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in the bible there's so many stories and i want to talk to you today we'll continue this series about this series dealing with the process last week was phenomenal i thought that we learned some things about comfort zones and god spoke to us but i want to i want to uh pick it up and even go further with this issue of surrendering to god surrendering to the process of many of us have this this romantic idea of what transformation looks like we we have this perfect uh picture of god moving us from place to place and we're starring in every episode of our development and it's not really that way at all we don't star in our development what happens is jesus becomes a star he becomes a star because of his delivering role in our lives um becomes more and more prominent as we understand that we're not good he is and and this this belief this old school church belief that god only uses perfect people and god only uses people who are somehow are able to submit properly and intentionally and in a timely manner is so false and and the picture that comes to my mind is abraham abraham goes to to egypt in the first famine in fear he says the first time that sarah is his sister technically she is but he wasn't trying to plan a technicality he was afraid he didn't trust god and the bible says that when he went there god delivered him and he came out with more substance that he went in with but here's the thing about this process it was there in egypt as he was leaving the lord had pharaoh to gift him cattle and sheep and money and servants male servants and female servants men servant and women's servant and it was there that that pharaoh gave him hagar and if you know the story you know later on she plays prominently into the into the picture but when he leaves egypt after failing the bible says that he built an altar to the lord and the altar that he built was not uh predicated upon the success he had in egypt was the fact that he failed everybody said he failed and in process what's going to happen to you is you're going to experience a series of successful failures these successful failures are showing you who you are and who you're not where you're strong and where you're not and it shows you what just now what works and what doesn't so he he leaves there if you follow his story he ends up again in another foreign country the second time he goes with the bible says he does the exact same thing he fears his wife they're getting older now she's close to 90. she's right at 90 years old but it's she's strikingly beautiful and the bible says that he goes he tells the same lives she's my sister he promised he would never do it again have you ever promised god that you'd never do it again if he got you out the first time have you ever delivered me from this i'll never do it again and here he is he he's in the same situation he does the exact same thing why do you think that he's in the same situation i'm gonna tell you why because sometimes we make promises to god we did not understand the first failure we thought we didn't fail or we didn't succeed rather because we weren't prepared and god wants god wants to show us many times it wasn't that you weren't prepared is that you're not that person yet so abram a b r a and he goes into into uh or i believe it was the land where abimelech was king all the kings were called abimelech by the way uh in that country and he goes there and the bible says that he tells the same lie and this time before he leaves the king rebukes him because god tells the king this man is a prophet you can't have his wife and and the king rebukes him and says then what have i done to you that you would do such a thing to me and he said the king told the lord he said in the integrity of my heart i did this but abraham again is shamed but god says to the king he says um i have closed all the wombs in the land until my prophet abraham prays for you he's in he's in the midst of a failure and god said he's my prophet and he goes in and he he prays for this king and his wives and all the women in the land and their wombs are open but get this but sarah is still barren what is god doing god is trying to show abraham that this is you're not the central figure here you are not the star of the story you have got to stop romanticizing sanctification romanticizing your spiritual development it is not as tidy as you think it is and you have thrown people away and judge people for their behavior in their process as i get older the one thing i remember or i i learned rather is to look back at what i was doing at the same time that some of the people i i've stood in judgment with of rather what i was doing at the time i looked back and i said when i was that age yeah i didn't have it together either and so i want to encourage us as a family all nations i want to encourage us that as we look at each other as we grow together in service out of service when we're in our small groups whatever we're doing together you're going to see people going through transition going through transformation being developed and i want you to stop and hold yourself back from judgment and remember that transformation is not a beautiful process it's messy it's violent it's violating many times it's humiliating to watch a person in the death grip of the old they're trying to release their old person and take on something new and they caught in the middle in this in this no man's land of who i used to be or who i'm supposed to be and when you see it what you do is you just say you know what to god be the glory they're going to make it through just know this the same god that's developing you is committed to developing them i'm speaking to something i'm speaking to someone i don't i'm not sure what it is quickly i want to uh i got some time today and i want to uh to go forward and deal with this issue of surrender yielding to god in the book of of psalm i'm going to read something to you psalm 78 this is the this story deals with israel being transitioned from slavery to promise and and every picture in the bible when you read the old testament the old testament is a picture of our spiritual journey everything in the bible everything in the old testament is a picture of what the new testament is teaching us if you read the new testament it's very doctrinal very few stories especially in the pauline writings when paul begins to write he's deep and he's hard to understand he's very doctrinal and technical but you have got to build your doctrinal acumen you've got to build what does that mean it means that you cannot run away from doctrine because most of what most of the details that you're walking through right now are hidden in the doctrines of the new testament the holy spirit for example the way the church teaches and sees the holy spirit as a developer as a leader um is so archaic to what the scripture says if i if i go to another service where they i pray for the holy ghost to come on down i'll i'll just throw up he's already here he's in you he's been working he's been developing you we don't need the holy spirit to come on down so and when we see in moments like we just had when the holy spirit begins to move and the minister is yielding to the holy spirit it's not this is not a time for spectator or gazing this is a time for you to go in whenever you sense the presence of god there's something in the presence don't stand outside of the mirrors and take pictures of it and document it no don't don't stand and say well that's look at what god is doing it's not your job to just be expected it's your job to step into it and see what's in there nine times out of ten with the spirit of god i don't care when the spirit of god moves i don't care who's up here when the spirit of god moves i will not you you look at what's passing through i'm gonna stand right where i am i'm i'm gonna yield to the lord and here's why because god does not need me to do what he's gonna do y'all gonna talk to me you're gonna sit there i know you're here so don't act like you're not god does not need you to do what he's gonna do and so whoever got the the concept of being highly favored the concept of being highly favored is that in the community of the favor the one that god chooses in the moment is the one that's highly favored and when one is highly favored we all rally at that moment because what we're going after is the presence of god y'all say something good so i want to read this because what happened to israel what happened to abraham in his journeys my heart as i matured begin to begin to go out to bible characters you look at abraham and you go how could he say that series is sister and how could they plot with hagar he would judge their moves and what the part that got me is that when ishmael was 13 years old the bible says that abraham who was filthy rich at the time he was so rich that he had a whole trained army of 330 men and here's the thing to get me when he sends ishmael away he gives hagar a bottle of water and a loaf of bread you talk about judgment i sat there saying what this what kind of man of god is this but again transformation is a violent thing it's a it's a very very uh um invasive process where god not but god nothing is sacred god god goes into your bloodline he he revisits your past he the things that he allows for your development are unconscionable sometimes can you imagine that a person is standing ministering and they're saying had i not been molested in my past i wouldn't know what that was necessary but because we romanticize how this thing plays out it testifies to me watches that we do not understand the depth of sin the depth of devastation we don't understand what satan did to us so we still go along thinking that we're good and so when god allows bad things to happen how can god insult my goodness with this and so god introduces a thing to us called circumstances everybody says circumstances this is a very very telling word the word circumstances means that god takes me he forms a circle of of situations around me and he puts me in the middle circle means around stance means where i'm standing under the circumstances i want to obey god but under the circumstances i want i want to i want to spend the money i want to i want to sow i want i want to tithe but under the circumstances and we don't understand that most of our development happens under the circumstances let us tell it it happens under open heaven heaven does not open until we cry out from under the circumstances and when i'm surrounded with 360 trouble and things are going wrong and i lift my voice and recognize where my health comes from heaven opens at that moment to me and god makes a but it does not begin with heaven open it begins with me being under the circumstances in psalm 78 verse 12 new living translation says they stubbornly tested god in their hearts they were they were leaving slavery going to the promised land they stubbornly tested god in their hearts demanding the food they craved one translation said they wanted god to provide for their lusts we become so um um deceived spiritually that we think that god is set up just to meet our desires or our lusts we even start asking we don't ask god for his plan we say god here's my plan we submit our plan to god we say okay what i need you to do is provide the power provide the open door provide the favor and i got it from here just give me what i need and i got it and god is like do you think that this this is a story we're telling god it's like that's not why you're here you're not here to make a name for yourself [Music] you're here because i have i have a whole family that i'm saving and what i put in you they need you god is like you do you say no i was praying god anoint me and god is like anoint you do you understand what you're asking for you your tolerance for pain is low you can't be anointed with a little pain tolerance god's like in order for me you see the problem with us is that we're praying prayers listen we're praying prayers and we're saying god give me this do this make me this and then all hell breaks what you said what's going on god didn't answer my prayer he is answering your prayer what he's doing is now the beginning of your transformation to make you who he wants you to be requires that he puts you under under tutors and governors requires that you get a series of no's required that you go through hardship requires us that he turns the lights out and he shuts down his voice he pushes you to the place where any word he sends becomes to you as necessary food [Music] and if you gouge yourself on junk he would let you get sick and throw it up you know the interesting thing about a dog and his vomit is that to a human when we see a dog eat his vomit we get sick it's gross but what you don't know about a dog thrown up is that dogs have two different types of regurgitation one is actually when they eat too quickly and and the food gets caught and so they have to bring it back up but here's the interesting thing about that type of of throw up so to speak and don't let me gross you up but this is necessary i promise you is that to us when we throw up is smell but to a dog it never loses its flavor they can still smell what so a dog will eat the same thing over and over again although it's not good for it because it never loses its smell the the thing that attracted the dog in the first place is still there why would god use their knowledge as a dog returns to his vomit because he knows us what happens to us is when things get difficult and we try to we try to eat what we want knowing it's not good for us watch this god knows it's not good we think we need it you are telling god what you need and god says no you don't so he allows you to eat it and your your constitution can't handle it so you throw it back up and but you when you're in trouble again you go right back to it and god says dog returns his vomit so fool returns to his family and god is trying to deliver me from foolishness from living as if he doesn't exist from living as if i'm god or who am i speaking to today my heart concerning this church my heart concerned this church is that we dig down and lay deep roots you know everyone know the story of the bamboo tree the bamboo tree is planted it's watered for five years five whole years and nothing happens above ground everything that happens happen underground it it amasses this root system that is so strong and but it's invisible and so the farmer who farms the bamboo understands that what happens to the bamboo tree does not happen on social media doesn't happen with a marketing plan it happens under the ground in the dark in the quiet he understands that but he keeps on watering and if you're not aware of how bamboos grow you say he's a fool wasting his time and wasting his water but what happens is in the 50 after the fifth year the bamboo tree shoots up 90 feet in six months who what why did god why do we have this example because you said that's the way your transformation works i do not want to pass the people who all they are all they're willing to do is to present the little fruit that comes from the experience with god there'll be times you're going to see me and i'll be struggling struggling to another level struggling to get through you can tell when a person is about to break through into something new the enemy brings all his forces and god lets him and then you see people you you see how many of you ever seen a woman in labor in labor she wrestles the baby moves on the inside of her and she turns she's seeking to just be look comfortable trying to get a little bit of ease she's dealing with cramps she's dealing with another human on the inside of her sometimes she's dealing with people that have no idea the the baby is literally placenta is a whole universe inside the woman what you don't understand about the reason that the holy spirit can get married pregnant is because on the inside of her the placenta creates a whole world none of the plus in the placenta belongs to the mother it comes from the seed the seed of god in you creates a whole world on the inside of you that is not even touched by your cardinality the reason that russia the reason you're still doing what you're doing is because the time has not come yet the time is going to come when the labor of god is going to cause you to cramp and cause your whole world to to construct constrict and when that happens and that life begins to come forth you've nine times out of ten when we see you you look broken this is an artist that that or we can sued we canceled her because she performed at the um the inauguration of a president that was not real popular with most of us and i'ma tell you what happened we cancelled her but i know her and i kept watching her and what happened to her i sat at a table with her in miami and i forget to set a table with her and and i perceived that she had a prophetic gift so i asked her were you raised in the church and she said yes i was on the tables at the table and so the person sitting next to me who is well known says um tell him about your experience so she said when i was five years old she started telling the story about how she would be outspoken she'll she'll sing to people's life and just speak it out her mother tell her don't do that she left the church went into the secular arena became super famous and we canceled her in in this thing but when i watch on social media i hear the prophetic leaking out no not leaking out pushing out before she went through this this all rejection you couldn't even tell it was there but god did something god used a moment that was distasteful it was violating it was violent it was so humiliating to her but out of that placenta broke and when when here's the thing we said oh her water broke uh water didn't break placenta imploded the universe in her imploded and the way we know that it's time the clock is ticking we gotta to get that soul out of her wife because the world that's inside of her it ended it ended and we got to get it we got to get that that child out of her before before the child watches now suffocates in her world her internal world because the child you say well the baby was hungry the whole time the baby was not in her the baby was in placenta it was in this whole bubble on the inside of her universe you know when placenta comes we call it after birth we've not even known how how how absolutely viable this was to the child being alive may i suggest to you that growing side by side on the inside of you is is the life of god and the life that you should still trying to hold on to and build and and your desires and your lusts and the children of israel they stubbornly tested god because they did not want to let go of what of the normalcy they had they were in slavery but they created this normal war within the slavery and when god said to them is that life is over he brings them out why did god not take them directly to the promised land they had suffered for 400 years let me tell you why because god understands that some things only happen by process say it out loud some things got it you said it but not lost right let's try a lot some things you want it now don't you i know i know you want it now but the problem with you getting it now is that maybe you're not prepared or equipped to sustain it and so the bible says they tested god they wanted god to supply for their lust they even spoke against god himself saying god can't give us food in the wilderness yes he can strike a rock so water gushes out he said but he can't give his people bread and meat and in verse 21 of psalm 70 the bible says when the lord heard them he was furious the fire of his wrath burned against jacob yes his anger rose against israel for they did not believe here's why god was angry it wasn't for what they said he said they did not believe god or trust him to take care of them they did god was angry because they didn't believe that he could take care of them god listen to me the reason you tried to do for yourself the reason that you resent risk is because you don't think that god could take care of you if you did believe that god loved you enough to take care of you if you believe that although no matter what you walk through no matter what the process is intended for progress towards the end there's a goal in mind if you understood what god was doing then you you will go number one you'll go easy on people number two number two you go easier easier on yourself and number three you know what you'll do you you spend so much time in the presence of god trying to find out what's next i want a pastor church of people who understand that we're not just doing this to make a name no no no no no we're not we're not just doing this because because we do church because i was raised in church as a matter of fact i was not raised in church if you were good for you i feel sorry for you actually if you were because that means you have issues and wounds that we need to get fixed i wasn't raising sure that was raised on the street thank god on the street it was what it was you got what you got you know we knew when to shut up we knew when to run we knew when to duck you know on the street it was just like you knew who your friends were you can't tell all that in church but let me say this to you what god wants to do with you and us is to bring us to a place where everyone that engages us everyone that touches us everyone that comes into our midst understand this god is here is that what you want do you want to be in a what about this when you when your family is in trouble when your life shakes down don't you want to be able to walk through the door even when the building is empty and just sit in a chair and know that this that the same spirit that rested on the assembly when they were here is is in the building too there are times when you have to come to the place where the where the saints are assembled oh well the saints were simple just sit in the presence of god what about you what about reaching out to the the brothers and the sisters and say hey listen i'm in a struggle and knowing for sure that what we have is authentic we're not playing games we're not two-faced it what about what about having something that's real what about we dig down first and lay some good foundation what about we dig down first and understand that the god that's leading us listen he's not an overnight god and he understands that we are in process going somewhere i want to do something before we we end with this 21 minutes so i want to just remind you some things about process i started to talk about circumstances so a circumstance as we said is a fact a condition connected to a relevant event or outcome that's just for those who are taking notes this phrase under the circumstances means because of prevailing conditions and it also means where we are because of what we're facing so so so god says to me god says to me this is what i want you to do he gives me the dream when the thing comes to pass god says to me he says i need you now to trust me and he goes radio silent so let me let me put in a very practical way we've been looking for a house my wife and i calculated in atlanta for the last five years you should pass the houses everywhere not the one we're looking for you said you mean you have to have that kind of house what kind of house do you think i'm looking for see no so so so we're looking for a specific thing and we can't find it and so so it started you started wondering okay god what's going on and the lord reminded me of something he told me years ago i was about to move out of the house to to start ministry and it was a nice house had a lake in the backyard it was a super it was the nicest house i ever lived in and the lord said to me the lord said to me he says fix this house up fix this house up for the next person that moves in and so i took the money i had and i started investing in the house fixed it up and when it was done we moved out into this dark dingy place and three houses later we bought the ranch where i live now the ranch is a 12 acre spread 1500 1500 square foot recording studio 5700 square foot house it's a little big but it works watch this when when i get the property i i saw something written in the brick and when i went up to it it had the year on it the month in the year on the house was the very month in heat that the house was built was the very month and year that god said to me fix this house over the next person that's moving in when i gave god my yes god this family start building a house in a city 35 miles south so i'm saying yes to the lord over here and my heart is broken because i'm saying number one i don't have enough money to do this number two the money i'm putting in this is just it's precious to me my seed is so valuable as i put the seed into this and the lord says you let's just give me your yes give me your shout out give me your you see it's cute to say yes in church when bonita sings it it gets real anointed when when benita sings yes i will say yes to anything can i get just just get a version of it say i just play back whatever i have to say yes you get me to do anything give me all the money yes i will do it for you benita sings it but i'ma show you something i said yes over here and over here a man that knew nothing about me begins to build a house i'm gonna tell you this is a true story look for a house everywhere i can find a house saw the house i had moved moved in in a room with my accountant couldn't find a house flew to a meeting in virginia and my bishop at the time says this is strange he said those of you who know me he said you know i don't play money games he said there's a couple people here today that need to soak ten thousand dollars now i've been walking with this man for years i've never heard him do that i had just given a thought my last check i wrote a thousand dollar check to a man that was running a a house for crack addicts i had no more checks with me the more i sat and saw people get up and i said this is different he looks at me i look at him and then he's my father in the lord i'm like he never does this i reached to the guy next to me and said give me a piece of the paper at your book the guy i said give me a piece of the paper he snatched it out i wrote i owe you ten thousand dollars fold it up one of them in the line i've dropped it in in the offering basket and walked up to the bishop and said i'm gonna make it good he said what i said put an eye on you i said bishop i'm good for he said i know you i want to sat down and i said to myself what is this about i called back to the office i said listen write me a check for ten thousand dollars make it out to and i made after the conference i got on the plane flew back to dothan when i landed my phone um it didn't ring actually it signaled to me that i had messages the the agent who had vowed she would not retire till she found me a home was on the phone was on the message and she said i think i found you a house i really want you to look at this when she took us down to this road where we parked past farms and stuff like that i was like oh no there's no way in the world no way no that's not what i'm looking for and we made this turn into this road and came out into this beautiful field and there was a house and a middle building and i walked i got out of my car walked i stood at the edge of the property i went and the spirit of god says god says what did i teach you about buying property i said and i knew it tortilla said you said wherever your piece is that's where i purchase wherever your pieces that's my purchase and i stood there and i looked up and i said this is beautiful and the lord said he says my piece is everywhere here and god said i'll give you i've given you this property i went to i went to the uh realtor i said i want to buy this property when she told me what they asked i said that's all bought the property never saw what was written on the bill until a year later i was walking outside struggling to obey god to give him another years he keeps asking for yeses and i saw this thing on the an it dawned on me the very day probably i knew the month that i said yes to the lord over here god released a person stopped building my house start building my what about if every yes you give to god is connected to another yes on another side watch it i said yes here and gave him permission to say yes there he had no idea and here's the issue here's the issue he fixed this this place was immaculate when i when i purchased i said why are you selling this and here's what he said he said my wife took ill and she wants to see the country so we want to buy an rv and tour the country for the last days and so you sure you once said he said yes we bought the property let me tell you something now now i've been there for god lord i think 17 years but let me tell you this i learned a viable lesson about giving god yes and i want to i want to kind of start winding down with this many people who drive cars don't understand the law or the concept of the right-of-way have you ever seen people at a four-way stop it's almost as if where did you get you know where did you buy your license most people who get to a four-way stop get there and they think that whoever moves first has the right-of-way but that's not the the concept of the right-of-way works like this ready well i should let you tell me because you drive you drove here do you all know talk to me do you all know it's simple this the concept of the if you know i'm not gonna put you on the spot i'm not gonna put you in the spot if you know the concept of the law of the writer raise your hand just raise your hand i'm not gonna i'll call you out okay if you don't know it put your hand up i don't know you you truthful the other doesn't tell the truth it's a simple concept the concept is who's first and who's right in that order who watch this who got there first or who's on the right so the concept of right away is what who is and who is so i yield to the one who is and the one who is are you to the one who's first and the one who is right god is always first and he's always is concept of the right away so the problem has a problem whenever god is not first in your life you won't yield and whenever you think that god is wrong you won't yield let me tell you something the reason i was able to say yes to god here watches now because i've been through the process with the tithe i and after listen it's hard to be obedient in the process in in in giving offerings if you do if you don't think that god deserves god is not right in the tithe that is not tithing lesson it's a process lesson i want to show you something god took me to this process of responding to him looking at my balance in my account and going she's tight this month but the 10th belongs to the lord was first not i didn't not what's right now what's what's left was first and what's right i gave god was first i give him what's right it's his i to the to the penny i would do it and then when i got bold enough and confident enough in this i i increased my tithing it then wasn't tight anymore i started giving 15 20 30 why i when i understand the principle of working i said to god if you will bless me because i give you a tenth then what's to stop you if i tie 30 from giving me three times as much if the principle works in my obedience then i could use it in faith and i started to do that so by the time i got to the place where the lord spoke to me and says i need you to fix this place up for the next person moving in all i could say is lord lord says you are first and you are right so i yield yes say that allah say lord you are first and you're right so i yield that's surrender the principle of continual surrender says this that every time i get to a place where my mind doesn't work the enemy is going to use two things against you in your comfort zone to get you to cling he's going to use logic and he's going to use panic in logic he plays on your system of rational thinking to tell you that god cannot want you to do that because it doesn't make sense and then you if you're learning all these clever statements so what it makes faith that's dumb no god give us a mind you didn't get a lobotomy when you came to church you got a brain that works your brain is designed to protect you so you have to train your brain to understand that listen i don't care what else people say but god is always and he's always no you're gonna get this in your spirit god is always and he's always he's always right and because of that we give god what is right and not what is clever it sounds clever doesn't it clever doesn't deliver that that's the intention is not to not be clever i'm giving you hooks i'm giving you hooks that change my life i'm gonna show you this is important the enemy will use logic to keep you in a comfort zone where nothing grows when nothing gives where you can't change he wants you to remain yourself he's telling you that this is the best it can get and god is saying if you think this is the best it could get you a slave for 400 years you don't even know what i have for you you think water from a rock is something we want what where if you can bring water from a rock while you give us meat god says because you don't need meat what you need to learn in this season is that man does not live by bread alone but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of god you need to understand how to hear me you need to understand how to process what i say you need to understand verses now that wherever you are and whatever you go through you can trust me to say a word one one most of what i teach comes from one word god doesn't give me synthesis like you give the prophets i love prophets god will give a whole paragraph god give me one word and from that one word what he deposited in me begins to expand i came up today with one word one one word from god changes your entire life let me give you no no you see we we've we're in a world now where so much is going on everything is technical everything is digital everything is no no one word god can give you god said go stop he said to peter come yeah in the in the scripture you know it says jesus told the disciples follow me he didn't he said follow it was one word he changed his worlds with one word [Applause] one word god looked and it was dark he said light yes you understand that that oh listen i was passing by i saw you in your blood and i said live one word i just want the lord to speak to me god is always giving you a word sometimes god said bill something say no he said he said yield and whenever you hear the word heal whatever you hear to surrender you think what's first what's right not what's left and when you start operating from this principle what god will do with your surrender some i was sitting with some pastors the other day and the pastor said to me i was taking questions and asking the pastor said to me he said basically what can i do to make my ministry more prominent and more known who can i employ for social media prominence i started to laugh i said i live in dothan population 65 000. most people don't know how to get to dothan unless you go to panama city beach you don't even know what the heck it is right my ministry is international how did that happen by saying god you're first and you're right and i won't give you what's left and that's principle of continuous surrender whenever you get to a place where you can't control it you can't is this not comfortable where you're not in charge of the clock those three things remember god wants he wants control he wants your comfort and he wants the clock he wants to god wants your life in his hands he wants you to trust and trust and go wherever he takes you to go and he wants you to have his he wants to have your times in his hands god wants control he wants your comfort he wants your clock and when you get to the place where you say god i don't know if i could do this you stop and you say but i surrender when you get to the four-way stop and it doesn't make sense logic has to be overwritten and the second thing is panic satan will use panic to keep in your comfort zone panic is this sudden surge of fear that comes on you that causes you to act irrationally to cause you to do things that don't make sense you're panicking midlife crisis is a real thing why did i just go there let's check this out least holy ghost see what happens to people when in the middle of their lives and you say what's the age there's no age for midlife crisis it comes on some at one time it comes to others another time i'm speaking to somebody it may be you watching by by stream today what midlife crisis tells you is that if you don't make a change now you're going to miss out on the rest of your life and normally what it does it reverts you back to something you stopped doing before you took on responsibility he said well i'm too young that don't minister to me keep living so he the enemy uses panic to keep you locked in to this place and once you watch this once you're in a panic it's hard to tell god yes matter of fact what i've found is when i'm when i'm entertaining sudden fear what i tell god is it's your responsibility as my parent as my father to make sure i don't have to suffer like this it's your responsibility to make sure i'm happy if you are god if you are powerful and we start indicting the lord because the lord does not acquiesce to what we think we need while we freaking out and so here's how it plays out the lord will bring you to a place of quiet of shut down and he'll say to you he'll ask you he'll give you a series of of examples and he'll ask you who am i and you i don't even know who you are anymore he'll step back for a minute he brings another place say who am i and you go i don't know i don't know who i am guys i didn't ask you that who am i i don't know if i don't know who i am i just took god's steps back again it brings us to another place i say who am i and then when you get to the place and you lift your hands and surrender and say you're the only god i've ever known you're my mama's god you're my daddy's god you are the only one who could bring me out of this one you recognize who he is elijah went to the mountain of god and when he got there god says what are you doing here and he says he says they're killing your prophets and they turn against you i'm the only one left and god says to him god says he said go stand out there so elijah goes out he stands and the bible says when he stood there he had some phenomenons that happened some weather phenomenons it was an earthquake i believe right there was a there was a wind storm right there was something there was three things earthquake right but then the man of god stands there and when he heard a still small voice he takes his master and he covers why and god says ah you know who i am then god ask him again what are you doing here and he said they're killing your prophets they've turned against you and i'm the only one left and when god saw that the man of god had gotten to the place where he couldn't see past that irrational thought process god says i want you to do he's going to go down you're going to anoint this person king and you'll anoint elisha prophet in your stead you know why he was done if you could see who i am and still don't know who you are and here's what god said to him he said you're not the only one i have 7 000 prophets that's not that have not bended their knees to baal my heart for you for us today is that number one we understand where we are number two we understand that we're in process a process of transformation and it's violent you already talked back to me a whole lot but i take it that you're taking it in it's violent it's violating it brings you it's the times you will run to each other's aid when the hand of god has ripped their world apart why because he'd been telling them to go and they said no they get clinging to things and so god will rip it apart and stand back and say come to me he'll get god will stand in your future and say come to me and if you don't come he'll come back to where you are and he'll rip the thing apart and he said not come to me and people say oh god that's so harsh you don't understand something god understands that the enemy needs you in your comfort zone so he could kill you he needs you in your comfort zone so he could so he could he could actually stop what god wants to do so god would tear the thing apart and say come and you say well this is my refuge and god says i am your refuge this is my security i'm your security this is my help i am your help you don't know who you are what's worse is you can't know who you are because you don't know who i am nations listen we will be the church that god can trust to say if no one can fix it our god can fix it i want us to be the church that rushes to people's age and his aid and say i love you you're going to make it you say well what about this there's a certain type of people look they're going to have some confusion you know we're going to have some weirdness i'm prophesying to you you're going to see some stuff walk through this door that's going to freak you out are you going pastor going to do nothing when they come just lift my hand to jesus and say god they're saying we fix me fix them tell me but you don't know what they're into you don't know what i was into my brother and i my mother started talking about around my wife i said don't tell her that my mother said every time they left the house i was like oh god what are they gonna do we were those guys and god found me ripped my world apart i was homeless when he found me and brought me to himself and now i know what he did for me just from a yieldness of saying i don't know what else to do but i know my answers in you he brought me to life he brought me to life and you are struggling with death i want you to do this real quickly in all of your opulence and success and in all of your accomplishment is anybody here bold enough to say to the lord you know i'm ready for the next thing but but not just the next thing is that the success you gave me is not enough i need you i'ma have you to pop up one by one just stand by your seat just if that's you if the word spoke to you and you say god you know what i am yeah i need to yield today i need to yield today but you need to walk you one time come on i need i need to heal today you're watching by streaming you say pastor you have no idea how you spoke into my world today i kind of do i kind of do have an idea because what i do know for sure is this is that many of us who are in the process if we if we grade our own report cards we said we haven't made progress in years what we don't recognize is that we've been growing in increments i saw a picture of vision before i came out of a person standing in their circumstances and walls were going up of protection and the demons that have been attacking their life was trying to climb over the top of the wall was steadily just closing over them to protect them i saw that picture and i said to the lord what is this about and the lord says there are people who don't think that that their process is producing any results but it is it is you said well pastor it's hard for me to say no you will you get to the place one day where that temptation will not even bother you it will not even be a suggestion anymore life everybody say life lift your hands to the lord quickly they come hallelujah [Music] open your mouth open your mouth if you're not in the seating for you you're in a city for people who are watching by the stream who lives their lives are in turmoil they don't know how they're going to get out are by the spirit of suicide in the name of jesus reckless behavior it's not by a gun or by pills is by reckless behavior bind that spirit that's trying to get you to self-destruct in jesus name begin to pray begin to pray we know that we need you more than we've ever needed you before he must be remember we don't back out of this process [Music] we don't back away from this process we don't let fatigue stop us our failures from the past god have mercy on us because we must go to the next step in our relationship with you [Music] in the comments right quickly say they say i put him first because he's right and i yield my life god is calling many of you to rededicate some of you've been watching and following us for weeks you're not even born again some of you experienced church hurt and this is a time for you to reconnect with the lord not with us not with the church yet with the lord you say yes lord i say yes to you i yield to you i give you my i give my successes my feathers i give it all to you give it all to you give it all to you help your people bring your people forward give us a stamina to endure what's necessary in this season so that god we can be the people you're calling us to be i take authority over fear and panic in jesus name i declare over your life that you will live and not die to declare the goodness of the lord um there's a couple people watching me you're at home sick with coveted the lord is raising you up even now the symptoms are subsiding in jesus name here come come brother pick up my leftovers
Channel: All Nations Worship Assembly Atlanta
Views: 8,177
Rating: 4.974359 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 24sec (3024 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 19 2021
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