Eating My Way Through A Minecraft Dairy Farm w/ Rosanna Pansino

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hey everybody welcome to the undeniably dairy beat the lag competition awards show live stream extravaganza with rosanna hello very very exciting this is been a long time in the making from our video to doing the the the polls and the and and now this yeah um we finally have the finalists so this is gonna be really fun because we finally get to announce the final i said i would say there's some surprises yeah definitely i mean i was shocked by everybody's choices i i think yeah i mean all great options i was just they do actually so we actually have recreations of all the different winners foods and they do look very very good we could get very full today um i'm excited and we didn't even we took some out of the the packaging that it came in and there's still way more so i'm hoping row can take some please i will oh my gosh i'm not on a diet uh maybe in a month i'll i'll start like you know eating healthy and getting really cut like jordan over here and his like sweet gym set up but uh right now i'm just i don't feel like i'm at my best right now so okay oh please anyway anyway a little recap just for those of you who haven't followed this along so uh this is a contest that was sponsored by undeniably dairy and the premise of the contest was that people could submit their dairy infused recipes on twitter and instagram with hashtag beat the lag oh yeah pictures yeah lots of pictures so uh then those submissions everybody uh like the the people that undeniably dairy they took a look through narrowed it down to some finalists and then we had a couple polls on our end and um so the winners that you see here today there's gonna be three finalists one farmer's choice and one grand prize winner they were selected by you guys who voted on the polls so yeah and you guys are gonna win gaming gear yeah so i'll i'll actually read off what the prizing is when we announce each of the winners organize the video i know that's why i have thank goodness for monitors all over the place it has a million monitors dude i wouldn't i it's necessary i'm going to be talking to you guys over here because the chat's here yeah yeah chat can see me um so for this finale stream we have ourselves a custom minecraft map it was made by the mayanite team um so that's pretty cool and so we're gonna have like some parkour some elytra some puzzles and it's a whole recreation of a dairy farm like the one that we saw yes it is actually it is based on that so it's like it's actually a pretty realistic looking farm um so well you'll see you'll see can't wait i'm really excited now i'm seeing myself in the camera i might have gone too hard on the contour on my nose so uh you look fine you'll look fine so funny it's a lot okay we're all good okay you're all good and also i want to give a disclaimer because my internet can sometimes be very dumb if the stream drops at any point we have not abandoned it'll just it'll be back because the internet is okay just fyi i'm giving that disclaimer ahead of time um okay well you wanna get going with things all right ready okay so we've we've arrived here in the tunnel with our this is our car and we're going to take our car over uh to the entrance of the farm so here we go okay we're going to the farm yep now jordan uh this is this car looks a little different than your normal drive it's a bit more boxy than usual um but it's pretty cool like the engine is like really hidden right you can't even see where it is it's got magical technology i don't know where it is i i maybe i'm uh just doing the i'm feet running on the ground in order to get the thing going i can't imagine that yeah this is like underneath this is my new car reveal everybody i went to the track this past weekend and this is what i was driving is it electric very aerodynamic maybe i don't know the technology is magical nobody actually knows so we get we get some little sneak peek views of the farm here um as we we come around and uh you can actually see a little look at the barn sneak peek that's that's the signs for the winners behind that lies who won various prizing okay also yes we're driving we're driving in the middle of the road which is kind of probably bad practice but it's fine we're uh i love that you haven't picked the left or the right it's different we could be in it could be in any country so we'll just drive in the middle of the road if there's no one here i'm like yeah maybe the road is actually private and part of the farm so you can do whatever you want that's also very impossible suggestions um okay so there there is there's the entrance we're approaching welcome it says on the sign look at our farm whoo what is your car flying my car decided to fly at the end there it's a hover car it is okay well welcome to the farm there you go now now you can read it a little bit better stream sorry the pixels might have been a little bit a little bit small there how adorable this is too cute and i took a little bit of damage from crashing my car so i'm going to uh eat a pumpkin pie yeah yep hey we got the farmer over here yay okay yo okay so the farmer says well or hey captain sparkles and ro welcome to the undeniably dairy beat the lag awards ceremony map pretty cool all right we got a plaid shirt on i know i mean pretty perfect look at that plaid shirt that's what i'm talking about what i what a great farmer attire right there all right so um i guess we've got probably our first thing follow me okay cool we're gonna go we're gonna go into the wheat field here and um i think we got a little bit of uh warm up parkour to do all right let's see if let's see if our farmer friend can ace it first try does he have it does he have it oh oh oh he's got it he's got it no problem all right see can i follow on the wheat parkour flawlessly i think if i fall into the wheat though then uh we get reset no no no no jordan don't fall don't fall don't fall you got this and i made it okay so yes let's find out we're gonna we're gonna jump into it with the first award okay let's find out who the first beat the lag competition winner is press the gold button when you're ready all right so when we press this button the first winner will be unveiled and now this this winner here is going to receive a monitor and also a headset i can't promise the the cow uh stickers on it i don't know if those will be included but uh monitor and headset so that'll be that'll be pretty awesome um okay well shall we do it yes i'm so excited all right and the winner is so dramatic yeah oh it's very dramatic it's very dramatic look whoa there we go grass block coconut coconut key lime pies squares this is a mouthful but what's really cool is we actually have these in order to try we get to try them physically in person yeah they're a little soft they are yeah we got to be a little careful eating these hold on we gotta try them close up on the consumption good thing that i don't have the green screen on otherwise these would be invisible they would be like floating okay so i'm gonna take a bite they're real oh they're really soft okay okay i'm gonna try to grab the bottom because that has that kind of like it's okay you can you can just eat it over the plate and then i'll have one after oh they're good okay oh i love key lime that's really good congratulations winner this is amazing oh my gosh jordan you have to take a bite okay this is great you only have one bite i'm gonna have all the bite this is the best way to announce awards you just we eat every time we eat everybody's creation these are recreations of the finalist creations um and they're delicious i've never done this before and it's really fun it is very limey they will get the cow sticker oh oh oh this just in breaking news mike is telling me he's hanging out over here that they will get the cool cow sticker all right exciting it's official did you see the whole thing i want one bite okay well no no i need i gotta catch up these are so good they taste so good fresh mmm they are you guys i wish you could taste this i feel i feel bad that you can't but at least you can see it there's the napkin that definitely hasn't been sitting there for a while definitely not from jordan's stakeout i appreciate that you have this here oh yeah it's very convenient when i order food that i can just have napkins available well-deserved win i mean these are delicious very creative too i love them because they look like blocks they do yeah like you could they look like you could stack them in the game over there it looks perfect pretty pretty cool so yeah congratulations dragonfly wishes too you are one of the finalist winners so pretty pretty cool um okay so i guess yeah we can put those over there and keep going okay and then maybe we'll give row a chance on on some parkour up here or something we'll see oh no oh no yeah i'm just looking at more food you guys i'm such a foodie i'm like looking at the other finalists oh okay getting excited i love the pictures all right let's switch back over to game congratulations in this field we're cutting corn that we uh we feed to the cows try to jump across the hay bales without touching the wheats the wheat that's on the ground not the wheat that's in the hay bales to be okay to be clear i got the rules jordan don't mess this up for us okay we're trying we're trying to do good on this farm dude this jump is actually really how are you going to make that it's actually that's too far i got short legs you know that's that's so long that's like a uh one of them flying squirrel jumps no i failed okay i failed that's an insane i can't believe i failed that's i don't blame you i mean yeah i got it how that's not that's not possible i jumped don't fail okay dude we're jumping on the combine harvester look at this it's pretty cool what are we on now let me see okay i got a picture here hold on okay oh this just is coming also i've had a new checkpoint if you want to if you want to try any parkour huh yes you want to do it i can't mess this up you promise i mean you'll get you'll just get set back on top of this if you fall into the into the field okay all right okay how do you do this okay show me how to do this here i'm gonna try to jump you guys uh i've i haven't gamed in a very long time i'm gonna be honest i've been playing some lego games that's about it okay i moved this whole all right here you get game sound too my head is probably a lot bigger oh wow you guys i've become jordan right now okay i'm really enjoying this moment this is so fun let's do that little frog dance just for a second just for some good luck there we go we got some pepe d's going on let's get him going let's get him killed let's get the vibes okay because i'm gonna need them jordan how do i jump so spacebar so wasd over there to move around mouse to look around and space bar to jump and then you just want to jump to the jump over to there space okay so you just hold w and then almost you almost had it it was so close you know what it was my finger slipped yeah i definitely thought i would drop it 100 you know your keyboard it's slippery real slippery i don't know what's going on here so let's let's you know what we just i'm just going to try that again do it nice you did it okay don't go too far forward now get to the edge okay you want to position yourself so you're hitting mo maybe d d d to go more to the right oh okay and then you want to aim aim at the very corner of the block this one wow husky has just subscribed who's that guy oh my gosh okay yeah yeah you were right no no no no no that corner yeah okay okay okay i got my sights on the land and then you got a time the w in space oh my goodness she does it i mean she crushes it she conquers yes okay now this is a long jump this actually might be very challenging no no no no you're going you're going to there oh okay that makes a lot more sense now guys please wish me luck okay so what you can do is you can look down so you see where you are it's really high up and then but then you want to align yourself with the corner because you want to take the shortest distance right from there to there okay so the physics of this game just to be clear is is you don't have to run and jump it's not a it's not no you are running and jumping oh okay but here you what you can also do is you can hold shift and when you hold shift it'll stop you from going off the edge of the block so when you move around now you can get to the very edge but you don't have to worry about falling off don't let go of shift hold shift and now go s go back because you need a little bit of space to run and hit s not not w and s at the same time no you can't go forward and backwards simultaneously you should be able to you know maybe they could ride a patch for that you that should know be a thing here i took a step back okay maybe a little one a little bit more step back yeah okay we negotiated we'll take two steps back okay all right now aim at the very so you want to aim at the corner so maybe move over to the left a little bit too so that would be your a okay we gotta move over a little more one more there you go okay cool and now you want to just run as straight as possible straight as possible and jump yes i'm feeling it okay are you ready for this yeah i'm about to like take off in a plane right now i'm feeling a lot of excitement i feel like i'm gonna make this this is a four block jump this is the biggest chunk you can possibly do in minecraft and it is very challenging we got this okay so you need to let go of shift okay and then you're gonna w and then space quickly after all right oh so close i failed oh but you you at least jumped okay there's a lot of times when you wouldn't have necessarily even jumped you're just falling off the thing so i failed us okay eat a pumpkin pie i'm so sorry everybody i've gotta go take a snack break okay how do i eat this is the most important button in the game there we go right click and hold right click and hold it there you go oh we're better now yeah all better okay do you want to try it again you want to try it again okay one more time now am i i gotta do all the again you do oh my goodness oh he's the farmer's just showing off man he just made that jump you know you can't let him do that to us are you serious showing off uh-huh wow okay farmer all right all right i got i got this i got this all right you remember what you did looks okay okay we're gonna try that again we're gonna do come over this way just a little bam line up a little better oh okay now you don't have to like thrust your body forward into into the monitor um you can if it helps you you're welcome to do it but the vibes it helps there you oh now it looks like if you look down there's also a block you can jump off of that's a little closer so go forward a bit while looking down keep going yeah see okay that might help you a little bit but aim for the lower one because that'll be easier yeah okay okay here we go you didn't jump in time but it's okay you would have been great if you had hit space bar in time i do that too delayed reaction huh no it's just you're getting used to the timing okay yes i did it you did it you did it perfect okay here you go look at me go look at me oh my gosh this is this is hard wow okay okay try again yes i did it perfect perfect how did i end up here you did the same thing okay eat some pumpkin pie oh definitely you remember how for real there you go oh i remember how to eat that's the one thing okay so you gotta remember look down to line up okay okay okay here we go and then perfect line yep corner there corner and then boom almost but not quite you've now managed to get us into the field without being reset this is very impressive well this is a very nice feel i mean can we just look around let's take a view of our farm it's very pretty do you remember when we went on our virtual farm tour i do because it's a pandemic we didn't we didn't go in person but we did a virtual tour of a little dairy farm we did and it was really cool it was one that's here in california don't go and jump a bit more this is so neat am i stuck down now no no no no just jump back onto the hay bales let's just you know look what i can do no oh no you guys you guys got a cheat code just send it to me nope turn around um come on guys see that's my that's more pepe d's yeah that's our team all right do you wanna do you wanna try again or do you want me to take back over oh gosh i you know the only cheat i used to know back in the day was playing sims was it like rosebud where you get like the infinite money it's i know i know nothing about that that'd be cool in real life or whatever my sister used to play a lot and that was a little cheat thing and we were like aha we've done it okay here yes okay you're getting good at that no no no no no you got too aggressive you got too eager i don't know where you were jumping i was so excited you jumped to the ground really excited for this you guys okay i'm gonna i might let jordan step in here i'm gonna try one more time all right yeah yeah maybe i'll try maybe you can get back to where you did get to last time i like what you're saying okay now i'm looking yep i'm lining it up here here we go this is what we call leave a faith not quite it's okay you got too close to the edge you didn't get the timing dang it son of a biscuit row for mcc this will be great this is uh harder than it looks um i was watching you play and i was like oh that's so cute and now i'm like this is actually really hard um it's funny because it's actually the same thing that my mom did when i was trying to get her to play parkour which is holding space after you land and then continuing forward that's the thing i noticed so you just gotta in the air you gotta not hold space anymore but you keep holding forward and then you don't like over jump when you land you know i hear what you're saying okay i hear what you're saying but you know what all right i need some headset i haven't sorry if i am all good i'm just really excited but look how look you guys look how cute oh no wait oh it's so bright wait wait oh there what oh no this way okay i'm just having fun with this i mean they do look great i they're really adorable it kind of reminds me i was making this like milkshake they i'll show you it's really cute all right all right let's see if i can do this okay jordan i'm gonna just wish you well here i'm here for support okay you play this a lot so you're really good at this i do it's like it's almost my job to an extent so watch me fit i landed on the oh my goodness that's not okay i've just ruined my entire reputation nobody's having shambles don't worry you should go for the lower one oh yeah the lower one that was the trick right there i think that's a neat trick though that you can land on the lower like bricks yeah yeah and then same there look at that see you can land on a lower block if you want to just you know be a little bit less risky with it yeah jordan's already jordan's already oh wait can he do it can he just keep it going non-stop can you do it oh we got another uh check no it was so close it was so close i can't believe i've done this on the final jump it was an over three other one over three up ones are the bane of my existence they truly are cause that's so in minecraft there's various like the maximum distance that you can do is either just like four across okay or if you're going up a block you can do three across and that was that was one of those that was one of those it always it always is rough okay here we go we get to try it again you did it you did it okay here we are he makes it huh okay i'm having many heart attacks every time all right and there we go we're doing great well we're cooking we're really cooking now you are cruising it's all right i've had a lot of no i had a lot of academy practice and i've just ruined it all with i need to take one of your courses maybe i should create a parkour course please the park horse jordan i would love that please yeah would you take it yeah i'll take the course you got to train me you can teach me the cool techniques of like pressing forward but not hitting spacebar too long you know i'll try it don't hit it too long cause i just hold it down i'm glad you're in the market for this though yeah i'm re i'm really into this mike's trying to teach me different games and it's it's just basically hilarious we have been told wow you are pretty good at jumping did you know that the cow's own manure is often reused as natural fertilizer on crops and some farmers capture the methane gas naturally found in manure as a renewable energy to communities this was really rng renewable natural gas fascinating to me when we toured a dairy farm because i had never seen a dairy farm until we toured that was my first time seeing one i didn't know that on a lot of modern new dairy farms that i was wondering what do you do with all the poop right you know because on the farm we saw on on nevin's farm it was he has 400 cows that's a lot of poop yes it is what do you do with it and we asked that on the tour and it was neat because they take the poop they turn to fertilizer and the other part of the farm it's part dairy farm and then a crop farm and it grew i think hay and oats so they used it to um fertilize and grow the hay and the oats and i thought that's really smart i never thought about that so that was neat yeah and we'll i learned a lot get inside one of the barns later and um i think there will be a few little facts about some of the things that are are recycled that go into like the cow feed and i love that that was my favorite thing uh-huh okay my favorite thing you guys was the food you know i like learning about the food and that was fascinating jordan this is a terrifying segment i know if we fall it's it's really game over so we're we're jumping up the water tower now cool stuff right shall we take a look at the whole farm meet me at the top of the water tower okay up we go so yeah there's no checkpoints here unless i missed one so i really i gotta be on my game don't fall here how many hearts do you lose if you fall from this height um all of them because this is very high up this isn't just jumping around on some cute haystacks oh okay i thought they were doing this jump there this this is way above a sprained ankle here it is but it's okay we're well trained you're well trained in the art of farm maintenance we've got this i just have to figure out where to go to next oh over to here i think maybe i hope yep okay this is looking right we're almost there i'm just imagining you're if you're a farmer one of the criteria is you have to be able to scale this structure that's it's just even more impressive dude i'm sure that you burn a lot of calories doing all the work that needs to be done on the farm i made it first try yes okay nice climbing this is a great farm yeah dude so we could this is we're gonna be doing electra race here and um take a nice aerial tour but if you want to try it you can also try it and see what you see basically we're going to fly through these gates so let's have a fly around to take a better look at the amazing stuff that goes on here by the way i'll race you you're going to fly through these yeah we're going to fly you can fly awesome in minecraft you can all right so we probably i think we've got a yeah we've got to beat the farmer's time of 24 seconds jordan that's all you okay i'm not good at going fast i got two speed says my dad uh slow and stop okay i think i think you'll be fine so it's actually once you're flying all you have to do is you just right click the fireworks and they make you go faster and then you just have to aim okay so it's almost it's like it's like one-handed almost right you just look and you firework but you'll you'll see okay okay all right okay and this way we'll get a nice view of just the entire farm it's very very cinematic and that's right here because look at you can see the whole thing this is beautiful all right here we go oh okay so i'm gonna have to zoom if i want to beat the farmer's time i'm gonna go i'm gonna try to zoom we'll see what we can do and then after it i'm going to hand it off to you see if you can do it okay so basically it's just i'm holding forward over here okay i see my left hand yeah and then i'm just looking where i want to go and then right clicking a whole bunch all right and then this is also a training session you guys are seeing it live and i'm excited i haven't played minecraft in years when was the last time you played year it was years it was actually when i was making some recipes like on nerdy nummies because we've made like the pie we've made that cute little snowman so i play the game a lot because i just want to learn about all the food i hit the ground a little too hard how did deck get 24 seconds what did you get what was your time 36 and i was zooming he's cheating everybody how how how has how has he done this did i take a wrong gate i don't understand chat let us know did jordan take a wrong gate or do you think this guy's cheating because i i don't know jordan's pretty fast so yeah i thought i was fast but maybe maybe you've maybe you've got this okay oh totally i mean the speedster is my middle name all right jordan you wanna you wanna give this a try heck yes i do okay let me just get a little water before this athlete takes position all right well here everybody is rosanna speedster pansino thank you guys that's definitely your nickname i'm gonna change my name legally i'm really excited i'm actually down for that an internet based poll just imagine how many views you would get your last name should be chat let me know in the comments down below okay we keep pansino the middle name rosanna pansino i want you guys to pick my last name okay so you're here's the deal you're going to you're going to w jump and then you're going to hit jump again in the air you're gonna do like an extra tap when you're in the air that'll get you flying w double jump yeah if you want i can like get you into flying okay and then from there oh okay you got it yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah all right so yeah you just you just wait they're saying the mic oh yeah sorry sorry sorry all right everybody sorry uh thanks chad we i forgot about this so jordan's just gonna teach me how to fly here uh now this is flying in minecraft not in real life in real life i have flown a plane flying it's falling with style but yes all right which so you're gonna jump and then you're gonna let go you don't hold it in the air otherwise you're gonna have a problem so you gotta this is that technique i told you you can't hold the jump while you're in there you got to jump let go and then jump again okay so i'm hitting my w i'm going forward yes i double space bar jump jump and then i like to go and i like as soon as you're in the air you hit space again it's not super quick it's like space forward space space and then nothing and then you're right clicking and where you want to look okay here we go all right well this seems easy guys let's do it jump jump and then right click right click where am i going right click there go to that gate i think i'm too low you're not right clicking you're left clicking oh i'm dyslexic okay that is accurate don't do it too much don't do it too much okay right okay i'm going a little too fast is what you're saying rosanna speedster pansino is going too fast don't hit the oh there you go there you go right there right there all right oh wow i'm so good at this yeah over there this is watch out farmer yeah you got the pacing now you got the pacing and then it's right over there yes now oh my god perfect oh right and then right there and then right there anybody likes yeah and then just down down over yeah right onto the top left left left not there no no no no no no you're going worse go the other way go the other way you're going to the top of the tower over there top of the tower that tower right there coming in yeah yep and land land land oh dear he says we didn't we have practices jordan we never practiced the landing no we didn't so how do you land in this game uh you just gotta gracefully fly in like i didn't do either right right just gracefully uh gently put her down that was i mean the flying part was great you did a great job you were right through the you didn't smash into any hoops so that was really fun what's my time pretty fast it was i don't i don't know if that was the 36 seconds there or if that was something else hey chad what was my time did you see it oh actually because we didn't go through the first gate i don't think it initiated the time zero so you're saying zero seconds lightning speed over here faster this be a light i win i think it was 23 seconds though okay personally dang it okay jordan that was really fun though you did i mean for your first electra flying time that was fantastic like you did you don't know how many times people you know how many times people i have hit the the rings hit the gates like that's that happens to everybody but not you you didn't smash into a gate no no all right i'm getting better i think i agree with chat they said i won yeah no 23 seconds i mean absolutely great uh can we can we get a confirmation from the farmer that that was in in fact 23 seconds yes whoa i've been married rings twice jordan very quick you are absolutely crushing all right uh let's find out who the second finalist is oh i'm so excited all right are you guys you guys ready this is another winner again they'll get the headset with i guess the cow stickers and uh and they'll get a monitor um so all right here we go drum roll finalist number three two one it's cheesy haystack treats all right so this is you get it's like chips and and dip um and it's by vacay nuts so congratulations to them i love the name vacay nuts i mean love it who doesn't want to who's not nuts for vacations you know i i can't wait to go on a vacay yeah yeah i've been cooped up for so long jordan was so sweet we set up a little group dinner because i ha i had to get out of the house it was a very good dinner yeah it's like the first time i left the house in two i believe there was some ice cream for dessert oh there was it was so good okay are you ready for one of these let's try this dip what's this called again a haystack easy haystack treat oh this is good look at all that yummy cheese in there go for it okay it's pretty good it's delicious all right jordan this is so good chat oh wait we should i'm sorry you can't taste this but this is a great recipe wow all right here we it's a little it's a little hard to sorry guys but it's it's it looks exactly like it does on the on the sign in in great in game wow that's good very very good that's a great recipe um that's a great choice because we we posted them everywhere and they did a lot of polls and people picked their winners this is great we getting that protein oh yeah beat the lagoon game dude yes this is a hashtag beat the lag recipe this is a good one i'm gonna have one more do it jordan this is actually these are gonna be my lunch we have a lot of food here oh god um sorry for the asmr moment you're going to get all the crunch guys but let look i mean that is the meta right that's so good great congratulations these are amazing great recipes yum and i'm a professional food judge now jordan yeah you are yeah no if rose says it's good then it is it is um objectively good i you were started certified by some board right for yeah being official being official i'm now a professional food judge so this is a real deal guys all right let's head back into the game yes please oh my gosh this is such this is so fun it is great i need to play this more you should this is a great time all right so next up make your way to the bottom of the corn silo i'll meet you there all right so we've got a we've got a whole thing to do here now this this you'll get you can you can try this out too all right we're gonna we're gonna enter the corn silo and i've just taken damage okay so this is huge we need to get down to the bottom without oh my taking any damage well okay that's very deep this is a very it is a tall what's it called a corn do you want a it's a corn silo yeah do you want to give it a silo meaning just a container a tall vertical building i don't know what the actual uh definition is but yes tall vertical building i'm learning things this is always good oh yes we got to take that off no cheesy doodles okay do you want to you want to try it you just fall you just fall and you try to avoid all the obstacles and land in the water down there wait wait wait wait wait you avoid the blocks or you want to hit the blocks to cushion your phone you want to thread you want to thread the needle swoosh with the basketball oh i have one for sure for sure yeah there might be a way that you could descend if you wanted to but we don't do that we don't do that here we take pride in our ability to fall straight down into the water that's what okay there's water there's water at the bottom jordan has assured me that there's a soft landing for me if you land in the softness it will be a soft landing i mean he said it yeah so i'm gonna believe it and i'm gonna go for it um all right cool oh geez all right you guys you're back in the hot seat here please please wish me luck i'm terrified i you know what you just fall right now when you're falling can you control the direction yes so wasd that'll take you that'll take you where you need to go okay so when i'm falling i can kind of control it yeah um okay you know what i'm thinking you guys here's my tactic i'm gonna go right in the middle i have this almost almost you almost got it though so hit respawn you know that never happened let's just let's just try that again where am i just go back into the uh into the ladder right right there right there right there the hole in the ground yeah yeah and then it's going to start immediately dropping you and you got to be ready you got to be ready all right all right yes i'm ready right now here we go look down okay it's fine you got another you get it you get to try okay so look down okay and then aim yourself oh jace this is really hard jordan oh my gosh this is so hard okay i'm not even at least now you know you know know where to go here okay this is harder than flying mm-hmm because it's falling falling is harder look down look down look down okay it's fine okay i mean i think that would have just twisted the ankle i don't think that would have killed me it's because you were all ready you were already damaged you were already damaged tell me about it all right try again try again you got this you got it you're just you're not looking when you go in you gotta just look at the screen you gotta just be ready turn around turn around there you go okay look down so you gotta look down when you enter i'm looking down i'm looking down i'm straight up okay straight down here there you go all right you're ready here you go is so scary okay wait what if i just what if i go over here yeah yeah yeah but then you gotta come back for the water you made it all the way down but then you had to bring it back you had to bring it back this much water i know at the bottom i know it's like it's like diving off of a high dive into a glass of water i thought you said the whole bottom was water i just had to make it to the bottom no that'd be too easy you there's literally you put a glass of water at the bottom of my head and jump in this glass of water exactly you got to land you got to land in my cup of water no i'm not a professional diver jordan i don't know how to do these things but you know what i'm going to give it one more go one more go i'm feeling lucky um this is oh okay you're looking down yeah get ready okay come bring it back bring it back bring it back you actually got really close there if that block hadn't been in your way you would have had it oh shoot who put that block there i can't believe they did it i can't let you do this this is you want it okay it's fast it is it's really fast yeah acceleration of gravity is uh it'll get you i feel like but it's not it's not the speed that gets you it's the sudden deceleration well let me do the calculations here on my ti-89 jordan's got this old classic i've had it since high school it's a lifesaver that thing dude that thing is safe that thing saved me like he used to play games on oh yeah same i played this uh penguin game on there it was really fun i love that you have this i mean that's pretty cool i still do math on it when i have to do some calculations about things i pull that thing out do you still do they do you think they still use those in high school or you think they're great no no these like these are still way more efficient than than phones but i think they have fancy like color screen ones now oh yeah okay wow um all right all right let's see if i can okay jordan you got this i'm i want to see if i can knock it out and not actually hit a block the entire time which means i gotta be like i gotta be ready on the fall all right here we go here we go here we go here we go oh so fast oh there's a ladder right there there's a ladder it would catch on that i think all right i do i feel like there is a way to oh no i feel like there's probably a way to go outside of the blocks and kind of bring myself back in okay i feel like that's not it's not the challenge that i'm looking for this is all challenging so i where's the water it's right there you see it right there where the cursor is oh i see it moving i see it yeah yeah it's so small it's one block it's it's four it's four it looks like one from this height oh that's rough maybe i need to take another path hmm okay new path i mean the way you did it with like taking the outside i'm trying to do it without hitting anything um okay okay okay let's go go go in go in oh i was so close jordan that was it i was so close that was it all right hold on that's the way to do it gotta go yeah you go out and then in but when to go in oh oh come on i was so close again okay we got there's just a couple more tries talk about a high dive i mean this would be just you know 100 meters or so this is an olympia no i can't believe i've done this what okay don't worry oh oh oh oh oh oh oh here we go here we go this is actually a difficult one i think that this is the hardest thing you've done ever in the history of minecraft it's so fast okay okay well kudos to whoever built this there we go it's really hard we got it it's it's deceiving though because it doesn't actually look like there's that much obstructing you but it's it's very centered over the water yeah it's really challenging yeah okay well we made it to the bottom of the silo finally let's see we couldn't we couldn't do it before because you know how they fell off last time and took a lot of damage so you had to fall into the water there was no other way to get down here yeah no no no no all right the farmer has probably been waiting for us for a very very long time now he's hungry nice work captain sparkles did you know that cows enjoy things that humans can't actually eat yeah that's kind of what we were alluding to previously so now we'll get to see oh so these actually uh they're just like the tour i know exactly so um i don't know what the exact name of the building is uh let's see they eat things like almond hulls and citrus pulp this keeps that landfill and reduces food waste so on the virtual farm tour that we did i mean the amount of like grains and and food stuff that they had stored in these things fascinating you guys they had the food storage that looked just like this and they had about eight or nine piles and they actually had nutritionists for the cows and they would mix together all these different ingredients like making a protein smoothie yeah and mix it together and this huge massive is basically the biggest stand mixer it was an outdoor stand mixer the biggest yeah behind a truck it was huge i mean talk about how many cookies you could make with that i mean and that that was to feed 400 cows on the daily yeah and i thought it was really neat because some of the modern farms like the one we saw in california they're using um basically ingredients that would otherwise go to waste like the shells of almonds there's some nearby almond farms and the shells of almonds usually go to waste but they grind them and they're actually really nutritious for cows so they use that as an ingredient for them because i just thought cows ate hay but i know right they don't they they feed them all these different things and that that's basically the like the mixer back there yeah oh is that it that's the mixer i believe so huge it's it's very large um and okay we've got another winner to uh unveil here yay okay so this is the third finalist and we get to eat more food we're gonna be really full after this whole thing i know i also like the board that it's like the cow colors like that very traditional the black and the white this is so cute all right are you ready move that bus drum roll it thumb roll it drum roll move or hit the gold button all right finalist number three is one it's i love the doors the texas toast cheese steak zazz from here for the desserts congratulations pretty pretty awesome okay we've got a recreation of these hopefully they've still got some warmth in them yeah well i did warm them up but they you know they've just been sitting for a little bit all right but here we go oh wow oh wait we should go full screen hold on this smells great it does everyone in chat is jealous these are basically i mean they're similar to a pizza y'all like that's what it kind of looks like but on here the toast i mean these are great there you go i'm italian you could give me pizza any day of the week i mean this is here i'll let you i'll let you eat first and then i'll try it oh my god i'm pretty good i'm sure you like a deep dish i do so you're gonna like the toast i think so it's i'm gonna take one more bite just to make sure we like it wow this is delicious i might just eat the whole thing so um you know okay okay you guys um this is perfect this just reminds me of when we're hanging out usually when i come over to jordan's house we'll do like pizza a board game night amazing i haven't done that in a while we need to i know explode a bit of champagne i know oh my gosh i i ruined that oopsies i can't believe your friend filmed it was that tom who i can't believe he filmed it i'm sitting there freaking out when he's videotaping and i was like oh my gosh i'm like help me and he literally was telling me oh just to open the bottle you just hold it at this degree angle and then it went everywhere he was i mean he was right it opened but it was not the way i intended i actually took a class on how to open a champagne bottle so that that doesn't happen again so give me another shot yeah i'm fancier now so i i've i've don't know because of that incident you actually why is this embarrassing was it part of another course on more things no it was a singular but i also want to state that i have a compilation video of me baking with different recipes i'm making like cute little champagne cupcakes and stuff and every time i open a bottle of champagne it the cork just explodes everywhere and it was terrifying every time and so i finally decided i need to get better at this there's kind of a science to it it's a little tilt action kind of have you ever done with a sword no what that'd be cool okay then i'll put that on my to-do list i don't know if you want any more bites yeah i'm going to because this is lunch and congratulations winner this is amazing you did really great recipe with dairy i love it as a baker i'm always i mean i use dairy for everything that i'm baking with so this is great oh this is just this is making me feel all the nostalgia jordan we need to do another game like game night it's been a while because of well the last year there hasn't been a great deal of socialization yeah but we're uh we're coming out the other side now i think so we do we do need to do another i'll pick a fun board game okay let me pick the game because we played so many let me find one that's really good chat awesome chat help me pick a good board game it's so off brand for me to be like socializing okay don't okay hey everybody everybody don't worry don't worry jordan doesn't socialize that much i just i literally just i just show up at his house and i'm like hey we're gonna hang tonight but we always have a lot of fun we do have you played guitar for them uh oh it's been a very long time all the guitars are out of tune so it's jordan no no no no the pandemic people need you know they need i just i just put i just put notes into the the software and then things happen so yeah i don't don't put that in their head it's don't put that ask to hear jordan play some guitar it's good it's great oh no well thank you again here for the changing topics um look at that picture i'm drooling it's not helping it's so good all right so i need to go grab something see if you can find a way into the barn and i'll meet you there ooh okay okay you got a little bit more uh parkour to get in i think we can figure it out let's see who's this fence we gotta jump the fence yep gotta get oh we're parkering on the side yeah dude we've got um minecraft approximations of jerseys and holsteins or holsteins oh my gosh okay so i also didn't know this but when we went on the tour of the dairy farm there's different types of cows so the really traditional ones that you think of in a lot of like commercials with cows with the black and the white those are the holsteins holsteins and then we went on the the tour of the the farm we were they were called jersey cows and those are the they're smaller they're like half the size they're like my size they're like little and they're brown and they're really cute they have like bigger eyes so if you guys look up google a jersey cow they are the cutest cows they're so cute and we have some we have some named after us that we will see which is very exciting there is some newborns wait wait wait wait wait wait no we actually yeah okay it's coming it's coming oh my gosh this is so cute um so yeah the farm that we toured is is lemo's jerseys so he he is younger than us and he manages 400 cows on his property and he's a fourth generation dairy farmer yep and so he has he has jerseys uh is what he specializes in we recycle water on the farm to keep the lanes clean and he also said this is where cows come to eat drink and relax um see if you can find a way over okay so we gotta we gotta jump up a little bit more to get back in oh really okay well where do you jump up this do you wanna do you wanna try it again it's not it's not a long time what are we it's not a long thing we just got to get up the water tower here right right i mean jordan give me a challenging one okay all right yeah this is not this is not up to your level i mean i've definitely proved myself that i can do the challenging one so let's i'll let you do the easy one okay okay okay i i got it all right yeah yeah here we go there's a little bit of a struggle for me but thank you for supervising me this is very high up i mean this is nothing for you parkour master yeah yeah yeah this is like wow this is incredible this looks just like the face that's why i think this is very cool it's like it's a pretty realistic recreation um of of what a like a modern farm would look like well not we have the question what's the tag on the ear you know when you see a little cow that has a little like like i have my ears pierced you can check them out right here i got big gold hoops in i got my ears pierced so you see some of the dairy cows they have a little you know a little tag in their ear i don't i don't know all the data that's on those but then i said what's those about and they said it's for the vet oh okay cool yeah because we we do have in chat right now if you're watching live uh we have the dairy good twitch account they're in there answering questions so if you have questions i'm sure they can help out i thought that was fascinating like because you know when you've got 400 cows it has all their medical information so you can scan them and you know if one got sick then they'll know their history right i thought that was neat i never knew that all right so we got told nice work for making our way over the freestyle barn okay uh all right in here you'll find where the cavs and mothers spend their time you may even recognize a few of them is this them this is them so this is this is the photo of sparkles and row um so these are actually cows on the the lemos jerseys farm and um they they will grow up and they will be dairy cows and their sparkles and there's real i love them i fell in love with them instantly and we have sparkles and over here we have row oh hold on jordan i want to take a picture all right okay so this is this is so cute okay okay jordan okay okay ready wait wait wait wait i need to get a better angle i feel like such a mom i'm like they're posing oh that's perfect they're both looking at camera oh yes come over here oh yeah okay okay i got it oh sorry oh geez oh i ran to a wall got excited i'm sorry okay i'm gonna sit down all right this is good jordan i didn't break anything you're fine i'm just checking it's all intact no shattered glass no i just i just stepped off also i could just you know take a screenshot for you oh please do okay get the couch there there there there oh look up there there we go there we go take a few yes and then uh yeah chat thank you that was a good call guys you know we can't we have the technology yeah taking a picture of a screen now that i'm like thinking about it is look at me sparkles look at me come on sparkles smile for the camera over here don't be shy don't be shy don't be shy he's walking away oh no i'm getting body blocked he looks just like you oh no it's so like me dude okay keep hiding say hi there we go there we go all right oh how cute yeah we're the same size um so cute and i learned that the even when they're babies like newborns the first day cows are born that the jersey cows are like half the weight of the other cows yeah the so the jersey cows are they're a lot smaller um the holsteins are absolutely gigantic i don't remember the exact weight figures but it's it's like a sizeable difference 80 pounds versus the 40 pounds right when they're born day one no yeah it was like the whole scene weighs i think more than you when it's born yeah pretty much day one oh we got a cool rake here by the way look at that shall we see where the cows are milks yeah let's do it let's do it yeah okay what's it called again where they milk the cows the milking parlor i believe and those are the freestall barns i was gonna say the milk house the milking parlor there we go oh that looks similar too all right so perfect obviously it is you know uh in minecraft you you can't exactly get the the machine but this is the approximation of it and um so cows spend an average of five to seven minutes per day being milked and we actually saw the lineup for this which is fast too by the way this may be tmi for you guys watching but my sister was pregnant and she had to pump you know and i'm just saying she had to pump for an hour like every couple hours it was and then cows they only do twice a day for five minutes fast amazing shout out to molly yeah shout out to molly i'm embarrassing her she's like she said she was gonna watch the stream she's literally like shut up bro i'm not getting texts right now shut up really telling everybody but but this is normal okay they spend the rest of their day eating and relaxing and the we transport fresh milk in these trucks um so this is actually we saw on the on the tour and also it was it was very interesting to see like the cows they are very happy to line up for getting milk like they are pushing their way in but then they also wait in line they're like they're very calm very and they're really careful they are way more orderly than people who are waiting for a sale at a store or something like that they just like they're just waiting happily i'm not surprised by that they they line up themselves yeah so you don't even need like a like in my head i thought there was be like a cowboy yeah to like you know like on a horse to to like move them but no they line up on their own um and they go through and they were really friendly too on the tour they would just walk right over um to nothing it was so cute the gate oh no oh no okay hold on hold on there we go okay there we go i got to be courteous thank you chad for catching me thanks did you open the gates i i had opened them to walk through and then i didn't close them after which is very inconsiderate all right now we're going to get those families out in the city are you ready for a cool door okay i'm ready it's going to be such a cool door it's just the door to exit but it's really cool oh it's huge we could we could park a huge like we could get an rv we could jordan we could just think of how many cars they could fit a tour bus a lot of cars okay of your car collection or my tour bus a lot more than my car collection a lot more than that okay your car collection and my tour bus yes together also pretty pretty cool tractor over there let me see oh my this is so deep really nice yeah design and build aspects all right so our next winner here this is this is the farmer's choice award so nevin lemos whose farm we toured he was able to select one out of all the recipe submissions for his own choice of winner so this is actually a different prize with different winnings um so you will not only get the headset equipped with cow stickers which is very exciting and the monitor that the other finalists are receiving um but they are also getting a microphone much like this one here and a mic stand so you know similar to similar to my my setup basically i gave the folks an undeniably dairy some some insight into what i use and so they uh tried to approximate that for some of the winnings um all right let's find out who it is here we go why is everything burr it's it's like the drum roll i think oh bro here we go farmer's choice winner three three two one who who's farmer's choice yogurt roberts congratulations and we have we have two little cups of yogurt parfait how cute they are jordan i'll take that one i threw the eye through that one on the ground i think that's okay your floors are exquisite okay mike's uh do you remember the drawer that it's in okay okay mike's gonna go get me a new spoon i was gonna say five second rule your house is so clean i feel like it's oh man see you i'm like everything yes everything is a mess right now i've been so i've been so busy that i'm just like i've let everything fall to the wayside and you're you're like oh it's so clean it is no i disagree you guys jordan's house is pretty dang clean oh i disagree okay these are adorable they're in these little mason jars and i personally love yogurt parfaits okay thank you mike next to the mic i can't wait to taste this recipe i'm gonna mix it up a little bit gosh it's so good wow oh yum yup it's like a little uh fruit smoothie in there that is delicious oh this is good i've been doing a lot we talked about before but i've been doing a lot of those greek yogurt in the morning and i put a little granola on the top just like this a little bit of honey and i just mix it up and that i'm good to go sometimes i put berries in it sometimes i put blueberries raspberries there's a yogurt at the bottom look at that yeah we got we got some extra granola on the side if we wanted to add that but it's pretty good this is delicious congratulations winner this is a good recipe this is a good pick mmm wow i can taste all the berries with the yogurt is perfect why do why is yogurt and berries taste so good together i don't know but it's one of my one of my favorite things to order from a restaurant nearby i like to get stuff from is there really their fruit yogurt and granola cup is very good mike eats a lot of these too i think you guys have a similar taste palette i mean i really do you know sweet and fruit is pretty good this is great i love these whenever i have yogurt in the morning i stay full all the way till lunch does not happen usually when i have a scone when i was going i usually get hungry like around 10 30. there is true there are some foods that when you eat you're like i'm i'm hungry i'm hungrier now than i was before actually somehow i feel like it awakens my metabolism and then and then it's just it's like a little beast and then it's like more traits you know oh this is great okay we're just devouring these sorry guys i also want to commend the photography so far on all of the winners each of them have been very well photographed yeah you guys did great recipes great pictures i'm like man i could use a thing or two about how to take good photos from the people who've been submitting these you guys are hired delish oh my gosh i gotta stop jordan i'm not gonna have room for the next one oh my gosh that was great all right all right we'll go i'm saying hi to chat there's a lack of pepe d's currently oh no hey hey hey hey let's get it going let's get jordan jordan i feel like um yes yes oh my god i'm obsessed i'm obsessed you should stream yourself and then you can have as many pepe d's as you want i want all of the pepe all of them all over are you willing to uh put that back over there i got you jordan okay thank you right here a new spoon i can put it over here too great these are perfect size spoons for this dish oh yeah i'm i'm very very culinarily educated and i know what size utensils to use for things oh i just got a new kitchen set you gotta come over and and we gotta do a dinner and i just gotta show you my new glasses i'm so excited about them ro has a i'm sure a very much nicer kitchen and dinner setup than i do by a very very large margin they wouldn't even sell them to me originally because it was only for commercial like restaurants okay they're there wow they wouldn't even sell them to me and i had to talk to their their pr department to even get my hands on it bro can talk to the pr department for silverware and dinner sets this is the presence that i am in right now they didn't even get back to me so you know what i did i went to the manager of the restaurant who had the who had who had the plates and he was so down i actually met the owner so sweet and they were like look if they won't give you the plates we'll order the plates more of them and sell them to you wow okay yeah at a place so this restaurant now yeah turned into like a silverware cellar side business line yeah yeah yeah yeah all right don't worry jordan i got those plates okay they're at my house right now very persistent uh how do we do it that's how we do it you know we just make it happen over here you just pepe in front of them and then everything you want goes your way um all right congratulations e grace roberts that was very good and uh all right great stuff come check out the farmhouse so this is where the farmer lives oh i love a farmhouse all right come into our family home did you know 94 of american farms are family owned i love this um i hope you're enjoying the tour the undeniably dairy competition has been great it has been and thanks again to everybody um even outside the finalists everybody who uh who submitted a recipe and participated thank you all very much um appreciate your participation we got some milk bottles on the counter as well i recognize that cake do you yes yes we basically i remember that cake did you know that this cake with the actually i want i want you to guess we're going we're totally going off topic here for a moment but you know what cakes involved so true guess approximately here he had chat's like oh no he's doing it help me chat help me oh did we talk about the video put the answer in the chat uh how many calories is in the real life equivalent of this everyone's just writing like did we talk we talked about them god dang it my party trick has already been blown no don't look at that don't look at the spoilers no no stop stop how many calories is in this yes well it's massive i mean if you're gonna so one block is one one meter so it's like basically point eight seven five meters on each side okay jordan by jordan yeah what's a meter what do you mean break it down what do you mean chat help me out here okay don't make me feel dumb okay wait what's a meter is that a foot two feet what is a meter i don't know the conversion i come on chat help me out here i never make fee i know three feet i'm a baker okay you guys i don't know cakes in meters i don't bake i don't make metered cakes it's about pie feet three feet about pie feet that's massive okay i'm four foot ten so okay three three by three by about half a meter 30 000 calories not quite what six hundred thousand no no i know i didn't believe it either but the math checks out at six hundred thousand approximately yes six hundred thousand i mean the cake would also weigh it would weigh about a thousand pounds oh okay yeah well that's a very dense cake be very heavy i mean let's stop tight types of cake i mean that that's a dense cake yeah but still three uh three three foot cakes oh we got some fresh milk to try thank you oh thanks for the milk everybody or farmer okay whoa who's that i'm gonna have more this is me i love it i mean i thought we were going to wear some cute farmer attire no i thought you were going to be in like we're taking we're taking this shirt and then you cut to you you're literally captain sparkles i mean you're okay okay are you saying i'm not in spirit enough wow okay i've just been roasted here follow me to the family greenhouse we need your help watering the plants wow what a modern this is a great place oh boy okay so don't spit out the water jordan i was just like whoa a pirate you know i completely forgot oh welcome welcome to so here in the greenhouse i think we have a we have a little puzzle okay to try to water the crust oh shoot a puzzle yep we're gonna be stuck here forever okay so we have we have three different switches here oh no i think we have we have to guide the water basically from okay probably the top to i think there is the destination oh great um okay uh gotcha okay so let me so we have to work it down i'm trying to see if there's like a okay so that lets the water out but then it goes down to there so we need to figure out what each so this this lets the water go oh you got to do that looks to me like one of them hamster tubes oh no okay so i think i've got to do that lets the water go and this this and back to there i'm pretty sure pink green blue i think so okay so let's see but you have to do with the right timing wait did i do it well how do you did i no i failed wait how do i oh i have to get back on there oh my goodness wait oh geez oh this is tricky okay so it's that there there no wait no i don't want to be on that no no okay so hold on i've got this i've got this that and then i hold that there and then that moves down there and then we let that go but then i gotta go pink and then ah wait oh my goodness okay so the default state of green is retracted wow sorry i know you're i'm i'm like having to think this one through pretty heavily so i'm sorry that i'm not exploring jordan i'm glad that you're doing this because the i i don't think i'd be so basically like oh all of each of these pressure plates corresponds to like those wool in there and so like when i step off it retracts and then i step back on and it extends it where do you want it to go we want it to go to there so basically i have to step on these in the right order and extend and retract so that it follows this path here how do we get it into the yellow um okay screen or what whatever color it is so yeah so this right here lets the water go so then i have to step off this and on to the green and then i have to step off the green cream and then on wait hold on off the red do i go okay no no so i need to step back onto the red red or sorry not red but pink yeah yeah um and then i need to step on to the blue and off the blue wow okay because that right there is this is really tricky because i have to step onto the blue yeah yeah and then off the blue to let it through there so okay all right all right good best of luck jordan here we go um and then that and back to the red or i mean magenta nope it didn't frick i don't know i can see it here we go oh wait it went down oh no i needed to go to blue okay hold on okay so there wait there's water down to there now okay so now i just need to step on blue and off blue go go go no go through water what are you what are you doing where'd it go where'd it go it didn't go past i don't know why it didn't go past what are you doing water water you doing i can't tell is there any of them open then hold on then we do that and then that and then blue take it but it's not going by go by go by why would it go by it's just going into there oh my god okay hold on this is so trick this is so tricky okay so this is uh this is a lot of reasons why i don't mess with hvac systems i don't mess with anything there we go oh no we did it i think we did it jordan yes did we get it i mean yay i don't even understand what i'm looking at i mean all right if we got to this point by miracle i made it here by myself we'd be stopping right there i'd be like look at this great we'll just take a nap here oh we turned the sprinklers on that was that was uh that was tricky oh look at it look at it that's pretty cool though oh this is neat i mean this is a dream garden situation this is amazing all right we've saved the day the crops getting watered and finally we would love for you to join us in celebrating the winner of the undeniably dairy beat the lag competition oh dude we gotta we got a big setup over here the fi we got a crowd yeah look at it we got people here ready to spectate the winner oh my gosh it's a party all right here we go everybody ready oh yeah oh yeah yeah yeah all right i guess i guess we can press it i guess we can press it anytime so this is this is the grand prize winner and they will be getting is a lot of stuff so uh you're gonna get a pc so that's pretty cool just you know full-on full-on pc build and uh monitor headset of course with the cow stickers uh you're gonna get the mic the mic stand a keyboard a mouse and a gaming chair so basically just the entire entire thing the entire whole shebang um so that's pretty awesome yes they're saying a pc yeah that's what jordan needs because i need to get a new pc myself yes they're gonna be they're gonna have a better pc than i do so uh don't don't show me up on on twitch and youtube please okay thank you very much okay all right here we go and the winner of the grand prize is and again decided by you guys and your votes on the polls two one da-da it is what is it the cheese popcorn snack by lake mariah well congratulations and i'm very surprised because popcorn is so simple but i know that when we were doing polls and asking you all which ones were your favorites this was one of the most voted on my instagrams and stuff and i thought that that was so interesting because we had so many delicious desserts and popcorn is a classic yeah it was all all the results on mine were very very close so i think it was kind of yours that tipped things over the edge people love their cheesy popcorn apparently you know i'm not going to argue with it this was very popular on my instagram yeah i do love a buttered popcorn buttered popcorn salted popcorn but here's cheesy popcorn all right which i don't know if i've ever had cheesy popcorn i've definitely had some kind of popcorn cheese combo before but i don't know how this is actually prepared here looks different and let's try it because i've never had cheesy popcorn i've had a lot of different pop butter popcorn salted popcorn i even had um oh ready for the bougie truffle sauce oh popcorn that sounds really good delicious that sounds very expensive too if it's legit truffle shaved on it oh wow okay lots of flavor here wow oh yeah this is this is great i mean you could have this every day watch a little movie or something i feel like i'm actually at a movie theater which i haven't been to in a very very long time oh my gosh congratulations yeah you can't really go wrong with popcorn here mm-hmm you really can't hmm they're so good this is making me thirsty again a delicious salty cheesy popcorn did you ever at the movie theater put different toppings on your popcorn because i just was boring i just did butter butter no i don't actually order popcorn i just mooch off of the people around me who are popcorn well if you go if we go to the movies i'm just doing butter that's all i do butter and salt classic right it's great but there's all these different things you can put on it they have like all this like nacho stuff like you can do like anything apparently oh but there's you guys there's a recipe out there it was trending this year for all the wrong reasons it was a popcorn salad huh like imagine a macaroni salad all the all the things like mayonnaise everything but instead of macaroni as possible they use popcorn and it's good till until it gets soggy which it gets soggy fast so you got to eat it fast but um did you try it yeah i did and did you like it or no i don't want i mean i feel bad saying this but it was not a win not like this this is a win but that was not a win and this is very there's nothing uh there's nothing at all controversial about this setup this is classic very simple very good i'm eating can't go wrong um i'm crunching in everyone's ear i apologize it's just really good let me let me just take one more bite and then i'll put it down i'm like i'm so sorry oh my my mom okay one more bite you're not gonna ever you're not gonna mike's over here eating all the treats all right so congratulations again lake mariah yes congratulations winning the whole thing and um shout out to the farmers here for uh letting us take a tour yes thank you dude pretty pretty cool wow look at everybody we got a little party jordan yeah that was pretty awesome look at him go i love everybody's outfits and the rake the custom custom breaks are pretty i think you're the most overdressed on the farm i mean not everyone has a a regal robe like i do don't laugh at my skin no it's just everybody's a cute farmer they got jeans they got boots you know it's very you know down to earth and then cut to you you're in a pirate outfit he's not a pirate yeah you're a pirate captain sparkles you look like a pirate it's not a pirate apparently you've been wearing sunglasses i am offended that's a definitely not a pirate outfit oh my gosh jordan i mean you really you dress how you want huh why do you why do you guys want me to take the glasses off they want me to take the glasses you know what i'm saying i'm proud of you for you know dressing your heart there you go this is great your laugh reminds me of bridgette he's one of the mods oh jordan your outfit just made my day i'm this it's great oh boy wow okay let's get the glasses back on now yeah put your glasses back on you wouldn't want to ruin the outfit i definitely look through them as well look i'm definitely looking through the glasses oh it's kind of like cool like they're like tilted down a little bit like yeah exactly i can't believe we did all these challenges with these glasses on all right farmer says i best get back to my farming duties you're always welcome back um all right well thank you thank you very much for having us it's been great thank you again everybody who uh submitted recipes to the contest congratulations to the winners and um we'll we'll see i haven't actually checked on this but i'll uh we'll see if there's a way to like i don't know release the map or something like that so you guys can take a look around oh that would be so fun because it is it's a very cool map people can do that falling challenge yeah they would be able to be able to do that for sure yeah try to be uh hey everybody try to beat my flying time in three seconds 23 seconds on the clock um and i did another i think i did a loop twice yeah dude two loops in 23 seconds it's so impressive um all right well uh i guess that's basically that's basically it yeah thanks you guys this was so much fun like i loved working with undeniably dairy we made so many yummy recipes together and as baker i'm always baking with dairy stuff and just yeah thank you for everything and for letting us tour a dairy farm that was fascinating i've never seen that before and yeah congrats again to everyone who submitted i loved all your recipes okay this was actually really hard to even pick finalists because i wanted to eat most all of the submissions there was two submissions that i did not want to eat you know who you are but everybody else was awesome and congrats to everybody and congrats to the winners and jordan thanks for having me over yeah thank you for coming i'm glad that we could i'm glad we are in a world now where we can do this i know i haven't been over jordan's place since this whole thing started it's like a year and a half probably this was so fun you guys this is amazing best afternoon ever gaming treats and we have so much more left over i want to finish that pizza oh the texas toast we'll go reheat it up yeah all right um yeah thanks again everybody and um this has been this has been super fun um and chat chat i love you pepe d's pepe d's i love it um i'm digging it so yeah we'll see on for those of you watching on youtube um i don't know if there will be a map download available when the video goes up or if it's something that will have to be added down the road so feel free to like check back in on the video in the next like week or so after it goes up and maybe i'll be able to add a link if you guys want to actually check the thing out again i'll have to ask and get approval on that but if possible i will try to do what i can do because it is very cool and hopefully you guys would be able to uh to enjoy it and all that stuff so anything else i think i think we covered it other than i think this is gonna be oh i'm gonna dress up my dogs is this for halloween oh yeah that's what i did want to say is i do hope we can actually go and meet sparkles and row at some point in person i want to buy them i haven't discussed this with them at any point but you know i don't know i just think i want to adopt them where but like where else are they where else are they going to live i got a friend who's got a farm okay okay so maybe we can talk or maybe never let me come visit her i think that's an easier first step first okay well let's go visit them let's get to know them and then when i fall in love with them then i gotta adopt them and then i own cows you know i gotta learn all about them that'd be take care of them they eat a lot they do yeah they eat a lot of food they're just like an animal like my own heart i don't remember the exact figure because because nevin told us but it's a lot that like it's a lot of pounds that they eat every day and there's 400. it's like it's a lot they're hungry yeah okay yeah yeah we'll definitely vlog if we if we go there we meet sparkles and row we will definitely have to i really want to go because they're in california yeah it's like not that far away well they're in our state i think it was like yeah it's just kind of like fresno area yeah they're not even one yet i mean they were they're they're like they're like half a year old yeah they're little how big do you think they are i've yeah they've probably been they've probably grown a lot bigger in the last month i gotta google about cows i wonder in six months so you think they're full grown no no not full grown but they're probably a lot bigger than when we last saw i'm sure they grow pretty pretty quickly do you think they'll remember us i don't i don't know how how much how big we are we're on the screen we kind of face time with that weekly virtual tour i wonder if they don't know that they really saw us i think they'll recognize our voice i don't know i'm like hi baby girls and they're like it's real we can hope i'm gonna be so excited if they can recognize our voices yeah i don't i don't know the kind of like memories that cows have and stuff i'm gonna have to ask nevin too what kind of treats they like because i'm gonna bring him like an apple or a carrot i'm gonna bring him some treats i like the like the cow do you remember the ones that like dangled their tongue out when we were on the on the virtual tour they were like they would like whip it around they were so cute to watch i love them all right guys well i guess uh i think that just about wraps us up um so thank you again thanks again undeniably dairy for sponsoring the whole beat the lag competition um yeah fueling up with protein to help keep us focused and uh you know in the game so i guess that's it and um with that we will go and uh thanks again for watching and in on youtube link in the description i'll probably put for uh if you want to check out more about what the contest was all about um if you want to even though obviously it's concluded now so uh anyway yeah that's it we will see you all next time
Channel: CaptainSparklez 2
Views: 48,307
Rating: 4.9654746 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, dairy, usdairy, beat the lag, minecraft map
Id: acVX9IwTl_A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 92min 39sec (5559 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 25 2021
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