Minecraft Parkour Gran Prix Vs. X33N

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hello everybody welcome to a minecraft map called parkour grand prix hence the pgp we are for this map playing on a beautiful beautiful server that's brought to you by our beautiful beautiful sponsor mc pro hosting if you're interested in grabbing a server for yourself so you can verse your friend in this parkour map just play vanilla minecraft load up a mod back whatever floats your goat check them out at mcprohosting.com whatever the corresponding link is beneath the stream or the youtube video that you're watching you'll get 25 off your first month of hosting a server give it a try see how you like it have a good time and big shout out to them for always being the sponsor here so that said are you excited you expressed um mixed feelings before we started here all i was saying is that clearly if you're loading a parkour map for us to play that you must be having a bad day and you're needing to to beat someone down to feel better and i'm here to provide i i mean if you consider having slept on my neck wrong and my neck hurts then yes bad day bad day i literally like i can't look over discord because it's pain i just i just figured you know you wouldn't put me through this unless you needed it so i was doing it as like a friend favor but it sounds like you're you just you just didn't you just want to see me suffer for them yeah also shout out to the people who made it masimo the creator and event manager and we got a lot of other people who did the stuff and the things which is pretty cool dude congratulations everybody who just got grumped into and a lot of others we appreciate your individual controversy i zoomed in hard on those names they're very readable all right they're super readable and neon that's right i've got i've got optifine on this uh on this exactly okay well shall we select a level um yeah and also we gotta mind the uh the effects okay jump boost speed boost light medium so it's just jump and speed but varying degrees of speed oh and then drop items in hot bar to activate dude it's like mario kart that's swick okay i don't know what's going on well i mean we might as well do all the tracks yeah or maybe zero is it i think zero zero so that doesn't sound very fun that doesn't look fun the loop uh oh oh oh it's like starting i don't know we're running yeah we're going you gotta go oh okay this is fun i'm happy yay are you happy that's good bro this is cool wait wait oh there's like the oh there was like a different way to do that checkpoint 103. who oh gotta go before where's out oh no oh no oh no there was a no no did zean did you no oh balls oh dude there's like a high road and a low road though and i'm i'm not hey why can't this just go faster i missed the road that i needed to road on uh-huh yeah it sounds terrible it's it sounds i'll be back here if you need me what is wrong nothing's wrong it's great oh don't mess that up don't mess that up come on no i've screwed up you can catch up to me now are you on the low road i was oh my god this is a problem come on there we go what was all that checkpoints boys oh this is fast speed super speed jump and make it we zooming out here we zooming out here now whoa okay [Music] oh he does it yes he makes it flawlessly incredible work yeah what are we jumping we jumping we jumping okay we going oh this one this is like ace race and i love it i love ace race ace race is the best game mode in minecraft champs i hope ace race is back when minecraft champs returns at some point in the near future that i don't actually have any idea about okay and jumpy boy oh hybrid no i missed the high road shoot dude i wanted to hit the high road i really wanted to hit the high road oh my god that's such a speedy high road if you can take it nice work if you can get it and you can get it okay it's okay there's a chance oh bro if you can say hi there that's sick no what what is that oh there's barriers there oh my what the what is happening oh good what is happening i can't get you oh where did you go the something went wrong expected one armor stand to be there and um okay so uh good news good news is that that fixed it was just not really it wasn't it wasn't really good news it was just i think that's why i couldn't go through is there was like invisible barrier blocks blocking me uh-huh whoa oh if you get high road there it's nutty oh my god nothing about anything is good uh i recommend you try getting high road once you get to the part with all the stairs on it because you will absolutely dominate oh yeah yeah you know i'm already dominating like not many people can keep up with what i've got cooking right can you smell what the zine is cooking uh come on i've cooked the last three days i didn't oh really but no pizza from papa john's i cooked my own meal the last three days for the first time and man i there were there were unexpected things okay what does that mean the the number of dishes that you have to do oh yeah it's the worst it's the worst it's insane i've had my dishwasher more in the last three days than i have in the last three months i know exactly it's like oh my god why are there so many dishes um and then the number of times you have to wash your hands it's just ridiculous like it's just just wash wash wash wash wash um and then uh let's see what else oh it's a lot of time well i mean i've got uh yes yes and i mean it certainly is a lot of time the uh i what i'm doing is uh like one of the box meal things so it's all pre-prepped oh oh so it's not even as much time as it would be no no no but but it's still i mean it's still like an hour i missed it again i missed the crazy short cuttage everyone tells me you know oh it's because cooking's an art not a science but i am like you know like i don't know what the heck i'm doing so you hand me a recipe i want the recipe to tell me what to do not like add a smidgen of this and a drizzle of that and a pinch i'm like no what is a pinch how does one pinch like you know do i pinch hard do i pinch not and uh do i pinch not or do i pinch us to thou pinch us not no no no no not this again oh it's like there's barrier blocks or something i don't know why there we go jeez i don't know why cheese i don't know why cheese dude i i just it's i uh so how many times do i gotta do this pain asking for a friend like how how long are you in for this this mess wait you're all you're probably going to catch up to me because i'm really trying to like optimize this i see your name tag too and so you frick i'm still on what now getting close i i just want to oh i can't get up god i don't understand what it is about anything that's just like god dang it okay i've really i've screwed the pooch here on this last one trying to maximize my return okay the fact that my first lap was my fastest is kind of not how it's supposed to be [Music] it's okay dude there's five more levels for us to try okay cool i can hardly wait why are you being such a soggy waffle soggy waffle what the hell does that even mean it means that you shouldn't be a soggy waffle dude noted okay here we go third lap we got this dude we got this there we go down the hatch ah yeah plus five seconds still though trash straight up badness okay i really have to hit the high road here oh the speed screws me up every time i think at least from what i've seen there's one spot where you're like i need to hit the high road where i oh i've only ever done the high road and i've never really oh there's four laps dang why does it just keep going can we can we stop uh there must be a limit oh oh that was that was swick that was swick no i assume it doesn't go forever i mean how do i know because that wouldn't be much of a race if it just goes forever and we're in minecraft le mans right now trust me it's not much of a race as it is no you idiot fool idiot stupid face i love minecraft le mans we are ford versus ferrari right now no we're fry versus pinto right now i'm the the toyota corolla to your lamborghini right now no no i don't believe that for a second yeah i know you're gaining on me bro i know you're gaining on me bad uh i was plus 50 over my last lap yeah i'm plus 50 40 over my last my previous lap so plus 50 40. yeah you know 50 seconds slower than last oh wait how i talk about it too much like i don't like 50. okay lap four oh no oh you might be a little behind you think possibly just a warm-up man it's just a warm-up i'll tell you if it goes to a lap five we'll uh we'll call it there i'm sure there's a way to get back to hub i thought it would be like three laps i think it's just like what's your best like stuff isn't it there we go there we go i don't i assume it's not but we'll see and uh let's see well you set a new record so congratulations respond at last checkpoint return to lobby show track best personal best so maybe yeah maybe it just does go so we gotta we gotta uh do you wanna go back to hub sure i mean you know i'm pretty close but okay close at all so hit the door it won't let me drop it okay there we go all right well let's do map two how about we do two laps per map because i i thought that it was going to end automatically is there a is there a thing that okay so i only use the control to run but on stuff like this that ends up giving me a oh oh it's starting frick you only wait are you in no no no your your your inability to stop for a quarter of a second no i forgot to continue i forgot that when you jump into the map it starts you i i yeah i forgot about the the instant thing um okay so what are you asking about with control i was i was just like my run is the default control and i hold that down and as i run and then i get a cramp and so i'm just wondering like is there toggle sprint yes absolutely how do you so go into options accessibility settings and turn sprint to toggle from hold oh so you just press it and it just press it once and then it sticks it forever that seems nice it's the best okay absolutely okay now he's gonna beat me everybody yeah that was definitely the problem okay you ready yep let's do it uh i can't see anything oh here we go mario kart let's go who taking the inside track who who i don't know actually no what's the best track here what's the what's the lie oh frick i think you want to be up i don't think you want to be down i'm not sure we'll find out oh boy i don't even there's like a million do i gotta parkour across this yeah oh this is oh speed speed speed oh yikes yikes yikes got it got it got it okay we zoom we zoom we zoom okay wait what the you gotta follow the arrows or you can go up no oh no wait oh yeah this is the way this is the way always try to go up if you can i'm going backwards so you try not to do that that's not ideal definitely wait what is what is the what is the deal with this i don't know what the deal is here wait what the fricking what the frick frack is what wait do you what i'm confused as to like do i need to do some of these jumps i guess not oh god oh wait that might be a shortcut down there all right we going down we going down a big spiral big spiral oh oh oh is it like a maze no all right we're going on the next slide oh i missed a freaking boost okay two laps let's go let's go let's go how's it coming along mate i am not in a big spiral oh frick i screwed this up it's okay you have time you have time to catch up now that i screwed it don't fall don't fall don't fall falling is not an option failure is not an option there we go oh there's one second out though i don't know what direction i need to go uh i mean the spiral should be going down okay but i don't know where you're at so it is hard to have an idea i know that feeling it's very dark in here though very shiny oh god you can't even see that thing aren't those things supposed to make me faster uh yeah you have to hit it like squarely on it though i was running right across them but it's okay sometimes you can be like slightly off and it's just like nah come on let's go let's go let's go keep the inside line keep a tight inside line let's do it that's the way i'm approaching it too here we go boy let's do it let's go let's go all right you left me it did uh so um do you want to do the next course whatever you want uh do you want to do the next lap or do you want to go to the next map leper map i mean this is just like one big i mean there's a maze area that if you fall down then you just sit there and wander around for a while and it i got to i got to know a lot of it quite well i feel like i've seen a i've seen plenty i don't want to hold you back all right return to lobby is there something else you would prefer to do we're doing great i just i want you to hate me man what i i feel like you're not having fun i this is the time of my life okay i just all right well if you want to move to something else we can no no no mario kart and parkour i've always thought those two needed to go together all right um well uh are you ready for madden or lab madness i this was the one that i noticed when we started and i was like this one's gonna be the most exciting one we've done okay let's get it let's go let's go and get it it is true you don't like winning oh oh oh oh he he eliminate wait what the frick oh shoot i have to go all the way back yeah i know that feeling whoo do i know that feeling oh no okay and i'm back down here wait what the oh i'm back down what the hell am i doing i don't know what i'm doing either this is a nightmare it's an absolute nightmare it's a bloodbath oh my god wait what what direction i don't know i don't know what to do where to go what are this who's what what okay i shake i just found it fell onto soul sand which is one thing that i was really hoping to be immersed in i don't i don't know i don't know what this wait what is this what is this place don't fall down into the soul sand it's not the good what wait what it what am i doing where am i going what what am i to do what am i doing where am i going how did i get here cotton i joe yeah what seriously though i don't i don't know what what i'm doing where am i what it doesn't look like i can do anything from here can i i don't think i can get up oh oh oh oh this this is like this must be some crazy shortcut that i'm trying no okay i'm going the other way zine you don't want to come this way it's a mistake nope now i'm in seoul sand you don't want to be down on the soul sand i've confirmed that yeah oh my god sand i'm going the other way man this this is that's a bad place to be in what the heck i'm pretty sure that's supposed to be some like gigantic shortcut what the it's just a it's just a painful mistake what the frick wait we can go here though right like like vexes oh yeah it's worse than dexes though it's quite vexing oh is this supposed to be the shortcut warning make sure you go to the first check did we get a first checkpoint i certainly didn't see any checkpoints i don't like lab madness you want to do another level you don't like you're you're uh listen you're calling you're throwing in the towel already well apparently we went out of order like what checkpoint one excuse me it's a non-linear race course this is like having a race course where you can choose to go backwards at a certain spot if you'd like to we're we can't wait i mean we made it here i think i see it isn't see how there's one up there that's uh all in the orange maybe because that's why that's why he's sending us back is he's like hey you want to do this before you get to this point all right zine's not a quitter like me everyone i don't know this is this whole oh yep yep what is this okay oh god what the why why why is it non-linear there's arrows on the walls oh dear arrows on the walls frick plank nope that's very unfortunate oh wait what oh wait what how did you pull that off because there's just an easier way oh ah oh balls is we do we already got a ladder parkour this is a questionable level why the frick are you like this you seem to be enjoying it when you were when you were beating it's not even the beating it's not even keeping up it's not even that can you not run from one side to what the why can't i hit that thing why can't i hit that thing okay i hate everything about this right now there we go i karumba yeah i got there and then that was tough freaking this is not uh this isn't like a race this is just a straight up like parkour map now i noticed that you know uh i i i've i've noticed some certain parkour elements amongst the whole thing myself maybe we can what if what about this what it nope that's not anything that's not anything at all what in the actual uh freaking runs me around and puts me into the same spot okay i don't like it wait no what what where wait what huh cool where am i go where am i going are you sure you still want to continue this one oh no not at all okay let's go back to the lobby that um yeah uh that that level interesting very interesting that one uh-huh okay cool cool how about never again and instead we go to missingtextures.txt does that sound good yeah let's do it let's do it oh it's going to be just a you don't have counter-strike and uh or what you wanna call it it's gonna be you don't have half-life installed and you're trying to play gary's mod counter-strike source yeah all those all the aboves oh frick oh there we go oh this is a this is a tricky dick here it's kind of hard to see with the i lack a contrast i think that it's part of the point yes yeah at least it's more i don't know race like yeah no no i was just thinking man this is better you're thinking why wait where's the opening is that an opening okay opening is that an opening that's an opening oh wait is there okay yeah there is that's still an opening still an opening brick messed it up messed up the whole thing it is pretty wild oh why am i following this path if i literally don't have to i feel like there's a lot of fancy shortcuts around here and i know that i'm missing all of them wait i don't know can i even make that oh it is a four blocker okay ah there's something that loads every time that i wait ah is it this way oh i made it okay i did make it cool i got a new personal best on my first lap incredible incredible huh incredible how did he do that what's the point of this i don't know probably to trip you up honestly uh yeah quite literally no you weren't supposed to do that you weren't supposed to do that you hit your lap uh kind of what what does that kind of mean dude there i found a spot where uh you fall into a uh an unescapable hole and i had to oh that's that's kind of unfortunate oh that's that oh i see now ah so you need to make a four block jump or you can do that now i get the trick now i get the whole thing it's the risk it's the big the old big riskaroo yeah there we go new record woo lab 2 best lap ah yui getting the hang of it dude new ace race world record mcc here we come let's do it we got this i just want to make it all the way through here though flawlessly would be sick uh yeah with that salmon ladder salmon ladder parkour boys salmon ladder parkour he's he's still got the salmon ladder in him he's still got the salmon ladder he's unstoppable at the salmon ladder he just does it all the way through oh my and it's slower apparently than we're going down below okay well i still tried i'm sorry this happened to you yeah apparently doing it salmon latter way was actually slower so that was a bit ah frick me i thought i was saving time but i did not but i but i was not it was all for naught oh no how many laps are we doing uh two sounds good yeah i just finished my second all right you wanna you wanna dip sure okey-dokey let's dip all right high scores level oh there's two level selects how convenient you can go either way you can go your own way go my way all right space oh this sounds cool it's like rainbow road but it's minecraft version how do you know that i don't know i'm just no it looks nothing like rainbow road yeah but the ready set go looks a lot like it well actually this is really cool looking what the i don't know which way is better i don't know which way is the way which is the way is this the way is a mandalorian going to show me which is the way don't fall it's a long drop which which way which is the way is this the way god what if you fall this is terrifying it is rainbow road ah i fail what happens when you fall you land down here and now i really don't know it doesn't teleport you back up oh you have to drop your respawn at last checkpoint oh oh no that is that is pain it truly is rainbow road you get a little do you get a little cloud dude uh who who takes you back with the fishing pole uh no dang it wait oh no oh my god we go in oh we go in because uh lackey two yes lucky two yeah if there's one thing that goes well with me in parkour it's a uh back to the last checkpoint if you miss a jump situation that's that's really what we're all looking for here oh god oh okay well this is problematic because i can't even see where i'm going uh what same what what is what it what it what are this what are this why are this what it is what the frick is it that is it that one uh oh oh what bruh what's wrong tell me your woes oh i've fallen and i don't know where to go what the oh follow the glowstone you guys think that might be the way cool that was some neat lag right there if i glowed no the glowstone ends right there oh that's why i see now how's it going how's it going i haven't progressed since last we checked i see um well do you wish to try the next level once i reached the finish that way this is a long level ow it still hurts what hurts um festering feelings of inadequacy and compared to the your peers no whoa it's like rainbow road now that's what gets me it's like rainbow road now it's so cool in here oh freaking frick now i don't get to run on the rainbow road that's very sad oh i just get to take this dark gloomy road of terrible pain and darkness despair oh it just teleports you for the lap interesting what are your thoughts i am killing it right now absolute destruction would you like to complete would you like to complete a lap or i i am i i am stealth i am speed what is what does this say it's not really answering the uh question but dead comet home of mad nick did you see dead comment home with madnick no i didn't you must have achieved something great oh yeah no it's uh i i am stealth uh-huh exactly i always thought you were i always knew he was i i i am like a bullet dude and you're a bullet train that's crazy you see me do this uh this ice stuff i'm like are you that's gnarly bro oh hey what's up i'm here with you i'm killing it so um do you wish to complete the lap uh no we're good okay unless you want to you want to complete the lab uh no i completed the lap um it was a it was a distance it's a distance for well actually it's like halfway here probably maybe i'm not sure i don't know it takes longer once you get to that point but i also made a wrong turn so oh yeah all right there's only one more level don't worry only one more excellent we're great we're great everything's fantastic out okay hey christmas track dude we're only like oh he just goes we're only like a month late so um i'm i'm right here you disappeared i thought you jumped in all right that's that's uh that's how that's how i'm known just down i mean that's what it is i can't escape there we go wait are we going up here i assume we're going up here onto the presents huh oh he does make it he does i'm still on fire which i don't particularly like oh the entire thing is a speedy is it what why why did you just get to go like that and just skip everything that i just did oh my god he's winning so hard now nope i am not i'm definitely not freaking soul sand oh god it's wait the why are the arrows like that what why are the arrows like that checkpoint one and i can't see a damn thing going up it's like there's multiple ways to do this and it's very confusing to me what would be less confusing is if it could like you know like give you light uh light is good i agree with that am i going your shader pack on oh that might mess you a little bit i might have a shoe yeah i genuinely do not know where i'm going now [Music] uh i mean up yeah maybe oh oh no that's probably not what we wanted uh that jump boost oh that's a jump boost i'm like going up the tree but i i don't know where to go i don't know where to go from there you're just here's round balls and oh maybe over there why oh why did they descend here freaking speed at me i didn't want speed i want to go slow and careful and not fall on my boomer face uh i don't think i'm supposed to be here oh maybe i was supposed to go inside that could pose a problem where am i supposed to be going that was my question why is there a mega speed right here can i jump out over to that back to last checkpoint so uh you've got you got a ahead of me now well i mean i never got checkpoint two i don't even know where it is i haven't got checkpoint two either i'm reset to checkpoint one am i supposed to go in here oh oh you can't get in there okay it seems designed for someone to go this way you missed a checkpoint okay uh wait where was it again oh it's right there it yells at me for missing a checkpoint but didn't give me the checkpoint why hello sir oh okay that is the checkpoint cool you had to go in the tree i don't okay cool i didn't get it and the apparently you fall so you can't get it still cool uh yeah you fall down it threw the tree yeah i was confused on that for a while okay i made it i made it i made it i made it would you do you want to retry that one now that we kind of know where to go i mean starting over at the other side is just fine oh okay here all right ready set zoom what oh okay go you were you were pausing so i didn't know i was giving the camera a look okay we were dramatic-looking it didn't give me the shortcuts here man hang on okay it didn't give me the like it didn't it i guess if you miss the checkpoint then it won't count your uh finish because oh me got it i threw down my pay restart and it was like okay okay i wait on you or do you want to start over here let's just start over let's start over respond last checkpoint okay are you ready yep you count it down three two one go all right oh yeah not even on fire that's what i like to see oh that one doesn't make you speed dude this was a this was a oh frick class a shortcut oh no i'm an idiot oh my god i've ruined everything it's all over my life is meaningless oh my god drama much nope no no melodrama at all i've screwed everything up okay go thank you i mean i still don't know really where to go you go to the top of the tree and then you into the tree there's a it's a small opening um but you just see kind of a green opening oh frick no no not like this not like this not lo oh my god again again for the both of us there we go dang it pvp's off yeah okay all right man wait and then oh nope down here okay what do you mean down where what you just go down it's like a little green opening oh my god i was there before i was yeah i know i skipped it as well it's just gnarly a little bit of dropper action yep yep okay there we go there we go a little bit better once you like know the course that was close that was close oh yeah personal best [Music] he did it you did it we did all the courses except not really the laboratory madness but we did all the courses did you enjoy sorry i always have a great time with you sir uh i can definitely tell that [Music] which was your favorite map um i think the lobby was pretty good i like i like what they've done with the place um running to the maps was a nice spot once you got inside the maps then it all kind of took a turn down but uh i don't know the purple and black one like that one was at least just generally doable although that's the one where i found a spot where you i like you literally can fall i had a creative out of it um but but that one was like the most doable okay um but i enjoyed the first level i thought the first level was pretty fun the first was fine there was there was one jump that drove me nuts in the first one i think i know the one with the jump boost that took you to the speed area i yeah yeah yeah i was like you do a jump boost thing and then you land with the yellow arrows it was the jump booster the square but you had to get the jump boost and then step off the jump boost backwards if you wanted to make it through the square i'm trying to remember which one oh oh all right the one where it just keeps blocking you out oh i think i know which one you're talking about yeah but uh you know that was that wasn't uh a moment a favorite moment but i mean you know it's just the the parkour is not something i'm good at and i know that you know there's plenty of other people that are you know pulling their hair out and screaming and you know be good get good whatever and it's just it's not i've dedicated my life and skill set to other things um well i'm i'm sorry for tormenting you my apologies yeah all good and um i hope we'll be able to recover from this and you know sure life will go on okay that's good that's good you and i we're good we'll talk after we're good all right okay cool would you like to take us out well uh we've been playing this uh flawlessly on our server provided to us by mc pro hosting if you check our description you can find a link uh to mcphosing using our code and helping to support us if you happen to want to play with your friends uh make sure you're good friends like you you want to be good friends you don't want to you know but otherwise play with your friends uh and all of that using our codes and supporting us also same description is going to have a link to is it's going on a playlist i don't know if there's any playlists if if there's there might be it will be maybe there's applicable playlist it will be in the description and then we we do this live at uh our respective twitch channel switch.tv slash captain sparkles and twitch.tv um if you're not in the uh the if you're missing out on the the twitch channels then you very possibly are missing out on some of the things that happen like for example this entire thing which i'm not going to post personally are probably going to want and make sure you're following so you can see all the content uh is there anything else for you sir nope i'm sorry that we didn't do the henzoid single-player map but two perspectives multiplayer my apologies uh we will do that next time if the fallen kingdom server is not yet ready okay all right bye bye everybody bye guys
Channel: CaptainSparklez 2
Views: 85,502
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, x33n, map, captainsparkles
Id: kZo7CDxUa7U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 52sec (2812 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 05 2021
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