I Made Friends Rage In Tricky Towers

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yeah arrow keys arrow keys and then we have spells but i don't know how they work so i don't know either we're just going to figure it out together so wait a minute so what's my goal what's what am i doing um hey you want to stay below the laser beam oh okay um oh that's gonna well that's a that's not ideal oh wait wait wait wait what if you just dropped the piece off the edge of the does that i've just been i i i've just been dropping pieces off the edge i'm not sure i'm not sure what does that like subtract your score if you do that yeah it can't be good right i don't know if that's going to work what do you mean you beat us he used to have your keys oh oh if you're wait you're trying to get to the line first yeah you're trying to get the line without hitting it no what passed the line oh you were you crossed the line it was first the line was it yeah yeah oh wait am i no no no no no i don't think it's first to the line that would be silly i think it'd be last yeah because when a piece goes off the edge many pieces you can put as many pieces yeah so when the piece goes off the edge it brings your tower up more and gives you less real estate is what i noticed there yeah [Music] yeah top left unless you're playing one well it's going to cover the scores is the only thing if you put it in the top oh no you weren't supposed to do that what the what the physics oh no no no no oh boys um can i like why does it always give me the wrong piece for what i need to do oh that's bad oh no i'm dead already bro it always gives me like the wrong pieces abilities i don't know how to use them what um i made it go faster i don't like this oh jesus that wasn't good oh yeah everybody i'm far right by the way i'm far right yeah for my chat i am uh yeah i'm sick oh wait are you trying to keep things like in here my i'm out i don't know why i was out ah oh my tower no my tower no did i do it let's go [Music] [Applause] so what did wait what did that do what yeah mine is so janky um jordan's on the far right so are we trying to get a high i still can't tell yeah i can't tell if it's golf or basketball i think we were staying i think we were staying as long as we could oh i think i had pieces okay we're trying to go as quickly as possible to the top here i think are we yeah yeah but that's actually tough because it has to like be a solid base to get that high up oh that's probably not going to go well yeah you want to line up as quickly as you can and then straight down it yeah ah no frick that piece freak that piece no no okay i didn't need them i didn't need the money i didn't want them anyway you know this is gonna be a terrible oh god i need a long piece wait this is hard oh it's not gonna go well oh it's falling it's falling oh jesus is falling i don't have any problem if you play if you play the rescue game you get an early lead but then your tower just falls off yeah yeah yeah that's about what's happening [Music] bro it is unforgiving with the lineup of pieces no okay just build where can you go anymore oh no no jesus why is it so unforgiving with the placement um oh why now how the heck oh that slotted in nicely no no don't do that don't do that bro are we ever going to make it oh it keeps being like a frame off uh-oh no i wanted to happen hey speedrun speedrun time that was a bad idea no don't go there oh go there that's fine oh this is terrible this is actually what goes there all right it's so right side it is all gonna go no don't go like this oh gonna fall oh that's so bad oh dude go don't go don't just go don't do that i went from first to full my my tower is sideways no don't do that oh i've got a 45 degree angle piece at the top but this is so bad if you get a chance i've lost it oh i've lost it all i need to get rid of this we're playing the risky game right now never mind it's not working that risky game didn't work no don't do that oh no so bad this is so bad i can't move past this piece [Music] where will this end how do we end things come on come on come on hold it together okay hold it together hold it together no no are you kidding me i was so close with the leaning tower of pisa available i was so close okay so so next to your next to your little wizard there are two little speech bubbles yeah show you what you have why wait why did jack get two one of one of them summons a big block one of them summons like plants that obscure your vision okay what do we need for this so we all we all have the plant spell right now i think the plant spell like covers the vision of the top layer oh wait the plan we wait yeah what is the id what is the idea here i don't know but look at my tower what um you're right maybe it's a different ability i have no idea what is currently happening oh oz is going to win oh is it most it's most pieces under the line this is under the line can you tell us what we're trying to do that didn't work why is the like metal system at the end of the game really weird hey it like gives different people like jack got a bunch of medals last time a bunch of medals so you got you got two silvers wide three codes you always get three golds two silvers and one bronze yeah i guess that makes sense maybe okay what are we doing now what's this one is this like fastest to the line or what probably or most stable i don't know we have lives in this one so we can't really afford blocks to fall off either let's see you have three three blocks can follow wait three blocks oh it's first until three blocks fall off i think so and then if you guess the line maybe you get a spell or something oh that could be it i still don't know what the spell casting button was iron k seems to be nudged not spells i can't i think that's right yeah okay yeah i got some spells for reaching mine what the heck just happened oh okay got it i used to oh no wait this is bad oh wait this is slanted why is that oh no i don't like that oh no there goes a piece oh god i got we got a slanted windmill to deal with now oh god what am i gonna do here i shouldn't have done that i shouldn't have done that oh no what oh frick this is fine we're fine i guess my second lie i'm actually gaming right now i'm doing it i'm doing it oh okay so depending on where you so it doesn't matter what color your medals are it just depends how many you get it gives you more oh you got a race to get that many more race to the end yeah oh what the heck okay is this one fit as many as possible under the line yeah under the line yeah oh that's not good um it's not good at all how the heck these pieces suck i don't erase that real estate what's this do uh wait this freaking heck this is gonna be wait can he can he make this work can he make that work is that gonna sit okay it's gonna sit this should sit 50 50. don't topple it's hoppled it toppled oh god no not like this wait is that gonna hit the laser no no right hit it hit okay so this one is not timed right no no okay jordan i see you how do i use yeah please don't toss them okay please don't please center of gravity work in my favor there we go there we go mine's not letting me use it yeah okay i don't think the one you have right now isn't ability oh wait no you can't do that i think when you hit the laser it uses it i don't actually know unless the leaf thing works nope nope that's it yeah wow i can't believe that all stayed that's crazy oh j for advantage cave for a disadvantage i see wow dang [Music] this is a close game oh it's pretty fun i thought i was gonna have this handed oh yeah wow you played this because you knew you were gonna win no no then i thought cara was gonna win oh all right i was the worst because when we know when we played pico park and we had to play like speeds tetris it was a little different though it was definitely mine and jack's side of the board that was in the most problems most of them were caused by me oh no okay what are we trying to do here so if you reach the line you get um an ability a spell yeah but you want to make sure it's not oh no no no no oh god oh god no oh no this piece has destroyed me what did that balloon do oh it just slows it down no wrong thing don't take oh frick dude this one piece has destroyed my life get the freak out my way no and this one it doesn't hurt you if you sacrifice your teeth get this piece out of my way oh this is so bad what is nudge i don't know what nudge is i don't know what nudges either why did that not go in no no no this is fine oh this is just i'm ruined because of this stupid piece that's not right uh even i'm on the controller what no why did you look that oh it's the bumpers it's the bumpers okay get off get out it's down here i do not have space down here there we go there we go this was mistake oh no no no oh i lost it i know i think that's okay no oh jeez i can't do anything with that [Music] get in there get in there my towel my my tower's gone my nose i no no no no whoa what are you doing what the what oh god i could have really done done good with that um okay i'm doing work i'm doing work here oh shoot oh boy that's not it's not ideal that's fine oops why is that gap so small oh jesus i didn't need that i didn't need that i worked out [Music] oh no uh this is so bad yeah this is not going well for me i don't think oh wow oh no can you just knock this out that's not good oh my god you stop moving please stop moving stop rocking back and forth who put the wind in here no oh oh no oh no oh no not the big piece okay i just have to not fall i just have to not fall don't go go go this is this is good let's go let's go come on wait you did it i thought i was there i thought oh my god jordan's higher on that i'm wet oh no no you're not oh my god oh no if it's all bronzes it's going to be worth less right but it was the first to reach the end um i guess okay so how do you get like more bronzes what does that mean what do you mean i think you can only get one bronze at a time i think you've got one bronze two silver's three golds well let's see if someone either gets first place loads and then fourth all of their medals would be gold does that make sense what is it but if someone kept getting bronze and four they would like have way less you and um yeah you would race today bronze it's just a race to the end that was a terrible fast vlog uh apparently i had an island i could have built off of but i didn't i didn't know how it worked wait um okay let's just keep it below the line right yeah yeah yeah yeah as many as you can below this time but every time you you miss a block you your pillars raise closers oh okay oh interesting is this gonna happen no that's how the vote god dang it oh like i just lost two blocks oh it just deleted oh no yeah i just lost two oh jesus yeah yeah that's how you do that's how we do oh that wedge is crazy no are you kidding that is not what can i can i do this i don't think it's going to work it's going to work it's going to work this might actually okay otherwise and then we're going to push the orange one [Music] okay okay yeah and then this is the last piece i'm gonna get in actually yeah this is the last one i can do jordan wins yeah oh that's the laser i mean i think you win all right maybe it's time come on let's go yeah we did great thank you thank you for the five sub gifts appreciate that dude very nice oh oh i see so you just get one medal and it says third okay yes that just reminds you how well you've done you know i see what nudges okay is this is this speedy one build high and strong build high and strong and get spells one uh but build high and build sturdy yeah i mean you guys don't build sturdy though the highest so every time every time we cross this line the cloud level rises as well nudge is pretty op actually what does it do it just allows you to hit blocks out of the way wait i can't oh no that is not nice i don't know why i did that what oh you gave me another chance wait why did my why did my vine thing go away and again i was trying to save my vine thing is casting a spell eat other peoples i don't know maybe no you bad person i lost a life hmm oh i needed along thank you game thank you i'm back in it i'm back in all of a sudden this is fine this is fine wait why did i do that that was dumb wait oh oh you lost your life it's only lives oh i forgot oh my god oh this one is just like there's fog there's fog i can't see i can't see my tower i'm getting false info yeah i thought it was i thought it was not that oh god i am freaking up i was like i'll just get rid of the ones i don't know oh god no this is bad this is bad oh god i'm gone uh i'm gonna have to do that oh that's not good oh that's the last place that's bad oh this is really bad this is getting ugly this is getting ugly wait wait i don't like that yeah wait uh-oh i didn't mean to do that i can't think yeah oh man [Music] it's not pretty that was really bad frick would that mean did i lose one uh so the line wins okay seems simple enough does it though right is this one a rice yeah yes oh dear um i already don't know what to do with this do we we all get the same pieces right no no we don't well let's start again all right cool oh yeah because this one yeah this one you can just get rid of the pieces if you don't want them but that's going to slow you down right right i think i think you have to hold at the finish line for a certain number of seconds too yeah oh really what oh oh my god oh that's actually great that's amazing thank you i appreciate it [Music] let's try use this that's sure that works this is the worst oh my gosh this is so bad i wanted to just start over what the whoa not a channel what the heck why is that i don't oh give me that give me that give me that good good give me that good go definitely the leaning tower of pisa going on right here i'm just keep going more on my side no no jack like you don't want to do that you you reach the heavens and then it all falls in one go what the oh no no no no no no it was too it's too slow oh god oh stop my tower oh it's right over a little tiny bit too much oh that's not going to work is it [Music] what no [Music] why do you keep doing this no stop okay wait is that good that's good oh god it's all gone it's all i'm on i'm at the start i'm at spawn i need uh what is this what is all these spells i just cuz i think i'm okay i think i'm okay i did it what a tower what a tower that was oh my god that is the most stable thing oh man that's a gorilla's music video right there dude that's right today is possible oh boy how do we oh this is such a bad first piece um i guess i'm worried that was a mistake oh no it wasn't this is okay um please are you still gonna be okay i hope you're still gonna be okay this way balance please balance okay please balance um okay it did i'm cracked ah i'm gonna go no no no no no you idiot oh jesus christ no oh you are losing them you are losing oh you got the vine oh i had did i have the vine i probably had the vinegar like idiots i don't know if i'm stupid or not let me use that i'm scared i got scared oh this is bad actually nothing i can do with that block [Music] let's see if this works that wasn't that wasn't great no that wasn't great it worked please do not see that [Music] as much as i can do i think this is it for me yep oh that was that blue tea on the left of mine i put that around the side and just shoved it on the side it just stayed there i think lying down oh my god and i just didn't lie down the purple oh my god you're so good god if i just used the line earlier i would have had that yeah i don't know if you can okay this is just build slow and steady right right okay um [Music] these ones are really relaxing until they're not i hope this doesn't fall off oh wait i shouldn't have done that that's fine that was bad no why did you do that hey i don't know wait um i don't know what anything does uh oh thank you uh no no thank you oh my god whoa oh my god oh oh why oh no this is going bad holy mother of god how did i escape that oh no oh no what ah that's not good that's not good this is good oh maybe here we go actually here we go i think this is where i die i think this is where i die this is fine oh god oh no uh i never know what to do with those oh no oh no no i'm out no it's going too quick yeah dude it's it's way way too fast let's ruin the strap oh thank you oh no not like that wait how have you built so high what what was that oh i was how he built i was sorry about so high wait i thought you're supposed to just get as many i guess it's how it's length of time and not number of pieces i think no it's staying alive is it i thought the longest no but i had less i had more pieces done than jordan but he got you know apparently it's length of time surviving it's not nothing about yeah because if you lose three pieces you're out right so um this is a gamble it did not pay off [Music] all right so how do you use your ability oh it does that okay um i think this will be okay yeah that's pretty cool that should fit there right that's fine wait no you were blind where did you fall that's gamble i um tell me this is good tell me this is good yes yes give me that you guys are so good at this one oh boy i need your weights i think thank [Music] you has popped off on this one oh my god no i'm just getting ready to get as well though this is the end i think this is the end because i can get this to stay i wasn't able to completely maximize my my work oh that's going to go over johnny yours is nuts it's going to go over good i don't think i can yeah i think you've won though jordan be honest yeah okay it's all i could do that's all i could do if you got a flight i don't think there's anything you can do oh yeah no if that stays i swear to god oh that sucks that sucks yeah i did not want that to happen i lost like four oh no oh jordan i should yeah that was a mistake damn hey guys speaking of winning are you interested in winning clothing go to quality content.com for just a very limited amount of time more i think do it check it out it's pretty cool link in the description sponsor also like the video and subscribe and follow invite [Music] that's really intimidatingly high wait is it higher now than it was i don't know i don't know what's good you can't start over oh no i know i did i just knocked it off i feel like this one is just truly all about stability oh oh windmill windmill for the land oh it's big oh i made it a big boy oh oh that goes yeah cause that does that vine up a few never mind that was probably not the place to vine dude what do you do with the slants though oh goodbye goodbye tell and i was so hot i don't know okay i'm just going to stabilize it down here i guess that's fine oh no the stability oh that's not going to work that's not going to work at all why why is this happening to me my um stop it go away balloon oh that's not ideal i don't think those those these blocks being vine has actually destroyed my tower like i'm stuck now i'm trying to pull them off using more blocks i don't know what the i do not know what the abilities do no i didn't want that oh no um this is going to be my god oh jesus uh what okay please [Music] oh is that slippery or something oh my whole thing is my whole thing is rocking oh my god this is not a good situation oh they're icy and slippery oh jesus dude yeah whoever did the windmill like what are you i'm going to build the world's first completely diagonal um tower i have an ice block still in the middle of my tower it's not going to end well oh no i need to get rid of this tap okay good it's gone oh that's bad that's that's not gone well that's gone pretty poorly i've actually i actually sabotaged myself quite poorly these vines have locked in place some blocks that shouldn't be there i see all right so i can only build so high whoever did the windmill i hope you lose everything you hold beer wow what the wait what in the world was that [Music] kill no what just what is this what is this what is happening is this work i deserved that what did you do to physics i'm good [Music] i'll take it i will take it oh that's not even oh my god [Music] wait wait oh i shouldn't have done that this is fine this is fine um wait how do i use it again jay yeah yeah yeah it's really clutch it means you can take your tower really wide oh no oh no oh well that's me um oh is that the end oh god i messed up yeah mine is just as narrow as my sliding platform i did not build out at all i don't think that's gonna work dude i think sparkly wins again uh i hope maybe and i can't do anything there okay i don't know aza seemed pretty good oh oh yeah one more nice okay i'll take it i'll take it i'll take a silver i need some medals on the board man it's a good thing it's a good thing i dropped out of school good thing i dropped out of school with my engineering survival normal okay so so we have 66 pieces the amount does not matter just survive for as long as you can it looks like yeah kind of silly but and then i think well the game the game caps out if we do hit 66 right so right so we could like we could theoretically all win you know oh but then there's no point in like pulling them down right if it's a time based thing uh probably yeah how do i keep building diagonal tower they're wilderness they're always on a slant although i guess you're in a hurry for the abilities oh no i think it's probably like the fog is the issue the fog kind of messes you up what the don't don't eat my piece by piece wait no that is not fine i don't think i've got this one i'm not gonna lie um your towers look a lot more straight than yours is interesting and you're on one life so good luck [Laughter] my first block went down diagonally and that that screwed me out i can't see this no oh dude the fog is is bad the fog is bad oh oh no this is so bad that's very very poor uh x i'm just i'm just sending it and praying no stop stop going very fast now and i don't like it oh that gravestone counts as a block that impacts oh frick uh okay stay connected stay connected oh shoot no no no oh my god how did i salvage this i'm gonna make it longer next time oh geez this happens ow what's happening all he does is win okay all right puzzle [Music] um oh ooh bad stuff that is it yeah uh probably there uh let's hope this works um oh boy oh this is bad this is bad i'm panicking no that's not gonna work [Music] please stay oh that's not gonna work well oh these pieces are not good maybe this will work are we going for a play here oh no oh no oh no dude look how cars what is that oh my god wait how have you done that what look at mine and then look at cars [Laughter] oh that's it for me i'm out i'm gone i don't know sparkles could still win this no i don't think so and i can't risk tipping everything over the platform mine looks like a little house with the windows i like that for me mine looks like a window and that's about it four dang cars crazy i was like i'm gonna make a play here with the vines everything fell it's okay i could still choke and not get a single medal for of games you have to uh last you have to come last yeah i mean i have to do something in race that could definitely happen you've only one race that you run all the races haven't you no i don't think so i'm like slow in race like it's still kind of a mood honestly i have one speed and it's fast [Music] um not into that piece this is fine okay that did not help me at all that was not fine it's not going my way at all i want this to go away can i knock this over get out of here um what is that oh jesus oh oh jesus oh there we go no how do you nudge it that's fine that's fine why is it so windy why is it so windy does this ruin my whole life wait it's windy yeah oh that ruined everything what the oh that's fine this stupid block i just build off of this you know what sure we got a new base [Music] oh yes give me that okay this is not working for me now but i literally can't see what's below me are you kidding me oh this stupid block down here i'm trying to punch it off oh god dang it okay i got it off good oh god um oh dear getting fit it's getting precarious it's getting thin no get in there okay that actually kind of worked that didn't work oh you have to hold it i didn't realize you have to hold it let's go [Music] all right we're gonna do all puzzle maps let me uh what are puzzles i hate my life the ones that i'm good at oh i'll get any of them i don't even have a favorite okay let me uh go back um i don't believe you when's when's tricky towers championship coming okay hold on three three star twitch rivals [Music] twitch those tricky files if you if you wave your mouse cursor around on the main menu doesn't it it sounds like scooby-doo running away [Laughter] okay i'm gonna reinvite you guys all right you can change your avatar and stuff yeah i wanted to actually think it's my travels would be kind of funny on this it would be wait we gotta change our avatars what yeah before you hit join before you hit join game you can scroll through in the top and pick pick what character you're feeling oh i see oh i'm slot number two now annoying all right this is my boy it said starting race super week at the same one super cup yeah this mean is just more i need to get more to win is this like switching it to 150 cc on mario kart no oh i don't know what race special is though interesting oh there's there's weather there's weather oh wait i'm slow number two oh jesus i feel like i should clarify to everybody watching that i'm on the right on my screen i don't think we all said that normally if you just look for whoever's in fourth place that's usually me oh wait i did i would i did want that when i was dumb i was dumb what the no stop chasing me balloon that's okay oh i don't like that i prefer that no i've just screwed that one up that's perfect all right leaning tower pizza here we come this is a play wait i'm only gonna use horizontal pieces and just cycle through until i get them that's what i'm kind of doing what the heck what the heck whoa dude i have so many balloons oh my gosh wait where did my vine go oh my god this is the worst it's out of here dragging it to the ground i'm not gonna play this game oh no there's a message [Music] oh god it's so icy it's so it's too icy nothing stays on it what the okay at least get that thank you wait how did what's the nudge the nudge button i'm building towards others tower i'm going to hopefully join them together the whole thing went my entire tower come on look how we got it there we go [Music] at least we have a villain if uh what the frick this this is where you're nudging practice needs to come into play i feel like should i go for it i'm going to go for it i'm going to go for it no oh you can't hit that mother frick i got a double tap does this work there oh that kind of worked [Music] yes there we go i messed up oh oh it didn't mess up oh my god wait i noticed the wrong way oh this is so bad okay i'm gonna get in here oh wait nothing [Music] oh i see um i don't know if i do here yeah nudging really sticks them in solid oh this is a risky play oh god like a rude word no no no no i did not i did not no no the little character no i can't do that i'm panicking i'm panicking mine is that i'm i hate how it's like slightly leaning though yeah oh god he didn't have a vine i i was oh yeah we don't have a vine this time true hopefully that will balance it and not ruin it okay if you touch the side it just makes it flop over that shouldn't touch the top oh there's nothing more i can do no nothing more i can do oh look at it wait is that ozar jack i'm gonna have to drop this down i can't risk it yeah i i failed to to lodge three of mine which i think brought my killer my pillar up is pretty high of course of course why would i win of course [Music] [Laughter] oh geez i'm gonna start getting like wrecked though i guarantee you on this game or an mcc no in this game like my my luck streak is gonna run out he already gets wrecked in mcc wait what what i can't rotate this we're having tower defense i'm scared i didn't mean to do that hey why can't i use my ability uh what the frick is this oh god whoa oh god um that did not end well for me i'm still somehow here wait what thank you listen one fall counted as two lives for me jay press j that's the wrong key [Music] that's it that's it all right that's bad all right oh slide in [Music] stupid i hate this so much everyone is that's not much of an accomplishment this will never fail oh are you going for there we go oh yeah i'm going for the bottom one hang on yeah yeah yeah you have to look at the concentration [Music] oh i don't know on this oh i'm going for it it'll be good i'm gonna try get into the lava hell yeah but that was a bad idea whose idea was that oh my lord [Music] how about this this is rusty jordan's like just fully building from the bottom out that bottom l was a solid play though i guess i gotta do that to stabilize it oh i don't know if this will work though this is done this is so dumb i don't know this is gonna work i don't know this is gonna fly oh it's still in it it's still in it yes oh shoot i nudged it too hard i'm gonna have to triple nudge this to the right i'm excited to see it oh [Applause] oh there's nothing like oh doesn't have anything to do um have you calling it there hold on there oh no okay this is a risky plate no no no no i didn't nudge in time do it again do it again i didn't nudge in time what i don't think i think this is going to hit though i think i think that's short enough and the rules of the game i think jack got that one i know i think [Music] i hate it here you can't keep getting away with it [Music] i hate the races [Music] yeah i like this one oh it's so windy it's already blocked sideways yeah all right this will work [Music] okay starting over why what is that one no i don't know if that was good or not all right i've got a nice foundation ah frick that's not going right what what whoa no oh it's it ah frick what the frick is happening jordan's panicking why he's got a beautiful tall tower on the right hand side taller than anyone else's oh this is so bad stop giving me the rubbish oh the wind is bad dude it keeps giving me the wrong piece like there's nothing i can do with you oh that was wrong no frick he's too windy i can't do anything no that's bad all these pieces it's giving me are just bad stop sliding off in the wind oh no that doesn't seem good it's instantly gone it's already going off myself what the heck this wind is ridiculous wait no i said that when the car's just dumping it all it wouldn't let me dump it okay the icy stuff is just going off the edge yeah i don't even even without the ice my stuff is falling off so i can only imagine might come back that's not ideal everything i play slides off same i don't know what i'm supposed to be doing here if everything is sliding off fred what the oh god oh my god hey is staying please please thank you thank you for like two minutes straight it just slid off every single day yeah i was i was getting wrecked up there at the time did you just sit and play tetris as a kid no last time i played tetris i got utterly ruined there's like a tetris more pro you went up against i don't know is the odd ones out known as a tetris pro uh yeah yeah for sure okay all right this is a play okay same i i'm doing the same play oh i didn't i didn't i wasn't as smart as you guys but okay i missed oh i oh i went too early i went too early wait oh god i don't know how to do this one maybe oh frick i don't like this i have to do that oh that sucks all right we're going for the double nudge again oh this could be a play i don't think this is mine guys you're welcome god this is really hard i guess that's fine it didn't work oh no are you kidding me please stay please stay please stay yes [Music] um yes jack is number two ozza is number three sparkles is number four stay right there no no god i just sometimes i just think he's gotten away with me he's gone and done it that's all i can do i just i had this plan and it went wrong i only had four [Laughter] he's had more experience playing silly games on the internet it does feel like an old-school like flash games yeah yeah yeah six wins in a row i've i'm excluded from all games forevermore can we get a fail for jonah jordan you don't have to come here anymore we can leave it's okay i swear i am going to start losing yeah okay whatever you say let's let's do that now [Music] um why did that oh i have a i've lost my uh i have a slope now yeah i can't tell that song guys no why is it so fast stop i don't like this building a penis building a penis no get the my heart i won the penis swan wow look at that structure [Music] i've gone and i've gone and lost it now no okay okay next round next round is bronze guys and then then no points at all yeah oh god did that give you the speed the speed ruined me there um we'll go with this okay okay okay good start ah wait oh frick oh frick this is fine like this nice camera nice i don't think i can put anything there though yeah [Music] double tap i want to double tap here i don't like this very much please stay put okay you're good i don't like how much [Music] oh my god oh this is terrible oh i'm already going up only if i do this one okay let's try and weigh this one down no oh that was a terrible place this is gonna have to do no no no wait that's fine okay i was gonna build up from here oh that's terrible oh what the heck [Music] i think i can make this i did no [Music] no offense i have this [Laughter] i earthquake like i don't like what i'm doing right now but i feel like it's the move it worked it worked try weight down how is that working yeah those are nice on the right oh my god he's got this all right it's crazy oh you're gonna you're gonna stop it no i think he's good i think he's fine oh my god uh that's gonna be precarious oh my god no i don't i don't know i think this is is absolutely insane i've lost it guys all those ones turned into twos that must be tough for you it is the wind that should not have happened is this monkey spinning monkeys kevin mcleod no it sounds similar right ah not exactly monkey spinning monkey it's a classic royalty-free song you would recognize it if you heard it oh okay seriously though it's it's in like every youtube video ever you would yeah okay that's not good oh cool that wind is great that's not good yeah the wind is quite terrible uh why did you do that why i don't know what the heck um my tower my tower's gone my structure uh okay oh frick please don't talk like please no no no no no oh this is bad dude this wind has destroyed me i said please and everything is going so fast that's good that's good oh my why [Music] please don't tell jesus oh dude i can't handle this what the heck i hate the ice okay i'm gaming okay the ice is gone all right there we go now we're cracking again okay strong foundation what oh frick okay i'm gonna get rid of that okay never mind i can't oh i've lost i've lost my stability oh oh i lost my tower my host my whole tower i don't know what's happening right now with the eyes yeah the ice is so annoying right now that's not gonna do it i'm doing the desperate pile for third place oh no wait why did that move jesus this is so close oslo just stand tall okay yep i'll take it [Music] what am i looking at right now i'll tell you what when when one of your big pieces starts to sway in the wind it takes the whole thing down was there a massive hole in your tower genre was that on our screen i know there's a massive hole okay yeah sure oh what to do on this one though everyone did the same move if i messed up it's going to be ready um oh god oh oh oh lord oh you know what i should have done that was a that was a mess up that was a big mistake i messed up too rick i did the same name what is this a good idea find out oh i did oh awesome didn't happen i hit the wrong button no ah [Music] i think this is just last for me here nevermind oh no oh no oh no oh you weren't supposed to tip that's not how science works oh no i don't think i can do anything here no how could you how could you do this i think this is it i think this is all i got i could have maybe punched that in there yeah i could have watched it if i reacted in time [Music] this is it this is the play that makes or breaks nope jordan oh that's all oh this is so bad oh god oh it's not gonna clip what is that wait we might have a chance here we have a chance oh wow oh if i'd done that one blog i know exactly where i messed up on that one that was so bad dang it oh survival oh dear i'm scared what's happening oh fog fog oh i have nowhere to go with this one oh that's good this fog is not good wait when didn't that work wait it's not i can't use my thing oh god oh there we go oh that's not hey yay it's not as bad as i thought it would be okay oh my god dude what are you oh uh i can't handle this great oh not piano another one no piano oh you're falling too quickly no no my whole tower my whole tower's going oh i think i just go too fast cara we're tied we are tied we have the same amount part of me when i i watched um i watched ellen and steve play this and i was like i really invite sparkly to play with us because you know family friendly there are times where i've held myself back many a time good to know i appreciate you this there's a lot of there's a lot of potential on this one i agree i agree i did not know if that was gonna work yeah i'm going for that play too okay um this will work [Music] all right time to see if this will work hmm oh i don't like it but it's weird this doesn't feel like my my time to shine here unfortunately let's hope that's fine okay nothing's going over there again that's not gonna fit is it oh no frick i've made a mistake i have to [Music] oh my god yeah cara's got this one in the bag oh no oh no oh no i clipped it i clipped my top ones were overhanging so i clipped them um i thought it would fit [Music] put another one over there sparkly uh if i can i will i gotta lay this one down the left oh no not the left i don't think i can do anymore it for me uh i think i'm setting mine down too yeah dang it [Music] first i think so yeah okay okay i guess yeah so we got a 14 on that and tied first right the other one we did earlier i got 15 and came like that's how crazy the other yeah it was just a heck of a round i guess on that oh the wind is so i messed up on that one i could have easily done one more but i messed up oh this is gonna be bad oh no nevermind that slide off what the oh god why what are you doing to my tower i have a wonky bit in the middle of my tower now i'm so used to this for some reason every time my block falls it falls diagonally no that was so dumb oh jesus okay that's good i think this is a real ideal setup nope it's not oh really what okay okay this is okay right oh the wind oh the wind stop giving me the same piece back oh my god i hate the wind i hate the wind yeah the wind is messing me up too oh god we're going down we're going down boys this is not good um not ideal what's happening over here oh that is so bad [Music] or maybe it's okay breath i think it gives you like another solid foundation doesn't it okay it's like a bad thing that's happening i don't think i can actually do this you're in fast place yeah but i like i can't actually put anything down the wind is so annoying please oh either you got it no i did for a second why is it off by like a frame no stop wait you stole it i was winning and you pulled in my tower fell over hey i was on one second there we go let's go i was on one session you gave him the win you gave him the win i i was very close to hitting it too and then the bubble screwed me so how did you man what i had one i had one second left for jordan it went it went it went three two one and then the bubble lifted the block above the finish line last again oh what to do with this one uh oh boy oh oh why did i do oh that was dumb that was dumb oh dear oh there [Music] this this is not it you hate uh will this work oh no wait why did i oh i could have slotted it in that was so dumb that was so dumb i've just doomed to myself uh this should be fine oh shoot i forgot that was the end i could have done so much more oh boy oh my god i can't believe i've ruined the entire game right here oh ez has done it yeah he has that left hand side is crazy yeah i don't like it i really don't feel good no that hit no it's secure i thought that wasn't gonna hit i thought that wasn't in here right oh it's not good that's gonna be too much yeah i think the one you had at first was getting hit it was the same result i think i didn't want to risk dragging like that i'll take it wow look at you two of us second is that yeah it wasn't enough oh i mean it wasn't it wasn't enough i'm sorry more respectable jack you know yeah you shouldn't get 18 gods ruining my golds i feel like that was are we getting harder like in the settings isn't it i have it on random difficulty oh okay [Music] okay [Laughter] the first block like manages to to skim the edge even when it's perfectly lined up oh my god what am i doing here yeah that is interesting this should not be possible like the way this is happening relax oh what is this gonna be okay no [Music] oh i tried for a miracle this is not ideal i have no idea what to do with this i'm going for this i gotta just stabilize this god i need something that will fit on that right side please no they're something oh my gosh nothing's fitting on the right side i'm in the same boat as jordan here i got something this is a risk no prick oh no that's not gonna fit i don't like my left side very much whoa oh wait that's that's four is that [Music] are you kidding me right now i had supposed to just lay it down on top i hope that all topples no never it's toppling it's toppling no oh my god i don't know where you're gonna go you can go here for now you can go here and i'm pretty sure that is it for me at some point it's gonna oh my god how is he still alive what what is that what is happening okay i'll take that out it wobbled the middle of it balled out sideways oh my god i'm going for a medallist run oh okay you can do it i believe in you it's definitely on purpose you could do it really quickly here [Music] oh oh it's a nice stop messed up oh god my gardener is here this is not optimum time forgotten yeah my conversation oh oh oh why oh oh why it's worse [Music] thank you that was really bad what could go wrong with this oh don't you both pull white what what oh i think i'm okay uh wait why didn't that move oh oh my gosh those big blocks will kill you what is that what is that it ruins me hey is it possible to pause so i can uh go no my gardener at the front door we can uh i do need to change some settings so we can just restart it i got it okay and the thing at the top just hit it and bounced off yeah i'll be right back i'll be ready okay yeah where we stop yeah i don't know how to restart it though maybe i just have to leave i can't get to a menu me neither i don't you know that's so strange okay the controls yeah i guess oh i got it quit yeah post dropped nice swap oh it's a swapping host oh let me out let me out let me out we can shop okay i'm gonna go pee oh cosmetics put it in the shop maybe i did put it on special oopsies [Music] all right that character wasn't working yeah i should take more time to place my blood through i'm just so impatient [Music] i had this master plan of um practicing a lot before we played and then it just didn't happen i bought that caught the game like 10 minutes before he started same [Music] oh yeah i'm gonna get that thing you asked for after stream okay [Music] oh i regret hello sorry for the wait that's okay what time are you going to your next thing me five five oh five are we doing one more or you have to go yeah we can do one more okay yeah [Music] okay sorry about that i didn't notice the invite uh we're missing jack still anyway okay i'm like jordan have you joined yet yep all right let's go oh it's gonna say maybe let me uh drawing first for zero i have four but i'll be fine ruining everything jordan yes i am now this is the one i i think it's a win for the three of us if jordan doesn't win wow i agree yeah we're not seeing him now thank goodness we can't you can't just squat up against me like i'm gonna cast this spell with that will that hurt anyone just you okay oh this is like the you can't slot in one wait still what yes i'm on the right now oh what am i doing oh okay geez i am i am in the third from the right slot that from the right so second well no if you start or sorry third from the left from the left my bad my bad [Music] hey never mind it didn't go the way i thought [Music] have i reached the end already i messed myself up i think i'm done too i messed myself up these are like the old school ones oh no oh no oh god oh no oh jordan i know but i think about what i'm gonna do for my moves so why do you think you just think too slowly i just don't think oh god oh i think that's cringe that was that was uh last place for me right there heck yeah you could have spotted that in azer yeah i didn't wanna i thought i had enough to win yeah anyway congratulations you have so far succeeded in your goals all right oh you did you come last let's go i had an honor is actually like more difficult because it's more competitive honestly probably like you don't have time to line up perfectly yes oh i didn't want to do that i don't know what you saw you want here [Music] oh that just destroyed my piece okay no not like that all right starting a new base oh cool cool cool cool don't nudge uh if you're not in a great spot for it no no oh frick i was doing fine look at that top look at that top [Laughter] oh i think i came last just by a millimeter well i think i got less no i'm still last overall guys don't worry you're still winning survival easy [Music] oh yeah i gotta take my time i keep forgetting this is not a race i am so i just want to keep going fast this building is beautiful yeah i'm zooming right now let's hope this works in an idea what you can just give yourself a really wide band i can't do that i was about to throw away a piece this doesn't work like that i know it's glad to do that too oh this is terrible actually for a new base oh no why did i do that you piece of la is like just destroying people's phones with a missing something alert what um i just just just ruined my life just ruined my life what are you what la just like blew up my phone with a notification that somebody is missing oh an amber alert yeah i'm sure the missing person probably appreciates it okay i'm oh no it's my two the thing is i've never i've never seen one that was like that violently loud and my phone was on silent too that was just terrifying oh that was my last life jordan didn't lose a single piece he had three lives okay how did that happen oh you still like yelled about i don't know how i survived with it bro i have never had my phone just blow up like that it says endangered missing advisory i don't i don't it doesn't even specify they're just trying to save a life jordan don't complain it didn't even save the notification like what i should be on the lookout for usually with like an amber alert it'll be like be on the lookout for such and such like car it just said missing advisory it didn't didn't tell me you can turn those off you know i didn't know that no what i didn't know that why would i do that though i i prefer to save lives and don't complain about them i know they're usually not loud like that though [Music] [Music] actually kind of okay [Music] wait what oh that's the end shoot oh that's not ideal that's not ideal oh god i know oh no i have so much i have open spaces everywhere we don't clutch these this is i don't think that's going to work oh yes that's also in a second oh as a second oops that's right is that gonna work this is a close game it's not that it's not gonna work this isn't oh i can't this is done i can't i'm done yeah i think she's so much more than me i got last i messed up i might have beat you by one oh two okay oh no i think fight was also i did not expect that my um my base my base tower went very high all right let's bring it back let's bring it back boys this is okay oh race i keep forgetting where i am so used to being all the way on the right side [Music] don't want that i'll take that one hey i hate that a lot uh i don't know what that's good that's good right i don't think so because why would it be a bad thing i think it's to hide your blocks i think it's like a weakness oh is it oh there's a hole there and it ruined my whole tower oh no that was really bad okay kind of saved never mind oh this is not good i should how long is this race until someone reaches the end no i know i'm just saying this seems like a really tall one i don't even know what piece i'm looking for here oh god [Music] oh god this is bad [Music] no catch it no this is not gonna work the whole camera just changed because my tower fell that far oh we have wind we have wind yes [Music] oh jeez i'm a spawn i might spawn yeah this is really difficult to build from this distance i hate it i'm glad wait what there we go okay oh no no no this is another win for you nevermind thank goodness okay all right i don't know how your towers stay set up yeah he's operating under different physics yeah i hacked the game i looked up before i installed tricky towers i looked up tricky towers hacks it's really this is serious for me okay this is the next big competitive esport and i gotta be on top of my game oh wait this is survival right [Music] [Music] oh oh god no not like this all right guys look on the right if you get a moment i'm just going to be as thin as i can um i have a slope now my my thing is like oh boy dude every every time that i see a tower just kind of start heading over in my direction leaning for me you guys i i'm so panicky and yeah [Music] you gotta do this kara i believe someone in my chat just said bungalow 4.0 all right i get it that's a bungalow four of them bungalow what yeah you know what bungalow's well it's like a single floor house oh this has become problematic same how are you still alive how are you still alive with three lives looking like this how do you have three lines left [Laughter] i was i was little i think that that whole thing could have gone at any second which would have ended me yeah i could have my three pieces on the right oh okay all right we got the slots let's go let's go this is this is all to play for and that's your jack wait what what's he doing some new kind of strap huh okay jack what are you doing are you okay buddy what happened what why this is how i'm feeling right now you know oh okay pull this one all right we gotta do some mad maneuvers here oh i see that many of you are going for a respecter come on no that is what we do here look at mine oh my god what i can maneuver too i've been i'm gonna oh is jordan biting off more than the time i can shoot yes he is oh oh my god i'm feeling i'm feeling a mad maneuver is needed to clutch this oh i like that it's still in it it's still in it yeah i maybe wouldn't go anywhere near it but yeah yep [Music] that's what she said joke we've had today as well oh no a refrain [Music] oh no train oh my god okay you're lucky you only lost one there was a i lost two including the one there which i'm gonna oh no i clipped i clipped yeah wait what actually happened though it it clips the edge i can't risk it i can't risk it that's it for me okay can't she do it yeah you need that one on the side that's gonna be i wonder if it stays it's slightly tilted nope no it's gonna be close it is gonna be very close oh is that i think that's a win i know there's one more oh no it's all around right guys no coming no coming last we are officially one minute late oh here comes the wind it's fine it's fine what is this a race special race oh the worst one oh it's so painful why the worst it's fun it's fun it's fun if physics obey you like you're a god you're literally a god that's not ideal give me a tall oh just broke my life okay that's not gonna stay no no no no oh the wind threw that away the wind blew that away that worked no oh no thank you come back season just kidding oh uh oh oh that's not good no thank you i don't want that one oh it's just flew straight off the end oh it just keeps giving it to me yeah i can't get rid of it no okay still sliding off i don't think i'm ever gonna be able to use that block sorry i've got a leaf blower sounds going on oh wait oh wait yeah that kind of works good i um guys i wind the ice to my tower and it was a bad idea is that actually bad yeah that's not good because that stuff is just blowing off of it why did i oh i zapped i zapped the wrong block um oh this is not good i need something i need to go out oh no oh it's all gone oh i mean first i mean first i need to get away my whole tower is collapsing due to icy wind yellow oh i could use it as well that's not good that's not good i need a yellow bell again i choked i choked is that not no that was a mistake that was a mistake do that was wrong with me what massive oh i think those last for me guys you're welcome mine wasn't counting for some reason it was over the line oh no my god we still i gave you all a chance yeah yeah oh my god we're supposed to finish here yeah that was meant to be the end there were just two cracks oh no i'm sure voicemails these ones are spine but i won't this time what why'd that just happen what oh i don't like this what's this oh okay that's just the phone oh i supposed to throw it off the edge i can [Music] i'm gonna lose like all this i know [Music] oh god my tower's so bad what nope oh i clutched it in time no it's just gonna go immediately let's we're going for the strut again oh frick it's working i think it's not working i'm just going to lose i'm dead already not again oh my god why is the gravestone a thing oh my god why are they falling so quickly wait why are they falling so quickly for you oh no oh no holy crap you were like a millisecond away from the end sometimes it's about those smalling blocks oh as it doesn't even win i can't close i'm close all right we gotta go to pummel we're ready [Music] uh where are we playing uh killed someone sweet people are fine thank you for playing this was surprisingly fun as well it was fun games everything i made i might never play it ever again but i had to get started i feel like i feel like we have time to refund it dang i think so yeah but also like it was super fun for the first two rounds when it was all completely even the whole way yeah yeah i'm just not inviting jordan back god it's like golf with friends all over again like we have the first one's all even and then it's just sparkly wins what i don't win in golf with friends he wins like a third of the time yes which is fairly even yeah it's usually gift that wins yeah yeah yeah it is good man if these tables were turned and karo was winning she'd be all about it no i would understand no you'd be you'd be okey-dokey well everybody uh hopefully you've enjoyed some uh tricky towers i swear i've never played this before and last time i played tetris was against odd ones out and i got ruined this is slightly different this is more about stability than getting lines so anyway make sure to like like subscribe to kevin sparkles too follow twitch.tv sparkles turn on notifications hit the bell playlist in the description which actually probably won't exist because who knows if there's more of this and then also uh qualitycontent.com if you want to snag yourself some swick shirts and no more joggers they're sold out uh long sleeve shirts sweaters beanies things like that um by the time this is up on youtube it's probably all gone but if you're watching on twitch you've still got some time okie dokie bye bye
Channel: CaptainSparklez 2
Views: 111,956
Rating: 4.9610705 out of 5
Keywords: tricky towers, captainsparkles
Id: sB5JQp_cTqE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 118min 26sec (7106 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 23 2021
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