The Struggle To Believe

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[Music] the struggle today is to believe and so I want to I want to speak to you about this it started about maybe four years ago when the campaign the presidential campaign in America was afoot people start to question their faith in what they believed about Jesus and his church it reached a feverish pitch after the election was decided and into the years to follow I found myself dialoguing with young men people I had sired into the faith and people who were I considered to be seasoned and maturing who were walking away from the Lord because they didn't know what they believe anymore it is true that if you experience successive losing seasons that you will think that maybe what you believe is not true so I want to talk to you today about the struggles I believe and I want to begin in March after nine I'm gonna end in Luke probably I think Luke 17 but what I want I want to start out just by doing some review I taught you that your belief system was shaped and began to be shaped between the ages of one and eight some say two and two and eight but it's a six year period between one and seven or two and eight and your belief system is actually shaped it was shaped by the environment that you were raised and before you could understand you you absorbing information from your environment everyone's environment environment was the first part of your your belief system a shape and then from there it moved to repetitious information the things that you heard and saw but predominantly what that you heard over and over again became your reality became your truth the third influence or great influence of a belief system or shape of your belief system was the voice of significant or the voices of significant others people that you looked up to didn't have to be parents it could've been parents could be a coach it could be teacher that you love could have been a teacher that you didn't love could have been a rapper could have been a singer or a friend that you looked up to but the person to you became significant for whatever pronounced reason they became significant and then the fourth influence or shape of your belief system are you experiences they're mostly experiences the power of experiences are that is that experiences are those are the strongest shapers of belief systems as a matter of fact your experiences will trump all the rest you can see a person climbing a ladder then the person could wait twice would you weigh and the ladder could hold them up but if when you start to go up the ladder the ladder slips or it tries to break then when you get off the ladder even though this older latch came to lose and they fixed it you have a second thought to get them the ladder again because the belief is quickly made or the assumption is that ladder cannot hold me it could hold them but it could hold me you even form stories about the ladder you suppose a ladder held too much weight before it held me so you can't hold me now I'm not gonna try that ladder because that ladder don't like me you come up with all kinds of stuff you say that ladder looked at me funny ladders can even look at you you you make up all kinds of stories based on the experience that you had that's how that's what it works the way the belief system was shaped is the only way it could be changed so God uses these four mechanisms these four avenues to change the belief system God will save you he saved us and many of us I got saved in a room I was basically with me and one other person when I got born again but no matter where you got saved God called you to call you together and he was set you in an environment of fellowship he wants to put you in an atmosphere of faith because he understands that what happens on you but in your belief system what happened number one through environment that is why the early this morning maybe about five o'clock I posted on Facebook I posted by the Spirit of God that you've been out of church for a while your life fell apart and you need to get back in church man listen you will not believe the amount of attack that came on that single opposed because there's a contingency of demonic Christians and yes I said it demonic Christians that that will tell you this they hate the church I'm one brilliant person put on there actually that the Bible's you preach the the part of the church in Corinth that that the Lord says to the foolishness of reaching and the crazy part is when he said it when he spoke those words there was no canon of Scripture but now we could be good and this is crazy oh you don't need to come to church to be a Christian thing it started in America you won't go to any country as a matter of fact I want to say this of all the churches and national churches in the world America has the least amount of miracles because we've westernized or Americanized our Christianity and so God number one what he see starts out with getting you in the right environment and from there in this environment he starts to reshape your belief system by repetitious information you don't just hear it once faith cometh by hearing and hearing and hearing and hearing not just the Word of God because the word God in that Scripture is not feels is the word Christos so what if Christ the message the gospel is about Jesus Christ so what you have is number one he puts you in the environment of faith that gathering a believe was he called it the church or the congregation the ecclesia in the greek and then then from there um he gives you repetitious information to try to dislodge the false belief he won't talk about false beliefs in a minute to dislodge the false belief that's in your belief system and then number three this is important um he gives a giddy assigns to you of a voice a significant other I want to speak to that in first week is three Paul said who is Paul who is Apollo's who is Cephas but but ministers by whom you believe as the LORD hath given to every man and here's what I want to translate to you here's what he's saying he said every one of us were assigned a minister someone that God called and sin was assigned to you and how you know their science is that in the words of Jesus my sheep hear my voice and I strange etiquette now this is physics crazy to me when people tell me past I don't love your ministry I just I mean I just I just get so much out of what you teach I laugh because when I listen to my Vontae I can't listen before five minutes half the time I don't even understand what I'm saying okay that you can even hear past my accent and my high-pitched voice is God you got it God Willis God will tune your ear to a certain voice and he when you know you in the right house watch this now is that in the in the gather in the environment or here the repetitions information you get you have more than one voice one significant other it starts with the shepherd then it then it becomes elder or a person in the congregation that you connect with all of a sudden you have these voices reinforcing the repetitious information helping you able you to connect to the environment what is he doing he's trying to create an experience for you because God understands that in the world you will have tribulation when you go out there the enemy will come and listen he will attack you with a series of negative experiences knowing that negative experiences will affect your belief see you in a losing season you've been in a losing season seems like everything you touch feels it's been going on for a while even now having questions about it I've been preaching about it it's seen at every time we come together we're talking about the same thing why because the season is ongoing and you're wondering am i doing something wrong what's going on you don't understand that God is teaching you how to trust him but if you mishandle the moment will begins to happen the experiences and negative experiences are eroding or corroding your belief would assist people in this room right now you used to be on fire for God you're not on fire anymore you're just surviving you are you just just getting by you you just admit it's for you it's a good day if you pray this is a good day if you make it to church and here's the thing because it's what's real is the enemy has been attacking you physically mentally emotionally not financially and and just for you to even lift your hands on worship is a big deal the people around you don't know it but you're just making it it am I talking to anybody in the house it comes down to one thing the enemy has attacked your believing you are in the struggle to believe a man brought his son to Jesus in my future and Mark chapter 9 and the Bible says while Jesus is on the Mount of Transfiguration he's having dialogue with Moses and Elijah while Peter James and John are watching and while he transfigures or he he transcends himself on this mountain he charged oh the Bible says that he begin to radiate before them on the mountain but on the foot of the mountain a man brings his epileptic son to Jesus and these disciples who have been commissioned and sent out to heal the sick and cast out devils they had never seen a manifestation like this this that they had never seen a little boy grow from a little boy and turned to like this demonized or object it was thrown across the terrain and and did never see manifestation like that the crowd gathered as the disciples did battle 9 disciples fighting one little boy Jesus comes down the mountain and this is just big commotion he asked what was going on and the Bible says the father begins to explain to Jesus all that happened verse 19 picks up and it says um math like the father says and wherever he takes him in verse 18 he tears him and he foamed with any nashit with his teeth and he's pyon pyon away that means he lays like he's dead and I suspected that it by disciples that they should cast him out and has what the father said and they could not in the Greek it says that they walk they walk I do not talk in the Greek I do not do it means they were without power this father traveled in belief you don't you listen if you don't believe that you're welcome at your your kinfolk house for the family reunion you're not gonna drive from here to ever they are you go because you believe right I believe I'm gone for good time I meant go up there to be abused so this man when he brought his son to Jesus he fully believed he had heard that they were miracles happening he was heard he has heard of the disciples to cast out them Devils and Jesus was doing too so when he did he came believing but after the experience of seeing this boy tear up even the area where the disciples was is same thing that was happening at home he was a believer but now he was in the struggle and in verse 19 when Jesus heard all that the man said here's what the Bible says Jesus response was jesus answered and said o faithless generation how long shall I be with you how long shall I endure suffer you bring the boy to me as a G now this distance forgot me Jesus is full of grace and truth when the man starts telling him all the stuff that happened am I brought to your disciples and they tried to cast him out but he couldn't and and I mean we don't know what to do the Lord is like bring him to me and he said this he said you faithless people watch this the word faithless and the word unbelief one is up a Pistons the other word it pistou yo one is without faith the other ones without belief knows the word pista sand pistol on one is faith one is belief all one one is how I feel or how how I embrace what God says the other one is what I do about it is that too much how many following me okay so he said jesus said he sees all but unbelieving generation Oh faithless generation he said how long will I have to put up with you how long would I be with you he said bring the boy to me and so then the next verse the Bible says in verse twenty and they brought him they brought him unto him and when Jesus saw him straightway the spirit o and he saw him the boy saw him rather straightway the spirit tear him and he fell on the ground and wallowed foaming and Jesus acts his father how long is it ago since this came on upon him and he saved up he said of a child and often time it cast him into the fire and into the waters to destroy him but if thou canst do anything have compassion on us and help us the the New Living Translation reads differently and maybe I'm a cheat and get my computer so I can read some other scriptures for you can I do that I was gonna do it anyway because I just working with this King James I have to define every word y'all don't wanna be doing that we're gonna be here till Jesus comes all right so I want to want to read that same passage if you allow me to arm from I want to read what verse was that 22 okay let me see what he say me okay good I'll from the New Living Translation if the computer would let me get it yeah okay so if it says this in verse 21 Jesus asks how long has this been happening he replied since he was a little boy verse 22 the spirit often throws him into the fire into the water trying to kill him and he says have mercy on us and help us if you can this is the part I wanna point out have mercy on us and help us if you can and in verse 23 Jesus asks what do you mean if I can now listen to this what moves this man from him the full persuasion he traveled all this way to bring his boy to Jesus to be healed but now he's at the place of if you can how do you get from I know you can too if you can what happens to us is after a series of traumatic experiences after a series of losses after series matter of fact in baseball they call it I think they say you in a slump after a series of losses after you release faith and nothing happened you've got to be honest something in you becomes afraid to trust God again that's not enough of you responded to that I want to know how many okay so you sure you said why I passed you you just don't know what I what we've been through my family's been through so much we pray for this one I want that we prefer this I won't hit it and all of a sudden you traumatize your faith is traumatized and a man said to me I need to see God move I just can't believe any mom sorry pastor and so I love you I love the church but I need to see God move and when he said that the Spirit of God said to me that's his problem and I thought to myself this is crazy I'm talking to the man God is talking to me the master I need to see God move right the guy said I would like to agree with the guy and the Lord says that's his problem I go Oh cuz if this is a problem that I guess is mine too and I said well you know I'm less the solicitous explore that nothing wait for the Lord to say something else and the scripture comes to mind the Lord said Thomas said the same thing what he's wrestling with is a defective belief ready for this Satan has got me to him so I'm gonna take it to a series I believe we can become we're gonna get this really quickly out of the way the rest of the verse girls when you read the rest of it the Bible says um the father instantly cried out he said I do believe but help me overcome my unbelief listen to this husband he says I do believe I still believe he said but I have to confess I don't know how it works but he said I have on the inside of me this robust belief but it's twin it's your present also I believe you but what I've been through has a voice as well and why you what I wanted I want you to come through for me I have to admit I'm afraid and while I believe you and I've heard testimonies and I rejoice every time I hear them and I taught you this you could sit in church and hear me teach and know something you could learn it and become a knower you could hear about what God did for the woman in the wheelchair her knees were bad she couldn't walk the guy said can you stand she said no he looked and he turning off he said he tore my can stand up and she's looking like I can't he said help her up I like this about to get good he picked this woman up she had gained a lot away from not being able to walk so now her knees are bad she's getting extra weight I'm like ours is gonna work out and he's walking he says everybody prays but we don't start praying loud tongues he's walking with his lady they're struggling to care and we're looking she's getting lost in the crowd I'm I'm on my tiptoes looking the people I saw there's a tall guy he was guiding her and so I was watching him I was I was marking her steps by marking instead I could see his head they got they're going up an incline he's walking her up an incline and she's gone step four steps it she's leaning on them after a while I noticed something she's not leaning on them anymore but she's walking really really slow at some point five steps in they take off running they're running and I'm looking with the lady is running and they're running with her and I still have my set to myself and so I said to myself the fact that God is still doing this and I'm leading a church of thousands and I'm standing here freaked out you could be in a war zone for so long that you don't even realize you're traumatized post-traumatic stress syndrome is after the battle is over when you don't have to worry about anything anymore when you're not in danger anymore and you can finally let your guard down now your body begins to respond to what you've been through and a lot of us have been through so much that we speak faith am I talking to you Who am I talking to so we we work hard and we we press in and become when we want to be faithful and we don't go back on the Lord because we because we believe God so I want to show you this this is Scripture girl and your Bible says 2nd Corinthians chapter 10 verse 4 I'm a daughter review and the end of this hopefully I'll bring out some stuff that we haven't heard before but but when you go to second Corinthians chapter 10 verse 3 this is the story partisans is defending his Apostleship to the church in Corinth and he's actually dealing with the weapons that they you to deal with people who refuse to believe in verse 3 the Bible says Paul says for though we walk in the flesh we do not war after the flesh but Paul says although were humans he said we're human beings he said but when we do battle we don't do better from human standpoint so everybody look at me I want to help you out your belief system is what it is what it is that's the way God created you but I'm gonna share this with you people there people say well pastor I gotta see a therapist and make therapist are good but what you need to understand is that the condition that your belief is in right now therapy and help that God has to bypass what is happening to you psychologically and emotionally and he has to approach it from a spiritual standpoint what's gonna happen to you it won't come to your head and gotta go straight to your heart now let me I'm gonna help you out of this this won't help ya it has to God has to deal with your heart the jesus said watches now I am the way the truth and the life no one comes to the Father but by me but by me and what you need to understand is this the only thing the only thing that can deal with what I'm about to show you is the truth of God's Word it's the word only the truth of God only you hearing truth on repeat hearing a truth you know what is happening to you you don't understand is that you don't believe this but Satan has slipped a deception into your belief system it could be something as simple as watch us now you decided you're gonna trust the grace of God you're gonna rest in the Lord and rest on the finished work of Jesus Christ but then something goes wrong and then you feel like it comes up in your heart you you're gonna do something to make this right hence I will go as I work when I fold on God let's go when I let go God holds on and so every time God tries to watch this it was Nucky the law doesn't do anything because every time he he it's his turn to work you get in such failure belief system it's so damaged from what you've been through that you try to do God's partial he stops he would ally allows life to knock you down we're not that you won't try to do this part anymore you can't and when you can't then he starts to work then you strength your strength builds up again and in this defective face and you try to work again and every time that happens you it has been going on for years with you been going for years but God can't be God cause you're trying to be so second Corinthians chapter 10 verse 3 he says he said but though we walk in the flesh we don't war in the flesh he said the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but they're mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds casting down imaginations every high thing that it's up to self against the knowledge of God bringing into captivity every thought to the beauties of Christ let me say this real fast in this passage of Scripture Paul's emphasis is not strongholds it's the weapons of our warfare but but what I'm doing here with you is I want to emphasize strongholds and I want to keep talk to you about stronghold because you have to get your own working definition of what a stronghold is a stronghold by definition and I know you were there but I'm in value I keep writing it down til I get it it is a false belief that generates erroneous thoughts that creates a false narrative in your heart it's a false belief that tree that generates erroneous thinking that creates a false narrative let me give you a good example so all of a sudden you didn't during the season I don't know what you've been experiencing in this season but but in in my season I've never seen anything like this it seemed like everything at the back I wouldn't I was going through some old stuff from NCC the kind of leader I was if you were under me you know that I'm a visionary leader I'm a directional leader when I lead I was saying no that's not working let's do this but in the last four years it seemed like every person I told I don't want to do they get offended I've had more people lead leaders seasoned knowledgeable leaders lead offended over simple junk and you go what offended you I realized that it wasn't the person that there's something demonic interference in the going on the chemical so that's when I realized that the devil was getting I stopped talking and when I stopped talking I was accused that I wasn't leading when I led they got offended when I didn't leave they get offended nothing I did was good enough so I didn't know what to do so I went back to my I went back to the drum but I try to redefine myself as a leader 2015/2016 I came back I said I'm gonna lean more on grace I'm gonna let the younger people come up with and it's still you kept on happening and fun I got to the point where I was done and then I exploded I was dealing was just and I would I would get it I started to use I have the gift of the sermon the Lord gave me this one that guess I have and so I would add my discernment at some point became suspicion and look at people they looked at me a certain way watch this the false belief that these people don't want to be led generated erroneous thinking I start thinking these people won't like me that thinking created a false narrative you can't trust no these people before long I wasn't one to come to church I come and I was real rip hands off a real professional I stopped going out in the foyer because you know you sweaty I preached in Montgomery I'm I'm coming I'm sweaty I said yeah they gonna be saying he's thinking no that's that's the way my mind start to work you see how this works now here's the crazy thing people said to me past that you don't like me if someone just wrote me past pastors you don't like me the first person answers who are you I mean I didn't even know that how I not like you but don't know you and the enemy was it's not if you take this same scenario and and multiply throughout the congregation it is a curse the Satan was slip deception he breaks up marriages he divides friends their children who don't talk to their parents and parents don't talk to their children it's all comes from a strong hole now everybody understand is a false belief by itself is not a strong hole people believe in their people have you ever met people that they see a black cat and they freaked out to me a black cat is a black cat i black can't run across me I was walking something the first oh my god I thought the Holy Ghost praise Him okay okay that kid I mean this lady went into a fit she was haha I thought you were dancing I started go go go go you know and she said oh my god you should have black hair to say yeah she good oh you aren't you terrified no she said don't you from the islands I said yeah she said with people in the islands no black can run for you is bad luck I'm like sister let me tell you something your world too little if you want to talk about bad luck I got some bigger stuff bad luck is when you open the in the helicopter and a bird is coming right at you that night when I see a bird I freaked out up in the air I kept not so much but it's her reality well why don't kill me for this but you should see my wife when she sees a dog I've never seen anything like it she will move heaven and earth she will take up an entire restaurant every time I'm talking about it about this later on I mean she she were I mean you her story she loved cats and dogs she don't play with them thing I don't know where to buy them she won't like furry things he don't like she don't keep playing with that and it freaks me out I can realize it's her belief and here's the thing about belief it's real to the person Satan understands how your belief system works so a false belief does not become a strong or here's gonna be when you lose a struggle when you read the verse after verse 4 verse 5 says casting down imaginations every high thing that exalteth Africa's knowledge of God bringing every thought captive 'ti these three things imaginations high things lofty things things that you think that - too high for even God and thoughts deed when when your belief uses these are imaginations high things in thoughts to protect itself you have a stronghold because it means that nothing can get through to the false belief to correct it what do you believe that is false but you're willing to fight to the death to protect what you believe for me it was money for me it was I believe that you have to hold all we're gonna be giving for money I wouldn't even trust the back when I was in the military my money was stacked up and in my war Locker I wouldn't even deposit it in the bank but it kept me broke and what happened was watches god had to God after the way God will do it I'm gonna show you that off time today but God will ask you I thought I told you last week a series of questions and what he's trying to do is he's trying to trick your belief system into seeing the craziness and sometimes the illogical Ness just made up a word how illogical it is for you to even believe what you believe I remember my family that they would drive from here just the distance and when you got to get to the bridge you have to pull over get in the driver's side and put them on passenger side and they got to lay down they can't see it did him I just said they could drive anywhere they don't you drive in any situation but a bridge would high even with high rails on the side they believe that somehow someway don't end up in that water and it paralyzes them so someone has to get out and drive and then not only are they passenger they have the latest seat down where they can't see the water and no matter what you try to say to them they will don't tell me you don't know you not me they argue you down holding on to a false belief as long as that's your situation it's Psalm 78 years of the Bible says they limited the Holy One of Israel yes what God said he said I could not do for them what I wanted to do for them because they limited me with the unbelief unbelief is me believing something other than the word of God unbelief is a false belief say that outlasts a unbelief is a false belief so what here's the thing the stronghold business is a real deal it's real and the enemy understands that once he has you in the grip of a stronghold you cannot fulfill your purpose in math fact my taste something beliefs produce fear they produce anger they produce offense they listen but beliefs will have you false booties were having a place where you can't trust God you can't trust people and your life stops right here until we get that fixed and here's where the enemy has been doing he's been using your losing season to reinforce to you the lie that God can't be trusted in 1st John 4:16 no turning the Bible says some people say well pastor well I believe know you know you know something you may approve of it if you know something it doesn't mean you believe it if you approve of it approve of it if you you just celebrated when I said God would cause a lady to walk you celebrate it the question is now listen to this well will God do it for you and I mean let me let's take a poll how do you believe that God will do the same thing for you put your hand up okay good now I'm gonna need you to be honest ready for this how many of you believe that God is your healer put your hand up put your hand out when you get a headache what is your favorite pain reliever say that loud to me huh what was yours ibuprofen peppermint what peppermint oil ah Advil huh excedrin Talan all huh Tylenol Aleve motrin what's this how many believe God is your healer put your hand down when you get a headache what's your favorite pain reliever and some people still didn't get it let's try this again how many believe that Lord is your healer when you get a headache what's your favorite pain reliever shout out loud here's the crazy part if an unbeliever hears you say that the Lord is your healer but when you get a headache the first thing you do is grab you a lead panel extension advil motrin whatever what just how will they know that your God can heal that's not comfortable it's not just you I'm not I'm not pointing at you is all of us we are believers in name only I remember the days when I would get a pimple I'll get a mirror go oh oh no no you're in jail I'll I cursed you in Jesus name come and either die from the root and I will fight that thing with the Word of God until it got so strong that people were bringing gross to me and I'll punch to the grunts I'll crush you and grow cancerous gross we're dying it started with me cursing pimples on my face how is the Lord you're healed do you not see that the enemy the false belief is I could just take the villain I'm not just taking pills I take them - I do I love ibuprofen they work quickly let me tell you something if you can't trust God for a headache how you gonna trust him for cancer so as different no it's not it's not different to your belief system your beliefs in your belief system either God is your healer or he is not okay okay I'm gonna show you it's a crisis and we struggle I wish I had more time I want to walk you through this which is a powerful passage of Scripture it's in the Book of Luke I'm sorry let's let's let's go first to John chapter 4 I won't get to Luke 17 let's we're gonna end with John chapter 4 and verse 46 David in Psalm 23 was going through so much in his life the Bible says that at some point he he's a musician see he wrote these songs the Psalms and nothing but a collection of songs and in Psalm 27 as he's writing math fact that's a psalm where he said when my father and mother forsake me then the Lord will take me up and he made this crazy statement he said I would have fainted unless I had believed to see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living he knows what you see we read that it seems so simple he said it's not I would have fainted if I not if I'd not seen so I could believe he said I would have fit I would have given up hope if I'd listened if I'd not believed to see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living I'm speaking to today is that you have you you have the ability to ingest truth you can be you can literally turn our preaching tape on and repeat and you can listen to the word over and over again nothing can listen a strong Hall would try to do battle with the truth of God's work but it never wins matter fact here's a rule that I always use if I'm if I'm in an argument with an intellectual unbeliever the stronger that arguments get the simple mind gets the back of our memory in car that's where the story mark my amazing professor he's an amazing professor I used to use before you believe the evolution Big Bang Theory all that stuff and he saw it he was he's he was doing this argument class I raised my hand and I said so you may tell me as brilliant as you are you believe in the Big Bang Theory he said well don't you and at that moment I was want to engage him and the Lord said no and I said yes I do he said well tell me your theory as I believe in the beginning God created the heaven and the earth he says creation and I said well away the Bible says though the earth was formed and in the dark and God says let there be light and I believe that when God said let there be light there was a big bang my migraine went down when not this the only bee I listened the more lofty and intellectually becomes simply no one can argue with what jesus loves you know one could argue it but Jesus died for you it may make them mad but no one could argue it but he made you a man simple it doesn't have to be does nothing be our petty simplicity because truth goes to the heart I'm going to show you that this we have time today John chapter what I send you and verse 4 in 646 ok the Bible says so Jesus came again unto Cana of Galilee this is my last scripture and I get you out of here where he made the water wine and there was a certain nobleman whose son was sick in Capernaum a nobleman on one translation said a certain government official when he heard that Jesus was come out of Judea into Galilee he went unto Him and besought him that he would come down and heal his son for he was at the point of death how many of you seen this in verse 48 the Bible says then jesus said unto him except you see signs and wonders you will not believe now now everybody look at me for minute now do you think that Jesus Jesus Christ was a human he was human because this man did nothing to warn what Jesus said he walks up to Jesus he said um lord I heard that you heal people my son is at home sick he's deathly ill I need you to come and heal him and the Lord turned Simon just unload you know the problem with you people unless you see a sign you won't believe the dude is like what did I say about signs Matt FAC is responsible he's like you look at the Lord he goes lord please come with me or as my son is gonna die and the scripture says the Lord said go your way your son will live now what I love about the scripture is for for brevity's sake most time scriptures don't give you details so we have to kind of imagine the details he didn't just turn and walk away I believe that when the Lord said that he says go your way your son will live I believe the man stood there look at Jesus and Jesus looked at him I believe this guy was like okay okay and he walks off and the world goes about his business when he's halfway home the story goes his servants come in medium and said your son suddenly amended all of a sudden he suddenly got better fever broke now here's I want to show you something remember I was teaching you about the power of questions questions suffering with ability says what he did the first thing said he said what time was it what time was it when this suddenly happened and said maybe about one o'clock and the Bible says the man said the man plucked himself that was the very time when Jesus said go your way your son will live but what he missed was the Bible actually that didn't just say that the Bible says Jesus said go thy way thy son will live and the man believed wait hold up it's in your Bible is in your Bible what verses it look at look at this verse 50 the nobleman says sir come down here much my child died jesus said unto him go thy way vice that son liveth and the man believed the word that Jesus had spoken unto him and he went his way who has a little new living translation anybody have a physical new living translation gimme gimme your new living translation yes you have point to point me to it cuz I can't carry the computer around with me okay my thing I call you but you tell me how to use this thing okay so in verse 50 listen to what it says it says then Jesus told him go back home your son will live and the man believed Jesus what Jesus said and started home the men believe what Jesus said and started home when I read that this morning of safe harbor it was on the screen and it jumped out at me the man believed Jesus and started the man believed Jesus and here's the question it's am I just waiting on the Lord but the man believed Jesus and started in an amazing the Bible the funny thing about the Bible is that that all that all the promises that are written in the Bible are not all the promises that God made that promises that god will make to you individually that he cannot write in the bible because us promises not for everybody all the promises on the bible for god's family of 7,000 of them so god prints them he puts them in print and he give him to all his children so these are for you every single promise in the Bible at any point you could pick a promise that fits your situation and say Lord I believe this promise and based on this promise I'm going to start and when you say that the Lord has to do his power has to come to bed the problem with us you don't understand jurisdiction the way jurisdiction works is like this see I'm gonna tell you something what we're missing is this we missing the declaration peace if God gives you jurisdiction over something Georgeson the work George means law diction means to speak if garden makes you the one with authority over the situation he will not move in it unless you speak that's why the enemy has you negative how do you feel like that you tend to be negative lately let me say come on let's just show hands you say like you see something negative you starts to death this is wrong and that's wrong next meaning you you're complaining five statements and you catch you say I'm being really negative you know the enemy understands that he allows you to see things the way they are without challenging you if you if you see it from the positive perspective from the Word of God perspective and you speak that then God gets involved the last thing he wants is for God to get involved he understands listen he understands that was you with him fighting you he could deceive you he could poke the wool over your eyes when God gets involved there's nothing all God needs from you is permission he just needs you to speak him he needs you to declare his word the thing that took away from the healing was other yes sir can you walk she said no well for me I was looking well listen lay hands on her he said no pick her up he believes so he started pick up when she stood up you could tell and I thought to myself okay I've seen this magis here's my brain I've seen this before they're going to walk around in the circle when she doesn't walk they're gonna take her back to the chair they gonna lay their hands on her and said we're gonna believe God for you to heal later on how many of you ever seen it before that lady took off running and when I saw that I said to myself we have been misusing our jurisdiction we have been saying the wrong things have you notice that took the confession off the bus service somebody I'm praying a pastor for the confession I've noted the confession was the confession was for a different time today I was supposed to introduce a new confession to you but the screen is not up I introduced as a safe harbor because we have to take our jurisdiction back we have to start no no let us start speaking NCC we've got to become an aggressive church again we can't be this just laying back and sitting back with we've never wait for anything to happen let me take some you say well but you know what we had move of God before do you realize do you realize that there's not the there are few churches in this city that own the property we own that's a big deal it's not big deal to you let me say what's a big deal we don't have 1 million here in this church most of the people in this church are working-class people this wasn't something that this is when something happened because we had the right people like their right people know this happened because we had people who had nothing but God and we were leaning in to God I remember you remember walk in the street we were crazy enough we put on coats and we walk up and down the street and we were declaring land was ours when we didn't have the money for it I was walking into banks in your name asking to speak to the president refusing to speak to a loan officer there looked me up and down I got some crazy little guy and that's all I said no I need to speak to the president and after one bang I said I didn't speak to the president I'm sorry he won't speak with you I said okay here's my card we have money in your bank if he doesn't call me 24 hours we're taking all our money out of your bank and they were like well they go okay see the problem is they look at me because I came in my little big boy get up back in the day and look at me this editing he ain't got no money when they looked at that account I got a call ten minutes later how can we serve you mr. Ramsey we have money in your bank and we need a loan because we're establish some credits he said not a problem is that can you come in I said no I can't I'm gonna meet arrogant I was tell the truth I was ministering to people I said can you send somebody to us he said I will be glad to we were bold we know what God called us to do when people got sick we got in the first person did not die in this church there we were four years old because when people got sick we alternate we had think on the hot seat we'll put you on that hot seat and we begin to pray all of us will begin to pray until God did something we must say that we're the believers at we get too much word we know too much we see too much been so many places with the Lord and we become a choice to sit back jurisdiction George says law diction needs to speak Jesus said go your way your son would live and the man believed and he went he started and when he got to where his servants were halfway home the servant said something happened at one o'clock we don't know what it was you know what happened it wasn't a Jesus spoke Jesus had been speaking it was after that little stair down when he had to decide what he was going to do cuz here's the thing he was put in a position Harold the law said if you believe me then go and the man is standing there cuz his heart his heart was the will of that guy was come with me cuz he's heard about juniors his daughter he had heard that Jesus went to gyruss his daughter in mark 5 he had heard about it and he wanted to see what he wanted was Jesus to do for him what he did for Jairus they were from the same company in the same army and so he did word had been spread so he won the same thing the law says you you want to see right no he said no go your way your daughter will live and when he said you know what I believe you some of you today you simply say to God you know what I believe once you try it say that last say you say Lord you know what I believe I believe you will tell you I've been doing this work for 30-something years and every time I stand I'm attracted now to people who want to hear I am attracted to people one here father we we remember so much you've done but we're convinced that you're not finished yet convinced of that the people to be saved their lives to be turned to you disciples to be trained ministers to be ordained forgive us for distrusting you in the hard places forgive us for desiring you to shoulder so that you can you've always proven that you're God and beside you there's no other today we take a step forward a giant step forward as a church and we begin to declare over ourselves what you say about us you give us eyes to see you give us ears to hear you give us understanding hearts we become wise because of your counsel and because of the fire that's blazing at this church people are drawn to the warmth and to the light and we will not sit back and judge you as if we know better than you do but we were leaning to you and declare and we know that some days we're gonna win on other days we may lose but the thing is we will not let go of our believing we are a believing Church say that out loud we are I believe safe safes and we are a believing Church say we believe in the finished work of Jesus Christ we believe that there's nothing too hard for God we believe that light shines brightest in the darkness we believe that even in this place God brings strength out of weakness we will not lay down and die we will fight the good fight of faith we will worship until the glory of God fills the space that we're in god we thank you and we praise you that you ignite our hearts to believe again now give God a praise like you believe that you believe like you believe [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Pastor Hart Ramsey
Views: 11,915
Rating: 4.8864355 out of 5
Keywords: Pastor Hart Ramsey, NCC, Hart Ramsey, Northview Christian Church
Id: de6p_9_65no
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 36sec (3216 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 11 2019
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