Beating Minecraft But I Start In The Nether

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all right everybody welcome to a Minecraft nether survival special extravaganza of Awesome I hope we're we're starting off in the nether and going until we defeat the dragon in a single episode obviously in previous nether survivals we started off in the overworld so by the time I got to the nether I had a little bit of an advantage with being able to use the resources I got in the overworld this time I'm naked right here at nether spun obviously you can't do this normally in Minecraft so I had to start and creative I made a portal right at spawn as soon as I spawned in got into the nether then I set this respawn anchor down set my spawn on it then I went back into the overworld destroyed the portal any traces of the portal here and now when we do respawn we'll be in the nether and this is where we're gonna start from scratch so all I have given myself is the respawn anchor so that we stay here in the nether and a bunch of glowstone so that we can keep charging it up when I inevitably on alive over and over and over and over and over how about we set ourselves into survival and embark on a probably absolutely terrible adventure that's kind of just resulted me out alive and over and over god I wonder how long this video is gonna be like five hours long okay so hey first things first let's get wood right it's really convenient that we still have that ability here thank goodness that we spawned in a crimson forest where I don't have the ability to get gold so everyone's gonna hate me wait can I break that with it it's wooden pickaxe I think that I need to have stone in order to be able to break the gold which means I have to find some black stone and who knows where that is alrighty guys we got ourselves a crafting table and I'm gonna just I'm gonna make myself wooden stuff because why not surely that we'll be able to defend me from everything that wants to unlive me there's no way that this will just go terribly for me I'm also playing in Hard difficulty so things like hagglunds are gonna really hit like a truck and there is no chance I'm gonna be able to take one down right now so I need to find some iron before that's even gonna be a possibility which is kind of a bummer it means that uh I'm just not gonna be able to get food for a while I suppose I can get mushroom stew mushroom stew is gonna have to be my food source in the beginning isn't it because otherwise like what am I gonna do you know what there are worse places that we could have spawned you know this is at least our first step we kind of need wood to be able to do most of anything so the fact that we have it accessible is definitely a plus because if I started anywhere else I'd have to find a chest get lucky with having some wood in there maybe find a brewing portal going into a bastion if I found one of those first would be just absolutely monetization because I'd have no gold armor if I found one they'd still be angry at me because I probably open the chest to get it so yeah all right well anyway at least we got a little bit of wood mmm anybody around here I really don't want there to be see if we can get our bearings any yeah oh god how am I gonna do this where am I gonna get iron if there was this black stone anywhere nearby that's gonna be my saving grace because then I'll be able to get myself gold and if I can get gold then that eliminates one major major threat but hold on let me I'm gonna just verify that in fact I cannot break the gold with a wooden pickaxe let me just double-check that for myself no no somebody's mad at me I don't like it please don't be mad I swear I'm not intruding or trying to I don't think it's gonna work it's not gonna work is it it does work oh my god you know it's all new stuff I forget what you can and you can't do but oh my god okay that that's one thing out of the way all right so we're not gonna have to worry about any of the pig ones we're gonna be fine I'm not really gonna be able to get food though other than mushrooms - that's definitely gonna be an issue okay all right that's great that's just that's just fantastic that's just fantastic all right boys we got ourselves a gold helmet for safety and now the other issue is just you know the part where I can't really put anything in a chest without them getting mad at me unless it's behind closed doors it's like it's my chest you losers stop getting mad at it you think everything is theirs in the nether I had to open a chest that was my pocket they would still be mad at me for it I mean unbelievable I'm just gonna get some more you know you can never have too much wood you can never have too many floating trees in the nether okay well that's great dude we can just get a full set of gold armor which mm-hmm mmm nope I need a anything mushroom I need a warped fungus so that I can not or hey what's up dude we're friends how is it hanging my bro I'm glad that we can be on good terms here it makes me very happy that we don't have to fight on our first encounter with each other violence isn't the answer peace and well at least we got that so that's cool now you're gonna be now everyone is going to be mad where did I online oh there's many of them try to be right right over here it's right here okay no oh god he's wearing the gold isn't he he's wearing the gold he took my gold helmet some this is gonna be a big problem that every time I own alive I'm gonna end up having all of my armor and weaponry taken by the Penguins and I don't really know what the best solution is there this that's that's a real problem what do I do about that Oh No yeah they're not interested in any of my wood stuff for there like it take the gold they don't take the gold so every time that I want to mine any of this stuff which I wasn't really I swear they've tweaked some of the mechanics as the new snapshots have rolled out because I swear there are times where I could break chess and they don't get mad or I could mine the gold or and they wouldn't get mad but they definitely just got mad and I don't know what to believe anymore I just it's all confusing but anyway I'm gonna wear boots all right guys let's not be upset next time around I will make sure that I build myself a nice surrounding area when I plan to mine okay I'm really sorry that we had this altercation it was not my intention you know how about we uh for oh he didn't he didn't he just took it elsewhere uh no that's not take him down guys I'm your friend take him down are we okay we're okay everything is fine other than the part where I have no real oh no no no no no no no no no no no no no no oh shoot oh shoot we need to in frickin Frick frickin Frick we're okay everything's fine it's not fine it's not fine yeah so mushroom stew is our only option this and I'm not allowed to use that chest as storage also the pay Clinton's would be mad at me anyway if I did so let's get this is it it's not upset anymore it's not upset anymore now we just need to have red mushrooms as well and we'll be fine okay too many fungus not enough mushrooms I know that seems redundant but it's not somehow red mushrooms red mushrooms got to be somewhere I know I probably just walked by him and I didn't even like acknowledge their presence or usefulness or anything at all but I really need you now I really need you now okay all right nobody's chasing you look at this absolute unit of a trees right here insane actually what am i doing why am I being scared I have my warped fungus I can just put that down duh not nothing greatest intelligence that I am showcasing right now but this fine I will get used to it I'm just I'm a bit jumpy right now okay it's a lot of things that dangerous to me all right there we go there's a red mushroom why are there so many more brown mushrooms than red mushrooms huh not fair either way don't be mad at me I'm not breaking any gold just trying to get the critical things I need to survive which really don't seem to be in many places right now you know what I can do though is I have enough to make one here we go mushrooms - YUM delicious hmm I mean at least it'll read read me it's something Blackstone so that I can at least get up a different tier I mean I guess having the gold though is is something right I just need to find some more red mushrooms you would think that in other wastes there would be a lot but not looking good actually you know this is probably good place to head to just because there won't be as many big ones but there should be just as much another gold so I'll be able to mine it without having to deal with angry things all the time which is always better and you know I'm not really tethered to anything other than my spawn point again oh my god so we got wastes crimson forest and warped forest all really close to each other which is if I could just find a fortress next we get the nd hands and there goes my pickaxe let's just make a few of them because that's all I really have at this point right can't really make any other type so that's okay so red mushrooms how about it yeah how about that how about we get some of you that would be very nice as much as gold doesn't really protect me at all having a full set of gold is something thank goodness you can mine this wood it's almost like they knew that people would take this new update and be like yeah let's do minecraft but we start in the nether because that would be a fun challenge and I still do think that they should implement that as an option for us when we're starting in a new world choosing to start in the nether at this point and maybe there's some way that it plays out differently but it just seems like that would be a cool all right I can harvest in peace thanks to the lack of pigments and I can get lots of gold and then I can trade with them and then maybe I'll get lucky and I can get some iron and then I'll be able to make a shield and then from there I will be able to deal with the hog ones because until I get a shield in hard mode hog ones are frickin impossible they are a mess and then oh yeah I need to maybe get oh wait wait wait wait wait is this yes brah oh my god and then we got basalt Delta's over here you are too kind to me game the only thing that we haven't found out is Olson Valley all this in such a short period of time yeah okay mushrooms though so how about how about some mushrooms yeah you really if you really want to do some nice things for me game you'll give me some mushrooms or a uh I don't know do I want to deal with what should I call it why can't I come up with the name whatever the bastion remnant I don't know that I'd be ready to deal with one of those quite yet no no no no no you do not want anything to do with me I am fearsome and intimidating with my wooden gear stay away begone and then actually yeah I should I should head on over to the Dassault Delta and I should get some stone gonna be the next step in the process and I mean I so here's here's an option if we really want to speedrun this boy here we're we are gonna want to get some kind of range weaponry that's kind of gonna be essential which we can do as long as we get string arrows are gonna be something else we're gonna need to find a bastion most likely in order to get those but what we could do if we really wanted to be cheeky is we could basically just run Sudoku Wow oh oh no no no no no no no no why did all you spawn over there immediately I don't want to deal with that uh we could do Dan basically non-stop Sudoku runs into the end over and over and over and over such that I you know I'll have my bed set right next to the portal I'm actually really worried that the piggelin is gonna take notice and I'm gonna be in bad shape when I leave here I'm not gonna mind it actually let's see let's pull a few little trades here just kind of you know get acquainted with them be like hey this is me good to see oh they're not there anymore brilliant and when you never mind just get to know a little bit you know do some trades make them like me if only you could like gain rep with the pig lens the more you trade with them the more they're like ah you know what on second thought it's okay if you open a chest I'm like thanks guys that's your generosity is staggering letting me open Jess woo imagine just imagine by doing doing a bed strategy on the dragon might be the quickest path but we'll see as long as I can get the crystals down I think we'll be okay I just need a supply of food ranged weaponry to get the crystals down and then beds all right so next up on the agents that's eight I could make a chest plate if we wanted to but it's also just more to lose when they in every we didn't mad at me for no reason I don't see red mushrooms anywhere this is not good really not good at all okay you know what we're gonna do some trades then we get some iron nuggets it's gonna be good for us hey bud hey bud I need to get food so if you could give me some iron that would be super helpful and it's real gold I promise no no that's not what we're looking for but I appreciate the gesture not just a single obsidian think you get a little bit more generosity than that I mean this week nine soul Santa they'd have gone by a lot of soul Santa just need some iron one iron one iron is all it's so sand again twice in a row hmm iron nuggets my man my man what a legend what an absolute legend I can do an iron sword plus a shield yeah still go on wood pickaxe because we'll just upgrade I'm not gonna use it on pickaxe yet pickaxes way too way way too expendable so what a legend that man's is I forget how you make shields because I'm an idiot now of course it's that okay so now probably worth at least getting a little bit more gold discreetly so I can make a chest plate and from there we can actually start to get food that I can't cook but I can cook if I I don't I feel like I need food before you can go over to the basalt Delta so mmm what's the best way to do this you just mind my way back that's going pickaxe dang it oh wait I already have two more you know what if they could just go hunt some hog ones and I could collect the leftovers that would be very nice actually this way I can I think this will be enough to give me just a little bit more why are there so many more brown mushrooms our brown mushrooms actually statistically more likely to spawn versus red because I swear anecdotally at least that's what it seems to be anyway okay this is great I can make one more mushroom stew this way I can have that at the ready and I can go get my black stone that I can use to make a furnace so that when I do take down the hog ones I will be able to somehow smelt I might need to get more iron for a bucket because otherwise I'm not gonna be able to use the wood to do any burning ana mi kind of needs to be lava but I don't really have a way to pick it up the buckets are useful I should get a bucket next I think that's a good idea okay Oh since we are gonna need to make more trades how about we do this some more go this way being up here I'm at least safe even if they do decide that they don't like me anymore I never have enough so that's really what I need to trade for is you know what if I wanted to go so what I mean the plan was I don't get anything from the overworld at all so I get all of my eye of Enders and when I get to the overall that's all I do like the only blocks on mine are trying to get into the stronghold but I don't actually get any more gear in there I just straight up go in with the iron and if I was able to find any diamond in like a stronghold or something or a fortress than then cool but I don't actually mine or collect anything I suppose maybe the chests inside of the stronghold there's a fair game is loot but I'm not gonna like go try mining around and stuff in the overworld to get better gear it's gonna be all nether stuff I'll take like a pretty direct routes this is a scary thing and I feel like we're really high up and there's not a great way down any one of the I need to get the weight down Oh goddamn thing I can be used wait let's see no no that's all the salt never mind ah you get the black stone up there it's there there could be just black stone clusters maybe inside of here if it is mine around a bit otherwise there's really not a great way down it's looking like nice I guess it's worth doing gonna be a long way down no I don't know I'm gonna do it just not having a bucket not having water even if I got another right ho pink alone that's not super helpful for me at this moment trying to see if there's any like easier way down I just oh god I hope I haven't agro to any of them that just end up poking out behind me and I just gets sandwiched in here why and I have to spawn so high up just look look at all that cobblestone down there I could be so geared on cobblestone why are there no black stone veins mmm there goes another pickaxe this is just never-ending all right we are going to make many mini pickax man he made me pickaxe well you can use the basalt for it would be great at least I do I do the food that's good right honestly it wouldn't be surprised if there is like an easier way down drop-off I don't have the food to take the damage there why does it have to be so much easier to build up than it is to build down there's another way I don't know if there's another way another way down to over there because there is some black stone showing over there I mean maybe there's a different path I can of course of course there's a ghast I'd expect nothing less this is a very sketch little sketch you're gonna be mad at me aren't you no no no no this is nothing we operate around these parts better vantage point no maybe you could figure out a way to mine down all right gasps is mad yeah if I mind down over in this area I might be able to actually get further on down and it'll be quick because it's another right or another act every wouldn't that be cool this might be meaningful progress around this and down okay brilliant yep this won't work this all work I'm a little sketchy but it will work much better choice than dropping down from there also was there why I can't tell if there was like black stone over there then I could have grabbed it either way playing it very safe and very strategically cuz I would prefer not to on alive all right we made it boys Stone Age I like getting the Stone Age achievement in the nether that's the first time I've done that like from the beginning well I mean again I don't think it's possible to do that legitimately unless you only collect loot from chests so you go to a village you get higher and from there and you completely skip over stone and even then you'd have to get to obsidian in mind that without mining any cobblestone which would be kind of a feats but hey could do all right let's make ourselves some stone year ax shovel and it will be good actually you know what a couple pickaxe is probably fine I'll make a furnace there we go there we go I like it I can lots now we can get rid of all of these wooden tools don't need those anymore and oh man even faster and no penguins or any angry alright it's pretty good we're gonna be able to do some nice trading after this now and also probably be able to take out some of the hog ones with that nearly as much problem I do want to stock up on this though cause it's just a bit tedious to get here for the time being so this way I'll be able to make more furnaces make more stone tools not run out for a little while who would have thought that cobblestone equivalent is somehow a valuable resource not me not me and also no more red mushrooms why a red mushroom is such an impossible thing to find you ask I don't know Oh Jake why are there no red mushrooms anywhere Kohi mate the red mushrooms happen more often I mean this seems a bit ridiculous whatever dude this will be like if we have a stack of it I think we're probably good just then we'll have another active build with wood well then black stone and gold pretty Swick i think there's anything else inside the black stone Delta basalt Delta Area that's a great deal of value so ye okey dokey very good very very nice much more gold chess played out of that just to have for safety and trade the rest Hey look at us dude look look at us how nice is that I could eat right now if I wanted to I could fight some Enderman I would have to worry about a ghast coming in and really messing everything up for me but I could I really wanted to risk it fight some Enderman which would I mean that'd be kind of cool okay so now I need to figure out what I'm gonna use in order to yeah what what am i what am I gonna do about smelting I guess I'm gonna trade more that's a way for me to I think also to get over to the crimson forests well the crimson forest tip of an island not really a great deal over there but it could be some Enderman I don't know where the if you don't know where the major area of that biome is right now though all right pig --lens I'm coming back with gear I'm gonna need you to please give me more iron with these nine of the gold ingots that I have give me some luck give me some luck so how many do we have we have not enough for another ingot anyway all right come through was it over here I do not remember mmm so you just do this hey man how you doing dude would you like to give me some good gear cuz I would like it if you did hey guys I got some slick stuff for you over here I got great values great values all around here we go come on you meats all freaking ball sacks no actually we're fine what am i what am I afraid of I shouldn't be afraid of anything I just I'm not able to smell me that's why I want to do that first okay iron boy base iron come on no no you fool Oh your dick oh you're a dick he picked up two of them he picked up two of them what like oh you like it looked dead I went and I told this from him rather than giving something back and mom or dad is gonna be like no no that's not how we operate we give back for the people who give us the good gold okay it's not me would you give me some speed - okay okay pretty cool but no way to apply it he'll pick it not baby anyone but baby baby must leave gravel is a no-go it got wasn't no whoo come on give me something good dude give me some good no it is not what I was looking for but I guess it does enable me to make leather armor which is very protective highly highly protective actually Gold is probably only marginally more protective than it please iron no I don't want that choosing beggar that's what I am right now give me good now dang it well this sucks I get all the raw pork chop I could ever want but have no way to smelt the thing mmm I guess I need to freakin get more gold you believe that little stupid little brat just stole two just stole two gold of mine hog legs come to me I'm ready for you hey you think you can take me I don't think so oh you idiot why why are you so stupid you do not see that I'm fighting and you step in front of me then you get mad god you're dumb you're so stupid it's unbelievable hold on but I don't want it I don't wanna hit him while he's in the president oh my god you guys why why are you an idiot like that hold up hold up I'm gonna deal with a stupid Pig one okay freaking idiot idiot you're so dumb I just put that down so that God forbid I could ya not have to deal with doggonit okay I think we're safe than the other pig ones all right here we go we got the warped we got the warp down dude oh oh you turned around he got that hit I don't like it I don't like it when you get that hit dude oh my god he ran so far away what the what the what is he doing why is he running wait got it got it got it got it I'm gonna have to eat raw pork chop yeah gross oh I guess it is what it is probably also like mega low saturation gimme what what's kind what kind of ridiculousness though they're so inconsistent with their running away it's really frustrating like I wish that they had a predictable way of acting around a work fungus but they're just they're all over the place well we got a lot to be able to you know what maybe I should just I'm just gonna deal directly I'm just gonna deal directly seems easier than worrying about we take more damage when we try to use the warps fungus methods because they just are impossible to predict my poor shield though Oh God dude I'm really gonna I'm gonna need more okay I need to focus on getting gold so I can do more trades and get more iron where's me gold I need zits and if I own a life now it is gonna be very very very very bad news but I see some crimson forests kind of up ahead through here so maybe there's like an upper level that biome which could be useful for us really I'm just looking around to get more gold I've gotten thirty of it so far eh never mind that perhaps not oh god I swear it looked like I saw some trees it might have just been the blue haze of the biome or just like a particle effects happening or something so maybe not oh that's a long way to fall don't do it mm man I guess I could go back into the Delta and see if there's any gold that way just for some reason not a whole lot seems to be sticking out and there's just no red mushrooms at all hey unless I could get really lucky here and I mean I might as well just throw money at them here take my money give me iron you are my only chance please please please please I got lucky before you're lucky you know stupid baby pig legs around no no no no no no no don't run away don't run away there's no reason to run away we can just keep it going we'll chill have a good time you give me iron and actually not bad fire resistance potion I can I can take that I swear to god I'm gonna be going trying to find iron for the rest of eternity in this series I'm too worried to go for that gold over there i gassed or something I just want to find some nice surface gold where I don't have to worry about losing my life although I suppose if I had fire resistant I'm over lava it's kind of whatever but it's scary bit more here yeah I have a feeling that might happen nope okay great then let me guess the other is over no this one might be okay and God dang it I have no range weaponry here we go boys batter up oh she totally missed it batter up no no no here we go here we go better up I'm gonna hit a piggy I'm gonna hit a Pigman it's gonna be bad here we go boys that's what I'm talking about [Music] no damage taking no lives lost we're out here don't even need a respawn anchor boys don't need it probably gonna need it at some point because we already needed it once but I can have wishful thinking should I keep blocks on me I'm never gonna use the nether brick am i yeah I guess I'm not completely full yet if that's potentially useful also that looks nice I could take this I don't know if I just heard an angry pig one I hope not freakin balls no no no that's gonna be no that's gonna be no for me dude it's gonna be no for me dog it's gonna be no for me dog you shouldn't have done that ya shouldn't have done that alright I'm glad that I reacted in time for that poor boy alright everything's fine I'm not gonna worry about the end of it yet I'm gonna wait a little bit longer for that but I do want to get the Gunpowder I don't know exactly what I'll use it for but it's fine let's go snag it I'm really happy that I did not make any Zig lens upsets by knocking back the gas projectile is that what it sucks would have been real bad news I suppose maybe I could have tossed some gold but that doesn't seem to work the last time that I tried to toss gold at an angry pig Lin it remained angry and I was like you're not supposed to be that way it's supposed to be different don't like this I'm gonna fall into a lava hole and we'll lose all my stuff and it's gonna all be for no reason because there really isn't any gilded black stone that I can see anywhere nearby so instead maybe I don't do this and we just focus on getting the gold oh we have an anger we have an anger here don't use up my shield until it is fair [Applause] hip here we'll be able to snag some more gold seem to find a pig win as well hey bud maybe you worked my way down I went up and set it down from my little bridge here so let's head this way it's just cuz I saw Hoglund I didn't have to deal with it seems upset it's not upset anymore hey okay you you hey hey iron it's time it's time to provide don't don't don't attract them over here oh that dude is running right to us right now no no no no wrong trajectory you fool why why are you doing why okay well there's the hard one so fine I'll the only - gold I guess without worrying about it they've just they took out my trade thanks for that this is this is all it is it's just mine gold trade gold mine gold trade gold it doesn't even sound like English mine gold trade gold mine gold trade gold mine gold trade gold repeat rinse repeat rinse repeat all we do at least there seems to be hey I want you though not to be mad when I'm I'm not hearing anger Isis I'm hearing anger there is very angry there's anger it's anger in their hearts it's truly unfortunate Hey gold gold and gold is there no anger any longer Vanga remains in their hearts it's very sad wait does the anger remain in their hearts the anger does not remain in their hearts no you idiot ah I dislike that I dislike that very much but it is okay because the alternative would be having to fight many of them so I'll take it God dang loop tables if I could only find a Bastian you gave me gravel twice in a row who needs it nobody I'll actually I'll need it for Flint at some point it's not like a high-value target oh my god brah you guys you guys please [Music] I mean string is actually good string is necessary for beds and stuff but please I can't believe I got the iron so early souls feed two souls beat one guys is the last try ah one more but that's pretty much it and I'm gonna need to go do more things that are gonna make you mad let's go just give me some iron oh this pretty cool I'm not going to lie but only one more I'm trying to fight over it at it come on give me what I need give me one of these do it let's do need you so anything else that I don't need unbelievable I don't need nether brick and real bad luck oh you just have to keep mining gold it's never gonna stop oh my god red mushrooms oh my goodness would you look that we got food for days I would still like to get some iron but that's it's a start and we've got a decent amount more gold so I mean that's pretty cool one of these days I will actually get lucky and get iron nuggets again make mushroom stew you for food but I mean really that's all we needed yet is we get iron that'll be our RIP that'll be our gear and then I don't know if I'm ever gonna figure out how to give them back from here so we get the iron that'll be our gear and then it's really just a matter of string which will probably have a lot of by the time that we've traded for a lot of iron nuggets and we got to find a fortress it blazes go over and a bunch of Enderman but we already know where to do that's and then we'll be there so you know easier said than done outlining the steps for it alright as long as I can find my way back where one is thankfully not getting attacked anymore from lighting out the gold how much we got in our full inventory here we have let's see ooh two stacks nuggets and nice 15 okay I feel like that has got to give us at least another few of the iron pretty please alright nice it's actually it's a good spot to collect the gold there's not a whole bunch of penguins around to worry about I hope at the end of the day would be am able to find a bastion knots on alive in it cuz that's finding the bastion there's one thing be able to loot it successfully when I only have mostly iron armor is another I guess at some point maybe I could get lucky and I would be able to I mean if I am able to get iron before that then great I don't want to like count on it necessarily let us make another stone the pickaxe or a couple of them there's a bunch more down there yeah we're good Oh bunch of mushrooms as well getting decent luck I do I want to drop down I suppose I'll be okay I've got food I've got regeneration ouch we're fine I just don't know that I remember actually how to get back but uh yeah we won't worry about that here we go mushrooms still easy we're at least getting into a bit of a rhythm here like we have if I just needed to exist here indefinitely I think we're well on our way to having accomplished that like I've got a supply of food the pig ones aren't mad at me I can dig myself into a hole and bury my head in the sand if I need to so as far as survival goes we're good as far as thriving goes we've got our work cut out for us but I feel like we're on the right track and that's what matters ok ok this is very good we have another two sticks and I'm somehow always looking out with having the exact right amount of nuggets to crafted not have any leftover it's pretty cool I think I just angered some big ones but there might be on the other side of a wall so we're okay alright now I just need to find a piggelin somewhere any takers anybody hey man I'll have I got a lot of gold for you here bud let's let's work together on this how about how about we get some iron up in here yeah I feel like the time is here let's make it happen I'm just gonna eat some food just gonna eat some food and we are gonna have a good time getting iron come on man okay look there's all the mushrooms over there you can get more food that way and then don't knock it gonna be able to get a bucket if only I could find more penguins I don't see any more that's not gonna work be my Savior be my Savior I don't need all this soul sand I just don't this is so much iron this is my life this is my life savings and you keep exchanging it for soulsand mom my man come on that's not bad but I need soul sand my resistance is good but I need Sam come on please what else I definitely don't need that I am gonna need the obsidian actually and I'm probably not gonna be able to at a diamond pickaxe I do you want to hold on to that so that I'll be able to light the portal and get to the overworld if and when needed unless I find a portal remnants it's very possible don't really need another respawn anchor but brah mm-hmm take take and give in return and give good give me things I need why that's that's not what I needed although I guess I could make another respawn anchor wouldn't necessarily be the worst idea in the world brah it's just it's it's just like pulling terrible terrible numbers on slot machines which is all you do with slot machines when you think about it at the end of the day you never get anything good out of it please please please I don't really I don't need the magma creams I don't think the glowstone could be useful for here one of these days one of these days I'm gonna get something other than gravel all I need is one gravel so I can get flint that's all I need my man my man it would have been nice to have more but it's a start I still need more because that's not enough for a bucket how do I get 32 that one time god I got lucky with the amount that must have been like a maximized result well okay we got another respawn anchor we do have that dude please I'm giving you I'm giving you so much okay we get it you like respawn anchors come on stop that bricks bro I don't I don't need them and don't need bricks there's so much I don't need hmm I don't need like stacks of leather either it's just not very helpful all right just I don't need them I don't need them I don't need the fire charges also don't really need the courts not gonna be doing much redstone or decorating here and you're just not contributing the string is good though string is a long-term one iron nuggets though watch me get another ride home before you even get any more higher nuggets I can't believe I'm doing this with one single paper just keep giving me Souls instead of finding a cluster of them meeting up all my time and all my gold this is heartbreaking this is heartbreaking man the fact that it's taking so long for it to be terrible is heartbreaking I was my last one that was my last penny I had saved up for so long and you just won't do anything for me and we continue I want to mine that but I'm gonna go further away so that my man's does not get upset oh hey they think I'd be spending all this time in the generic-looking nether wastes trying to get gold just so that I have a chance at success and riches and iron not a great deal of luck going along I decided it was time to turn on some music and silently mine and trade for a few minutes and yeah yeah turn around and run aha I see what you had in mind there how dare you you're not gonna interrupt our brilliant stroke of luck look at what we have here and we're no more than like a hundred blocks from spawn it's back in that direction so dude that is another step in the direction towards aiya vendors I made a bit more gold I did a little bit more trading still no more iron nuggets we have a little bit more to trade but I did get some ender pearls I forgot that they give those back so we don't even need to unaligned er min or take that risk we'll just op I'm sure I'll have a hundred ender pearls before I ever see iron nuggets again so hey bud how's it going oh what's that you're scared you're scared of a little fungus yeah is that what's up dude oh you're just gonna let me punch you over and over yeah I see what you're trying to do there how dare you how that hurt yeah actually kind of hurt more than I wanted it to I did I did find a couple more mushrooms fortunately which can be used now be really bad if while I'm in here he decides he no longer is worried about the work fungus and it's like I'm gonna eat you down there that would be bad no I see what you're thinking and I will not allow it get the Frick back dude I need a bucket help please help me okay come back pigs come back to me we were just doing such great trading but oh no you're no longer here I can mine this gold mill nobody around okay nobody look that was literally just one but they'd still be just as mad because they'd be that way where my where my people are that dude they were just a whole bunch like right over here and now they've all decided to disappear me guys I need to trade just a few more things and then I can go into the freakin fortress and it'll it'll be great let me just make another mushroom stew cuz r.i.p my health and oh yeah did get another fire as this potion so we're actually to be doing pretty well with blazes i'm not tear worried about him like I normally would be a hey iron nuggets oh don't you come over here well child who's gonna just join the gold away that's a good thing I go and throw down multiple he was just over here in a flash like mine no no I don't think so where's another spawn is like literally just right there dude got so lucky with that one hey bud you want to tango I got you guys down back oh geez not not when there's multiple not when there's multiple God dang no shoot it's okay it's right there it's right there literally right below spawn as long as no stupid freaking pig lands decide to pick up my gear we're fine because I think we're on the other side of two blocks anyway so I can put that on oh you guys suck so much you guys suck so so very much they can't actually get through there ow but they're stupid attacks can I was not ready I got cocky and they overwhelmed me and it's not nice of them to do that okay we're fine we're fine we're fine nobody picked up our stuff we've still got yep we've still got everything other than the lost dignity and experience and enough enough of this enough I just I just want to trade out my gold get some frickin iron nuggets and then be on my way is that too much to ask I don't know why I didn't put down my warped fungus there but it's fine we still have seven levels back we're doing okay and we need raw pork chops since we have enough of it and yeah that's my mistake I need to get in the habit of just putting down the fungus as soon as I'm overwhelmed but it's just obviously 1.16 is so new it's not baked into my reflexes nor is anything really when it comes to being defensive nothing's baked into my reflexes at the end of the day who yo piglets come on where have they gone - how is it so difficult to find any piglets just when I want to do a few trades before going into the fortress ayyy there the man's at and no babies either but no no no no no oh my god he like came out at the speed lights how can you be that way you aah I don't get it I don't get it okay you're occupied now at least a stupid child stupid child how can you do that to me iron nuggets iron nuggets come on here for you for you and for you stay down stay down there you want it - I got one as long as no babies just come out of frickin Woodworks hey come back I have gold for you I have gold for all of you for a few more seconds what do you get oh that's cool let me before they pick that up the dude was about to equip his boots that he just threw out actually I don't know kin Pig ones equip boots that they throw back out like directly after doing it because that would kind of suck my man's my man's what have you done what have you done huh 35 we're one shy of four but it means we can make a bucket this this is brilliance oh my god we are truly finally out here what do I want to use to build up let me just convert all you do crimson planks and I want nothing to do with that child down there you're here we're trade now the rest if I get more Nuggets we're gonna be great but this way I'll be able to cook all of my pork chop and actually oh my god you were you're so kind to me excuse you oh my god Oh bra I just got ye tit across a canyon holy crap that could have been real bad well we're gonna they're gonna do this now we're gonna get ourselves a bucket holy crap we're gonna want to make a chest right something like that how about he's definitely mushroom stew right now hey at least we're never gonna have to use our iron in order to make boots we can use it for other things Oh God it was not ready for that one okay bucket time time let's get smelting voice actually probably should mmm it gives better saturation in more region when I ate mushroom stew as opposed to the raw pork chop but okay let me find some lava or is the best place to find some of the lava mm-hmm I know I'll ah I lost oh I lost string I do not actually want to lose that I'd be really bad so let us not all right we're good there 49 strings still good actually hey guys you're still occupy wants it he want he wants it and he's so freakin fast I don't like it no no he's gonna no no no no no nope nope nope nope nope nope he's I want to just do monetize that idiot right there but he just if I do that they'll be upset and look at all this gold that I could mine if I wasn't so scared about the pig ones being mad at me come here come here give me some good good give me some good good come on two more chances with that glorious iron nugget no no child be gone no how could you give me such useless material what it's Oh God I just accidentally my my own oh I didn't my mo our fungus we're good everything is chill let's make ourselves a chest and this way we will be on our way to greatness all right guys let me find myself some lava real quick oh man you know what mushrooms do the only bummer with being so high up in elevation is that it's difficult to find easy to access lava but I think we can I just have to get this back and kind of avoid some hog ones not that it's a big deal where did my oh yeah definitely want the shield nope nope no sir and no sir I see oh I see this I see these I go in air I get lava and we be in the good shape this is good as long as the lava is just like right I hope the source blocks just like right there eventually we get to a place where it's ah there we go easy to find more lava will be done with a lot of lake maybe the fortress will be that but for now annoying mechanics mmm I see you down there do it I see you Frank I'm gonna scare my way it's multiple it's more than I'd like to tangle with at any given moment another mushroom stew I am out of mushroom stews ladies and gentlemen that's not ideal okay okay yeah I just we got to just be ready we gotta just be ready be nimble be quick is a more fungus there we got a jump from warp fungus to warped fungus I think whoo my year was over in this general area it was on the way to the place there it is we're fungus right there okay we're good let's do this I'm gonna wait on this to smell yeah yeah be afraid you cowards don't you dare come near me okay much pork shop acquired a very nice now we have to move without angry huh Glenn's angry at me get rid of that and I guess I coulda left that there but honestly by the time that I get back from the fortress probably not still gonna be cookin anyway alright we out here boys I mean as long as this one hog land at a time we're fine but it really seems like they're deciding to gang up on me as of late and he's not the very nice I do not appreciate the better much all right are you ready to mine on down there looks looks safe looks pretty good um-hmm do it make a chest up here or do I make a chest down there I say make a chest down there food well I'll try not to take a lot of damage but hmm I guess as soon as I run into any blazes I can just fire-resistant kind of start to take him out that might be a good way to do it alright down down we go folks go I mean I might as well make it kind of an easy-to-use staircase cuz we're gonna have to probably come back well if I do monetize I'm gonna need to be able to get down quickly so might as well do something that I know works for that oh god dude that's actually gonna suck it's gonna suck so much if I have to run it back down actually that's what I'm gonna do you know what that that is a good idea over at spawn I'm going to leave some boots I don't know why I didn't think of that earlier but if I leave boots over at spawn as well as maybe like a sword and stuff like that that will enable me to not just be completely caught out if I do de monetize which I don't think is is much of an if but when again and again and again and again see let me do that that would be a good idea so that because I'm definitely gonna screw up some way or another get withered get may laid by a blaze something like that and everything is gonna be terrible and I'm gonna I'm gonna hate every minute of it that not happened okay so like I said not allowed to use that chess but this one here put that there and that way at least I'm good for one respawn and then I suppose I get also I don't know put some of that in there I need to have a bunch of stuff on me and chanted books and stuff that fire is this pots are definitely good for us to have and actually you know I'll leave that there as well as a little bit of wood so that um we can quickly like make new stuff if we need to yeah okay I like this idea a little bit of a lifeline in the event of emergency so that we can yeah stay alive okay okay good it's a little string on second thought I can make a new world anchor I have the resources for it yeah why don't I do that and I can make that right at the top of the entrance down into the fortress so that that way I'm like real nice and close if and when I do demonetised but also I'll still have quick access to up here so that I can still get a food supply and trade with the big ones and stuff like that because I don't actually know what biome it's gonna be down there but it looks like another waste so it's not gonna be a whole bunch of like food supplying all that other than mushrooms do I guess so I could just do it this way and that the might to be smart thing to do okay yeah dude let's change our spawn why don't we do that it's how many are we gonna need I guess we'll just turn it all in the glowstone make anchor boom there we go you're right there and then thanks filler and then I always forget actually click on the thing after you put the glowstone in it's like the number one mistake that I make with these things I actually did that the first time around and I just had to recreate the world when I just screwed up with my respawn anchors so anyway there we go I guess for now then we can throw all that stuff in there kind of empty out our inventory just a little bit and be good to go okay beautiful even better idea leave an ender pearl here and that way I can just quickly pearl down in fact I could just do that if I wanted to but I might as you know while I have the luxury of time on my side I might as well just mine my way down and then when I'm in an actual hurry I will prolong down but having it both ways is probably better you know okay dangerous descent but I am walking forward beating blaze men oh there goes that alright please nobody shoot me off right now I'd really appreciate it if you didn't do that thanks very much and I don't know do I need to make money I'll just make a couple big axes for right now all right I mean inventory space is actually gonna be kind of a luxury I can't afford the spare too much of a e boys terrible fortress that's what I like to see all right thanks let's see what we got here any easily accessible blaze spawners if there's one that's actually liked it kind of buried that's the best way to do it so they can't really get the jump on you but it's looking like most of where we need to go is over in this direction of course some wonderful lava flows actually what am i doing that's easier and I need to smell more things soon I'm sure anyway so there we go be very very careful and the blazes know where okay hold on I would like to get rid of this one though okay we're actually still in a crimson forest so I don't know that's kind of an inconvenient place since we're still in a crimson forest I don't actually need to have the respawn anchor up there at second a flow that's not gonna flow okay great I could bring it down and oh this will send valley pretty Swick any blaze spawner x' though Oh it's all I had left to go into actually cool I visited every biome in the nether now what do you know many more gold to do some more trades that way uh let's see okay any blazes come on there's got to be a blaze spawner somewhere in here maybe upstairs or nope right over there okay here's what I'm thinking I'm thinking we just do it I'm thinking we just do it we got these potions of fire resistance let's just just get the blaze rods while we can and worry about other stuff later here we go boys here we go thank you thank you pig wings you're actually very helpful build a roof on top of this area where the man's at oh god there's freaking gas oh geez there's a lot of melee boys that sucks hold on I gotta get some regen oh the gas is annoying the gas can annoying me you gotta be kind of freaking God dang it dude I have no melee abilities I need you to stop I need you to stop okay Blaze's going way up in the air thanks mate hold up let's see if I can get a roof going here you're here oh you're back Jack good everything's fine although I might have to worry about my arm are starting to break very soon helmets looking bad I'll put a roof on so I can kind of back up not have to worry about them going places okay that should be good that should be good how much longer do we have another minute okay Oh God why do you spawn right there and can I can I get some region I mean geez man I gotta be careful regenerates me please all right we're good we're good everything's fine how much bad but everything else is good I have more fire resistive needed order we have two four I would feel comfortable if we got to ten plus maybe eleven so we get the extra for brewing stand I do want to continue looking around oh my god really come on dude thirty more seconds 30 seconds left don't give me those spawns boys give me those spawns oh I see red mushrooms over there which is good oh dang it brilliant what do we have eight seconds okay do it again a couple minutes come on boys come on we could always trade get more gold trade for more the fire is this pots but yeah I just I don't really want to deal with them not having fires this well fighting please thank you we are gonna be losing out on sword durability here any second which kinda sucks seven three or four more I do trying to think what I need my iron sword for ideally these are the only things I'm really fighting anyway beyond that I guess I can just make a stone sword if I aggravate the pig --lens I'm just not gonna be in good shape regardless and you spawn the outside wish you wouldn't okay up to eight how many are actually a lot of blazes over there maybe you should take some of them out kind of clear the area before we I want to loot this place and see if maybe we can God dang it really no I do just floats up as high as possible and we're still only at eight oh he's coming back coming back for more are we good thank you eight still mmm I might have to do one final bit here my swords I hope gonna last through this whatever yeah yeah oh my god zero zero out of that ridiculous and I only have 30 more seconds I'm gonna have to do one final fire is this potion God dang it and actually probably no I wish you wouldn't do that would you mind would you mind oh I gotta make stone swords was hoping that you could get ten I have I'm alive like what's my drop right here on blazes I wonder statistics mobs blazes twenty four we are one-third success rate on blazes that hurts that's really really hurts I wish it was better than that all right final try how just loves to spawn them in my player 9ie please just just one more just one more to would be even better but anything counts at this point come on actually if I was able to unlike some wither skeletons that would be good too guys that way I get some coal an easier alternative to smelting there we go there we go alright we're up to 11 I'm gonna leave the spawner there he's my advantage and that thing has eight durability left okay boys there's a lot of you out here wait what why was he did you see he's mad at me I do not know why the pig one was mad at me that's that's weird there we go there we go gonna make our time fighting hog ones slightly more difficult I swear I don't know why pig ones get mad when they do they just they just do they just to do hey button how's it hangin I could use your coal I'm not going until I on a live a wither but nonetheless it'd be great if you could drop some cold Nate oh my god just not cooperative hey come here I do want the red mushroom No Oh plenty red mushrooms nice nice nice nice just a bunch more opportunities it's oh so many so many very nice I like this I like it when mushrooms just exist in places where they actually can't be put down naturally that gives us a lot more food right there okay so the next thing we have to do is look around this place and fingers crossed it more fire as this so we can take you down good never mind we can't we shouldn't okay let's check out the interior over here and hope for the best you have anything yeah just another rampart all right what have we got give me some chests and this is probably good to collect right Sol speed boys oh yeah I'm gonna be cooking it in this hole so Sam Valley other than the problem where my boots are gonna wear out in like two seconds eh I can find some good gear though fifteen I guess fifteen is fine I mean that's a starting point for us to be able to grow more if we need it I like it something good that's not gonna help us a great deal something good come on really really really it's just all horse stuff that's all you feel like giving me here is I thank you thank you guys I appreciate the horse stuff that I am never gonna use because I'm in the nether permanently here I mean yeah I guess I could go and use horse armor in order to be able to I don't freaking know I could use it as I'm trying to find the stronghold but at the same time like do I really need armor on the horse not like I'm going to battle with it's just gonna occupy a spot in my inventory and at that point those are valuable real estate okay nothing here wow that's a really disappointing Hall not even any gold I'm a single diamonds Fair Play now let's check out I kind of want to check out the soul sand Valley you don't think there are any other branches for us to look into here nope nope this was not the best but you know what we got our blaze rods you know what before I do that question is do I want to head back up to spawn and just put the blaze rods away because if I lose those that's gonna really suck and I will be very sad boy I think that's what I'll do I'm gonna go back up she's not at what is this lead to maybe more if it leads to more interior space worth checking out does it know oh that would've been such a better blaze spawner to go at the first time around but oh well we know for next time if we need it but I hope we don't all right back over here Yates okay bit of a dangerous path here but we're fine we're fine I don't know if I want to I might want to mine some more gold though that's what I'll do is I'm just gonna go into this whole San Valley it seemed pretty open shouldn't be too many pickings in there and I will I'll mine some gold I could do as well actually is have four more glowstone since that is a crimson forest down there I'm thinking I can't I can't mine that can I I can't do that it's not high enough level rip well guess we're gonna leave that as a spawn point for the time being then throw the blaze rods in there you know no if I need the ender pearls but I guess everything else can kind of stick in there okay very nice very nice maybe I should keep the coal on me that way I can smelt if needed and another wart can go in there all right back down we go let's explore other stuff in that area hello friend you don't want to knock you off I can avoid it there we go oh good another stone sword thanks actually has decent durability so fine I guess I don't have to utilize any of my black stone so won't take it they run over to here and see if there is any convenient the golda meir actually I guess there isn't that much gold the mine is there as it's mostly just so sand in the walls but who knows let's just eliminate the durability of my boots why don't we there's some hot ones over there no do I need food right now how much is my boot durability just gonna get absolutely RIPD part of me kind of wants to juste like soul sand valleys are usually pretty wide open as part of me wants to just use this as an opportunity to maybe kind of work my way around and see boys we have struck gold literally I hope I hope there's a bridge portion in that oh my goodness we are out here most definitely I'm gonna get some more gold right here well there aren't that many penguins around and then if that thing has a bridge to it oh boy although hey can I mind gold blocks with us own pigs I can't mine gold box with a stone pickaxe can't I I have to hope that there is uh some iron nuggets in that place oh that's gonna be heartbreaking it's gonna be absolutely heartbreaking if I can get in there but I can't I can't mine any gold that I find also I have to be so careful and last time that I tried breaking a chest they still got mad at me so honestly I don't even know what to do at this point they're just they're just perpetually angry little stupid pig --lens bro don't even know what to do about them our rights please look at this look at what we got here oh yes oh yes very nice I'm scared to mine this cuz if they get mad at me before I've even entered the thing then yeah honestly rather not look at the chest right there just like it okay every time that I open a chest I'm gonna seal myself into a closed room that's the way to do it actually are they I don't even want I don't even want to risk them getting mad at me I don't even want to risk it because if they shoot me as I'm trying to build a cross and there's like lava down there which it is then that's really gonna solve all there's just there's just multiple chests okay everybody I am I come in peace I friendly is good you do not want to be mean to me I promise I am nice I am very nice person those were the days those were the days it's very like an exit over here I swear if I accidentally punch a big one it's gonna be the worst the worst thing what where am I going is there no way out here like what am i mining into a different dimension okay alright alright everybody you see nothing also red mushrooms I think I'm just gonna open it I'm just gonna open it and then okay we're sealed a multi shot crossbow is kind of Swick oh this very Swick because this allow me to be able to fire at well it's I think he goes with that saying as to why it's good okay all right I don't know why I don't know I'm eating nervously because I'm really worried that I am going to exit and it's gonna be bad multi-shot cross but do I want a multi shot crossbow actually I should probably queue these up in the event of emergency no I wanted to I did not want to shoot that that is a waste of an arrow okay or that is a waste of shoot multi shot uses all the arrows nevermind I don't like that I don't want to use multi shot anymore alright save anything else we can definitely toss that out you can toss that out and I guess the gilded black stone could be of use in the future um hello is anybody currently upset with me anybody mad I'm looking for signs of anger fury desire to de monetize me nobody mad are we okay I'd like I gave it enough of a cool-down nobody's upset that's good I think I really still don't know but I think we're okay and I'm not gonna break okay yeah oh oh this big boy this big boy Bastian here no you fool you need to just back the Frick up hey guys hey we're chillin we're chillin right you need to back the Frick up once again alright I'm so glad that we can all cohabitate this environment hang out together have a good time okay yeah please exit by all means just just go go over there I want you to let you go what do you can't go out there yep mm-hmm it's a nice place to be yes we're good golden leggings that's what I like that's what I like to see very much give me those arrows don't think I need another crossbow but I guess I can take it until it becomes the weakest link in my inventory uh magma creams nah soul speed mmm maybe we just put on better leggings all right now old leggings into there it's all speed be nice it might become a weak link in my inventory though okay to be fair when I was playing my another Survival Series long as I was in my house and no penguins had a line a sight it seemed like they didn't get mad but I'm still paranoid here are you mad he was running and that made me very very concerned are you mad no are we chill we're chillin we're chillin you are going to make me accidentally punch higgling and I'm going to be I'm not gonna have time to be upset because I'll be demonetized very quickly when that happens but I'll still be upset postmortem okay now we continue is there an entry here there could be another chest somewhere in here maybe can you just fork right off you stupid idiot I hate you so much you are such a pest you're such a pest oh hi hello he's nice to see you here good times oh look lava down there very scary lava do not push me in if you do not mind I like you not to okay everybody I see you up here go God he almost pushed me off he's very scared okay I just want to make sure I do not skip any double chest you know there could be some others some places have double chests option okay we'll just focus on that one for now alright guys eh eh it's fine nothing to worry about here nothing to see nothing at all would you look at that crying obsidian oh god I shouldn't have left my obsidian back in the iron is good you know let me take this opportunity do this and get triple iron ingots I really should have brought the other crying obsidian because then I could have spawn point here for the sake of if if things went badly I would still be here and I'd be able to get my stuff currently we're in a situation where it's unlikely I'm gonna get my stuff if it all goes to shorts I Gilda black stones law on my priority list so okay I'm taking things cautious Leakes don't want it to go badly hello anybody we seem to be in good it's not wait is it good god don't charge it me like that why would you charge it me I thought we were gonna have a tussle right there and we were fine oh my god did you see just charges at me like nobody's business and I thought we were gonna be in trouble don't do that don't do that to me I'm just scared to break into the wreck because if we like punch someone okay you guys they continue down now okay they're nice I'm being very respectful of your place here it's a beautiful place full of many electrical outlets and USB ports and I am a big fan of Technology so I'm glad that we can cooperate on this like that I just don't I just don't know I guess I'm gonna have to use it all and you really don't want anyone to see me doing what I'm doing here you think I'd be up to like much more devious things even how much I'm protecting this area but there we go alright a lot of obsidian so we can Oh ancient debris would you look at that that gets us 25% of the way to something cool soul speed one boots we're gonna have to start kind of shuffling through our inventory here getting rid of things that oh gold block how did I almost how did I almost miss that oh we are popping off now boys that's what I like to see now we just have to hope we do in fact have a breach somewhere oh there goes you I think we're getting pretty low here hear the sound of the lava I could make multiple trips if needed because depending upon the size of this thing I might end up with a whole bunch of good stuff that I want to take back home but don't have the capacity for that's gonna make me sad but it's just part of the situation very glad we're all friends so far though it's nice it's nice to see us working together towards a common objective okay over into this area huh all right guys I'm gonna just play it safe and see what we got here Jesus Christ what where Oh God not like this not like this better up now you're gonna be dick aren't you inside I'm gonna work my way inside and the gas is not gonna have Oh forking shorts where did he go oh oh he's a smart boy like that oh my god I'm still alive really didn't expect the Hoglund to be the thing that like took me down in here I gotta be on the lookout dude this could I guess this could be a stable area which is bad news for me okay I do need to I need to save iron so that I can make another you know let me make another shield right now before things get out of hand because if I broke that shield breaks and I am in a bad spot it's gonna be a bad spot as a full looking inventory God that is a dangerous dangerous ground right there I'm so worried about the Penguins though they're so easy to set off I wonder if I need to I'm late I might take another look back in the place I was looting previously because there could be another treasure area there it's possible I just don't know for sure and their chests couple more layers but I'm not really seeing anything in the way of loot just a wreath it's a real sketchy place to be man there's no good floor area here oh that's that's gold well no no no shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot it's bad it's bad oh my god oh my god oh my god okay we're okay holy crap this is absolutely terrifying oops oops I just I shifted the mushroom stews and that is not what I meant to do but it's too late now I don't I guess I don't really need the extra crossbow so I'll send that away before I go down there and risk my life with the hog ones we've got two chests here and we're just gonna go out of sight out of mind penguins you have no idea Oh double gold blocks thank you more arrows actually 44 might be enough for us to defeat the dragon forty four arrows seems like I would probably be able to take out the end crystals I would hope so but I guess we'll see okay so hey guys uh you're not upset right you know there's no reason you would never need to be upset with me I'm such a nice guy who comes in here grades your entire Bastion and doesn't even do anything to make you aware of it let's give ourselves some health back you know what yeah thank you very much cross over to the other side there you guys we're chillin right we're chillin we're chillin now that's what I like to see my boys that's what I like to see I'm glad we're in this together let me break that any little thing just sets him off and so half I half expect for them to start getting mad at me if I just break any block of the basket guys guys guys guys guys please I'm trying to we're not we're not doing this down okay we're we're not we're not doing this do it this way okay no no guys guys hold on calm yourselves down I don't have enough blocks to make this happen what's the best way about this do that and then I guess I'll just get a couple of oh no he's Blackstone here hey cleared up another inventory spot right great okay they're gonna have no idea that is actually I mean that's okay that good says halfway to a single nether right tool if we ever find diamond in some other nether fortress which don't know what the likelihood is at this point but maybe it exists somewhere all right all right I could do let's go dude we're in out we're in a nice safe area right now just make another mushrooms do rather than four of them we're just gonna make one more and then we'll exit this way nobody's angry god it's so good to not have to deal with anger hey guys how are you doing grades good I'm scared there's gold down there and I want it but I also don't want to have to deal with the worrisome prospect of you guys knocking me into lava you know that's a scary thing that I don't really feel like dealing with yeah cool I'm glad we could be on the same page about it so we're going to do here is it build myself like a safe spot here so that if I do get punted I don't you know end up in lava hey idiots oh dude are they gonna end up in lava cuz that would be so stupid on that part oh god imagine being that dumb that you just end up falling into lava like an idiot Oh loser oh wow oh hey who the heck is even hating me Ravager crap is this it wrecks crows okay we're out here now let me just seal myself into a room just me and the gold just me and the gold the problem is these appear to be slabs and I don't know it did I bet the pigs can actually like see through slabs so if I don't have it completely sealed up they're gonna be mad oh what's that another chest that we have right there that's nice that is I hear anger and I don't like it I have two gonna have to remind him like look it wasn't me you fell off of a Ledge yourself please don't be upset with me it's not my fault you're dumb but obviously wouldn't hear me saying that because otherwise I probably get mad at dumb that was the signal name to be fair dude what's up mine on floaty boy you don't have a saddle on you wait do I have a saddle on me I think I have a set oh dude I have a saddle obviously back over in my storage chests so if I just go back over there I could have my very own shivery boy you should do that we're all we're all good here and then let's there we go brilliance brilliance almost brilliant there we go brilliant and Oh under that's that's my mistake right that's that's the problem that's a problem I forgot about that problem that I'm facing which is right I can't I can't mine hey guys hey guys uh I really need more iron can you make that happen now that you know about right here right here you know this is this is definitely gonna work for us okay hundred percent this is where we find some iron right it's not it's not iron that's that's really that's the wrong iron and when I say the wrong iron I mean it's not iron I wish you wouldn't our only hope here is that we it's oh hey do this freakin chest just kind of hiding all over the place here and this one's been really nice and giving me a really easy opportunity to oh wait I could have straight up who's gone through the first bastion portion that I was in and ended up over here so that's good that's good I didn't have to do the scary lava crossings but no one good night okay fingers crossed that we can get ourselves okay that's that's quick oh my god iron Oh Mendy crossbow not bad not bad well I guess I don't need you and I don't need any other crossbows that ever find multi-shot has me kind of worried because I don't really want to have to deal with you know using three arrows at once so I'm just gonna toss multi-shot back and all we need in our lives is a single Mandy crossbow thank God thank goodness I can now make an iron pickaxe I'm just trying to think if there's anything else I want to use my iron for I mean main to iron pickaxe let's just do that they'll do that iron pickaxe get the gold and then we'll be able to get if we ever do find a another Bastion that has a bridge as part of it Swick did super Swick boys let us go back over here not to fall into lava like idiots oops why did I do that I should not be using iron pickaxe unless guys I believe we have problem I believe they are angry at this here much anger oh goodness not not good not ideal this is not enough ideal situation I do not like what I hear oh gosh guys I do not like noises yes hello are you angry are you angry with me oh so they know when Gold's being broken even if it's through walls it's just the chest they can't see through walls I see something to consider that's for sure I'm just gonna give it it's a little cool down it's a little cool down also I don't know why I'm at find a tree punch it to collect wood now in my upper right we've we've moved to different pre-releases over the course of recording this so things change every now and again but we're good everything's fine everything's fine right he's fine nobody's angry nobody's angry we're all copacetic right right right right I think they've learned to forgive and forget I'm mostly forget yeah yeah hold on let me bring some gold though down here as if they do get mad and just kind of I think we're fine I think we're good oh here I just need to find it Hey now in that was afraid of him a moment ago now I just need to find one it was willing to do trade with me yellow and the buddy anybody here just want to make sure oh it's just so many surprises all over the place with so many chests that are hidden really fetch through my random arsenal of blocks here lieutenant barrier between myself and I am a professional bastion raider who lives and gentlemen nobody has ever rated bastions like I do that is a golden help pretty Swick I like a little bit of nutrition nice a little bit more nutrition and clothes stones not exactly hard to come by so I'm gonna save the inventory spaces everybody chillin I really I just don't trust the behavior one of these days I'm gonna be perfectly abiding by what I've learned and they're still gonna get mad at me and I'm just not gonna know what's up and everything around me is gonna crumble all right well let's see if we can I mean I get at this point though any additional iron that I'm collecting that's really just going towards extra stuff I could attempt to beat the dragon with what I have right now not that it's necessarily the wisest thing I could ever choose to do but you know what as long as I have the ability to spawnpoint myself right next to the nether portal it's like what's what's the harm okay we want to mine our way up my entire life just flashed before my eyes right there head that is not okay oh my god oh my why are you even up there what is this what I'm not going that way I'm going up through that I'm going up through the thing how dare you how dare you do that to me okay hey man it's a way better way out right here hey hey hey I have things for you come on give me good stuff mate you mean really good stuff I know you want to okay I have some of those already system exactly big deal I suppose I could have made another one of the respawn anchors if I had another better glowstone but don't worry that bide my bud here come on dude okay so yeah that's where you came from so easy easy don't have to deal with the hog onesie and their pearls my dude you're so cool dude you're so cool and then I can't remember if I have ender pearls in the chest another spy bye they did you're doing you're doing good things now with some iron nuggets it's all I ask for really don't need the nether brick but don't be offended by my throwing you know yeah that's a fire charge not really necessary but I still appreciate the gesture and your generosity like giving me stuff mm and more nether bricks yeah not really not great I know he's gonna have something for me eventually just know what I should do is I should go to a spot that has mmm actually you know what I could I could make another respawn hangar right here right now but do I need to now just keep going up if we can yellow this Huglin area hello I think we're I think we're okay oh god I hope broke I've got I hope the odd ones didn't like come into here it's there's way too many Zig lands bro you guys gotta get out so that I can see I'm concerned there we go guys guys guys guys guys just let me breathe for a second oh there we are boys there we are right back into the original spot okay nice I actually kind of want to trade with you guys but you know I'll just head over here and call it good you would call it good I'm kind of where are they gonna get mad at me you see anybody around here going to get the mad at me if I do say - I know nobody realizes nobody for the wiser okay cool cool we're not in close enough proximity their vision is limited alright well that was a pretty successful Bastion run I think I guess some extra ender pearls would be good that way we can kind of save ourselves in the events of you know bad things happening to us while we're in the in the end if we get heat it into the sky which is very likely so imma see hey bud hey huh you know I'm not really gonna do the whole not really gonna do the whole Enderman thing here I'm just gonna just gonna collect ender pearls from trading with the pigs I think it's just a safer way to do it all right hey what's up no none of those new pigments huh it's fine also I just don't I don't want to use my arrows on gas I'm just all my arrows have to go towards fighting in the end and so for that reason I'm just not fighting back against the ghasts all right let's see if I can find a cluster to just make the trading a lot more efficient but it doesn't really seem to be with so it's going on hey guys hey hey there's a couple you at least coupled in here just a little bit quicker two is better than one hey guys yo I've got goodies for you this seems like a good spot to like not too much around here to hurt us we're chillin no no babies too Yoink my gold let's get some iron I I do want to just continue with this is having some bonus iron bonus ender pearls etc would be good I'll save a little bit of gold for an additional helmet or something like that but iron oh my god you gave me 18 two more heads my man my man's is truly out here finally thank you very much for your patronage you're so appreciated hey hey stop hey right here know what he's doing I guess where are you going you crazy you crazy lets us do this oh I just double fire is this okay alright easy boys easy peasy lemon squeezy let's just get that going right there it's a more string not bad not bad I think it's huh more ironing this would be great guys if I gave my best play to feel like it'd be a pretty good place and then I mean if I wanted to I could also smelt the ancient debris it's not really high priority given that the odds of us even finding diamonds to be able to do anything is pretty low but what I now mate also so much crying obsidian and we have enough regular obsidian almost for a couple of portals although I don't know if don't know if we're gonna need to make more than one unless I wanted to like go through see what the direction of the nice thank you for that see what the direction is that we're going and then go back into the nether and kind of do more but hey come here come here I'm on the mates let's do it let's do it give me something good do some good mmm oh you threw down what did you throw done did you do anything you just take my golden kind of hey hey there's enough for both of you calm yourselves down you guys they're done nothing guys come on Oh fire chargers they see they're right up against there oh I'm sitting cool cool anything and hit all more iron nuggets my man's is on fire we've got another iron ingots my goodness gravel I can't remember if I made myself a flint and steel or not actually I don't think I did because a there we go because they didn't have iron for it so I don't know what you just gave me okay you just took the stuff and ran that's fine let's make a flint and steel or not because I didn't take out the plant where did they just oh I was like did they just join the Flint that wouldn't be very nice of them to do all right we got ourselves a flint and steel have a few extra iron ingots just in case we have a pretty good food supply we got ender pearls so all we really need now is a few more ender pearls question is do I take the risk and do it over in the forest and get some that way this it would be part of the experience maybe or the alternative is we just kind of go for it with the trading and then and then we're on our way good there's not much more to do until we're ready to go to the end I need that that's crazy that's crazy to think we're like almost at the point where we can try it because I have I the extra string a mate you want you want a gold here come on I'm trying the luck I can't stop give me give me give me give me hmm that's not really much you know maybe if I yeah it punch a tree over here it'll get rid of it thank you as long as I got close to the tree of in the notification in the upper right disappeared much appreciated thank you pre-release okay all right well if there's a lot of gold that we can mine over in that area anyway let's head back I want to just kind of consolidate my stuff uh there there are many there are many wither skeleton and skeleton and many many many there are many and there's also some blazes that are just decided to pop up thanks guys thank you thank you very much thank you okay you need to chill all right so many oh my god why there's so many I'm gonna accidentally hit a pig and it's gonna be bad I don't like the idea of that mm-hm-hm don't like like also my helmets probably gonna break in a moment alright alright hold on hold on I don't have that skeleton I'm alive but okay alright everything's fine watch a drop a wither skeleton skull you just tempt me no I never mind but I appreciate the cold that's pretty cool ladies and gentlemen I have made a mistake I opened chest I opened the chest in proximity of biglan I did not think why are they so terrible I hate them so much okay hold on eyeball they're still mad at me by still med stop being med I will I will distract here Hef Gold is pretty nice isn't it you have another gold it's pretty cool yes okay good good good good good good good good we're chill we're chilling we're chilling we're we're friends here dude we're all friends I knew we could all get along man nice nice nice nice nice ah I forget about things like that sometimes okay and then we run back to the war fungus that I have over here okay everything is fine yeah it's stay away you freakin losers and I think to seal myself in here oh my god I think they're this can't even do anything in peace man can't do anything in peace I don't know why I'm breaking that with my fists don't worry about it at all you kidding we're gonna get a door and then we're gonna create a little house here so that I can it's gonna be the worst house the world has ever seen but it will work it will suffice for what we need which is just an enclosed area for me to be able to open a chest or two dicks get out of here nether bricks and you can't pick up the wood yet because my inventory is so full what can we get rid of from here I guess get rid of that man isn't this just the best house you've ever seen in your life ever pretty great I hope that it doesn't obstruct my respawn anchor I'd be my only concern here okay now I can open a chest in peace my god these are the things that I have to deal with here in the nether okay so we've got a 14 ender pearls we do have the ability to make more respawn anchors a lot more respawn anchors if we want to I could carry one around with me might not be the worst idea that way I can change my spawn if I want we've got tons of string which is gonna be really good for beds and then the ancient debris which I hate to leave behind but it's like what am I really gonna do with it unless I find myself another Bastion you know I could make another chest here real quick and then I really it's just gonna be up to me to decide what I want to do with hmm just click on this again just to make sure that like I mean it's not giving me an error as if it's like not gonna work for anything so I guess we're good there here's what I'm thinking you know what let's just we'll we'll go over to that okay there's a heck of a hunt going on out here that's way too many for me to want to deal with we're gonna go over to the Warped forest and hope that we're able to get some ender probes from some Enderman over there I feel like I might as well do that as part of this series rather than just continuing to trade and hope for the best everything I want to take I really do but I also good take you down take you down take you down get back or I could just run where you just run do that instead be a coward about the whole thing do I have any I don't even think I have a warped mushroom over here no I lost the one that it puts out of here let it be spun this is fine this is fine we'll just we'll just run nothing could possibly go wrong hey loser really hate the baby so much dude I hate the babies so much they just run up to you hit you and then you punch them back and then they run away they're like how could you do that okay which way was it over to the Warped forest I think it was over in this direction if I'm not mistaken I'm kind of now learning the layout of this area here also I do need to get a little bit more gold so I can replace my helmet when it breaks in like two seconds is this is this safe space are we safe I don't hear anybody angry so that's a good sign right that's a very good sign I'm happy that we are we're close I think we're very very close to stronghold quest hey guys I see you over there no I didn't go I didn't need to go up here before so I'm not entirely sure where this is in relation to the crimson forest let me try to find it real quick all right found it again let's see if we can to get and the Enderman to spawn it's such a small section of one no it was just in the tree over there nice uh what is the best way for us to get over to there probably to go down where we mined out previously and work our way over head hitting always good pretty please don't who knew this jardín and end up getting demonetized by Enderman oh my god if I had only gone down there previously at the world's biggest mushroom food supply of all time that was never sight on my part my bad everybody okay let me get that I guess I can just cross over from over here and do what now I don't really want to use the iron pickaxe if I don't have to but I have to because I left the black stone back at our other spot but that's okay you know I I know it's not okay I guess we're gonna just have to use the iron pickaxe because they do want to get some gold for driveless I could get some more planks down here if I wanted to but I left it back at the chest ik it feels weird calling that spot home because it's it's not very nice or homey anything like that but one of those want to and no gasps no gasps aloud please don't do anything like that you know what I have a fire resistance potion in my hotbar in case of emergency all right and Ehrman actually this is gonna be difficult because it's such a small area that they're not really gonna spawn much are they I wonder if a better approach here would almost be the like make a spot that it was further away from ya actually make a spot that's like farther away so that they can still spawn but I can like look at them and then maybe they'll head over to me - that'll work any what I should do is just build a I'll build the overhang back over there I can't believe I'm using an iron pickaxe to mine nether equity I can't believe I didn't bring their resources over to whatever I just don't want to run all the way back alright so if I do I have to build it higher uh what is the best way and I can get they can get this guy at least so there's that hey bud come to me it's so cute he's trying to bring me a plant oh please don't be so bummed if I kicked him all the way off the edge we really need that pig Lynn to go away and there's England and it was nothing okay hmm anybody else anybody else over there I mean if I made eye contact from over here I could potentially dive into safety real quick it's just a bummer that this is such a tiny little biome it's just a little sliver okay I can do it I can do it with you I can do it with you and when this inevitably just really all goes wrong I'm gonna I'm gonna end up just trading again okay here we go we zoom in boys we zoom in and getting back into safety okay good hey man I'm glad you decided to come join me all right why would you go there now oh no please don't try to push me out where where the man's go he'll yell oh I am I am up here how do I get you to not be an idiot and stuck down there it's gonna be stuck down there and as soon as I go up and then all of a sudden it's gonna be like oh I teleport now and it's gonna put me in the lava this is the same thing that happened last time around that I was trying this they move at the most inopportune moment or it's gonna be as soon as I'm crossing my lava bridge you know what screw this I'm gonna trade if I just get one more ender pearl trade out of the out of the pickling we'll be fine hey are you mad I got this come on come here there's no way that this could go wrong to punch him in used ends up he eats himself down onto another level yeah brah give me a pearl gimme pull leave me part where's pearl oh don't tell me you went down there too oh don't tell me you also did brah what the heck is this area down here and why do the Enderman want it so badly you guys are dumb oh my gosh hold on a minute maybe I can keep on going down my path or so this is gonna go so poorly for me they're not there anymore they're not there anymore it's really bad news where have they gone hey guys hey have you figured out dirt now they've haven't figured out directions yet well I'm gonna predict them in now I don't know where the other one is shoot at it with an Arab that wastes an arrow and then I'm it's a bad idea this was a bad idea you know what it really was not worth it is it okay again it's not angry one of them still gonna be angry I have no doubt about it they still over there I can't tell if it's like both or just one hey dude first off alright just do this so that I'm not wasting he's not mad at me anymore they really took their sweet time save that okay now what I need you to do is I need you to focus your attention on me and not teleport to a far-off distant land can you do can you do that I would like to believe we can he fell into lava how does this even happen how does this even happen how does it even happen I don't know how it happens ladies and gentlemen I have encountered the world's dumbest Enderman like a cluster of them this this biome this small little warped forest as it creates the world's dumbest Enderman so much so that it just you know it it's a strategic play here what they do is they're so dumb that they make it so you just trade with the pig lens for it instead of D monetizing them and they get to live in peace so at the end of the day you know what I guess it's a it's a good strategy I'm gonna find more gold hey guys are you far enough away to there man they're mad they're mad they're mad they're mad but it's fine because they don't know how to find me oh they know how to find me hey hey go there yo I'm giving you good nice things I'm giving you good nice things it's fine at the end of the day it's good it's good I love that this is a solution to our problem he's still mad really you fool you fool you fooled you stupid baby you stupid baby and my there's two why are they still mad all right I can't believe you've done this you've done this to yourself and no one else it's all your fault it's all your fault it's all your fault you fool and you and you peace out no that is my fire resistance potion you thief not dealing with this and I'm not dealing with this disrespect I refuse Bashir and disrespect that I am shown by these cretins I will not stand for it any longer they will rue the day that they still shoot at me after I give them what they want ungrateful fools what some gold give me that gold boys give me 11 gold I need a new helmets on a waist that I could be trading with but you got to do what you got to do all right fingers crossed that we can get ourselves some ender pearls in a short time here and a few more trades ender pearls give give to me I need them I need then just if I get like five more we'll be popping off I don't need you don't need you and once I get into the overworld and I have access to water I could make some strength pots I definitely don't think I'll need you I'm trading away all my gold every last bit of it right now it's a risk in case I mind more and need to decoy them but come on man come on give me those ender pearls you guys have been generous about them so far and I know you gotta be either that or like another I hope would be pretty cool just so I can say that I got it after all the training that I've done here it's pretty cool how bartering with penguins is like such a good source of getting resources in the nether no come on mate let's make it happen let's make oh god there's a little lady there's a baby nearby baby hazard oh he's coming over mm-hmm don't think so dude Oh more strained oh nice baby don't you dare don't you dare run over all right good sorry baby yoinks whatever are you driving watch it I get ender pearls and he I mean more string more beds so you know but not what we're looking for oh my god I almost just destroyed myself Oh oh my god Wow no wonder it was such a giant cluster of gold because it had a lava lurking behind it was just ready to wreck me so hard yeah disrespect from the nether itself as well as the pig ones more food very nice thank you so much now whole lot of gold over in this area this is a little a little bit more and more electrics very good and a nice staircase for us oh it's so convenient man it's like it was made for us just to come down here and stock up a little bit on more resources just gonna wait for like a something bad that oh yeah a nice nice nice appreciate that okay right into the right into the stuff that I was mining but flying whatever it might actually have more food than I need in the way of mushrooms do 16 is Wow exactly exactly matching amounts of red and brown I love it it's so satisfying okay so we've got a little more gold I mean I might as well just run it back and see what we can get out of it 12 more I still haven't gone and looked up with the actual probability is for getting ender pearls but hopefully it's more than one and wealth I mean we can try we we can we can try let's try it let's try hey guys all right here we go boys Amy make this work for me make this work for me come on we can do this three of you I'll save you hey you then both of you and you okay oh of course it's freaking me big man would come down here are they what it what is this what is what are they not upset any longer like what I don't even understand hey please please continue hey just losing Agra ridiculously fast or we're in the what where have they gone what are they doing and why aren't they mad at me anymore I don't get it they're just gone what okay well did some freaking weird Enderman behavior mechanic has changed and they'd you no longer viable alright nice that's that's cool and all sure I really want those but I'm too terrified of the whole lava situation I guess I can just plug it maybe I don't don't worry the source of it is is it you are you source of lava let me just get above it no there's still lava up there slightly concerned okay we're good no lava fun out everything's good so one of these has lava next to it was probably gonna incinerate that dang it that's you oh I got lucky with the landing there Thanks how many more is no.41 all rights Pig Linds let us do a little bit of training I'd rather find a cluster kind of far away from stuff but you'll do the trick let's get some ender pearls hey hey you two oh he's actually quite a few of you over there quite a few you give me some give me some that's not pearls but it's still whatever here come here hey guys hey guys hey guys hey here and here let's do it nice twos better than one here you go again don't want to do too many because they're gonna be idiots and or baby's gonna come over and you like my stuff no no no no you can do it you can do it ender pearls weed so few tries left although I guess I can turn those gold nuggets into ingots what's that that's probably so speed three book maybe or less but you never know I suppose be - all right all right hey Morgan oh you are too good to me eight ender pearls aid ender pearls nice guys we are finally ready to set off to the end assuming that some terrible terrible thing doesn't happen to us in the next couple of minutes Oh God hopefully I can get back to my spot which I think it's over in these direction yeah do not eat me into ravine no do not do do not be fool we are very surrounded right now we're very surrounded no no no go away go away that was almost really bad our England quick idiot nothing to worry about here I have plenty of black stones so I'll just do that and go always carry around warped fungus ladies and gentlemen it will be your savior in a tricky situation alright alright we're gonna do ready we have ender pearls for days we have the blaze rods I'm gonna save one and we're gonna go make twenty eyes of ender and be out here don't all these fires this potions nor do I need much of anything that I have in here I'll bring all the ender pearls bring the extra things that we can make I mean I can't make a brewing stand already obviously twenty eyes of ender if I go through eight then I well and then it would have to be completely empty portal which has happened to me before I have been burned before but uh okay let me sort things out and then we are gonna we're gonna go we're gonna be on our way all right here's the deal so I'm gonna try to use only the nether resources if I can to defeat the dragon that said if I have to get things in the overworld like cobblestone in order to get new stuff or if I come right across a chest as I'm on my way to the portal I'm not gonna just completely ignore it but I'm not gonna go farming for more resources once I've entered the overworld otherwise it's like why did I spend all this time here doing this instead of as soon as I got the obsidian from trading with the pig one's just going to the over all right so I'm gonna do my best to restrict it to just this gear and we'll see how it goes that's why I'm bringing along some extra iron boots and we'll see how this stuff fares not really great in the armored apartment but is what it is I'm grabbing this wood just so I'm you know technically gonna be using Netherwood in order to make the beds that I then possibly use to take shots at the ender dragon and then repeatedly on the live a run back and do it again it's gonna be great there's nothing that could possibly go wrong but what I'm also thinking of doing because I have enough obsidian for two portals I can't break any portals obviously because I can't mine obsidian with no diamonds but I might do one here okay so I'm gonna build the first portal right here and then what I'm gonna do after that is I'm gonna toss out my first eye of ender and from there depending upon what direction it goes like I might come back into the nether go a little bit in that direction and then see if I make another portal if I've over/under shot but I don't know we'll see we'll see how it goes in any case let's put you up there and hold on there we go making portals is very difficult when you don't want to have corners in them it's very important not to have corners in your portals though so all right boys ah we're off to the overworld for the first time I'm not throwing away my work fungus in case I come back here but here we go everything acquired so far in the nether what accomplishment right what an accomplishment are whoa what is this it's green and skies blue Oh crazy alright let's see where this thing leads us to I just build up show you a nice clear line of sight and okay where is it so that's like north east oh of course the first one breaks nice wow this is why we made extras everybody real good omen here I'm sure it's gonna go just swell all right so that's north east so do I want to head back kind of head north east in the nether what way is north east and another is it gonna be easy travels I guess that would kind of be like let's see this is kind of north east if we head this way it would kind of involve going back down right and then over towards the soulsand valley direction i don't know the reason why i kind of feel like doing this is because when we did the last another survival series it ended up being right in between my spawn and where i situated in the nether now i'm probably not gonna get that lucky here but you never know all right so north east would be kind of like carry it over in this direction I'm gonna go to the end of here this man's is gonna try to chase me but then I would double back alright we're gonna go over this way I really I probably shouldn't be exercising with as much sponging as I'm doing but I do a lot of mushroom stews so it's not like food is gonna be a huge problem for me piglets I'm getting this just so I you know I can make some more armor when my armor inevitably breaks and it's really bad for me honestly I might have already overshot a stronghold it's very possible it's like you travel pretty freakin quick in the nether I don't know how many blocks I've traveled so far maybe just like 100 but that's already that's some serious progress over here okay no gas no skeleton no whammy I'm I'm all worried about that Skellig ro I feel like okay maybe over here wait wait for now not cool dude not cool what are you doing out here stop it oh hey it's a bow what do you know one of those things yeah I was gonna have to make one of those but if you want to give it to me then that's that's also fine anything more no that's about it hey what is that oh that's enough for another chess play which actually I think we may need so don't mind if I do don't mind if I do except I'm gonna mine because I have to let's get a little bit more we'll convert them into a few more nugs and then we will truly be prepared for whatever the minecraft overworld in throw at us oh of course there's a freaking gassed over here of course there is and I don't want to use my arrows on it you would do this alright we're gonna have to do a deflection at this man's that's what I'm talking about boys first try get out of here dude what you think you can handle the soul speed man's I don't think you can I don't think you were ready for this let's get a mushroom stew so we're not constantly using our good good food supply mm-hmm Oh guests here at that I could even well I okay so water is one of those resources and if I want to make potions really you have to do in the overworld I'm not oh I didn't bring the bottles with me I might just not make any potions though we'll do it more naturally which you know that I would just I wish you wouldn't I really just want to make the portal to go back but maybe I'll just do it here hold on get ready for it get ready you're ready come to me come to me put it come on put it come on come on come on look what I was like right through his frickin face got it I'm so good gasps Lange here boys all right we're just gonna do the portal right here I could have used the gas to light the portal that is really feeling pretty cool but oh my god it just doesn't stop all right batter up batter up what's this dude you want a la this dude is so annoying okay okay here we go boom oh my God he's legend talking about here No hey I swear to God if another one of these guys pops out of nowhere it's really just the universe telling me this was a mistake okay hopefully I haven't oh there's a broken sword that we've got right there I'll worry about that once we get to the overworld all right folks this is where we find the stronghold from all right now that our balls are underground what's our while 'evil here out 57 will fine watch us be in like extreme Hills or something like that I don't even get the instant gratification of figuring out whether or not I went and made a correct move with the direction here let's make some of those into that some of those into that and then goodbye Nuggets we're gonna clear our inventory of you and then I brought along a splash potion of fire is this just I don't know because and we're gonna do that I guess we don't really need the fungus anymore but here we are I don't even have a light source which is great I will have to worry about night and day but you know what I can do I can make a bed I'll tell you I can make beds that is no problem in fact why don't I convert most of this into wool and you want to have a bow I'm not gonna use 243 things because I'm gonna run out of arrows before that so we're going wool all the way then we're gonna have ourselves a bed here this way it'll be good you go also what I do need to do I need to make a sword you know what we have iron we're doing the iron sword route that's what we're doing that's what we're doing there boom we are gonna slay out that Denver dragon with this iron sword it's gonna be great also coal would be good for smelting things but hey if I don't have to you know oh I hear some zambese I believe it is nighttime so let me just sleep it off let's do that nice oh and that'll be nice and daytime I like that I'm playing it safe cuz if I oughta live at this point it's gonna be bad news it's gonna be a lot to work back up - although I suppose if I can make it back like the chunks won't be loaded so there is that but you know can i okay get out of here can I exits didn't think my elevation was that low I really was out every time thank you hello anybody out here hey it's so good to see the sunlight man oh man alright so where we at here where we at where would northeast be northeast is that way east we still got a zombie going for us oh we overshot boys all right so hey we know now is that is a Southwest that it's actually probably not that far away I like this I like this I don't have any more obsidian the irony of the whole situation is gonna be if it was like way way closer to my initial portal then over here but uh you know what can you do you can make a boat that's what you can do and that's what we are gonna do let's make a boat and let's not make a boat right because you can't make a boat out of that stuff hold on let's see this is one of those exceptions kind of just a thing that I need I don't know how to swim I've been in the nether what's water I have no idea what water is water is weird water is like a super foreign thing to me I can't believe I'm in a thing that really I'm terrified of water apparently it's freaking me out so badly I can't even move okay hidden Southwest so it's uh it's within 2,000 blocks so we know that for sure which is definitely not very far to travel and I'm okay with that toss off one of these here just to be certain about it let's see yep still heading over I watch it be like my spawn in this world was actually on top of a stronghold I can't I can't I swear might have made just terrible decisions actually that wouldn't do the case because I was already like 200 blocks - I guess the east of spawn where I had my portal built the first time so wouldn't quite be that way but oh god what if I built my portal and it was like that was the location of the stronghold I can't even um this seemed like too much more bodings so oh wait there's another swamp over there whatever I'll go make another boat if I need to stronghold wouldn't have been in cool it would have been really cool if I did that and there was just stronghold poking through the ravine wouldn't it it was really cool okay Oh still over there okay but it's kind of pivoted some other broken one it's more directly south now which means I think we're getting close because when you get that trajectory change it means you're you're a little closer you're a little bit closer to it yep mm-hmm I can't believe we are gonna fight the ender dragon starting in the nether that's pretty Swick here we go what that broke again Oh didn't break it didn't break that was that seemed pretty underground though hold up all that I need to do a little bit uh let's get some ward over here it's built on up just kind of double-check things here but that seemed like it was it was heading downwards we have eyes of ender despair they have six of them so I should have not built all of them I should have taken ender pearls and blaze powder and built them as I went that way I'd have more ender pearls for me in the end but whatever yes that that does seem to be heading directly downwards brilliants that was fast I actually think that our nether travels were a good idea because I think we actually were closer oh there is a relief I was gonna feel awfully silly if we if we hurt ourselves with the secondary nether portal move but I think we made it so we're closer and that's pretty cool okay well down we go I'm not gonna make the mistake of digging straight down when we've come this far so I'm gonna actually make myself a shovel using the black stone not the overworld cobblestone date who needs overworld cobblestone bro the one thing that I am gonna make is I should've brought some glowstone that way I wouldn't have even had to use those overall torches you know I to be fair I do have some coal but I don't have Optifine because we're 1.16 so that is the bummer there dude that is the bummer okay that was short-lived okie dokie let this do a motor sticks yay so very nice and black stone for that pickaxe dude we don't mess around here No we do not but what I am gonna do is just goodbye goodbye keep it going down I could use the iron I probably should use the iron there's not much of a reason not to cuz we're kind of on the homestretch here at this point but you know what it's whatever hey once we hit the stronghold there will be lights don't worry hey there's supposed to be a stronghold around here have you heard of it where where where it be it's very dark I don't like I like the arrows though hey man you seen a stronghold any oh god there's so many of you you're gonna break my stuff don't do that don't do that yeah Jordan use your friggin shield what are you doing you idiot Oh God my chest plates seen better days though that's for sure Maura weird what level are we have 47 maybe still lower maybe it's still lower there's a chance that wonder where the stronghold is folks wonder with it wonder where if only I could find the stronghold wouldn't that be nice that would be great I'm dumb I was gonna say sometimes but realistically it's more most of the times so yeah yeah self-aware mushrooms dude let's make it happen there we go I don't need those extra steps just trying to do mushrooms do thing cuz it's gonna be easier when I'm in the end to use the cooked porkchop so trying to save that for the heat of the moment sort of thing you know alright well I've not really got torches to talk off again nice quality content stuff though very nice looking good dude looking good looking great that's a Nile is a completely worthless thing to do right there and wow this is just a real great entrance to the stronghold here real great is there enough to this or did I just I entered a completely isolated section nice all right so the answer here is we just have to keep mining this literally leads nowhere how does someone get this unlucky I mean come on oh god not like this not like this I hear more over there so maybe that's the way to go there is stuff going on right there maybe it's just another section Oh God so so so official they're appearing and then they're kind of going bye-bye which is I guess I can't complain right use the iron pickaxe Oh am i doing what am i doing with my life there we go oh how dare you how dare you don't you dare don't you dare ow my face don't stop you just try the spawner goodbye farewell okay we made it oh we made it this is the end it's not quite this is the most difficult part of the whole thing but here we go so this will allow us to set our spawn and then what we also need to do is maybe make a chest just storing one spare ender pearl in case we spawn at a bad location all right so gotta figure out if there's anything we want to leave behind here maybe leave behind the crossbow might have been good to leave behind some string just in case we needed to get another bow eat it off the map but do that's behind that's leave behind some of the gold just in case we got to make something new a little bit of the mushroom stew I don't know if I should leave behind all my maybe just a few if you cook the pork chop a couple of bowls some of that I shouldn't need to build up too much and here we are I guess so bring some we'll bring some wood with us just in case we do decide to go the bed route it depends how difficult it ends up being using just an iron sword will be interesting it will be interesting let's make a couple mushrooms Jews while we're at it yeah might as well don't really think I need the fire resistance potion and I don't know if we need the black stone or not we're not gonna be able to break any obsidian in there so yeah that I guess the wood will be what we use in order to make new stuff yeah we're going in without potions I think we can do this this is gonna be the least geared and ER dragon fight I have ever done but it'll be great you know what I'm gonna bring in all the wooden because I think what he's gonna happen is I am gonna need to ore and bring in a stack I'm gonna need to make a platform over my head encase and room and aggro of me because I'm gonna be in a real bad place to try to defend against that and I'll leave those there just in case we'll be using stone tools and yeah yeah I'm not bringing all the wool because I have a feeling I'm gonna if I go the bed method I'm gonna end to myself it's just gonna be dumb yeah all right well here we go ladies and gentlemen you know it might be a good idea let's just bring a water bucket I know it's over old materials but let's just bring a water bucket this will be the one bit of leniency I grant myself not that I'll remember to use it at all like I'm not going to I'm gonna definitely be dumb about it and but it's you know it's it's at least it's a thing it's it's the thing that Mike could save me and I hope it won't but it could and here here we are all right everybody let's let's do this thing I'm I'm not scared you're scared I'm not this is terrifying I've never gone to face the dragon with such trash tear gear before I don't even know if I'm gonna get flung up into the air honestly I might just unaligned should do this just in case I need to bring a do a spare chest plate Oh God well here we go folks uh uh I don't know why I put away the eye of Enders I didn't even do the portal yet I almost jumped into lava that would have been a really fun way to end our story ah all right let me just double-check everything all right let's do it let's do it here we go here we go Nero all right not the worst spawn ever actually not the worst spawn white as well go up this way though let's just hope we get a good draw with the end Crystal Towers pillars whatever you want to call the things and let's just hope we don't get you eat it off the map least I have my one ender pearl but we might need to get more there's a good chance we're gonna have to get some more ender pearls okay hello Andy man how are you doing so good to see you here today let me make a little you know what do we have I'll use this instead of the wooden in order to make a little hole spot over here which is probably just gonna be terrible because unfortunately the dragon is just gonna shoot it's a little purple stuff at us whenever I decide I need to take refuge and that's not gonna be particularly fun but what can you do not a great deal all right buds here we go one for one that's how we like to start her off two for two boys come on let's make it a three for three nope couldn't be Oh God again all up we own for this one we going for the the short one here no gotti let's go for this one got it oh we are on one now okay so still a few more to go but we do this think we can do this using only weapons well technically we didn't acquire this particular weapon in the nether but like I had the ingredients to make a bow whoa kaboom dude first try I had the ingredients to make if I was like hey you know what the skeleton gave it to us soul just use that instead I think that's I think that's acceptable oh you're close intercept Mike please allow me to allow me to shoot your crystal I think I'm doing my best to not look at any Enderman I need you to oh god I thought he almost I can't tell it would really help to have up to find now got it boom just that one is it just that one tallboys there got it slightly higher oh my god we did it I'm pretty sure we have 28 left so I can still lay some shots in at the sky and now you know what I'm gonna do uh I'm gonna take advantage of this time because I think I'm gonna need more ender pearls I'm going to 100% get flung up into the air when I'm going for swings at the dragon we did take them all down the dragon is not regen health blossom from the explosion I'm gonna make a few little overhang spots because the dragon is gonna shoot us at one then I'm gonna have to move to another and I don't want to have to deal with being exposed out in the open because Enderman will probably take me down and like three shots here and that's really gonna suck are you I know if I should make another chest plate just because we're here already and it's like just do it just do it just make another chest plate don't be an idiot make another chest plate oh he's going for the purple dude I don't like it no gimme give me my crafting to allit does so much damage Wow no thank you alright let's see so I'll do overhang here I say don't really have to be big overhangs something like that will probably protect me you of them how I wish you wouldn't please do not eat do not eat I requested it you don't this is a no you eat zone alright Enderman I need a couple pearls just for safety this is real dicks they will not go down they keep running super far away now ow ow okay okay so you want to play it that way huh you'll want to play it that way I see you dragon that hurts mushroom stew mushroom stew do not eat do not eat please all right well so much for the idea of getting any ender pearls we got to do and hope we don't get launched into the air please I'm gonna get launched never mind I'm not we're good hey that's the my first time getting the take aim achievement is shooting at the ender dragon isn't that great nice you flawless out here boys got him oh we don't miss shots we don't miss shots I miss shots I just really hope that I don't run out of food that will suck I just want to take shots that I'm more comfortable knowing I'm probably gonna hit rather than when it gets that high it's just 21 yeah 21 arrows I could do some good damage with it as long as I'm picking my shots carefully and right now being annoying I just want to get man one more one more pearl hey but looking at you just one more pearl come on I don't have to change the like Enderman config in the pre releases but it seems like that every time you hit him now if you're underneath an awning they just teleports so far away it's insane I think we're even are you going where are you going what are you doing just and it's gone again I swear it used to be able to just have one panel line up in front now okay you're not getting me good we're having great luck with Enderman here everybody real great luck and the thing is if I do get launched I'm gonna have to because I god I just hangared one I was angered one I didn't want to do that but I did and now he's freaking elsewhere can you stop doing that oh my god stop doing this you take so long to get back what even are you doing oh my god takes 20,000 hits to do any where are you oh no pearl nice just what I wanted help give me a loo thing alright I mean I'm probably gonna get launched here that happens God dang your stupid hitbox when that happens I'm gonna need to get another pearl cuz I don't trust myself enough with water buckets halfway halfway living on a prayer okay I did not get lunch don't come for me remember the old days when the dragon didn't land and you had to use arrows fun times huh got him Oh lame shot dude just hitting the pillar what do you even do in Braille okay I'm just missing shots so let me see if I get another interval hey bud you want to not teleport every two seconds good dick oh my god there he goes oh my god there he goes again it's fine just go a mile back thank you that's very helpful Oh God I gotta go go go go Frick I missed it No how'd I miss it okay at least we're getting a few hits walk slow oh you did a little Juke did a little Juke as I was going for the shot let's go let's do the thing wasting my arrows not that it really matters that much do not eat please I get terrified every time it starts to turn because that is when the dragon obviously has the highest chance of eating oh if we just land up I my 9 more arrows could dig it down come on come on one more one more get here get here I'm gonna be astounded if I can do this without a single Yeats ah he's doing the Jukes he knows what's up done that's what I'm talking about beating minecraft but we start in the nether alright ladies and gentlemen thank you tuning in I would say thanks for watching the series but then I remembered it was one episode so thanks for you made it this far is probably what a few hours much appreciated I hope you've enjoyed make sure to like' if you liked for trying something different also subscribe if you're not already and bail me bro even if you are subscribed you can hit that Bell and do the notification thing again that's been our new sponsor for the time being so uh good stuff all around this has been cool I'm glad that we were able to accomplish it and once again using materials found in the nether that worked out that is the least equipped I have ever come in here for for the dragon who needs diamonds when you can just have cold armor and enchanted a bow and an iron sword good stuff alright guys I guess that's it check out the other another series if you're interested in doing that the other survival that ended recently and yeah I'll see you next time around [Music]
Channel: CaptainSparklez
Views: 755,922
Rating: 4.8999434 out of 5
Keywords: captainsparklez, captain, sparklez, lets, play, playthrough, minecraft, minecraft survival, minecraft let's play, minecraft playthrough, nether, nether survival, minecraft nether, bastion
Id: wX95UqckZSU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 181min 31sec (10891 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 17 2020
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