Understanding What a Lying Spirit Is | Pastor Hart Ramsey

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told you you are my god you're my hiding place my safe refuge my treasure lord you are my friend [Music] and because you're with me [Music] because you're with me [Music] all because you're with me [Music] that i will not fear that i will not fear my hope on your love set my hope on the one who is the everlasting god you are the everlasting god and here i am to worship and here i am to bow here i am to say that you're my god you're all together lovely all together worthy all together wonder wonderful to me [Music] i'll never know how much it cost to see my sins upon that i'll cross know how much it caused you just to see my sins upon that crossing [Music] so here i am to worship and here i am to bow down here i am to say that you're my god you're all together lovely all together all together wonderful to me [Music] wonderful to me [Music] wonderful to me [Music] you're wonderful to me thank you jesus i'm gonna give him praise in the o lord i put my trust in the o lord i put my trust in the o lord i put my trust and i know that he will make a way and i know that he will make a way i know that he [Music] and in him there is no failure [Applause] [Music] in the [Music] my trust good evening good evening and welcome to wednesday evening bible study listen i pray you're ready for some word i'm gonna uh if you read my caption on the share on my facebook uh tonight i want to talk to us about understanding a lying spirit and what a appropriate time to talk about this because i've been getting a lot of questions about it i get a lot of questions about man what is this thing about these prophecies and all this gaslighting and deceptionists in the world today and so i want to talk to us about a lying spirit um my topic tonight is going to be fig leaves lies and fictional lives what you should know about lies and really tonight my my central focus is going to be on what a lying spirit is and where it comes from but before we do that um some of you have been asking about our 21 day fast and what we did this year is that we decided uh to go away from the 20 million fast and we're gonna do an actual 10-day fast and i'm going to share with you um people say well i'm doing a 21-day daniel fast well kind of that's not exactly a thing because the daniel fass if you read the book of daniel it's only 10 days long so this year what we're going to do we're going to do a 10-day corporate fast that starts january the 20th and it goes through january the 29th a 10-day corporate fast starts january the 20th it goes to the 29th uh we're going to have two nights of prayer and worship also on january the 30th and january 31st so stay tuned uh throughout the course of the rest of the month for the those are for the information on that but it'll be two nights of worship of course we're not gathering so it probably mostly um streamed and if we do come together any of this very small group of social distancing mass and the whole nine but again our 10-day fast starting january the 20th to the 29th and two nights of prayer and worship on january the 30th and the 31st all right so that's that's our in our announcements information i pray that we are we govern ourselves accordingly listen i know this is this is something else in two months it will be one year since we've actually been together in the building or you're still saved you know i used to be a member of a church years years ago as a young believer and the mothers will meet you on sunday morning when you come in to ask is you're saved i mean it was it was grammatically incorrect but we got the point they actually is is you're yet holding on is your holy and so you know they they didn't know english too well but what they didn't know was if you're living for jesus and so i want to know how you're doing um you know write or comment sometimes on the church and suppose my fat comment and i just say i'm yet holding on just put it in this i'm i'm standing up i'm living for jesus all right before i get started i want you to do this as well go ahead and share this uh uh teaching go to share this stream i always ask you to do it and very few of you do because you just don't wanna you know whatever your situation is but there are people who need to hear this we're teaching tonight on understanding what a lying spirit is i will talk about a lying spirit and uh there's a lot of information it's gonna be deep it's gonna be um informative and i want you all to to glean from it now um in the book of genesis chapter three genesis chapter three um there are people who minimize the power of deception now let me tell you what is that's critical and what's important to me is because um everything that you see all the corruption in the world the degradation the impact of sin all of this came out out of one thing you know people people said the first sin is pride but the sin of pride did not happen in the earth it happened in heaven according to this the holy scriptures um lucifer um his heart was lifted up within him and the lord saw that that he had this thing in his heart and he cast him out of heaven he accused him of pride but in the earth the first sin the first temptation was a temptation of deception deception is the oldest sin after the death burial and resurrection of the lord jesus christ deception became really the only tool in satan's arsenal every weapon that satan produces everything that he brings against you to tempt you to try you to to pressure you everything that satan brings against you is birthed out of deception birth out of him hiding the truth matter of fact jesus said in john chapter 8 he said if if you um if you uh if you he said to those who believe he said if you continue in my word you'll be my disciples indeed and you will know the truth he said in the truth the truth will make you free that word truth is what a lethia in the greek and the word actually means the reality that lies behind the appearance the reality that lies behind their parents so the john 7 24 says judge not according to appearance don't make decisions based on how things look but judge righteous judgment you've heard me say that the demonic often hides behind the beautiful satan always hides his his his uh his worst traps and his worst or tricks behind things that looked are appealing and attractive to our eyes and so in genesis chapter 3 verse 6 the bible reads the woman was convinced she saw that the tree was beautiful and its fruits looked delicious and she wanted the wisdom it would give her well what did she get the idea of wisdom from well god told her in the do you eat of the fruit you will surely die but satan deceived her he told it in the day did you eat of this fruit what god knows is that you become wise like him now here's the thing you need to understand that was partially true um eating of the tree of knowledge of good and evil or choosing knowledge or or over life always gives you a measure of earthly limited wisdom but the reality is it always comes with the price when we disobey god we get what we want but we also get what we didn't bargain for and so the bible says here um she wanted the wisdom it would give her as was promised by satan so she took some of the fruit and ate it and then she gave some of her to her husband rather who was with her and he ate it too and verse 7 says at that moment their eyes were opened and they suddenly felt shame they felt shame the first experience after the first experience of wisdom that satan offered her with shame because once you know the difference between good and evil it triggers an internal mechanism that lets you know that something is acceptable or unacceptable at that moment their eyes were open and they suddenly felt shame notice the bible did not say they felt guilt as in they knew they did something wrong shame the shame that they felt meant that they they actually felt uncomfortable and judged in each other's eyes and in the eyes of the lord who was not at that moment even physically present with them they felt shame at their nakedness so they sewed fig leaves together to cover themselves and i want to pay attention to that last phrase they sold fig leaves together and the intent of the fig leaves were to cover themselves to cover themselves um the the purpose of the lie the purpose of the light the purpose of deception really is to cover one thing to gain another to cover one thing to gain another now i want to give you some words real quickly before i even go into the the gist of this um there are words that that you're going to hear the word deception tonight the word lie the word lying um quite a bit but i want to introduce some other words there's the word um fabrication a fabrication um exists when i create a lie that in other words um and this is important to understand in the absence of truth they cannot be a lie what a lie really is is the defacing of truth you get it it's the defacing of truth you you need the raw material of truth to create a lie listen go ahead and share this i'm telling you we're going to get into some information tonight stream listen tag your girlfriend until she needs to be in here she needs to hear this cool because she keeps falling for the same old lie keep following the same old mess i'm gonna show some stuff that's gonna help her get your girlfriend get your family members go ahead and share this stream now i'm gonna go slow cause i want you to get in on this okay so the word fabrication means that i take the raw material of truth and i invent a lie i invent something that is not true out of something that is that's a fabrication the second word that you need to understand that deals with this topic of deception and lies is the word falsification falsification is when i take something that looks true or it is true rather let me say this i take something that is not true and i model it after something that is i take something that is not true and i model it after something it is a falsification in the common sense of the words when i like i take a document and make it look like the real thing so counterfeit money is a falsification of real money if i didn't know what the actual um dollar or 100 bill looked like there's no way to um um to produce counterfeit or falsification of it because the falsification is based on the real so we have fabrication we have falsification and and then as we go further we're going to learn about these other words that come up that deals with this issue of deception and um what we call untruths so now covering up after a message with adam and eve did um adam and his wife attempted to give the impression that nothing had changed nothing had changed however the bottom line is that fig trees lies and fictional lives can never replace innocence lost when once you begin to operate in deception you are no longer um innocent you're no longer you you've waded into the deep waters of the demonic and sickening satan can use a lie better than your your grandmama could could create new meal out of turk out of turkey after thanksgiving he can do a lot of things with a lie okay um the only way to restore all yourself to a place of solid ground is repentance repentance restores relationship repentance what repentance is is to see the life what it is and use the truth to get back to solid ground okay now um lies only complicate matters and they drive us deeper into the quicksand or into the trouble that we're in uh all a lie will do the more you the way your life works is once you tell one you have to tell more and you keep telling them after a while there's no way out the only door out of a lying situation is the truth is to tell the truth okay so so i want to get go go deeper into this definition um there's a word that i failed to bring out as well so we talk about fabrication falsification another word is the word exaggeration exaggeration is the stretching or extending of truth so if you notice fabrication um takes the truth as the raw material and creates a lie out of it on falsification literally um creates a lie to try to make it look like the truth you got it the noise of the relationship is always the truth exaggeration is the stretching of a truth so exaggeration begins with the truth but then the truth is stretched out of bounds out of proportion to create something that is not true or not that is not real or right so a lie by definition is a deliberate attempt to deceive others by using words or by using smoke and mirror behavior what i call smoking mirror behavior is it's um a sleight of hand i want you to the lies intended to duke the mind to duke the mind and there is a thing called being deceivable um share this link your girlfriend need to see this you got it you you the brothers need to see this share this link let's watch this so what what happens is um this smoke and mirror behavior speaks to the fact that the purpose of the lie is to throw the ma the mind of a person off so that they're not operating according to truth and why why is this relevant it's relevant because on last week exactly a week ago we saw some christians matter of fact you say with really really christians and the answer is yes you can be a christian and deceived matter of fact if you saw some of the external or the extra footage you'll see there are people in prayer circles before they storm the capital there's a mixture of all kinds of things that there's a white power white nationalism white evangelical evangelicalism there's a whole lot of stuff involved in this one thing under the umbrella of white power and it's a deception it is a deception that satan has been working that spec principality of deception has been over this nation from the inception it is the original lie that satan told the founding fathers and with all their goodness and good intent because they operated with that lie the law of trajectory says trajectory meaning the path that i take the live tr the law of trajectory says if i start out a little off by the time i get down the road i'll be way off and right now we are experiencing the way offness of the founding fathers vision they wanted to have a nation that was submitted to god but they they were duped into subjugating and annihilating people groups for their own selfish purpose for their own power for their own gain for their own um enrichment so now the whole purpose of a lie is to throw the mind of another person off enough where you can get what you want the root of the lie is selfishness is seeking to gain by deception what i can never gain by convincing okay now so we said i'm gonna start this definition again a lie is a deliberate attempt to deceive others by using words and smoking mirror behavior to camouflage the truth and we do this in several ways number one we do it by excluding critical details or data from an explanation report or description and so what i do is i uh when i begin to deal in life i start leaving out facts little tidbits of truth little tidbits of information and i have people making decisions that's not that's not based on all there is to know and so last week as i said we saw these people storm the capitol building and and go in there and and under the spirit of deception they just they did things out there there are things that are not or widely reported like there is a report that is true where there are videos of people literally um defecating in their hands and smearing their defecation against the walls in the capitol building let that sink in for a minute grown men a lot of them weigh up on the food chain in terms of employment in terms of brilliance some of them some of them were bankers some of them were all uh high-ranking officers who used to be in the military something with law enforcement some of them were in the judicial system they what gets a person to do that totally deceived and the way you know they're totally deceived is there was a there's a hashtag on twitter called the no fly list and what it was the videos that they were showing were people being arrested after they pulled this thing off what amazed me was these people were shocked so imagine and i post i post a little humorous or tweet today you know my to do this today is get up in the morning have breakfast or go to a rally get pumped up walk down to the capitol um have prayer storm the capitol building um on um terrorize some legislators oh by the way on the list was to kill nancy pelosi hang vice president president pence leave and go to dinner have a nice sleep and catch a plane next morning oh go to work tomorrow now that sounds insane to anybody but in the moment that a person is caught up in a spirit of deception reality is it it becomes distorted and the power of a lying spirit we're going to look at this tonight in the scripture the power of a lying spirit is it can get you do it could get you to do things and to say things and to behave in ways that are totally not your character it's it's not you or it reveals a side of you that you never dealt with we're going to talk some more about that so um um this thing about a lie is a lie or excludes critical details from the explanation reporter description um we do this by in terms of uh attempt to deceive others telling half truths can't have to a half truth is a whole lie put it in the comments a half truth is a whole lie if you're t listen it's better for you it's better for you to say i can't give you all the details but what i can tell you is this if you're going to withhold truth you let the person know because remember now a lie is an intent to deceive and deception is to cloud or fog the mind of another person enough where you can get what you want all right uh number three are we it happens by bending blurring or bearing facts we talk about that and this doesn't mean that we're obligated to give details in every instance sometimes details are not necessary and i i will say this probably a couple more times this evening is that uh it's not wise to always tell you all your business the matter of fact something in some situations um it's not a secret but it's private or what it's a different way it's not a secret but it's none of your business i mean and this sometimes i think we need to there needs to be an anointing of boldness an anointing of moxie where you say well you could tell a person you know well i'd rather not say whatever you want you need to stop asking that because in this conversation you have to have a way to assert yourself where you're not put in a position where you have to lie we also um um deceive others by fabricating information or indulging listen to this in revisionary history fabricating information or indulging in revisionary history what that means is um matter of fact if you look at the history books that we that that have been in america since the civil war there was there was a movement of foot called the called the daughters of the confederacy and their whole um vision was to was a retell the history of america through the through the eyes of the confederacy that enti a lot of our textbooks that you learned american history from they were intentional attempts at revisionary history it was it was a intentional attempt to deceive all of the people in the future and here's what i want to say to you you must understand from the outset that deception is a demonic device put that in the commentary deception is a demonic device and what satan uses the deception to do is to always have little doors in our lives where demons can come through they don't need permission when you when you engage in deception you're leaving little unlocked doors little open windows um or little unsecured spaces in your life where demons could just come in come and go as they please because i chose not to put truth as a barrier in that area also we seek to deceive others by repeating information that we haven't confirmed or cannot verify repeating information that we cannot confirm or verify um the election was stolen show the proof 62 judges threw out cases of the 63 cases that were brought before federal judges about election fraud only one one only one case was one the other 62 were thrown out based on a lack of merit so watch this now so it's it is deception to repeat information you have not confirmed or verified and then using innuendos to say oh the information is dead i just don't want to watch it as i don't want to look at it as a christian black or white that is deception and as long as you keep engaging yourself in this deception what you do is you give the enemy an open door to your mind to your soul to all your gifts to your assets listen and and i'll be honest with you i wrote a sad story last night it was reported that one bang you're a high-ranking banker he he was handling major accounts went up to that uh our rally got got fired up stormed the his name ends up on this list the um he he receives a federal indictment goes home and blows his brains out now that's a sad story to me and it's sad because he acted under the under the the words under this uh the auspices rather of a deception people repeating information that they have not confirmed that cannot be confirmed it cannot be verified that it's not true i don't care how i just believe it that doesn't mean a thing you know what i believe i believe that if you take a running start off the right cliff you could touch the moon that doesn't make it true you got it as a little kid i really believe that the cow jumped over the moon as a little kid but it's not true it was a fairy tale and listen i'm not trying to clown you i'm just saying it's i have a such a low tolerance for stupidity it's listen if if you can be deceived believe something that's believable let me doubt it back because i can feed my the way people are deceived is by repeating or what you see rather people is by repeating information that we cannot confirm or verify let me move forward also falsifying documents falsifying transcripts falsifying tax records falsifying our birth documents and death certificates and that that's that is lying that is a form of deception and then this one claiming to be a believer but living an undisciplined lifestyle is a lie now i gave a lot of this and we're going to leave this up so you can go back maybe watch it on youtube or whatever but i want you to get this what i'm sharing with you is academic so tonight is a doctrinal lesson um um i'm not coming to be clever i'm not coming to all to be cool i want to show you that the bible has deep teaching about this thing called a lie and here's the thing the scripture actually says ready for this all men are liars yep every human being when your child little beautiful baby little snookum gets to a certain age where he he just can feel himself he goes from infancy to toddling he's running around he's cute he's going through this terrible two you taking pictures you posting videos he's so cute but he will tell you a lie in a minute he didn't have to learn to lie you know he eats the cookie cookies in his mouth did you take the cookie uh-uh what's that in your hand nothing it's this when adam and eve put genesis chapter three verse seven back on the screen the bible says the moment that they ate of the tree their eyes were open and they suddenly felt that's a critical statement they felt shame at their nakedness they felt shame at the nicholas and the bible says they sold fig leaves together um one translation said i think go to king james i want to show them this word because i think it's a powerful word to sir they saw fig leaves together and made themselves that word aprons means loin cloth or or something to cover themselves with um literally the word for aprons means a hiding place they created a hiding place to to cover up the shame they felt or or the shame the shame that of the of their most common or uncommonly part of what the bible says in the king james the parts of them that they did not feel were proper for exposure all right so let's move forward i want to talk about um what the bible teaches about lying in luke chapter 6 verse 45 in the king james version um jesus is speaking to the uh the religious people and he says to them a good man out of the good treasure of his heart bringeth forth that which is good and an evil man now the word evil here is a word that means a person the word evil and the word wicked are two different words this word evil means a personal intent on on doing harm where wicked simply means a person just twisted into thinking or in their behavior so an evil man has the intent of doing harm but a wicked man just a man that's twisted and he's not living the kind of life that god wants him to live that's important to understand the difference an evil man out of the evil treasure of his heart the bible says bringing forth bringeth forth that which is evil now here's a statement from the abundance of the of the heart his mouth speaketh from the abundance of the heart that my speaking now let me give you the translation of this it's saying from the overflow when the word abundant abund the word ab means toward under unda is a word that means to flow or of all it speaks to the increasing or the rising of water so it says when your heart gets so full what comes out of your mouth indicates what's in your heart that's why when people say things so i didn't mean to say that i was only playing no it came out of their hearts you cannot say what's in your heart and let me show you why this is critical the mouth is designed as an overflow valve or the outlet of the heart that is the order of god it is the order of god the mouth is designed as an overflow it's an outlet it it is a it's it's a it's like let's imagine that there's a cap on your mouth when you want to let out what's in your heart like a bottle you take the top off when you shut your mouth you close the bottle and you open your mouth you open the bottle if you pour if you pour out words only what's in you can come out okay so when i say something that is not truly in my heart the bible calls that a lie or an attempt to deceive or to mislead listen to what i just said when i say something to someone and it's not in my heart in other words i know it's not true i know that's not the way i feel about it i know that's not what i saw then the bible calls that a lie or an intent an attempt rather to deceive or mislead the bible makes a statement i think it's in i don't know number 2 number 23 19 it's not in my notes um we could search and see this there but it says god is not a man that he should lie nor the son of man that he should repent there it is god is not a man he should neither the son of man that he should repent hath he said it and shall he not do it or have he has he spoken it and shall he not make it good give me new living translation i want to work this for a minute god is not a man so he does not lie he is not human so he does not change his mind has he ever spoken and failed to act and the answer is no has he ever promised and not carried through the answer is no so let me explain to you what this means what it's saying is god is impossible for god to lie matter of fact the book of hebrews actually makes a statement it says it is impossible for god to lie and here's why whenever god says something it becomes real he's the god that called it those things that be not as though they were and then they become so when god looks at learn god looks over all of creation in his dark and he says light be or let there be light light happens whatever god says happens so it's so god is not like us we can say something that's not true because it's not god can speak something that's not true at the moment but when god says it it becomes true i pray this is making sense to you okay whatever god speaks becomes reality he speaks and it becomes so now i want to take you through a bunch of scriptures to show you how god feels about deception i'm going to tell you why because and i'm i'm going to speak plainly when when the sitting president who has maybe eight days seven days left in office when he first came when he was campaigning the way he spoke the the the characterization of his wording the deception the great and deep deception he spoke with immediately alerted me that this person was not of god here's why because god never uses mass deception to carry out his program a matter of fact it is absolutely antichrist to be going around telling lies it's it's against the spirit of god and and that i remember i reached out in um in 2015 when the campaign started i reached out to a friend of mine old doctor respected friend of mine and a white brother i knew for years he's probably about maybe 10 years 15 years old i mean i said to him hey he's i made a comment and he and he inboxed me and he said hard he said i don't understand what you're saying so i responded said i said do you not hear this guy tell lies and he said what is he lying about i said okay isn't he racist to you he's never said anything i think is racist don't you think he's misogynistic oh no xenophobic no so i said in a moment either this guy is deceived or i'm deceived so i started and here's why i recalibrated myself and started to watch with total clarity just watching and listening forward forward for this man was saying in one speech in the first five minutes he must have told 10 lies but they never heard it and that began to trouble me why how is it that a contingency of unsaved people can tell that this man is telling blatant lies every day that there's a there's a somewhere a record of the license total system in office but believers christians pastors prophets priests they can't see why there's a reason for it and i want to show you why tonight now i want to establish for you that god does not use a lying as a pr as a part of his massive program to evangelize or to rule or or to use dominion in proverbs 16 i'm sorry proverbs chapter 6 verse 16. here's what it says these six things the lord hates now hate is a strong word it in city 16 the lord dislikes that the lord prefers not to be involved with so these six things that the lord hate know seven things this isn't the word he detests the the word the test is the word abomination okay look at verse 17. it says this hearty eyes that's pride a lying tongue that means a tongue that misrepresents the heart hands that kill the innocent a heart that plots evil feet that race to do wrong a false witness who pours out lies notice i'm gonna show you something in a minute and a person who sows discord in the family in the list of seven things that the lord said that he hates two of them have to do with lying so i'm gonna say this like this god hits seven things and of the seven things he hates two of them are lies i mean you can't make this up what part of you know the reason let me tell you why is that significant you have one mouth two eyes and two ears your nose you have one nose but it has two nostrils it tells you what's important on your face okay so so if god said if god says twice he hates lying he he hates lying in general but then he hates a false witness someone who who gaslights someone who uses propaganda someone who uses deception to affect others god hates it so what you're seeing now god hates it and to tell people that that they're less than christian or they're on the wrong side of the issue because they're against lies now now you're putting yourself in in the crosshairs of the almighty and i'm going to tell you something it doesn't make a difference there are prophets killed their prophets killed for telling the truth about stuff but it doesn't change the fact although they were killed they didn't change the fact that they were telling the truth and you're living a lie and the bottom line is is that eventually it catches up okay now in colossians chapter 3 verse 10 colossians chapter 3 the bible says put on your new nature and be renewed um as you learn to know and become like to know your creator and become like him go back up to verse 8 i think i missed some verses i want to cover i want to read down verses 8 and 9. i'll go to verse nine i want to see something real quickly okay here okay give me verse 11. i'm looking for this one particular thing nah let's let's skip that because i i have to read the whole thing i don't want to do go to james chapter 5 verse 12. um this is i was looking for the scripture that says lie not to one another saying in your own time i must have mistyped it but in your own time look for that scripture it says lie not to one another see that you put off the old man and maybe it was in there somewhere but i'm accustomed to the king james but the bible says that when we tell lies we affect our community the reason we don't tell each other lies is because lies erode trust when i begin to just try to deceive people i'm a relationship with they're not going to trust me they don't feel safe with me they're going to put up walls with me and watch this if i'm a cons a consistent liar people could love me but not trust me it is possible to love people you do not trust and that creates this this um like it was in america a constitutional crisis but the constitution i'm talking about is your internal constitution what do you do when you love a person madly but you simply can't trust them with your stuff or with you with your information what do you do so the bible says to fix that we don't tell each other uh our lies it's better to not say anything than to misrepresent the truth in james chapter 5 verse 12 it says but above all things my brethren swear not neither by heaven neither by earth neither by any other oath but let your yea be yay and your neighbor maybe nay rather lest you fall into watch this word condemnation the word condemnation is the word who i believe is hyposthesis and the word simply means um hypocrisy the practice of hypocritical behavior give me the passion translation i want to show this because it has a wonderful rendition of this it says above all we must be those who never need to verify our speech as truthful by swearing by the heavens or the earth or any other oath in other words you don't have to say man i'm telling you the truth like uh oh uh i'm not lying why do you have to say that i swear to god i lift my hand to jesus if you if you're a truth teller then then stop doing that let it be that whenever you open your mouth people know you're telling the truth as remember this he said he's not talking about me the bible says all men at some point practice some form of deception fabrication exaggeration or or falsification it's uh some some way so it's something that we i'm gonna show you what the scripture says that we need to practice we need to practice telling the truth the rest of that verse says but instead we must be so full of integrity that our yes or no is convincing enough and we do not stumble into hypocrisy i want to read it again it says it says don't ever don't ever get to the place where your speech is iffy he says get to the place where instead uh we are so full of integrity wholeness that's what the world if you're so whole that your yes is yes your no is no and it's convincing enough so you don't ever have to pretend stumbling to hit hypocrisy okay now um this is critical i'm trying to get up the meat of this and i'm i've got about maybe eight or ten minutes before i get to the meat of this now i want to show you something um we must pray for deliverance from self-deception and become adamant about speaking and living the truth now i want to show you this we've got to become uh you've got to develop a prayer a part of your prayer posture before god is to ask god to deliver you from self-deception um i want to i've got my scriptures listed in a reverse order and so latoya want you to follow me with this go to go first to jeremiah 17 verse 9 from the new living translation i want to show you this the bible says the human heart is is the most deceitful of all things and desperately wicked who really knows how bad it is now you saw some people argue with me and say el paso after you get saved is this true is your heart still deceptive deceptive the answer is yes now one thing that the charismatic movement is that's the part that's the modern part of the evangelical movement one thing they've done is that if this they've erroneously taught us that the heart and the spirit is the same thing nothing in scripture says that's true the heart when the bible refers to the heart it refers to the core of you but not just the human spirit it speaks to what i used to call years ago the conference room where every part of your being offers it's it's um it's or counsel or it's advice or it's wisdom so you're so in your heart in the heart of a man is is the is the conviction of the spirit but it's also the desire of your flesh it's also the the of the training of your soul so it all is it constitutes your heart the heart is the whole man and the bible says watch this now it is possible if you're not walking with god closely enough if you're not in your word as much as you should be the human heart can be the most deceitful about all things it they said if the heart is desperately twisted desperately wicked what it means is when you when you want what you want your heart could get off your eyes can see the wrong thing you got it you will you will resort to things that you don't normally do when you are off kilter now with that being said i want to show you why i said that you need to develop a prayer you need to pray for deliverance from self-deception because your heart can deceive you you can this you can deceive yourself every person that fell under the trap of this deception all these prophets prophets that went for prophecy on the same thing someone asked me the other thing well if it's not true pastor some well-meaning christian inboxes and say pastor here's my thing i don't see how all these wonderful prophets of god could all prophesy a lie you you don't see it you won't see it tonight because i'm gonna show you in the scriptures i'ma show you in the word of god where not only is it possible it is probable that if that there is a way where satan can drop a lie into think about it how is it possible that the whole world is in a pandemic hmm it's the same way deception works if you get everybody within a within a certain or or place they say even people overseas believe it because the deception is not limited to a locality you can lie here and reach and it affects people over there listen there are people writing me from africa from the continent of africa their hearts are broken over some of the great ministries in the united states that bought into this lie of white evangelicalism their hearts are broken but you know why because the lie of who they thought these people were is revealed and i'm not i'm saying that all not all of them are are crooked but a good person are and i know a lot of them personally and i could if i if i was listening i'm a vault but if i was a vending machine i could tell you some story that would blow your mind about some of the people that will add their prophets on this foolishness but it's not my place let the lord handle that okay so psalm 119 verse 29 in psalm 119 verse 29 it says david is praying matter of fact give me verse 28 i get a running start it may not even match it but i want to i want to give it context go to verse 20. i will i weep with sorrow encourage me by your word and then he goes and says keep me from lying to myself put that in put that in the comments keep lord jesus imagine if you fall on your your face before god or you say somebody done you wrong you say god they lied to me god said no don't pray that say lord regardless of what people say to me keep me from lying to myself give me the privilege of knowing your instruction let me know your word but keep me from lying to myself keep me from lying lord keep i pray that right now keep me from telling myself lies from fabricating exaggerating falsifying keep me from doing that because the reality is if i deceive myself it makes it easy for other people to deceive me too this is what i'm saying if i'm in the habit of deceiving myself it makes it easy for the enemy to use other people to deceive me too all right in proverbs 30 verses 7 and 8 i want to show you this uh a wise consistent prayer to pray is that god will deliver you from speaking that which is not true that which is not clear and that which is not accurate not only am i praying god deliver me from uh um from self-deception or from lying to myself but lord also deliver me from lying to others he says oh god watch this now i beg you two favors proverbs 30 verse seven i beg you two favors from you i bet two favorites from you let me have them before i die here's verse eight here's one first help me never to tell a lie now why is it that that that the old um sages the um solomon the wisest man that ever lived david and you start reading people um keep keep my lips from from speaking like why would they pray this because they understand it in and of themselves if they get involved in something long enough if they find themselves in an echo chamber if they position themselves in a wrong way if they caught off god they literally can deceive themselves and then in deceiving themselves it's easy to rush it now for others to deceive them and for them to deceive others you see the cycle i deceive myself people deceive me and i deceive others the bible says deceiving and being deceived okay first help me never to tell lies second give me neither poverty nor riches give me just enough to satisfy my need this this this person had this audience with god he says i only need two favors from you lord help me not to tell a lie why would he put a lying on his lips he could ask for anything he said help me not to tell a lie because he understands that once i start dabbling in deception i open doors to demons when i start dabbling in deception i open doors to demons one of the biggest lies that people tell themselves that sex is love sex is not love sex is sex love is love i should start whistling right here but i can't whistle but you listen we so so what a woman would do a man watches now will give love to get sex a woman will give sex to get love and it's a lie and if the relationship starts on that foundation it the house that you build on that cannot stand you know people get the voices of the lord hears the lord hates divorce well before the lord hate divorce before he hates divorce he has deception first okay no so no matter what the situation is a lie will always make it worse it complicates simple matters and it brings this honor to those who rely on it so just tell the truth in proverbs 12 and 19. i'm almost done with this part of the lesson the bible says truthful words stand the test of time but lies are soon exposed truthful words stand the test of time but lies are soon exposed let's walk through some different translations and see what that says um give me just give me the truth lasts lies are here today and gone tomorrow give me another one truthful words will stand the test of time but no one i'm sorry but one day rather every lie will be seen for what it is give me give me one more give me one more it probably will say the same thing truthful lips endure forever but a lying tongue only for a moment and so i remember the old people used to say um a lie will make its way around the world before the truth is finished getting dressed kind of strange analogy but that metaphor works for me a lot so so i always tell people never try to change that a lie it's too fast it's too insidious it moves too quickly don't chase down a lie just living the truth and the truth always exposes the lie all right by the the sound it's important for you to understand that we ought we have all at times used lies in an effort to deal with complicated situations because in the moment a lie seemed easier and more creative than the truth we've all done it i've never done that you're lying now you got it if you if you say you never done it and you tell a lie now okay so so in the moment it it just seems easier in ephesians 4 25 um and again this is doctrinal lesson i'm going to give you a whole lot of scripture it says so stop telling lies let us tell our neighbors the truth for we are all part of the same body translation matter of fact give me uh the passion translation let me see what it says or it says so discard every form of dishonesty and lying so that you will be known as one who always speaks the truth for we all belong to one another can i say something we live in a time and in a culture where not only do we despise truth-tellers but we we despise hearing the truth and i don't know that i said that correctly but we're in a time where we don't we don't like to tell the truth and we don't like to hear the truth he said i just offended me is it the truth now there is a way the bible says we speak the truth in love and what that means is truth can be so piercing and and um it can have such an impact on the human soul that if you speak it improperly it could destroy or damage people so when you speak the truth whenever jesus taught the truth he packaged it in parabolic form what that means parabolic forms mean that he always use a story to get the person to embrace it when nathan came to david about about uriah's wife and uriah's life the bible says that he told david a story that david could relate to because david has always been a shepherd from his boyhood he told a story of a shepherd you know that had um many sheep but he went to this one shepherd that only had one i stole him one sheep and david said the man that has done this shall surely die and nathan said well you're the guy that did it and then he took the parable and he showed them he showed david how what he did fit that description and david immediately said i've sinned against god he if you're going to be a truth teller you got to be wise truth tellers watch this now truth tellers do not get off on the damage a lie does the um truth tellers or people say i'm just i'm just going to expose this person because i because i want the truth to come because i i care about them that's not true listen jesus had a way jesus had a way of of positioning a person so that when they finally faced the truth they were in a position with him where he could restore them without further damage now i want to show you this truthfulness is critical to community i said this before lies will fracture relationships and destroy trust if a person cannot trust you with the truth it means they don't value you very much or it means that watch us now you are a person who punishes people for telling you the truth think about that what is your track record for people tell you the truth are people you know are they eager to tell you the truth because they know that you're merciful towards truth why is it that you're harsher towards the truth than you are too is a lie think about this it should be especially in your home that when your kids come to you and tell the truth there may be still consequences but you have to honor them and and encourage them and say you know what thank you for telling me the truth it took a lot for you to tell me the truth and you you you don't you reward them for telling you the truth although you may have to punish the behavior or punish the situation or or or of chastise or bring consequences but you cannot ignore the fact that they told you the truth we train people to lie to us when we when we set ourselves up as as judges who hate to hear the truth are you telling the truth i'm gonna get you so now they have to protect themselves with a lie never put a person in a position where they feel they have to use a lie as a part of their security system never put a person in a position where they feel is more it's more it's safer it's more secure to use a lie for security than to tell the truth i pray that makes sense now i should take intermission here because i'm going into the other part the second part of this lesson and this is where i want to show you now i want to use a script to show you what a lying spirit is i want to set it up again by talking to us about what's in the news right now we have a president that that i've i have not been vocal from the beginning i'm not trying to be mean but and someone said to me someone wrote me and said to me um i love your ministry but i don't like the way you dishonor the president i think it's this honorable the bible says he should honor that quote romans 13 to me and i asked him this if if when a person let's i'm your pastor okay i was i've been in the pastor of ncc for 24 years now i'm more like the apostle of the house and my son ray is the senior pastor so let me ask you a question if if every time i stood before you i just got there and lie and you know i was lying at some point don't you think that it would affect you as a congregation if i like at some point it's not this honor to say man that's that's not true that's not what the bible says there it's right in front of us this guy was telling there was stuff right we was right in front of us and he was telling lies and people he's god's man listen being god's man god's prophet god's god's pastor god's apostle bishop evangelist pastor teacher does not give anyone the right to lie it's it's it's a it's a it's a character defect if a person when a person is given to misrepresenting the condition of their heart something is badly wrong with them it is not a little thing remember adam and eve got into their situation because they were deceived the first manifestation of satan we've ever seen was a deception the serpent in genesis was a deceiver the dragon in revelation is a deceiver the entire program of the world system is deception so how can you tell people that that that um this man is from god we have wrecked this generation of believers only god can get it's listen we're at a time now we're only only the spirit of god only the spirit of god could turn us around and he's going to do it because his goal is that none should perish but also come to repentance but we have damaged the church's reputation one by lying to people two by embracing liars and three by covering stuff up that should be taught the truth should be told about listen if you start looking at what we have done over the years especially with this last person come on he said y'all just want to worship joe biden be clear i wish i could stand up and just come up the camera just point right in your face presidents are people okay i get it i don't expect anything from the incumbent president but i do require that he at least be honest be kind speak nicely to people at least i don't i mean you know he's going to make decisions because of this affiliation he's going to make decisions that we disagree with that i'm going to tell you right now the time i'm gonna get him i have the right to speak as an american citizen but it's never okay to suffer a gaslighter a pathological deceiver because if you do that it throws your soul into chaos look at what's happening in the nation right now because some of you have subjected yourself to liars that's the condition of your soul regularly someone is something storming the capital of your soul because you suffer and allow people to lie to you and you know they lie but you say well it's okay it's not okay now so in first king chapter 22 let me give you the background three kings assembled together and the the situation is um the the aramians have taken some land from israel and because israel did not feel strong enough to attack them they just let them have the land so king ahab at some point decide you know what i don't have enough people or strong enough army to go get this land back but it's not cool that they have the land and acting like it's theirs so he invited some other kings to meet with him king jehoshaphat now is god's man he's a king with a good heart and king jehoshaphat um accepts the um the invitation he feels he feels honored i don't know why but he feels honored to be in the presence of king ahab and the other king and so the bible says while he's there um our prophets were were um coming and and they were prophesying and they were saying all the things when the king he have actually we go to war the prophets will tell them what you want to hear we pick up in verse 10 of first king 22 first king 22 verse 10 it says king ahab of israel and king jehoshaphat of judah dressed in their royal robes were sitting on thrones at the threshing floor near the gate of samaria all of ahab's prophets were prophesying there in front of them remember that ahab's prophets were not god's prophets one of them zedekiah son of uh canaaniah uh made some iron horns and proclaimed this is what the lord says now he's prophesying for god now let me back up and say something i say they're not god's prophets because once you start telling lies for a sitting leader you're no longer god's prophet you are that leaders prophets okay just so you know he says this is what the lord says the lord notice the word lord is in all caps he's speaking of yahweh jehovah god yahuwah okay this is what the lord says with these horns you will gaw the aramians to death verse 12. all the other prophets agreed yes they said go up to remember gilead and be victorious for the lord will give the king victory meanwhile the messenger who went to get mecca said to him look all the prophets are promising victory for the king be sure that you agree with them and and promise success so when they sent someone to get this prophet michaela because if you read the verses before um jehoshaphat was like okay it's cool that all these prophets are prophesying the same thing he said but something wasn't sitting right with him he said you have another prophet so they sent for mecca ira okay now look at the next verse but mike i replied as shortly as the lord lives i will only say i will say only rather what the lord tells me to say verse 20 verse 15. when machiai arrived before the ki before the king ahab asked makaiah should we go to war against ramit galiot or should we hold back mccarran replied sarcastically yes go up and be victorious for the lord will give the king victory the only reason he said it because that's what everyone else was saying 400 other prophets told him to go up so he said okay yeah go up but i want to show you something but the king replied sharply how many times must i demand that you speak only the truth to me when when you speak for the lord well wait why was this why was it that there was a track record that whenever mccain came to um to king ahab that he would always be sarcastic and not tell the truth it's because ahab didn't like to hear the truth him and jezebel just didn't like to hear the truth so so the prophet used to just play with them and he used to say it in a mocking way so the king knew he was being sarcastic look at the next verse then mecca's told him in a vision i saw all israel israel scattered on the mountains like sheep without a shepherd and the lord said their master has been killed send them home in peace next verse didn't i tell you the king of israel exclaimed to jehoshaphat he never prophesized anything but trouble to me he never says anything good about me who does that sound like then michaela continued listen to what the lord says i saw the lord sitting on his throne saints pay attention to this when the prophets start to tell the truth he goes into his you know how when the when the the blanket of your your mantle falls on you as a prophet when when the spirit of god raptures you and you start to speak he said listen to me i saw the lord sitting on his throne with all the armies of heaven around him on his right hand and on his left and the lord said who can entice ahab to go into battle against roma against raymond gilead so he can be killed here's what the lord says the lord is sitting on his throne he's and he's surrounded by all of all of his uh um all of his whole uh cabinet so to speak or his entourage and the law says i need someone to go and entice ahab for me someone go convince him to lie i mean to um to go to war against these people why because i want to kill him i want him killed there the bible says watch this there were many suggestions don't don't change it go back go back don't change it there were many suggestions god sat on this throne all these people speaking to the lord what could do this we could do that we could do that we could do that and the next verse says and finally a spirit a spirit approached the lord and said i can do it and the next one in verse 22 the lord says how will you do this the lord acts and the spirit replied watch this i will go out and inspire all of ahab's prophets to speak lie stop now give me king james because i want to show the saints of god something and the lord said unto him wherewith and he said i will go forth and be a lying spirit in the mouth of all his prophets and he and he said thou shalt persuade him and prevail also go forth and do so hold your place right there remember there's a couple things to remember number one the prophets that surrounded ahab used to be prophets of god because matter of fact i say it like this when they start speaking and i wish i could find this verse it's somewhere in the first part it's just too long to read but if you read the first eight or nine verses of this you're gonna find where the place where jehoshaphat goes is there not a prophet of the lord here and the reason the king acts that is because he noticed that their body language the way that they felt privileged to be in front of king they were the prophets of god and they stood before this king like a man i'm so honored to be in your presence not like god sent me and i'm here i'm honored to be here representing god they were honored to be in this man in this king's presence and the king joe's host fight he noticed that he said man is there not a prophet who is loyal to god and that's what and and they knew exactly what to send for because when mike mccain stood before the lord he i mean before the king he did not care who the king was his thing was i speak what the lord told me to say then he changes to give the prophetic vision he saw he said a lot a spirit came and said i will be and he didn't rush this the spirit that came go back to verse 21 i want to show you something this is important and they came forth a spirit notice it said it came forth a lying spirit it wasn't he wasn't a lying spirit a spirit came forth and said and stood before the lord said i will persuade him and the next verse of the lord asked him how are you going to do it he said i will go forth i will be a lying spirit he wasn't lying spirit he said i will go forth and be a lion spirit of the mouth of his prophets now the question becomes there's a lot more to read matthew give me back new living translation go to verse 23 real fast i want to show them so you see the lord has put a lying spirit in the mouth of you of all your prophets this is what the prophet is saying for the lord has pronounced your doom the lord has put go back to the verse the lord has put a lying spirit in the mouth of all your prophets for the lord has pronounced your doom verse 24. the bible says then zedekiah son of canaanite uh kenneth anand walked up to makaya and slapped him across the face since when did the spirit of the lord leave me to speak to you is what he asked now go to the next verse and mecca i replied you will find out soon enough when you're trying to hide in some secret room verse 26 arrest him the king of israel ordered take him back to ammon the governor of the city and to my son joash the next verse give them this order from the king put this man in prison feeding nothing but bread and water until i return safely from the battle verse 28 here's what the prophet said if you return safely from the battle it will mean that the lord has not spoken through me then he added to those standing around everyone mark my words now what you need to understand you say wait a minute wait wait a minute now uh uh so god will send a lying spirit i'ma show you when when a lying spirit or spirit of delusion or gross deception will come upon the people i'm going to show it to you okay a lying spirit by definition is an unclean spirit that's made available listen to the definition that's made available to accommodate anyone who is hell-bent on using deception as a means of avoidance or means of advantage i want to say it again a lying spirit is an unclean spirit that's made available to accommodate anyone who has their mind made up they're hell-bent on using deception as a means of avoiding something or or gaining an advantage the reason that that you see the entire white evangelical movement and they have some black people in there who have sat in their echo chambers and heard their lies let me tell you something i'm reading this book and and what it talks about is what we miss is we we said it's a white white privilege white supremacy no all of those little movements white evangelicalism white or supremacy white it all falls under the umbrella of white power and in the introduction of the book i'm reading it says they call themselves patriots they call what they do patriotic it's it's a spirit it's one spirit it's once how is it all across the world it's the same spirit listen what we're seeing is the same spirit that possessed hitler same spirit different face i lived in germany for five years wonderful people great nation what hitler did and the way they were attacked by the way it humbled those people they were not when i lived in germany they were broken people they were humble people they were some of the sweetest people because the back of their pride was broken why because they submitted to a leader who was under the auspices he wielded a lying spirit more than any other leader in the history of the world we're seeing the same spirit with a different face and i don't mind saying it i'm too old and too bold i'm tired and you have to hear the truth about this watch this so as long as you're willing to avoid truth you leave yourself open to a lying spirit okay now a lie offers neither benefit nor security a lie cannot benefit you it may in the short term but not in the long run a lie cannot secure you it can't protect you just like if if you lost this if a smoke canister in the military when we where we're going to mission they give us smoke canisters you you need to understand something about smoke canister a smoke canister was not uh um a grenade it didn't blow anything up okay and when you uh what you use use it for cover that's what you do is you take a smoke canister you pull the pin you throw it out and it creates smoke and then we start running here's the thing they can't see us but they could shoot us because a smoke a smoke a smoke screen is not a smoke wall it just it blurs visibility but it does not protect you when you tell a lie when you live by lies and deception what happens is it it it makes it where people can't see the truth but it doesn't protect you and the same enemy watch us now but you know by the way ahab went into battle he did and a random archer shot an arrow and the bible says although jehoshaphat was wearing ahab's robe the arrow found ahab and struck him and killed him just like the lord said god was intending on judging ahab for what they did to neighbor to naboth they stole his vineyard they were killing people for believing the lord the judgment was against jezebel as well god intended to kill ahab but he needed him in a battle how did he get him there a lying spirit i wonder i wonder what the end game is to this deep deception america has been in for the last four or five years it's always an endgame and people you i've been saying we need to pray we need to pray and people think no we need to pray we're a week away from the transition of power and they're people who are so deceived they're not they don't want it to happen listen we got to pray because if i saw what i saw and i know i did in john chapter 8 verse 41 jesus is having this conversation with religious leaders it actually starts up in verse 30 then jesus said to the people that believe in him if you continue my world then will you be my disciples indeed and you shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free and the the jews start saying free we were never slaves to anyone wait we were never slaves to anyone you were slaves in egypt you were slaves in babylon you were slaves in assyria you were slaves three different times in history they kept telling this life so in verse 41 jesus said i'll go back up to um yeah go back to verse 40. let me see can i get this context he's addressing them in verse 40. he says jesus said instead you're trying to kill me because i told you the truth which i heard from god he said abraham never did such a thing because they were saying we have abraham to be our father he says no you're not abraham's children he said you're imitating your real father they replied we aren't illegitimate children now i don't know if you caught the shade the shade here when they say we're not illegitimate children god himself is our true father they were suggesting to jesus we know the story about your mother yeah we heard she told your daddy that the holy ghost was your was your father that's what they were doing no for real that's what that was that was a that was shade we aren't illegitimate they were saying we're not illegitimate like you are god is our true father look at verse 42 jesus told him if god were your father notice he never addressed the shade if god were your father you would love me because i've come to you from god i'm not here on my own but he god sent me verse 43 says here's what jesus asked him why can't you understand what i'm saying and here's what he told him it's because you can't hear me stop you can't hear me he didn't say you won't the word here in the greek is what arduinos here's what he says he says why don't you understand what i'm trying to say to you have you have you been arguing on going back and forth with people and and it's just like they can't understand what you say no matter what you tell them 62 or federal judges throughout the cases there was insufficient evidence they can't they won't hear you no they can't hear you i do not they are powerless to hear you they can't hear you you know why because they're committed to being deceived look at verse 44 jesus told him he says he said here's why you are powerless to hear me he says for you are the children of your father the devil and you he said and you love to do the evil things he does he was a murderer from the beginning he has always hated the truth because there is no truth in him when he lies it is consistent with his character for he is a liar and the father of lies wait don't change that i want to show you something with this he was now if you can't send it to a true christian the person is born again to deceive you can't tell them that their father the devil because god saved them but if they if the thing is they're so invested in a certain outcome there's certain this a certain narrative they're invested in a certain power position then they open themselves up to be to act and to speak and to think like children of the enemy because once you once you already have the outcome in your mind and you're willing to do anything to get the outcome you desire and not the will of god then what you're saying to god is your preference your desire your determination your schedule your agenda has nothing to do with what's going on matter of fact watch this i'm about to say something that's gonna blow your mind these rascals are so custom of colonizing stuff they've colonized god they've colonized god so that god gonna do what i want hear me you can you cannot colonize god you may colonize america and the caribbean everywhere but you ain't [Laughter] cover me jesus okay now watch this so we become susceptible to lies and deception when we refuse to accept the reality of our situations and make adjustments again we become susceptible to lies into being deceived when we refuse to accept the reality of our situations and make adjustments i want to show you something because this is so important in revelation chapter 21. matter of fact well wait before i do that go to go to john 8 45 i got to read this last part got to read this last part jesus said he said you're so committed to deception into lies that when i tell you the truth you just naturally don't believe me he says you've been in your echo chamber your fox news and all the other you and so and watch this we're some sat in your echo chamber for so long for so long that now when you hear the truth it sounds like a lie to you i'm not i'm listen i'm not playing with this i'm not i i i it brings me no joy to teach this it's it's literally scary because in my lifetime i never thought i would ever see this this is stuff i've studied for years matter of fact the lesson i'm teaching you right now i taught it in 2003. yeah that's 18 years ago and i taught it as as a matter of doctrine as a matter of principle because i've never seen it and to live through it now i pull it back out and dust it off and go oh my god we're living through this now jesus said when i tell you the truth you naturally don't believe because you because you're committed to your deception in revelation chapter 21 this is for believers i want to show you something verse 27. it says nothing evil will be allowed to enter it's talk about heaven nor anyone who practices shameful idolatry and dishonesty but only those whose names in the were written in that book of life here's the suggestion here now if you read if you look read the scripture there is no instance in the bible where you see god writing names in the book of life it's not in the bible but but but watch this now but it always talks about names being blotted out so we have to uh um come to the conclusion that when you're born god writes your name in the book of life of the book of the living and if when you accept jesus christ it's it's solidified and made permanent and if you decide i don't want to accept jesus christ your name is literally blotted out the book and people say well no your name is written in the book of life when you accept jesus that is not true and i tell you why it's not true because in psalm 51 david prayed and said do um take my name i think it's somewhere around there take my name not do not block my name out of the book moses prayed it in the book of exodus don't block my name out of the book or he actually told god instead of judging israel you can block my name out of the book which says that before jesus came it was acknowledged fact that people's names were written in the book of life okay so what the bible says here if if i commit myself to practicing shameful idolatry which this cultism thing is idolatry and and being being a proponent of one who subscribes to dishonesty it says my name will not be in the book of life that's what the script read it only those who's never written the book of life look look at revelation 22 15. if it said it once we can't make a doctrine but it says it another time outside the city are dogs the sorcerers the sexually immoral the murderers the idol worshipers watch this and all who love to live a lie give me king james i want to show you what the king james says the king james says and whosoever loveth and maketh the lie whosoever loveth and maketh a lie this is not known none of this is god we are soldiers under the listen you go back and stay the crusades they they massacred people groups they killed the indigenous people of many lands australia are um are hearing them in the americas they kill the indigenous people the native people under the under the cross and the flag of christ he never sent them to do it it was a lies a deception and it's never been repented of and as long as it's not repentant of somebody we want unity you don't want unity what you want is it is a pass from the consequences of the actions i speak bold tonight as a prophet of god i'm telling you this is what the lord is saying and i pray that my spirit is in keeping with the spirit of the lord i'm not and i i pray that i'm not coming across heavy-handed i'm not trying to incite you or disturb you i'm trying to say to you is this deception is real how are you believing something because somebody said without any proof where's the proof okay there's so many other things i could teach but i want to give you um seven prominent reasons that people lie seven seven prominent reasons a lying spirit never travels alone it is closely related to these other things watch this a lying spirit always it needs a spirit of pride it needs a spirit of fear it needs a spirit of guilt shame hatred greed slaughterfulness and contention that's that's a fighting spirit some of these spirits it travels with they help it at the beginning like a lying spirit cannot be effective where there's no pride or fear it needs one of one of two or both of them it needs pride it needs fear so you can come in and say what our pride wants to hear or what other thing that fear really is concerned about a lying spirit after it's done its job a lying spirit leaves guilt a spirit of guilt spirit of shame spirit of hatred greed sloth and contention to clean up the mess or to make things worse so a lying spirit never travels alone seven prominent reasons i can't go into detail with them but i want to give it to them give them to you real quick seven prominent reasons why people lie why a lying spirit always will be effective number one people lie to appear to be more than they really are when a person can't accomplish it they lie about it lies are often used to get acceptance into otherwise closed circles by those who may not qualify so watch this now and here's my thing if you have to lie to get into a circle it's not your circle if you got the lie to get in there you're not supposed to be there okay now that's number one so uh people lied to appear to be more than they really are number two people lie to protect themselves from the responsibility of their actions people lie to protect themselves from the responsibility of their actions lies are an unwise means of cover it takes if it takes a lie to justify your behavior then your behavior is wrong if it takes a lie to justify your behavior then don't do it okay now put isaiah chapter 28 verse 20 i want to show them something um here's what it says the bed you have made is too short to lie on the blankets are too narrow to cover you give me king james king james has a way of saying things for the bed is shorter than a man can stretch himself on it and the covering narrower than that he can wrap himself in it so what he's saying is this and i i you know if you use a lie to cover you the blanket will always be too short your feet will always stick off the bed okay if you cover your head your feet will stick out of you because your feet your head are going to stick out okay let me i set it backwards if you cover your head your feet will stick out if you cover your feet your head i got it right okay it's confusing all right so now i want to show you this what it means is the minute you begin to use deception to cover you you always gonna be exposed somewhere if there's gonna be exposure just stop doing it just stop doing it if you have to lie to continue a relationship if you have to lie to continue just stop doing it okay number four um people like to avoid shame confrontation persecution or prosecution that's a lot is this number two that means number three oh yes number three number three um thank you my staff is on it number three people like to create an alt an alternate reality so they won't have to face the truth people lie to create an alternate reality so that they don't have to face the truth okay so it means that um as long as you and i want to show you something that's dangerous as long as you know you could rely on a lot you could depend on a lie um you always live a sloppy life if you know that i could do whatever i wanted i just i'm just gonna lie about it once you give yourself that luxury you always do the wrong thing and i'll tell you something too you won't succeed and if you do it won't be for long all right you can say you are when you're not it doesn't make you what you say you are number four people like to avoid the shame confrontation persecution or prosecution now i want to show you something about this it's a lot to unpack shame by itself um people lie because they don't want to be ashamed we could also relate to that but there are some of us i want to speak to this who lie because we don't like confrontation um here's where i am if someone calls you and say hey um can you come over um check out this whatever and you and you don't want to just say you know what i'm tired i don't want you the person come on i'm tired please stop stop pressuring me instead saying no no i can't come because you know um i already got something planned stop doing that stop giving people that kind of power over you no negro i didn't say it i i ain't coming i love you but i can't come you know somebody call you you know and you can't take the call and you send the voicemail text and say hey i can't take this call right now but i'll say hey man you know i'm doing something else or act like you didn't see the call i didn't see a call you lying oh i didn't see the text you did stop doing that you if you're in a relationship where you have to lie let me tell you how i am i was saying this today i'm i'm like a sweater that doesn't shrink so if you want mean a certain size then you get me in that size because what you're not going to do is put me in a in a dryer and shrink me down i don't boil down i don't i don't shrink i i won't do it so my thing is get me in the size that you want me because i'm going to tell you the truth about it now i didn't i wasn't always like that but what i learned is that people will put this pressure on you don't let people pressure you into telling a lie hey listen when people say well i just don't feel like i'm tired i don't feel like doing it man come on actually do you want me to lie would you be surprised if if you wrap the truth belt of wonder woman around me say yes i want you to like it let all my little feelings hurt people will tell a lie to avoid confrontation uh the scripture that i have is in luke 22 and peter the bible talks about this situation so um talk about jesus they arrested him they led him to the high priest's home and peter followed at a distance the next verse keep ruling i want to read this real quickly the guards lit a fire in the middle of the courtyard and set around it and peter joined him there verse 56 as a servant girl noticed him in the fire light and began to begin staring at him finally she said this man was one of jesus followers peter but peter did not he said woman i don't even know him he didn't have to lie and while someone else looked at him and said you must be one of them no man he says no man i'm not he lied twice about an hour later someone else insisted this must be one of them because he's also galilean and and the bible says peter went on to say man i don't i don't know who you're talking about i don't know what you're talking about why are you lying because he did not want confrontation he did not want persecution he did not want prosecution and that's what we tend to do it's a lie is the easiest thing we grab for when we feel that we are at risk what i would suggest you do unless we open ourselves up to lying spirit it's it has to be practiced you have to practice telling the truth you have to practice being comfortable saying yes i was with him or after the first time someone noticed you you have to say a thing just run just get out of there real quickly you know you know it's amazing when when potiphar's wife tried to sleep with joseph joseph never said to her i don't even find you remotely attractive that's not what he said he said i can't live with you because my master trust me with everything notice he didn't say i don't think you're fine he just said i just i i can't do this and when she came at him again he ran out of the house and left his coat in his hand what i'm trying to say is that there's a ways of escape that do not require misrepresenting yourself okay now um number five number five well i want to say this about number four a person who lacks courage will often resort to telling lies as a security device most people who are insecure or most people who don't like to stand up for themselves they use lies as a substitute work on that let's work on that i have to get to a place where i didn't care about offended people people from one lady say you're so sometimes you can be so hard that is that is the way i i have to after i'm i'm working on being this consistent truth teller i wanna sometimes i won't say anything sometimes you'll still then look i won't say a word he said say something mom you want me to talk come on tell me okay keep poking the bear because well i think it's ugly i think that hairstyles are full i think that wig is crooked i think i'm saying i'm going to tell you the truth if you don't want the truth then leave me alone okay all right so yeah it's time to end this because i'm getting out of source okay now number five people like to gain more than what is due to them people lie to gain more than what is due to them so the person that's driven by greed will falsify documents or claim or make claims in an attempt to improve their status or their bottom lines people lie to gain more than what is due to them at the moment increase your input and you may get a better or greater output but don't lie don't don't falsify documents listen man i'ma tell you something you should be terrified to to all to cheat on taxes and stuff like that listen and well just be just know this just know this the bible says the shelf life of a lie is very brief but a truth the truth rather will last a long time number six people like to avoid dangerous or harmless harmful situations okay and they do but telling lies only make things makes things worse in genesis chapter 12 verse 11 you really quickly as he was approaching the border of egypt abraham said to his wife sarai look you are very beautiful woman when each when the egyptians see you they will say this is his wife let's kill him then we can have her and verse 13 the bible says so please tell them you are my sister then they will spare my life and treat me well because of the interest in you yeah they're going to spare your life and treat you well but what about her she's going to run the risk of beating somebody's harem and sleeping with somebody that she's not supposed to be sleeping with you you see how the lie is is what falls under the category of iniquity or in a bit of modern term inequity it may be good for you or good for me but it's not good for the other person okay and then the la the final one people lie to intentionally hurt others for personal gain in proverbs chapter 10 verse 18 the king james version it says he that hideth hatred with lying lips and he that uttereth a slander is a fool the bible says fools a person who is foolish um not understanding that god is the overarching judge god is gonna make decisions about a situation they will dislike you and i'm gonna share something with you a lot of you have heard ugly things about people and not it's not all true what you didn't take for granted what you didn't take into consideration rather is that the person who's speaking the lie about the person whose character they're assassinating hates them that's the bible says it people hate they hide their hatred with lying lips and so as if if we're gonna understand this um how a lying spirit works and and how god requires us to be people of truth then then we have to revisit scriptures like these and make them a part of our understanding so that so that we can be the kind of people that god can trust with more there's a part of this outline that i'm not going to address tonight but it speaks to um people in the bible that told lies and it seems like god endorsed their lives they were the egyptian midwives that told a lie there was rahab that told a lie when he asked about the spies and david at one point told a lie as well when he pretended to be um to be crazy when he was with the himalayak so so these three i can't i don't have time to cover them tonight but these are real incidents in scripture and they each have a logical biblical explanation why these people were allowed to get away with a lie but it's not the way that god does his business amen i pray tonight's blessing bless you um at this point i want to move out of this uh uh time thank you i was waiting for my music to come in yeah i don't know how um where you stand in the relation in relations to how you perceive the gone zone there's a certain language that people have you know when people start saying um they they kind of try to hide the hatred or or the position or the deception by trying to give it biblical basis let me say something the one of the worst thing you can try to do is justify a lie repent of it say lord i saw this wrong pray the prayer that i showed you earlier keep me from telling lies but i think a good another prayer is lord open my eyes so i could see i don't want to be a person that's involved in deception amen i believe god has a future for us that is free from dishonesty deception and all the things that come with it well since tonight is bible study is giving time and listen i want i want you to to make a recommitment to god to be the kind of person that trusts him with your finances i know we're in a difficult time with a pandemic um in december 140 000 people were laid off and for the first time that i know of in american history they all were women there's a reason behind that um and god is exposing our country for what is what's at the root of it but um when we trust god in our giving what god does for us is he becomes our senior partner god moves upon the hearts of people the bible says in luke 6 38 it says our giving shall be given to you good measure personally together uh running over and it says shall men give into your bosom these people that give to you are people that god put it on their heart to be a blessing to you and i believe this god does not only bless us with things he blesses with people and i believe a part of our faith as we trust god in our giving is to trust god that god always will raise up someone somewhere to use their power the ability and the influence to help me until i get to the place where i'm someone that god could raise up to use my power my ability and my influence to help others tonight as you give give with a heart that says god i trust you my finances you are my senior partner in all that i set my hand to do and i trust you god to bring increase into my life to bring income i trust you to sustain me when i'm between jobs i trust you to take care of my family because you're the god that cannot lie the five ways to give the on the screen um you can give online at nccfamily.org you can also give to the ncc family app also if you have not gotten a new app go to the google play store or the apple store download the blue app is the blue one and and um or replace the old white one with the blue one and it will work perfectly the app is something good to have or you can use a push based system of text the number or the code rather sec family to seven seven nine seven seven are also uh if you're watching you from all nations this is not the place that you give your giving is different okay uh we're going to accomplish that in short order um you can also come by one of the campuses in alabama and give on the giving boxes just drop your offering off or you can mail it in and the address is on the screen it is the will of god you sow it's the will of god that you live your life in god's in god's financial plan for the believer god has a way of making things work for our good amen all right so listen i love you on god bless you um i believe pastor ray is starting a series on sunday don't miss it it's gonna bless your life we love you god bless you
Channel: Pastor Hart Ramsey
Views: 21,192
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Id: 4UpwAhgbfgU
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Length: 98min 52sec (5932 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 13 2021
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