The Tallest Minecraft Map Of All Time

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hey everybody and welcome to parkour spiral infinite created by miles plays oh progress gamer now this is very significant because this was actually going to be a main channel video but then i saw this cinematic and i was like this might be long ah so but it should still be of the quality content that you might find in a main channel video even though well we'll be talking to chat and stuff like that speaking of quality content look look at this look at the sneak previews of new quality content merch that will be coming to a quality content 2.0 relaunch near you at not yet but just building up the hype in advance wow isn't that so cool i think that it's worth a closer look wow amazing amazing stuff so cool and really swick also though there's gonna be like cool designs and stuff this is just like this is just basically the logo rework also working on some swick designs that are kind of inspired by you know there was that minecraft optical illusions video that i did like six months ago kind of taking some of that and being inspired by it and and doing cool things so yes noodles x thank you for a year of summage much appreciated and uh shift to start okay parkour spiral hey by the way make sure you're following at captainsparklez and sub to captainsparkles2 on youtube with all the notifications so you don't miss a video ever and stuff like that and uh uh yeah that only playlist for more maps and stuff and and let's let's freaking let's go wait oh the timer's on i was just making sure i stepped on that properly here we go here we go we gotta we got a speed run i wonder if like okay so is it a do you have to do everything in order or are there places where you can kind of like skip a step i wonder it's an over three up one which we do not like but there we go we chilling on to the next checkpoint where are we going oh oh we're going are we wait are we going back up over here wait how are we oh we're going into oh god wait hold on oh that's that's ugly that's ugly we gotta do like vine jumps black what the this is awful okay wait this is this is just the second level and you're already giving us a two block overhead jumps consecutively bruh well that's probably a good thing that i um i uh held off on this being main channel because this could take a while holy crap your two your two block overheading me and we barely even begun oh this is this is really like freaking diabolical hold up and then can i just can i work my way can i get on top maybe you can just get on top of this hold on oh there's your boy right here wait but then how do i get how do we get to there it's fine this is fine i don't need to hit that checkpoint i don't need to hit that checkpoint wait hold on i'm checking if there's any shortcuts i can do over here even though i get reset really far back if i fall off which would be really unfortunate i might have i might have just done a little skip though which is kind of cool even though maybe i didn't do a little skip the reason why i didn't do a little skip here is because i have to get up there in order to be able to jump to that so yeah no no i might i might um you don't say you don't say huh i think i actually have to get over to there i've i gotta get over there and then and then unless unless there's a way around this is there a way around this i'd really like for there to be a way around this so i don't actually have to do what i think i need to do um uh somebody somebody tell me there's a better way than going backwards somebody tell me there's a better way because i don't want to have to go back do i have to go back i don't want to go back don't make me go back don't don't make me go back i don't want to do more like i have to do more two block overheads why why why would i have why would you ever make me do more two block overheads that's just me and it's really really mean and then i i have to you know i probably can just can i just jump over there ah it's risky though and then one more and then to the ladder okay okay oh god i can't miss this though we got it oh my god this is this is very meh are you kidding wait are you kidding me this is the second stage what have you done what is this map is this the is it the hardest parkour for like bro i asked him how long he thought this thing was gonna take it was like i'd probably be like hour you out of your mind unless it goes in reverse difficulty what what what what seriously it's been too long since the salmon ladder apparently i'm out of practice this this is uh this is crazy this is crazy why would you like what what is this what are you what are you doing what are you doing hey what are you doing i don't understand what are you doing how are you gonna throw this what the heck what the heck what the frick is what the frick is this and how how the frick are you gonna throw well i mean oh my god seriously though have you ever seen this many i might have to just i might just have to do a creative skip here because this is absurd this is the this is the second stage you just start you start us off with some just quick easy stuff and you're like oh yeah yeah you know you're the very start of the thing have some um can say ten consecutive double overheads followed by that's not the end of it but wait there's more jesus christ this is this is going to be a multi-night extravaganza let me tell you this is going to be a mother at least we're not doing this with zine right oh jesus christ almighty what why why what oh my god what uh okay whenever this dude whenever he sends me a map again and tells me anything about estimated difficulty or play time i'm just be like you're lying right can you tell me the truth this time because you're lying what the heck what what are you doing will my power go out again before this finishes we might be here for a couple years so there is a good chance my power will fail what it this can't be the second level did i did i skip to the end here did i skip to the end what what it what what can i can i just i can't just jump to the ladder oh my god this is a nightmare you feel free to go download the map yourself play along with me and see how badly you can beat my time okay thank you thank you thank you should i just jump to there we go got it jesus oh one more oh my god thank you thank you for the love of god now now i have to do like some vine parkour a jesus man this is this is nuts i thought i'd be able to carry on like a casual conversation as we were playing this uh given the length of it i was like it must be like easy and free-flowing are you kidding it's it's an entire the tallest parkour spiral like the tallest minecraft map ever made and it's the hardest parkour possible all the way up what the hell what what what how do i do this how do how do i how the heck do i do this transfer there we go okay oh my god oh my god oh nope and you have so much inertia it's like hard to not overshoot when you hit the next one i'm just absolutely mashing my space bar as if it's pressure sensitive and it's somehow going to like help me achieve what i need to keep the inertia jesus got it okay okay so this has a block over it which means gotta be careful okay this is a block overhead block overhead heck yeah there we go this is kind of a block overhead ish but just there we go block overhead or no block overhead or no oh my god what the hell it's still going wait a minute wait wait a minute you're you're not seriously telling me right now that what i need to do is vine slime block and land on one you're not telling me that i need to do that right no no you're not you're definitely not because what i can do is i can definitely get up there from over there okay so that's a red herring so i think i can just jump across and and just make it okay i think we're good because i can definitely go and jump to here okay cool cool we're fine what is this what does this do i thought what what is this i guess that's something for later to return us out here okay so we need to get up there bro we are making no progress at all we're making no progress whatsoever and wait but i what am i trying to get to where am i trying to get through here oh oh into here okay okay i feel like ours oh okay some of this stuff was just totally a red herring uh so where am i going i guess back over to here maybe okay we'll wrap around i see so we need to get over here and then we need to slime block onto the magma boys oh and then we have some magma block parkour heck yeah uh by the way novanadi thank you for the six months of subject happy six months devo rock thank you for the nine months of savage what's up dude sour gummer thank you for nine months double twitch babies in a row and reaping god with five months claude with four months of chief of the good work i'm trying but this map's tough were red herrings used in the previous parkour spirals was that a thing okay got it now this part's gonna suck god dang it wait a minute wait a minute what if i is there a way wait there might be a way there might be a way to just there is there's a way to just completely skip doing all that is there anything else that i could have just skipped previously oh how dare you do this how okay i'm gonna run ahead and see if there's anything that i can do to avoid having to do a bunch of stuff um that i didn't need to otherwise do dr fluffy roberts thank you for subbing much appreciated okay so maybe there's some like sneaky boys here that we can do in order to get further ahead and do things like yeah because i can just jump onto like right there instead of doing some other stuff that i might not otherwise had to do before it you know they're a bunch of gold blocks i was like i don't need to go on those gold blocks if i just oh what is this do you need to jump onto that thing or can i go below it i might not be able to go below that i think i need to eat on top of that thing anyway okay all right oh no not this not like this not like this a glass of red thank you for the sub i have to get through oh my god end my suffering if i could only get the rhythm of those i'd just be able to not stop and just make it but i'm not that good at those so it hurts what bro and then there's not even a checkpoint for like another year after this it's insane the man's is actually a mad scientist who who made this thing thinking that it's gonna an hour yeah what if your dream jesus christ really oh my god uh sprint threat strat if you just are you just saying like f3 and 90 degree it you think yeah right yeah right that didn't work just wasted an opportunity at it okay just what the hell oh my god you he just loves this the entire theme of this map is just two block overhead jumps that's it that's it that's that's all that's all it is everything is two block overhead jumps the entire map that is all that he does i'll just go to the edge do that do that do that do that oh my god there's more there's more there's more jesus christ what the hell how many oh my god bro is he just like what what i feel like i'm doing the salmon ladder again oh my god have i been lied to so so much more than i have ever been lied to before i think this is the biggest lie that anybody has ever told me in my life play this map he said it'll only take an hour he said yeah to complete the first biome if you're lucky what the hell why do i even try dude i'm gonna get to the end of this particular gold block section i'm gonna end up finding that there was some way that i could do it without going through this two block overhead panel you know what i think uh i don't need to delay the timing yeah yeah yeah like with salmon ladder i have to do this perfect delay between w and space i don't need to do that here there we go there we go and then it continues there is no checkpoint this isn't a checkpoint guys i might do a uh i might do a self-appointed checkpoint though because i'm upset that slime block is definitely a red herring jesus i cannot risk overshooting oh my god okay oh my god man can i just jump to that do i need to slime block who were his testers for this did he hit up his friend tool assisted speedrun and like program in the jumps and then go all right it takes an hour that's how long the map is imagine if i had attempted to main channel video this just imagine this is this is live stream only content right here there's no other way could possibly be oh my god circuit glitch thank you for the thousand bits for the new chair fund uh we might need one after this or at least new armed armrests for it casakara thank you for gifting a sub to thunderful it's wonderful here or uh or you just feeling generous how thunderful is here hey what's up um okay i did it now oh god i'm gonna oh god it's like an over three up one should i just kept the momentum oh bro i'm gonna mess this one up too no god damn this stupid frickin max jump everything is so stupid i have to just keep my momentum there this is the stupidest thing i've ever done why did i why did i do this why did i do this okay i'm getting good at that at least right holy mother of god okay i have to momentum it anybody out there happen to like of all the um uh 8 000 people right now who are watching anybody haven't even played this has anybody like done this and like beaten it who can tell me does it just get worse from here is this are these the beginner intro stages or is the map in reverse difficulty oh my god how are we feeling now pog or pain just pain painters pain is winning a lot map is called oh yes it gets much worse okay cool that's good to hear how it how can it possibly just get worse how is that even possible oh my god concerned for my health don't worry i'm just shortening my lifespan by a few months by doing this just captain leo thank you for the summit appreciate that okay all right i don't know why i'm doing this honestly i'm i i don't know what i did where i was like you know what i need to do tonight punish myself i've already been punished i had to deal with aches and pains after the vaccine for a day it felt like some real punishment i went without electricity for three days why did i come back and say you know what i need more punishment than i've already been through sweet riddle thank you for the twitter bits i haven't finished making my parkour on the subserver this is great all right this is it i'm self-checkpointing after one more fall here i'm over it i'm over it man oh my god oh my god oh my god don't get tripped up by an overhead did he do did he do emily and thank you for the five stuff gives much appreciated oh my god did he actually do have i actually done what needed to be did wait where do i go from here uh yeah yeah i haven't hit a checkpoint keep this bear in mind i have not had a new checkpoint yet which does not bode well for anything i am very concerned because i feel like with not hitting and having hit a new checkpoint refreak goddess thank you for the 10 sub gifts i just get rewarded for completing that section is that what's happening emily m and reefery goddess with the five sub gift to the 10 sub gift they're like congratulations on your suffering uh i'd better be able to get back there without having to go all the way back oh my god i swear also wait is that another that's another vine thing to end things here this is a four blocker which scares me a little bit he gets it he gets it and then oh my god what i have to vine i have to divine through this in order to get over there bro rick okay a little bit what how do i really is that actually a possible thing i don't think i can get to that vine oh he gets it he gets it and oh my god he gets there oh my god he gets there oh jesus oh my god a section without two block overheads unbelievable i didn't think we had it in us i didn't think the map creator had it in him is this do i even need to be doing this i probably don't even need to be doing this there's probably places i can get to quicker than what i'm doing right now but let's see oh hey it's ya boy two block overhead jumps back at it again emily m thank you for the five sub gifts much a pre oh that was that's not gonna work right there that was actually i needed to i needed to do it differently and that's fine because i can get up there oh yeah see i didn't need to do this first couple of jumperooskies wait can i just hell what if i just go over here let me just do this is there a shortcut short and sweet cut ah no there does not seem to be that's very disappoint i did not want that to be the case but but no no i can't do that either uh what if he strafes around no still nothing i can't nope can't do that no that's a bummer what if he stripes back around then nope i still got to go through here don't i that's very disappointing this is fine though i can do that and then it's just a two block overhead there we go okay okay what the heck what the what the heck here emily m with another five sub gifs i don't know if i said it already because i'm just a little discombobulated by the thank you very much and ray chef thank you for the five months of savage much appreciate many wow this is fine this is fine do that and then this one's just chilling we oh just ead man ead okay there you go maybe i can just you know what i could do nope not that that's not what i can do can't do that at all that's terrible why are overhead block jumps just everything on this that's all that's all we went through a little we went through a little break he lulled us into a false sense of security and then was like oh we back you thought two blocked overhead jumps were going away like that damn it god damn it god stupid stupid stupid thing unbelievable unbelievable oh my god and then this over here jesus bro there is like there is no chill on this thing this map is just maximum maximum jumps technical jumps every jump every jump and there's multiple of them before every checkpoint this is like oh jesus why did you do that i can't wait for him to throw a five block in here somewhere dude oh my god what the hell cassie car thank you for the two of us they say swearing is a good stress reliever so feel free to mute every once in a while and let it all out uh a sweet little thing you can do it a bit sneak peek of my parkour union six black jumps are doable with ice and ladders i did not know that i can't wait to not do it because i will fail okay okay okay all right now what else are you gonna throw at me to destroy me huh just i think i what how did i fall in i don't i don't understand i don't understand i don't understand what i did i don't understand oh my god ah this would be a great idea to do on a stream great just a fan this would be such a good idea to do on a stream like it seems like good easy chill content that i can just have a conversation while we're jumping up some some blocks seems like totally cool totally chill definitely great definitely uh no way that i would ever live to regret this ever no way not a chance am i jumping to that yeah okay i hope there is a way to get back here without too much difficulty if we fail the final jump got it okay oh boy oh my god we made another checkpoint it's only been um like half an hour so far and we're probably like five percent through the map okay so basically here it's just figure out how to navigate your way through the uh good old basalt deltas try not to fall into the lava pools i've done this before i don't know if there's a particular path we have to follow though or if it's just kind of figure it out and do what you got to do there's a particular path isn't there i just haven't found it yet oh that's unfortunate okay okay we gotta keep the high ground maybe something like that that's not gonna work it's a bit of a puzzle then eh a little bit of a puzzle to do here which which blocks and gets me to where i need to be i think it does have to be what i was starting off with god it is probably knowing how this map is it's probably just like there's one path and it's really hard even though it looks like it's just a basalt delto where you can just give me a pickaxe okay just can you give me a pickaxe and then we'll be chill um no i'm not doing overhead jumps not today satan and then where to next though where to next do i need to be going up no i don't believe you wait a minute maybe going like up over backwards and up what oh no not they're not there i don't think i can make that jump right that's two three four that's four in diagonal so i can't do that yeah i know i know the map goes all the way to 512 and we're at 77 so things are going great so far uh this is not this is not so this is just a puzzle really that's all it is this is just a big puzzle i don't i don't know what to do because i don't think i can make it there i can't make it up to there um unless that's a possible jump but i i don't think that's a possible joke um hmm do that i don't think i can do that what the heck i do not i do not know what it wants from me [Music] what the heck what do you want me to do oh my god this map this map is super mean this might be the hardest parkour map i have ever had the displeasure of attempting what are you doing bro emily m thank you for gifting another five subs to try to make me feel better in my moment of suffering i just like if you could highlight the path for me somehow maybe i could make some progress but i just don't even know what it wants what do you want me to do where do you want me to go i even like it's like okay so you obviously want me to get to there and then in order to get to there i have to get up there i have to get up on this high path somehow i have no idea how is it this but that doesn't allow me to get over there i don't know how to get up on that how do i get on here i don't understand oh no it's not that either i can't it's you're it's too high overhead i literally there's no way to get on the there's no way to get on that there's no way to get on that there's no way to get on that there isn't any way to do those what the heck do you want from me i i can't i can't get on this they're all two blocks above me now it's like i need to be able to do this jump but i can't it's impossible the purple cat thank you the three had been sending you positive vibes thank you very much maddie swan with the eight months of summage now this map might just be a big fat rage quit it might not even be possible to do this um oh no yeah it's this isn't the person who made the original parkour spirals um i know that but yeah i just didn't expect that it was going to be the highest degree of difficulty parkour for the entire thing i thought given the length it would be a compromise with uh difficulty but instead it was just like no chill absolutely no chill no i can't even do a crazy strafe around there bro why make this part ridiculous why make this like i don't fire fire jump there's no way that's what it is there's no way fire jump only gets you up like a block and a half not two blocks right um it's the only way would be if i could get on that block but i can't or if i could get on that block there but i also don't think i can get on that block you have to go back to the beginning again to get back on there oh my god this is mean i i think oh god damn it i'm about to i'm about a creative mode out of this section if you if if there was some direction as to like hey these are the jumps that you're supposed to do then maybe but i just i i have no idea i have no idea what it wants for me here the only thing i can think of is it wants me to jump from that to that around this pillar and then i'd be able to go to there and wrap around and then get up top there but i don't know if that's actually doable look on the inner wall by the overhead block yeah i mean i i see there's the overhead block there but then there's no way for me to get up there the ledge that you're confused on is your drop on the ledge below huh god damn it there's there's nothing on this wall that i can use it's all two blocks up nothing i can do um no it's not a three block and up jump bro i have no idea that that is not possible i don't think because it's over one it's over three up one and go try it but i don't think you can actually do it it's over three over one up one i should say right above the basalt blocks in the inner wall is a chunk for you to get to no no there's no there's not there's nothing there's nothing in here there's nothing i can get to i see that right there i can't get to that like this i don't think this is a possible jump because it's not just a direct direct over it's uh i don't think that's a possible jump and then i have to redo it every single time oh my god end me i'll try one more time but then i'm just going to create a mode out of this section this is ridiculous this is it's not even fun at this point so there's no point there's no point in just being stuck on something forever might as well make some progress and see what sort of pain this map has for us jesus christ yeah i've i've gone i've gone zen on this map that's for sure dude this is just this is beyond the point of enjoyment to just how can i engineer something to be as painful as possible uh i don't know why i jumped back there yeah i just i don't think that is a oh never mind you can do i that that is you learn something new every day i suppose you learned something new that apparently that is a possible jump wow okay well i'm sure he will throw more very difficult jumps in before we've uh attempted to finish with this section so i'm gonna i'm sure there's gonna be some uh two block overheads or this yep there's gonna be an overhead right there oh heck yeah dude oh heck yeah that's gonna be awesome that's gonna be awesome that's gonna be really really good right there jesus okay and then i guess i can just where do i jump to right here up to there is that correct i don't know if this is correct is this correct am i going to there it might be that it might be that okay i'm going to use momentum on this no nothing nothing overhead we can't risk it and i think have we done it have we done it we've done it we've done it oh my god that's all i have to do i just have to give up and once i give up all hope only then can we make it that's how the map has been engineered such that you are forced to despair before you can progress oh my god i have uh done no creative modes yet which is astounding oh okay this is the next section that was the next section you do you do all of that and then you just throw me some easy jumps i don't understand you i don't understand you at all okay what's our next play here jesus man just throw me throw me some like maybe just you know classically classically the nether is like the diabolical parkour biomes right or it's the end i'm sure there's going to be an end uh later on but maybe maybe that's what it is is that we will reverse difficulty yet okay maybe we'll reverse difficulty oh god that was the wrong side to do that's definitely the wrong side to do refree goddess out here uh with the 10 sub gift to reward us for our dedication thank you very much i appreciate it refried goddess thank you for trying to make me feel better uh oh into the wall we go where oh i'm sure we're going to be getting a lot of uh joyous oh my god really how do you do this jacob hardly alive thank you for the year of summit happy anniversary glad you got your internet back uh yeah it was power as well is mostly power that was the problem um but yes it's good to have it back very good to have it back emily m with another five sub gifts you guys just going ham out here right now oh my goodness and up we go okay at least first part is not too difficult let's see how we deal with this whole uh jesus defense situation in there what is power without internet you're not wrong you are not wrong when my internet is down even if i have power i kind of still just what the frick did i even hit there i didn't even hit anything invisible barrier blocks in the sky oh that's what that's just that's definitely what he's gonna throw in later he's 100 gonna just throw in random barrier blocks in places there was this map that i actually wanted to i started to uh play it for a main channel video oh my god what are you doing i hit my head on the oh my god i started playing it it was like uh kind of reminded me of the seth bling what was it 10 second parkour that map where every stage you had to do within a certain amount of time so this is super weird it's like when i when i take damage on the spring it bounces me higher why are slime blocks so funky um there we go uh and but i started playing it i was like oh cool maybe this will be a it'll be like the seth bling map and it turned out every single stage which you only had x amount of time like 10 seconds in order to finish it was just barrier blocks it was just hey look at this jump that you think you can make just kidding you can't because i put random barrier blocks you can't see there and i was like but that's not fun god damn it everything is two blocks overhead jesus christ and i am almost positive that that is going to start occurring at some point in this map how can i so reliably either under overshoot it but just can't land on it bro yes somebody put soap on this fence i swear slipping off of it maybe i should go to here yeah that's the play that's the play right there somebody put soap on that one too are you kidding me whiplash code thank you for the two a bit stabby savvy steps that's what i want to do to the map right now tell you that much they were trying to sanitize it yeah that's what happened somebody was trying to be courteous and like make sure i wasn't going to catch the crown they didn't realize they got vaccinated so they cleaned everything off but now all the surfaces are just ultra slippery emily m thank you for the twitter bits all right last gift for the night you got to pay for college somehow have a good stream well that's very generous of you don't do anything you shouldn't and um thank you for trying to uh help with my it suffering nice of you i had a feeling that was gonna happen he had to throw two block overhead like there is no way he could resist not throwing a a two block overhead in there just to finish this off at the end like there's no way he just he just couldn't he was like he was about to not do it and then a force he could not control just came over his hand it was like i'm gonna try not to do the two block i'm gonna try not to but then just he just had to put that extra block over he just couldn't it was an involuntary response he can't resist he can't help it it's not his fault it's not his fault he's just he's an addict all right we can't blame him for it jesus christ he soaked it way too hard again i mean you think this section would just not be that difficult but somehow with all the soap on these fences that's why they're blue you know like dish soap is oftentimes blue and that's um that's where the uh warped stuff gets its color from just too much dish soap used uh jesus there we go there we go there we go that's what i needed in my life thank you thank you so much now show me why i didn't need to do that and up there wow wait are you telling me that you just gave me an easy checkpoint you loan me again into a false sense of security only to just throw it in my face later wait a minute what do you want what are you gonna do with me here okay so we got we got a bit of a path it looks pretty it looks simple it looks simple and straightforward but what isn't what about this is not simple and straightforward that you're gonna just ruin my life on okay because it seems like all i have to do is i could just skip a lot do that and then and then be fine but what what's wrong with my thinking here there's something wrong with my thinking there's no way that you've done something you've done you've done something nice i'm just second guessing myself when it's easy i'm like i don't believe this there's no way it's actually easy are you telling me are you telling me that it's actually in reverse difficulty is that what's happening here um hmm are we about to break out of the nether is looking like we're about to break out of the nether over there oh my god please tell me it is reverse difficulty okay hold up that's not cool okay at least we can kind of have a built-in checkpoint there bro so how's everybody's week going hopefully better than mine hopefully you didn't have to throw out all your ice in the fridge but i guess on the plus side i don't really keep too many perishables had to throw out some mayo that's about it though bro you imagine if i was not like not that i ever travel and not that i would especially with you know still during the crown but imagine if i was out of town and this whole thing happened i would have been like i would have been doomed because ice would have melted in the freezer and i would have had just mega water spill and nothing i could do about it that would have been really no bueno okay i is this the jump i'm supposed to make or not because i don't know i don't know you want from me but it's not nice i know dude my poor mayo deserved better didn't it can i like can is there an alternative way to get up here no no i somehow have to make that jump okay cool no i didn't throw out ice i put the ice in the sink um are you really throwing this jump is this this the final obstacle between me and my salvation is this jump here which i don't even know if it's a doable thing but well what what do you think i was gonna do just like make the ice still be cold with my magical powers jesus man what is this sorry that i'm not some kind of anime character with a super power who can freeze things or marvel character honestly i don't think this jump is possible but he put it in the map and uh therefore we will try it forever until we give up i think that basically what he did is he gave us the hope by showing us hey there's the portal it's like you're about to beat this section and then what he did is he threw an impossible jump in and was like leax d get trolled you thought this map was actually beatable nah i just put together this entire thing for show just so we'd have a cool intro cinematic but you can't actually get to any of those other places at least not without creative mode no just kidding just had to keep going for a while and then we made it happen okay what do you want here guess to there yeah i guess just hit there right okay we made it we made it oh my god oh my god get me out of the nether get me out of the nether into the overworld be gone foul vines i never want to see you again i refuse to travel into the nether ever again until next time i'm playing through minecraft and stuff like that oh god we are officially about a quarter of the way through thick beach thank you for the two adverts hi captain just want to say good night crossing my fingers the map reverses difficulty keep up the great content we're at almost nine o'clock oh my god are we going to finish this tonight probably not if i want to be able to uh get my food order in oh there's mine there i didn't realize there's a line there uh do we go up on here yes we do and then whoa dude just hit a sick checkpoint yeah boy out here with the sweetest of checkpoints oh into a cave probably more lava more lava okay as you would expect wait a minute wait are you telling me you're just throwing like regular i'm i don't believe this what's the catch there's a catch there's a catch right now this was this too straightforward i don't buy it for a second i don't buy it for a single moment what have you done who are you and what have you done with the map creator why does this seem fairly straightforward and what is what is happening no this isn't okay no this is like this is like straight forward this is like straightforward parkour what are you doing what do you what what's this what what is this i don't know about this i don't know if i believe this this is this is too good to be true uh-uh i don't i don't uh-uh no you guys got to tell me what's wrong how have we how have we just yo what what's how we just hit checkpoints for days oh god okay this is just pain this is just pain speedrun pain parkour okay uh what's the wait i could have just run up here regardless so what's the next thing uh oh i gotta get up there i see okay and then no overhead block no overhead block please oh my goodness whatever you do to me right now what is what i might do no this is not enough to get up there what am i am i go over here wait a minute what what do you want me to do oh i have to jump to okay all right we have a few moments of spawn and vulnerability uh okay uh you see what happened there is that the uh cactus gave me a little damage jump boost and it was like peace out mother trucker see you later and i was like i wish you wouldn't do that i did did the freaking damage jump again mitsuki nakamura thank you for the 10 months of savage much appreciated this just i can't maybe just jump straight across because i can't change direction uh if i change direction it's just like eats me it's like nope nope okay cool cool cool okay we're at an hour so i was supposed to finish the map by now according to the mans himself can i just skip can i just skip the cactus i can't it's it appears i cannot just skip the cactus that's very sad okay so like and there there hold on do i do i slime to there this is a terribly placed slime block for that like i have to jump from there slime and get to i don't even know what the play is okay this is being a prick that was a good one a real wagon you're funny jump to the walls of the pyramid from the ground i don't can i do wait oh my god i can do jesus i really oh my god i really can't what the frick it's all just everything is just it's either a red herring or it's genuinely difficult wait i can't get to i can't do that jump right i can't do that jump because it's what oh maybe i go around the back the way oh there's a ladder okay all right see then this is everything is totally fine hey what do you want from me with that jumper though it does not matter how freaking heck okay not going well once again that jumps annoying okay well at least we don't have to worry about the cactus leading up to it because if they did i might just um am i just creative so i like it okay cool so you know this this is just now like oh my god i basically have to what the what the frick how am i gonna oh god how am i gonna do this and then land over what the heck dog [Music] no no no no no no no i have to somehow do that from the higher up mother forking short balls i oh do i just ignore the slime is the slime just there to just freak me up the slime might genuinely be a ruse you're right is it is the slime just a ruse is it just a ruse that's a long jump though just that little that little uh spring not actually doing that jump it's just like yes yes yeah boy it's your boy oh it's your boy most definitely we back out here in the mix ready to take things to the next level you're telling me that's all i have to do is just a string of cactus jumps your boy can do this your boy can do this i had it last i had it in the last section i can do it again maybe not these are really difficult cactus jumps these are like max cactus jumps holy mother of god these are big cactus jumps but we don't need to do all of them because we can just start there there we go there we go out of the cactus and into the river probably don't even need to do half these because i can just jump up to them from the ground but it's fine we chilling we going over here oh yeah oh yeah you see a boy is your boy right here easy peasy lemon squeezy making it to the next checkpoint in the oh god he's throwing bamboo at us i don't like any of it i don't can i skip it can i just say no can i say no to bamboo i can't say no to bamboo oh that's so sad it's like you just you just you just do that you get me so close and then you're just like nah dawg maybe there's a way though maybe there's a quickie way to do this just a little quickie shortcut there's got to be there's got to be there's got to be a lot of red herring bamboos in here i don't want to get a bamboo boo from stubbing my toe on something but i feel like there's a there's a better way to do this maybe utilizing vines maybe the vines can show me the way there's got to be away with the vines the vines must be the way right or not or maybe not maybe i have to go all the way with a bamboo oh dear oh dear i think i think the man's might have just done me dirty what the f what the fork bro what the fork you want from me here what the i'm sorry but that doesn't work don't bamboozle me like this what how like what are you doing what even what even are this yeah can i just use the vines to like go all the way it's your boy i have to go around this way don't i mother of fricking god dang it man because that's not would that do anything for me i got up i wouldn't be able to go there go there that is that [Music] that get oh my god i truly do have to go there and then go there boom holy jesus this is nuts all right this is no this is officially nuts oh my god i hate you i think the other tree has a way i don't think the other tree has a way though um like if i could i don't think that the other tree has vines that can get like i'm blocked by that one right i'm i there's no vines here so like i can't go anywhere there i can't obviously do that because it's blocked what the what the heck do you want me to do i think i just have to i think i have to go all this is just crazy i think it's just as crazy as as it be when do i have to order my food by must order uh by 10 p.m okay got a bit of time quite a bit of time but yeah this do be diabolical you know what's great though uh i've got boxing in the morning so i will be able to take out all my frustration and anger on the padded gloves that'll be great kazzakar is very happy because casakar loves boxing casakar is actually uh floyd mayweather just in disguise what's up come on man i gave away the secret i'm sorry okay and then we we get up wait how do oh god where am i going i've just lost track where am i getting to again wait am i going to am i going to there oh there i have forgot to where i might go through i think it was around this way and then wait where do i get to and then oh i guess i just follow this boy around okay we just follow it around i guess i think yeah okay we just do that let me just do that didn't even need to involve the vines i suppose nah nah this this one this one i think is this one might be getting the uh self checkpoint creative mode treatment because i ain't about this life i ain't about this life at all right now jesus no you're not giving me a just limitless set of bamboo jumps without any checkpoints in between that's just not this is not the deal this is not the deal you have bamboozled me for the last time mister this map will take you one hour jesus christ i can't i can't believe that you've done this i cannot believe that you've done what you have done here you have done a bamboo strafe and it's backside he's done a backside bamboo strip jump nah nah nope that's it that's that's it that's it i i'm i'm done i'm done nope nope nope we don't do this we don't do this we don't do backside bamboo strafe jumps after already doing a ba nope nope nope nope and then we overshoot this just look at how many tries this is taking and just think if i also had to get here for each of those tries think about that just think about that okay think about how miserable that was gonna be oh my god well yeah this okay and he gets it and then just think about uh when i probably don't make it to the end on this how bad it would be that we'd have to do it again because this is going to be there we go okay uh yeah that was totally legit totally legit that was absolutely completely legitimate and there is no no one who can tell me otherwise all right uh so somehow i have to get onto there jump to that uh do i utilize the vines on the tree at all for this um hmm wait do i like i can't vine onto there wait what do i do it must be that i have to get on top of that tree but how do i do this i think i have to get on the trees i think that's the way yeah yeah yeah that's what i have to do gotta use this bamboo to get on the first tree and then yeah keep doing it on the trees wait but then what the the heck i can't that's not a jump that i can do i don't think this is a five that's a five block jump what i don't think this is doable i don't think that's doable oh my god this this map was a mistake i can't believe i've done this why did i do this god i don't think it's the walls i mean oh my god five block jumps are possible btw yes with a very specific circumstance of run-up to it and i still even with that haven't been able to do it so i bro i don't even know what to do here i'm baffled i'm baffled as to how someone decided to create this i don't understand what have you done why did you do this why did you make this why did you make this thing just use the bamboo pole vault up there that's a great idea i don't know why they haven't added that feature in ridiculous quite frankly last tree go around the vines it doesn't lead me anywhere though that does not help at all it doesn't do anything this is just like sure i can i can get up here but i i can't actually access anything um i can't get on to that from here there's some leaves out there but i don't think they have anything to do with anything man all i wanted to be able to do was hold a conversation just like talk casually answer questions discuss random things but instead this is the most like intensive focused parkour map that's ever been created and i still don't even know what to do you can definitely jump from that bamboo to the two-tailed bush the problem is getting up on top of that bamboo and the other problem is this jump just can't be it's like a six block it's like an over six down one i don't think you can do that either flamey votes for another just chatting stream i'm getting ready to throw in the towel on this one man it's insane and maybe maybe what i do is i'll just like when it comes to the ridiculous stages like this where you can't even figure out what it wants from you i just creative and pass because i maybe if i knew what it wanted but i don't even know what it wants what do you want i don't know where you want me to go i get up on that tree and then from there i don't know oh my god i don't even care anymore next stage thank goodness i didn't try this as a main channel video oh my god i never would just never would have made the cut it would have been abandoned would have been abandoned long before i got to this point i appreciate all the support oh look at that next checkpoint you guys are showing me so much support at my cheating through the map and i appreciate it i've ran out of forks to give on this one man i really have okay let's uh do this again yeah yeah boy yeah boy i see occasionally though he's like i'll give you a little i'll give you a little freebie here sure thing oh hey wow look at strip stone and stuff see some of this stuff is actually 1.17 which is pretty cool but anyway a lot of it is uh overshadowed by the the pain and suffering that we're experiencing if only we had some painidor in 1.17 i feel like that would be really really nice i also feel like some of this i probably don't actually need to be jumping on because i might be able to just shortcut a little bit here okay so that's the next one so anything i can shortcut can i can i do this can i do can i jump onto there and then get on there i might be able to i might be able to yeah work smart not hard sometimes you can work smart not hard in these heck oh look at this we're inside an amethyst geo that's what you love to see uh we got pars thank you for the 11 months almost a year thanks for making me laugh waiting for that mcc win good luck with that good luck with that last time i nearly broke the third place curse we got d-rank to sixth place ah that's what happens dude you think you think you're gonna you think you're gonna break the curse then they're like no no no no no that'll be um oh you can't land it's 1.17 and you can't actually land on that okay no no no no you you flew too close to the sun icarus it's time to go back to sixth place back below where you belong uh holy night thank you for 49 months of savage that is a whole lot of months of savage very awesome hospital bill with two months of submage and uh random with five months much appreciated can we do this can we make that jump make that jump and save ourselves a little bit of time that'd be pretty cool not that i can't i think there's a small hitbox on these it's causing me to really screw up when jumping [Music] um here we go oh yeah we can do that wait wait wait wait wait can we hold up that's not gonna work it's gotta be a shortcut i can do here there's got to be i know there is somehow somewhere no is it you it's not you do i have to actually start at the beginning here tell me i don't please tell me i don't i might actually have to oh you bring me so much sadness so much sadness why have you done this to me i do have to actually god they they have a small the crystals have a small hitbox and it's very troublesome but where like what do you want me to i can't make that jump so there has to be another way to do it that's not doable so then where do i start um [Music] captain cindy pants thank you for 200 bits also much appreciated i don't think f3 plus b gives hit boxes like that wait can i jump up there using the extra hitbox now you can't hmm no that doesn't work oh it's your boy it's it's most definitely your boy okay wait can i no i think i have to jump off this one okay oh oh oh that was close to almost being catastrophic but we did it we made it we made it we made it okay okay okay wait wait wait wait you go here we go back there let me just follow the walls i probably don't even need to be jumping on these now you just you do me so dirty okay the thing that's just so painful is i don't know when it matters and when it doesn't matter for me to actually be jumping on like the earlier parts in a mother of frick in a stage because sometimes i can just skip through you know sometimes i can just be like wait a minute wait can i really oh my god is it and that is what i just don't understand about this map i just don't understand kevin city pants thank you for gifting five subs much appreciated that's pretty cool sometimes it makes it obviously easy sometimes it makes it look like there's a lot more to it and then you just don't need to worry about any of it and you can skip it other times it makes it sort of difficult-ish and you have to do it that way but it's obvious other times it makes it difficult-ish but you just don't know where you need to go and other times it just makes it diabolical period and that's the only way to beat it i have never seen such an unpredictable range that you can experience in one thing before and i i just wasn't prepared for it i was not prepared i can't i thought that was like okay and like why am i doing this why don't i just go to the end first we see where the next checkpoint is and then from there we decide what it is that we need to actually bother with right rights rights in this case it seems like i actually need to bother with quite a bit of it why are you doing this i'm about to order some food though mate i i desire tasty food more so that i'm currently desiring pain i hope you do not blame me please make it okay wait what are we oh a little bit of a technical little lather stall wait what oh it's a jump around who ladders oh my god can he do this you can do this yeah boy do truly be out here okay it do be time to just order food i'm ordering it i'm i'm just doing i'm just doing bro i'm just doing this thing is taking it out of me bro oh you know you're gonna help me re-energize by making sure that you're following the stream here at slash captainsparklez whoo boy i hope that everybody on youtube isn't just disliking the heck out of the video because i use creative mode i'm sorry man there were just some things on here that just were not doable bro my my tiny p brain hands can only do so much when it comes to managing super technical parkour i thought i was a god but it turns out i was but a mere mortal hey we've made it to the end i'm sure this is the end look at that hey candles dude that's dope oh that's super dope kasikara has forwarded me a video of yoga stretches that chat has apparently said that i need so i guarantee you that i can't do any of them um kingston thank you for the two bits you've got 36 minutes to order food it's been done merciful tarantula thank you for the two bits map definitely has some sort of multiple personality disorder going on yeah yeah it does yeah it does i'm with you on that one yeah see and then you eat here and you're like okay that's pretty easy peasy and then you get another one it's like what what what what are you doing i have just become very hungry now to there and then a little overhead not too overhead no wait a minute it's just it's just simple like is it just a simple boy like i can just that's all i needed to do so you don't even need to worry about going up higher it's just like oh there you go it really did it really did do a bit of a reverse difficulty situation and i'm like what are you why do you like this what did i do to deserve this i don't know there we go oh there we go oh there we go i bet i don't even need to do any of this why am i even doing this when i probably just skip it all and go to the end and then just do a two block jump in order to get to the next checkpoint i don't even know why i bother why am i doing any of it why wait a minute no seriously i don't think i needed to do any of what i just did but i just gave myself an exercise in like i don't know unnecessary parkour that i didn't have to do at all no i didn't have to do any of that i didn't have to do any of that none of that had to be done none of it at all nothing none of it none of it none of it none of it it's not that's a place in canada none of it and i am having none of it oh my god uh jetterbug thank you for the sub much appreciated and a voopsie thank you for eight months work smart not hard yep that's that's the moral of this map that's for darn sure there we go all right we're into the end cities now and our boy has given us overhead block jumps i refuse to believe that they're necessary but it's kind of looking like they might be and i don't like that they might actually be necessary is it actually pronounced none of it or is it i feel like if i ever want to be accepted into canada the only way that i might be able to make it in if i don't have a college degree is if i can properly pronounce none of it then maybe they'll cut me some slack yeah i mean a shoot that was close wait what is it how do i say it how do i say it god dang it you can't say it's pronounced the way it's spelled give me the phonetics the majority of canadians don't know how to say it anyways is that right are there any canadians who pronounce it as none of it i mean really the pronunciation is what you make it oh my god you've done this okay oh the man has still got it the man says still got it i bet i didn't even need to do that oh my god you're doing it to me again wait god dang it ah it's an overhead block bogus frick okay we're good it's yeah boy with the shulky jumps add that to mcc surprise people even though parkour doesn't exist anymore but candles i need you to have a hitbox that lets me just jump up right here oh my god i hate it why would you do me like this why would you just oh my god just fork my shorts up man um blue knight with a sub and landon gooch with a sub much appreciated oh frick i forgot about the god damn it this is truly pain i hate it so very much okay and okay all right we're gucci i'm having nunavut right now are there any big cities in in none of it it's pretty up there right it's pretty it's pretty out there in the middle of its very cold land so probably not right um we go up there again probably don't need to be i'm not even doing these jumps let me just see what we have to do see where the next checkpoint is it is over there uh i quality is i quality content are you saying we we're sponsored by the capital of none of it i quality content that's heck yeah dude love it i love it [Laughter] e-colit i think i quality content is way better dude [Laughter] i mean i call it i quality content personally okay so do i really have to do all those jumps bro [Laughter] how like i don't think i need to do all this i think there's a better way to work smart but maybe not did i call it none of it people on youtube are just really confused right now not seeing what's going on in chat because this is highly based on spelling it's like what is he talking about man just yet have this is why you'll watch live at captainsparklez so that you can see chat spell things and then you get it and then you understand um okay there we go and then why do i hear loud rumbling mysterious creepy loud rumbling going on outside i've offended the i've offended the canadian none of it gods with my quality content uh nope that's not it try to pronounce saskatchewan i don't know i probably didn't say it completely right but there we go oh it's your boy okay come on and yes get that it's your boy i got it yeah dude okay i mean basically i'm an honorary citizen of canada being able to pronounce the name of its provinces properly come on let me live in vancouver i compliment your cities vancouver very nice city toronto a little bit cold tbh but you know that's about what it's like to live in a place that snows in the winter so it's chill quite literally chilly very chill okay stop falling you fool when you toronto a little bit cold lmao is so what you mean is toronto is a lot a bit cold is that what you're saying because it's pretty it was chilly it was a cold cold boy i was under equipped to handle the uh coldness i just had like a trench coat and kind of some you know long johns and i was like i cold right now i i unpleasant and um i was just trying to walk and like go to a starbucks in the morning and it was like yeah well you shall not pass without dealing with extremely cold weather i was like this is unpleasant to deal with to just walk out to get a cup of sugar with coffee in it okay let's just let's just make some jumps here you absolute loser oh man alex west thank you for subbing and captain cindy pants thank you for six months have a year it's crazy anyway do you advice for an amateur streamer who only has access to ps4 ah play games on ps4 i suppose you'll need something to capture actually no you can do like direct streams from playstation can't you i've never done it but um i think capture cards are reasonably priced these days they're pretty good quality so you just need one of those and then uh make sure your god dang it make sure you got decent sound and then you gucci dude it's about that's about it all right all right wait a minute um cat jay thank you for the three months of summage and um abyssal light with 400 bits love watching your streams listening to your conversations with chat wanting to get in on the conversation my friends think i'm weird for sleeping unhindered by constructive clothing what is your opinion weird for sleeping unhindered unhindered by constructive clothing what does that mean you mean like you sleep with clothes on because we've actually had this conversation here before um and i sleep necky because that's the only way to sleep uh i understand that a lot of people sleep with wait does so abyssality are you saying that you do you sleep with clothes or without clothes i just need i feel like there's an easy way to phrase that and i just don't know i don't know what it was uh echo sniper thank you for the stop much appreciated man let me just investigate what our next thing is and do i have to do any of the jumps at all in it um [Music] uh do i have to do any of it can i can i do a little skip-a-roo here maybe i can't do a little skipper which makes me very sad um wait no he can't not do that i'm looking for a reply from abyssal light i'm not not seeing it well anyway the way i read it is that you are unhindered by wearing clothing when you sleep which means you do wear clothing when you sleep and my response to that is why don't you try sleeping necky because it's better oh they say oh abyssal light sleeps necky and your friends think you're weird for that bro your friends obviously are like the people who think sushi is gross when they haven't tried it they just haven't tried sleeping nike before and they once they do they'll be like oh you know what you're right that that this is the way and i didn't realize so jeans jeans greater than a who the who what kind of bizarre person would sleep in jeans oh my god oh my god you're actually a monster i refuse to believe that you have sensation if you i've never heard of somebody sleeping in jeans and it should be punished as a crime it's not okay dude that's like super not okay you cannot do that how could like unless you were on an airplane why are you sleeping in jeans or in a car etc traveling today i learned that people exist in the world who sleep in jeans what what unless you're trolling you have to be trolling i can't there's no way i refuse to believe that you are not trolling are you sleeping in planes with jeans so i'm used to it jeans are comfy bruh you what you what like you just trying to picture the process here like you're in whatever you're wearing and you're like okay it's bedtime time to change into my jeans just so we're clear this isn't like i am about to pass out uh and i i'm wearing jeans right now so i'm just gonna lay down on the couch in my jeans this is i'm about to go into bed and i'm deliberately going to change into jeans to go to sleep because if that's what it is you need help you need to you need to see somebody i don't i don't know but oh my god why do people keep saying skinny jeans i don't understand why do you keep saying skinny jeans in chat like it's not it's not no you can't why that's even that's that's just on another level of worse i find dress pants comfortable in bed you guys are just trolling at this point you have to be if you're not they're just a distinct subset of this group that have issues goes triple nine thank you for the nine months of savage lemons thank you for the 10 months like are you are you trying to punish yourselves is that what it is are you like are you like me where you decided that that three days of power outage and and the day of being knocked out by a vaccine was not enough so you had to play this parkour map is that what like is that what you guys are like you just need to punish yourself and so therefore you don't allow yourselves to experience comfort when you sleep do you sleep in jeans yes comes with a band says 18 people oh god deserved honestly deserved uh can i just skip this whole part because that'd be great there's a lot of jumps here i'd rather not um i feel like uh i feel like i can skip this right right no maybe not that's unfortunate because there's a lot of jumps here that i'd prefer to just skip um okay i just there's just no there's no feasible way that somebody who has experienced sleeping naked before would be like this just isn't for me there's just no there's no way there's no way unless i maybe you live in an igloo and it's just very cold all the time permanently and then you're like you know that's bad but but i just no okay we made it i was that was easy peasy lemon squeezy um but but the thing is if you have blankets why would you like okay what i will say is on certain cold nights when it's in you know that when it's in the four the high 30s low 40s fahrenheit here there's an initial shock when you dip under the blankets and you're like oh that's a little cold right there's a little bit of an initial shock but that's because i don't run the heat in my house so for those of you who live in a frigid environment where you likely have heat i don't think many of you live in igloos right oh wait is there another checkpoint there's another checkpoint here okay i think many of you actually live in igloos with no heat like so you probably you probably have heat running if you're in super cold places i would assume and so therefore uh your your interior might even be warmer because i just refuse to why would i pay extra on my gas bill if i live in a place where i can just i never i can just put a sweater on or something like that but then i always go nike before i enter the covers i deal with that little bit of a frigid plunge when i get under them for the first time but then within 30 seconds they're all nice and warmed up and then i am unrestricted by the bonds of conventional society and i can be in my own personal nudist colony within my house okay are we really strafe jumping on fences here blankets fall off what kind of kung fu fighting are you guys doing when you're sleeping my god jesus you guys pretending to have been like a fish that's caught and and out of water like bro i've never had this problem ever in my life yeah sure after like if maybe the sheets have been there for like a couple weeks and i haven't changed them then yeah i suppose there's a chance that we might run into like okay they're starting to shift a little bit then you just reset them you re-center the sheets and you're good for another couple of weeks you know my god you guys are like you guys are trying to be the avengers in your dreams or something oh no oh not like this no no no no no oh god dang it i like that they gave you one little chance to do strafes if you fell off there and didn't make that jump but then it was like nah dawg um that's mean super mean why would you be like this are we going to the aether now we're going into the aether yeah or you could just get like one of those weighted blanket things i've never had one but people say they like them yeah you guys are i mean i don't know what you're doing to have the covers falling off you all the time but that's just a that's a it's an interesting issue that's all i'm saying okay yes there we go there we go that's more like it that's more like it oh dear okay here we go mother of god damn it there's an over three up one and i really didn't want to risk it but and i wanted to momentum jump it and it all backfired horribly in my face like i don't know maybe you guys just your dreams are like this doing this parkour map in which case i suppose i understand the violent tossing and turning and i'm so sorry that you have those dreams uh lemon tazz thank you for the 10 months savage and aggressive pair with the two other bits what kind of wireless connections do ship captains use peer-to-peer spelled p-i-e-r just conveying that for the youtube crowd if you're still here you haven't abandoned me and rage quit because i happened to do a cheat ski doodle there we go and there he goes into the aether oh my god we truly do be out here though all right where am i going what the frick what the do you want me to do here what i just like go through the portal and then magically it lets me go to where i need to know uh what what hmm seriously try sleeping naked most of you will probably thank me like you there's a good chance that you've just been you've been driven into this society conventional thinking where it's like you have to wear pajamas or jeans for you freaks and then when you finally release yourself from the bonds and the chains of society wait is there a ladder where's the ladder oh there's ladders on there they kind of blended in an idiot great great meanwhile i'm talking about naked and everyone's like ladders you idiots seriously release yourself from the confines of society and be free ah god dang it please for the love of god why are you doing this to me okay sure if you're at somebody else's house doing a sleepover yes obviously you take this on a case-by-case basis i am saying when it's you in your home in your room try it i didn't mean it's it's not gonna be black or white all or nothing why must you interpret everything i say is all or nothing black and white it is not like this okay anywho um did i say cat squatch thank you for the five sub giftaroos much appreciated very generous and cisco plays games thank you very three months i have been subbed for three months and tomorrow will be four thanks for the amazing content thank you much that is very very sick appreciated okay there we go got that boys got that boys here we go and now that's really annoying at least we get to go back here there we go okay all right okay this is very frustrating unless wait wait oh no i have to keep going shoot yes there is a man's in chat who said that they sleep with their boots on which is interesting i suppose if you're on an airplane that's about the only acceptable scenario and that uh which that would be reasonable to do banned casakara uh shelling out the uh ban hammers for these okay can we just make these jumps nice and good pretty please thank you so very much god i'm hoping there's a way back up here without fully resetting okay cool cool tell me that i am at the tail end of this oh are we about to move into another section are we out of the aether and into something else enzo magnus thank you for the 200 bits you ever tried sleeping in a racing suit before it's actually not too bad also would you say we drink or eat sauce say we well it depends are you putting it on food if you're putting it on food you're eating the sauce if you're just drinking it then i well you're drinking it i guess it would mean two different things you're like i'm gonna drink the sauce then i think people would interpret it as you're gonna drink the sauce so yeah wait oh can i not do i can't do that can't i that's very disappointing how do i get up here are there missing ladders somewhere and also uh sleeping in a race suit that's gonna get a no from me i don't know why you would do such a thing oh wait is this isn't it wait is it maybe it's not what hmm what the heck even if i tried even if i got up on the glass that wouldn't get me onto the this is a one and a half block jump oh wait is this oh oh it's over here i see no i don't really see actually no i don't i don't really see um what the what am i oh oh i jumped to there oh god this is a tricky dick this bit of a tricky dick isn't it okay now we're making some progress perfect oh no no no not like this oh my god boy oh boy no boy okay okay we have a this is like the salmon ladder where you get an opportunity at redemption you get an opportunity redemption there we go there we go okay oh thank goodness priest 48 thank you for the seven months i need to like i need to like lift the beanie up over my ears starting to apply some pressure to my middle of my ear it was like the cups over the beanie okay rip where's my food by the way it's gotta be kind of coming soon right my man's uh do be picking up the food right now good is that a jump that i that seems like it should be a doable joke why not do that jump oh my voice sounds so different when i have the full cups over my ears versus it being kind of like half in half out when it was like over the beanie nick law thank you for the sub much appreciated oh you know what another question uh barefoot or socks when you're walking around the house or shoes awful i don't know why you do that to yourself why am i bothering to do that when i can just probably go over here and avoid pretty much all of it hold on i can just jump up here wait a minute barefoot both uh barefoot socks slippers socks barefoot i was actually part of sock gang recently for quite a while and i didn't i didn't like it at all the only reason was because i had that construction project replacing the windows and it caused the floor to be like really really dirty for a while and then i got used to wearing socks so my feet didn't just get disgusting before i hopped into bed and now thank goodness i'm back to barefoot gang because barefoot gang is where it's at and i'm i'm happy to see that this pole is reflecting barefoot gang in the majority heck yeah barefoot gang we out here dude this is where it's at i get up there how do i get how the freak do i get up do i do this no i can't that's definitely not a possible jump yeah honestly i've had a couple wipeouts because my floors are all tile and if i'm like trying to run up the stairs in a hurry to go and uh grab like a delivery or something ah i could wipe out pretty badly is that doable just seems like it wants me to do it but i i don't know if i can the heck man i just don't know if i have to like get it perfectly perfectly angled i'm not really seeing another way to do it how do you want me to do this um this man is throwing max jumps at us that i didn't even know were possible and i still have yet to find out if it's actually possible it looks like it's possible but i don't know socks why are you getting how have you gotten into talking about crocs how do we go from barefoot versus socks to eyewear crocs man just because it rhymes because crocs are amazing oh my god i did it that is actually a possible jump wow that's tricky okay oh my god dude block overhead okay okay hey gold it's just now okay i said al because i hit my head on the thing his way okay all right oh my god dude oh my god bro okay oh that's a four block review there jesus you are out of your mind throwing these at me jesus christ i was gonna have to redo that whole thing i just don't have i expressed my displeasure with this map at all have i ever done that i don't remember if i've done that so i'm gonna know this this thing is it's too much let's see how love or no likey crocks no likey crocs is up crocs if you ever felt like sponsoring me don't don't let this pole discourage you um i've never worn crocs maybe you'd be able to win over a new customer and in turn win over other new customers if i say hey you know what guys that's the most authentic testimonial you can have is saying i didn't think these were good but then i tried them and it turns out they were great you know that's like the most authentic testimonial for sushi is i didn't think i'd like it but then i tried it and it was great you know okay pray the love of god four block jump why do you just throw a god dang mother forking four block jump in as the second to last and you throw another max jump in as the last like it's just mental food will be here in 11 minutes it is very exciting oh flamey swift art i did not know you do those um flamie did a little uh undertale fan art pretty swick i'm sure we'll see it on the subreddit tomorrow susan thank you for 300 bits much appreciated oh please thank you thank you thank you i really really need to get this to oh my god i hate everything what the how the i didn't even jump i didn't even jump 11 minutes until food gets here will he be able to beat this stage before then that's the question god dang this kazzakar thank you for the two bits speaking forks i asked for forking shorts um summer two years ago when will we see it uh maybe sometime sorry don't know i'm sorry i'll we'll see i've been consumed with that quality content 2.0 and thus have not been able to make forking shorts but we won't rule it out completely i'm so sorry i kazakhara wish i could momentum but i can't because it'd be coming off at a weird angle thank goodness okay please please i could just do this your boy oh thank goodness milk daddy with the 200 bits qc crocs you know for some reason i don't think we're gonna get the uh licensing unless quality content becomes an absolute powerhouse of a brand so hey if you guys want to see quality content crocs then make sure that you buy from the quality content newest drop when it comes out at tbd dates all right and then maybe if the brand becomes big enough we'll be able to score that gucci licensing deal with crocs or gucci those are on very different ends of the spectrum but hey you never know also i don't know why i'm running across the trees when i probably don't have to but here we are anyway oh maybe it was the way maybe the trees was the way okay let's follow this see where it leads hey look it's copper that's pretty cool you'll never catch me copper all right can we shortcut this somehow that's what i want to know hey by the way how high up are we we're 402. you know what we're actually getting kind of close here i'm impressed by me but i'm sure it's going to keep getting harder to be fair it the map kind of reversed difficulty just a little bit um wait where do we go from here probably just i always just do a little bit of that mm-hmm making some quicker progress now oh my god you idiot what are you doing why are you failing like this i might be getting into it's late and i want food mode there's a chance oh my god no i'm definitely getting into it's late and i want food mode bluestone thank you for one year uh well it's been a year what a year it's been gotta thank uh you all again especially you kevin for making this community the awesome place it is glad you've been part of it for this long love you all thank you much appreciate bluestone good oh thank god good to have you bro um i hope you sleep naked and um barefoot inside sensing a theme here which is the less clothing the better okay there we go reefreak goddess thank you very much for the uh five sub gifteroos much appreciated it's just you know it just it's more comfy that way all right that's just what i'm saying it's just more it just do be more comfortable that way bro don't judge i feel like you're judging and there's no reason to because once you learn the way you'll be like how did i ever do it any other way you know i probably didn't need to do all those jumps anyway huh yep i could just go up here and then go up there and easy peasy lemon squeezy it but instead i did everything leading up bro we're totally making it into like the last sections here what's gonna happen is like it's totally gonna be really quick and then part two of this is gonna be like a ten minute video maybe i should just hold off and then oh god not again edit it together oh boy in the interest of just making it one video because we are definitely going we are zoom zooming in here man ow that hurt but we are actually really close we have five minutes left to finish the whole thing we still have another 100 blocks to go though ow why would you do this is there a way to skip is there a skip here that i can do oh god i don't think there's a skip here oh yeah we're still a little we're still a little ways away there we're still a little ways away boys uh milk daddy thank you for the future bits i hope both thighs are what what does this mean what does this mean i don't know what that message means and i'm scared that's a that's a scary message coming from milk daddy uh so anyway anyway the food's gonna food's gonna be here in a in a moment ah it's close i think it's time that we wind things down and maybe i'll just uh i'll just tomorrow we'll start by finishing this or something like that and um and then everything will be great shouldn't hopefully take too much longer but yeah i'm glad the map kind of reversed difficulty and we only needed to uh creative a couple times at our lowest points well yeah no that was uh that was man i'm glad that the difficulty of the first nether stage did not continue throughout the rest of the map or second nether stage i should say because that would have been quite mean either that or just gotten like really good i like to think i've just gotten really good that's probably it right so okay uh very cool we now uh resume we must resume the parkour it do be happening uh i don't even need to intro that frick god dang it i didn't enable my sprint just walked off the edge unbelievable anyway rippy-dippy okay perfection perfection yeah so basically since we last left off i went to sleep and it's the next day even though for you on well captain sparkles 2 at least it's just well it's nothing's really happening it's just a cut you're like whoa a cut in the second channel and then you're like you know actually there's been a lot of cuts and videos recently because for some reason i've just been getting bamboozled lately with my recordings and having to restart them and do all this crap when in the past i'd just be able to do a frick all is one straight well i guess you get pauses and unpauses when you're yeah so you know what pause and done pauses kind of look like cuts to be fair so it all it all do be the same at the end of the day okay oh my god what am i doing mia thank you for the two hundo bits i work the night after the vaccine so r.i.p but yeah glad to see my favorite streamer youtuber doing the right thing got the vaccine proud of you mate uh it well hey man i just want to i just want to be able to go and eat food at restaurants i am so excited for my very first booked reservation dine-in meal in a year which is happening in three weeks it's very exciting it's gonna be the very best oh come on i hate this so much oh hey h bum you ready to do some dine in meals oh my god it's gonna be amazing bro one of these days we'll have to dine in again at boa like we did that one time ages ago before the world turned to short with the crown okay there we go god dang it what am i doing right now this is awful i'm never gonna beat this stage ever in a million years am i okay at least i'm getting that jump decently but this is ridiculous all right come on come on okay so is this the same jump as in the last section that was like ridiculously that's the same jump as in the last section that took me absolutely ages to get except i have to do all this parkour that leads up to it every time before i even get a chance at it this is really not chill he puts a one in like 20 jump after i already have to do something that takes like freaking multiple tries to get there so the end of the day it takes a 1 and 20 jump and makes it like a 1 in 200 if it takes me 10 tries to even get to the 1 in 20 jump every single time unbelievable rjv thank you for the two bits for the person who's gonna get the 2019 ford fusion make sure the dealership charges the battery before you leave the lot because sometimes they forget to charge it and the car could go out on you at any moment i had that happen to me this week and when i got my 2020 fusion sorry cap if i said this in chat not sure if it would have been seen just trying to help others out wow dude we're getting the uh we're getting the serious car advice back and frick fourth here this is very very kind of you to do that's nice helpful advice uh yes hopefully they put the thing on uh battery tender or something trickle charge so that it doesn't unlive that would be disappointing to have happen yeah dude we out here car community giving tips most helpful community on the internet right here bro i just i can't do that one okay oh my god i i do think actually this this jump is the same this is the same jump and then do they do another one this is actually the same jump as oh my god and then they do another oh my god wait this is like a really mean little section of like max jumps here oh my god okay oh my god got it oh my god oh my god he says on numerous occasions aeroj thank you for the two undo bits any jerry lovers in the chat bro all of us hundred percent dude we we all be here okay please don't fork this shorts up with a block overhead oh boy okay i think i gotta jump off there and then okay oh he makes it he makes it all right we have uh just like 80 more blocks to go on this boy we're crushing dude rowan lightsaid thank you for the eight months of summage much appreciated bro we popping off out here and then uh emily m thank you for the five sub gift that is also very generous wait am i do i need to do this i know no i'm an idiot are these both like the same distance to the thing can i just let me see if i need to even do that there might be a better way might be extraneous okay wait do i have to actually follow the trees all the way out hold on this is a lot of wait what i don't think you have to do any of those i don't think you would do any of that in a minute there's definitely an easier way to do this 100 there's got to be an easier way right for sure is maybe there's not i don't know maybe there isn't an easier way i would have thought there maybe not oh my god this is a long section bro this is a heck of a long section okay we're continuing car talk for just a second here ladies and gentlemen uh with steamed arrow and the uh 200 bits company i work for gives 34 cents a mile my current vehicle does 11 miles per gallon gas 250 gallon or 250 gallon oh my god bro we get like like four dollars four dollars and fifty cents a gallon over here bro uh hybrid is 43 mpg cities the gas reimbursement will cover way more else the company pays you only pays is only 435 an hour when we drive for the deliveries they don't cover any other expenses what how are they how are they allowed to pay only 4.35 cents an hour that's it's like half of minimum wage ah that doesn't seem legit is it one of those situations where it's like uh if if you're a waiter and they're like hey you get we pay you two dollars an hour but you get the tips the tips make up for not paying minimum wage so they just let the tip subsidize the the minimum wage and it's like oh that seems legit uh-huh cool okay there we go now we made that all right now we made that dude okay gucci we gucci um man i don't know i i don't like that i don't like that that's a thing like on one hand i realized that probably the the reason why certain things are priced the way they are is because that is how things operate but it just like it feels like such a feels like such a like skeezy business to to be like yeah so we at god damn it we actually pay you less the minimum wage but you know the tips actually become your your wage so you know it's uh it's good um so yeah anyway criminal musician thank you for 13 months can't believe it's over here um i always look forward to the streams to brighten up my day keeping the amazing work cap you mean a lot to everyone in the community that is nice of you to say i try to continue you know okay all right i just like i don't know do this extremely lengthy section please man oh man if you missed the first part of this map yesterday my boy who made this map he has a no chill he had no god damn stupid vine he has no chill about anything he has he has made this an absolutely diabolical task undertaking of depression oh man emily i'm thank you for the two bits i have returned after being paid congratulations on being paid being paid is very nice all right all right and um let's see steamed arrow thank you for the twitter bits uh they count tips towards minimum wage but 23 of my deliveries so far were no tippers but that's not that's not chill i always wonder like because i especially because i live in a like kind of an inconvenient spot for delivery drivers to get to like i always i tip 20 to 25 every time um but uh spot raid thank you i don't it's like not showing the notification so sorry if i didn't catch it earlier but much appreciates and um yeah so i always took like 20 to 25 um but i always wonder like are there are there a lot of people who just don't do it wait can i i think i can make this jump can i make this jump is that a doable one oh boy thank goodness oh thank goodness he loves to throw max jumps at us just loves it dude yeah because i i don't know what the delivery drivers make usually on like a on a delivery basis um like as as the app contractor is not working for a specific restaurant um but yeah i'm like i figure it's probably mostly coming from the tip so try to at least help with that and i'll do more like if it's a like if it's a because the thing is oh god please it's the same amount of work whether it's a big order or a small order so usually the the smaller the order like the higher percentage i tip really it seems like it should just be kind of a flat rate system based upon how far they're driving because like it's a bigger order that costs more like say you're ordering for multiple people it's still like a bag but it could be really cheap it's still a bag so it seems very strange that like they're still doing the exact same amount of work in the exact same amount of distance and 30 tip could be like three dollars or a ten percent tip could be like twenty dollars if you're ordering a lot of food for a lot of people so i usually i kind of scale the tip according accordingly like it was a small order i'll tip away way higher percentage um so ye uh are we strafe jumping this boy here i think we might be due oh yeah boy do wait oh no no no no don't tell me don't tell me i haven't even looked ahead like i might actually not have to do this at all we just go forward okay so we got that there yeah i didn't even have to do that because that was there cool all right and we continue okay we might actually have to do a little stray for eddie it's your boy fail in the strafes what a loser um arrow jay thank you for the twitter bits i'm sure you get tons of these messages but i've been watching since days of tnt and all that you inspired me so much thanks super chief uh no problemo thank you for watching for a very long time i very much appreciate it he's very cool bella sensei thank you for the 11 months another month my card is 30 miles per gallon average has that fun estimator that claims i hit 99 on downhills inside 99 because that's just where it maxes out yeah my mom's prius um that would just be like oh my mom was all about trying to make sure she got the best mileage possible oh dude it's so funny to look back on um she's like if she had ever got below uh uh on her prius like uh god dang it a combined total overall on a tank of like under 50 miles per gallon she'd be like this is not working i need to something's wrong i gotta like take it in or something like that have them check it out change my driving habits or something like this is this is unacceptable the fact that i got under 50 miles per gallon i don't know if she's still like that about it i was like dude it's not that big of a deal um anyway my mother and i very opposite when it comes to cars she couldn't care less and is like very much not a proponent of spending too much money on cars and um meanwhile i ate my vice so he okay let's see um god dang it wait how do i get back up here wait a minute wait what hold up don't tell me i have to go back down because that would not be cool wait wait whoa whoa whoa whoa wait wait wait wait wait wait i do i have to go back down i have to go back down this two block you're telling me this was not a checkpoint are you kidding me are you kidding me bro mermaid crystals thank you for the 21 months of summage what that's not cool that's not that's not cool at all okay so i have to make it all the way with no fails from all the way down here that's great because i cannot can't get it nope can't get back up um cool that's cool that's super duper bro oh my god what are you doing all right we got a zoom and i can't believe that like part of this is doing a strafe jump like crazy crazy you crazy map it's like it's so far that you the least you could do is not put maximum jump distances but you do it anyway oh my goodness oh my what the frick how did you fall i don't even know what just happened there the game just booted me off there's some invisible force field oh i hate it i hate everything here we go at least i am big boy who can do big boy strafe jumps if it weren't for that i would be in big trouble okay see though this four block jump okay and i have to make these otherwise trouble okay maybe i jump can i jump from up here okay we got this oh my god you just throw a four block jump with like a block overhead okay thank goodness jesus man how many four block jumps and over three up ones are we about to have in between sections here this i i guarantee you like almost every jump here is gonna be over three up ones and four blockers it is it's gonna be that way it really is got it and we got okay thank goodness checkpoint boys that's what i'm talking about we made it will only take an hour he said it will be fun he said steamed arrow with 200 bits uh yes there are a few areas that drivers try to avoid not because they are dangerous but because they don't tip at all my biggest tip was 38 and my highest hip percentage was 143 dollars but 143 tips order was about 250. i'm glad that on the 2.50 order what did they order they just decided to order a drink from the pizza place they're like yo can i get a coca-cola just interesting i guess that i guess whatever um at least they tipped okay on the coca-cola by and uh yeah okay here we go okay come on there we go boys hey's a liar thank you for nine months sub baby funnily enough my dad just got a dog recently fitting as uh i'd always said i'd opt in for sub pet over sub baby so sure i'll adopt a dog hope you have a great week that's pretty dope dude that's pretty dope i hope you have a good week too and also tyrone dragon thank you for the 10 months of submage much appreciated kasikara thank you for gifting a sub that is very nice of you to do and emily m thank you for the five sub gifteroos this reminds me of the mcc ice portion remember that portion remember that when i got the good at it by doing those sorts of uh start at the diagonal and then okay this is a four blocker it's a four blocker so you just do that and we gucci um [Music] all right buggy smile thank you for 32 months of summage that's a lot of months i really need to manage to show up more often hi though also i believe you can do this thank you with that encouragement nothing can stop me now i've got this i can't fail with the believers believing maybe i can but it's okay because we nope can't get back on that way all right i follow this all the way up i'm skeptical though i feel like some of these probably i don't need to do it i can just skip it because there's other portions that were like that oh my god what am i doing i'm an idiot okay someone took you twenty dollars on a 36 dollar meal dang that's nice um fat oh but you're in fast foods you don't get tipped normally that's pretty that's pretty nice then that's very sweet oh my god this is a tricky dick oh my god that's a real tricky dick hold on let me see how far we have to go here this uh wait was there no checkpoint once you get the lava was there no checkpoint once you get the lava what how he say you will have fun he's going to take our how he say this to me what i'm gonna have to polygraph this bro next time he ever sends me a map and be like yeah so you have the video you taking a polygraph test because um i don't believe anything you said okay this is a painful jump this thing right here the jesus christ jesus christ this is like that's a painful jump as a super painful jump oh my god uh you know this might be one of those um magical self-checkpointing sections those we've done those before now i'm just rushing because i'm annoyed um but it might be one of those magical self-checkpointing sections you know you know oh my god i think my brain is just overloaded and now i can't do anything it didn't look like there was a way to skip any of it no what the heck bro what the heck even are this nice nice only a little intimidating and these are just like max jumps all the way max jumps all the way bro heck yeah bro heck yeah um right where i fell off is a shortcut oh there is actually you're right a little itty bitty shortcut true true i just don't get what i'm supposed to do about that cool thank you you keep getting me back to the place where i can fall over and over again okay oh my lord what the heck and like once i land on it apparently i have to momentum jump over to the next one from there somehow off the bat but i can't really actually because i'm on there we go honest and then it's another over three up one jesus oh my god again and this one i can't momentum holy crap this man's insane man's insane bro oh my god it's fine it's fine because i'm gonna i'm gonna keep looking uh it's fine because uh i'm sure there's 50 other spots that i would have fallen at if there's anything i can do here there any little shortcuts that can be done here the only problem with that is that i have to keep running all the way up to get to it but maybe there's a maybe there's something i can do here maybe maybe just maybe you know maybe just maybe there's a thing that i can do is that possible that might be a doable jump okay you can do this he can do this but can he do this and this and that and this i don't know if this is actually achieving anything at all um oh wait this actually might this does wait this achieves something i go here oh it's your boy it's yup god dang it i've really messed everything up by doing this okay i've got i've got an extra shortcut now that i messed up and have to re-do because i somehow managed to fall off the back of that block unless i can salvage this whoo he salvages he's too good at strafe jumps he's a pro he's a maniac uh okay okay so then there there there okay cool cool cool we're back we're back in business we're back in business oh i thought i was gonna lose that one oh my god then i have to do this oh my god this is crazy wait oh can i make can i make that hold on can i just do that or do i have to go over there i can't actually tell are they on the same height they're on the same level i think they're the same jump actually yep got it got it got it okay cool cool this requires immense amounts of focus i hear the lava above me okay the lava is dripping on top of my head and i am scared okay this is a block overhead do not hit do not hit not allowed to hit oh my god okay remote we're moseying right we're moseying okay still good she's still gucci oh my god that's a long jump oh my god oh my god oh my god and we're getting little bits of like frame skips here and there i say that as i'm not failing so that when i do actually fail and say frames were skipping you guys will be like yeah no i see the frames were actually skipping a little bit because they actually were okay we go up there wait wait what's the way show me the way show me the money i cannot i don't think i can do that i don't i think that's a one and a half block jump what the bro but there's like okay we get to the top we get to the lava like this i'm sorry but that's a self-checkpoint we're uh we're not we're not dealing with that again it's gonna just that's just gonna be a no oh god damn it it's a four block it's a four block this is such focus should i just go wait which one do i go to i don't know which one to go to i think this one's slightly shorter and then uh wait i have to get on top of that i don't know if i can even do that can i get on top of this i don't think i can get on wait wait wait wait you boy okay this is a self-checkpoint right here this is a self-checkpoint if i fall into the lava i'm sorry i'm not doing that again i refuse because i am going to fall into the lava because this is annoying because it's magma blocks and they're going to be hurting me when i am on them you see that's the issue i hate this i hate i hate this this is so stressful i have to like get the timing which one to go to which way to go on this one hmm oh god this is tough because these are all they're starting to spread out a little bit huh starting to oh my god whoa oh right duh edge edge duh you fool i forgot all about the edges of course of course the legendary edge plays the ledge in dairy is it this is it i cannot believe i did not have to creative mode at all on that last section i wish i could say i didn't creative mode at all period but oh my god that was a very stressful experience great view from up here thank you very much whoo one hour hey uh like one hour to an hour and a half oh my god that was crazy thank you all for watching uh parkour spiral infinite pain uh brought to you by our sponsor the like button it's very cool check it out down below the video give it a click also make sure you're following at captainsparklez and uh that you're subscribed to captainsparklez2 on youtube and check the playlist for other maps and stuff like that and if you want to um experience pain you can try this map i'll leave the download link in the description so that you could have a very very painful time uh only took about twice the estimate that that he gave me using two estima two occasions of creative mode but don't worry about it it's fine okay we'll see you next time
Channel: CaptainSparklez 2
Views: 253,455
Rating: 4.9103622 out of 5
Keywords: captainsparkles, minecraft map, parkour spiral infinite
Id: gdcotPxG3O4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 166min 15sec (9975 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 13 2021
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