The TermiNOTors - Grading Every Faction's Terminators

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hello and welcome to the poorhammer podcast episode 109 I'm your host Brad this is my co-host Eric how's it going and we have a very fun episode today uh this one has been our most requested ever in the grading series I think it's been on several episodes top comments but we're going to be grading every factions Terminator this week yeah it's finally time to talk Terminators I will say going into this I was thinking that it's going to be kind of rough to do the episode because it's such an easy assignment that everyone's going to score so highly on like it's a very common type of unit model type data sheet however you want to look at it but then I was thinking about real life and sometimes School assignments are easy on purpose it's true they can be really hard to screw up and work more like an attendance test than anything well it's just like a uh have you been paying attention to the last six weeks of what we've been talking about at all so let's do a very basic test of sorts and uh see who can submit the best homework sounds good all right to start things off we're clearly going to use the Space Marine Terminator it just got a new updated kit it's a very standard looking data sheet through and through the Terminator is a classic part of 40K you got your basic 5in move five toughness two up save four up invol three wound very similar to most yeah they've also got like actual weapons and melee profiles so like it's not just here's a wall it doesn't do anything I would say their melee profile is more important than their ranged one I would agree it's expected for Terminators to be able to slap in melee but I feel like there is some expectation of like yeah it's going to have something as it's moving up the board it's not going to be a literal nothing Well assault Terminators don't this is where I get into the like like guns is very optional on a Terminator yeah I feel like maybe grey nights is clouding my judgment just a little bit but I always expect like you know at least some type of gun as they're moving up the board very slowly but the primary is yeah once they get stuck in the opponent's going to have some troubles speaking of very slowly should we bring up deep strike too yeah they do have the Deep strike core ability and it's a pretty classic part of Terminators like the new kid even has like the teleport Homer as a cute little model thing which the rules on that will change addition to addition blah blah blah but it kind of gets to the point that teleporting down Terminators is like a key component of 40K is very much why the melee is more important because you deep strike them in and then you're trying to charge for you know closing kind of thing so there isn't really any lag period of oh wow they have a 5- in move but I'm not sure that deep strike is like the biggest part it's just another aspect of what makes a Terminator a Terminator kind of thing we'll call it bonus points when it shows up yeah you need to have the like toughness save wound defensive thing going on and you should have the general look you should be a big chunky boy Power Armor o the actual stat lines are going to alter a lot from faction to faction just because stats are a lot more fluid in 10th edition than like ninth where I could almost for every faction tell you something with the terminator's exact defensive stat line yeah well I mean there's always going to be the alari elves even they had an exact duplicate or I think they may have one wound different so we're looking for the actual aspects on the model as well so let's get into all of our submissions here admech even gets to bring something halfway decent for a change I mean they're big chonky boys they move slow they're tough if you count KRON breachers as a reasonable I just I hate this model I really like the breachers honestly they're just so stupid that they're infantry but I have to accept that my personal opinion doesn't matter this is this is grading on what makes a Terminator you're right this is a solid submission I mean personal opinion always matters because teachers are are always going to be ultra subjective on certain grades it's true that's true still mad about the [ __ ] ass C King scenario oh my God yeah I'm still mad about it over a decade later it [ __ ] hilarious though what are you talking about yeah so the breachers I mean statline wise they are damn close to Terminators uh it's it's a unique take on them they trade a wor save for um better toughness and they have a pretty decent melee profile available to them they've got actual really good shooting yeah they don't get the Deep strike bonus points though I feel like the seven toughness versus your five is you know like six five is pretty fine but like seven starts hitting a different threshold but the fact that they have a worse save is one of those where it's like all right together the higher toughness lower save kind of balances out into being that like chunky tanky kind of thing so it's just like a fun little take on it but I think it washes I've got the extra thing of like I'm okay with you showing off your Terminator and going above and beyond defensively too low is flat out like if you're too low and every category defensively no but if you're too good like your Terminator is just built better than Space Marines I'm not going to take points off uh within reason I feel like but yeah no deep strike and Treads they've got two Treads you've got two feet it's not that different Eric all right catr breachers are looking pretty solid their melee weapons are pretty nice especially if you're up against Vehicles let's go I'm going to give them like a B+ I'm okay with that I don't think it's a tier I feel like if we go through this series I'm pretty sure I've given some variety of a b to admech through some amount of [ __ ] every time I just I feel like I always give them a b in some way they're very cool models and honestly they show off like what ad maac's doing like this is a unique take on Terminator but it's still kind of doing the same thing so it makes sense but I do feel like a bit of our bias is showing on that let's move on though the custodes custodes get Terminators they have the Allis Terminators yeah they're just better as custodes tend to be yeah same stat line but tougher and they have the same deep strike they've got normal custodes smashing melee they've got the incidental shooting that's mediocre just like Space Marines this is what we're looking for yeah I feel like it's too much honestly it's seven toughness it's four wound and it's still got the same saves that are insane it's just too much I don't have an issue with it because it's still just a Terminator I feel like like the custodi and wardens are a Terminator that's just better that gets into the custodia stat line but right like the problem is they they lose on the visual 100% they're nowhere near what a Terminator looks like they look more like a tactical Marine with a banana on his head with a banana yeah I mean they're like kind of special tactical Marines that's true if you paint a tactical Marine gold with the oversiz shoulder pads that make them look like a child in Cosplay the shoulder pads are like the thing that's like oh it makes them buff but they always look tiny it looks like tried to wear dad's shirt yeah but no I I got to give it Tois Terminators I think they are definite a material I'll I'll let you go from a plus to a they're not no no way a minus at best they have an entire extra wound in addition to being two more toughness I don't have an issue with being too good at being a Terminator I do at a certain point you're like not a Terminator anymore you're something new and stupid I don't think this crosses that line it does it absolutely does like just looking around at several of the other ter ators here space Brin just aren't the toughest faction it's true okay we can go a minus cuz I do think it's the most extreme outlier of the ones that I would give an a to yeah okay it is just better Terminators but I feel like it's so much better that we can't give them full like you've cheated somehow like it's even got 20 like come on man A minus do we want to move into Sisters yeah sure cuz uh not expecting much when you need a lot of extra material in order to look like a big hulking Terminator I appreciate the effort that went into their assignment I do as well especially cuz like they knew this was an uphill battle for them they knew they do not have what it takes to do this one naturally so they spent all night with papier-mâché working on this oh hell yeah man and I think the Paragon War suits actually kind of interesting it gets damn close yeah I mean it's got same save a little bit higher toughness at six higher wound four melee solid they have the same thing with space brains of like very basic in the options for higher tier Weaponry yeah but like they' still got shooty stuff and in melee it'll it'll do its job I mean it's it's a walker but like at a certain point how much power armor do you have like where's the cut off between between Walker and power armor yeah right like this is clearly a walker but I still want to give him we gave custodes an A minus I almost want to give him an A minus oh okay stat they're closer yeah they obviously tried their hearts out to do something they are not equipped for I mean it was it was one of those like thinking when we were doing this like sisters was they don't have like chunky like they're they're a trade oriented run up kill stuff and then die kind of thing but this is a solid attempt okay A minus I'm good with it it might not usually get up there but I see so much effort to get outside of sisters noral Wheelhouse in this that I'm willing to do it yeah I like it all right it's time for you Eric yeah grey nights obviously the correct answer is not to pick the generics and instead go all the way up to paladins to actually like show off this is why I'm okay with showing something too good at being a Terminator because that's the paladins okay compare the paladins to your [ __ ] custodes but custodes aren't psychic sure they just have two extra toughness in an entire wound there is a too good thing to be fair the custodes also get less models in the unit which makes the extra wounds but that gets into math and who does math in 40K not me definitely not especially since I've been playing Orcs more and more uh but the paladins have basically this the bright stat line it's a Terminator they got ranged weapons and their melee is okay I'm still when we get our hammers back it'll be great you almost screw up the melee huh it's close like it's not it's rough it's not a great mate like we need the Hammers as the other option you're just straight up too less strength for no [ __ ] reason I mean we have better weapon skill oh yeah I guess paladins do paladins yeah paladins do the ches don't but like it's still a fine melee it's just it's actually not that amazing it's not doing anything better I honestly feel like it scores lower than the custodes I think it does which is funny but not by much cuz I mean it still got deep strike and and it's like clearly a Terminator they are Terminators they're literally wearing a Terminator suit it's a Terminator except it's got a little bit fancy stuff on it I was going to say B+ but I'm going down to B because you still forgot the middle part of the model they're just so short oh come on so short that's not I mean they are are they a voton unit no they are like slightly larger than new strikes essentially like slightly off topic I have W in next week when we go to my brother's house to play grab one of your turmes crack him at the waist cuz they're just they're just glued top to bottom there crack him at the waist and when I put together those 3D printed Terminators they had the spacer that goes between the waist area and the top torso and that spacer gives them a torso and I wonder if I could just have my brother print off like 40 of it and we just crack all your turmes drop it in there slap some super glue and see if we can just make all your turmes new Marine sized it's possible I mean I feel like there's going to have to be some changes to the dimensions I don't know I'll have to look at what your spacer actually but I want to look at it it's an interesting idea especially given that like I like the way Paladin look until they're up next to a new Terminator or anything like that and it's like oh no I love them chest up the problem is they have no stomach which is why they always look so small and I think their legs are slightly short and they have the widest stance es which makes them feel even shorter yeah I like the stances it's just that makes them look shorter because you know you're just further down essentially but yeah fine you can you can go with a B I feel like B plus but we'll be better once we get that H if we had the hammer I would argue that we're in solid if you had the hammer I'd say a a minus take your pick honestly I might even give you the whole A+ cuz you you hit like every Point other than that yeah if anything it's that you're too cool there's a lot of coolness going on one day we'll get our hammers but let's move on to AST militarum do they have Terminators you know the power suits all right what if we made the power suit out of meat ah the organic version of a power suit free range Terminators available to farm near you that's kind of scary uh yeah both I love the buen I mean this is probably the closest that we can get you're not getting Terminators for the most part you don't have power armor that's like the whole [ __ ] thing you're just Guardsmen that were drafted we can see the attempt that was made I like it yeah I don't know if I can go up to a be match is basically nothing but like they've got wounds in high toughness yeah the save's not complete trash we're not talking about the save it does have a feel no pain to kind of make up a little bit and and then you've got the shield which gives you the invol yeah okay so as long as they've got ap2 we're doing good okay maybe it is just straight up a be they even do more damage in melee than you guys what's wrong with grey nights Eric a Bullen is a better Terminator than you what's wrong yeah it's pretty close I think these are pretty solid they don't have the looks like I almost think shapewise it does work it is just a big fat dude just like Terminators sure but a Terminator is a power armor wearing thing come on look at that man's guns the huge arms on that guy that's power right there it is and he's wearing armor and he's wearing armor uh yeah technically I'm going with a B I think it's B minus doesn't have deep strike okay B minus it's a really good attempt I like it I really wanted to give him the exact same rank as paladins though yeah that would be funny Knights you showed up today and I'm proud of you for that but you didn't remember what the actual assignment was this is the 10th time you tried to submit the war glaves one day it'll be the right submission but as of right now you may have gone a bit too far with 10 toughness 12 wounds there's only one so really when you divide it over it's actually short on wound count yeah the uh 12in move a little bit more than double ironically your safe is too low out of everything you did too much of you forgot to get a good save oh classic nights look C minus C's get degrees just settle for your 70 I guess yeah like they shouldn't but good enough you showed up and we're proud of you this is how we try to boost grades and again this is like this is supposed to be the easy assignment like there shouldn't be any FS so fine give them their little boost all right let's move to chaos oh chaos demons huh I actually had a couple choices here I mean they had a couple assignments they could have submitted here but they went with the blood Crushers which I think is a valiant attempt everything in demons because the stats can be so wild especially their whole save structure it's hard to nail down and exact yeah but these had the Deep strike they had a four up invulnerable save they are tough they've got a lot of wounds they're you know like three to a squad good melee yeah they do pretty good melee so it's not the best melee but because of the mounts it's like it's a huge number of attacks where it partially makes up for not being high enough strength yeah I mean they move way too far and they're literal like mounted units not like they're not power armor wielding dudes if you took the blood Letter off of the blood Crusher they'd look pretty close to a Terminator on all fours it could be a space Wolf Terminator honestly you're not wrong yeah I didn't think of that it is kind of like what you would expect a Terminator on all four is to yeah especially with like that little bit of demonic corruption yeah okay we get to world eaters it's not great it's not great C+ sure yeah C+ is fine there's ideas happening with the Deep strike and you tried your best with saves you're demons for how weirdly different it is than Space Marines in most aspects it's nice that they had something in the ballpark yeah speaking of in the ballpark let's move to chaos nights oh we're back to nights welcome back War doog I haven't seen you for a while Ju Just get back into the SE Min can move on one day uh okay CSM all right csm's cheating it's the only one I allowed to repeat generic Terminator because chaos Terminator is technically different but it's a Terminator through and through it's an A+ they copied their homework but they got away with it as much as I like the idea of like Terminator equivalent but like don't give me an actual littleit Terminator I feel like CSM is the one that can get away with it cuz it is chaos Space Marines they get to have the Space Marine thing and they did have a slightly different take on it but it's Terminators like all right death guard had multiple options but I went with the cooler one rather than the one that is just a fiveman Terminator Squad but green and with a toughness so we went with Dash Rod Terminators yeah there's something to be said about being tougher and slower for a Terminator you managed to beat him in both of the things they still keep deep strike at least yeah and they've got sick ass sides they do I love their sides they're actually pretty good too kind of thing it's not one of those where it's like oh you gave them a cool weapon and made it so much worse it's literally like a power fist but you can choose a mode that is less bad at trying to get rid of chaff yeah and it's got the same kind of thing of like these are just better like the Paladin of like two 11 skill instead of Threes so like honestly death St Terminators are pretty solid in melee I'm going to give them the a knowing that they could have just submitted blat Lords if they wanted it yeah I like it let's move on to thousand Sons Brad the A+ of all a pluses Scarab Ault Terminators baby okay get better Terminators get on my level yeah basically honestly the rubric Marines on their own aren't far off so it makes sense that like your actual Terminators are good if I was Banning actual Terminators which is just stupid to do when half the factions have Terminators it wouldn't be bad to submit but like it's still lower in multiple categories on like basically everything but it is very close like it follows the formula but at a lesser rate which shows why like okay the scare of ult Terminators had to be better than the normal Terminator cuz like your Baseline rubber Marines were already like reasonably close so I mean we're basically just a Terminator except with psychic yeah and actually like have psychic which is enviable isn't it yeah just a little bit A+ I am perfect in every way I was going to go with just an A but A+ sure you can take it now World eaters are in trouble in the lore you've got Terminators and yet you tried to submit chaos Space Marines homework so we made you go back and actually submit your own work you did a halfway decent job but don't try cheating in the first place next time get some proper Terminators yeah get some more models but we've got the eight bound or exalted eight bound either or it does not matter for this I don't think it does I mean I guess exalted ex take get the Deep strike yeah deep strike so like what's graded off of that let's not take away points for not having deep strike slightly worse save but they get the feel no pain honestly the save's not that much worse with the feel no pain I bet the feel no pain math wise ends up almost identical with the extra toughness it might actually be slightly better it's definitely depending on like what they're up against kind of thing yeah they move quick they move way too quick it is the oopsy yeah melee is great melee is [ __ ] on point no ranged but I get it like you move faster so you don't need to worry about the whole ranged thing I get it I'm a little disappointed but uh your melee God damn that's scary [ __ ] I want to give them an A minus especially cuz like I want to encourage them to do their own homework and to stop trying to steal from CSM and to have proper models in their range Games Workshop come on and like they look like power armor but with like they ripped off the shoulders kind of you know like the yeah yeah I'm just so cool I rip the shoulders off of my t-shirt and look at my big guns but only one everyone keeps one shoulder pad to remind you that there a Space Marine right right or you would forget you would forget they all have their Terminator hoods yeah I guess I didn't really think of that but it is true they do have that still yeah I mean it's solid a minus then elari shockingly good homework assignment if we're taking The Wraith blades wraith guards as a whole yeah it's one of those zenos things where like you can't have an allrounder you have to pick one load out that's true and there was some expectation of like you're going to not really have anything tough cuz you're an elf right like but yeah The Wraith guard well really it' be wraith blades wraith blades have the better melee we'll use them no deep strike no invulnerable you move slightly too well but you've got the higher toughness to make up for the no invol generally a good assignment though same wound yeah I want to give you a bb+ well so they do have the invol with their Force Shield oh right because the melee one gets the shield yeah which is why it was like I feel like The Wraith blades you know they've got the melee they've got the then they're very close with The Wraith blades yeah the real problem being no deep strike again to me deep strike is bonus points it's the like push from a to A+ type thing yeah man they are very close then huh they're definitely B minus A+ territory they at least get to B they're no lower than that but I'm just wondering where I think it is a bee the melee is not actually that good yeah that's true it's solid but they miss a lot yeah okay be's pretty fine I think so I mean it's way better than I expected I expected that this was going to be like the uh compare it to the Knight how do we kind of bad but uh solid attempt are you ready for the shock of all shocks Drew car showed up today and brought a halfway decent homework assignment yeah what do we got the grotesque which you can't even buy on gw's website so I had to get the picture for the show notes off of a random Google page oo Drew Cari please give us a range update please I be careful you could get Harley Quinn but we'll get to that uh grotesque I mean it's ironically they still move too well even when they're the chunkiest thing in the Army yeah they got the right toughness right toughness save isn't good but they have the feel no pain so like invul wise they're probably about right the problem is the actual save the actual save being a six up instead of a two up is like ah all right yeah they got an extra wound so like sure helps a little their melee has a lot to be desired though yeah wow it's shocking how bad their melee is yeah it's unfortunate it feels like it should be good where do we put them though do they make it to B minus or they in the C somewhere it's either C+ or B minus who was our last C+ we give that to Knights no they got a C minus C+ was blood Crushers I feel like this is a B minus then yeah sure it's closer than blood Crushers in several categories and given this is duari you did a shockingly good Terminator for being Drew Cari so like okay I'll accept that um Harley quins Harley quins are you here today berer yeah the closest thing I could think of was Sky weeper no like uhuh we're not doing that we're not grading that I think it's better to just have not submitted anything than to try and submit that so like yeah they were being rebellious on this one one day they'll get their paperwork finalized and either return to the school or get changed away [ __ ] they they're being sent to the farm they're being sent to Old World with Beast of chaos yikes the worst fate the worst fate having to play with old world players all right then let's move on to voton so the hear guard are essentially just Terminators but short yeah essentially they've got an extra toughness because they're short but they lose a wound cuz they're short their melee is better their save is riant on a war gear they can deep strike but that's also rying on a war gear yeah and I'm pretty sure you can't take both yeah you can only take one or the other and like you're going to be taking the invol if you're trying to be a Terminator oh only the one gets to take the invol yeah maybe I mean their shooting is actually not terrible but whatever it's solid it's Terminators but We Shrunk them it's Terminator esque there's little differences here and there do they make it to a minus or are they in the bees oh man if they could take both of them with deep strike and keep the invol invol on one of them at least yeah it'd be like yeah we're in a minus obviously probably just a B+ then it's probably a B+ they got really nice melee though like smack people around I wish I had that kind of hammer that'd be nice man it's called a hammer in everything I know B+ I'm jealous you're jealous you still put them above where I put the pal I know it's terrible these ones have hammers though they're closer to what a Terminator should be they're closer to what I I want my to be all right Brad let's move on to necrons huh I'm not defending what kind of ter at does necrons have they're shockingly close with the score packs sure as far as the Wy different necrons go this isn't too bad I almost went with lichard yeah I felt like it was disingenuous to do lichard when scor packs are the chony bigger guys lichard are physically they don't feel Terminator I'm aware statline wise they nail a lot of points yeah but I felt like it was wrong I almost feel like I could argue lichard to like solid BB Plus territory o I don't know what that they have the like they are a wound off I thought they had bad save comparatively as well no they're 3 four they're close the problem is they don't really slap in melee but scoree do scoree do yeah it's a lot of attacks and seven strength yeah it's doing the job but score pack the rest of it other than the uh attacking and melee they move a bit too quick do they have a way to get an invol no they don't get an invol they're about the offense okay yeah not a great save wounds you're fine I mean I guess like they get reanimation still CU they're necrons but like that's kind of cheating yeah it's not great Brad it's not great it could be worse I'll settle for like a C+ Autumn I feel like lard was more the play but it felt wrong from the physical standpoint so I didn't want to use them yeah I see what you're saying cuz like they're just basically like skeleton dudes with some shoulder pads essentially yeah they're small at least scorc destroyers are a bit bigger and like they got big blades kind of thing all right yeah C+ man it's not great but it's a fair take from nekron let's move into Orcs should we talk about the shocking student in the room Orcs Orcs Orcs Orcs let's go Orcs the constantly underestimated child it's great the fact that ORS get to basically like steal everybody else's [ __ ] and call it their own it's like the football player who's a bit too much of a Class Clown but still submits like constant bees yeah like the whole time just to break in out of those tropes ah the mega knobs I don't think it's their best showing I feel like they are an invol way if they had an invol which like you could say oh but it's the water turn yeah yeah yeah that's that's like the it's the nekron reanimation [ __ ] yeah n it doesn't count but honestly other than that they hit like every Point yeah same move toughness a little bit better the base save is actually being a two plus is like shocking and when you get down to it like lorewise this is literally what orxy Terminators as yeah which is adorable they're even Stumpy and short and need a kit update just like grey Knights for real that's a little too hard Eric wire all of your why are all of your armies incapable of having taller Terminators God damn that's brutal man I mean you're not wrong but like the only thing saving my thought secretly is we have our giant headdresses to compensate yeah I was like this the slots are not any bigger it's just you put on a big hat and are like look at me I'm [ __ ] Abraham Lincoln get shot idiot uh I mean the mega knobs their melee is awesome I love their melee profile dude those Twin kill saws H Chef kiss and the garbage orc shooting doesn't matter too much here cuz the Space Marines weren't doing much better even with a better accuracy yeah but like it was one of those like they have guns good enough call it kind of thing like you still get to have some DACA shooting the invol is like the problem I still want to give him a B+ I honestly almost say a minus all right it is only an invol isn't it well it's the Deep strike as well but like you know it's or you know like the class clown that you're like yeah shockingly you know what you're doing so okay A minus yeah all right we do it tow crisis suits it's all they got like I mean it's all they got sometimes you throw a softball and one student still can't do it yeah or they're nights and you just don't expect they're ever going to do it the fact that they submit something even though it's the exact same answer every time is like all right participation good job you got the right General shape decent size comparison toughness is Right save sucks wounds is slightly too high which helps with the save sucking yeah you move way too well but you are tow you are tow I mean they do sort of get the invol with the shield generator but like then can only have yeah that gets into a whole thing so I guess you could make the save not suck too bad get worth shooting and just fail the assignment because of no melee to speak of you do have deep strike though you do have deep strike you're way too fast though God damn that melee like it's funny because I was thinking of like is there any way to could do the melee part and it's just Commander farsight he's the only option to have anything melee into yeah so like we're not chrisis battle it's man they are clearly making an attempt do they only make it in the Seas or can they pull off a B minus I don't think so mat C+ all right you don't have melee like technically you do but like you don't it's unarmed and the move is ridiculous turbo Jets being the ability makes it more ridiculous yeah and then like you have to swap some other stuff if you want to get your invol they do have deep strike though but like all right C+ it's a C+ but I like I feel bad because there was like you were never going to get this assignment right so Jean stealer Cults this one could be another problem I think they did a halfway decent job because they have a huge feel no pain all right fair enough yeah the feel no pain is ridiculous the aberant are probably the best choice and that feel no pain does help cuz their save is basically non-existent five up yay what's the math on a four up feel no pain versus a four up invol it's just more reliable right like it just averages easier I think so in my head that's how it works but I would have to actually sit there and poke at a calculator to make sure but like you would have the save at the five up or whatever and then you would roll essentially your fours versus just rolling the fours but yeah it's actually like a pretty solid take on you know the the save profile yeah especially considering like these are like guard minus unac ual toughness scale yeah right so having something this close where like slightly tougher much worse save the four F of pain makes up for the lack of the invol they've got the Deep strike they've got the three wounds they move like one inch too good but that's fine fine they have really decent melee solid melee yeah especially cuz they get the extra attacks with their tail so it's just like that extra little Cherry of only the one gets the tail oh okay okay it's just the sergeant has a tail I mean that makes sense given the models yeah it's good this is a lot better like I hadn't really thought about the fal pain being like okay this was your inv how do you feel about the guy with a pickaxe having a better melee profile than a paladin well you know it's just kind of expected at this [Laughter] point I mean you know that's just how it is right they don't have the power armor look I know you defended the bugrim but like sizewise they're there they've got some exoskeleton going on but I can't really go against the fact that they are naked yeah they're not Knights but they're not really looking like you would want a Terminator to look like but otherwise honestly it's a solid attempt a minus yeah I'll give it to them a minus yeah that was shocking honestly shockingly I think they're doing better than the next up our final entry being tyranids tyranids have a lot of options I didn't even use Warriors who I think get the toughness wound count on the dot but those ones obviously had the terrible save they actually did okay on most other categories so like one of the problems with tyranids for this type of thing is like they like the extremes they like the extremes it's either a swarm of trash or it's big scary monster and the Terminator is the elite General unit kind of thing and Ty doesn't really fill that position very well no to me the thing I always look at and think of it as their Terminator is the Tyrant guard just from a visual aspect yeah that's true the Tyrant guard unfortunately statline wise are really weird it is weird they've got a huge toughness at eight but their save is just a three up with no invol as a defensive protector unit right very strange but like they also get a weird FAL pain if they're part of a no the character does oh the character does okay it's that they have The Bodyguard ability it's so that you can't snipe a character out oh man it's not not of good they get an extra wound instead of like eight toughness four wound but just a three up save it's a weird one isn't it they've got good melee they do have good melee moves about right nothing really going on weird no deep strike no deep strike no like extra little like oh hey let's push it over the top I almost want to say they're like the flattest sea I think so yeah they're not as bad as something like Knights but like I don't even think this one gets as close as like some of the C pluses we've had honestly it's got a solid like look to it for what tyranids would be but if only they had something a bit more with that save a five up invol even would do a lot here yeah all right a see all right well that does wrap up all of the factions here yeah Terminators are honestly pretty ubiquitous I like a lot of the different takes that exist though cuz like my worry about doing this Terminator one was just like oh everybody just takes a ter Terminator but they put a fancy book on the model or they put a headdress on the model or you know what I mean like yeah yeah that's just [ __ ] boring kind of thing so it was nice to have some differences and like the unique takes the ones that make me happiest are like when zenos that are wildly different still have something quite comparable yeah those are always the shocking without really thinking about it the immediate response was oh no that's going to be terrible and then like you start looking and it's like Oh No actually that's a solid attempt on on what a terminator's doing or what you know this Space Marine Imperium thing doing so always fun to take a look at some of these and don't forget to uh let us know what the next big thing you want to do is cuz uh yeah like you said earlier a lot of people were asking for the Terminator one check what's next oh and while we have your attention we're very close to 100,000 subscribers at the time of recording this if you're the type of person to make make it all the way through our hour plus long episodes thank you could you do us a favor and check that you're subscribed if you like us I feel like if you made it through an hour you probably should look at the whole subscription thing even if you don't like us because clearly there's some type of relationship happening here that like you're going to want more for whatever reason that is even if it's a bit of a hate [ __ ] yeah you know what that's okay and also for 100k we're probably going to do what we did at 40K where we do like a big QA meta episode talk about whatever questions people have Warhammer wise us wise whatever do a bunch of silly SLS serious questions back and forth it should be very fun I'll put up a post on the YouTube for that for everyone to go to when we get close probably some point this month so keep an eye out for that which would be easier if you were subscribed it's true also at the end of the month the week of April 29th the book club episode will be out for fall of kadia the wife and I just started it quite excited already have some comments about the uh audio but we'll get to the episode yeah it's coming up actually not too much further away couple weeks so you have your time to read it all right but uh I guess other than that we've got merch yep right merch hey take a look at the uh shirts and the hoodies and you know buy the shirt buy the shirt buy they joined the merch site they don't even know how to sell merch buy the shirt look there's two shirts check out this shirt buy this shirt this shirt's great it'll be beautiful it's amazing look at these shirts look at they both these shirts I got more than just shirts I got hoodies they got hoodies here they're great they'll make you have sex you'll get sex with this merch it's true Brad has a wife buy the merch oh and if you're on YouTube there should be a shiny new credits because bellio definitely did what I told him to do this week yeah thank you everyone for you know all the massive support but uh that did mean we needed to change how we were doing the credits yeah there's a lot of names now and it could get hard to read yeah so we're trying something out different let us know all right and other than that we can head out of here for the week sounds [Music] good [Music] a [Music]
Channel: Poorhammer
Views: 99,636
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 40k, Warhammer 40k, Space Marine, Necron, Tyranid, Craftworld, Knights, Chaos Knights, Imperial Knights, 10th Edition, 10th Ed, Custodes, Grey Knights
Id: HyGsI8ZsGGk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 51sec (2571 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 09 2024
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