been created by a superior being if your life Supreme Being that's just something that we can't explain yeah too far-fetched or not not too far-fetched but just something that we can't explain yet you mean you couldn't see any evidence for a creator is always saying whether there's the fact that we are here now goes back so something must have resulted in our creation what I'm saying is I cannot believe that there was a mystical Envy something that you and the Christians call a god that doesn't sit comfortably with me why doesn't it sit comfortably with you are you saying that things just happened without a creator I saw I'm not sure why he doesn't see it comfortably I don't understand sorry it's because I have a scientific background if you like can we do different you teach you teach science and things yeah obviously yes fine so the fact that somebody says something kind in effect from nothing it just doesn't sit with what I know you so you're saying that it doesn't feel right or it doesn't feel comfortable to say the creator came from nothing is always saying exactly Oh is he okay fine so the creator you're saying you don't believe in the Creator because the Creator couldn't come from nothing right but I'm surely the universe how did that come about that surely that that that has to come from nothing then that that's exactly right so that happening if you like is something that is beyond our understanding and to say something simple like that there was a God and it sensibilities religion has a God was responsible for this creation it's just time to make entry well Billy does it comfortably it it defies logic if you like but but you see okay let me give you a poor piece of evidence but surely things had a beginning and somebody or something must have made this happen okay let's give you the four piece of evidence okay right there four piece of evidence and I'll give you the pokies and see what you think right David the fourth one is the most powerful and I leave that to the end the first one is I would suggest cause and effect which is what really you what you're talking about with the creator which also called the cosmological argument which is saying that everything that begins to exist must have a cause otherwise it would mean that that thing existed and not existed at the same time everything does have the beginning and in fact we now know that even the universe had a beginning what they call the Big Bang Theory and we would say the ultimate cause of everything is the Creator we would say that then of course the question is who made the Creator happen who did he have a beginning as well what we would say to that is that he's outside our universe he's outside therefore our space and our timeframe and if he's outside this universe he is outside our space our timeframe he may be outside I'm all together if he's outside time altogether then he doesn't need a beginning he just existed because time his creation now one of the things is you could think it just a is a cop-out it is it is easy excuse as people say it's the God of the gaps you know just filling if you can't explain something to say God did it okay no we're not well we've got some rationale behind it and that is this David space and time are linked together in this universe as I'm sure you're aware yeah it's called a space-time continuum so physicists say that the beginning of the universe wasn't just the beginning the Big Bang Theory wasn't just the beginning of batter from a singularity but it was also the beginning of the laws of physics including time itself which is very very strange thing but that's what the physics physicists tell us and that's what the mathematics shows that the beginning of the universe was the beginning of space and time what does that mean a very difficult to understand but this is what business is saying this is what is pretty much universally accepted now the point here is from a Muslim point of view or a theist point of view believer in God is that their Creator who made everything who made the Big Bang happen he's outside the Big Bang therefore his outside space and his outside our time frame and it could be outside time altogether which means he doesn't need a beginning he doesn't have a beginning he just exists time is also one of his creations it's that sort of make sense it doesn't prove God exists but I'm suggesting it gives rise to a possibility or the Creator who doesn't have a beginning if that makes sense I'll go along with us okay well that's kind of you second piece of evidence I'm suggesting the first one gives some evidence for a creator would be the possibility of a creator the second one is called the teleological argument or teleological argument which is also called the design argument more specifically it's the fine-tuning argument which is a fine-tuning of the universe the point is here the universe is so finely tuned David I mean you work with you teach about metals and wood and technology and engineering essentially and you know that even basic engineering is but to be very precise yep and true yeah and the universe is very very precise and therefore we would suggest that there's someone who's designed that way who's made the fine-tuning the way it is now where the counter arguments against this Davis how serious is that surely you the universe is such a big place there's bound to be another planet that's like the earth has also got life that's also you know we are here on this earth not the ages would say not because it's been designed like that but but there are so many planets like the earth this is the one that happened to be correct and that's over here as that's what they would say about the fine-tuning do what good like changing else I mean on your side does that preclude the possibility of life on another planet what you're saying there's not at all that probably is life on other planets the universe is a very very very big place yes there yes absolutely you know it's mind-boggling Liebig right it's so big it's unbelievable almost unbelievable and therefore yes that probably are logically scientifically astronomically planets that have got life on them that would be surprising at all this is this idea of a designer that's very the Christians have come up with that idea as well so that sort of links resolves in Christianity okay there no the my argument would be this David to that that not it's not about the fine-tuning of the earth or the solar system or the galaxy the Milky Way that's that's that's amazing it's the fine-tuning of the whole universe what I mean by this is this David the universe is a low entropy universe do you know what I mean okay I'm really your teacher so you probably own you probably understand it better than I do now what that means for our viewers is that entropy is a degree of disorder of the particles the universe when it started with a big bang physicist particle physicists say that the degree of order was very it was very ordered very origin is a low entropy universe which means now and that's what and from that comes our universe today what they say is what is the probability of that happening by chance what's the probability of a low entropy universe happening by chance that's the question Professor Roger Penrose is professor of mathematics at Oxford University no less obvious available University I have yeah I think everyone in the world has yeah you might have a bigger as well yes wow that that thought that's okay have you studied physics in university or mathematics yeah physics not mathematic you've said it physics at University and that's it that's it you're the second physicist the last field judge Bob Wills said after I'd given some evidence he said actually I studied physics at Cambridge University I need any agenda the discussion he agrees there is a creator yep document same evidence it related physicist from Cambridge University degrees of the equator although most of his life he's brought up as he says as a default question which become an atheist and you could give it as I give the evidence under the N degree there is a creator okay anyway come back to yourself David you're from from Campbell University I studied at Newcastle University Newcastle in Australia but I live in Canberra now when you study you could Newcastle University and you studied physics physics and chemistry fine fine I think do you study particle physics no they did not give out no problem that's where your specific but you studied physics and chemistry at University in Australia in Newcastle okay brilliant now so for you understand this better than I do there's a low in tributes on my topic really okay now Roger Penrose has worked out the probability of this happening by chance and the probability is this it's 10 to the power of 10 in brackets all of this to the power of one hundred and twenty three to one it's an incredibly incredibly incredibly small figure of the universe the whole universe could have come about by chance as you can see from the figures well all except that okay it's Roger Penrose he's a mathematician professor of mathematics at Oxford University no this is what he says I mean you know if anyone disputes that I'll take them look are you are you a physicist are you have a mathematician of universe you're not well I'm sorry but he is and this is what he says okay there's a lie saying now when I tell this to the business from Cambridge University he said that fair enough I I accept what he says I don't have a problem because I mean he is the professor of mathematics so if he says it you know he must have some evidence say no now the point is here that now so the universe the even the beginning of the universe but they appear to be very finely tuned this is our point so could this have come about by chance well even if it was a multiverse there have to be a rather a lot of universes before one set out to be correct this is our point okay now of course ACS may say okay fair enough they may have to be a lot of universes but this did happen and we're here so that's just the way it is I'm sorry but that's why we're here there's no creator that's what they may say you could probably understand that point of view I could but sound quite powerfully evidence it does sound quite powerful when you see there is probably a create an owl after those two piece of evidence or not well I I've never said that they couldn't be a creator my belief has been that it's put in the in in in in a package if you like that we just cannot understand you're saying that inside this package is a creator what I'm saying is it's still a question mark to me I think what do you think the probability of ever being a creator nice tie two speakers you said atheist these two pieces of evidence would suggest 10% chance 20% chance 80% chance in the Crito oh I don't know if you could quantify it to that extent okay but I'm not prepared to go along with you and ambulatory there is a creative possibility lots of idiot what I'm saying possibility of course all ages would say that but is it probability or not is it probable is it more than 50% chance or less I don't know that I want to go there okay fine okay I just did a short one okay that's why you don't go there because you don't know a thing about that that's fine that makes sense but the third piece of evidence is this David throughout history be they've been some incredibly incredibly good people okay at some stage their life they went out and said to people God spoke with me God communicated to me right then it very simple good honest decent life regardless amazing good people they went out and gave this message for giving this message they were persecuted tortured and killed sometimes they were killed like often they were killed and the followers were also persecuted tortured and killed right and a couple of things here is number one they gain nothing material by saying this message to one leading gain is immaterial by saying this a message and also their message was consistent they were consistent every single one of these human beings had exactly the same message okay of course the people I'm talking about as I'm sure you've guessed you're a physicist from one of the universities in Australia is the prophets of God Abraham Moses Noah David Solomon Joseph Jacob Jesus and Muhammad keeps on them all the question is why do they do this why do they do this is logically I would say there are three possibilities and that you can give a fourth one number one they were altruistic which you understand what I mean they wanted to help society but essentially they were lying when is it got to fit within the line but they wanted to help society the born but this would go against their teachings their basic teaching and it would go against the character that they displayed and they can their character before they claim the revelation came from God so therefore I would suggest we can reject that one I would suggest let me give you the three second one is is that they had some sort of delusion they had some sort of megalomania or they had some schizophrenia or they had some paranoia they had some psychological mental problems and that's why they did it but again I would suggest their character before claiming prophethood and after claiming prophethood both would show that there's no way they were like that they didn't have any sort of mental problem or psychological problem that's what I would suggest so really the only possibility left I would suggest David is a little genuine prophets of God that's what I would suggest and if there were prophets of God and therefore there is a God this is my point do you want to say anything about that yeah they want to what my view on that is that these people had particular views on ways of life which we have today to do with the principles of good living respect your neighbor you don't steal and that these people really believe in those aspects of lies I was pretty good applause yes I agree that is very true the more when it comes to morality they all had the highest morals they all wanted the highest morals and we all agree I mean you're an atheist so would you mind if I said you were a humanist yeah you want good for human beings yeah you want good baby yeah they were all humanist in that sense they all want good for human beings and of course agents would say that's why they gave this message and they gave a message of high morality if we agree that's fine but that that isn't the point the point is did when they said that God spoke wisdom communicated with them in some form some way which God communicates with them or not which means is there a god that's the point the morality issue of course they all talk about the highest morals they all said don't steal don't lie don't cheat be good to neighbor be good to your parents good to be children all of them said that Abraham Moses Noah David Solomon Joseph Jacob Jesus and Mohammed is your normal they all say that and they should say that you expect them to say that and so would ATS say that yeah we all agree all human beings would agree but the question is when they spoke about God what they're lying was a deluded were they just doing it for altruism that's the question yeah that's the question that's right yeah you didn't have an answer no I don't know okay I think this is the point really either God or not that's the point okay that's why I'm trying to show you so I'm not saying is that yes fine the morality they talked about could have come from their own ideas you know human beings we all agree much universally quantify morality good morals we all agree pretty much universe is the same there might be slight differences you know but the plantation rule would give good morality what what good morality is but the question is did this come from God or not or from their own ideas this is a question okay now I'll go to the 47 inches which is really the most powerful piece of evidence I would suggest I would say it is the most powerful piece of evidence David and it's the one that can happen so that it can easily be seen and easily be proven you know older people could find this prove it as well okay they could try and that is when God sent these prophets these messengers of God people naturally rejected them they just believed in them they call them lies nature to the prophets you're deluded you're mad you're possessed the Quran tells us all of this however and would happen today if I stopped you and I said to you David when I when I saw you sitting down here just over there if I said you God has sent me you think I'm crazy you thinking imagine if someone came to me and said God has send me my initial reaction be this guy is crazy he's mad my initial reaction would be a lot a human reaction however the prophets of God did something to prove to the people that they weren't mad they weren't just being altruistic they weren't lying and they were genuine prophets of God do you know what that is is they live they believe they they didn't come out in rags and and nothing to eat and then go back to a you know to a nice warm house or Palace here though they live their beliefs and so wealthy actually live very honest very humble very decent life and very simple lives I agree they rejected materialism I agree right but they did have something bit more than that and that is they perform miracles this is what I'm getting to yeah living an honest decent humble life simple life we can do even where a theists right agreed but we can't do miracles it raises that opening up a whole new can of worms it could be but the question is did the miracles happen or not this is a question you'd agree yeah I think what we can agree on is that they did happen do you agree the miracles happened yes yes so you agree that Jesus bringing the dead back to life making someone who's a leper healed better curing the person who was blind are you suggesting Jesus did he think oh and the the lives and the fishes okay so if you suggest if you're saying these did happen are you saying they happen by magic or are you suggesting there is a God then now what I'm suggesting is that there is another explanation which is which is that for example the lives and the fishes this is it okay little bit we'll hang on a minute let's come back to bring the dead back to life okay that's in the Quran it's also in the Bible yeah I believe that there was so they weren't technically dead okay so they weren't really dead okay they were unconscious or asleep okay what yeah have you watched the film life of brian oh i have you still we did something like that okay life of brian is a film of comedy comedy film I did sit reasons that why it is really the comedy writers comedy show and what it's saying in the film is that really the person wasn't really dead but he was just asleep and maybe you know someone like Jesus distorted yep okay know what okay fine up what about the person was born blind it isn't just blind where they need some glasses or contact lenses so that but okay but this person is born blind so the Quran says without any eyeballs at all without any eyes at all they could see again that's what Jesus did I would know I wasn't aware of that 100k and also he cured the leper today leprosy is curable yeah at that time it wasn't so on antibiotics and so on and that time it wasn't but you did that it's equivalent suppose of shooting AIDS or something today true okay for cancer or cancer did I forget right okay so do you think these happened okay so when you say they happen but the person was really dead really what he's saying is they didn't really happen I would suggest no in the case of the one where Jesus told this the person lying down to get up and walk I think that that person's own believed in what he was being told was sufficient for him to get up and and whether reactively kept on walking or on his I think was a lady what does he remind on her food after Jesus lived that's the question okay so really I'm sorry I'm not trying to root you David but you're saying it really want a miracle it was just people's positive thinking or it appeared like that it wasn't really a miracle you're suggesting no I think you could watch but they dead back to life you're saying he wasn't really dead the person wasn't dead which means it was really a miracle but it was I bet appeared like that evens of illusion Robbie what we know today when the when a person died his heart stops they stopped breathing no oxygen to the brain they I cannot reward back to law school you can't call an ambulance what someone's dead and ask them to revive the person that said no doctor can do that I can find him okay so you say the thing they weren't really dead maybe they appeared at all they were comatose okay so really the miracles didn't happen you're suggesting out I'm so that's what I'm trying to clarify it ain't a real ten you're calling it a miracle I prefer to call it something else you're saying it was just a healing and it wasn't really good words for healing it's it's not really a miracle what do you do believe it is a miracle one that is the difficult one because you know how are we going to define a miracle container now we would define a miracle as something beyond human ability to do yeah this is this one's suggesting and this is this is one of the reasons why I cannot believe in Christianity because of this the miracle and it just doesn't sit with what we know with logic and science you can science of course and you're a physicist so you've said is it faint if that's fine I can send that okay right so what I'm now after Jesus right find us and we're saying your entity signs are we saying what you saying from atheism point of view makes total sense after Jesus Almighty God sends another prophet and the messenger peace be upon him this is the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him 571 years after Jesus a man was born in Arabia that Muhammad peace be upon him okay at the age of 40 he receives revelation he was given a miracle as it not only existed then what exists today do you know what that is okay this is what I want to come to you this is the most powerful piece of evidence and that miracle David is the Quran the book the Quran the Quran is the miracle I would suggest which proves that muhammad is your plan name is a prophet of Almighty God I would suggest if the miracles that prove that Islam is true therefore it really is a miracle that proves and there is a God I would suggest I'll tell you why as visually a means I'm going to give you this is really the most powerful piece of evidence I wasn't expecting you to accept the first three really because the fourth one is the most powerful is the real one the real deal okay okay this I'm sensing now how can a book be a miracle this is a question it's only a book people write all sorts of things is Shakespeare also a miracle or Charles Dickens books or you know or Rowling is somebody yeah you know a book miracles okay there's a miracle of the Quran has to be very very powerful if it's true as Muslims say lettuce contains the words of God now God from a Muslim point of view is of course and I think pretty much common sense point of view is very very powerful he's Almighty he knows everything sees everything here's everything he could do whatever he wants everything we believe is his creation which he everything is an originated thing which he created out of nothingness everything apart from him has been created by him from nothingness which is really a powerful thing to do right right this is a glitter bubble you understand by the Creator he's not a man he's not a woman there's nothing like him he had no beginning he's got no end he's got no parents he's got no children there is nothing like him whatsoever and nothing can be compared with him this is how the Quran defines him this is the way we understand equator now if the Quran contains the words of God and we believe and it is a miracle as I've suggested the Quran too very very very powerful image napple either it is the words of God Canada words God it must be very very powerful or if it's not that powerful these are the words of God I would suggest mixing yes look God is going to help you but I'm drawing a parallel here between the Koran and the Bible which I believe the Bible is true because it's just writings of people at the time all right and and so okay so you continue with your Quran one thing here important David is it's not a competition a comparison between the Quran and the Bible the reason being the Bible contains many books as you know the word Bible come from bibliothèque a library of books so the Bible contains many books some of these books came from God we believe the Torah or part of the Torah in the Bible came from God give it to the prophet Moses peace be upon him some scripture given to the Prophet Abraham peace be upon him some of these words are in the Bible today I mean the Bible also contains parts of the zaboor or Psalms given to the Prophet David peace be upon him the Bible also contains some words from God given to the prophet Jesus peace be upon him which are called the injeel or the gospel not the four Gospels of Matthew Matthew and John but some words within the Bible which came from God given to Jesus based upon him so therefore the part of the Bible it comes from God the Quran is the last book from God with the Bible not only do you have books that came from God or parts books that came from God today but you've got also other books which are human beings own interpretation own writings our accounts of what things happen as such things happen historical accounts and Christians even themselves would agree with that they wouldn't say the Bible always all 100 words have got it human beings waiting with words of God and so it all adding together yep make sense it doesn't do now the Quran is either boy shot accomplished between the Quran in the Bible but the Quran is the large book from God the Bible contains some books from God okay now coming back to the Quran why is the Quran the proof God existing is the question right yeah this is why I'm coming to you right the Quran is a book 1,400 years old David and it's a book that's remained unchanged 100 percent the same now not you clearly of Muslims but your opinion of Christian Jewish atheist scholars theologians agree it's an unaltered text it's exactly the same today as it was at the time of the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him this is what the scholars say historian says is and that's fine in such a Muslim saying it is not the same thing as well I mean there may be the odd one that said has changed but the evidence overwhelmingly willingly points the fact the Quran hasn't changed and recently they discovered some parts of the Quran in Birmingham which are very close to the time of the Prophet Mohammed is my name written on animal skins I'm not sure whether you heard of that no it's in between over on the BBC news headlines only a few weeks ago these were discovered and amazingly the words are exactly the same as the Quran today and these these animal skins they found with the Quran written on them are about around the time of the is around the time of the Prophet Mohammed music on him it's been carbon-dated they've been carbon-dated and be shown to be very you know within the life of the Prophet Mohammed peace upon him yep so it's amazingly old animal skins and they've got the Quran on it's exactly the same as today okay so that that's one thing we can establish right you have to accept that have you yes okay two things this means also so everyone anyway let's go forward I come back I later the Quran in evil notes 1400 years old David it contains lots of scientifically accurate statements it contains taken is about embryology you know what that is yes yes how may be formed inside the womb of its mother and professor Keith Moore who's an amulet embryologist professor of anatomy at the University of Toronto in Canada he says these statements in the Quran were not known 100 years ago let alone at the time of Muhammad if I'm saying peace be upon him 1400 years ago therefore he says this book must be from God this is Professor Keith Moore whose books on embryology are used in many medical schools in Britain even today he's won numerous prizes and eminent embryologist okay the Quran also talks about how the universe started what we today call the Big Bang Theory of course the works the Big Bang Theory and in the Quran and even the words Big Bang Theory are of course not accurate because it wasn't big and there was no bang it was small started from a singularity there's no sound okay but the description is there in the Quran so that a really started from one lump that's what the Quran says and that's exactly what the Big Bang Theory is saying the Quran talks about the universe expanding the Quran talks about how gravity or mass works and this is for me one of the most powerful statements of the Quran the Quran really alludes to the Higgs boson particles which have been discovered fairly recently that might sound very surprising to you and it is very surprising and it's there in the Quran and I explained with you if you wish and I'm sure you know what the he could pose I mean no one knows exactly what the Higgs boson particles are but you have heard of the behaved boson particles then you do know what they're talking about right your visit yeah that's all I know what they're talking about brilliant bring that sextant the Quran also talked about how mountains are constructed and the effect on the face of the earth the effect on the tectonic plates and it's something geologists agree with today one what the correlation jawless agree with today and again discovered within the last 100 years or so alright the Quran talks about how the water cycle works in several places pretty much common sense now and common knowledge not known at the time of Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him and again the Quran is consistent with modern science ok the Quran talks about how pain receptors for burning either skin yep again discovered within the last hundred years or so and the Quran again gets it right just as importantly David the Quran makes no statement which contradicts established science size is of course changing and philosophers would say to me that you can't use something which is changing like science to prove the Quran which is static this is what scientists say this is their argument so I think about not ideas for lots of the same what I would say to them is that science is changing that's true but there are certain established things in science which are not changing which cannot change and the Quran is consistent with those statements and also the Quran makes no mistakes professor Jeffrey Liang professor of mathematics at the University of Kansas in America I don't really avert of him it's not quite a say with the Roger Penrose and he says the amazing thing is the Quran which talks about diverse subject doesn't get anything wrong you see it's a prophet Muhammad she's upon him or the people around him have written the Quran and the Prophet Muhammad couldn't read and write the Quran says is but let's say the people around him had written the Quran they looked at the Bible they looked at books written by Galen or philosophers or and so on and unwritten the Quran they'd get some things they picked out some a statement they might have got some things right getting but they would have definitely got some things wrong agreed world neurologically yeah but the Quran doesn't get anything wrong when it comes to establish signs Quran doesn't make a statement about it or if it makes a statement about establish signed it gets it 100 percent correct that's amazing would you agree this is Miriam okay I should continue I would suggest the evidence is stacking up that the Quran is outside human ability to produce it's there for miracles so I'm suggesting this is the evidence attacking up okay fine and you can you can review know you can refute these statements and why as you wish the Quran is a book that's easy to memorize God says that in the Quran and millions of people probably at least 10 million have memorized the Quran of my heart all over the world wherever you go you'll find Muslims in the world today and many of them you'll find no part of the Quran in fact many of them know the whole Quran off by heart and there aren't two versions of the Quran there's only one version of the Quran because people are memorize all over the world you could check and compare like also it suggests again evidence that the color hasn't changed because if it had then you'd have different versions of the car all over the words I make sense let's throw any what Columbus leaves all over the words you've got millions in China the meetings in Russia millions in America Europe South America offshore in Australia all over the world if I Muslims you just like the mortgage of the Quran David have an effect of changing people's lives forever they have an effect a positive effect on people's lives changes lives in a positive way I would suggest the Quran contains no contradiction even though it was revealed a little bit at a time over a twenty four year period that the Quran didn't come down as one book from heaven and given to the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him but the words of the Quran came down through the rule quotes or the holy spirit which we believe in the title of an angel from God given to the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him he's a word you would hear he would tell the people they would write it down and they would read it back to him and he would check and what they'd written was Craig because he could read all right and it was collected together like that and we can see evidence for that sequential revelation of the Quran because of the chronology within the Quran right so the Quran was revealed according to situation circumstance problems Muslim faced difficulties they experienced and the answers would come in the Quran and these were collected together as they were revealed and put together and yet the book is consistent in style in message it all fits together okay and it will happen over a period of 23 years quite a long time the whole life of the Prophet Muhammad from the age of 40 up until the year he passed away at the age of 63 right the Arabic language used in the Quran David it's unique its powerful and its inimitable it cannot be equalled or copied and this was the prime reason that people at the time of the Prophet Muhammad for the Quran has a miracle and an amazing book they saw or they heard the words of the Quran and they say used to say to the Prophet Muhammad he's on you where'd you get these words from because the way the words have been constructed with the prefixes and suffixes the way the words have been put together the juxtaposition of the words the way the sentences have been put together and the way the Quran is put together is really quite amazing even if you read it in the English language in translation you'll find it amazing with Arabic in the Arabic language it's absolutely astonishing I would suggest and you can look up at it yourself obviously and make a decision have you read the Quran at all now you have an ugly okay the Quran in the Quran there is God challenged God says in the Quran no one can ever produce one chapter and the chapters of the Quranic will sewers they're a bit different two chapters because the sewers can be very short only three sentences and it could be several pages or several dozen pages long it can be very long and they cause sewers they follow a particular theme oh yeah similar two chapters are not the same and God silicon no one can ever produce one surah like the Quran right I see what words are exactly in the Quran translated from the Arabic the Quran is in Arabic and we can only call it the Quran if it's in Arabic in any other language it's called an approximate translation or interpretation of the Quran because we like to keep to the original and there's no danger of losing some of the meanings or misinterpretation that make sense it does yeah now here it's a bit different to the Bible but I'm not trying to criticize the Bible but the Bible you don't have the Bible in the language of Jesus Jesus spoke Aramaic the oldest Bible is what today is in the Greek language the Greek scripture but the language of Jesus was Aramaic or Hebrew the oldest scriptures were written in Hebrew and in Greek and what we have today is the Greek language okay okay now what does God say in the Quran God in the Quran is what the little word in Arabic translated into English God says the Quran translators of course if you have doubt in what we have revealed to our servant it God's referring the Prophet Muhammad piss on him God says if you have doubt in what we have revealed to our servant then produce a surah a chapter like it and call your witnesses besides God if you are truthful if you can't do this and you will never be able to do this then fear the fire the fuel of which are going to be human beings and stones prepared for the disbelievers the challenge courses that you can try and produce it you can do it and you can ask anybody for help except God right and you can't do it okay this is the challenge this challenge we would suggest David has stood the 1,400 years the cakes a long time and even with our modern technology computers etc iPhones iPads whatever we can't produce anything that matches the eloquent the language the styles and the power of the Quran we would suggest that the qur'an have some powerful if it's the words of God it has to be nothing less than absolutely amazing and we watch as it is okay and these evidences that are presented to you they add up to Quran being a book beyond human ability to produce I wish yes looking at this evidence would you agree the Quran a miracle of the book beyond human ability to produce or you're not sure [Music] all I'd probably have to will agree but once again it goes back to here we define a miracle a miracle is something good human being okay first thing we can agree on because it's what the non-muslims say as well the experts say the scholars say the Quran is 1,400 years old it hasn't changed they agree with it now could a book like the Quran have been written for tiny thank you but a book like the Quran have been written 1,400 years ago by human beings and they got everything correct this is the point what do what would you suggest what would you say it is possible it would be difficult would difficult it's a good impossible not not impossible but difficult difficult yeah ok let's say enough that's fine listen that's reasonable now remember they we have to write something in this book about science things that they did not know about let's say you're a physicist ok from one of the top universities in Australia could we write a book today about things that we don't know about let's say dark energy dark matter something about the universe something about human beings we don't know anything about at all total total shot in the dark as they say and could we write about it with 100% certainty and would those words be 100% accurate and let's say 100 200 300 400 500 years time could we do that ok would be difficult impossible might be even impossible but the Quran does it and the Quran did it 1400 years ago car Beijing right very much right it is very amazing now in the Quran the Quranic message is not that Muhammad is the eponymous right and the GSP one is wrong the Quranic message amazingly agrees with the message of Jesus agrees with a message of Abraham and Moses so and Jesus in the Bible you see if you were Jewish for example then I would use the Bible to show you the Abraham was actually a Muslim that's what I would do if you say to me you're a Christian I would use the Bible to show you that Jesus was actually a Muslim he wasn't a Christian I wouldn't you I wouldn't criticize the Bible but I would use the Bible to show the Jesus like you're Muslim brings up I'll give you some examples according the Bible Jesus fell on his face and prayed to God just as the Muslims do right Jesus's followers the female followers of Jesus including his mother the good lady or the Virgin Mary she's called cold they they all used to cover their hand without exception and we can see that in paintings and statues in the Catholic Church what's a Christian where your parents by the way and provost photos in okay fine right Jesus was circumcised Jesus used to eat kosher food and kosher food the animals killed in the same way as halal food so halal food and kosher food essentially the same kosher food has a few more strict rules little bit more careful but is fair enough that's not a problem but the animals killed in the same way Jesus used to have a beard right used to we used to wear loose clothing his followers ladies used to wear loose clothing as well Jesus fasted for forty days a Catholic scholar has said to me the fasting of Jesus was probably the same way than was Tims past dawn till dusk right and Jesus as well Jesus says in the Bible that he submits his will to the will of the Father which is God it's just another word for God and Submission do you know what the word submission is in Arabic no no the word submission in Arabic is Islam the word Muslim means submitter Islam means submission Muslim is translated submitter submitted to what some magicians will of God so Jesus in the Bible is saying I am a Muslim to God that's what he says in his language of course but nevertheless that's what he's saying now but surely I mean if you were Christian Christian would take me that's fine he did submit himself to God and that's what we do we really use you know we're Christians we follow Jesus and he set meself to God but I'm sorry but Christianity doesn't say that Christianity doesn't say that Jesus submitted himself to God which Christians do agree by the way because that's what he says but Christianity says that Jesus is God incarnate God in the flesh God who became a man God who is part of a Trinity all of these statements that Christianity teaches and Christianity believes in is not consistent with Jesus in the Bible yes it's consistent with son Paul in the Bible in his letter to the Romans Colossians Corinthians Galatians etc yes it's consistent with some Paul but it's not consistent with Jesus in the Bible amazingly so it is not amazing so therefore if you look at Jesus and if you follow Jesus in the Bible would you just follow Jesus don't follow simple follow Jesus in the Bible would you be a Christian would you end up being a Christian I'm so you wouldn't if you follow only Jesus in the Bible he'd end up being a Muslim is an amazing yep because firstly you wouldn't believe in the Trinity Jesus didn't say Trinity there's no word Trinity in the Bible in fact there is the word Trinity in the Quran because in the Quran God says don't say Trinity God is one in the Bible is no word Trinity amazingly [Music] crochet teachers GDI Parsons just didn't say this in fact he prayed in the garden of gethsemane to be saved from crucifixion and his followers if they are they were following Jesus obviously they were taught by Jesus no less and when the Romans came to kill Jesus they were trying to save him whereas they showed us that to him Jesus please hurry up and die the quicker you die the quicker we have salvation because of what every single human being wants the salvation and if this man has come to die for our sins that is genuine and true you take him look I'm sorry yes it is painful for you Jesus I agree you're doing a great thing you're a great guy but please hurry up and die he definitely don't want to save him but the role of the disciples of Christ ain't Jesus I think Jesus went into hiding and he's playing to be saved just make sense okay and okay now the other thing is he would have said I am God say to me I am part of a Trinity he didn't say that in fact he didn't even allow people to call him good someone comes to Jesus and says good teacher approach would work how can I achieve salvation the first thing jesus said to him if he was God he will said to me look this is how you can achieve salvation you would have answered the question the first thing he says is why do you call me good here all that is good is God he didn't allow people to call him good and today push Chinese saying Jesus God does it make sense I'm sorry but doesn't make sense to me say the Christian okay so Jesus message was Islam but then we look at Moses and Abram surely they taught a different religion no they'd also taught Islam in fact the Old Testament prophet Abraham Moses Noah David Solomon Joseph Jacob they all taught Islam how do they teach Islam but surely prophet muhammad peace be upon him appear on the Prophet he brought Islam no he didn't bring Islam only they all brought Islam why the word Islam means to submit to God okay so they all brought the idea of submission to God number one number two but surely that's just linguistics yes it is linguistics but it isn't just about submitting to God all of them had the beliefs of Islam he says lamb teaches six believe all of the prophets of Almighty God that are in the Bible here genuine prophets of Almighty God they all taught the same beliefs one of the experience of a Muslim what's the six believes of Islam number one there is one god almighty all-powerful all-seeing all hearing no beginning no end not a man not a woman He loves us very much we are his special creation he has created us to connect with him I'll come back to the purpose of life in a moment little bit later on let me go to six-six believe secondly they all talk about angels of God angels are God's workers and they do whatever God tells them to do they cannot disobey Him they do whatever they command you then a creation of God they don't share any of God's power or sovereignty number two thirdly the revelation from from God in the form of books God has ten books to mankind for our guidance Bible contains parts of the earlier books the Quran is the last book from the same God it's not a different God it's Almighty God same God is the god of the Christian and the Jews Jewish people right you're not a different God Almighty God okay so one God angels of God books of God for the prophets of God God has sent prophets for our guidance and there's something that God had promised Adam and Eve you see without God's prophets we would be lost our life will be wasted we wouldn't know what to do our morality comes from God a lot of his inspiring is that's true but the prophets came to perfect that morality and they all bore the same message so why do you have different religions today right and God's in the car by the way there isn't a nation on the earth to who we have not sent a Warner there were people living in China God sent a Warner a prophet to the Chinese there's no people living South America God sent a prophet to the South Americans in a last claim China in Europe yes prophets were sent to all nations at all times the Quran says just because we don't know the name of a Chinese prophet doesn't mean the one the chyme you make sense message always the message was the same so why do you have different religions today because people sometimes change the message sometimes they lost the message not out of maliciousness necessarily maliciousness that's only sometimes out of excessive love these are the Christians who are singing here today they've got a message of love we agree with that message like their problem is they calling Jesus God that's where they've gone wrong we don't have a problem they come to us and they shouted as Jesus loves you do you know what I say to them David I think of them God loves Jesus and they can't answer that if they agree with me then Islam is true Jesus is not God if they disagree with me other people in the shopping area here in London they would say God doesn't love Jesus doesn't sound very Christian so there is a stuck if they agree and there the elapsed Islam is true but it is not God if they disagree doesn't make sense so they're a bit stuck later on to it but the reality is God loves Jesus of course he does he loves Jesus He loves all the prophets very much talking about the Prophet he loves us very much we are his special creation you know now so the problem was once Jesus left the earth people love Jesus so much they said he's such a great guy he must be kidding her father he must be the son of God that's what they said that's what 325 years later Christianity was created under the Roman Empire that way comes from Roman Catholic religion and the Treaty of nice here you murder that yes if you're well informed me well read and then then declared not only is Jesus the Son of God but he's actually God himself because it makes sense totally logical and totally inconsistent with the Bible I certainly inconsistent with the teaching of Jesus in the Bible it might because of doing some fall in the Bible but not consistent with using the Bible so God are to be loved and His mercy and his kindness and his greatest ascent another prophet the last prophet muhammad's is upon him who came with the same message come back to your creator he loves you okay look it's a win-win situation you can't lose if you turn to him so send the camera a little bit but such as the Creator necessary yet but in the camera so because people can see your expression okay that's the message he loves you you can't go wrong if you turn to him that's what he said our life the Prophet said including Muhammad peace be upon him endure and the Quran gods were the same look this slightly short he's a test you think you live a long time but it's very very short and lady came to one of the prophets I'll tell you a story little story it's not in the Quran it's a saying of one of the scholars I think it comes from one of the sayings of Prophet Muhammad peace be on him I'm not sure a lady came to the Prophet one of the prophets of time past maybe Moses or Noah and said my son died and he was very young and the Prophet said to the lady Moses or Noah he says lady how old was your son the lady thing my son was very young he was 350 years old and the Prophet said to the lady he'll come a time when people will only live for about 70 years and she said to the Prophet they lived for 70 years and eternity the hereafter heaven and hell would be decided by those 70 years he said yes she said if I were to live at that time I would spend the whole Hemed here with my head on the ground praying to God because that 70 years is going to determine your eternity in heaven or hell and whether you're with God or not it's worth spending the whole seven years in prayers and that's the time we're living in today most people do leave about 70 or 80 years no people do live 100 110 maybe 120 maybe if you return to lived through 150 or 200 but the ends they were still enjoying right fruit and the quality of life goes down as you know as you get older it goes down right [Music] [Music] you
Channel: DawahIsEasy
Views: 1,692,209
Rating: 4.7839861 out of 5
Keywords: Convert, Revert, Conversion, Islam, Atheist, Atheism, Christianity, Dawkins, Proof of God, Is there a God, God, Allah, Religion, Street Dawah, Street Preaching, Preacher, Truth, Happy, Sad, Sexy, Nasheed, Omar Esa, Quran, Bible, Born again Christian, Jesus, Muslim, Merciful Servant, Jehovah's Witness, Evolution, Yasir Qadhi, Islam vs Atheism, Ed Sheeran, Adele, Life after Death, Miracle, Purpose of Life, Which religion is correct, What is the Truth, Dawah, Dawa, Salvation, How to invite to Islam
Id: mtCgzM5v6MU
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Length: 71min 55sec (4315 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 18 2017
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