Minecraft Race For Wool w/ Tubbo, Crumb, And Ranboo Again

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we just going uh yeah let's just go let's just go let's go let's go okay okay okay okay we got great food okay i'll get one yeah i'll get wood i'm gonna take all of the pants yeah you wear the pants in this family what does that mean i hear my mom saying yeah what does that mean it just means that you you are the one who like supports the family makes all the decisions basically yes so i could tell my mom that i wanted some kind of seal and whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa okay not chill not chill i'll get i'll get supplies you just provide constant pressure on them okay tempo this is bad from this is bad oh my god this is bad i said we're winning i said we're winning yes we are all right this is just going to be non-stop spawn camping isn't it yes oh my god krom where have you gone rambo i need help from when you say where is that actually one second i'm just blowing up all their supplies excuse me guys what how did you blow up oh no why are you saying oh no tubbo those that's a good yeah yeah that's a good thing for us i can't believe that's minecraft oh your death threat's lovely there's something very very funny about crime delivering death threats just like yeah that's just amazing um chrome we've lost all of our iron down here so that's not exactly ideal i'm currently mining obsidian with a iron pickaxe pray for me you're you're you're writing up something with an iron picture now obsidian with an iron pickaxe why are you doing that because i'm cracked um okay crumb i've got a couple things for you i have a cake i mean that's that's good too uh i don't know how i can actually i don't know how to ah i get that i don't know how to light their tnt you can't i got rid of the i got rid of your way to light it yeah but maybe i could build a cross we have lots of gravel i don't wait a minute wait are you able to build a cross i have no idea also was there like a oh there's a button oh there was a button shoot i'm going to win yes tubbo go ahead and win the game rambo can you bring me some food down i need some food i have no food all right crumbs um we or me can you let's go here did you get did you get sword and you have pants here yeah was there any string oh yeah there is there is from take this string or here i'll i'll help you out here okay okay seven eight okay i'm gonna make another one of these and then there was uh here let's do this all right rambo i need you to bring something wait where did the string get you get this ring i'm on my way i'm on my way i'm just getting a lot of stuff real fast here you can make a bow too i'm just getting all the this look lovely oh you have a bow lovely lovely one oh yeah okay great wait a second no i have a bow we're fine all right let's go let's go i have an idea what's your idea oh a nice idea apparently wait do you lose stuff by doing that enter it i don't think i think when you die oh do you wait do you have your stuff because your stuff is not there my stuff is not wait i don't have my stuff oh yeah i think it does when you die yeah don't go into the voids no if you i i when when tubbo you killed me i was it was fine you didn't have much stuff on me i guess if you go into the void it's gg please bring wood down to me all right let's go crumb we can win this thing we can on scale of one to ten if you were forced to eat a bee how bad would you feel i wouldn't probably like 20. why have you ever seen one you wouldn't eat a beer you wouldn't feel bad like why would i wouldn't eat a bee okay how hard would you cry probably harder than i've ever cried before okay i was there and i did it really cool uh well then that would probably help a little bit let's go boys let's go killing all his children yeah well good luck when you have to mine through that obsidian demonetization head real fast can you give me some blocks please there's getting back up there's some good stuff over here through bricks oh here i'll you you take some stuff okay crumb shoot him shoot him crumb tubbo he's over there get rid of him delete him i don't know oh there's just oh there's just a bunch of supplies in all of this oh no nope oh god dang it it was worth a try outsmarted again cap oh again like this happens regularly what do you mean this happens very regularly uh-huh you just always are outsmarting me regularly holy i mean didn't want to try oh my god [Laughter] tell me you really tried there jokes on you i've got the white wall oh no oh no and i've been getting supplies this entire time oh crumb did you go down i have two stacks of tnt nice that is wrong you're good double you good i'm gonna take that wait tell me let's keep it wait so wait does all of your stuff get reset it just drops on the ground just in general it drops something right it's just on the ground okay not when you're in the void though no aren't when you're not when you're in the void okay i'm strip mining i'm gonna defeat the ender dragon oh okay krum wait i where are you strip mining wait how is cr yeah wait how is crumb strip mining wait wait a second there's like there's like bedrock i have a feeling this is going to go very poorly for me oh my god double's going to start just demonetization almost everywhere all right tubbo i have a lot of armor for us how long we're going to have a lot of blood for us soon oh yeah chris yeah it takes five minutes so crumb just stay there for five minutes mining wait obsidian is literally five minutes a block yeah it takes you a while to mine mm-hmm i feel like a little amped because i i do this game really does give ant bomb vibes doesn't it a little bit yeah any amp oh there's a spider i don't know if you guys can tell i don't like spiders there we go all right krom are you are you uh on me by any chance why are you i'm i'm down places he's still a little down i can hear like seven million spiders uh-huh uh-huh all right tubbo next time you're next time [Laughter] tell me when you're about to respawn i have some stuff for you i'm not captain i swear to god you want any truce [Applause] is okay all right so yeah what do we do about this situation hello but where are you there's got to be a way there's got to be a way to see uh okay crumb you just gotta you gotta come to me oh puny captain you think that will stop me huh just getting some supplies that's all i'm doing ooh hey this is interesting shoot chrome we get crumb you gotta shoot at him oh captain oh okay are you eating something yep i'm hungry boss man come we got to get him i'm bedazzling myself right now i'll grazzle dazzling oh my god that arrow would have ended me up two hearts if you if you if you see god dang it i am the holly and i'm gonna no wait how do i get how do i do that oh oh i see the idea hey okay meet i have stuff for you i have a lot of stuff give me a second i'm just dealing with something okay you must be careful is that is that the something that you're dealing with okay okay i can't believe you'd do that to crumb i have no soul when it comes to competitive games it is true that is actually very true all right elbow elbow crum uh somehow we need to get this first one here yeah i do i do i do don't worry okay cool cool cool i have a bunch of arrows as well also there's an enchantment table all the way back is yeah oh that doesn't work we're not on one frick guys that doesn't work that's not that's what that's the wrong version of minecraft okay i gotta somehow just mine through here i guess um if you came down here and you started uh uh let's go mining the other thing that would help okay i'm trying to figure out how we have to do this yeah yeah yeah um it seems okay guys there's also no control there's no control swimming i have an idea i have an idea okay i'm good here oh you're right you're right there grab six golden apples oh okay cool i will we'll do we'll do all right here take one of these as well um let me do this but this nothing there i think this is how we're gonna oh oh um dubbo i found something i i definitely found something that would probably trouble that little kid yeah no kidding we're fine creme are you coming yeah yes the stuff that was here now apes wait why can't i why can't i get water there we go you have to march with your fists in this very it's get minecraft get water all right let me look in this chest all right crumb come grab one [Music] crumb you're muted by the way i cannot hear you there's a spider i don't want to go down what's the crumb i need you to grab a wall help help help help me on me just keep on running just keep on running i'm speeding through i'm speeding through we're good we're good we just gotta stay alive come back with me you look like cheeks i look like cake michaels i don't have any um so i'm just gonna start building oh geez here i'm dropping cobblestone for you there you go that's awesome i'm dead i just died i'm trying yeah i'm just trying to help okay okay right i'm i'm so glad i bought loads of pots down here with me because jesus we're gonna need them the best thing about the old versions of minecraft is how much they make you like value pots and stuff uh yeah i'm gonna need to go and uh maybe use some of those perhaps okay chrome we just got to build up oh oh i see what you thought yeah you see where i died yeah i'm from oh okay okay crumb with tnt is dangerous anyone with tnt is dangerous all right all right oh god rambo i'm doing something well risky all right tubbo tubo is this the one where you can is this the one where you can just set your spawn just by clicking on the bed i don't know if that works because we're in one point eight yeah fully sleep but you have to like sleep the entire night away yeah oh that's stupid can we do that all right i got it i got it crum we're catching up to them they don't stand a chance now wait i have to use gold blocks because i'm out of blocks hashtag awesome people things mm-hmm yeah i got the grey wall okay okay i'm just running down grabbing my stuff and then running back they actually are catching up as well yeah you better believe it okay chrome come on uh hop on up and we can go to the next place but you are gonna need some armor um do you do you have any le oh jeez you're blowing it up uh do you have any leather armor yes why is there a baby zombie oh my gosh oh wait i have my stuff i have my stuff all right i got my stuff i'm running i'm running running okay uh you need to like clutch up for me so i can get out oh that's a is that a trap chest hey can i water bucket clutch yes that's good that's good are you okay boss man you sound like yes actually i just clutched oh holy crap you did not tell me how many mobs there were in this little section there are there are a lot of mobs tubbo a a lot of mobs are you killing them no i'm running because i've got the wool on me oh god i'm not going to make it up to the top but i'm going to make it you got it you got it you got it you got it oh i see where you got tnt crumb oh no they just knocked me in the void oh i lost oh no i mean oh yes oh yes spam click in this yeah of course oh that makes things so much easier okay krom where are you michael's hi did you guys get the white one already what was that crumb how do you make a tnt cannon uh you can kind of like light one tnt next to another and then it'll launch the other one um that's one way which one do i like first uh you like the you like the one that is gonna do the launching and the one that's getting launched you light second know the void bruh i think not sir all my stuff uh yeah yeah i'll say so i don't understand how to do uh here let me see if i can figure it out taboo is this the wisest decision to be engaging when you have nothing on yep uh-huh okay yep from help take him out i've known for my good decision making uh not not that way necessarily hey how's it going oh my god you've arrows in you dude get shot oh my god you have arrows in you no but you you are a porcupine right now bro oh me oh yeah i got arrows yeah yeah no kidding i'm too fast i'm getting him awful don't get him i'm too fast oh my god he's got those dodgeball strafes yeah because i've totally played that game before uh crime you were lighting a lot of things on fire i see i'm playing hey rambo can i leave that one to you because that one's a bit of a dick um demonetization no actually i prefer not oh okay good you got good great armor all right chrome we gotta just we gotta just do this do it real nice i'm gonna i'm to die again i'm just going to die again that's just how it is that's just stone with my pick oh god wait are we throwing is that what this is we're throwing hey crum what do you mean can you can you come here so we can do this together i'm just at the same place you were lighting the tnt okay captain you're uh you are p to the eye to the ss ing me off i mean you can say that oh wow there's a lot of blocks that you just got from doing that kaboom okay do we even have any tnt tubbo i got four stacks oh you got four stacks of tnt oh yeah i just blow them up honestly you want me to shoot tnt yeah rude i can try first off no okay um let's see hold on i'm gonna need to krom you're standing right in the line of fire crime you need to be very very careful right now okay i need blocks rainbow i mean rap what oh my goodness god damn it oh my goodness i can say god damn it wait i can't say goddammit i guess you can okay so let's see if we can make this work so we do this ah and then i'm gonna grab my stuff my stuff i probably shouldn't have done that like on the chest yeah i probably should have done that on the chest but you know oh i'm juking no oh my gosh crumb careful oh god tubbo if i'm honest i think i think i don't think we're gonna get this one if we can make a chest and throw some of that stuff in there inventory actually there's some chests there there's a chest oh shoot so you're telling me i'm just gonna have to respawn run all the way back every single time i guess there's no checkpoints on this eh there are no checkpoints on this which makes it just unbearable um why wait what's wrong crumb we haven't even we haven't even done anything we're not digging anything okay okay okay how about would you would you prefer we stopped pvping each other and we go for the wool give me your heart all right that will work for you guys i am good the thing is going for the wool right now for me is just it's just terrible it's just a terrible day for me it's a terrible day just for us all actually like i am getting just absolutely destroyed okay okay i will i will truce you i will truce you krum wants to blow things up with tnt that's fine i'll trace you guys and not shoot you oh my god whoa whoa what did you just do no that was crumb she just blew up our supplies wait crum how did you do that that was amazing do you not want to do this anymore krum that was pretty cool right okay that's what i thought wait he's gonna do it to us okay oh no oh no guys you've got it all wrong don't do it don't do it don't do it don't do it we will pvp you if you try to blow up our supplies god one of them okay crumb let's just uh you wanna you wanna run and try it actually the problem is we're gonna we need to get some more of this stuff in here otherwise we're gonna not be able to i can't believe i blew up the chest that was so dumb nope i'm just running i'm just running i'm just running no no i'm just running i'm just running there are so many mobs quit laughing this is no laughing matter why are there so many oh they're just an insane amount no no and all of my stuff went into all right are you knocked back and 1.8 is so mad chrome are you ready you want to drink we drink speed and we go okay do you just want to have them win so we can stop being in this purgatory please okay here we go from let's do this let's do this oh my god there are a lot of issues in here oh my god oh my god oh my god you're not wrong this is horrible yes that's why i said i'm sure i remember the race of the wool being a lot harder than it um than it was last time we played oh my god tnt the world wave is running being honest run run run there are 40 spiders right here just waiting for me to come down there so they can just immediately end that's just okay again and no entering red areas what what does that mean no wait we never read the rules what's allowed what isn't allowed i think just get the wool do i have op let me message these admins real fast what are you looking to accomplish man uh slash game mode creative that's what i'm looking to accomplish right now yeah oh my god a lot of you one mississippi two mississippi three mississippi four mississippi oh come on oh damn it i have no idea how i'm gonna get out of here i'm just skipping this wall i'm just i'm just dying you can't in this one you can't go to the end ward till you've got the other two i'm going to just start crying i'm sick oh oh i see i needed more blocks there are so many of these things why are they here like what do you feel it's literally just because it's poison spiders if it weren't poison spiders and i'd be having such a better time doing this but it is because it is literally all poison spiders and it's all and creepers one minute mississippi three mississippi four mississippi nice job nice thank you this is this is going well oh my god supplies oh god down to his death okay well tubbo could we maybe could we maybe perhaps try to go for our stuff that it well you know what no our stuff is despawned by now what do we do um because i've just been running in there over and over again and i have died so many times this is an issue uh guys please i i'm trying to i think i'm stuck down here i've lost everything is stuck everyone has lost everything um what else what else is going on everything's going wrong okay hey guys you know the reason why i'm taking all the wool is because i need building blocks my entire chat is like don't take all the wool and i'm like well i don't know how else i'm getting out of here oh he's got the wool rambo yeah yeah maybe that just means we're just losing okay wait maybe we should okay we can we can do it you want to do another map yeah this map is all business this map is terrible i'm so sorry love you map makers this was a good map when 1.8 was a thing but this is a good map when people sought challenges now we look for not that my friend just killed me [Laughter] okay hold on can you let me see if i can actually get out of here okay without shooting me let's let me just see if it's possible for me to make it out i'm going to shoot you no please please don't shoot me this is going to be this is going to be bad enough as it stands no i'm going to be firing no don't don't do that that would be that would be mean from mean is relative from look to your left a little bit from look to your left a little bit you're left just here rainbow just kill me look here oh okay well i was trying to okay okay hey dubbo i i currently have no hunger oh there we go wait do you have a bow no give me a bow i don't i said no i have 64 torches let's just light up the areas we could have used those oh my god that was what we were meant to do that's what that's what we were supposed to do oh that that does actually make sense now why they were that's why there were eight stacks that makes a lot of sense yeah let's just go in okay so are we are we actually doing this map now no my torches will save me there i go take my i'm not entirely sure where you're at right now but i want you to know i want you to know that i don't know how much of a chance we have at this but i'm trying guys you guys are still trying to win i just want to see if i can make it out of here okay that's all sparkle he's just being cool and what you're doing there we go i'm on my way taboo oh jesus jesus it's probably not good oh i don't think it's good i don't think i'm nope nope oh there there goes the stuff no what if i just did this i believe you i didn't oh never mind i'm out oh i'm shaking all about what's it try another one then you need map suggestions i'd suggest mountain mayhem okay cool cool yeah let's do mountain mayhem oh wait that might be the one we already played where was c first go mountain mayhem take us down all right let's see we'll do it we'll do slash hub slash lobby yeah oh okay there we go it's a network server no it's not okay uh i don't know where mountain mayhem is there's a lot of maps on this thing so this is actually a pretty quaint server it is it is super cool oh it's alphabetical oh nice thank you thank you i'm smart oh wait a second how did he know that okay mayhem this is actually such a nice quaint server it is our server oh yeah no this is like this is like servers like this is like this would probably be like one of like the bigger servers right when servers were like first i think and everything is such a brilliant way quaint is not a british word yes it is taboo it's pretty british well it is pretty british ever i'm sorry yeah yeah it is i hate all of you all right join left tubo yeah no tubbo i'm really afraid that when i visit the uk i'm just going to start picking up like these random words you [Music] yours kind of became mine in some areas as well that's the thing okay yeah we're slowly becoming the same person um chrome do slash join team right wait do we wanna look at the map first they just asked or do we want to just go for it uh this is a map yeah let's just go for it let's do this thing i'm ready okay how do i press already why don't we do one of these where we both make our own maps because i have no idea how to make maps yeah i'm not good enough to do that crumb crumb we need you you're the only one here with map experience you realize that right where are you type you should type yes in chat let me just type yes in chat and you should get in what same way you got into the last one yes i hit you i can how dare you just just testing it out all right what are the rules what are the rules get the wall um can all be look at this tubbo wait look at this look at the rules look rule number one you may not enter the opponent's lane okay okay rule number two you may use all the resources in the map okay rule number three you may not place or remove wait what blocks after the indicated line yeah that's right these are the continued rules i i invited you are you not seeing any message in the parkour area okay sounds like a special rule that we do not have to follow crum you're here okay you're here now um okay cool guys i didn't type the wrong name it is literally it is crumble my chat's like it's the wrong name [Music] i'm here i'm ready i'm ready to go okay great all right slash ready everybody slash ready i already have type yours okay let's go five four three i'm not getting the countdown yet well no i'm just counting down oh okay from have you typed slash ready you might have to as well from type slash seven six touchdowns i have fours oh there we go let's go okay i'm gonna i'm gonna be nice i'm not gonna shoot it you guys okay well no if they are shooting us then then i will shoot them but i thought i thought we would be nice to each other after last time you know i got 29 sticks wow crime there's some cool stuff in here i got my sticks i'm ready to go you want to take the chest plate you can take the chest plate you yeah i'm i'm here for you you guys have a chest over there yeah chest and chest plates dude oh wait the double we missed two chests right at the beginning don't don't worry about them don't worry about them at all so many things in here what why do i need these oh yeah that's actually a good point good point yeah chrome we we i have an idea heads wait oh wait can we we need to make them safe oh i just thought cause we can get we can get food [Music] how could you you shot the mooshroom it was my bad no oh my god they're they're ruthless they're ruthless i was trying to be nice i was trying to be nice but they're not being nice all right i'm i'm on my nice ark now so if you do anything bad to me then people are going to i have many apologists captain you need to know this song oh my god i don't i don't doubt it i don't doubt it i'm starving to death i can have five three bed for you bread okay i just i just dropped you i dropped your thing ooh you dropped me a thing ooh good trade good trade let's go spike you should we should insult rainbow now wait someone's going to do that are you sure that's are you sure that's a wise decision you might be able to get away with it but i'm not able to probably i will remember you smell like fish guts hey oh no how do you know what fish guts smell like you fish gut smeller come on man all right let's go let's go down here there's a secret there's no i already went down there i went all the way down there all the way down yeah okay you did you did even though okay so you went like all the way down the hallway yep okay okay dude i hate swimming in 1.8 i'm going to start crying it is not ideal it is so terrible okay crime you can get something there if you want cabo go back to this go back to spawn there's a chest with a bunch of stuff in it okay well you really you really when i have a problem and then i said i have a solution to your problem then you went no he doesn't want convenience he wants to be able to complain convenience he wants shooting oh god okay uh yes please oh crumb we gotta we gotta we gotta go further because he found he found things that are important it sounds like what the heck what is this sorry yeah i'm blowing up spawners around because i don't have a pickaxe you i i mind the spawners you're good hey crum there's some blaze rods this entire area is just dedicated to being like just throwing tnt at the other people really no no no no hey crum come come in here there is a bucket dude nope i do not there's stuff there's stuff that you might enjoy located here no i do not okay well get down here and mine the sign are you doing this are you doing this get over here get over here hey dude i just found some diamond blocks cool i don't have any irons so um welp ow rude uh-huh the irony i'm gonna try and blow up their diamond blocks yeah do that no no no no no don't don't let him do it don't let him do it do that do that thank you tabbo can we we don't want him to do that that would be not good all right tub i'm getting um i'm getting iron okay hurry because i can't defend uh well actually uh i could do something but i don't know if it's borderline breaking the rules so i'm not down to hey ah there's a thing up here what is this okay let me see ruining supplies okay double eye thing dude what there's not even any wall down here i went all the way down there and there's not even any wood that's okay that is okay tubbo okay get the dog and block them don't let them get the diamond blocks yeah yep yep oh no once i got a um okay wait how are we gonna how are we gonna do this i can build a cannon but i it will blow up some of our diamonds yeah build a cannon no why did you do that i thought i was holding a bow you deserved that to be completely fair he didn't he doesn't deserve anything all right i'm the biggest apologist there is he did he did nothing wrong okay i have two stacks of tnt in tubo we're fine ah hello wait what is an apologist someone who is convinced that someone can never do anything wrong well i'm a spiker's apology yeah i like that there's the best kind um defenestration apologist what's that i don't know what that means the act of throwing someone out of a window oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah og if you want to throw anyone out window i'll apologize to you all the time all right yeah all right people have some windows for you have you apologized for it may be very anticlimactic but i need to take a dump i'll be back in a second what am i supposed to do what am i what am i supposed to do now a back foot can you do backflip i can do back flip okay well yeah you can do a backflip that's right do a back flip right now uh i don't have enough real estate i'll break my neck which would get a lot of views but i also wouldn't be able to consciously see them breaking your neck for content i mean who hasn't honestly i i you know what you know what you're right you're right you're right just think of all the all the things that people have done daredevil stunts it's for views right yeah it's just all for views yeah exactly oh god uh crime do you have any wood i have okay can you come down can you come down here i don't know where you are i'm just down like you know how there's that staircase and all that stuff okay just really really down is this a staircase there's staircases and drops and stuff like that uh-oh no no oh wait okay a little bit a little bit higher uh oh that's a lot of silverfish hello okay uh well you deserve what you're gonna get here no i don't hey no i don't hey crumb come down here i need wood please come please i need wood uh i just did what is referred to in the industry as a as a clutch god all right that's what i am okay okay well uh see ya krom i really i really need you to come down here with wood you see the whole like up the mountain and down the down the things the staircases and stuff through the the house you know the house is made out of ice wow that's truly incredible please i'm sorry i mean i'm in just a cave a cave under the yeah i think ice area i'm so angry prom i just need wood god dang it oh yeah okay i put a bunch of tnt in this uh chest down here as well as just pretty much everything that you'll need so uh yeah and um double can you bring down food please i i'm way ahead of you boss thank you double oh don't die i started in my heart come here come here come here oh there's food outside there's food it's under snow it's the house on the mountain i don't know where you're going crumb no oh man i gotta get back up hey the worst thing about all of that we just did none of that was even the first one yeah well the thing is though now we have diamond blocks so we can just immediately make diamond armor and iron armor as well so like we're fine actually getting it yeah so we just got to stop them so i mean so we just have we just have to go down there as fast as we can grab all of our stuff grab our food as well and then we'll be good i was considering using the pearl i accidentally used for like a kamikaze mission to destroy the diamonds yeah but then you but then you just immediately just that was honestly not that was great that was great who am i kidding that was fantastic there we go go all my stuff uh no oh i'm down here captain everything almost everything i'm gonna be honest the one with the checkpoints is 20 times easier than this i agree with you we don't have to we don't have to run all the way back every single time it's beautiful uh okay uh tubbo yep no we're good we're good tubbo i got a lot you got diamond gear uh yes make any mistakes yep i got you make sure you do swords and pickaxes though there might be something with mining obsidian again yep which is why i am only making a chest plate and pants yep yep where are you um all the way down just come all the way down all the way down all the way down yep okay crumb this is going to be fine i'm going to come back and life is going to be great for all of us wait 9 18. cool okay all right i'm going to make a better um thing to blow up their diamonds and stuff oh they got their diamond stuff man what yeah get wrecked noobs wow you know that's honestly kind of hurtful yeah exactly because you've been trying to sabotage us right where's the tnt buick now and here and here and here in here build build the cannon build the cannon uh do you have water because otherwise it's gonna blow us the heck up spikers i can just do this i will come to you in a moment from wait did he make himself full diamond armor wow he only made himself full diamond armor did you well yeah because i have to stay alive i'm coming back for you i am coming back for you right now there you are there you are right then pickaxe as well there you go sword uh i'm so sorry crum i'm i'm really dealing with a lot of aerofire right now oh crap okay no it's not bad i i just need to remember the crafting recipe for a furnace awesome everyone now just overlooks that com yeah just keep doing oppressive fire we can do this is what this is getting intense cap are you sure you don't need to maybe sit down yeah i may have to okay um i got all the i'm so sorry i'm like very occupied by this but i'd love to put them all out the chest did you i'd love to be with you mississippi three mississippi mississippi hit oh this is the best thing that's ever happened now it glitched out actually the tnt cannon actually glitched out it was terrible no it was it went legitimately in and then it just popped right back out it was terrible it's such a bummer okay crumb i'm i've got you covered now maybe let's focus on getting the actual wool um i will need not too much wool i'm actually good now you can collect some though it might come in handy later honestly still good i honestly i still have a diamond pickaxe i have enough oh no i have enough actually for you to have like a bunch of armor in the pickaxe come on let's go so yeah let's just focus on getting the wall now i'll be a kamikaze okay what's a kamikaze someone who doesn't care about dogs demonetizes themselves yes what oh oh oh oh yes yes yes my bad i forgot we can't say end of life is this a swearing yes no no it's not it's not it's not no it's not because you can say it on tv see anything that goes on people can see look at all of them look at all of them look at all of them oh my god is it for me for moy wait tubby tubbo tubbo i know what to do help help help what what dude i'm down for what okay here oh wait i only gave you one block wait here uh dude i'm gonna die i'm picking up what i'm putting down i do i do i do what are you are you picking up what i'm putting down you see those i don't like what they're doing crumb i'm i'm coming up i'm coming up okay oh my god you know what to do you know what to do i know i'm making you i'm making it i'm making it down okay i'm making you have water craft a bucket and break one of these ice yep i don't have oh my god we can make it okay wait you literally smell it some what yeah but then you died with it okay go back and grab some i'll go get it i'll go get it okay we gotta do this fast though we gotta do this fast start to make it just start to make it okay i didn't you didn't drop me any redstone yeah that's because again you died with it okay well um yeah and and that means that we won't it's been a whole hour we played two games we didn't finish either no no we're not we're still going we're still crumb i am i have i have accomplished important things and i'm coming up full diamond armor for himself can you believe this crumb crumb i've got you i've got you okay here here hey i'm gonna take care of this guy i see where the no let's go how did that happen no crumb just died oh i thought he died randy please get some kind of anything i'm getting iron i'm getting iron some kind of anything thanks okay crumb i i will help i will help with this problem don't worry health is on its way something which could prove to be devastating late game and i'm gonna save it so do not let me die oh my god this is so heavy okay whatever you do rambu we have to blow up their chests yep yep that's what i'm doing what what what are you doing okay nothing nothing nothing hey nothing okay okay uh tell me when you're on your way back because i'm gonna start going down okay wait i'm starting timber you better okay wait you better definitely i'll make a night shoot she won't remember okay i'll be the one you have i almost have a bucket with water i almost have the bucket with water chrome are you are you coming or do you need me to bring you stuff but we don't we need it 100 need it i will we can do it i think we can do it with one because there was no redstone because you died with it all there's no more redstone and i'm about to die uh-oh i'm not you're about to die i'm not holy crap okay i need to retreat no yeah yeah we're not gonna tackle that just yet okay good good good good good good good okay crum i'm coming back for you all right okay now's our chance we gotta i think we can do it i think we can probably do it come on i'm i'm i got you you're worried i've got you okay you know what this is do you know what i'm holding here what i'll tell you oh i think i know what you're yep yep i knew it yeah yeah yeah i knew it yeah i knew it yep okay i still don't know what you're doing okay wait wait if we how are we going to do this i think we need i think if we find a way okay we have to flick these two levers at the same time okay you ready oh boy okay one what an idiot what an idiot that stupid zombie one it's fine it's fine just run just run no we didn't do it in time wait wait wait wait wait here i'll take their fire wait oh god let me just clear this out let me throw this out i'm going to go over here i'm going to see no i'm going to go down here god i love me let me just come back to the beginning from you guys doing all right you doing you guys doing okay over there here hey you know we still haven't got the first wall in there in this chest i know i see the room where it is oh my god we could try and blow up their wall yeah no no no no no no that's just bad manners that's just bad manners yeah you what no ah hey rambu they both have full diamond armor i think you both have four oh yeah here crumb good good ideas good ideas here wait there's actually not enough diamonds for that i don't know how because i am cracked okay no you good no not good what'd you just do right after you said you were cracked oh that is fantastic timing that is beautiful timing because i'm cracked and falls into the void with full diamond well it's over ma'am how is it over captain it's over here just take this stuff take some stuff or maybe i'll take the sword for now okay we can make another sword though so that's okay oh my god hey wait oh my god all of this time and we've only just got the first one yeah we only have the first one okay wait let's let's just head back just where is it okay there we go this is the saddest moment of my life holy cow okay shift okay um broski it's not even risking anything tubbo i have too much stuff on me hey broski they said that chill bro oh wait actually a lot of your stuff got saved wait really yeah a lot of your stuff is just on that one i think it oh um i have no idea a skellington with a power 3 bow is just spawned in our spawn oh great this is awesome it is taking me out right now okay oh my god uh we're gonna want to use that at some point so let's share this uh other stuff there's other armor in here there's other armor in here uh and then we can make another diamond sword as well oh wait wait did my diamond sword get saved i have no idea i didn't he had fire aspect too yeah i have fire i have a fire aspect sword as well yeah okay here you go diamond i know you went okay so you got mine awesome all right crum i am going to have to go down there again to restock to restock on what captain basic materials necessities crum i put stuff no more lava let's see we just need this wait did you wait you didn't find my things dick i didn't pick up all of them i'm so sad we would have been at the first world of them yeah oh god because i have to go i have a full inventory oh damn it that's full of important stuff so yeah all right crumbs so all we have to do is we just have to get some wow they're shooting at us can you believe that you who was that oh me oh no it wasn't i don't know where you got that one from okay so crime we just need to mine some of this did you really not have any food on you dude i found that so no i didn't even i actually didn't i just had my last thing of bread and now i now i have more food because i just got some but yeah hey krom when you work your way down here can you mine some iron oh wait where do we put the wool oh rambo you know the ice parkour we accidentally broke it also i guess the other you're not allowed to play oh that was the special rule that was the special rule uh remember wait what do we do with the wool wait where do we put it in the wall thing there's no wool thing i don't see any is there nothing where's the block where i fell in i don't i don't see any wool thing where where do we put it that's a good question okay chronic prefer to grab some of that stuff where do i put the and then i don't know if you have blocks no there's no hop around there you go if you want to build up wait wait ask people who know the server oh my god it's floating in the sky well the war monument is oh okay i know what to do no i saw that in the beginning but i didn't actually know what it was we just look at our feet yeah we are we are lovers of minecraft feet we love it we like to look down yes wicky feet rainbow's always looking down because he's so tough he's used to it i guess that makes sense and i'm always looking up i look sideways yeah sure tubo yeah i don't have a promise oh that makes it hard to look period wait tubbo can you come back with the bucket when you have a chance please yes i'm on my way wait a minute what how the hell is there a crafting table and chest on their side but not on our side because they're probably places we've made it no they haven't no they haven't got there yet oh well maybe oh yeah crumb got there dude yeah take that you're so good you're so good at getting ahead it's amazing okay i'll join you i you you're doing you're doing better than i am hold on i'm coming wait this is like the first wait so when we place that wall uh should we unlock the next area for the next wall is there another believe so i have no idea we're about to find out i guess oh wait oh wait no there isn't okay krum do you want an iron pick have one i do yes you have i have two okay also i have the ability to wait where's the wool gone wait i picked up the wool where did it go where did our uh how did ours how did our rule disappear i don't know dude it sounds like i don't have the serious problem i have no idea how i don't have it that's so weird what do you mean what yeah i know i don't have it i didn't get rid of it for inventory oh crumb we got a chance we got a chance they've made up they've made a terrible terrible mistake all right well i'll just go back and get some more seeing as how we've made a direct path to the next wool and then also i'll just use the water bucket to get up there easier and i don't have to build i'm sorry what was that cap yeah all about having a chance all right crime you going up hey i'm still starving to death boss man and i still i don't have any i've seven rotten flesh where have you gone well can i have that seven rotten flesh please yes you can ha eat the flesh there you go also do this there you go all right come on you have the water you've gone i'm going to heaven no oh wait how do you not have the water bucket i do it's already water you know but this is for um the wool and everything by that i hope you mean that you're sabotaging them no you're not gonna yeah you know you need to bruh i ain't been shooting to you and i could have wreaked havoc on poor naked dubbos he was running down the mountainside but i spared him i never thought i'd hear that sentence before oh there we go give me that give me oh give me that we've got we've got stuff you got to come to the uh the wool or the next place area damn it we didn't get to blow up those chests man one day one day tubbo one day no one crime you got to keep heading up the mountain okay [Music] and then you will get to the promised let's see right i'm not shooting at tubbo right now even though i could make his life miserable okay as he aims his bo you really want to play this way maybe i don't um think about your actions i am starving to death oh no crumb i'm thinking about my actions do you need me to come back and give you food no it's okay dude what should i do crum um keep playing keep go to you want me to go for the wolf but you should just come up to the mountain you have you have your gear right well that's not good oh well that is less than ideal i'd say uh oh no oh you're right there just right there huh okay okay are you sure you don't have uh any cobble wait what do you need it for hey chrome are you gonna be able to make it back mm-hmm okay you know i don't have any on my cool some though but i don't have any i need one bit of cobble please i don't have any food now so i have to walk all the way back wait where are you at the other edge of the map wait wait what edge of the map i saw a beginning end oh yeah okay here we go here we go this is actually good news this is good news for us okay you grab that stuff and here you go there's some food in the chest and now we will be able to do important good things thank you do you have any food no problem how do you don't have any food do you have cowboys okay so get ready look yes there we go now we're good yes no don't kill it don't kill it you can infinite food oh you are so dumb i have two all right crumb it's time it is time are you ready can you drop me the cobblestone before you go boop there you go and then okay let me oh you picked it up i know okay and go get the stuff to make a bow all right or uh why do i have to why do we have to make a bow you could just a bow a bowl oh so punch trees here crown um i'm going back to the uh what is it what is it called i'm going back to the wool area to place trying to save some iron okay let's go let's go let's go you've got bow and arrows oh no it's fine there's there's more there's more up here you're fine okay i've made a trap rambu good good okay he's put a dispenser down up there he's gonna trap us he can't trap us he's just gonna shoot something at us hopefully it backfires and shoots him hopefully what that is wow 1.8 is really bad double what you do wow one point you don't want this you don't want to do this you really don't want to do this oh wait in in 1.8 when you swim and then you meet you immediately got all the bubbles back huh oh yeah yep dude 1.8 is terrible uh crumb crumb crumb be careful with what you're gonna do yes cease fire a second okay let's let's go down let's just go let's go for it crumb what no no you don't go down there cap though wait whatever i don't know why i'm helping you actually yep go down there oh wait yeah go go down there go down there go ahead oh no we don't want to go down here go ahead i know go down there go down there go down there i've made a mistake i'm so sorry there's a little prize there's a little prize for you right it probably is a prize yeah i think there's a little surprise yeah i think wait where do i hey hey hey why are there so many mobs here no no no there are like 80 mobs wow instant damage love that love that for me yeah from there is something okay hey okay i'm going to go down here crumb i'm going to die well i'm gonna die whether or not i get up there anyway so we're just not having a good time oh oh this is good this is gr good stuff okay okay i am gonna come back up the one thing that i hate the most about um skeletons is how just become insane they are let me give you i'll give you this fire aspect two you're gonna be huge and flame one if you want that oh that's no good yep tell me about it i just shoot myself with an arrow okay krom come up here yeah crumb up here and then here we go all right you ready here we are oh my god can we turn it down to easy perhaps uh i don't know can do we have the ability oh i don't know um okay we gotta mine this way crumb you gotta mine that way or you gotta let me do it this way walk this way someone i'm sure someone has done that parody huh they have absolutely oh you've seen it no i mean just definitely there is no way that that does not exist like it's just one of those things that you're just like yeah they're in the loop of minecraft parodies uh i've been slacking a little bit tbh what i know i'm terrible how could i how could i what did you what are you trying to do here buddy i was launching hours uh do you want to you can grab that stuff cool do you have a crafter and then keep on crafting keep on crumbing yes i do i do now place it be careful here crown this is a very spooky scary spot this will be our food pit okay do we even have food we now have how are we going to have food how are we going to get food i made a food oh please wait can i have some can i have some oh i do i do oh this is great wait what oh right here right here i got that one some stuff that we don't need um well no wait wait what kind of stuff because that might be really useful to me because i don't have a weapon tools oh god careful i don't like that splat what do you need blocks there are no blocks i'd literally just saw you drop blocks crumb all right we need to go and get other wool now we did it all right we did it just a bunch we did it get it all right pvp do you want we're the best yeah make sure to pick one up okay here elbow do you drop it down don't let it fall into the fire all right let's go okay can you help out down here yep i can let's do this thing all right watch out creeper yep oh wow this really is 1.8 pvp yep literally just as fast as you can it literally is oh actually i think if we're lucky this will take us to a wool yep why oh sorry i i don't have any torches boss man and i want to take away spawn spots mm-hmm hold on have you guys have you guys deposited wool number one yep oh okay maybe maybe okay crumb um here let me blow up each other let me do this hey boss man place that down and then you can stand there stand on that yep okay there we go let me eat uh i need assistance right now where are you right now where are you kill that terrible human which is not a swear word which i was not going to say no i said i wasn't you're no good job good job okay hello stop fighting me on fire please please oh you got to stop shooting me as well okay double has caused so much damage to me so far our crime we we good we good we've made it this is amazing oh that is a poison that is jump boost that spider has jumped back that spider has jump boost what is going on okay okay crumb we're such a team just watch out for the creeper don't let it blow up the chest okay get rid of that no more spiders okay we're good hey i need some help i don't know movement all the way over here that guy is an iron sword so crumb the only issue is gonna be this bridge this bridge over here i don't i'm not sure what we're going to do about it that looks like a second one wait really it was hidden down here you found it yeah nice oh shoot yeah that's it what have you guys gotten to the not even not even really yet that's not good i i don't know how they what have they done this yep that's the red one okay uh you take one and i'll take one oh yep okay i took four it's okay it's okay all right now we can just make our way back up really easily because we got rid of all the spawners on the way yeah and then and then tubbo do you see oh oh give me a second uh yeah i see i said that would be helpful to make it wait wait for me yeah okay let's go you see look look at that look at that on there yeah yeah i was thinking we go down there next yeah because what i'm doing oh my god wait i think that was a short oh nice we just got oh wait really why wait chrome we got one that they didn't get somehow wait what do you mean i don't know what you're what hmm huh was it a shortcut or was it double was it a shortcut i think it's just i think it's a different rule i think it's a different bowl entirely wait bomb bomb all right let's go crumb you know because i remember when we when we entered it was on the other side yeah that was wait no no no no no no no no no no look me in the eye down here where where down here look at where i'm shooting oh that was the last one that was the one that's where we went though no that's not what we want look at the tunnel path look there's bedrock which is the line that goes down there no because i remember i remember no we were going this way and it was to the left or to the right we're going maybe we if we take both we can i don't know what i don't know what they did but i'm very scared of what they're saying right now mm-hmm so we need to there we go okay and then do grab this uh i don't need that don't need that all right oh yeah you're pushing way forward i like this i like this new crumb just deposit in there i have a bunch of um yeah okay i like both but i like your initiative okay it's in here because i'm an idiot and blocked it up oh okay so they are going where we've already been you've already been down here have you yeah hey no hoping you didn't get the einstein what the heck what other wool is there guys oh wait i probably should explain this you know the brick buildings that we see they're the wall right those are the ones yeah yeah i know yeah wait so you've already got this wall do you oh i know what the oh i know what's happening here okay yeah no this is separate this is separate yeah crumb okay follow me there is a different entrance to the other one there was seven bread it was only seven yes we did your last one first oh no wait wait you guys let's just go back we got no we did the we got the yellow one yeah wait no they didn't say you did yeah we did the monument literally says cam sparkles place the yellow wool on the victory monument oh wait does it only show oh it doesn't matter nice to show your own team come down the uh come down the ice wait so wait oh this whole time i thought you didn't have any any wools no we got in one yes because it didn't show it didn't show it we both did the same thing no i'm not gonna i'm not we're the exact same thing i think we need to do this differently oh dear i mean as soon as we get back we've won it basically yep oh no yeah let's just head back crum can you make a bucket by any chance i have a bucket okay can you come on down with your bucket uh down the the last little wooden structure and through the ice tunnel bless you are you here wait oh there you are okay yeah we need that bucket we need that bucket all right let's uh let's go all right yeah no of course of course i have the red wool and then yeah we'll be good honestly i don't think they're going to be able to defeat us i think it guys it's game it's game well you know what let us get over here although i see oh it said don't blake break her place blocks and we both have a special yeah that was a special rule it said it's i read it on the thing and it said special special so it has to be like agreed on super beforehand oh okay yeah yeah yeah no that sounds right sounds legit yep okay well i'm gonna i'm gonna parkour i'm gonna i'm gonna you keep doing that you you keep doing that i'm a parkour did you guys oh wait did you guys do it out frick uh not yet we're on the final stretch of the race you could shoot us off with arrows if you wanted to we're two we're too consumed with our own uh incredible parkouring you uh on a motorbike there yeah yep i'll let you place the yellow and i will place the red okay oh man wait what was the way to get to the oh man how did you get to the first one it's just kind of a isolated box oh it was through the part you said don't go into how could you yeah well we realized that at the end wow wait oh my god wait it's got a link for our match summary it's an ip grabber oh god wait oh wait no wait no oh it does it says well we killed everyone and everything oh that's cool that's cool krum i think we did a great job personally captain it does i don't wanna maybe we should scramble the teams again i like the singing that makes us win except you're welcome you want to do the same teams as last time because um these ones were kind of these were kind of unbalanced i mean do you do if you guys if you guys want we could do one more yeah i'm down to do one more okay oh wait what time three okay all right you want to do do you want to rematch on this one or do you want to do serengeti uh serengeti because we know where all of them are on this map now all the traps and everything i just didn't know if rambu was in a rush then it's oh it's good it's good okay all right and to be fair we did kind of clap you on this one so maybe the second i think we did great okay were they yeah they were remember we got one each it was one one yeah mm-hmm crumb are you still you're good to do one more thing the reason why is because there was a there was a um [Music] on the last one i think there was like i could you could really easily get the wool if you knew how on that last year yeah yeah he did he 100 did cheat for the record are we switching team yeah chrome are you are you good to do one more i'm so sorry and yes all right this will be the tie breaker for our game we played before this i like race for the wall um yeah we could do it like once a week or something if people are game there's so many maps to choose from here i don't know if i like this game oh no maybe maybe we could try it with more people next time okay seven people on each team oh yeah i guess you can do i mean there's probably a threshold where you like want to break into calls um yeah like i say uh 10 people in a vc that's like a full among us lobby that's that's a bit much that's a bit much for this i think five people in a vc is good so two teams are five if you wanna do ten yeah i suppose and lots of people talk i don't have to and it's nice oh you you wanna talk depends on his dreams we like it when you talk crumb this guy's a penguin wait oh wait oh i accidentally just started a map on oh wow this one looks awesome oh i just went on serengeti do you do you want to do another one oh actually wait this one's tiny it's tiny and deep no oh wait we're sorry do you want me to invite or do we want to do tubbos well i'm going to the lobby whoa mine is yeah no we'll do yours yours looks more interesting is there is there one with only like is there one with like only two wool i think three is just like how is that three for all of them dude three is the standard captain invite me all right um rainbow has a fancy teeth this is a cool one that is the wrong now i spelled it wrong chat okay there we go hey we're all here fantastic [Music] all right crum do slash join team left or just slash join space left that works oh okay fair enough nice okay all right everybody ready oh okay i think we just slash ready and it goes hey also everybody just a quick reminder while you're here since i didn't really do an intro or anything like that make sure you're following it twitch.tv slash kevin sparkles sub to kevin sparkles two on youtube hit the bell uh uh like the video on youtube and all that great stuff okay okay [Music] okay tub i grabbed half the stuff in that chest over there oh did you never mind i'll grab everything wait what i i grabbed half the stuff in this chest but then i was like and they're chrome keep some of the stuff in there so that we don't i see this oh there's another chest uh right here that you missed has some stuff in it also there's that oh okay okay that's tubbo shooting just to be clear i'm not now wow krom did you shoot me i'm sorry i'm also kind of proud because i've never been able to shoot anyone before so i'm sorry when i was the first person you've ever shot [Laughter] how could this happen yo captain do you have a pickaxe i i don't know yet i mean we can make a stone one obviously but god damn it they gave us gold pickaxes oh that's terrible wait okay let's just see so there's a there's a chest down there oh you got it okay no i don't have anything there's lots of stuff there's lots of oh okay i don't have any armor so oh that's great that's great [Music] let's go i have a pickaxe now yeah yep how many do you have oh just a little bit just a little bit wait wait captain can you bring me one of those gold pickaxes please okay oh okay okay uh oh it's already here i'm sorry it's okay we can just do this oh right you can't do that um what's in here okay efficiency five fortune oh guys don't pick mine block yeah yeah yep yep there you can yeah well how else would you get iron oh be careful no i am blocked captain oh i haven't no no no no oh my god you're good you're good yep okay this is the one up um half a heart that entire time i am so proud of you for surviving that thank you i needed that okay so we just need to get some iron really quick uh yeah yeah you'd be on iron duty get enough line for both of us i'm going to scout okay wait can i have that pickaxe then oh yeah i'll drop it in the hole i've dropped it down the hole oh okay cool cool yo piss off boss man i mean wasn't directed at you captain oh i thought you were calling me boss band and telling me to piss off and then i was very sad i was talking around wow oh me what was i doing wait what was that what was i doing shoot oh it was crumb oh in that case wow you called you called every other person that besides the actual person that did it you just got let's get this bread oh wait just a minute what you find something good i uh captain we are about to have a lot of fun okay should i come to you or should i make iron yesterday something tells me that that ex that fun is at the excitement of me it might be but uh i'm all for it okay i'm coming i'm coming i have i have wait is that by the way i've got potions of saturation which are hype okay that is pretty hype oh oh i don't like that nope don't don't no not a fan hey hey are these just zombie skeletons what the heck is this so captain um we're about to make their life a living hell quite literally i'm on my way i'm on my way i'm on my way further along further along i uh oh wait wait wait do you know where i am no i don't i'm just running through this village right now i'm getting the red wall oh my god you're just getting so far ahead what the heck uh grab one of those ooh saturation potions of that sick oh captain they are so far behind oh crap oh crap cup toasters here wait let's go chrome oh that's where you're going i see i see it's down there oh my god how how has this happened how how has this happened stuff it's on its way one sec i'm gonna i'm about to make stuff wow perry is cheering chrome on for that yes wait i actually need more um i need more blocks real quick what do you mean you need more blocks captain because i won't be able to get up otherwise man i need blocks oh god i don't have any blocks and i know i'm stuck down here uh don't worry go get your stuff and i'll i'll come back oh i have i have blocks i need blocks i have blocks i have block side blocks okay well now you're back up mine yep rainbow is my best friend well because i kill them okay okay okay let's do this thing uh yes i do i have lots of blocks here let me give you something and then we go down or do you want me to just lead crumb don't follow me don't follow me i'm gonna follow me wait what the heck what is this area wait i see wait wait let me see oh it's up the top oh my god what is this i'm so good at this game what the heck what in the world okay get down there captain jump real quick you have to get my stuff back but look how you can oh god i'm gonna start getting hit oh geez no man nice okay i'm going to come back up with your stuff oh wait do you have it i have your stuff there's more stuff than that captain i got all the way down oh you got all the way down okay okay here here it's fine do you have blocks i have some yeah yeah here you go okay up we go okay time to ladder clutch this okay actually wait wait i can do this no no no no krom why'd you chrome why did you build so much oh that was me captain help okay we're good we're good come back here and we can we can regroup yeah regroup back here do you have food because i yes yes i do pitifully low okay saturation pot uh i do not have a saturation pot but here you go can you drop me some food real quick thank you and i can give you this this stuff no yeah i don't know why that stuff is okay oh i'm just gonna crumb sorry crumb oh man i'm sorry sorry krom i don't i don't support that behavior [Music] we're uncovering some deep dark secrets you know what i don't know what crumb is talking about okay awesome okay they haven't realized how awful this is yet oh no i totally have i have definitely realized how awful tunnel is don't i don't think they have no you definitely haven't hey rambo ah why is there careful double careful i'm good that's how awful this is okay i'm i gotta make another pickaxe just to be safe okay uh crum i won't shoot you i won't shoot you okay yeah the cobwebs are literally dead make them death make sure you get the cobwebs from above okay crumble start i just want stop okay we need to take care of crumbs being a pen in the a to the r to the ss every time tubbo curses he has to die that's just going to be the rule now i'm shooting crumb okay go captain go go go go okay all right got it oh there's a gaffer yeah you you want to get one too wait what do i i'll bring one to you oh you got it i'll i'll get a couple okay i've got okay take out randy before he can get his stuff back no stop or just don't i hope okay let it be known that was tubbo not not me i was going to let you i know i know no i'm competitive now because really likes to kill me crash me so i've got to be competitive man i suck at this dude not true that it is very true actually i have died so many times also i'm scared of the apologists [Laughter] i'm also scared of people the apologists are spooky dude okay okay hold on i gotta build up dude we have to be quick sparkles yes sir yes sir lead the way captain capitalism keeps winning i don't know why i said that that was just a dm i read it's fine yeah i'm sorry i'm sorry krum again i didn't i didn't do it i told him not to i'm on a killing spree or you could just monster demonetization [Music] but he is lying what i am not i'm being super nice i'm a nice guy okay okay captain let's go next wait actually no we have to put this wall back yeah yeah we do we do okay that's not good okay oh god there's a lot of there's a lot of bad things here wait where is the thing where is it wait what the hell where do we put it it's in the tree it's in the tree oh no oh not like this get out of here skeleton oh my god i can't get out of the water somewhere i'm beating okay thank you i found all your stuff rainbow cool grab it whoa whoa hold on hold on i'm really low i'm really low i gotta i gotta recover i guarantee he's lower okay i'm going up he's hitting me he's hitting me tubbo i know he is it's fine cap it's fine i'm shooting him as well i think he's got thorns or i've got a really good aim wait is it actually in the tree i don't see it no that's not right is it not in the tree it's not in the tree hey where do we put the wall i genuinely don't know hey piss off i'm sorry captain it's at the end of the map what no oh god dang it it's at the other end i need you to shoot tubbo i need you to shoot cro i'll just keep crossing i'll just keep on not letting i'll just i'll just keep on not let the captain get up there are you giving me a second i'm calling you i have 16 where are you going captain i'm going oh okay i'm just making sure this wall gets to the other side unharmed ah shoot okay i gotta go for tubbo maybe they're lying i know he's too far away no tubbo definitely has it wait how did you how did you know that it's on the other side of the map tubbo i got a whisper bruh that's called cheating bill well i said it out loud so you guys would know as well uh do you you have the wool just to be clear right oh captain jesus this is this is a real development come on come on please tell me please tell me that you're just that you're just messing and that you do have it i do have it i do have it i'll say okay i just got something very opie oh no because i i somehow just picked up two wool and i'm pretty sure i only grabbed one so it's like uh wait nice it's a little complicated all right i'm glad that i have a man of your intelligence and culture on my team yep okay we're not going to be doing the um the lime wall because that is a cluster f to the u to the c to the k well but i mean don't we need to do it at some point yep but i'm procrastinating got it okay i'm on my way mom away oh it's a baby zombie spawner this sucks bail look out it's phil's worst nightmare dude oh god i used to think his name was phil zilla that would be a way cooler name though no you've got to be kidding me oh bye dude i'm oh man you guys have won basically there's no way his name is actually i prefer phil zilla you should make him change it i bet he'd listen to you no why would you do that i actually i don't think you have got this i am about to unexist no no no no no no oh you would not want to do that you really do not wish to do that bruh there was a skeleton behind me don't do it to be honest i reckon you could easily bring this back because i'm in a situation right now uh it's okay tubbo i can come to you with other stuff oh there i go great wait how'd you just go down again how are you dying but i i felt it literally shows it in the chat tubbo yeah but that is not a valid death method nice you're adam morg oh this guy come on not valid that's so rude [Music] what do you mean he died of this no no no that's what you're saying right now tubbo yeah i am basically the judgment day can you can can people only die in cool ways in your life okay i'm on my way you just you went a little ahead okay you went a little bit ahead and the issue is i need blocks this is going very very terribly for just everyone i'm about to tackle a very difficult bit so i would appreciate it yeah yeah i just need just need to get some blocks uh i'm gonna snag myself some dirt i just i just can't survive i just can't survive this is just it's just not possible it's just not possible bam no okay that was a 360 actually so i feel really cool how could you oh god captain this might be the end for me no no no whatever you're doing whatever you're doing stop doing it are you under this the uh are you yellow wall water captain are you wool or a yellow wool i should say i'm about to just i'm just gonna die again okay tumble i'm coming to you this is great for me yeah okay good that's exciting captain and all but um i'm trying my best man the spiders have strength you didn't clear any of these spotters no i didn't i just lit them up so they can't spawn dude oh i guess that's true but some of them were spawning yeah but they were spawning off the map i guess but i want to clear them okay all right here wow that's a flex using the wool to actually just place down yeah i know yeah i'm pretty cool uh okay so what's the issue here tell me what you tell me what the problem is well i kinda actually got it under control now you took so long to get here you were panicking like three seconds ago man i know but then i realized the scale the spiders can't swim so i just wait to drown so your fear was overblown my fear was my fear was somewhat misplaced i got it hey guys i promise we're not shooting at you this is great yeah okay we won't shoot at them they need they need they need yeah we're we're letting you do what you got to do okay we're nice people i'm a nice people no i'm gonna shoot no don't do it don't do it let them let them have a chance oh oh little uh tiny boys tiny oh we don't like tiny boys we do not like tiny boys wait did i just say we don't like myself oh no oh is it because don't worry i'm sure also rambo is six six though i i know i've heard i don't know what that's like probably i'm able to reach every single cabinet i can reach every single cabinet just i just have a well actually no i can't reach this the location oh no no no no i can't reach the location of my snowboard in my closet i have to stand on a chair you have a story oh my god captain let's go snowboarding together one day i i agree boarding i agree let's go i actually cracked i was learning how to do flips wait really it's awesome yes well i've never been to a snow park captain well i've been to the terrain park inside the ski places but i've i've not been to like a a wendell's or something like that where you go into foam pits and stuff can i just say sorry yeah what's up you make plans so fast like like someone can say one interest and you're just like you me february 14th like oh okay february 14th oh that's a romantic date that came to mind actually and it was like the worst date to choose why what's wrong with february 14th that's valentine's day tempo why do you not know that's a more appropriate question why do you not know that was the day that we saved john old tubbo sorry michael michael sorry wait where have you gone donald's a different job sorry oh oh oh it's right up there yeah sorry i was thinking about i was thinking oh man oh you already got it well you're so ahead of me man wait you guys already got the second wolf yes oh how the turntables wait how have you not got the first one yet we literally because we've been trying to get our stuff back from this one area for the past 30 minutes this game is just purgatory i need to go contact martin luther to get out of this my god oh didn't he write that was such a reference thank you thank you did he write that right no no no no no no different martin luther martin luther not he's the uh protestant martin luther is that the guy who wrote like 99 reasons why like screw the church yes we're like why the um why the church was corrupt during like the early um or like when like the um like same old same old like i believe it was in like france i'm pretty sure um basically what they were doing was they were selling these things called they were selling these things called indulgences which were basically scams because they were just like oh oh like you're you're right now like they were like you were stuck in per purgatory right so then yeah oh yeah yeah you got to show me where the thing is captain i'm just gonna put the other context yeah crumbs getting cancelled dude but what screaming i hate french people oh i didn't even hear that i just zoned that out it was very loud uh oh the server is self-promoting server don't they'll be able to find the ip self-promote now server do not self-promote right now oh god it's okay i think they have it on whitelist set wait are we are we just going for this wool without uh placing the other this is the monument oh that's the monument oh i see god let's not teach you general relativity anytime soon whoa okay i'll have you know i know what equals mc squared means okay what's it mean it's it means that the energy that is created by the collision of matter and anti-matter is equal to that formula based on the mass of the matter and anti-matter i'm so so glad that you got that right because it would have just been really really funny what is standing on this dude what it's an elevator oh wow that's cool wait you've just funk you've elevate you elevate both of us yep okay let's run because this is a terrifying wall to have to go okay all right oh god well we can put together spawnable spots as you go man how do you we never covered we never covered relativity in high school man no that was just my interest oh gotcha okay because i guess everyone sees equals mc squared and it's like what is that actually about oh no i was more interested in like the frames of relativity so what are the frames frames of reference oh and like time dilation and stuff like that yeah yeah so let's like the analogy because i watched a video the other day and the analogy they used which was really good it was like if you're inside a train and you throw a ball at five meters per second that ball is traveling at five meters per second relative to you yes but light is always light yeah but if the train is if the train is moving at 60 meters per second and then it's relative to someone outside the train that ball is moving at 65 meters per second get it now get it wait until you learn about game theory game theory is awesome wait what's game theory is that matpat yes oh i thought there was like literally like i thought there was another thing that was like the theory of relativity but it was an actual thing called game theory which is like a term for something cool uh yeah maybe but it is a term for something cool a youtube channel with over 10 million let me look it up wait you're standing in a bad place for that um i think isn't game theory just like about gambling yeah no no game theory the process of modeling the strategic interaction between two or more players in a situation set of rules and outcomes game theory yeah here here this i get the honor of placing the final one wow you guys didn't get a single wall that was a walk over nope yeah he's really cool i watched their finance videos when i'm animating yeah matpat's matpat's pretty cool he's he's smart individual man um yeah so but but the cool thing the cool thing is about a train is if the train is traveling at the speed of light and you shine a flashlight then both it's always moving at the speed of light for every frame of reference yes it's oh wow physics is awesome guys so which means that if you are traveling at the speed of light or which you can't do but light itself does not experience the passage of time light gets from point a to point b instantaneously it's very fascinating that's why we will never have the star trek warp drive yeah unfortunate all right uh well good games everybody good games sorry sorry that there was some item despawning in the in this round but yep don't apologize we won guys all right i want to know what these what no just guys they're just silence [Laughter] what are you what are you looking at i was looking at what these big bedrock slabs are that are in the sky i'm wondering what they did uh oh i know what they do they're meant to make it so in the void section is always dark so sunlight doesn't so stuff can spawn that's clever um okay cool well i am uh i guess i think i am going to jump on to my next thing and i think rambu you also had to get rolling right um yeah all right cool well yeah we should uh we should get more people to do this maybe uh do like one of the 5v5s or something that'd be cool yeah no definitely definitely oh boy all right and they said they can whitelist you want 20 v20 from yeah just two like battle royale game at that point fortnite fortnight race for wool we all drop in from the sky all right um well i guess uh yeah good games guys and we'll figure out the next one yeah thank you for the games it was awesome very fun very fun and i'll update the uh title of the text chat next time sorry taboo yeah i thought it was thursday so i was gonna go shower and now i haven't got to shower oh god you must be gross dude go shower i feel gross i'm sorry to play race for the wall if it can handle it yes this has like a this has like literally a 24 player it does sync literally i looked at the server and it was like 20 like zero out of 28 and i'm like uh oh that's why i was like don't don't show it you know just yeah yeah just be careful all right hey it worked great it worked great for this yeah it was actually awesome that was way better than me hosting it myself and having to reset the map every time yeah um all right cool guys well i'll catch you later come have fun with homework why did you say that imagine having to do homework imagine having to do homework i'm not bullying you i said have fun it's being serious at least you're not old like me right at least you're not old that's how to console someone well it should he's almost as old as you he's getting really close dude you'll be there the next year basically oh my god dubbo's gonna be old if he travels at the speed of light he will literally be there in like really fast what oh my god i just found a crazy race for the warm up okay i feel like they usually do yeah they all do okay grind on minecraft i'm so good at it i mean you you already you were doing great uh in in the last one so it was it was good crumb you got this we'll get them next time we'll get the next time and we'll get them on star dude too all right i'll see you guys later have a good one thanks for playing see you later bye all right see ya bye-bye all right everybody uh thanks for tuning in to race for wool we are continuing the stream we're gonna do some it takes two for a little bit probably like a shorter session than usual just because i do have to do a bunch of stuff uh so feel free to stay tuned but hey make sure to like the video if you're watching on youtube also stuff kevin sparkles too make sure you're following at twitch.tv slash captainsparklez and um yeah i think i think that's like that's pretty much where where we at dude so uh ye thanks guys it was super duper hmm we'll play again and uh okay see you later
Channel: CaptainSparklez 2
Views: 74,232
Rating: 4.9530754 out of 5
Keywords: captainsparkles, minecraft, race for wool
Id: yggT2nq_J6s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 119min 57sec (7197 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 23 2021
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