The Tau vs The Covenant | Which Empire is more Powerful?

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good day guys and girl doing setting comparisons is always fun and with Halo being the game series I grew up on and Warhammer being Warhammer it's awesome that I can bring the two together for a video however unlike a Normy video like could Halo beat Warhammer 40K spoiler Halo would get stumped without a second thought like it wouldn't even be close I thought let's get a bit more realistic and compare the Covenant to the tow both are confederations of alien species working together towards a common goal both wage war against humanity both are more technologically advanced than humanity and both have way too much rule 34 but who would win if the two factions fought who has the greater Warriors more Warriors deadlier weapons and so on it's an interesting question that I intend to answer before we get started I'm going to let you in a bit of a life hack the more time you can save on essential B tedious tasks like cooking or preparing food the more time you can spend painting Warhammer or 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devastating hun on top of that they then have their Jackal snipers yanme flying bugs for aerial skirmishing amongst many others not to mention their profits and other support troops the tower on the other hand despite having dozens of alien species in their empire pretty much solely rely on themselves for combat with the occasional use of human and crude auxiliaries now this doesn't make the tower onedimensional they have their Battle Suits after all but the Covenant definitely have way more Warrior diversity in terms of their quality a tower fire warrior would be superior to a grunt or even a jackal Shield Warrior but coven an elite would up a tower fire warrior they are just significantly stronger and faster than a human with their Warrior culture making them supremely powerful units an energy sword would slice through a fire warrior like a 9,000 degree knife through a 5-year-old not to mention the to suck even more at melee than a human so an elite going invisible then appearing amongst the tower lions with an energy sword would Slaughter the out of them now the tower Battle Suits definitely level the playing field here but the elites are a rank and file Soldier whilst the battle suits are an expensive specialty unit I do also believe that Hunters would be able to destroy battle suits with their assault cannons as well as the fact that their Shields weigh two tons and are designed to be immune to plasma or ballistic Weaponry a hunter would easily crush a battle suit with a single hit now if we start looking at Vehicles it gets even spicier the Covenant have some cool wraiths banshees ghosts Phantoms but the tow have rail guns and rail guns are overpowered as a single shot of a tow rail gun would destroy most common in tanks or ships and whilst the Covenant Scarab is a beast of a machine especially the mega siiz versions the tower would f taking them out to be pretty easy they would quickly identify its weakness that being the core of it after a few engagements and would simply just send five or so Battle Suits to jump at it and land directly near the weak spot then while most of them engaged the scarabs crew one or two would take out the core in no time as for T super units the Manta is a beast and some of their battles suits are huge like the supremacy armor I can't really imagine many things in the Covenant ground forces that could take out a manta or Supremacy armor they would need to orbitally laser strike these targets to take them out reliably speaking of of orbital how does the Covenant fleets match up to the towels I'm not a Sci-Fi spaceship engineer so I'm not going to count gun ports with the kilowatt of each faction's energy Shields or whatever I'm just a caveman so I'll look at Raw Firepower and ship size a covenant capital ship is generally about 5 km long and features a tit load of laser beams of all different varieties including their inferus patent super heavy excavation beams which is what they use to Glass planets but they also have many orbital weapons and lasers capable of tearing through ships armor without issue these Capital ships are supported by battle crew users that are about 1.8 km long there is a ton more support ships but these battle Cruisers are the most common right-hand man to the capital ships the tower probably have the smallest ships in all of warmer 40K mostly CU they didn't need big ships until they encountered the Imperium and also their tactics don't revolve around 1700's golden age of pirate era they are all about longrange skirmishing maneuverability and under no circumstances they Ram out spaceships it's hard to find exact tow ship sizing but from what I've read the 5 km Mark actually suits them pretty well also with many any smaller support craft to back them up I do believe they also have a few Giga ships that get up to about 10 km but don't quote me on that the tower generally just don't really get into those dick measuring contests they don't see a purpose of building a giga Leviathan ship because it'll be slow and a big Target they would rather just swarm you during the Horus heresy Capital ships were a big thing each Fleet would specifically Target the others hero ships to win the battle the tower don't have that weakness however this does mean that they often get by Space Marine ships due to the aggressive nature of those ships countering the more careful Talent tactics I do also need to mention the Covenant super carer which measures 30 km long which is here big much larger than anything the tower have a space battle between the Tower and the Covenant would be a shitload of longrange lasers ripping into each other whil thousands of attack craft are launched the Covenant would also attempt numerous boarding actions against the tower ships I do also need to talk about each factions faster than lighttech even though apparently the tower Canal warp jump sort of I think it's a bit sketchy so let's just refer to their short- range warp skimming the to Empire is small mostly because they struggle to travel very far at any sort of real speed they're faster than light is because they don't have Navigators and their Tech isn't as good as the necrons yet as such the tower using their faster than light to surprise the enemy and emerge at their Flank In a space battle is unheard of compare this to the Covenant who use slip space Tech which actually does work in a similar way to war travel I.E tearing a hole into a different dimension and flying through it but that Dimension isn't hell and it isn't full of demons and so slip space is generally faster and safer than warp travel whilst also being more accurate for example the UNC Infinity was able to slipstream directly into the flank of a Covenant Ship and destroy it via ramming and UNC slipstream Tech is below that of the Covenant so in terms of faster than light travel the Covenant would definitely have a clear Advantage let's now check out the technology level on the two sides the tower and Covenant are actually quite similar with their love of energy based Weaponry over the ballistic Weaponry that humanity and both their settings employ they both have laser guns plasma weapons and whatnot the Covenant have a few wild cards like their needle attack creating Focus micro explosions and their Plasma Pistol being able to EMP machines for a short moment but then again so do the tower who have ion weaponry and even employ the use of flamethrowers on occasion the elites energy shielding would give them a huge advantage in a fight against the tow allowing them to close the gap and get into melee with the covenant's long-range Firepower also being pretty decent in the form of Jackal snipers as well as wraith spin mobile mortars I would say overall though that the tow have better long range options with the Covenant favoring mid to short range however the elephant in the room is the tow Battle Suits these Battle Suits can go toe-to-toe with space Marines who are even more powerful than the Spartans from Halo and whilst an energy sword would dice them up nicely they are just way more powerful in general if a large force of tow Battle Suits came in and flanked a covenant force that force would be screwed sure Hunters good up Battle Suits pretty nicely but Hunters are rare and come in packs of two Battle Suits can attack in their dozens or even hundreds the Covenant would need to have Elite zealots or stealth teams in reserve ready to charge out with energy swords and close the gap with the Battle Suits as soon as they would engage so overall their tech level is pretty Sim SAR the Covenant have a few things the tower don't and the tower have a few things the Covenant doesn't notably Battle Suits but overall I'd say it's pretty close everything I've spoken about so far is pretty irrelevant though compared to my next Point what is the scale of the Covenant Empire versus the scale of the Tower Empire which is bigger who has more ships who has more Warriors at its peak the Covenant Empire was massive the law states that it controlled the majority of the Orion arm which includes thousands of star systems however in saying that its Warrior casts mostly the elites and brutes barely had any other worlds outside of their home worlds so their numbers weren't insanely High the elites because they were like feudal Samurai and the brutes cuz they were the Covenant also had thousands upon thousands of ships although in war it would only deploy a few hundred at most to take out reach the Covenant deployed 34 Cruiser class or above ships the largest single Force Humanity had ever seen with the high charity defense Fleet being 500 ships in total these fleets are absolutely massive but they do also make up the bulk of the covenant's focus fleets like sure they have over a thousand more but they were spread out into patrols or escorts or defense or just anything like that as for their military the Covenant was actually quite underpopulated for how much of the Galaxy they controlled they didn't breed crazy fast like humans did with numbers estimating to be in the hundreds of billions this is why they weren't able to just steamroll Humanity who had around 40 billion humans when they first encountered the Covenant they just didn't have the numbers to Zerg Rush Humanity until the war was W let's compare this to the TOA Empire who control around 100 or so worlds clustered amongst a small area of the Galaxy you might instantly think the tower here but is not that simple they breed quite quickly with each tow world having billions of tow on it so in terms of rawal population they actually match or not too far of matching the covenant not to mention Tower Society is extremely efficient when a tower world is attacked there isn't mass panic the Warriors come forth and the civilians get out of the way to put it simply though the population scale of both factions is actually quite similar the tower have less worlds but they are closer together whereas the Covenant Empire is more scattered so they have a harder time concentrating their forces to be honest when I started making this video I thought the tower would be a clear winner in all categories due to 40K being 40K but seeing them match the Covenant so closely in a lot of ways was super interesting so let's now put them in a hypothetical War to decide who comes out on top let's say the two faction Empires encounter each other the prophets think the tower cringe so they declare them Abominations and the tower can't Vibe with the covenant's extreme religious fundamentalism already Having learned that lesson the hard way from dealing with Humanity the Covenant being the more aggressive of the two would attack hard and fast with extreme prejudice a fleet of 300 ships rapidly attacking Tower Space using their Advanced slip space technology the initial Tower fleets would be overwhelmed and taken out as a number of tower worlds would be invaded cleansed then glassed the Covenant would be impressed with the tower's tenacity these outer worlds killing many Covenant Warriors in their hastily pulled together defenses with the Battle Suits standing out as primary targets however here is where the deciding factor emerges as the Covenant pushes onto the next Tower worlds they would use the same tactics shock and ore Elite kill squads Hunter packs grunt Cannon fod orbital superiority just going Balls to the walls meanwhile the tower would be con ly adapting the Covenant is a religious fundamental Empire they do not adapt very quickly when Humanity brought out the Spartans the Covenant didn't create a countermeasure they just tried to throw their Elite zealots at them which they would have done anyway the tower however would adapt they would equip their battle suits and fire warriors with vision goggles that would unmask Elite camouflage they would update their shielding and armor to be resistant to the Plasma Pistol emping their Battle Suits they would employ more fire units to incinerate the Hunter packs they would keep stealth suits in reserve for Covenant scarabs the tower ships are also faster than Covenant ships hence there would be a lot of hit-and run tactics with Heroes like Shadow Sun leading boarding actions against the covant capital ships slowly the tide of the war would turn as billions upon billions of tower converged together Against The Brute Force Covenant Fleet the Covenant would also bring in more reinforcements but their ships would mostly come in ones or small groups from across their empire not as a large unified Force the tower's adaptability would be too much and by the fifth or sixth Tower World they would halt the Covenant advance and either destroy it or push it back the war would be hectic in awesome especially when Elite zealots or brute Chieftain would get amongst the tower fire Warriors in melee and just slaughter them but it just wouldn't be enough put it like this the UNC a pretty weak-ass human Empire compared to the Imperium of man was able to resist the Covenant and eventually win the war the to on the other hand have managed to hold back massive Imperial invasions that include Titans thousands of Space Marines and millions of soldiers not to mention psykers if you threw those Imperials at the Covenant instead they would crumble the master chief was almost able to solow the Covenant imagine a th000 Master Chiefs that are even more powerful getting involved the Covenant is extremely awesome and surprisingly would give a much bigger fight to the tower than you would think but the tow Empire's adaptability unity and battle suits not to mention they can hold their own against factions much more powerful than the Covenant would be too much for the Covenant but man I would love to see the sang Healy join the tow would be dope new major mini idea perhaps if you enjoyed the video and you want to support the channel then subscribe we're gunning hard for 600k and I need all the help I can get join the Discord for more memes and I'll see you in the next one p [Music] nice bow to me [Music]
Channel: Majorkill
Views: 90,767
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Warhammer, 40k, Fantasy, lore, Story, Explained, Australia, Australian, Majorkill, Gamesworkshop, xenos, Laer, Great Cruisade, Astartes, Astarte, Space Marine, legion, Primarchs, Emperor, top 5, top 10, Tau, Tyranids, Eldar, Dark Eldar, Necrons, Space, Sigmar, Chaos, Khorne, Nurgle, Tzeentch, Slaanesh, Rogal Dorn, Imperial Fists, Yellow, Legion, Ultramarines, Guilliman, TTS, epic, gaming, legendary, Necron, Sister of Battle, Xeno, Thunder Wariors, Custodes, Alpharius, Dreadnought, Primaris, Psykers, Pskyers, Magnus, Crusade
Id: 1kpcai9dSuc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 42sec (822 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 30 2024
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